Smoking in a Public Area
Smoking in public areas has emerged as one of the controversial topics in the recent past, especially in light of the impact of smoke on people's lives. The controversy associated with this issue has been centered on debates regarding the positive or negative effects of smoking. Some people have argued that they have the right to smoke whenever they feel the urge to do so while others contend that they have the right to breathe smoke-free air. hile the debate and controversies continue, there have been several considerations on banning public smoking. Actually, many countries across the globe are increasingly considering establishing measures for preventing public smoking.
There are several reasons for the need to ban public smoking regardless of the ongoing debate on whether such a measure infringes the right of smokers to smoke whenever they want. First, public smoking should be banned because it exposes…...
mlaWorks Cited
Rutherford, Jack. "5 Reasons to Ban Smoking in Public Places." The Richmond Register.
Richmond Register, 23 Oct. 2009. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. .
United States. Michigan Government. Office of Regulatory Reinvention. REASONS FOR BANNING SMOKING IN CERTAIN PUBLIC OUTDOOR AREAS. State of Michigan, n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. .
Banning Smoking in Public Places
In the present age of information explosion, almost everyone is aware of the harmful effects of smoking although the leading tobacco manufacturers have managed to confuse the issue through lobbying cleverly conducted media campaigns. That a large number of people still choose to smoke and inflict harm on their own bodies is partially attributable to the power of business corporations and the effectiveness of advertisement but highly unfortunate. What is more unfortunate, and in my opinion, absolutely unacceptable is the harm caused by smokers to the rest of us by smoking in public places. It is a practice that cannot be condoned by any stretch of the imagination. In this position paper, I shall argue why smoking should be banned in all public areas by outlining the health hazards of smoking and second hand smoke. The major arguments against such a ban shall also be discussed.
"Factsheet No. 14." (2004). Smoking in Workplaces and Public Places:
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). July 2004. Retrieved on November 11, 2004 from
'The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General." (2004). United States Department of Health and Services. May 27, 2004. Retrieved on November 11, 2004 from / 'Passive Smoke Risk Even Greater." (2004). BBC News World Edition. June 29, 2004. Retrieved on November 11, 2004 from 'Q& A: Passive Smoking." (2004). BBC News World Edition. October 18, 2004. Retrieved on November 11, 2004 from 'Smoke Free Ordinance Lists." (2004). American Non-Smokers' Rights Foundation. October 5, 2004. Retrieved on November 11, 2004 from
The addiction-forming part of tobacco based on a review of 1,600 articles
Banning Smoking in Public Places
The debate on whether or not a nationwide federal smoking ban in all public places should be enacted has been going on for quite a while. In the U.S., most bans as well as restrictions in regard to cigarette smoking are a product of state laws. Although there are those who are convinced that public smoking should not be banned citing various reasons, numerous studies have in the past clearly demonstrated that secondhand smoke adversely affects the health and well-being of nonsmokers.
Recognizing the Need for a Nationwide Federal Smoking Ban in all Public Places
A recent Institute of Medicine report according to Belluck, found out that "smoking bans in places like restaurants, offices and public buildings reduce cases of heart attacks and heart disease…" In a majority of cases, those advocating for the banning of smoking in all public places base their arguments on the adverse effects…...
mlaWorks Cited
Anderson, Judith. Smoking. London: Black Rabbit Books, 2005. Print.
Belluck, Pam. "U.S. Report Links Smoking Bans and Heart Health." New York Times. New York Times, 15 October 2009. Web. 4 May 2012.
Hanson, Glen R., Peter J. Venturelli, & Annette E. Fleckenstein. Drugs and Society. 11th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2011. Print.
smoking bans in public bars and restaurants. There are three references used for this paper.
Today many states have placed a ban on smoking in public bars and public restaurants. It is important to look at the health issues of smoking and determine why these bans should be enforced throughout the country.
Health Issues
Smoking is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Many smokers argue they should be allowed to smoke as they please and the only one it is hurting is them. However, research has proven that secondhand smoke is just as deadly to the non-smokers who are exposed to it.
In April 2004, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning to those "at risk of heart disease to avoid all buildings and gathering places that allow indoor smoking. The CDC disclosed the advisory, saying doctors need to warn people with heart problems…...
mlaWorks Cited
Buchanan, Wyatt. "Coalition Begins Effort to Extinguish Smoking in Public Places." Seattle
Post-Intelligencer. (2003): 16 December.
Kaufman, Marc. "Secondhand Smoke Poses Heart Attack Risk, CDC Warns." The Washington
Post. (2004): 23 April.
Furthermore, smokers are also in greater danger than non-smokers of premature death as a result of their habit. Indeed, the Action on Smoking and Health Web site states that worldwide, a staggering 5 million smokers per year die prematurely, and that half of all smokers are at risk of premature death.
The prospects for non-smokers exposed to secondary smoke are also gloomy. According to Science News Online. (accessed 07March07), a study has shown that secondary smoke causes at least 40% of the damage to a non-smoker as smoking does. Surely, for the protection not only of non-smokers, but also of smokers themselves and of our children, the law should discourage this habit.
Action on Smoking and Health. "Factsheet No:2." (accessed 07March07).
Seppa N. " Science News Online: Secondary Smoke Carries High Price." (accessed 07March07)....
Action on Smoking and Health. "Factsheet No:2." (accessed 07March07).
Seppa N. " Science News Online: Secondary Smoke Carries High Price." (accessed 07March07).
A way to better distribute the information that is being taught in the classrooms is also through the community so that the changes are also effecting the parents to the students, as a change on their part as well would be helpful in the battle against obesity. It would be useful to initially target pamphlets, an informational booth or table at grocery stores, where the foundation of the problem lies. It would be effective if information is given before families go grocery shopping so they are more conscious of the items that they are purchasing. Furthermore, information should also be initially presented on TVs, in newspapers and magazines and other mediums that would likely be used in the more low-key and sedentary setting in order to galvanize individuals to get outside. Once outside, in order to sustain the physical activity, it would be nice to have water and juice at…...
Ahuja, Gitika, & Salahi, Lara. (11, February 2010). School nutrition program takes up obesity fight. Retrieved from, Initials. (2010). Causes of childhood obesity. Retrieved from
Facts about obesity in the United States. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Mayo Clinic Staff, Initials. (2011, May 06). Risk factors. Retrieved from
The problem is however that results appear less promising in the long-term. The most effective period for weight loss occurs during the first six months, whereas weight gain once again appears after this time.
hile it is a good idea to implement school and work-based programs, commercial giants such as KFC and Macdonald's make it very difficult to sustain healthy nutrition and weight loss. Advertising that tends to focus on the pleasure of eating unhealthy foods is one of the great culprits promoting obesity in the United States. Perhaps food addictions could be fought more effectively by similar means. The media could be used to promote healthy habits and curb unhealthy ones in terms of fast foods. This technique has shown promising results in smoking and could also prove useful in the food industry.
Guide to Community Preventive Services (2003, January 3). Overweight/Obesity.
mlaWhile it is a good idea to implement school and work-based programs, commercial giants such as KFC and Macdonald's make it very difficult to sustain healthy nutrition and weight loss. Advertising that tends to focus on the pleasure of eating unhealthy foods is one of the great culprits promoting obesity in the United States. Perhaps food addictions could be fought more effectively by similar means. The media could be used to promote healthy habits and curb unhealthy ones in terms of fast foods. This technique has shown promising results in smoking and could also prove useful in the food industry.
Guide to Community Preventive Services (2003, January 3). Overweight/Obesity.
Public Health
Moving with unexpected swiftness, New York state lawmakers passed a sweeping anti-smoking measure that makes New York the third state after California and Delaware to ban smoking in all workplaces, including restaurants, bars, and hotels. Within hours of the New York bill's passage, Governor George E. Pataki signed the tough measure, which exempts only America-Indian-owned casinos, cigar bars already licensed in New York City, fraternal clubs, outdoor areas of restaurants with no roof or awning, private homes, and personal but not company cars. New York's ban will take effect July 24 in areas where smoking now is permitted and where local ordinances are weaker. Although the law will not supersede the stricter measures previously passed in Westchester and Nassau counties, it will replace elements of New York City's new law, which took effect March 30.
Bans on Smoking in…...
Hahn, RN, E.J., Rayens, PhD, M.K., York, RN, PhD, N., Zhang, RN, M., Dignan, PhD, Delaimy, MD, PhD, W.K. (2006) Effects of a Smoke-Free Law on Hair Nicotine and Respiratory Symptoms of Restaurant and Bar Workers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 48(9), 906 -- 913.
Magzamen, S., & Glantz, PhD, S.A. (2001) The New Battleground: California's Experience with Smoke-Free Bars. American Journal of Public Health, 91(2), 245 -- 252.
Banning Smoking in Restaurants in All States
Through this study, the author aims to support a policy regarding ban on smoking in restaurants in all the 50 states of USA. The author is of the view that smoking should be banned in restaurants in all 50 states to lower the rate of second hand smoking related diseases in non-smokers
Due to bad impacts on secondhand smoke, it has been banned on public places and educational institutions in many states. For example, Utah fully banned smoking in restaurants in 1995 and California imposed a complete ban on smoking in restaurants and bars in 1998. No further complete smoking bans were passed by any state till 2002 when South Dakota totally banned smoking in workplaces, and Delaware totally banned smoking in workplaces, restaurants, and bars. As of 2002, the number of states where there is complete ban on smoke at workplace, restaurant and…...
mlaWorks Cited
Borland, R., Mullins, R. Trotter, L., & White, V.(1999). Trends in environmental tobacco smoke restrictions in the home in Victoria, Australia. Tobacco Control, 8, 266-271
Cunningham, R. (2006). National and subnational legislation requiring 100% smokefree restaurants and bars. Canadian Cancer Society. Retrieved on August 28, 2011 from
Dockrell, M.J., Sandford, A., & Ward, S.(2007). Smoke-free public places and their impact on public health. Epert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 7(4), 309-313
Farrelly, M.C., Nonemaker J.M., Chou, R., Hyland, A., Peterson, K.K., & Bauer, U.E. (2005). Changes in hospitatilty workers' exposure to secondhand smoke following the implementation of New York's smoke-free law. Tobacco Control, 4(4), 236-224
Phone numbers are displayed liberally. A stop-smoking hotline is listed with a toll-free telephone number. Links to sponsoring organizations like the Centers for Disease Control allow visitors to read more, and a "Get expert help" section invites viewers to use instant messaging to communicate with a "National Cancer Institute smoking cessation counselor."
Technical/Design Characteristics
Illustrations are used sparingly. No negative illustrations such as those depicting lungs decayed by cancer are included, keeping the imagery on the Web site positive and inoffensive. Most of the illustrations included on are photographs depicting men and women exercising and enjoying the great outdoors. The images refresh themselves often, like a slide show. The smiling faces on the models imply that quitting smoking will make anyone feel healthier and more alive. Inclusion of people from various ethnic groups in the photo database is helpful in reaching a broad audience. Background of the Web site…...
London, F., Rankin, S.H., Stallings, K.D. (2005). Patient education in health and illness
5 thed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Raven Publishers.
National Cancer Institute. Retrieved June 16, 2008 at Web site retrieved June 16, 2008 at
Health Promotion Plan Addressing Tobacco UseIntroductionThis health promotion plan for tobacco product users includes a range of activities and strategies aimed at reducing the harmful effects of tobacco use. First and foremost, we want to provide education about the risks associated with tobacco use, including the dangers of both active and passive smoking. Additionally, this health promotion plan aims to reduce the availability of tobacco products, and to discourage smoking in public places. We want to promote smoke-free policies that can be implemented in workplaces, schools, and other public areas. Finally, effective cessation programs need to be put in place to support smokers who are trying to quit. These programs should be affordable and accessible to all.EducationTobacco use is a major public health concern. It is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, responsible for more than 480,000 deaths each year (American Lung Association, 2016). Given the…...
mlaReferencesCDC. (2019). Best practices. Retrieved from (2020). Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in the United States. Retrieved from CDC. (2021). State and community work. Retrieved from CDC. (2022). Health effects of cigarette smoking. Retrieved from CDC.
Stages of Change Model: 43-year-old Smoker
The first stage of the Transtheoretical Stages of Change model is that of pre-contemplation, in which the client is still not fully committed to the need to taking action to make a necessary change. In the case of a 43-year-old smoker who began smoking in childhood, the smoker may be reluctant to commit to change because of a history of failed attempts. At this stage, the counselor would need to give the smoker options to convince the client that the next time will be different—for example, the use of medications, patches, or supportive group or individual counseling, versus going cold turkey. Asking questions such as, “What needs does smoking serve in your life,” may be useful, to identify the social and physical needs smoking has fulfilled. A typical, Caucasian resident of the United States who has resided in the US for the entirety of his…...
Banning Smoking in Cars With Children: Moral and Legal Issues
Five states in America, Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Maine and Oregon, and also Puerto ico -- have made it a crime to smoke in cars when children are there, and more states are considering the adoption of this legislation as well. For instance, other nations such as Canada, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates are also leaning towards such a ban. The ban is viewed as beneficial in the sense that it not only protects children but it also minimizes the amount of accidents which will be derived from cigarette-related distractions, such as lighting, ashing or dropping them while driving ( However, the biggest impetus for this legislation is the desire to protect all innocent children from exposure to the hazards which are inherently connected to cigarettes and cigarette smoke. One of the inherent necessities of this issue is in connection…...
mlaReferences (n.d.). Smoking Should be Banned in Cars Whenever Children are Present. Retrieved from
Brown, A. (2014, Jan 29). Banning smoking in cars is wrong: where would it end? Retrieved from cars-is-wrong-where-would-it-end/ -
Healthday. (2013, July 23). Poll: U.S. Adults Support Smoking Ban in Cars With Kids. Retrieved from us-adults-support-smoking-ban-in-cars-with-kids
Jarvie, J., & Malone, R. (2008). Children's Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Private Homes and Cars: An Ethical Analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 2140 -- 2145.
battle against cigarettes and tobacco has been around for a long time. As the authors A. Lee Fritschler and James M. Hoefler point out in their book Smoking and Politics there has always been a tug of war over the "golden leaf," the paradox that strict regulation of the business meant a windfall for the government.
Concern about the health consequences of smoking predates the "modern era" by nearly four centuries. In 1604, for example, King James I of England lambasted smoking as, "a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the Nose, harmeful to the braine, dangerous to the Lungs, and in the blacke stinking fume thereof, nearest resembling the horrible Stigian smoke of the pit that is bottomless" (as quoted in Sullum, 1998, p 18). King James subsequently raised the tax on tobacco by 1000%, deriving significant revenues for his coffers. This illustrates the profound dilemma that has…...
American Cancer Society, et al. (2002) "Critical Elements of Any Legislation to Grant FDA
Authority to Regulate Tobacco Products." Viewed online on 11/25/2002 at
Center for Disease Control: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion (2002) "Chronology of Significant Developments Related to Smoking and Health." Viewed on 11/27/2002 at
This key characteristics of community-based participatory research were shown to include the equitable involvement of all stakeholders, including community members, organizational representatives, and researchers in ways that allow all partners to contribute to the enhancement of community health initiatives. The seven major steps used in an outbreak investigation and the various components of TB prevention and control in the U.S. were outlined. An analysis concerning the greatest future challenges to tobacco cessation interventions showed that nicotine is highly addictive, but that these challenges can be mitigated through enhanced healthcare curricular offerings and various evidence-based strategies. The differences in eligibility criteria between Medicaid and Medicare were shown to relate to target group and that there would be a need for these programs throughout the 21st century. Finally, because oral diseases affect lower-income people more frequently, they are regarded as a neglected epidemic that can have profound adverse healthcare consequences if left…...
CDC tuberculosis guidelines. (2014). Centers for Disease Control. Retrieved April 25, 2014
from .
Gorin, S. (2000, February). A 'society for all ages': Saving Social Security and Medicare. Health and Social Work, 25(1), 69.
Israel, B.A. & Parker, E.A. (2006, October). Community-based participatory research: Lessons
1. The unique atherosclerosis risk factors in the Western region of Saudi Arabia include high consumption of traditional high-fat, high-sugar foods and lack of physical activity.
2. Research has shown that individuals in the Western region of Saudi Arabia have a higher prevalence of obesity, which is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis.
3. In addition to lifestyle factors, genetic predisposition plays a significant role in the development of atherosclerosis in the Western region of Saudi Arabia.
4. Studies have indicated that the Western region of Saudi Arabia has a higher prevalence of hypertension, which is another important risk factor....
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