Social Entrepreneurship
What organizational form (e.g. non-profit, foundation, government, NGO, for-profit, partnership organization, hybrid) is the best for your organization and why?
We believe that forming our combined nursery home and children's home program as a nonprofit organization (NPO) is the preferable choice because this organizational form provides our project with a number of tangible and intangible benefits. As a nonprofit organization, our nursery/children's home would retain the ability to accept both private donations from individual citizens, as well as governmental funding in the form of grants and subsidies. Furthermore, because the stated goal and mission of our nursery/children's home project is to honor Turkey's culture of collectivism, seeking nonprofit status is the most appropriate course of action. Because the community at large would be able to contribute to our cause, in the form of monetary donations and volunteering their time, becoming a nonprofit organization is the best choice for our nursery/children's…...
Social Business
Some people are mystified and confused by what it means to be a social entrepreneur or otherwise in a social business. However, it is just a matter of innovation and creating social change. However, rather than just simple innovation in a business context, there is actual social change through a business context. ather than just look at the utility of something, one can also look at the social and international implications. The light bulb created change in a lot of lives but social media and the internet (and its associated innovations) have probably created a lot more change out there for everyone to wield and use for themselves. There are also those that bend the proverbial bracket when it comes to the supposed limits in life. Some may think this is overblown, but visionaries like Elon Musk and Muhammad Yunus are just two examples of this in action.
Social Change…...
mlaReferences,. (2015). What is a Social Entrepreneur? | Ashoka - Innovators for the Public. Retrieved 6 May 2015, from
Sarker, Z. (2015). Social Business. Retrieved 6 May 2015, from
The people of Singapore see charity as totally altruistic and does not include notions of sustainability and corporatization to maximize full potentials. Therefore, more work is needed in educating the public and government in understanding the proper administration of a social enterprise (ibid.).
We need to consider theories on social entrepreneurship before we link our blueprint to them. One theory known as the triple bottom line (3Ps-People, Planet and Profit) which measures corporate social entrepreneurship of organizations such as charity foundations and apply corporate finance and economic calculations to measure the efficiency of social organizations. The modern perspective of social entrepreneurship is slightly altered in U.S.. There is also the model provided by the William and Melinda Gates Foundation operate where money no longer goes to governments and the ministries who determine how the charitable institutions will decide on how to spend the money. Unfortunately, many governments waste a lot…...
Hian, L.. (2007). Our charity sector: Uniquely Singapore -- F1 or F9?. Available:
Last .
accessed 13 February 2012.
Leong, B.. (2006). Can Social Entrepreneurship take off in Singapore?. Available:
Western sanitation facilities, for example, are expected to be white, clean, and indoors. In the United States, for example, we expect every home to have its own faucet and running water. In Sudan, however, the expectations for design and infrastructure are different. By working directly in local communities and employing residents to help with every phase of planning and construction, the NWP is able to capture local design features. Many water projects in the Sudan are outdoors, since many residents are transient or housed in temporary homes. Water taps are more likely to be centrally located so that surrounding homes can share access. Women, notorious for being the primary water-gatherers in Africa, may in fact benefit from the social nature of shared access to water; gathering with ones neighbors in the daily ritual of fetching water may provide critical community cohesion. Thus, while design is not an explicit piece…...
Much likes business however, an opportunity must be identified, resources gathered, and utilized in the most efficient manner. Unlike traditional business, the major motive for social entrepreneurs is not that of profit, but instead that of "social value creation."
A social entrepreneur that has been instrumental in furthering the industry and its efforts is Dr. Abraham M. George. Dr. George is the founder of The George Foundation, whose sole purpose is to help illuminate poverty, while promoting health in India. In addition to promoting health, the TGF also helps to provide a cleaner environment, while strengthening democratic ties within India. Serving more than 16,000 people in 17 villages, TGF has allowed individuals within India to live a higher quality of life. TGF's poverty alleviation projects are designed to improve education and health care delivery, offer amenities such as proper housing and adequate water resources, and create employment and sufficient income…...
1) Abraham George - Uncovering the Truth Behind Poverty . (n.d.). Retrieved 11-04, 2011, from
2) The George Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved 11-05, 2011, from TGF WORLD:
he Robin Hood Foundation has the mission to be a more efficient charity. hey believe that the limited pool of charitable donations can work more efficiently, and thereby bring more benefit to the recipients. he main mechanism of change is professional assistance - Robin Hood brings more than money to the table, they corral the skills of corporate partners to donate professional assistance to projects that would without it be less effective. In doing this, Robin Hood seeks to fight poverty by pulling people out of it. heir corporate partners donate time and skills in order to provide the management assistance that many charitable projects lack. Robin Hood also acts as a fundraising arm, securing donations from corporate backers.
Robin Hood's books are balanced. he company takes in substantially more than it spends, and 92.4% of donations are used in its programs. Primarily a fund-raising and resource-marshalling organization, Robin Hood does…...
mlaThe SEC is likely to face a budget crunch. The present economic situation is likely to result in a decrease in donations. Already, they are expecting to contract their budget in 2009. Cost reductions are the only real solution that can be enacted in the short run. The key strength of the organization is the skill of its principles, which have been leveraged to deliver genuine solutions and secure a supply of volunteer Western labor. This organization is an example of social enterprise because it moves beyond mere aid and works to create entrepreneurship that will spur social and economic development within the community.
The Robin Hood Foundation has the mission to be a more efficient charity. They believe that the limited pool of charitable donations can work more efficiently, and thereby bring more benefit to the recipients. The main mechanism of change is professional assistance - Robin Hood brings more than money to the table, they corral the skills of corporate partners to donate professional assistance to projects that would without it be less effective. In doing this, Robin Hood seeks to fight poverty by pulling people out of it. Their corporate partners donate time and skills in order to provide the management assistance that many charitable projects lack. Robin Hood also acts as a fundraising arm, securing donations from corporate backers.
Robin Hood's books are balanced. The company takes in substantially more than it spends, and 92.4% of donations are used in its programs. Primarily a fund-raising and resource-marshalling organization, Robin Hood does not have income earning activity of its own. The major challenges going forward will be to maintain donation levels as corporate backers suffer the economic downturn. Robin Hood has a financial cushion to deal with some downturn in donations, but will likely also need to lean more heavily on securing management assistance in lieu of financial donations in order to maintain its effectiveness. Robin Hood still has a sound managerial approach as its main assets. This appeals to corporate backers and allows them to be more efficient than other organizations. It can leverage this to win more corporate backers, who will relate better to the Robin Hood approach than the approach of other similar fundraising organizations. Robin Hood is not a social enterprise. They are a fundraising and resource provider for social enterprises, but they themselves are not one. They are a facilitator of social enterprise.
Social entrepreneurship is becoming the gold standard in nonprofit management for several reasons. One, social entrepreneurship does not preclude profitability or sound strategic management. This attracts investors in ways that traditional nonprofits cannot do. Second, social entrepreneurship extricates itself from the entanglements with government, philanthropy, politically problematic or faith-based fundraising (Stecker, 2014). Third, social entrepreneurship has staying power, allowing the social enterprise to better weather economic downturns or penetrating new markets and regulatory environments (Stecker, 2014).
Because by definition, a social enterprise is managed using evidence-based and proven business principles, it is a more attractive investment. A social enterprise can freely “generate revenue to ensure financial viability,” in ways traditional nonprofits cannot do (Stevens, Moray & Brunel, 2014, p. 1051). The social mission is not secondary; it is still primary to the operations strategy. However, the social mission is promoted and sustained through effective strategic management and operations.
Social enterprises also have…...
Osberg, S.R. & Martin, R.L. (2015). Two keys to sustainable social enterprise. HBR. May 2015. Retrieved online:
Stecker, M. J. (2014). Revolutionizing the nonprofit sector through social entrepreneurship. Journal of Economic Issues, 48(2), 349–358. Stevens, R., Moray, N. & Bruneel, J. (2014). The social and economic mission of social enterprises. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 39(5): 1051-1082.
A Description of the UN s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Economic Development
The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical analysis of case of an existing social enterprise, the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs, as well as an examination concerning how entrepreneurial practices are introduced in response to social problems at this organization. A brief history of this organization is followed by descriptions of the social challenge it is tasked with addressing and the business model that it uses for this purpose. Finally, a discussion concerning the conflict between the organization’s social and economic purposes and the corresponding issues which were identified that remain to be resolved is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs and its mission in the paper’s concluding section.
Review and Analysis
1. History of Social Enterprise
Originally founded in 1948 as the Department…...
‘About us.’ (2020). UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. [online] available: ‘At UN Summit, World Rulers Adopt Agenda for Global Socialism.’ (2015, October 19). The New American, vol. 31, no. 20, p. 8.Krisberg, K (2015, November-December). ‘New 15-year goals support healthier lives for world\\'s population: Poverty targeted.’ The Nation\\'s Health, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1-4.Manandhar, M & Hawkes, S. (2018, September). ‘Gender, Health and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development.’ Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 96, no. 9, pp. 644-651.Newman, A. (2018, August 20). UN \\"environmental’ schemes advance world government. The New American, vol. 34, no 16, pp. 29-33.Oda, Y. (2019, March). ‘Mainstreaming Gender Perspectives in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Study on Selected 2017 Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs).’ Journal of Asian Women\\'s Studies, vol. 25, p. 1.‘Towards Sustainable Development for All.’ (2019). UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. [online] available: 2019/05/UN_DESA_pamphlet_080519_review.pdf.Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. New York: United Nations. .
Competitor products and their equivalent prizes, this is so that after establishing our break-even analysis it can act as a guiding line to set the best price. (Tao 2008)
The survey should enable one establish the best marketing strategies and anticipate any future contingencies.
Entrepreneurship development services
This service will target individuals who wish to start business on their own or in a group it will mainly involve
Training on how to originate business ideas. It is said that if you feed a man you have only feed him a day, a long-term problem in a short-term way. If you show the man how to fish then you have feed him and his family for life and I add that if you show the man how to run a fish business you will have feed the society too. In his book ich Dad Poor Dad, Kiyosaki explains that the most important skill is…...
Adaman F., Keyder C., Mudderrisoglu S., Yukseker D. (2009) Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Slum Areas of Large Cities in Turkey. European Commission on Employment, SocialAffairs and Equal Opportunities Development Goal. European Union, Luxenbourg, Europe.
Agbola T., Agunbiade E. (2009) Urbanization, Slum Development and Security of Tenure: The Challenges of Meeting Millennium Development Goal 7 in Metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Camur E. (2003) What are the Social, Physical and Economic Problems of Slums and their Expectations from the Urban City? Sage books.New York.
Dumashie a. (2004) Informal Housing in East Africa: Lessons Learned From Cross Country Borders (Part II). Journal, FIG Working Week, May 22-27, United Kingdom.
Social Enterprise
What is meant by the term 'social enterprise' and what do social enterprises contribute to society and the economies in which they operate?
The acceleration with which the world is changing day by day is continuous. A majority of organizations that have a motto of 'not-for-profit' are looking out for prospects with the help of which they can begin or widen their projects in order to get their missions fulfilled and offer the needy the earned profits. Thus, any organization or scheme that brings about the mentioned twofold objectives is considered a social enterprise. Social enterprises sell mission-related goods or services and by doing so they try to create a more impartial and fair environment through specific market-based strategies (Bornstein & Davis 2010).
In other words, a business is regarded as a social enterprise when the main objective is to cope up with the prevailing societal problems and bringing improvement in…...
Baptiste, T. (2009). Being a Leader and Making Decisions. 1st. ed. New York: Chelsea House.
Beerel, A. (2009). Leadership and Change Management. 1st. ed. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Bornstein, D. & Davis, S. (2010). Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know. 1st. ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
Borzaga, C. & Defourny, J. (2001). The Emergence of Social Enterprise. 1st. ed. London: Routledge.
Social Entrepreneurship
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he can feed himself for life. How could you put this principle into practice through the development of a social entrepreneurship venture?
Development of Social Entrepreneurialism
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Inequality
Social Entrepreneurship and Food
Social entrepreneurship was introduced in the 1970s to address the issue of social sustainably and the term "social entrepreneur." This analysis will begin by providing a brief history as well as a working definition for the concept of social entrepreneurialism. It will also discuss some of the related movements that have been working towards some of the same goals, albeit, from different directions to address various challenges in society and the environment. Furthermore, a more detailed overview of the exact challenges that are present in society that social entrepreneurialism can work to address will be outlined that include environmental problems and…...
mlaWorks Cited
Abu-Saifan, S., 2012. Social Entrepreneurship: Definition and Boundaries. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 28 April 2016].
Ashoka, N.d.. Vision and Mission. [Online]
Trends in globalism, stakeholder knowledge and technology -- all part of the 21st century environment, have changed marketing from a more monolithic approach to the market to a model that has actually been in place for centuries yet has now found a way to move from the small business environment to the larger organizational model simply because its strengths are just what is needed to perform in a new environment. This concept, entrepreneurship, has its origins in the French verb entreprendre, meaning "to undertake" (Hultman, C., et al., 2011). In a sense, every organizational idea starts with a core idea and thus has some entrepreneurial tendencies. These ideas have a core relationship in that they require innovation and risk in order to come to fruition (economic gain). More than anything else, the idea of entrepreneurship is a mind-set, a mode of operating as opposed to a strict method; a…...
Audretsch, D. (2007). The Entrepreneurial Society. New York: Oxford University Press.
Foreman-Peck, J., & Zhou, P. (2010, August). The Strength and Persistence of Entrepreneurial Cultures. Retrieved from Cardiff Business School:
Frazier, L., & Madjidi, F. (2011). ICT and Social Entrepreneurship. Research in Information Technology, 8(2), 3-10.
How to Start a Cigar Lounge. (2012). Retrieved from:
Schramm cites clothing as an example, but there are thousands of good examples. As companies had the ability to reach larger markets, they could invest more into their businesses. The result of those investments was a dramatic increase in the variety of goods available to the public, many of which contribute to better lives, if not longer. Advances in scale, Schramm notes, have resulted in the real cost of staple products being significantly lower today. He cites the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas: "In 1919, an American had to work 10 hours to afford a basket of 12 food items. By 1997, the work time required to purchase their food basket had fallen to two hours."
Schramm mentions at this point that there have been other contributions, in both science and in the development of public service to protect things like water supply, that have also contributed to increased health…...
mlaWork Cited:
Schramm, C. (2010). All entrepreneurship is social. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Retrieved May 3, 2013 from
Social Marketing Plan
Stop Crime, Be a Human first
Historically, South Africa was colonized under a brutish Apartheid system where there was a clear distinction in South Africa between the various divisions of the population before 1991. These racial categorizations were the Africans (black), Asians, the Coloreds and the Whites. This law has long been abolished but the majority of the South Africans still view each other along these racial lines (U.S. Department of state, 2011). It is estimated that the population of South Africa is 49.9 million people of whom the black Africans make up the 79.4% of the population and are also divided into various ethnic groups. The whites take up 9.2% while the Indian/Asians make up 2.6% of the total population and 8.8% being the coloreds (, 2011).
According to Beggs, (2001) there is a wide disparity between the blacks and the whites holding white collar jobs with the…...
mlaReferences, (2011). South Africa's population. Available at (Accessed 18 May 2011)
BBC (2003). Xenophobia in South Africa. Available at (Accessed 18 May 2011)
Beggs, John J., and Wayne J. Villemez. (2001). Regional Labor Markets. Sourcebook of Labor
Markets: Evolving Structures and Processes, edited by Ivar Berg and Arne L. Kalleberg. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. (503-29).
Those who predict future behavior and demand for products and services correctly can profit tremendously from their planning; conversely, those who invest in technologies or applications based on assumptions or expectations that never materialize run the risk of losing their entire investment. In that respect, the computer realm is no different from the decisions and projections made in traditional types of businesses. It may just seem different by virtue of the accelerated rate of computer evolution and development and the fact that some of the specific new technologies and capabilities become so widely and rapidly adopted that they can change society practically overnight.
In all likelihood, computers today are similar to paper in the Middle Ages when producing paper was so labor intensive and expensive that very little was available and only to the wealthiest classes. Another analog might be dry cell battery technology around the turn of the 20th…...
1. The impact of gentrification on local communities
2. Strategies for revitalizing and sustaining small towns
3. The role of community gardens in promoting sustainability and food security
4. The challenges and opportunities of promoting diversity and inclusion in community development efforts
5. The importance of incorporating youth voices and involvement in community development projects
6. The role of technology in fostering community engagement and development
7. The impact of community-based tourism on local economies and cultures
8. The effectiveness of participatory budgeting in empowering communities and promoting social equity
9. The potential of arts and culture initiatives in strengthening community identity....
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