Social Ethics Essays (Examples)

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Social Ethics - Cultural Diversity
Pages: 5 Words: 1449

" This is especially true of neighborhoods associated with gang activity, where the color of one's shirt or hat can become a matter of life or death regardless of racial similarity or dissimilarity.
In everyday social interactions in areas of the local community other than those where racial animosity may be merely part of much more general resentment based on social class or "home turf" defensiveness, I experience relatively non-racialized responses without any perceptible tension based on my race. That is not necessarily to suggest that individuals from respective races harbor no differences in their personal attitudes about race; it is only based on my perception of direct outward conduct and response to me.

If anything, I would have t say that I have experienced interactions where individuals of other racial backgrounds seem to relate to me more politely than racially similar individuals. For example, I have noticed that clerks and customer…...



Henslin, J. (2002) Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Official Website of the City of Las Vegas (2007). Retrieved September 6, 2008 from the official City of Las Vegas public website, at 

Selby, D. (2007) Las Vegas, Nevada (Official City of Las Vegas Text Site). Retrieved September 6, 2008 from the official City of Las Vegas public website, at

Social Ethics of Negative Advertising
Pages: 2 Words: 763

This advertisement, a commercial on cable television, advertised an insurance company. The advertisement featured a typical couple driving down the road chatting, when a car sideswiped them without any warning. The advertisement was intended to educate the public as to the importance of insurance because of life's unpredictability, but the shock tactic used in the commercial has negative effects on the watchers. Like news shows, the advertisement is meant to inspire fear, which creates a negative social environment.
But advertisements don't necessarily have to create a negative environment in order to be ethically and socially negative. Neither do they have to offend target markets with less than tasteful techniques or shock tactics. They can be deceptive, convincing consumers to purchase products they don't need. One type of advertising particularly guilty of this offense is paid programming, or television length commercials that appear on home shopping networks or traditional networks at…...



Wineburger, Marc G., Romero, Jean B., & Piracha, Azhar. (1991). Negative Product

Safety News: Coverage, Responses, and Effects -- Automotive Industry. Business Horizons. Retrieved June 14, 2008, at .

Jain, Shailenda Pratap. (1993). Positive vs. Negative Comparative Advertising.

Marketing Letters. 4(4), 309-320.

Pages: 4 Words: 1300

According to the dictionary definition, ethics refer to the "set of principles of right conduct, or more specifically, "the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession." Ethics and morals are closely related, but ethics is the term more commonly used in the professional realm, whereas morals generally refer to guidelines for personal behavior. Both ethics and morals are reflections of beliefs and values, which are held by individuals and collectively, by whole societies. The development of ethics therefore stems from social and cultural factors as well as from personal ones. However, a few ethical codes are nearly universal. Ethics are complex; in the business realm they may vary widely from sector to sector. No organization is completely immune to ethics, even if the organization has no formal ethical code. Professional decisions are made with regard to personal ethics or to the formal…...


Works Cited

Cline, Austin. "Ethics, Morals, and Values: How do They Relate?" Online at < >.

'Ethics." online at .

Ethics Consider the Three Purposes of Morality
Pages: 5 Words: 1626

Consider the three purposes of morality treated in Chapter 1. Which of these would it be easier for utilitarianism to fulfill and which could well be more difficult for that system to fully meet?

Of the three purposes of morality treated in Chapter One, perhaps the easiest purpose for the ethical system of utilitarianism, as developed by the Englishman Jeremy Bentham, to meet would be to create a functional system of social ethics, or the ethical schema that holds a society together by its ethical 'glue.' Utilitarianism suggests that society, when pressed on many sides by the competition of different ethical claims, or even simply by different but equally valid claims for personal happiness, should choose the truth claim that allows for the greatest good for the greatest number of individuals within that particular society. For instance, the happiness of the many in my neighborhood to sleep late at night outweighs…...

Ethics Nursing Choose a Potential
Pages: 2 Words: 698

My solution has the potential benefits including the following. First, our hospital would be hailed as a progressive institution that serves all members of its community. Second, our hospital would benefit from improved quality of care. As a family nurse practitioner, I value the holistic approach to nursing. All aspects of the patient's life are taken into consideration. Other benefits more directly impact the patient's outcomes, and also workplace morale. As Oberle & Hughes (2008) point out, "administrators should provide opportunities for discourse to help staff reduce moral distress and generate creative strategies for dealing with this," (p. 707). Finally, benefits include ascription to the most fundamental of tenets of nursing. The American Nurses Association (2010) states that humanist, feminist, and social ethics should at all times be adhered to in the advanced nursing practice. The only costs associated with my solution would be the time and energy spent convincing…...



American Nurses Association (2010). Code of Ethics for Nurses. Silver Spring: ANA.

Kaplan, C. (n.d.). Ethical dilemmas. Advance Healthcare Network. Retrieved online: 

Oberle, K. & Hughes, D. (2008). Doctors' and nurses' perceptions of ethical problems in end-of-life decisions. JAN 33(6): 707-715.

Ethics for Criminal Justice Professionals
Pages: 10 Words: 3047

Criminal Justice
Ethical Dilemmas In Criminal Justice

Ethical dilemmas permeate almost all organizations globally. Members of an organization often find themselves in challenging situations that require the adoption of the most effective solution that meet the needs of the conflicting parties or situations. One of the organizations that often face the challenge of ethical dilemmas is the criminal justice organization. The criminal justice organizations have been known to perform activities that ensure safety of the population. Most of the ethical dilemmas focus on decisions that organizations can adopt with the aim of fostering the safety of the victims, convict, and the society. Significant evidence shows that ethics play a significant role in an organization. It ensures the recognition of the rights and freedom of the individual alongside prioritizing the safety of individuals in the society (oberson & Mire, 2010).

Therefore, this research paper analyzes different ethical issues that face the criminal justice organizations.…...



Hudson, B. (2003). Justice in the risk society challenging and re-affirming justice in late modernity. London: SAGE.

Roberson, C., & Mire, S. (2010). Ethics for criminal justice professionals. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.

Social Issues About Pornography
Pages: 9 Words: 2515

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Impact of ornography on Intimate Relationships:
This essay would explore how consumption of pornographic material affects the dynamics of intimate relationships, including issues of trust, sexual expectations, and emotional connection. It would consider both scientific research and anecdotal evidence to assess whether pornography can be integrated healthily into relationships or if it inherently leads to problems.

2. ornography and Objectification: Societal Implications:
This essay would delve into how pornography may contribute to the objectification of individuals, predominantly women, and how this translates into societal attitudes towards gender and sexuality. It would critically examine the arguments for and against the notion that pornography perpetuates harmful stereotypes and behaviors.

3. The Role of ornography in Sex Education:
In this essay, the potential role of pornography as a form of sex education would be discussed, considering how realistic or misleading pornographic content can be for young adults forming their understanding of…...


Primary Sources

Dines, Gail. Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality. Beacon Press, 2010.

Paul, Pamela. Pornified: How Pornography Is Damaging Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families. Times Books, 2005.

Attwood, Feona, editor. Mainstreaming Sex: The Sexualization of Western Culture. I.B. Tauris, 2009.

Bridges, Ana J., et al. \"Aggression and sexual behavior in best-selling pornography videos: a content analysis update.\" Violence Against Women, vol. 16, no. 10, 2010, pp. 1065-1085.

Mattebo, Magdalena, et al. \"Pornography consumption among adolescent girls in Sweden.\" European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, vol. 18, no. 1, 2013, pp. 46-55.

Ethic Discussion Psychology -Ethics Ethics Add to
Pages: 1 Words: 332

Ethic Discussion
Psychology -Ethics

Ethics add to the beauty of profession whether medicine, healthcare, sociology, politics, education, business and even technology. Lack of ethics might not kill someone in most of cases but it certainly does affect the beauty of life. In psychology, ethics does play a role in developing trust between the client and the professional. Single parenting is a social psychology problem that also demands ethical practice since it deals with trust and confidence. Whatever is a different behavior from normal practices might need psychological guidance. Often there is a need to train people, couples, students, job candidates and single parents. The psychologists are bound by social contract. They do not only have to follow the job description but also have to meet the expectations of the clients and the industry in terms of ethical performance. While the dignity of the profession matters most in psychology. From decision making to…...



Canadian Psychological Association, (2000), Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists, Retrieved


Ethics With Character Virtues and the Ethical
Pages: 5 Words: 1557

Ethics with Character: Virtues and the Ethical Social orker -- Paul Adams
Professor Paul Adams of the University of Hawaii's Myron B. Thompson School of Social ork in this peer-reviewed article explores those aspects of social work that "…are not primarily about identifying and resolving dilemmas" (Adams, 2009, p. 83). Adams delves into the "ethical tradition" -- and the potential therein -- that had its roots in "the virtues and character" of social work practitioners from Aristotle and Hippocrates to today's social workers. In other words, how can today's social worker -- and the field of social work -- learn from the past to enhance the field ethically? This paper reviews and critiques Adams' research, which is very interesting and enlightening in the context of values, human interaction, and social work.

Review / Critique of Adams' Article

Ethics, in the view of Strom-Gottfried, refers to the "…embodiment of values into guidelines for behavior"…...


Works Cited

Adams, Paul. (2009). Ethics with Character: Virtues and the Ethical Social Worker. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 36(3), 83-105.

Ethics All Ethical Approaches Can Be Validly
Pages: 2 Words: 665

All ethical approaches can be validly applied to family life education. Defined as "the educational effort to strengthen individual and family life through a family perspective," family life education views family through ethical lens. However, ethics in family life education extends beyond the ultimate goals of promoting high-level family functioning. The ethics of family life education pertains to the practitioner-client relationship. According to the National Council on Family elations (2012), practitioners need to be aware of the power and responsibilities they have when forming relationships with clients. Although all ethical approaches are equally as valid, relational ethics offers special insight into the nature of family life education. elational ethics "a contemporary approach to ethics that situates ethical action explicitly in relationship," (Austin, 2008). Ethics are primarily situational, but only because ethics evolves out of dialogue and cooperation and not out of rigid ascription to ethical rules. This is not to…...



Austin, W.J. (2008). Relational ethics. SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods.

Dahlberg, G. & Moss, P. (2004). Ethics and Politics in Early Childhood Education. Routledge.

Elliott, M. (1999). Classifying family life education on the World Wide Web. Family Relations 48(1): Jan 1999.

National Council on Family Relations (2012). Family life educators code of ethics. Retrieved online:

Ethics of Care Serve as
Pages: 4 Words: 1280

So it has been suggested that social context of care must be examined and to establish limits to the ethics of care. In contrast, constructive evaluation of care ethic indicates that sensitivity as well as emotional response to particular state of affairs such as family discussions with doctor provide significant guides to morally satisfactory actions plus care ethic also seem to favor accepting procedures from Conflict Resolution as well as Dispute Mediation as optional way to approach evident ethical disagreement (Online Guide to Ethics and Moral Philosophy, 1996).
So on the whole, if we think regarding repair as something that should involve tools at least the type of tools found in hardware as well as plumbing supply stores and at construction sites, our cast of fixing characters is frequently going to involve men not for the reason that all men have them or apply them even if they have them…...



Virginia Held. The Ethics of Care. New York: Oxford University Press, Feb 2007.

Gilligan, Carol, et al. In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Devolpment. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1982.

Ethics of Care." Online Guide to Ethics and Moral Philosphy 1996. April 4, 2008 .

Spelman, Elizabeth V. "2 the Household as Repair Shop." Setting the Moral Compass: Essays by Women Philosophers. Ed. Cheshire Calhoun. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Ethics Awareness Inventory Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 671

Ethics Awareness Inventory
According to the Ethics Inventory, I fell into two categories: those who are obligation-oriented, and those who are results-oriented. In some ways, the ethical beliefs of these two categories are in conflict; for instance, usually people who base ethical decisions on obligation or duty are not as concerned with results as with principles. However, I scored high in the results-oriented category as well. I believe that my ability to span both categories of ethical decision making have proved beneficial for me in the past and will continue to in the future. For example, the ethics awareness inventory analysis indicated that I do not operate in terms of absolutes; I do not feel that there can be any absolute standards of right and wrong because the world is too complex. Therefore, I am more prone to being open-minded and flexible than people who do feel that there should be…...

Ethics in Accounting Companies Are
Pages: 3 Words: 1125

Education on ethics must be wider compared to "moral development" in that it must tackle the broader consideration of a wide-ranging vocation, and constricted in that it must tackle problems particularly to the accounting vocation. (esearch on Accounting Ethics)
Definite duties of the accounting profession are put forth in the different code of ethics circulated by important establishments like the AICPA. The AICPA's foremost rule of professional conduct declares: In discharging their duties as professionals, associates must implement responsive professional and moral views in all their works. (Business and Accounting Ethics) the failure of auditor sovereignty infringing ule 101 of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct was the topic of a research project using 2,000 arbitrarily chosen AICPA members in public accounting profession as a staff auditor, senior, or manager. These executives were offered with 15 roles that are an infringement of ule 101 and were directed to give their…...



Accounting and Accountability: A Challenge for corporate culture. The 13th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society. IESE Business School, University of Navarra. Barcelona, Spain. May 7-8, 2004. Retrieved at   Accessed on 25 April, 2005. .

Schachter, Joseph. Research on Accounting Ethics. CPA Journal. April 1999. Retrieved at   Accessed on 25 April, 2005. .

Smith, Katherine T; Smith, Murphy. L. Business and Accounting Ethics. 21 June, 2003.

Retrieved at Accessed on 25 April, 2005.

Ethics Are Often Stronger Than the Laws
Pages: 2 Words: 889

Ethics are often stronger than the laws of the land. Laws are cobbled together by special interests and have little to do with right and wrong, or personal ethical codes. For most people, their own personal codes of ethics will be stronger than the laws. People are much less likely to violate their own personal ethical codes than the laws.
Morals are codes of conduct put forward by a society, often within the context of a cultural or social group. Ethics are, following the Aristotelian tradition, a general guide to behavior that an individual adopts as his own guide to life (Gert, 2011). The relationship between the two is self-evident: while ethics are individual they are often strongly influenced by society's moral context.

Kohlberg (1971) outlined morals are being pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional. Pre-conventional morals are in the obedience and punishment orientation and the self-interest orientation. Like when you learn that killing…...



Anderson, K. (2009). Ethnographic research: A key to strategy. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved February 17, 2014 from 

Gert, B. (2011). The definition of morality. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved February 17, 2014 from 

Kohlberg, L. (1971) From Is to Ought: How to Commit the Naturalistic Fallacy and Get Away with It in the Study of Moral Development. New York: Academic Press.

Friedman, M. (1971). The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New York Times Magazine. Retrieved February 17, 2014 from

Pages: 5 Words: 1440

The ethics of the design research demands that 'the research is valid and that threats to validity have been taken into account', and reporting has been accurate and sufficient details have been listed and supplemented for the clarity and appropriate interpretation of the research content, furthermore 'in qualitative research, it is important to be particularly careful about how to choose direct quotations from the data in the research, and ensure that they are representative' (Ian, 2003).

Many professional associations, government agencies, and universities have developed, adopted and practiced specific codes, rules, and policies relating to research ethics i.e. East Carolina University, National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have developed their own ethical rules related to the design research. Some of the influential ethical policies on design research includes, 'the Uniform equirements (International Committee of…...



David B. Resnik. What is Ethics in Research & Why is it Important? National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. 2006. Referred from

Deni Elliott, Judy E. Stern. Research Ethics: A Reader. 1997. UPNE Publication. pp. 216

Ian Gregory. Ethics in Research. Continuum International Publishing Group. 2003. pp. 93

Helen Simons, Robin Usher. Situated Ethics in Educational Research. Routledge. 2000. pp. 84

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