Weight Sigma
Psychological and Social Consequences
Weight Loss Efforts
In-Group Devaluation
Living With Obesity-Australian Context
Rating of Overweight vs. Avg. Weight
Rating of Glasses vs. No Glasses
Rating of Overweight vs. Avg. Weight Fictional Character by Participants
Rating of Fictional Character Wearing Glasses Vs. No Glasses by Participants
Weight stigma is discrimination or categorizing based on an individual's weight, especially in case of very huge people. Weight bias is quiet prevalent in western culture. Weight bias results in unequal biased opportunities in employment, health-care and educational institutes. The basic reason for this biased attitude towards obese people is the negative stereotype that such people are lazy, demotivated, has poor willpower and is less competent. These stereotypes are prevalent to the extent that no one cares to challenge them, thus, leaving overweight and obese persons defenseless to social inequality, biased treatment, and weakened quality of life as a result of considerable disadvantages and stigma. New sections have been added to…...
B., C., & Wott. (2010). Overt weight stigma, psychological distress and weight loss treatment outcomes. Journal of Health Psychology, 608-614.
Harris, M.B., Harris, R.J., & Bochner, S. (1982). Fat, Four-Eyed, and Female: Stereotypes of Obesity, Glasses, and Gender. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 12(6), 503-516.
L., S., & Thomas. (2008). Being 'fat' in today's world: A qualitative study of the lived experiences of people with obesity in Australia. Health Expectations: An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy, 321-330.
Puhl, R.M., & Heuer, C.A. (2009). The Stigma of Obesity: A Review and Update. Obesity, 941-964.
Social System, Institutional Values and Human Needs_
Burton's Deviance, Terrorism, and War redefined the nature of the problem to be discussed and the means to discuss it. Burton's agenda is not about states and state centric dynamics. He constitutes a new definition of the problem and a new definition of the reality (1979). In fact, the subtitle of his book, solving unsolved social and political problems, attests to this. Burton's work is therefore committed to addressing the process as opposed to stasis or structures. The book is committed to solving social and political problems and not their containment, management, or control. It is committed to initiating change not coercion. It is concerned with recurrent patterns of human behavior at all levels of social complexity (Burton, 1979).
Burton (1979) assesses the way society classifies and defines deviance. Structure of freedom underpins a portion of Burtons work. Structure of freedom is recognized by Burton…...
mlaReferences List
Burton, J. (1965). International Relations, a General Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Burton, J. (1979). Deviance, Terrorism and War: The Process of Solving Unsolved Social and Political Problems. New York: St. Martin's Press.
On the other hand, one lesson of the Industrial Revolution is that human suffering and exploitation can never be used as a coin with which to pay for material progress or wealth. Likewise, the Industrial Revolution teaches that neither the welfare of the contemporary wealthy and fortunate, nor even the future well-being of subsequent generations is ever justified as the fruits of the suffering of other human beings.
In retrospect, the progression from agrarian to industrial economies need not have required the degree of suffering with which it was, unfortunately, associated, particularly in the nineteenth century. The best evidence for this proposition seems to be the efforts, most of which were successful, on the part of Bismark, in Germany, while workers suffered greater hardships, by comparison, in the rest of the newly industrialized world. Greed and callousness, is, unfortunately, characteristic of many elements of human life, which was not necessarily any…...
mlaWorks Cited
Burchell, S.D. (1968) Age of Progress.
Time Life: UK
Faissler, M., Hayes, C. (1966) Modern Times: Mainstreams of Civilization.
Macmillan: New York
social networking has in the last couple of years stirred a lot of debate among politician and scholars alike. The level of risks and benefits associated with social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace especially to children and teenagers has elicited a mixed reaction among the debating parties. In this paper we present a systematic analysis of the implications of social networking sites for both children and teenagers with a sharp focus on Facebook. We also focus on the benefits as well as the issue surrounding the use of social networking sites by use of relevant illustrations. Overall, we evaluate how the use of computer technology has impacted the society in general and education in particular.
Definition of Social Networking
Several scholars have attempted to define the concept of social networking and its components. Boyd & Ellison (2007) define social networking sites as special web-based services that are developed…...
Berkshire District Attorney. Sexting. Pittsfield, MA: Commonwealth of Massachusetts; 2010.
Availableonline at: www.mass.gov/?pageID_ berterminal&L_3&L0_Home&L1_Crime_Awareness_%26_Prevention&L2_Parents_
%26_Youth&sid_Dber&b_terminalcontent&f_parents_youth_sexting&csid_Dber. Accessed onApril 5, 2011
Tynes, BM (2007),Internet Safety Gone Wild? Sacrificing the Educational and Psychosocial
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Impact of ornography on Intimate Relationships:
This essay would explore how consumption of pornographic material affects the dynamics of intimate relationships, including issues of trust, sexual expectations, and emotional connection. It would consider both scientific research and anecdotal evidence to assess whether pornography can be integrated healthily into relationships or if it inherently leads to problems.
2. ornography and Objectification: Societal Implications:
This essay would delve into how pornography may contribute to the objectification of individuals, predominantly women, and how this translates into societal attitudes towards gender and sexuality. It would critically examine the arguments for and against the notion that pornography perpetuates harmful stereotypes and behaviors.
3. The Role of ornography in Sex Education:
In this essay, the potential role of pornography as a form of sex education would be discussed, considering how realistic or misleading pornographic content can be for young adults forming their understanding of…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Dines, Gail. Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality. Beacon Press, 2010.
Paul, Pamela. Pornified: How Pornography Is Damaging Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families. Times Books, 2005.Attwood, Feona, editor. Mainstreaming Sex: The Sexualization of Western Culture. I.B. Tauris, 2009.Bridges, Ana J., et al. \"Aggression and sexual behavior in best-selling pornography videos: a content analysis update.\" Violence Against Women, vol. 16, no. 10, 2010, pp. 1065-1085.Mattebo, Magdalena, et al. \"Pornography consumption among adolescent girls in Sweden.\" European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, vol. 18, no. 1, 2013, pp. 46-55.
Social psychology is a very broad field that takes in the many varieties of group dynamics, perceptions and interactions. Its origins date back to the late-19th Century, but it really became a major field during and after the Second orld ar, in order to explain phenomena like aggression, obedience, stereotypes, mass propaganda, conformity, and attribution of positive or negative characteristics to other groups. Among the most famous social psychological studies are the obedience experiments of Stanley Milgram and the groupthink research of Irving Janus (Feenstra Chapter 1). Authority figures are very important in influencing the behavior and attitudes of groups, as advertising pioneers like Edward Bernays and Nazi propagandists like Josef Goebbels realized early in the 20th Century. Human beings naturally categorize others into groups, and attribute values, attitudes and stereotypes to them, while they also tend to favor members of their own group (Feenstra Chapter 2). Social psychologists have…...
Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Penguin Books, 2006.
Cooper, S. "A Closer Look at Racial Profiling" in S.J. Muffler (ed). Racial Profiling: Issues, Data and Analyses. Nova Science Publishers, pp. 25-30, 2006.
Ewen, Stuart. PR!: A Social History of Spin. NY: Basic Books, 1996.
Feenstra, Jennifer. Introduction to Social Psychology. Bridegeport Education, Inc., 2011.
Social Cognitive, Behavioral Drinking
Social Cognitive/behavioralist Drinking
Drinking behavior provides informative demonstration of how social cognitive and behavioralist theories provide complementary rather than competing explanations of human agency. Bandura (1999) casts social cognitive theory against various determinist and materialist theories on the assertion humans are "sentient agents of experiences rather than simply undergoers of experiences" because people explore, manipulate and influence the environment they discover (p. 4). This contrasts against "automaticity," habit, "tendencies to repeat responses given a stable supporting context" (Oullette and Wood, 1998, p. 55). Oullette & Wood (1998) compare habit learning to skill development, where practice can lead to "nonvolitional, frequent, and consistent experiences in a given context" but new situations require deliberation (p. 55). Wood and Neal (2007) largely reiterate this summary as repeated learned behavior (843). The present inquiry is particularly interested in how and why particular behaviors become repeated after negative consequences have been demonstrated possible,…...
Bandura, A. (1999). A social cognitive theory of personality. In L. Pervin & O. John (Ed.),
Handbook of personality (2nd ed., pp. 154-196). New York: Guilford Publications. (Reprinted in D. Cervone & Y. Shoda [Eds.], The coherence of personality. New York: Guilford Press.)
Ouellette, J. & Wood, W. (1998). Habit and intention in everyday life: The multiple processes by which past behavior predicts future behavior. Psychological Bulletin 124(1), 54-74.
Wood, w. & Neal, D.T. (2007). A new look at habits and the habit -- goal interface. Psychological Review 114(4), 843 -- 863. Retrieved from DOI: 10.1037/0033-295X.114.4.843
Social Facilitation, Social Inhibition, And Social Loafing
The objective of this study is to provide a description of the characters in the media program demonstrating social loafing, social inhibition, and social facilitation. One of the characters will be selected by using the current literature and two ways their behavior might be mitigated will be explained. This work will additionally describe a situation in which negative consequences were observed resulting from groupthink or group polarization and use an article from the current literature to explain how on alternative to groupthink or group polarization could have been used in that situation.
Social Loafing, Social Inhibition, and Social Facilitation
Social loafing is described as "the tendency to reduce individual effort when working in groups compared to the individual effort expended when working alone." (Piezon and Donaldson, n.d., p.1) Social facilitation is described as the increase "of individuals' performance in the presence of others" while social inhibition…...
mlaWorks Cited
Klehe, UC, Anderson, N., and Hoefnagels, EA (2007) Social Facilitation and Inhibition During Maximum vs. Typical Performance Situations. Human Performance, 20(3), 223-239. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Retrieved from: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&ved=0CFYQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Fpublication%2F228489268_Social_facilitation_and_inhibition_during_maximum_versus_typical_performance_situations%2Ffile%2Fe0b495236dce132488.pdf&ei=Ji9LUtW7DOfi4AP7gYHQDg&usg=AFQjCNEILSkosHlyJ1cqNRKN9h02NlV1Dg&sig2=tfNVahZuqSCqEibjgfDmPw&bvm=bv.53371865,d.dmg
Piezon, S. And Donaldson, RL (n.d.) Online Groups and Social Loafing: Understanding Student-Group Interactions. Retrieved from: http://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/winter84/piezon84.htm
Rovio, E. (2009) Can High Group Cohesion Be Harmful? A Case Study of a Junior High Ice-Hockey Team. Sage Publishers.
Social Psychology Week 5: The Virtual Office
Social issue alcohol drugs consider a social issue interested. It human freedom, sexuality, deviance, crime, social mobility, poverty, education, aging, similar issues. Select a specific social issue investigate assignment.
Social issue: Drug abuse
The social problem of drug addiction is a long-standing one, yet the causes of addiction and the best way to treat addiction still remain difficult questions to answer. One contentious issue pertains to whether addiction is a 'crime' or an 'illness,' although an increasingly large body of medical research indicates long-term abuse fundamentally rewires addicts' brains and changes their perceptions of reward and punishment. Drugs stimulate dopamine receptors. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that generates a sense of positive well-being: "Just as we turn down the volume on a radio that is too loud, the brain adjusts to the overwhelming surges in dopamine (and other neurotransmitters) by producing less dopamine or by reducing the number of receptors…...
Cratty, Carol. (2011). New rules slashing crack cocaine sentences go into effect. CNN.
Retrieved at:
Drugs and the brain. (2012). National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Retrieved at:
Social Commerce in Saudi Arabia: How the Social Media Affect the E-Commerce in Saudi Arabia
Conceptual Framework Model
Social Media
Psychological Aspect and Theories
Digital Divide in Saudi Arabia
Ethos, eligious conviction, and Government in E-commerce Adoption
The ise of the P Industry in Saudi Arabia
Conceptual Model and esearch Hypothesis (Drawing)
esearch Contribution
Social Commerce in Saudi Arabia
Modern Saudi Arabia today actually represents an exceptional and convergent mixture of social conservatism and technological ability, a wonderful alteration from a remote, desert land that it was just something like 50 years ago. As social media is turning out to be increasingly prevalent in Saudi Arabia, online marketers are starting capitalizing in methods that service social media and include online customers. In Saudi Arabia Online marketers' adoption of new online marking trends is being prompted by discoveries that show individuals are spending great amounts of their time actually mixing online. Furthermore to advertising and endorsing on…...
Anderson, M. (2013). Turning "like" to "Buy" Social Media Emerges as a Commerce Channel. Booz & Company, 23-56.
Assad, S.W. (2009). The rise of consumerism in saudi arabian society. International Journal of Commerce & Management,, 73-104.
Bahaddad, A.A. (2013). Attracting customer in saudi arabia to buy from your business online. . International Journal of Business and Management, 65-81.
Brock, C. (2014). F-COMMERCE AND THE CRUCIAL ROLE OF TRUST. Online Communities and Digital Collaborations, 1-11.
Social Security was instituted with the passage of the Social Security Act of 1935. It was signed into law by President oosevelt as a means of providing a social safety net for retirees. The passage of Social Security occurred during the depths of the Great Depression. Prior to this, the concept of social security did not exist in the U.S. -- you either worked until you died, or you retired when you were wealthy enough to do so. Social Security is run by the Social Security Administration, which also administers Medicare as part of the system. Social Security is theoretically self-funding. In 1937, the first taxes were collected to finance the Social Security system. Workers pay into the Social Security system via a payroll tax. According to the SSA's website, general tax revenues have never funded Social Security to any meaningful extent, implying that the program is self-funding through these…...
Autor, D. & Duggan, M. (2006). The growth in social security disability rolls: A fiscal crisis unfolding. NBER Working Paper Series. Retrieved March 25, 2014 from http://cid.bcrp.gob.pe/biblio/Papers/NBER/2006/Agosto/w12436.pdf
Biggs, A. (2011). Means testing and its limits. American Enterprise Institute. Retrieved March 25, 2014 from http://www.aei.org/article/economics/retirement/means-testing-and-its-limits/
SSA.gov. (2014). FAQs. Social Security Administration. Retrieved March 25, 2014 from http://www.ssa.gov/history/hfaq.html
Templin, B. (2006) Full funding: The future of social security. Thomas Jefferson School of Law. Retrieved March 25, 2014 from http://drupaldev.tjsl.edu/sites/default/files/files/Full_Funding-The_Future_of_Social_Security.pdf
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS AND ANSWER EITHER a OR B. AND ANSWER C...YOU WILL ANSWER a TOTAL OF TWO QUESTIONS: 1. Answer AB.A. Asian, Hispanic, White American, Black American students tend agree makes attractive female face.
Social psychology
Arranged marriage seems fundamentally anathema to the American culture of individualism and choice. Historically, in Western culture, the ideal of romantic love has emphasized passion and personal autonomy. In Romeo and Juliet, the 'bad' parents try to push Juliet into an arranged marriage vs. her desired match with her true love Romeo. However, the Indian writer Shoba Narayan states that our belief in star-crossed love may be a cultural illusion. She points to her own, modern arranged marriage with a man with whom she has an equal partnership and her failed attempts at traditional American courtship. Narayan points out cultures with high rates of arranged marriages have low divorce rates -- although…...
This in turn generates a kind of societal morality. As a consequence, social order becomes an incorporated trait of everyday life. According to the theory, what people see as standards are indirect behavioral rules. Infringements of the standard lead to diverse amounts of punishment depending on how common the standard may be. Chastisements can come in the shape of being disqualified from one's social group, critical looks, or imprisonment in the case of harsh infringements like killing or assault (Jeanty, 2010).
As sociologists and historians examine social work, they often see a profession the spirit of which is social control. For them the language of therapy, assisting, or even empowerment masquerades a coercive center. Various recent literature of the vocation, conversely, has confronted the attitude of those researchers who depend on case reports as proof of what social workers in fact do in the field has highlighted empowerment in the…...
Burford, Gale and Adams, Paul. (2010). Restorative justice, responsive regulation and social work. Retrieved March 23, 2011, from Web site:
Chapter 4: The role of the social worker. (2006). Retrieved March 23, 2011, from Web site:
Social trends in Education / the next 5 years
With societal establishments and school structures, we can carry the most important task of providing youths with the necessary education which will provide them opportunities to thrive in our community. A simple casual glance at the comparative mode of lifestyle in our country would make it obvious that these establishments performed in an excellent manner for the greater part of this century. But the universe is transforming in manners that radically remodels the suppositions, customs and guiding principles, which catered the American people earlier. Besides, the pace of transformation is gearing up at an amazing speed, requiring in many customs and establishments the need to progress in certain spheres. To look forward to modifications, to a certain extent than acting in response to it, schools are spotting developments and scrutinizing their probable connotations.
ather than guessing what the coming years has in store…...
Anglin, John. S. Educational Trends for the Future. Handbook of Theory and Research in Higher Education: Volume: 8; pp. 115-121. New York: Agathon, 2002
Carter, Holly. Implementation of International Competence Strategies: Faculty. In Bridges to the Future: Strategies for Internationalizing Higher Education, pp.191-203. Ed. Charles Klasek, Carbondale, Illinois: Association of International Education Administrators, 1992.
Corson, David. Language Diversity and Education. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001.
Morrison, J.L. Higher-Education Trends and Indicators. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Volume: 46, No: 3; September 10, 1999; p. A54
Social Engineering Attacks Counter Intelligence
Social Engineering Counter Intelligence
Describe what social engineering and counterintelligence are and their potential implications to our national security in regard to the leaked Afghan War Diary and the Iraq War Logs.
Social engineering is the theft of classified information. Then, using it to change everyone's opinions and perceptions about what is happening. Counter intelligence is preventing hostile enemies or organizations from obtaining access to sensitive material. These areas are viewed from two different perspectives. The first one is that of more liberal attitudes. They believe that any kind of secret files, are allowing the U.S. government to hide the truth. This is when it has no accountability for engaging in different actions. These voices, feel any kind of disclosures of classified information, is critical to understanding the larger issues and letting the public (i.e. world) know what they are up to. (Mulrine, 2013) (Harding, 2011) ("Wiki Leaks,"…...
Wiki Leaks. (2010). ABC News. Retrieved from: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wikileaks-109000-deaths-iraq-war/story?id=11949670
Wiki Leaks Releases. (2010). VOA News. Retrieved from: http://www.voanews.com/content/wikileaks-releases-400000-classified-us-military-files-105568738/128719.html
Fowler, A. (2011). The Most Dangerous Man in the World. Carlton: University of Melbourne Press.
Harding, L. (2011). Wiki Leaks. New York, NY: Public Affairs.
1. Bronchiectasis: A Comprehensive Review of Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management
Introduction: Define bronchiectasis and highlight its prevalence, etiology, and risk factors.
Pathophysiology: Discuss the mechanisms leading to bronchiectasis, including impaired mucociliary clearance and chronic inflammation.
Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis: Describe the typical symptoms, physical exam findings, and diagnostic tests used to identify bronchiectasis.
Management: Review the current treatment options for bronchiectasis, including antibiotics, airway clearance techniques, bronchodilators, and surgical intervention.
Prognosis and Complications: Discuss the long-term outcomes and potential complications associated with bronchiectasis, such as respiratory failure and hemoptysis.
2. Role of Imaging in Bronchiectasis: CT, MRI, and Beyond
Introduction: Highlight....
Title: The Impact of Heavy Rain: Examining the Environmental, Social, and Economic Consequences
I. Introduction
a. Definition of heavy rain and its increasing frequency
b. Thesis statement: Heavy rain has profound environmental, social, and economic consequences, demanding attention and action.
II. Environmental Consequences of Heavy Rain
a. Flooding:
- Causes and characteristics of flooding during heavy rain
- Environmental impacts, including habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity
- Socioeconomic effects, such as damage to infrastructure and displacement of communities
b. Soil Erosion:
- Causes and extent of soil erosion due to heavy rain
- Environmental impacts, including loss of fertile topsoil and....
1. The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Physical and Mental Health
The physiological effects of alcohol on the liver, brain, heart, and other organs
The psychological consequences of alcohol abuse, including depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment
The link between alcohol use and chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke
2. Alcohol Consumption and Social Behavior
The role of alcohol in social interactions, including its effects on communication, mood, and aggression
The impact of alcohol consumption on relationships, family life, and work performance
The social consequences of alcohol abuse, such as domestic violence, child neglect, and crime
3. Alcohol Policy and....
Homelessness: A Social Crisis and Human Tragedy
Homelessness, a multifaceted issue that plagues countless lives, demands urgent attention and comprehensive understanding. It is a complex phenomenon with far-reaching consequences, affecting physical and mental health, socioeconomic well-being, and the stability of communities. This essay explores a range of topics related to homelessness, delving into its causes, effects, and potential solutions.
Topic 1: Causes of Homelessness
Socioeconomic factors: Poverty, unemployment, lack of affordable housing
Personal factors: Mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence
Systemic factors: Inadequate social support systems, discriminatory housing practices
Topic 2: Effects of Homelessness
Physical health: Increased risk of chronic diseases, malnutrition, injuries
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