Small Businesses Essays (Examples)

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Small Businesses
Pages: 8 Words: 1996

Small businesses are the backbone of American economy. They are easier to start, minimum capital is required and if, they succeed, the economy reaps benefits more than it does when the entrepreneur was working as an employee. There is something alluring about a small business -- a typical American tale of rages to riches in the making. A new start-up comes forth and may blossom into one of the most successful businesses of its territory and suddenly we have another American Dream story on our hands. But the same can turn sour when mismanagement, lack of funds, and simple dearth of proper strategies result in failure of the small business venture. So how do we define a small business? According to Moeller (2002):
"In general, if a company has fewer than 500 employees, it is considered a small business, no matter what its annual sales volume is. Using this definition for…...



1) "Raising Money" accessed 17th May 2005:,5964,,00.html 

2) Joan Moeller, How Long is Your Yardstick? Defining Small Business, Analyst's Journal. July 1, 2002

3) Konosuke Odaka, Minoru Sawai. Small Firms, Large Concerns: The Development of Small Business in Comparative Perspective. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 1999.

4) McKenzie, R. And Schoumacher, B. (1992), Successful Business Plans for Architects, New York: McGraw-Hill, pp 55-87.

Small Businesses Important Information for Small Businesses
Pages: 3 Words: 863

Small Businesses:
Important Information for Small Businesses about Exporting Products:

One of the most important aspects of any business both small and large is exporting products since it leads to business growth and increased profits. For many small businesses, it's crucial to export products because of the many available opportunities in foreign markets. However, it's critical for a small business owner to collect some necessary information before deciding to export the company's products. First, the small business owner needs to conduct a careful analysis of the merits and demerits of expanding into new markets. Information regarding the benefits and disadvantages of expanding into foreign markets is crucial because it determines the available business opportunities and help in developing a global marketing plan.

Secondly, understanding financing and pricing issues regarding global trade is an essential element for a small business to develop a successful exporting business. In order for a small business owner to…...

Small Businesses
Pages: 7 Words: 2427

management and operational issues that are faced by the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are being discussed. When we talk about the management and running of a small firm, this fact has to be kept in mind that the operations, management, activities are all very different from those of the large firms. In the small firms the main focus in on maintaining, managing and carrying out the day-to-day or the short-term operational activities. The management activities of the small firms are mainly concerned about the pressures being faced by the external environment and how to predict and control the operational environment in the best possible manner (Sha, 2010).
It has been observed by prior researches and statistics that failure is faced by majority of the SMEs within two years of initiation (LeBrasseur, Zanibbi and Zinger, 2003). According to Storey (2000; also see Burns, 2001) about 50% of the firms stop…...



BURNS, P. 2001. Entrepreneurship and Small Business. New York: Palgrave.

HALL, G. 1995. Surviving and Prospering in the small firm sector. London: Routledge.

HUNGER, J.D. And WHEELEN, T.L. 2003. Essentials of Strategic Management, 3rd edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

LEBRASSEUR, R., ZANIBBI, L. And ZINGER, T.J. 2003. 'Growth Momentum in the Early Stages of Small Business Start-ups', International Small Business Journal, 21(3): 315-330.

Small Businesses What Is the
Pages: 5 Words: 1646

A third factor in consumer's reluctance to put their credit card information online is the lack of trust in the retailer themselves overcharging them or being unethical in their use of the financial information. The level of trust for online retailers varies widely, with and (Southwest Airlines) being the most trusted. The vast majority of sites however are not trusted, not matter how many logos or certifications they put on their sites. There is a large industry that concentrates just on the certification of websites as being capable of supporting secured transactions through a verification seal. MacAfee, Symantec and others offer this seal and a service to ensure a website can securely manage transactions. The validations these seals provide are only somewhat effective in driving additional sales online however.

The fact remains that it is the continual experiences of customers with a retailer, both on and off-line determine the…...



Jeffrey L. Furman, Michael E. Porter, and Scott Stern. "The determinants of national innovative capacity. " Research Policy 31.6 (2002): 899.

Fabien De Geuser, Stella Mooraj, and Daniel Oyon. "Does the Balanced Scorecard Add Value? Empirical Evidence on its Effect on Performance. " European Accounting Review 18.1 (2009): 93.

W Chan Kim, and Renee Mauborgne. "Value innovation: a leap into the blue ocean. " The Journal of Business Strategy 26.4 (2005): 22-28.

Porter, Michael E. "Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy. " Strategic Management Journal 12.(1991): 95-117.

Information Technology IT for Small Businesses
Pages: 10 Words: 3448

Information Technology and the Small usiness

Information technology has had an impact on all areas of society, including a major impact on the business world. For some small businesses, there is an assumption that information technology is only required for major businesses operating on large scales. In contrast, it is suggested that information technology may be even more important to the small business than it is to the large business. Small businesses are often required to be successful against the odds, and while facing major competitive forces. Information technology can provide the kind of advantages that can make the difference. To illustrate this, five areas where information technology can be effectively applied in the small business will now be discussed.

Information and Decision Making

As the business environment becomes more competitive there becomes a greater need for every business to make good decisions. For the small business especially, there is very little room…...



Gates, B. (1999). Business @ The Speed of Thought. New York: Penguin.

Girard, K. (2003). How Levi's got its jeans into Wal-Mart. CIO Magazine July 15, 2003. Retrieved February 22, 2004. URL: 

Gronroos, C. (1994). From marketing mix to relationship marketing: Towards a paradigm shift in marketing." Asia-Australia Marketing Journal, 2(1), 9-29.

Managerial Impact on Small Businesses
Pages: 55 Words: 16627

This is because this thesis has some limitations that should be observed when taking into consideration the importance of the thesis and its assistance. This thesis has concentrated on a subject that has been an extremely large and leading one, that is, the managerial impact on small businesses and the underlying reasons being reluctance shown by small business managers to make use of information technology and Internet. Undoubtedly, this characterizes an extremely difficult assignment for research in spite of the more precise interests that the thesis might have. This wide-ranging and difficult subject has been analyzed from a somewhat limited experimental perception. The choice of the single thesis design obviously draws out numerous limitations in so far as the simplification of the outcome of the thesis is involved. Consequently, the thesis setting can simply be termed as a sort of direct framework of the past and present trends in…...



Armistead, Colin and Kiely, J. (eds) (1997) Effective Organizations: New Directions and Perspectives, London, Cassell.

Cash, J., Eccles, R.G., Hohria, N. And Nolan, R.L. (1994) Building the Information Age Organization, Burr Ridge, Ill., Richard Irwin.

Clement, Bernard et al. (2001) Cyber-Security Issues. The ITPS Report, Seville, vol. 57, 2-8.

Cockfield, Lord (1995) Network Europe and the Information Society, London, Federal Trust.

Online Selling Small Businesses & 8226 Identify Benefits
Pages: 4 Words: 1129

online selling small businesses. • Identify benefits costs online retailing i) small businesses online retailing ii) small business online retailing. • Explain online retailing affect financial management existing small business chooses move online retailing.
Online Selling

The following pages focus on identifying and discussing the impact that online selling has on small businesses. The paper intends to address issues like benefits and costs associated with online retailing. In order to provide information that can be used in understanding the factors that influence this process, the paper presents the situation of small businesses that use online retailing, but also of those that do not use this type of retailing. This comparison is intended to help readers better understand the data collected by the research process.

The research method used in this case is represented by secondary data collection. The reason behind selecting this technique relies on the advantages of secondary research. Secondary sources…...


Reference list:

1. Grosso, C. et al. (2005). Retailing: What's Working Online. McKinsey Quarterly. Retrieved October 14, 2011 from .

2. Online Retailing's Next Frontier (2011). Forbes. Retrieved October 15, 2011 from .

3. Bannister, P. (2002). Ten Best Practices of Online Retailing. E-Commerce Guide. Retrieved October 15, 2011 from .

Training and Development in Small Businesses
Pages: 6 Words: 2002

Networks of Boston
Key elements of training and development geared toward improving the performance

The three important Elements in training and development include:

Strategic Analysis

This factor will help the employees understand the strategic position of Tech Networks. It is critical to diagnose environmental changes and establish their influence on the company and employees. In training, strategic analysis establishes a view of the key variables that could affect the future and present performance of the company (Armstrong, 2007). When strategic analysis is conducted perfectly, it helps the company choose the best strategy for growth in the market. It will be beneficial to understand some key elements under strategic analysis.

The environment: Tech Networks would not exist without the ability to interact with a complex commercial, economic, technological, political, social, and cultural environment. Tech Networks of Boston is faced with changing environments. A precise understanding of the impacts is important in the creation of the…...



Armstrong, M. (2007). A handbook of human resource management practice. London [u.a.: Kogan Page.

Evans, V. (2012). The Financial times essential guide to writing a business plan: How to win backing to start up or grow your business. Harlow, England: Pearson.

Harrison, M.I. (2009). Diagnosing organizations: Methods, models, and processes. Thousand Oaks [u.a.: Sage Pubns Inc.

Merson, R. (2011). Guide to managing growth: Turning success into even bigger success. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

Marketing Challenges for Small Businesses
Pages: 7 Words: 2788

Marketing Challenges for Small usinesses
This research paper is about building and marketing a small business. While marketing plays an important role in the day-to-day running of a small business it's also about planning for its long-term development, which requires multi-dimensional objectives beyond mere cost-per-sale. The emphasis of marketing is on understanding the diversity of consumer behavior, implementing segmentation strategies, cultivating consumer-oriented definitions of innovations, adopting a policy of continual improvement and exploring every opportunity to broaden their industry. Small business can now compete in a global marketplace with big businesses, thus making a significant contribution to the national economy. The Internet offers small businesses a worldwide structure of business promotion.

Although customers and their needs are the focal point of the marketing process, few companies start with this in mind. Invariably somebody had a good idea for a product or service and this became the initiative to start the business. The…...


Bibliography PM.qst?a=o&d=5000517279

Beech, Wendy M. "Crafting Your Sales Technique: With a Marketing Plan, You Can Put Your Sales and Promotion Strategies in Place." Black Enterprise Dec. 1997: 31. Questia. 20 May 2004

Government Encouraging Small Businesses Importance of Government
Pages: 4 Words: 1314

Government Encouraging Small Businesses
Importance of Government Encouragement of Small Business

The socio-economic considerations of the federal procurement process

The federal procedure is made up of different social-economic factors that are of contention in establishing a free and fair-trading. The core intentions of the existence of the federal procedures are to foster stability in the fields of social and economic exemplifications. The policy statements laid by the federal procedures are directed at bringing the best out of the economic and social conditions of the people. In many avenues that cater for varied approaches of loving amicably in the country, the United States of American government established a branch of cohesion and establishment of a free trading mechanism for all the people (Feldman, 2013). The federal procedures ensure the country has existed in terms of stable and functioning social-economic platform. For instance, the stability reflects on the magnitudes of exploring profitability to the…...



Feldman, S.W. (2013). Government Contract Guidebook. Fourth Edition. West, A Thomas

Reuters Business

Gatti, S. (2013). Project finance in theory and practice: Designing, structuring and financing private and public projects. Waltham, MA: Academic Press/Elsevier.

Gosdin, J.L., & American Bar Association. (2007). Title insurance: A comprehensive overview. Chicago, IL: Section of Real Property, Probate, and Trust Law, ABA.

Small-Business Marketing Strategy Small Business Derrick Fine
Pages: 5 Words: 1531

Small-Business Marketing Strategy
Small business

Derrick Fine Foods were established in 2001 by Derrick John with the San Francisco store being the first, followed by New York branch and the Tennessee. DFF deals in various consumables hence has the bakery department, meats department, produce section, cheese and dairy section as well as wine section. This gives it a wide coverage in terms of the edibles that may be needed on a daily basis by the clients that visit their stores.

There are various reasons that informed the location of the three branches at the regions they are at. San Francisco was identified and preferred for the first store after a thorough needs assessment that was carried out by Derrick hence indicating that a gourmet store was needed in the region. The most important factor was the population of San Francisco which was 60,000 on average at the time and was growing steadily at…...



Federal Business Opportunities, (2012). Home. Retrieved September 17, 2012 from 

Federal Register, (2012). Today's Issue of the Federal Register. Retrieved September 17, 2012 from 

US Small Business Administration, (2012). SBA Direct: Find What Matters to You. Retrieved September 17, 2012 from 

Federal Procurement Data System, (2012). Federal Procurement Report. Retrieved September 17, 2012 from

Small Business Strategy Small Business Marketing Strategy
Pages: 5 Words: 1550

Small Business Strategy
Small Business Marketing Strategy

A television commercials business

The small business will be termed as a television commercials business. The business involves marketing of products and services that include television gadgets, programs, hardware, software, and services related with television services. The small business will start operations as a small entrepreneur that accommodates and sells small and support gadgets that are related to television services in town. The objective of the business is to be a global force in provision and sell of television brands in the years to come. The business thrives in the motive of becoming one of suppliers and repairers of television materials in the region. The business has been established on the notion that there are many services and materials that can be provided to people with opportunities being utilized. As part of the objectives of business, services offered will have to meet the tastes and preferences…...



Cronin-Gilmore, J. (2010). Small business marketing strategy: Exploring marketing strategies for small businesses in the United States. Saarbru-cken: VDM Verlag Dr.


Debelak, D. (2000). Streetwise marketing plan: Winning strategies for every small business.

Holbrook, Mass: Adams Media.

Small Business Plan for a
Pages: 3 Words: 805

The first segment is represented by other teenagers. They are most likely to want to buy products that have a social impact, such as t-shirts or mugs with photos of teenager activities. At the same time, they are also the greatest consumers of Internet products, so disseminating the product in an online environment, not only through Snappysnaps, but also through its own website.
The only potentially negative aspect of this fact is the idea that this category of consumers does not have a discretionary income, but is rather constrained by what money their parents are offering them. Another potentially negative element to be considered is the fact that the product competes with other teenage products with social impact.

A distinct other group of consumers are the teenagers' parents, from two different perspectives. First, they are likely to encourage an activity for the teenagers such as this business is. Second, they could…...

Small Business Gov't Marketing Enviro
Pages: 4 Words: 1000

Through these websites, the company could also stress that its services would be recognized worldwide and the U.S. would improve its standing in the world community relating to this subject and therefore gain the respect of other countries.
With regards to utilizing edBizOpps, the company must also be aware of the services that this websites provides, and utilize what it needs only. or instance, the website is very useful for marketing activities, due to the fact that it would provide both opportunities, and allow other to seek for opportunities provided, such as those by Enviro LTD. According to the website, in the Buyers/Engineers section, "Government users may post, manage, and award opportunities."

In the Vendors/Citizens section, furthermore, it states, "Vendors and citizens may search, monitor, and retrieve opportunities."

In this latter section, one can preview, at no cost, various opportunities and sign up. When signing up, one can include, in addition to…...


Frequently Asked Questions about Government Contracting. (2011). Small Business Notes. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from < >.

FedBizOpps. (2011). Retrieved November 13, 2011, from < >.

FedBizOpps. (2011). Retrieved November 13, 2011, from <

Small Business Taking a Small Clothing Store
Pages: 4 Words: 1339

Small Business
Taking a small clothing store to the online world is a bold proposition. There are a few strengths that this store can draw upon to help it succeed. The first is the name recognition of the Jersey Shore -- people actually know where it is now and that will help the store by putting it into some context. (e will assume that the context is good, at least for our target market). Another strength is that rent in the area is relatively low, compared with larger urban centers along the Atlantic Seaboard. This means that the store has room to expand once sales exceed the capacity of the existing premises. That said, there are a few weaknesses. The store is small, and therefore has no brand name of its own. For people to buy from the store, they must first reach the website and that will not happen without…...


Works Cited:

Das, R. (2011). Identity theft in e-commerce. Technology Executives Club. Retrieved October 21, 2011 from 

Martin, M. (2011). Costs of starting on online retail business. Startup Nation. Retrieved October 21, 2011 from 

No author. (2011). Trio of big retailers divorce Amazon marketplace. E-Commerce News. Retrieved October 21, 2011 from

Slater, D. (2011). Retail security: Critical strategies. CSO Online. Retrieved October 21, 2011 from

What is a research topic associated with a POS within Information Systems?
Words: 352

POS, or point of sale, systems are critical to allowing a business to make money, since they are where a customer pays for goods or services.  If it is difficult for a customer to complete a transaction, then it does not matter how easy-to-use the rest of your website is.  This makes POS systems a critical component of any online business. 

Point of Sales (POS) Research Paper Topics

  1. Why have so many small businesses rejected implementing a central POS system, instead choosing to still use a combination of other methods including separate cash registers, credit card terminals, and bookkeeping programs?
  2. Does using a....

Possible Research Topics in pure Management Accounting new developments. For instance on Target costing, Activity Based Costing and Throughput Accounting?
Words: 340

Management accounting combines traditional accounting responsibilities with management responsibilities, which allows a company to align budgetary considerations with the people handling the money.  There are a variety of different topics in management accounting that could serve as a good springboard for research, because how it is applied can vary tremendously depending on the size, purpose, and structure of an organization.  Regardless of the approach, it is clear that management accounting has become an important component of the decision-making process in business of all sizes and that the continued evolution of this practice should results in....

Please help me with essay topics that can be used as essay titles on crisis management related to family business?
Words: 373

Crisis management refers to many things, but in a business context it specifically refers to how a firm identifies threats to both the business and its stakeholders and how the organization deals with the threats.  Many large organizations have crisis management plans, but smaller businesses should have them as well, since it is entirely possible for small businesses to be impacted by crisis scenarios. The possible negative outcomes of these types of crisis range from a decline in revenue all the way to the total loss of the company.  This is of....

Need Help with Essay Topics on Cybersecuirty?
Words: 106

1. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Cybersecurity Measures
2. Ethical Hacking: Balancing Privacy and Security in the Digital Age
3. The Implications of Cybersecurity Breaches on National Security
4. Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges in the Healthcare Industry
5. The Impact of Cybercrime on Small Businesses and Ways to Mitigate Risks
6. Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things: Risks and Solutions
7. The Role of Government and Law Enforcement Agencies in Preventing Cybercrimes
8. Cybersecurity in the Age of Remote Work: Challenges and Best Practices
9. Cybersecurity Awareness and Education: Filling the Gap in Digital Literacy
10. Cybersecurity Regulations and Compliance: Balancing Security and Innovation

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