"(harton, Chapter 1) Undine, unlike Ralph, cannot decompose or fade in intensity for her vision is as clear and black and white. Until she marries Ralph Marvell, Undine is always judging others by social status, sizing up clothing, furniture, and appearance as coolly as the aristocrats of the American, but with a different, superficial, monetary standard of worth rather than a cultural standard of worth. Her values are just as shallow as those of Claire's family, although Undine is impressed by gold, rather than name.
hen Undine marries into American society by wedding Ralph Marvell, on their honeymoon, it becomes clear that Ralph's values do not mesh with that of his wife -- Ralph prizes refinement over prizes. "Mr. Spragg's astonishment on learning that his son-in-law contemplated maintaining a household on the earnings of his Muse was still matter for pleasantry between the pair; and one of the humors of their…...
mlaWorks Cited
James, Henry. The American. The Free Online Library.
Oct] http://james.thefreelibrary.com/American/1-22
Wharton, Edith. The Custom of the Country. The Project Gutenberg EBook of the Custom of the Country, by Edith Wharton. Last Updated February 12, 2004. [7
Oct 2006] www.gutenberg.org/files/11052/11052-8.txt" http://www.gutenberg.org/files/11052/11052-8.txt
Labor-capital confrontations had been long brewing since the dawn of the industrial age and the start of urbanization. As the owners of the means of production amassed capital, wealth became concentrated into the hands of the few. Labor movements emerged both in Europe and in the United States, transforming the political, economic, and social landscapes of nations. The environment in which labor-capital confrontations developed must therefore be understood within a broader historical context. Market liberalization and globalization led to increased opportunities for labor exploitation, in stalwart industries such as steel and other heavy manufacturing. At the same time, exploitation of workers led to worker unrest, strikes, and protests. The need for stability soon trumped the drive for unbridled financial gain, and the government of the United States finally helped bridge the gulf between labor and capital through a series of laws and commissions such as the National War Labor Board.…...
Jeansonne, Glen. Transformation and Reaction. Waveland, 1994.
Pegram, Thomas R. One Hundred Percent American. Lanham, MD: Plymouth, 2011.
Reflection: Saints and RoughnecksIn his essay The Saints and the Roughnecks William Chambliss examines a curious phenomenon in high school: while delinquent behavior was common among boys of various social classes at Hannibal High School, only the negative behaviors of the lower-class, less academically inclined boys was viewed as delinquent. The clean-cut, high-achieving so-called Saints often cut class early, hung out at pool halls, and, objectively speaking, engaged in more delinquent actions than the so-called Roughnecks who were lower class and did more poorly in school. But the Saints were viewed as fundamentally good boys who were going through a normal phase of life before they became upstanding members of the community, while the Roughnecks were viewed as inherently unredeemable individuals. This was even though the Saints catcalled women and engaged in vandalism of construction sites.Reading the essay made me very angry. Chambliss, while not defending the discrepancy in attitude…...
Chambliss, W. J. (1973). The saints and the roughnecks. Society 11 (1) 24–31.
http:// dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF03181016
ational choice theory can in fact encompass the other two previously mentioned theories of criminal behavior due to the fact that acting rational may include conflicting with common culture or joining the neighborhood gang to eventually escape the ghetto.
Of all the theories of criminal behavior studied so far, rational choice theory is the most applicable to the current state of society in my opinion. Much too often criminals are often dismissed for their faults, when in actuality they are truly acting rational and within their known boundaries of experience. Blanket laws do little good when examining them under this theory. Followers of rational choice theory would agree that changes within the criminal justice system should be made to expose the relative circumstances surrounding each case and not assuming that common punishments meet the required solution for the problem. Warner tended to agree: "building stronger communities will require not only…...
Kurbin (nd). "Sociological Theories of Criminal Behavior II."
Warner, B. (2003). The role of attenuated culture in social disorganization theory. Criminology, 41(1), 73 -- 98.
The same might be said for those who committed torture in the Nazi camps.
Importantly, Austin et al. (2004, p. 161) note that both violence and non-violence are cumulative in nature. It is therefore important to recognize that the existence of violence perpetuates further violence, while the same is true for non-violence. This is also an important recognition in the international sphere.
Schelling (1960, p. 53) notes that international violence an also be manifest in terms of the concept of "limited war." This means that short conflicts could result when agreements cannot be reached within a certain amount of time. On the other hand, the limited war also requires some degree of mutual recognition or acquiescence. Once war begins, negotiation and communication among adversaries become difficult. The recent situation and Egypt and the current situation in Libya appear to be cases in point for this assertion.
Finally, in international relations, the main…...
Baldwin, D.A. (2002). Power and International Relations. Handbook of International Relations, editors Carlsnaes, W., Risse, T. And Simmons, B.A. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE
Schelling, T. (1960). The Strategy of Conflict. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
Barak, G. (2003). Violence and Nonviolence: Pathways to Understanding, Sage Publications.
Azar, E. (1990) the Management of Protracted Social Conflict: Theory and Cases. Bookfield, VT: Gower Pub. Co.
Social Order in Public Spaces
Every society has certain rules and regulations that help people live together harmoniously. Some of these rules are explicit and are openly known. Other rules are implicit and therefore subtle. Both implicit and explicit rules and regulations govern a society. However, when a person moves away from one particular society to another, he or she has difficulty in adjusting to the norms of that new society.
Social order is considered to be the method of explaining such rules and regulations so that we live in a society along with its members. Social order is very essential for organizing everyday social life.
When a particular group of people engage in a social activity, their social behavior may seem to threaten others. For example, when a group of people shout and scream in a street, the onlookers might find that their life, their neighborhood and society in general, are threatened.…...
Bromley, S. Hinchliffe S. & Taylor S., 2009. Making Social Lives. Open University.
Social Media and the ed Shirt evolution
Most scholars are in conflict with regard to the subject of revolution in the age of social media. Until now, revolution has been considered a top-down process. In Thai situation, things might have been different. The ed Shirt evolution in Thailand was one of the first of the "Twitter" revolutions, that is one that was fueled by social media and Web 2.0 technology. Since then, other revolutions have come as well. The lone citizen is now no longer on their own. The dissident in Chiang Mai now can commiserate with their brother or sister in Tahrir Square and plan revolution on a country to country or even on a global basis. Even as this writer types up a dissertation proposal, demonstrators coordinate strategy on a global basis to protest corporate greed. It is with this in mind that this study looks back at the…...
Bailey, M and Labovitz C (2011). Censorship and Co-option of the Internet Infrastructure. Ann Arbor,
MI: University of Michigan. p1-14.
Bajpai, K and Jaiswal, A (2011). A Framework for Analyzing Collective Action Events on Twitter.
Lisbon, Portugal: Proceedings of the 8th International ISCRAM Conference. p1-10.
Political, financial and most of all ethnic interest are going to "to further muddle the results. Perhaps most dangerous is that the results did not yield a Parliament whose ethnic proportions match those of the country, and will therefore be perceived as unfair, whether the seats were won by fraud or not." (ubin, 2010).
The other two perspectives to be taken into account in terms of the development of the Afghani society revolves around the social and the economic aspects of the country. As in every economy, there is a clear connection between the way in which the economy develops and the degree to which the society evolves.
In terms of economic prospects, Afghanistan is at the moment still the largest producer of cocaine. "In 2002, Afghanistan returned to its position as the world's foremost producer of heroin. The 2002 crop reached an estimated 3,400 mt., a 540% increase on the…...
Filkens, Dexter."Taliban Elite, Aided by NATO, Join Talks for Afghan Peace." The New York Times. 2010. Accessed at http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/20/world/asia/20afghan.html?hp=&pagewanted=print
Jones, Seth. "The Rise of Afghanistan's Insurgency: State Failure and Jihah" International Security, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Spring 2008), pp. 7 -- 40.
RAND Corporation. "Afghanistan." America's role in nation building. From Germany to Iraq. 2004. 129-148.
Rotberg, Weak and failing states: critical new security issues. n.d.
Conflict of social norms and its effect on school environment Social norms can be defined as the rules that determine what should be done or avoided by people in their social settings and circumstances. Norms make sure that people keep promises, ranging from the lane to drive on, to sticking by the golden rule. These are tools for explaining phenomena. They are used to analyze the state of the world even as great as international diplomacy or as subtle and ordinary as traffic rules. However, the body of knowledge regarding norms is spread across disciplines and traditions of research with unclear guidelines or consensus on the way the term should be put to use. Existing research on the subject has largely majored on the effects of the norms and the content of the same. By description, social norms cut across such disciplines as sociology, game theory, economics, and legal studies so…...
Social Accounting
Socio-economic accounting as a term and as a subdiscipline of accounting is a relatively new phenomenon. It is sometimes confused with social accounting, which is an established field of accounting and economics. Social accounting was first introduced by J.R. Hicks of Oxford University in The Social Framework: An Introduction to Economics, published in 1942. The accounting research of the time interpreted it as the whole system of accounts and balance sheets of a nation or a region, the price and quantity components of these accounts, and the various considerations to be derived there from. Social accounting was basically associated with national income accounting. An examination of the early publications in the accounting literature proves that point. A general theme in the early literature is the failure of the accountant to be involved in social accounting. The presence of business in initiatives implicating social accounting is so pervasive today…...
Bailey, D., Harte, G. And Sugden, R. 1994, Making Transnationals Accountable: A Significant Step for Britain, London: Routledge.
Carroll, A.B., and Buchholtz, A.K. 2000, Business and Society: Ethics and stakeholder management, 4th ed, Chapter 4, Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing, .
Easterly, William, and Ross Levine. 1996. Africas Growth Tragedy: Policies and Ethnic Divisions. World Bank. April.
Elkington, J. 1998, Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of the 21st Century, London: Capstone.
Formatted Essay
Essay Topic Examples
1. Conflict Theory in the Workplace: ower Dynamics and Employee Relations:
This essay would examine the application of conflict theory within the workplace, focusing on the power relations between employers and employees. It would explore how disparities in authority, resource allocation, and job roles can lead to inherent conflicts, labor disputes, and negotiations.
2. Conflict Theory Applied to Education: Inequalities and Student Outcomes:
This topic would investigate how conflict theory manifests in the educational system, reviewing how social class, race, and gender influence the quality of education received by students. The essay would discuss disparities in school funding, curriculum, and teacher-student relationships, and their effects on academic achievement.
mlaPrimary Sources
Marx, Karl. Capital: Volume I. Penguin Classics, 1990.
Weber, Max. Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology. University of California Press, 1978.Collins, Randall. Four Sociological Traditions. Oxford University Press, 1994.Dahrendorf, Ralf. Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. Stanford University Press, 1959.Coser, Lewis A. The Functions of Social Conflict. Free Press, 1956.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The aradox of Heroism:
Explore how the societal expectation of heroism can lead to personal and social conflicts, examining the dichotomy between the hero\'s public image and private struggles.
2. Heroism and Mental Health:
Discuss the psychological toll on individuals who are thrust into heroic roles, focusing on the lack of support systems and the resultant mental health issues.
3. The Commercialization of Heroism:
Analyze how heroism is often exploited for commercial gain, looking at how this affects the authenticity and perception of heroic acts.
4. Heroism in the Digital Age:
Examine the impact of social media and digital platforms on the concept of heroism, including the rise of "internet heroes" and the challenges they face.
5. Gender and Heroism:
Investigate how gender roles influence the recognition and portrayal of heroism, exploring the societal expectations and the marginalization of female heroes.
Essay Title Examples
1. The Hidden Costs of Heroism
2. When Heroes Fall: The Dark Side of Heroism
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesBecker, Ernest. The Denial of Death.Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a Thousand Faces.Fromm, Erich. Escape from Freedom.Kohut, Heinz. The Analysis of the Self.Rank, Otto. The Myth of the Birth of the Hero.
I have had friends that I've known since I was in grade school. Our initial interaction occurred because of our attraction toward one another. We had so many things in common, such as the same favorite television shows and the same favorite sports. Our proximity to one another also aided in the development of this attraction toward one another. We all lived on the same block and therefore had more opportunities to interact with one another outside of the school setting.
Although physical attractiveness did not necessarily influence our friendship, according to Myers (2012), it is usually the first step in any sort of relationship, even those that are platonic in nature. The theory of physical attractiveness is based on research conducted that tends to suggest that people who are viewed as being more physically attractive are seen as being more approachable (Myers, 2012). My relationship with my friends can…...
David, M. (2012). Social psychology. (11 ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Conflict esolution
Workplace Conflict esolution
If you search the word conflict in the dictionary, you are likely to find plenty of negative connotations. Many explain conflict as: coming to collision or a disagreement; clash; contention; controversy; fighting or quarreling, states andom House (1975). As these definitions are negative in nature, most people tend to withdraw when they enter an arena with conflict.
Business Environment Conflict
If you can recognize and understand exactly what creates conflict within the realm of business during its infant stages, there is much more likely to be a quick resolution. However, one must be able to spot the warning signs. Lundine (1996) explains five primary detection signs of conflict:
omance amongst employees, particularly when one is in a position of power over the other. This can breed favoritism, discrimination and increase the likelihood of harassment allegations.
Lack of consistency when it comes to performance. For example, diminished work output, slower pace and…...
Random House College Dictionary (Revised Ed.).( revised edition) (1975). New York: Random House.
Lundine, Susan (1998) Management consultants offer conflict resolution advice. Source: Orlando Business Journal, 01/23/98, Vol. 14 Issue 35, p15, 2p, 1 chart, 3bw.
Weeks, D. (1992) The eight essential steps to conflict resolution: preserving relationships at work, at home, and in the community. New York:
Tarcher/Alexakis, G. (2011). Transcendental Leadership: The progressive hospitality leader's silver bullet. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 1-2.Putnam.
Social issue alcohol drugs consider a social issue interested. It human freedom, sexuality, deviance, crime, social mobility, poverty, education, aging, similar issues. Select a specific social issue investigate assignment.
Social issue: Drug abuse
The social problem of drug addiction is a long-standing one, yet the causes of addiction and the best way to treat addiction still remain difficult questions to answer. One contentious issue pertains to whether addiction is a 'crime' or an 'illness,' although an increasingly large body of medical research indicates long-term abuse fundamentally rewires addicts' brains and changes their perceptions of reward and punishment. Drugs stimulate dopamine receptors. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that generates a sense of positive well-being: "Just as we turn down the volume on a radio that is too loud, the brain adjusts to the overwhelming surges in dopamine (and other neurotransmitters) by producing less dopamine or by reducing the number of receptors…...
Cratty, Carol. (2011). New rules slashing crack cocaine sentences go into effect. CNN.
Retrieved at:
Drugs and the brain. (2012). National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Retrieved at:
Causes of Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest:
1. Cattle Ranching:
Vast areas of the Amazon are cleared for cattle grazing, accounting for approximately 80% of deforestation.
Cattle ranching provides economic benefits to local communities and supports the global demand for meat.
2. Soybean Cultivation:
Soybean plantations are established on deforested land to meet the growing demand for animal feed and vegetable oils.
Soybeans are primarily exported to China and Europe.
3. Logging:
Valuable timber species, such as mahogany and rosewood, are illegally logged for export.
Logging contributes to forest degradation and loss of biodiversity.
4. Mining:
Industrial mining for gold, copper, and other minerals....
Impact of Globalization on Social Structures and Norms: A Sociological Perspective
Globalization, characterized by the heightened interconnectedness and interdependence of societies, has had a profound impact on social structures and norms. Sociological perspectives offer illuminating insights into these transformations:
Functionalist Perspective:
Globalization has fostered increased specialization and division of labor across regions, leading to functional differentiation and a more complex social structure.
It has strengthened interdependence and created transnational networks, fostering cooperation and the emergence of global institutions.
However, globalization can also exacerbate social inequality by creating a divide between those who benefit from the flow of capital and technology and those....
Destabilization: A Cascade of Unforeseen Consequences
The term "destabilization" encapsulates a complex array of processes that disrupt the stability and equilibrium of a system. It can manifest in various spheres, from political and economic systems to social and environmental contexts. While the intended purpose of destabilization may be to achieve certain goals, it often triggers a cascade of unforeseen consequences that can profoundly impact both the targeted system and its surroundings.
1. Unpredictable Political Outcomes:
Destabilization often aims to weaken or overthrow existing political regimes. However, the outcomes of such actions are notoriously difficult to predict. Removing a leader or government may create....
Capitalism and Financial Stability
Capitalism, an economic system characterized by private ownership, competition, and market forces, is often credited with fostering financial stability. The profit motive encourages businesses to minimize risk and maximize profits, which can lead to a more stable financial system. Additionally, market competition promotes diversification and innovation, reducing systemic vulnerabilities. However, critics argue that capitalism's focus on profit can create incentives for excessive risk-taking, leading to instability.
Capitalism and Inequality
Capitalism has also been criticized for exacerbating economic inequality. The profit motive can lead to wealth accumulation by a small group of individuals, while workers may face stagnant wages. The....
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