Sky High Airlines Essays (Examples)

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Sky High Airlines Safety Program
Pages: 9 Words: 2351

SH takes the issue of safety extremely seriously. Therefore, the company wishes to acknowledge and reward individuals who contribute significantly to the improvement and/or implementation of the prevention of safety issues, or the handling of a safety related situation. The contribution itself may be a single act that prevents damage to corporate property or injury to a colleague or passenger. In essence there will be a series of awards given for those who help to exhibit quality in safety or to enhance the SH safety program.

Field awards are also given a cash bonus of $100/incident and 1 paid day off. Those awards have no time frame, and have no cap for awarding during the year. Once a year, however, there will be a company wide selection of a single individual, group, or department that exemplifies the core safety values for the company. This annual award…...



Dekker, S. (2007). Just Culture: Balancing Safety and Accountability. Ashgate.

Hamilton, J. Scott. (2005). Practical Aviation Law. Aviation Supplies.

Stamford, S. (2003). Aircraft Safety: Accident Investigations, Analyses & Applications.

McGraw Hill.

Sky High Airlines 1 Initial
Pages: 2 Words: 643

A clear and pointed memo needs to occur from the President's desk.
Item III -- critical issues -- Based on the above, the first critical issue is to meet with, dialog, and come to an agreement with maintenance that the issues between Safety and Maintenance become more team oriented and congenial. It is essential for both departments to understand that working together is not optional for the continued fiscal health of the airline, and that continued breach of communications and lack of cooperation is placing the entire company in jeopardy and open to legal and Federal action that may indeed shut the company down.

Item V -- Within 90 days the following needs to occur: a) a Safety Operations Committee featuring department heads from Marketing, Maintenance, Operations, Pilot Union, Human esources, and Worker's representatives, Chaired by Safety established and regular meeting schedule provided with mandates and charter; b) Charter for the…...


Resources, and Worker's representatives, Chaired by Safety established and regular meeting schedule provided with mandates and charter; b) Charter for the above to be first provided to President for approval; c) first order of business for committee is the rapid production of company Safety Manual, with clear delineations of authority for robust enforcement of Safety rules; d) companywide education program defined and scheduled regarding safety issues.

4. Top three priorities are as listed above in item #3. This is a rapid plan to correct numerous dysfunctions prior to any escalation in potential liability or legal exposure. In particular rift between Maintenance and Safety must be proactively healed, and a win-win opportunity presented that will allow Maintenance to feel that they are indeed integral to the function of the company. Additionally, there are several major issues that are far more pertinent to the company's success and safety than items that focus on small distances between items (1/8") or fire extinguisher placement. Safety must take the high road and provide cogent and legitimate conclusions.

Open Skies Agreement Impact of
Pages: 5 Words: 1965

The traditional bilateral air service agreements do have some restrictions that prevent foreign airlines to invest in foreign hubs, however, with the open skies agreements such restrictions do not exist and an airline will be able to fully exploit its investments in a foreign country thereby facilitating service between preferred cargo airports. The provision of such agreements also promote cargo services by guaranteeing access to customs facilities and processing, offering a range of ground-handling options, and availing surface transportation necessary for flights. Such provisions enable cargo carriers to efficiently monitor and control cargo from their point of departure to their final destination. This will enhance faster and safer delivery of cargo translating into value-added service to customers.
The benefits derived from the development in the international air transport is not limited to air services industry alone but spreads to cover several service providers, labor market, manufacturers, and the general economy…...



Alford, E. And Champley, R. (2007). The impact of the 2007 U.S.-EU open skies air transport agreement. ITA Occasional Paper no. 07-001

Brueckner, J. And W.T. Whalen, (2000). "The Price Effects of International Airline Alliances,"

The Journal of Law and Economics: 43(2), 503-545

Hertel, T.W. (1997) Global Trade Analysis: Modeling and Applications. Cambridge University Press: New York

Airline Industry Has Become Increasingly
Pages: 50 Words: 17068

By the turn of the century, though, these low-costs carriers had become profitable or at least had significantly reduced their losses due in large part to concomitant increases by major carriers that were increasing their prices in response to decreasing yields and higher energy prices (Doganis 2001).
By and large, passenger traffic across the board increased significantly prior to September 11, 2001 and all signs indicated it was continue to increase for the foreseeable future. For example, according to Janda, Flouris and Oum (2005), global air passenger traffic increased from 1.573 trillion revenue-passenger-kilometers (RPK) in 1985 to 3.394 trillion in 2000, representing a 116% increase during this decade-and-a-half period, or an average annual compounded growth of 5.26%. Furthermore, between 1985 and 2000, air freight traffic grew at even faster rate than passenger traffic (Janda et al. 2005). These authors also emphasize airlines are directly affected by the larger economy in…...


Network." 2010, October 7 Canada NewsWire Group. [online]. available:

Personnel Analysis My Personnel Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Again, rerphase in business language. For example, I would change this to: Discuss the potential fiscal losses vs. liability.
Discuss new rules and regulations that will be abided by and repecutions (repercussions?) that will take place if they are broken. The rules and repercussions shall and will apply to all hands. Again, rephrase for clarity. Discuss necessary new rules and regulations and reasons for implementation company wide. Engender plan to ensure 100% compliance.

Discuss the issue of why there is no relationship between the president and the safety director. Is this true, or is it broken? Where is the actual breakdown in communications? What about the Operations Manager, etc.

Three top priorities as new Safety Director and an explanation of each.

1) Establishing a new safety policy for Sky High Airlines. The new policy for the airline will clearly state everyone's role in the airline and provide guidance and procedures for all to follow.…...

Strategic Management of the U S Airline Industry After 9-11 2001
Pages: 12 Words: 3479

Strategic Management of the United States

Airline Industry after the 9/11/2001 Terrorist Attacks

Strategic Management of the United States

Airline Industry after the 9/11/2001 Terrorist Attacks

Airlines in the United States have a long, complicated history in terms of management strategy that includes alterations due to technological advances, bankruptcies, economic downturns, deregulation and even presidential intervention, but none of these forces had the power to both destroy and restructure the industry like the events of September 11, 2001.

The 9/11/01 attacks on the United States fundamentally altered the way the U.S. airline industry operated both publically and internally. One area that suffered significantly from these attacks, and brought about the need for major overhaul within the industry itself was strategic management strategies and practices within the airline industry in its entirety. The 9/11 attacks on America brought about the need for immediate change in these strategies, but the turnover from…...



Allvine, F., Dixit, A, Sheth, J., and Uslay. (2007). Deregulation and competition: lessons learned from the airline industry. Print. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Alvesson, S. And Karreman, D. (2009). Critical performativity: the unfinished business of critical management studies. Human Relations, 62.4. pp. 537-560. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

Belobaba, P. (2002). The airline industry since 9/11: overview of recovery and challenges ahead. MIT Global Airline Industry Quarterly. March 2002:1. pp. 1-11. Web. Retrieved from: EBSCOhost Database.

Besant, C. (2002 September 1). Chaos followed 9/11 in the aviation industry. Turnaround Management Association Journal of Corporate Renewal, 12:1. pp. 1-3. Web. Retrieved from: LexisNexis Database.

Southwest Airlines
Pages: 4 Words: 1606

Business Studies
Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines has been a highly successful airline, it has been one of the most successful airlines in U.S. history with the low cost carrier model created by Southwest emulated successfully by many other airlines across the world. Today it is the largest domestic carrier in the U.S. And has a history of consistent profits, with on a few quarters in the recent recession showing losses (Southwest Airlines, 2013). There are numerous reasons behind the success, the main reason are the leadership and the way that the firms ability to gain and maintain effective competitive advantages. These will provide a good basis from which to consider the future of the firm.

Effectiveness of Leadership

Southwest Airlines was founded by ollin King and Herb Kelleher, having seen successful interstate airline operating out of California it was believed that Texas could also support an interstate airline (Barratt, 2008). The idea was to…...



Barrett, C, (2008), Southwest Airlines' Colleen Barrett on 'Servant Leadership', [online] accessed 27th September 2013 from 

Bryant, E, (2008, Dec), Leadership Southwest Style, T+D, p36-39

Mintzberg Henry, Ahlstrand Bruce, Lampel Joseph B. (2011), Strategy Safari: The Complete Guide Through the Wilds of Strategic Management, Financial Times / Prentice Hall

Southwest Airlines, (2013), homepage, [online]

Open Skies Agreements on Domestic
Pages: 16 Words: 4470

S. domestic carriers are at period in the industry's history when these factors are already beleaguered by downturns in the global economy, increasing competition from international carriers, and the aforementioned high costs of energy.
Chapter 2: The Impact of Open Skies Agreements on Domestic and International Carriers

Under an open skies agreement, both signatories to the agreement enjoy open access to international airline routes between the two countries as well as eliminating virtually all domestic restrictions on international carriers (Lick, 1998). In an effort to develop more closely integrated pricing and route schedules, signatories to these agreements typically also seek to gain immunity from national antitrust laws (Commercial aviation: Legacy airlines must further reduce costs to restore profitability, 2004). The U.S. Department of Transportation reviews these types of airline alliances from an antitrust perspective and refuses to approval an alliance without a reciprocal open skies agreement with the foreign airline's home nation…...



Baker, C. (2004, March 1). Air France-KLM approved; competition regulators in Brussels have approved Air France's takeover of KLM, deciding the consumer comes out of the deal as a net winner. Washington also says it will not oppose the deal. Airline Business, 9.

Bilotkach, V. (2002). Asymmetric regulation and airport dominance in international aviation:

Evidence from the London-New York market. Southern Economic Journal, 74(2), 505-

Doganis, R. (2002). Flying off course: The economics of international airlines. London:

U S Airline Industry Assess the
Pages: 5 Words: 1677

Similarly, this could influence the international airline community. Then, a stable economy is highly dependent upon a stable oil price, which once again is not the case. "The environment will continue to become more competitive as the LCC's continue to become more convenient. Business fares will continue to drop. Leisure fares won't raise much until capacity is generally in line with demand, which won't occur until much of the capacity overhand has been employed either by surviving legacy carriers or LCC."
To the customer, the continuing of this trend will generate no benefits. "In other words, we're stuck with the current system, because it isn't really in any airline's interest to try to change it. As long as no airline makes a dedicated effort to distinguish itself from the pack, all the airlines can stay lean, even at the expense of quality."


Surowiecki, J., the Unfriendly Skies, the New Yorker, 2007




Surowiecki, J., the Unfriendly Skies, the New Yorker, 2007

Jankins, D., Overview of the Domestic Airline Industry, the George Washington University Aviation Institute, on February 13, 2008

Airlines face fiscal problems due to war, the Daily Michigan, September 1, 2003

Quick MBA, Porter's Five Forces - a Model for Industry Analysis, 1999-2007,   Retrieved on February 13, 2008 .

Southwest Airline Is One of
Pages: 20 Words: 6479

And many have got successful too in earning the market share. The emerging competition by new companies is a growing threat for the company and it should be tackled properly to avoid any future disturbances.
In order to further describe the competition Southwest Airlines is facing a Competitive Profile Matrix is designed. The following Competitive Profile Matrix tells about the tough competitors which are in a good position to have an edge over Southwest Airlines. It tells about the strengths and weaknesses of other competitors in contrast with Southwest Airlines.

Factors Weight Southwest Airlines United Airlines Delta Airlines Ratings Score


Score 1. Low fares.15 4.60 3.50 4.60 2. Customer Service.15 2.30 4.60 3.50 3. Employee Relations.15 4.60 3.50 3.50 4. Rate of Expansion.10 2.20. 4.50 4.50 5. Marketing.15 4.60 4.50 4.50 6. Finance Structure.15 4.40 4.40 4.40 7. Management Policies.15 4.60 4.60 2.20


The external factors such as environmental, economic,…...



Gittell, Jody Hoffer. The Southwest Airlines Way Using the Power of Relationships to Achieve High Performance. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003.

More City Pairs Await Southwest - Kelleher Says Opportunities Remain Using Airline's Formula." Aviation Week & Space Technology. 143. 6 (1995): 40.

A / /

Pacific Southwest Airlines PSA Flight
Pages: 10 Words: 3262

Hans Wendt, a staff photographer with the San Diego County's public relations office, who was covering an outdoor press event in North Park at the time of the accident, took two dramatic post collision still color photographs of the falling Boeing-727 trailing blue-and-white smoke streaking from its right wing while plunging towards the ground. They appeared in several publications around the world including the cover of Time magazine. Another television cameraman, covering the same event in North Park, also managed to capture footage of the falling Cessna wreckage.

Cause of the Crash

Probable Cause: According to the official majority findings of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the probable cause of the accident was:

the failure of the flightcrew of Flight 182 to comply with the provisions of a maintain-visual-separation clearance, including the requirement to inform the controller when they no longer had the other aircraft in sight. ("Aircraft Accident eport," 1979, p.36)




Aircraft Accident Report." (1979). National Aircraft Safety Board. Retrieved on July 25, 2006 at

CVR transcript: PSA Boeing 727." (n.d.) Retrieved on July 25, 2006 at

Shess, T. (1998). "This is it!" San Diego Magazine online. Retrieved on July 25, 2006 at 

Stich, R. (2005). Unfriendly Skies: 20th and 21st Centuries. Reno, Nevada: Diablo Western Press

Low Cost and Full Service Airlines in Thailand
Pages: 7 Words: 2506> [28 July 2010].
This source discusses a common situation that is occurring with some Air Asian flights, cancelations. This is problematic, because many are occurring because the planes are not full; leaving their passengers stranded at airports or forced to find other accommodations. This is significant, because this information can be used to show how some Thai's, were flying Air Asia based upon their low cost fares. However, once their flight has been continuously cancelled, is when many are becoming unhappy with the low cost service. This is important, because this information can be used to show another factor; that could be affecting someone's decision to fly on an LCC or FSC. Where, the lower fares and fewer frills are an advantage that they have over FSC's. Yet, when you factor in issues such as unexpected cancelations; these lack of services and sudden changes could be a turn off for…...



Air Asia, (2009) Academic [online] available from: . [ 28 July 2010].

Air Asia Company Strategic Management (2009) Air Asia [online] available from . [28 July 2010].

Air Asia Flight Cancelations (2009) Air Asia Reviews [online] available from: [28 July 2010].

Airline Review (2009) Knowledge Oman [online] available from [28 July 2010].

Economic Profile of the Airline
Pages: 5 Words: 1692

Furthermore, existing vulnerabilities of the airline industry are not taken into consideration until a disaster occurs. Lastly, the September 11th Security Fee introduced by the Department of Homeland Security was considered by many "as a beneficial trade off for their personal safety eventually," having as a direct consequence a rise of the airline industry.

Gregory Mankiw (2004) Principles of Economics, 3e, Mankiw

InnovativeThinker. (2007) Economic Profile of the Airline Industry. Retrieved Feb 1, 2008, from Associated Content, Inc. Web site:

Wei, S. (2006). Analysis of aggregate Passenger Routes in Air Travel: An Atlanta-ased Study. Southeastern Geographer, Volume 46, Issue 1, page 139. Retrieved Feb 1, 2008, from web site:

Recent Policy Initiatives to Raise Low Pay. (2004). Retrieved Feb 1, 2008, from ACORN.ORG:

FRSF Economic Letter. (January, 2002). Airline Competition. Retrieved Feb 1, 2008, from Olin usiness School- Washington University:

Virgin Territory (2006, September 30). Retrieved Feb 1, 2008, from Economist,…...



Gregory Mankiw (2004) Principles of Economics, 3e, Mankiw

InnovativeThinker. (2007) Economic Profile of the Airline Industry. Retrieved Feb 1, 2008, from Associated Content, Inc. Web site: 

Wei, S. (2006). Analysis of aggregate Passenger Routes in Air Travel: An Atlanta-Based Study. Southeastern Geographer, Volume 46, Issue 1, page 139. Retrieved Feb 1, 2008, from web site: 

Recent Policy Initiatives to Raise Low Pay. (2004). Retrieved Feb 1, 2008, from ACORN.ORG:

A Marketing plan for Emirates Airlines
Pages: 31 Words: 9312

Market Analysis Emirates Anilines 37Market Analysis Emirates AirlinesTABLE OF CONTENTS1 PAT I 41.1 Macro-environment Analysis 41.1.1 PESTLE Analysis 41.2 Micro-environment Analysis 91.2.1 Five Forces Analysis 91.3 Internal environment Analysis 121.3.1 SWOT Analysis 122 PAT II 162.1 Market Segmentation 162.1.1 Demographic Segmentation 162.1.2 Psychographic Segmentation 162.1.3 Behavioral Segmentation 172.1.4 Geographic Segmentation 172.2 Targeting 182.3 Market Positioning 182.3.1 Perceptual Map 192.3.2 4Cs of Positioning 223 PAT III 243.1 Strategies for Growth and 243.1.1 BCG Matrix 243.2 Marketing Objectives 284 PAT IV 304.1 The Marketing Mix 304.1.1 Product 304.1.2 Price 314.1.3 Place 314.1.4 Promotion 324.1.5 People 334.1.6 Process 344.1.7 Physical Evidence 345 PAT V 365.1 Budget 365.2 Implementation 365.3 Control 385.3.1 Critical Success Factors 385.3.2 Key Performance Indicators 396 eferences 42iiunning Head: MAKET ANALYSIS EMIATES ANILINESPAT IMacro-environment AnalysisPESTLE AnalysisThe PESTLE framework shows that there are political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors to consider in the macro-environment.Political FactorsThe political…...


ReferencesAlshubaily, A. (2017). Exploring the key success factors for young airlines. A focus on emirates airlines and its regional competitors\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' strategy for success. Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 2(1), 30-37.Blythe, J. (2006). Principles & practice of marketing. New York: Cengage Learning EMEA.Blythe, J. (2009). Key concepts in marketing. London: Sage.Brennan, R., Baines, P., Garneau, P., & Vos, L. (2007). Contemporary strategic marketing. Macmillan International Higher Education.Chaffey, D., & Smith, P. R. (2017). Digital marketing excellence: Planning, optimizing, and integrating online marketing. 5th ed., London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.Cheverton, P. (2005). Key marketing skills: strategies, tools, and techniques for marketing success. New York: Kogan Page Publishers.Dibb, S., Simkin, L., Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (2005). Marketing: Concepts and strategies. New York: Houghton Mifflin.Emirates. (2020). About us: Inflight advertising. Retrieved from: O. C., & Hartline, M. (2012). Marketing strategy, text, and cases. New York: Nelson Education.Kamran, Q. (2017). E-Marketing & E-Commerce. International School of Management. Kotler, P. (2010). Principles of Marketing, 13th edition. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice-Hall/Pearson Education.Orcullo, N. (2007). Fundamentals of Strategic Management. New York: Rex Bookstore, Inc.Redpath, N., O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Connell, J. F., & Warnock-Smith, D. (2017). The strategic impact of airline group diversification: The cases of Emirates and Lufthansa. Journal of Air Transport Management, 64, 121-138.Schermerhorn, J. R. (2010). Exploring Management. New York: John Willey & Sons.,

Study on Improvement of Low Cost Airline in Thailand
Pages: 40 Words: 11802

Low Cost Airline in Thailand
The Study on Improvement of Low Cost Airline in Thailand

Geography of Thailand

Nature of Airlines

Variables under Study

The Profitability of Low Cost Airlines in Thailand

Thai Economy

Operating esults, Selected Airlines, Financial Year 1999

The Economies of Scale Attained By Airline Industry

Human esource Practices

The future of low cost Thailand Airlines

Contrasting Qualities of State Owned and Non-State Owned Airlines

The Study on Improvement of Low Cost Airline in Thailand

Thailand is a global source for customers seeking cheap labor or material inputs. The country is rich in natural resources -- tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, and timber being a few examples. The country is a major source for agricultural products1a.

Thailand also has an abundant supply of low-skilled labor with high participation rates in the workforce 86% for males and 67% for females in 1995. At the same time, the country is the most developed in Southeast Asia, making for a relatively reliable work…...



Aharoni, Y. & Nachum, L. (Eds.). (2000). Globalization of Services: Some Implications for Theory and Practice. London: Routledge. Retrieved June 11, 2011, from Questia database: 

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Beirman, D. (2003). Restoring Tourism Destinations in Crisis: A Strategic Marketing Approach / . Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin. Retrieved June 11, 2011, from Questia database:

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