Soccer Essays (Examples)

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Soccer Ball Development of Soccer Ball Football
Pages: 6 Words: 1935

Soccer Ball
Development of Soccer Ball

Football is the game which has stirred the wave of craze across the globe. There is no other game which would have its fans in every part of the world. There are numerous events and series of games which take place throughout the year and keep the foot ball fans in the state of anticipation for excitement that this game offers. There is fanatic following by football fans which has given it a rather commercial touch; this is the reason why every aspect of this game is now loaded with logos. However, where there is a huge fan base across the world but not many of them know about locus of it: soccer ball.

Like many college students, even I am a big fan of soccer with Manchester United as my favorite team. I know all about this club, its history, players and everything that happens in…...


Work Cited

"How is the world cup football made?" YouTube. 12 February 2010. Web. 2 August. 2012.

Mansoor, Zainab, Football Industry Hub Sialkot Struggles Forward, 2011. 2 August, 2012.

Official Match Ball - 2010 World Cup Jabulani Soccer Ball. SoccerBall World Inc. 2010. 2 August, 2012.

Royston, Angela. How is a soccer ball made?. Heinemann Library, 2005.

Soccer Players in Washington Park
Pages: 5 Words: 1753

S. than anywhere else in the world.
Analysis: Observing the group as a whole and interviewing some of the individuals helped me record relevant data which could relate to the hypotheses made previously. My hypothesis about the players using the sport of soccer as a way to stay in shape was true. It allowed them to release mental stress accumulated over the day. They were however not essentially involved in any local soccer leagues. Most of them find it a bit hard to match their schedules during the day, making the evenings a good period for soccer. However the fact that they made time demonstrated their passion for the sport. They were also pretty aware of the status of soccer in the U.S. And felt that things need to improve. The general nature of how players interacted with each other proved my third hypothesis about the casual format in which they…...

Soccer Is a Boring Low-Scoring
Pages: 5 Words: 1689

Football and basketball may draw the spectators and cheerleaders, but soccer to me is like a chess game with my feet -- a mental and physical workout. I remember the lesson, every time I play, that like a chess game, you can't forget the presence of the many other players on your team and on the other side. My seriousness, even when playing casually, drives some of my friends insane, but the lessons that have been drilled into me have been too hard-won for me to put aside easily. "Don't be so hard on them," my aunt will say as I try to teach one of my cousins the right way to stop a ball when it skids into the net.
I firmly believe that taking something that is 'just a game' very seriously is the only way to derive serious knowledge and serious fun from that game. And soccer…...

Soccer World Cup in the US
Pages: 7 Words: 2057

asses the advantages and disadvantages of bringing the Soccer World Cup to a city in the United States, this includes the economic, environmental and social impact. Soccer is a major sport around the world but it has yet to gain the top priority in sports among common Americans. It is widely regarded as the most watched game in different continents such as South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. There are many different club level competitions which take place in the United States but bringing the World Cup would definitely raise the overall level of the game.
Economic Perspective

There are great economic prospects for any nation which is chosen to host the Soccer World Cup, firstly it is considered to be a great image booster for the host city as well as the nation itself. Let's have a more corporate view of the World Cup, its sponsorships have steadily risen from…...



Smith, A. (2005). Managing Sport Facilities and Major Events. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin.

Shilbury, D. (2003). Strategic Sport Marketing. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin.

Foster, J. (2004). Political Economy of Global Sporting Organizations. New York: Routledge.

Levermore, R. (2004). Sport and International Relations. New York: Routledge.

Soccer S Meaning of Game
Pages: 2 Words: 602

The game that is selected for analysis in this assignment is soccer. The message of this game is that a concerted effort among disparate players (the notion of a team) is required to achieve success. That success, of course, is realized when one team is able to score more goals than the other at the conclusion of the game. However, to achieve this objective, it is necessary for 11 players to coalesce their efforts, strategy, and skills so that they can accomplish this goal. In this respect, soccer sends the message that teamwork is required for success. This message is demonstrated in many different areas of life, from family values to corporate ones pertaining to the idea that companies are merely teams that require the assistance of the individuals that comprise them.

One of the capital ways in which it is revealed that soccer is a team sport that supports…...

Racism Euro Soccer League
Pages: 3 Words: 995

Racism in Euro Soccer
According to numerous sources, including eyewitnesses, journalists and soccer fans, there is blatant racism, xenophobic behavior and anti-Semitism associated with Euro Soccer. This paper uses the available literature to point out instances of ugly behaviors, what people are saying about it and what perhaps can be done about it. The stories referenced in this paper were written prior to the 2012 Euro Soccer championships in Eastern Europe, but they accurately reflect the serious social problems based on bigotry and hatred shown by many fans.

Racism and Anti-Semitism in Euro Soccer

CS in Chicago reports that "Monkey chants directed at a black player" while he was warming up would never be tolerated in the National Football League (ernstein, 2012). It is "entirely unimaginable," ernstein explains, to witness an African-American player being hounded by fans shouting racist slogans in the U.S., notwithstanding what a "shameful history of slavery" went on in…...



Baxter, Kevin. 'Racism charges detract from Euro 2012 soccer in Poland, Ukraine.' Los Angeles Times. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from   2012. .

Bernstein, Dan. 'Bernstein: Euro Soccer Racism Shocking.' CBS Chicago. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from   2012. .

Longman, Jere. 'Racism and Soccer Are in Play at a Big Event in East Europe.' The New York Times. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from .

Football Soccer Clubs' Revenue Football Soccer Gamer
Pages: 5 Words: 1525

Football (soccer) gamer has become one of the lucrative fields within UK, providing thousands of people with livelihood. It has also formed the basis of economic framework keeping the flow of revenue to the UK government at very promising standards. Despite the fact this huge income is mostly enjoyed by the bigger football clubs, the amateur community clubs also have a lot to share from this experience. The most important thing is to ensure that they expand their facilities of training while in their process, of upgrading their standards so as to conform with the contemporary football (soccer) requirements that would not only boost their income but also enhance the club building and constructions to meet the designed club goals and that of the football game in general.

The expansion and upgrading of such clubs has not been easy due to the limited funds ands capacities available for…...



DOBSON, S., & GODDARD, J.A. (2011). The economics of football. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. . 2009. Marketing your Club for Potential sponsors: By the grassroot people, for the grassroots people.

LAGAE, W. (2005). Sports sponsorship and marketing communications: A European perspective. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

MASTERMAN, G. (2007). Sponsorship: for a return on investment. Amsterdam, Elsevier.

HRM and Soccer Managing People on and
Pages: 10 Words: 2732

HM and Soccer
Managing People on and off the Field

We are accustomed to associating the practice of human resources management with large corporations or at least medium-sized companies. However, as human resources management has become increasingly sophisticated and comprehensive over the last decade, the tools of the trade have become increasingly useful and even necessary in fields far away from their original purposes. Human resources management, once highly peripheral to the main focus of a company or other organization, is now a central force in creating and maintaining a healthy organization.

This paper examines one of those fields that have become increasingly dependent on human resources management: The field of sports and recreation management, specifically as it is used in soccer, one of the most popular sports in the world and one that must face the challenges of other major sports, including the great disparity in pay and privilege between the stars…...



Chelladurai, P. (2006). Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation (2nd Ed.) New York: Human Kinetics.

Doherty, A. (1998). Managing Our Human Resources: A Review of Organisational Behaviour in Sport. Sport Management Review 1(1-24).

Human resources (2012). Retrieved from .

Human Resources, Training, and Labor Relations Managers and Specialists. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2011). Retrieved from .

Real Madrid Soccer Club the Greatest of
Pages: 5 Words: 1575

Real Madrid Soccer Club the Greatest of all the time
Over the last three decades sports has developed. Sports have evolved from amateur to professional and many of those owning these clubs have commercialized them. This applies to all kinds of sporting activities. Since the sixties sports has evolved into "sports industry" and has joined to some degree the field of economics and business. Owing to this, sporting success as the main objective of sports organizations is coupled with others such as profit. Although countries may differ in characteristics of professional sports, nowadays, sports have more than one aim. In the United States, organizations that manage these clubs do it primarily to maximize profit, whereas European clubs put ambitions first (Kase n.p).

In Europe, football is the most popular sport and Real Madrid is among the top clubs in Spain and Europe. According to the rankings in the year 2009, Real…...


Works Cited

Beech, John, and Simon Charwick. The business sport management. Harlow: Pearson Education,

2004. Print.

Callejo, Miguel Blanco, and Francisco Javier Forcadell. "Real Madrid Football Club: A New

Model of Business Organization for Sports Clubs in Spain." Global Business and Organizational Excellence 26.1 (2006): 51-64. Print.

Bringing the Fifa Soccer World
Pages: 8 Words: 2709

Developing a country's "brand" is one of a variety of intangible advantages that not only will be garnered by South Africa, but for any other nation chosen to host the World Cup as well. An event of this magnitude will build both the image and the identity of the host country. There is also the benefit of publicly displaying, for the world, a country's capabilities, expertise, and modern infrastructure. This can be a significant aid in attracting other events in the future, whether they be other types of sporting events, or corporation events, or industry-sponsored events -- establishing the country as a business tourism destination. For South Africa, and other areas where security is often a concern of travelers, events like the World Cup will serve as an opportunity to not only upgrade safety and security measures, but then also to showcase these measures to the world, enhancing their tourism…...



2010 FIFA World Cup. (2008). Retrieved December 14, 2009, from

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. (2009). Retrieved December 14, 2009, from

Business tourism and FIFA 2010 Soccer World Cup. (2008). Retrieved December 14, 2009, from

Previous FIFA World Cups. (2009). Retrieved December14, 2009, from .

History and Impact of Soccer in Brazil
Pages: 3 Words: 1072

Soccer in Brazil
Imagine going to the country of Brazil, but before going one studies the history and impact of soccer. The culture is influenced and the people strive to either participate or cheer on the team. This region is unified by this sport, and life is not the same without it. One will examine how much this game has inspired the economy and everyone in the nation for the positive from the beginning to the present. Many versions are present in regards to the history of soccer in Brazil. This started with the sailors who were British as well as Dutch. They used to play this game on the coastline in the northeastern part of the region. However, many claim that Mr. Hugh is the father of soccer (Maps of World, 2011). He was the first to teach it to those who worked on the "Sao Paulo ailway in…...



Correa, R. (2010, May 24). World cup provides a boost to Brazil's economy. Retrieved April 12, 2011, from Infosurhoy:   5/24/feature-03. 

MacLachlan, C.M. (2003). A history of modern Brazil: the past against the future. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.

Maps of World. (2011). Brazil soccer history. Retrieved April 12, 2011, from Maps of World: .

Sports Health Sciences Soccer in the United
Pages: 8 Words: 2662

Sports Health Sciences
Soccer in the United States:

Soccer, despite of being one of the leading sports inthe world, had not gained enough popularity in United States until a few years back. It just became popular in the United States in last decade mainly because of the media and the FIFA which was played in the United States in 1994. It becomes clear that it was not until 1990's that "Soccer" was actually seen as a sports in the cities of the United States. In the early stages of the development of Soccer as a sport in United States, it was not well-differentiated from "football" and hence the word "football" was more commonly used for soccer until it became more and more popular with the span of time, for example, American Football Association which was founded in 1884. It's even more interesting to note that what we now call as United…...



Soccer in the United States. (n.d.). In Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from 

Benefits of Hosting World Cup Soccer. (n.d.). Web. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from 

Top 10 Reasons Soccer Is Not Popular In The United States. (n.d.). Entertaining Sports News, Photos and Slideshows. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from Bleacher Report website: 

MS Sridhar. Part 1 Introduction to Research and Research Methodology. Retrived May 12, 2011, from ISRO Satellite Center, Banglore. Website:

Business of Soccer
Pages: 10 Words: 4107

Business of Soccer
The specific word "soccer" was developed in the 1880s in the Oxford University. There was a custom there to use "er" to the end of words they used in a short form. Thus the short name for rugby football had been shortened to "rugger." The word soccer was the reply given by a student named Charles Wreford Brown, when he was questioned about his wish to play "rugger." He expressed his desire to play soccer instead. The form was obtained by the shortening of the word AsSOCiation football. Afterwards, the football league was started and the first goal was scored by Jack Gordon, playing for Preston North End (The Essential History of Soccer). The earliest form of football was an exercise in China which dates back to the 2nd and 3rd centuries, BC. At that time, the rulers were the Han dynasty and they had a form of…...



Brand It like Beckham" Retrieved at   Accessed on 12 April, 2004,9565,460400,00.html .

Bringing soccer to your kids" Dec, 2002 Retrieved at   Accessed on 12 April, 2004 .

D'Hippolito, Joseph. "There's no place like home: the new home of U.S. Soccer doesn't open until next year, but it's already the sport's most important domestic development since MLS" Oct-Nov, 2002 Retrieved at   on 12 April, 2004 

Fischer, Eric. "Insight on the news" May 27, 2002. Retrieved at   Accessed on 12 April, 2004 .

Career Job Assistant Soccer Coach
Pages: 3 Words: 1047

Career Job (Assistant Soccer Coach)
Perhaps one of the most dynamic career choices is to engage in sports coaching. A soccer assistant coach is definitely one who enjoys a very engaging and interesting job scenario interacting with an entire team of different players and characteristics or personality traits. This makes the required skill set of a coach and an assistant coach to be very diverse. In this paper, the discussion will focus on the different aspects of the soccer assistant coach including aspects like job responsibilities, skills requirements as well as the benefits and drawbacks that come with the job.

Job esponsibilities

Perhaps the most obvious responsibilities of the assistant coach include: designing the team strategic play with the head coach, assist the coach in teaching the strategy to the players and help an individual player develop or enhance their attitude towards the game as well as towards the players. But his responsibilities…...



Herbst, D. 1999. Soccer: How to Play the Game: The Official Playing and Coaching Manual of the United States Soccer Federation. Universe.

Jones, R. 1999. Soccer Strategies: Defensive and Attacking Tactics. Reedswain.

National Soccer Coaches Association of America. 2004. The Soccer Coaching Bible (The Coaching Bible Series). Human Kinetics.

National Soccer Coaches Association of America. 2006. Soccer Skills & Drills. Human Kinetics.

Cup This Past Autumn Fifa Soccer's World-Governing
Pages: 8 Words: 2514

This past autumn FIFA, soccer's world-governing body, announced that the 2022 orld Cup would be held in the Persian Gulf oil state of Qatar. The United States had bid on this event and many believed the country had a good chance of winning (Leonard, 2010). The U.S. last held the orld Cup in 1994. The success of that event, in which 3.58 million tickets were sold, spawned the return of a major soccer league to the U.S. And has renewed -- albeit slowly -- interest in the sport in the world's largest consumer market. The Qatar decision left U.S. Soccer, which came in second in the voting, disappointed and searching for a new strategy to build interest in the beautiful game in the domestic market. In addition to building the game in the U.S., the return of the orld Cup to American soil would bring with it a host…...


Works Cited:

Baade, R. & Matheson, V. (2004). The quest for the Cup: Assessing the economic impact of the World Cup. Regional Studies. Vol. 38 (4) 343-354.

Colombant, N. (2010). U.S. scholars concerned about World Cup impact on South Africa society. VOA News. Retrieved April 22, 2011 from 

Dwinger, F. (2010). Hosting the FIFA World Cup: Lessons from South Korea. Consultancy Africa Intelligence. Retrieved April 22, 2011 from

Hagn, F. & Mannig, W. (2007). Short-term and long-term employment effects of the football World Cup 1974 in Germany. Hamburg Contemporary Economic Discussions. No 9, 2007.

What impact does low body fat have on the performance of female athletes in sports?
Words: 569

The Impact of Low Body Fat on the Performance of Female Athletes in Sports
Low body fat, often measured as a percentage of total body mass, is a topic of growing concern in the world of female athletics. While a certain level of body fat is essential for optimal health and function, extremely low levels can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental well-being, potentially impacting athletic performance.
Physiological Impacts
Reduced Muscle Mass: Low body fat can lead to a decrease in muscle mass, which is essential for strength, power, and endurance. This can compromise athletic performance in a variety of....

What are the must-see attractions and activities for a trip to Atlanta?
Words: 576

Unforgettable Attractions and Activities for an Atlanta Adventure
Atlanta, Georgia, a vibrant metropolis steeped in history and culture, beckons travelers with an array of must-see attractions and exhilarating activities. Here's a comprehensive guide to the top experiences that will make your trip unforgettable:
1. Georgia Aquarium: Immerse in the Depths
Embark on an extraordinary underwater adventure at the Georgia Aquarium, the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Witness majestic whale sharks, playful beluga whales, and thousands of other captivating marine creatures up close. Interactive exhibits provide immersive educational experiences for all ages.
2. World of Coca-Cola: Savor the Taste of History
Step into the....

What is a real-life example of corruption that resulted in significant consequences?
Words: 205

One real-life example of corruption that resulted in significant consequences is the Watergate scandal in the United States. In this case, President Richard Nixon and his administration were found to have engaged in various corrupt activities, including attempting to cover up their involvement in a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. The scandal eventually led to Nixon's resignation in 1974, making him the only U.S. president to have resigned from office. The Watergate scandal had far-reaching consequences, including a loss of trust in the government, changes to campaign finance laws, and increased....

What is a real-life example of corruption that resulted in significant consequences?
Words: 537

The FIFA Corruption Scandal

The FIFA corruption scandal erupted in 2015, exposing rampant bribery, fraud, and money laundering at the highest levels of international soccer's governing body. The scandal sent shockwaves through the sporting world, leading to numerous arrests, indictments, and resignations.

Corruption at Play

The FIFA scandal involved a network of corrupt officials who used their positions to solicit and receive bribes in exchange for awarding lucrative contracts, such as hosting rights for major tournaments. The bribes were typically paid through offshore accounts and shell companies, making it difficult to trace the illicit funds.

Key Players

Among the central figures in the scandal was....

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