Social Determinants Essays (Examples)

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Social Determinants of Care in Florida
Pages: 5 Words: 1591

Social Determinant of HealthSt. Mary's Community Health Clinic, located in Miami, Florida, serves low-income families within the community in Miami. The social determinant of health (SDOH) that will be discussed in this paper is access to healthcare.Access to healthcare is a significant social determinant of health that affects low-income families in Miami (Taylor et al., 2021). These families often face barriers such as lack of insurance, transportation issues, and limited availability of medical facilities, leading to disparities in health outcomes.Health Inequity FactorsSocial factors contribute to health inequities among low-income families in Miami, as many of these families are Hispanic and experiencing language barriers that keep them from communicating well with English-only speakers in healthcare clinics. The social factor of language, therefore, prevents some from gaining access to care. It can be a root cause of misunderstandings, misdiagnoses, inadequate treatment, or no treatment at all. Some people do not realize the…...



Jbaily, A., Zhou, X., Liu, J., Lee, T. H., Kamareddine, L., Verguet, S., & Dominici, F. (2022).

Air pollution exposure disparities across US population and income groups. Nature, 601(7892), 228-233.

Palmer-Wackerly, A. L., Chaidez, V., Wayment, C., Baker, J., Adams, A., & Wheeler, L. A.

Social Determinants Driving Success of
Pages: 3 Words: 1285

So to that extent, the choice consumers make is less about product, and more about convenience, and perhaps what the consumer perceives as the necessary choice; meaning they do not have a choice when considering the negative of selecting a different operating system. To this extent, it signifies the extent to which "personal computers" have indeed become very personalized, and consumers cannot risk making changes in the direction of operating systems once they have become accustomed to Microsoft.
The construct of time-style also offers potential for researchers investigating shopping behaviors and styles, for example, in the retail domain (see also Kaufman and Lane 1996). The various dimensions of time-style will likely have an impact on shopping behaviors such as how much pre-purchase planning is undertaken; whether people prefer browsing or "in-and-out" shopping; whether or not shopping lists are made; and whether people prefer to shop alone or with others. In…...



Berdayes, V. & Murphy, J.W. (Eds.). (2000). Computers, Human Interaction, and Organizations: Critical Issues. Westport, CT: Praeger. Retrieved February 10, 2008, from Questia database: 

Chin, E. (2001). Purchasing Power: Black Kids and American Consumer Culture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Retrieved February 10, 2008, from Questia database: 

Lally, E. (2002). At Home with Computers. New York: Berg. Retrieved February 10, 2008, from Questia database: 

Social Determinant Poverty and the
Pages: 1 Words: 379

Becton et al. (2008) observed that having no health insurance dramatically lowered levels of vaccine uptake. This is likely to be associated with the impact poverty has on vaccine uptake, as it is those in poverty who are least likely to have health insurance (DeNavas-Walt et al., 2006). It may therefore be concluded that children between 0 and 3 years old from families living in poverty have lower levels of immunization; this is most likely to be due to lower levels of health insurance coverage among families in poverty.


Becton, J.L., Cheng, L. & Nieman, L. (2008). The effect of lack of insurance, poverty and pediatrician supply on immunization rates among young children 19-35 months of age in the United States. Journal of Evaluation of Clinical Practice, 14(2): 248-253.

DeNavas-Walt, C., Proctor, B.D. And Hill Lee, C. (2006). U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population eports, P60-231, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in…...



Becton, J.L., Cheng, L. & Nieman, L. (2008). The effect of lack of insurance, poverty and pediatrician supply on immunization rates among young children 19-35 months of age in the United States. Journal of Evaluation of Clinical Practice, 14(2): 248-253.

DeNavas-Walt, C., Proctor, B.D. And Hill Lee, C. (2006). U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Reports, P60-231, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2005, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.

Klevens, R.M. & Luman, E.T. (2001). U.S. children living in and near poverty: Risk of vaccine-preventable diseases. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 20(4 Suppl. 1): 41-46.

Social Determinant

Social Determinants of Health Which
Pages: 10 Words: 4083

Obesity, overweight and underweight all have impacts that are negative on self-esteem of many children and adolescents that if not checked can have long-term effects on the success in lives of these children and their general happiness in the future (Moran, 1999).
The persistence of chronic diseases in more in the developing than in the developed countries. The World Health Organization posits that by 2020, a quarter of deaths in the least developed countries will be caused by the so called non-communicable diseases, WHO, (1997). In this regard, a major mind blowing public health problem in the developing world may the reality of increasing obesity in children populations which might result to major social and economic burdens on these developing nations in the coming years, (Freedman et al., 2001).

This health care problem is present in almost all parts of the world and the Arabian Gulf region is not exempted. Surveys…...



Ali, H,2010.Major characteristics of Saudi hospitals 

Al-Quaiz, Al-Joharah M.2001. Current concepts in the management of obesity. An evidenced-based review. Saudi Med J. 2001; 22: 20

Amin, T.T.,Al-Sultan.,A.I.,Ali.,A, 2008.Overweight and Obesity and their Association with Dietary Habits, and Sociodemographic Characteristics Among Male Primary School Children in Al-Hassa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Baum, F. 2008 The new public health (3rd Edition) Oxford University Press, Melbourne

Social Determinants of Health in America
Pages: 3 Words: 1002

Health Promotion StrategiesThe Z familys social determinates of health (SDOH) include their race, class, religion, and overall health status. The family is white, middle class, and has good health overall. Their diet is healthy, but the parents do not get enough exercise. The dad has prostate issues but does not want to see a doctor. The family trusts their issues mainly to God, and prays about things, and trusts to themselves when it comes to making the right health decisions. They have a lack of regard for the establishment of health care, seeing the health care industry as beholden to corporate interests that put profits before people. These factors all contribute to the familys health status.The impact of these SDOH relate to the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life (Johnson, 2020).…...


ReferencesCDC. (2022). Healthy communities program. Retrieved from   J., Correa-de-Araujo, R., Lewis Johnson, T., McLemore, M. R., Neilson, E., & Wallace, M. (2021). Social and structural determinants of health inequities in maternal health. Journal of women\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s health, 30(2), 230-235.Graif, C., Meurer, J., & Fontana, M. (2021). An ecological model to frame the delivery of pediatric preventive care. Pediatrics, 148(Suppl 1), s13-s20.Johnson, T. J. (2020). Intersection of bias, structural racism, and social determinants with health care inequities. Pediatrics, 146(2). Crear-Perry,

Social Determinants of Disease and the Measles Outbreak
Pages: 3 Words: 915

Measles OutbreakIntroductionIn 2019, the United States experienced a significant measles outbreak that swept across various states, including the CDC\\\'s egion C, with a notable impact in Florida. This paper discusses the Measles outbreak in CDC egion C during 2019 by looking at the specifics of the outbreak, the timeline of the outbreak\\\'s discovery, and its spread to other regions. It also describes the risk factors associated with the outbreak, the route of transmission of measles, and the epidemiological determinants that contributed to the spread of the disease.isk Factors, Transmission, and Epidemiological Determinantisk Factorsisk factors for the measles outbreak include the social determinants of disease, such as housing, access to care, malnutrition, low socioeconomic status, education, and so on. Another critical risk factor, however, was international travel. People traveling to and from regions where measles is more prevalent may have brought the disease into the United States, including Florida, which has…...


ReferencesBosetti, P., Poletti, P., Stella, M., Lepri, B., Merler, S., & De Domenico, M. (2020). Heterogeneity in social and epidemiological factors determines the risk of measles outbreaks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(48), 30118-30125.Patel, M., Lee, A. D., Clemmons, N. S., Redd, S. B., Poser, S., Blog, D., ... & Gastanaduy, P. A. (2019). National update on measles cases and outbreaks—United States, January 1–October 1, 2019. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 68(40), 893.

Social Determinants of Public Health
Pages: 2 Words: 658

Constructing the Language for Exploring Health EquityWhat is especially surprising or important when constructing the Language for Exploring Health Equity is the intricate connection between racism and health disparities. It is clear that systemic racism has a direct impact on health inequity, and this must be addressed in order to create meaningful change. Additionally, it is important to recognize that health equity is not just a medical issue, but a social one as well. This means that public health practitioners must take into account the social and historical context of a given population in order to create an effective plan for health equity.What specifically challenged my thinking was the extent of the impact of racism on health disparities (Williams & Sterntha, 2010). I was unaware that racism could have such a profound impact on health outcomes, and this has led me to rethink how public health interventions should be designed.…...


ReferencesBatts, V. (2002). Is reconciliation possible. Lessons from combating “modern racism.” In IT Douglas (Ed.), Waging reconciliation: God’s mission in a time of globalization and crisis, 1-16.Prentice, B. (2014). Expanding the Boundaries: Health Equity and Public Health Practice. National Association of County and City Health Officials.Williams, D. R., & Sternthal, M. (2010). Understanding racial-ethnic disparities in health: sociological contributions. Journal of health and social behavior, 51(1_suppl), S15-S27.

The Social Determinants of Health Script to Go By
Pages: 4 Words: 1162

Script and ReflectionScriptNP: Good morning, Mrs. Rodriguez. I\\\'m Nurse Practitioner Davis. How are you today?Mrs. Rodriguez: Good morning, Nurse Practitioner Davis. I\\\'m doing well, thank you.NP: I\\\'m glad to hear that. Today, we\\\'ll be discussing your complete health history, focusing specifically on your reproductive health. I want to cover a range of topics to ensure we address all relevant aspects. Is that okay with you?Mrs. Rodriguez: Yes, that\\\'s fine. I appreciate your thoroughness.NP: Wonderful. Let\\\'s start by discussing safe housing, transportation, and neighborhoods. Do you feel safe and secure in your current living environment? Are there any concerns you have about the safety of your neighborhood or your housing situation?Mrs. Rodriguez: Fortunately, I feel safe in my current home, and my neighborhood is generally secure. However, there have been occasional instances of vandalism and break-ins in the area.NP: Thank you for sharing that information. Now, let\\\'s address another important aspect:…...

Determinant of Health of Income
Pages: 8 Words: 3093

Community development is concerned with tackling inequities, and with understanding the interconnections and pathways between the various determinants of health for particular communities.
The effectiveness of community development in health is enhanced by partnerships between health and other sectors such as education, housing, arts or sport, or in programs such as community building and neighborhood renewal. Community development approaches to health promotion are generally poorly identified in planning and practice. Concepts such as empowerment, community engagement and participation are commonly referred to as either processes or out- comes, but often given token effort and paid only lip service. Community development is not a single track in health promotion programs. Health promotion practice entails the planning and implementation of interventions which may take many forms. Evidence about the effectiveness of health promotion demonstrates that one-off programs at a single level of intervention have little value, and that multi-level approaches delivered intensively…...



Bezrucha, S. (2001). Societal hierarchy and the health Olympics. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 164(12), 1701-3.

Bunker, S., Colquhoun, D.M., Esler, M.D., Hickie, I., Hunt, D., Jelinek, VM., Oldenburg, B.E, Peach, H.G., Ruth, D., Tennant, C.C., and Tonkin, a. (2003). Stress and coronary heart disease, psychosocial risk factors, National Heart Foundation of Australia: Position statement update. Medical Journal of Australia, 178(6), 272-76.

Bush, R. (2002). Community engagement. VicHealth Letter. Melbourne: VicHealth.

Dixon, J. (1999). A national R&D collaboration on health and socio-economic status for Australia. Canberra: NECPH, Australian National University.

Social Exclusion on the Health
Pages: 12 Words: 3377

Colic's (2005) argument is that there is a very strong correlation between porr housing and an individual's physical ill health. He goes further to point out that six out of every ten homeless individuals do suffer from a certain form of mental distress. About 20% of this lot have severe mental illness. In a nutshell, social exclusion gives rise to a direct form of social and economic consequences that include poor housing and limited financial resources.
Dunn (1999) studied the link between social exclusion and mental health. His concluded that the correlation was rather strong and was in congruence with what other authors have documented. It has been acknowledged that unemployment affects persons who have long-term mental disorders in a way that is far greater as compared to the other persons with disability. A total of only 13% are employed as opposed to the more than a third of individuals…...



Burnett, R. (2004) To reoffend or not to reoffend? The ambivalence of convicted property offenders in Maruna and Immarigeon, After Crime and Punishment.

Burnett A and Peel M (2001) Health needs of asylum seekers and refugees British Medical

Journal 322:544-547 (link to

Colic, P., (2005). Refugees and Employment: The effects of visible difference on discrimination. Perth: Murdoch University Press.

Social Commerce in Saudi Arabia
Pages: 14 Words: 4858

Social Commerce in Saudi Arabia: How the Social Media Affect the E-Commerce in Saudi Arabia

Conceptual Framework Model

Social Media

Psychological Aspect and Theories


Digital Divide in Saudi Arabia

Ethos, eligious conviction, and Government in E-commerce Adoption

The ise of the P Industry in Saudi Arabia

Conceptual Model and esearch Hypothesis (Drawing)

esearch Contribution

Social Commerce in Saudi Arabia

Modern Saudi Arabia today actually represents an exceptional and convergent mixture of social conservatism and technological ability, a wonderful alteration from a remote, desert land that it was just something like 50 years ago. As social media is turning out to be increasingly prevalent in Saudi Arabia, online marketers are starting capitalizing in methods that service social media and include online customers. In Saudi Arabia Online marketers' adoption of new online marking trends is being prompted by discoveries that show individuals are spending great amounts of their time actually mixing online. Furthermore to advertising and endorsing on…...



Anderson, M. (2013). Turning "like" to "Buy" Social Media Emerges as a Commerce Channel. Booz & Company, 23-56.

Assad, S.W. (2009). The rise of consumerism in saudi arabian society. International Journal of Commerce & Management,, 73-104.

Bahaddad, A.A. (2013). Attracting customer in saudi arabia to buy from your business online. . International Journal of Business and Management, 65-81.

Brock, C. (2014). F-COMMERCE AND THE CRUCIAL ROLE OF TRUST. Online Communities and Digital Collaborations, 1-11.

Determinants of Social Class in
Pages: 4 Words: 1208

There is little chance for them to obtain a college degree, either because s/he does not have the money to afford it or the time to spend for it, or both. What is evident is that the plight of the lower class members of the society makes it impossible for them to compete against the higher class, since the latter has the money, time, and opportunity to maintain the lifestyle of attending formal schooling at private and acclaimed universities in the country.
Although religion is said to encompass social boundaries determined by human society, social class ultimately determines an individual's affiliation to a religious institution. As discussed in the text, Episcopalians, Baptists, and Methodists cater to various social classes in the society: the middle- to -upper classes, lower classes, and heavily on the middle class, respectively. Attaining salvation from one's sins, an important teaching of Catholicism, also favors those who…...

Determinants of Student Absence From
Pages: 6 Words: 2043

If possible, the research could be continued over six years, tracing the graduation rates of three classes in direct relation to the amount of classes missed, studying the trends of missing lectures.
Expected Outcomes of the Study

It makes reasonable sense to believe that students, more stressed in academia now than ever before, are missing lectures not because of lack of respect for their teachers and learning environments, but instead because there is too much to do and not enough time for them to accomplish all that is expected. This hypothesis encompasses missed lectures because of other class work remaining (not due to having poorly timed the period in which to complete it, but because of too much to do during that time period) and having a job outside of school to help support the student during the academic career.

Project Management and Timetable

The project will be controlled by regulated performance of…...


Brogan, John. "School Culture." Chicago Tribune. Chicago, Il, USA: May 15, 2005. p. 8.

McGlynn, Angela Provitera. "College Benefits Differ by Gender, Race, and Class." The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education. Paramus, NJ, USA: Feb. 23, 2005. Vol. 15, Iss. 11. p. 32.

A new study, published by the American Psychological Association, reports from Carnegie-Mellon University, in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, that first-year students face more stresses in their new environment than do other students. This heightened level of stress may be responsible, they assert, for poor immune systems, higher levels of substance abuse, and increased feelings of loneliness that might detract from a student's still not fully developed decision-making ability from the amygdala of his or her brain. The newsroom at Carnegie-Mellon has the full release, and it is possible to find an archived version of the May 8 release of the article by the APA.

Social Partnership' and the Implications for Trade
Pages: 7 Words: 2311

Social Partnership' And
The Implications for Trade Unions

This report attempts to explain what is meant by the term social partnership and it also evaluates some implications of social partnerships on trade unions. Social Partnerships have been elevated to be more of the foundation of industrial relations policies. Industrialized nations in these highly global, competitive and technologically advanced economic situations have all new social demands and issues. Labor parties and management teams today have come to realize and understand that if there are going to be economic success stories in their future, then both sides will be required to put emphasis on the importance of partnerships in the workplace. These partnerships entail new methods for problem solving, quality control and productivity. Today, both sides must understand that partnership agreements will help produce more socially adept workers who are well trained, prepared and competitive. Labor and management must come to a social understanding…...



Baccaro, Lucio, et al. (1999). "The Brave New World of European Labor: European Trade Unions at the Millennium." Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Boucher, Gerry, & Collins, Grainne (2003). Having One's Cake and Being Eaten Too: Irish Neo-Liberal Corporatism. Review of Social Economy, Vol. 61.

Ferner, A. And Hyman, R. (eds) (1998) "Changing Industrial Relations in Europe." Oxford: Blackwell.

Guest, D.E. And Peccei, R. (2001) "Partnership at work: mutuality and the balance of advantage" British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 399 no.2 pp.207-236

Social Work Is a Field
Pages: 15 Words: 5719

While he supported me in my endeavors, he raised many questions, >Why do you want to enter social work? How do you think you are going to provide for your family and the lifestyle you are accustomed to?" Deferring to socialization pressures that still impel them to fulfill the "breadwinner" role and avoid feminine characteristics, they may segregate themselves from women in the profession, selecting specialties or positions that society deems as more appropriate for men (Williams, 1995). They too may emphasize the masculine aspects of their jobs to "reduce the dissonance between their professional and gender identities" and to justify their career choices (Christie, 1998, p. 506). Thereby, male social workers adhere more closely to the social definition of masculinity" (ritton, J. & Stoller M., 1998).
The young people who are trying to enter into a social work profession "hope to advance research and social work services for men…...



Britton, J. & Stoller M. (Autumn, 1998), Engendered disparity: Males in Social Work, Retrieved December 6, 2006, from The Advocate's Forum, Vol.5, No.1, Web Site: 

Chattopadhay, T. (2004), Role of men and boys in promoting gender equality: advocacy brief / Asia-Pacific Programme of Education for All (APPEAL), United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok, Retrieved December 6, 2006, at 

Christie, A.(2001), Men and social work, New York, NY USA: Palgrave Publishers, Retrieved December 3, 2006, at 

Gillingham, P. (January, 2006), Male social workers in child and family welfare: New directions for research, in Social work, Volume 51, number I

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Substance Abuse Nursing. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 340

1. The role of a substance abuse nurse in promoting and providing support for individuals struggling with addiction
2. The impact of substance abuse on mental health and the role of nurses in managing co-occurring disorders
3. The importance of culturally competent care in substance abuse nursing
4. The challenges and rewards of working with individuals with substance use disorders in a nursing setting
5. The ethical considerations of caring for patients with substance abuse issues
6. The role of education and prevention in addressing substance abuse from a nursing perspective
7. The impact of substance abuse on families and the role of nurses in supporting....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about Healthcare 2020 / 2021?
Words: 188

1. The Evolution and Challenges of Healthcare in 2020

2. Innovative Technologies Shaping Healthcare in 2021

3. The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Systems in 2020

4. Addressing Health Disparities in 2021: A Call for Action

5. Telemedicine: The Future of Healthcare Delivery in 2020 and Beyond

6. Mental Health Awareness in the Era of Healthcare 2021

7. From Crisis to Opportunity: Resilience in Healthcare in 2020

8. The Role of Nurses in 2021: Advancing Healthcare Excellence

9. The Importance of Preventive Care in Healthcare 2020

10. Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare for Better Patient Outcomes in 2021
11. Telehealth Revolution: Expanding Access to Care in 2020/2021
12. Equity in....

what is the impact of social exclusion in health and social care and how can it be addressed?
Words: 347

Social exclusion in health and social care can have detrimental effects on individuals' physical and mental well-being. When individuals are socially excluded, they may experience chronic stress, feelings of loneliness and isolation, and have limited access to healthcare services, leading to poorer health outcomes.

To address social exclusion in health and social care, it is important to implement the following strategies:

1. Promote social inclusion: Encourage community engagement and participation in social activities to foster a sense of belonging and connectedness among individuals.

2. Provide access to healthcare services: Ensure equitable access to healthcare services for all individuals, regardless of their social or....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about What is the impact of health inequalities in UK and how can this be addressed?
Words: 358

I. Introduction
A. Background information on health inequalities in the UK
B. Importance of addressing health inequalities
C. Thesis statement: The impact of health inequalities in the UK and strategies to address them

II. Impact of health inequalities in the UK
A. Disparities in life expectancy
B. Differences in access to healthcare services
C. Higher rates of preventable illnesses and diseases
D. Social determinants of health contributing to inequalities

III. Factors contributing to health inequalities in the UK
A. Socioeconomic status
B. Education level
C. Occupation
D. Ethnicity
E. Gender

IV. Strategies to address health inequalities in the UK
A. Improving access to....

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