All human beings need sleep in order for their bodies and minds to function properly. However, more and more people are staying up later than they should and then getting up without having slept the amount of time that they physically need in order to recover and ready themselves for the next day. Sleep debt refers to the deficit between the amount of sleep that a person gets and the amount that they need to function. The official definition, according to Scientific American states: "Sleep debt is the difference between the amount of sleep you should be getting and the amount you actually get. It's a deficit that grows every time we skim some extra minutes off our nightly slumber" (ebster 1). Every night it seems that for a large percentage of the population, the sleep debt seems to increase. There are many individuals who never get enough sleep and…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Danner, Fred and Phillips, Barbara. "Adolescent Sleep, School Start Times, and Teen Motor
Vehicle Crashes." Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. (Dec. 2008): n. pag. Rpt. In Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. Ed. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen. 11th ed. Boston: Longman, 2011. 522-28. Print.
Lambert, Craig. "Deep Into Sleep." Harvard Magazine. Boston, MA: Harvard Magazine, Inc.
2005. Print.
Sleep in the Media
Sleep Media
As interest in improving the quality of life increases, significant amount of research is being conducted in areas that can help improve the physical, mental and emotional well-being of human beings in an environment where there is constant distraction and a high level of stress. Sleep is an important area that has attracted a lot of attention. It is for this reason that the media has been particularly interested in the research on sleep and has portrayed it in a number of accurate and inaccurate ways for the consumption of the public. This ranges from getting adequate sleep to the best time for sleep in order to maintain productivity throughout the day. A number of remedies to cure sleep problems like insomnia and snoring are also popular occurrences in the media.
Michelson (2011) identifies one such myth that circulates frequently in the mass media. In his research,…...
Gardner, A. (2012, May 01). Sleep curbs influence of obesity genes. Retrieved from
Jones, K.E., Johnson, R.K., & Harvey-Bernio, J.R. (2008). Is losing sleep making us obese?. Nutrition bulletin, 33(4), 272-278. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-3010.2008.00727.x
Merrell, W. (2008, 10). How to sleep better and have more energy. O, The Oprah Magazine, Retrieved from
Michelson, W. (2011). Sleep time: Media hype vs. diary data. Social indicators research, 101(2), 275-280. doi: 10.1007/s11205-010-9647-y
Sleep Questionnaire (CSQ) Instrument Analysis
esearch to evaluate interventions to promote sleep in critically ill patients has been restricted by the lack of brief, inexpensive outcome measures (ichards, O'Sullivan, & Phillips, 2000). Usually the critically ill are given different medications that help them sleep. However, in many cases this is insufficient to achieve enough rest and sleep periods are generally fragmented and with decreased restrictiveness. Most researchers believe that a few days of partial sleep or even complete sleep deprivation in a healthy adult for brief periods is completely benign. However, for patients in critical care settings the effects of sleep deprivation can contribute to major complications.
Sleep is divided into two distinctive states, rapid eye movement (EM) and nonEM states. The former is defined by periods of episodic burst of rapid eye movements and the later (NEM) has a set of sub-stages that include for separate phases that can be identified…...
Richards, K., O'Sullivan, P., & Phillips, R. (2000). Measurements of Sleep in Critically Ill Patients. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 8(2), 131-140.
Sleep Research
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of mood on subjects' perceptions of the adequacy of their sleep, their reports of overall satisfaction / dissatisfaction with life, and the accuracy of the estimations task performance... It was hypothesized that sleep attainment influences the ability accurately judge adequacy of their sleep, cognitive functioning, and perceptions of satisfaction with their lives. The findings suggest that a lack of sleep may result in depressed affect which may cast a negative valence on self-reports. The research suggests additional inquiry into relationship between sleep attainment, mood at the time of report and prior to the report, and other aspects of life, such as job satisfaction, interpersonal relationships, economic status, and general health.
Participants. The sample consisted of 150 first-year psychology students at Swinburne University of Technology. All of the subjects were fluent in English. Seventy-one percent of the sample was female and…...
The summary noted a clear association between sleep disturbance in adolescents and a greater likelihood of having high cholesterol, high blood pressure and being overweight or obese. The study reported an association between sleep disturbance and cardiovascular risk in adolescents, as determined by high cholesterol levels, increased body mass index (BMI) and hypertension. The study called these findings important, given that sleep disturbance is highly prevalent in adolescence and that cardiovascular disease risk factors track from childhood into adulthood. Furthermore, the study mentioned previous studies that found that short sleep duration in adolescence was a significant risk factor for high cholesterol in adulthood, and that short sleep duration increased the odds of pre-hypertension, metabolic dysfunction, and adiposity.
The summary and the study said the research showed that those who reported sleep disturbances were more likely to consume a greater amount of soft drinks, fried food, sweets and caffeine. They both also…...
Sleep Behavior and Habits
Scientists have known for decades that the human sleep and wakefulness are controlled by complex factors that influence the circadian rhythm that regulate sleep in all mammalians and in most other forms of so-called higher biological life. More recently, physiologists have identified very important direct connections between sleep cycles, and sleep deprivation in particular, and human health. Specifically, sleep deprivation and the disruption of regular sleep-wake cycles have been implicated as factors that contribute to loss of mental focus, intellectual productivity, human error, emotional stability, resistance to bacterial infection, depression, and even healthful weight maintenance. In addition to the importance of sufficient sleep and the regularity of sleep cycles, there is even empirical evidence indicating that the quality of sleep is significantly affected by very small amounts of ambient light during sleep.
The Physiological and Psychological Importance of Sleep
Human studies on sleep and on sleep deprivation have…...
mlaWorks Cited
Lamond, N., Dorrian, J., Roach, G.D., McCulloch, K., Holmes, A.L., Burgess, H.J.,
Fletcher, A., and Dawson, D. "The Impact of a Week of Simulated
Night Work on Sleep, Circadian Phase, and Performance." Occupational Environment, (September 2003): 13-21.
Pauley, S. "Lighting for the Human Circadian Clock: Recent Research Indicates that
sleep has an affect on memory, and how narcolepsy can affect memory. Finally, it will discuss how to avoid sleep deprivation.
Sleep. e cannot live without it, but sometimes, it seems like we would like to. Sleep deprivation has become much more common in our hectic and demanding society. "Like the religious ascetics of medieval times, many people today regard sleep as 'time lost.' They regret that the day is only twenty-four hours long and that they do not have time to do all the things they should do or would like to do" (Borbaely 158). One report notes that most people would rather sleep an hour more than they usually do, and in another study, people who slept less that six hours a night displayed the tendency to fall asleep during the day, or complain of being tired during the day. In addition, most people admit…...
mlaWorks Cited
Arnold, Magda B. Memory and the Brain. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1984.
Borbaely, Alexander. Secrets of Sleep. Trans. Deborah Schneider. New York: Basic Books, 1986.
DeNoon, Daniel J. "Lack of Sleep Takes Toll on Brain Power." WebMD. 9 Feb. 2000. 26 July 2002.
Editors. "Getting Enough Shut-Eye." 2 April 2002. 26 July 2002.
The results indicated that there is no significant difference between group 1 and group 2 with respect to their GPA, t (172) = .623, p =.534.
Part 3
The results of the analysis for hypothesis one did not support the hypothesis. It was predicted that individuals who received greater amounts of sleep would have correspondingly higher GPAs. The results of the correlation analysis were not significant, nor did they approach significance in any way. This means that, for individuals in this sample, the amount of sleep one gets is not related to one's GPA. Whether one sleeps for 4 hours during a week or for 30, there appears to be no relation to one's GPA. These results are surprising, as one would generally believe that receiving an adequate amount of sleep would contribute to an individual's ability to function well, and thereby get good grades. There are a few factors, which…...
Sleep on Life Satisfaction and ognitive Function
Popular literature is replete with articles presenting evidence of the many harmful effects of sleep deprivation and the general consensus is that modern society works too much and sleeps too little. To be accurate, many empirical studies do exist that demonstrate the ill effects of insufficient sleep (Shekleton, 2010). Where these studies once predominantly emanated from the field of applied psychology -- in other words, from animal studies -- today the literature contains many juried articles from reputable laboratories and sleep clinics whose research is carried out with human beings ("National Sleep Foundation," 2005). The case for the physiological importance of sleep deprivation has been made, but as Groeger, et al. (2004) argues "actual data that show that society is sleep deprived do not exist." And what sleep data there is about the impact of sleep quality and amount on perceptions about life…...
mlaCertainly, subjects in the Groeger, et al. (2004) study could be expected to recall the approximate times of going to bed and arising, particularly if they reliably kept to the same hours every day, and the maintained the same patterns across the workday and weekends. However, as the literature demonstrates, the ability of people to accurately recall less meaningful, qualitative nuance is susceptible to disruption and attentional bias. Gilbert, et al. (1988) suggest that cognitive "busyness" impacts perception about constraining factors in the behavior of others.
In summary, absent the recording of daily impressions regarding fatigue, energy, enjoyment, satisfaction, accomplishment, and mood, the reliability of the data is suspect.
Data from the Groeger, et al. (2004) was based on self-reports of sleep adequacy and included information about perceived satisfaction with energy levels, life experiences, and sense of being successful. Of considerable interest is the data that indicate that nine or more hours of sleep are not associated with higher levels of satisfaction with regard to energy, life experiences, and a sense of being successful. The popular notion is that people who sleep nine hours or more each day -- not including teen-agers -- are less energetic, less satisfied with life, and feel less successful overall, and may, in fact, be clinically depressed. Here, too, it would appear that future research would do well to investigate the actual reported and observed daytime moods of those subjects who report sleeping substantively more or less than typical subjects who tend to sleep, on average, about 7.5 hours per day. Given the inadequacy of accurate reporting of mood in the Groeger, et al. (2004) study, and the potentially important role that affect can have on recollection and reporting -- acting to mediate obtained responses -- research designed to accurately measure daytime effects of various levels of sleep and to precisely record mood in a repeated measures fashion is proposed. Further, instrumentation in the proposed study would be designed to obtain more refined measures of perceived levels of satisfaction and enjoyment in the three life areas targeted by Groeger, et al. (2004): Work, Home / Family Life, and Leisure Time. In
Sleep and Wakefulness
How Does Wakefulness Influence Sleep
Sleep is one of the most important components of good health, and successful night's sleep can be robbed in many ways. Because the sleep state is a fragile undertaking, events that happen during the day, issues during the night, and physiological actors all play a role. This paper discusses all of the factors related to how wakefulness affects sleep, and therapies that can be used to receive good sleep.
Sleep deprivation
Of course the main way that wakefulness affects sleep is that fact that the person is awake. Sleep deprivation can come through many agencies such as what a person ate or drank right before bed, how agitated they were, what type of work the person did during the day, and the atmosphere they are sleeping in (atcliff & Dingen, 2009). However, this section is more about how sleep deprivation affects the sleeper than the causes.…...
Bokken, I. (2005). Dreams and Neuroholography: An interdisciplinary interpretation of development of homeotherm state in evolution. Sleep & Hypnosis, 7(2), 47-57.
Borbely, A.A., & Tontoni, G. (1998). The quest for the essence of sleep. Daedalus, 127(2), 167-182.
Botzen, D., & Rusu, A.S. (2010). Subjective sleep quality in relation to the type of living environment (rural vs. urban) an evolutionary psychological analysis of a Romanian non-clinical sample. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 14(2), 141-149.
Broomfield, N.M., Gumley, A.I., & Espie, C.A. (2005). Candidate cognitive processes in psychophysiologic insomnia. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 19(1), 5-14.
Psychology: Sleep StudyDiscussionHypothesisInitially, the proposed hypothesis for the current study was an increased quality of grades for students who go to sleep immediately after studying for two hours.Previous LiteratureThe previous literature strongly supported that sleep quality improves academic performance; however, memory and retention were not seen intervening in academic performance. Still, other intervening factors consequently showed the performance on sleep and academic grades. The impact of culture on different ethnicities (international students and Whites), their working patterns, socializing, stress or anxiety, and age (particularly adolescent years) showed strong correlations between sleep and better academic achievements.The current study proposed analyzing whether sleeping right after studying for at least two hours helped memorize the study concepts and learnings more aptly, whether memory was enhanced with such sleep, and whether these two indicators helped better academic performance. It is expected that studying immediately before sleeping would help improve e memory as sleep has…...
Bitter, C.C., Ngabirano, A.A., Simon, E.L. & Taylor, D.M. (2020). Principles of research ethics: A research primer for low- and middle-income countries. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 10, S125-S129.
Heckman, P.R.A., Kuhn, F.R., Meerlo, P. & Havekes, R. (2020). A brief period of sleep deprivation negatively impacts the acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval of object-location memories. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 175.
Limone, P., & Toto, G. A. (2021). Psychological and emotional effects of digital technology on children in COVID-19 pandemic. Brain Sciences, 11(9), 1126.
AbstractSleep remains one of the most crucial parts of an individuals health and wellbeing. However, sleep disorders have become major health problems affecting many people across different ages in the United States. This project discusses the reduction of incidences of insomnia or sleep problems among adults using sleep hygiene education and sleep app. The purpose of the project is to describe the effects of sleep hygiene education and sleep tracking app on reduction of sleep incidences among adults aged 18 to 65 years. A pre-test and post-test experimental study was conducted on a group of 50 study participants identified through convenience sampling. Data was collected from the sample using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) at baseline and after administering the intervention for four weeks. In a paired samples t-test comparing insomnia scores before and after 4 weeks, sleep hygiene education and sleep tracking app, adults aged 18 to 65…...
Backhaus, J., Junghanns, K., Broocks, A., Riemann, D. & Hohagen, F. (2002). Test-retest reliability and validity of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in primary insomnia. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 53(3), 737-740.
Bruin, E. J. D., Steensel, F. J. A., & Meijer, A.M. (2016). Cost-Effectiveness of group and Internet cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in adolescents: Results from a randomized controlled trial, Sleep, 39(8), 1571–1581.
Grandner, M. A., Alfonso-Miller, P., Fernandez-Mendoza, J., Shetty, S., Shenoy,S., & Combs,D. (2016). Sleep: important considerations for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Current Opinion in Cardiology, 31(5), 551–565.
Experiential Learning Activity Parents with newborn babies usually get less hours of sleep because of the demands of the baby. While I have always known that this is a reality to many new parents, I have never known what it actually feels like to be in their shoes. This experiential learning activity has provided me an opportunity to have first-hand experience of what it entails to be a parent of a newborn baby with regards to night time waking up. As one who likes to have interrupted sleep, having to wake every three hours at night was a really difficult experience for me. When the alarm went off the first time i.e. at 1:00am, it was relatively easy for me to wake up. However, the experience became more difficult way into the night as I struggled to wake up. For instance, it was harder to wake up at 4:00am than it…...
Experimental Designesearchers often utilize experimental methods to study the causes of human and animal behavior. This experiment looks at the effect of increased physical activity on sleep quality among college students. Observations of fluctuating sleep patterns among my roommates inspired this study. The hypothesis is that increasing physical activity levels will improve sleep quality among college students.The independent variable in this study is the level of physical activity, measured by the duration and intensity of exercise. The dependent variable is the quality of sleep, assessed through sleep duration and subjective sleep quality ratings. The study will involve 60 college students, aged 18-25, who report experiencing varying levels of sleep quality.Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group, consisting of 30 participants, will engage in a structured physical activity program that includes 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise…...
mlaReferencesAmerican College of Sports Medicine. (2018). ACSM\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription (10th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.Buman, M. P., & King, A. C. (2010). Exercise as a treatment to enhance sleep. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 4(6), 500-514. doi:10.1177/1559827610375530Buysse, D. J., Reynolds III, C. F., Monk, T. H., Berman, S. R., & Kupfer, D. J. (1989). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: A new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Research, 28(2), 193-213.Styles, B., & Torgerson, C. (2018). Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in education research–methodological debates, questions, challenges. Educational Research, 60(3), 255-264.Taheri, S. (2006). The link between short sleep duration and obesity: We should recommend more sleep to prevent obesity. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 91(11), 881-884. doi:10.1136/adc.2005.093013
estless Leg Syndrome
A simple way to define estless legs syndrome (LS) is an overpowering urge to move limbs, especially the legs that mostly take place when relaxing or during bedtime. This neural disorder is a major causative factor of nighttime blood pressure spikes and its associated circulatory consequences which reduces sleep quality and in some cases even eliminates the possibility of sleep. This sleep deprivation causes adverse effects such as nervousness, perpetual sadness and reduced comfort of living. Patients initially suffering from hemodialysis that develops LS have a much higher death rate. In most cases, they suffer from disorders that are difficult to explain. This paper's objective is to educate medical personnel on the need to understand and make deductions from the patient's signs, which are the factors considered and from which a conclusion is made if a patient has LS or some other disorder (Einollahi & Izadianmehr, 2014).
estless Leg…...
Allen, R., Chen, C., & Garcia-Borreguero, D. (2014). Comparison of pregabalin with pramipexole for restless legs syndrome. N Engl J. Med, 370(7), 621-31.
Comella, C. L. (2014). Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome. Neurotherapeutics, 11(1), 177-87.
Einollahi, B., & Izadianmehr, N. (2014). Restless Leg Syndrome: A Neglected Diagnosis. Nephrourol Mon, 6(5).
Gangadharan, S., Perkins, L., Sauerbier, A., & Chaudhuri, K. R. (2016). The treatment challenges of restless legs syndrome. Prescribing In Practice.
1. A diet or lifestyle related disease is one that is brought about specifically because of the type of diet the person has or the lifestyle he or she chooses to live. 2. Obesity causes many health issues. The most common are sleep apnea, type II diabetes, and heart disease. 3. Obesity is linked to both diet and lifestyle. Someone who overeats and also does not exercise can become obese over time. 4. In society, obesity causes higher health care costs, "fat shaming," and discomfort for many people because of a lack of ability to accommodate larger-sized people (think airplane and bus seats,....
The stages of mental disorder can vary, depending on the actual disorder itself. Many studies have suggested that problems in this area begin before birth. Problems during pregnancy and problems in fetal development can set up the first stages of a mental disorder. Early signs of mental disorders may include the person withdrawing from family and friends, showing less motivation and concentration, and becoming very moody. From that point, it can progress to changes in sleeping and eating patterns, along with odd behaviors that had not taken place before. Rambling and talking about nonsensical things, or talking about \"scary\" things....
Here are some suggested titles for an essay on stress.
While stress is a commonly used term, it is a poorly defined term that can refer to a wide scope of things, depending on the context. Generally speaking, stress refers to the person’s response to some sort of aversive stimuli or stressor, though stress can also be used to refer to the stimuli that causes the stress. The perception of stress appears to be related to whether a person finds a particular stimulus to be overwhelming. Therefore, a stress concept analysis can have different meanings and is personalized for each person experiencing a particular stressor. Generally, we....
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