In this case, the attitude towards the packaging confers a resonating attitude to the product itself -- packaging is also crucial for purchase decisions.
A study by Wakefield, Germain, and Durkin (2008), this time on the perception of smokers on the perception of cigarette brands, showed how the importance of packaging reiterates itself again by product quality perceptions -- plainly packaged cigarettes were seen as having lower tobacco and having a decreased level of satisfaction. he level of change was such that the number of brand elements removed from the pack is correlated with the decrease in perceived valuation of the respondents.
Hoyer and MacInnis (2008) corroborates the data with the more recent studies with the idea that the psychological core of the consumer does indeed reflect their particular hedonic perceptions based on what is just sensed on the onset. It can even be said that the influence of packaging could…...
mlaTadros, T. (2005). Applied Surfactants: Principles and Applications. Vancouver, CN: Wiley Publishing.
Underhill, P. (2008). Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping. NY: Simon & Schuster.
Wakefield, M., Germain, D., & Durkin, S.J. (2008). How does increasingly painer cigarette packaging influence adult smokers' perceptions about brand image? An experimental study. Tobacco Control, 17(6), 416-421.
skin care treatment from a qualified trained oncology esthetician?
The skin of an oncology patient is usually compromised by the intensive oncology treatments administered. This leaves the skin of detoxification from both external toxins and medication residuals on and in the body. Restoration of the skin through gentle detoxifying ingredients and massage techniques is best applied by a board certified esthetician who specializes in oncology esthetic. Normally skin treatments for oncology patients occur before they are officially in remission, leaving their skin at its most vulnerable. The skin usually becomes compromised with lack of moisture, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and deficiency in skin barrier function.
If a patient is undergoing Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy, Radiation Therapy or Hormone Therapy acute skin reactions might occur at the site of treatment. These reactions or symptoms are: dryness, dehydration, redness, hyperkeratinization and lack of oil or water. Oncology skin care therapy protocols are compiled to prevent and…...
Healthcare workers are exposed to a number of chemical irritants that can cause acute dermatitis and other skincare problems. The irritants in the institutional environment include everything from soaps and solvents to irritation from operating medical equipment. In fact, some of the best health and safety practices have unwanted consequences that can cause non-compliance with hand washing, which compounds hygiene problems. For example, too much hand washing and frequent glove use can cause adverse side effects like cracked and bleeding hands (McCormick, Buchanan & Maki, 2000). Exposure to solvents and cleansers can also cause cellular damage and remove the surface lipids from hands, causing cracking, bleeding, and sores (Nettis, Colanardi, Coccio, et al., 2002). Cracked and bleeding hands obviously open the healthcare worker to infections, and also allow that healthcare worker to spread infections in the workplace. Promoting skin care among healthcare workers is therefore critical evidence-based practice.
Protective gloves might…...
Hilburn, J., Hammond, B.S., Fendler, E.J., et al. (2003). Use of alcohol hand sanitizer as an infection control strategy in an acute care facility. American Journal of Infection Control 31(2): 109-116.
McCormick, R.D., Buchman, T.L. & Maki, D.G. (2000). Double-blind, randomized trial of scheduled use of a novel barrier cream and an oil-containing lotion for protecting the hands of health care workers. American Journal of Infection Control 28(4): 302-310.
Naikoba, S. & Hayward, A. (2001). The effectiveness of interventions aimed at increasing handwashing in healthcare workers - a systematic review. Journal of Hospital Infection 47(3): 173-180.
Nettis, E., Colanardi, M.C., Soccio, A.L., et al. (2002). Occupational irritant and allergic contact dermatitis among healthcare workers. Contact Dermatitis 46(2): 2002, pp. 101-107.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Importance of ersonalization in Skin Care Routines:
This essay would discuss the significance of tailoring a skin care routine to an individual's specific skin type and concerns, emphasizing the benefits of personalized skin care versus one-size-fits-all solutions. It could include an examination of how different skin types respond to various ingredients and the role of dermatological guidance in creating an effective regimen.
2. The Evolution of Skin Care ractices Over Time:
An analytical approach to how skin care routines have changed through the ages, looking at historical practices and how they have been influenced by cultural, technological, and medical advancements. This topic might also assess the influence of these changes on modern skin care philosophies and techniques.
3. Analyzing the Impact of Diet and Lifestyle on Skin Health:
This essay could examine the interplay between dietary choices, lifestyle habits, and skin condition, exploring how factors such as nutrition,…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Levin, Jacquelyn, and Saira B. Momin. \"How Much Do We Really Know About Our Favorite Cosmeceutical Ingredients?\" The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, vol. 3, no. 2, 2010, pp. 22-41.
Baumann, Leslie. \"Skin ageing and its treatment.\" The Journal of Pathology, vol. 211, no. 2, 2007, pp. 241-251.Oyetakin-White, Patricia et al. \"Does poor sleep quality affect skin ageing?\" Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, vol. 40, no. 1, 2015, pp. 17-22.Mukherjee, Siddharth et al. \"Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety.\" Clinical Interventions in Aging, vol. 1, no. 4, 2006, pp. 327–348.Ganceviciene, Ruta et al. \"Skin anti-aging strategies.\" Dermato-endocrinology, vol. 4, no. 3, 2012, pp. 308-319.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Evolution of Skin Care Routines:
Explore how skin care practices have evolved from ancient times to the modern era, highlighting key changes in ingredients, techniques, and cultural influences.
2. The Impact of Diet on Skin Health:
Discuss how dietary choices affect skin condition, focusing on nutrients that promote skin health and those that can lead to skin issues.
3. Skin Care for Different Skin Types:
Analyze the specific needs of various skin types (oily, dry, combination, sensitive) and recommend tailored skin care routines for each.
4. The Role of Technology in Modern Skin Care:
Examine how technology, from apps to smart devices, has transformed skin care routines, making them more personalized and effective.
5. Environmental Factors and Skin Care:
Investigate how environmental elements like pollution, UV radiation, and climate affect skin health and what protective measures can be integrated into daily skin care routines.
Essay Title Examples
1. "From Ancient Remedies to Modern Marvels: The Journey of…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesJournal of the American Academy of DermatologySkincare: The Ultimate No-Nonsense Guide by Caroline HironsInternational Journal of Cosmetic ScienceThe Skin Type Solution by Dr. Leslie BaumannClinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
The picture to the left depicts the various elements that are responsible for thermoregulation in human skin. The illustrations shows the various layers of skin along with the veins, arteries and capillaries of the circulatory system that assist in insuring that the thermoregulatory system works properly. The sweat glands are responsible for selectively removing materials from the blood the sweat glands then concentrates or alters these toxins, and secretes them for elimination from the body. The perspiration or sweat is then removed through the sweat pore. This has a twofold purpose: to remove toxins and thermoregulation (in this case cooling the body).
Thermoregulation involving perspiration is brought about by both internal and environmental heat and exercise. As it relates to the latter, there have been many studies related to exercise and thermoregulation. According to Marino (2004)
"thermoregulatory effector responses of humans and concluded that temperature regulation during exercise is dissimilar to temperature…...
mlaWorks Cited
Caterina MJ, Schumacher MA, Tominaga M, Rosen TA, Levine JD, Julius D. The capsaicin receptor: a heat-activated ion channel in the pain pathway. Nature. 1997;389:816-824.
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Musculoskeletal pain and menopausal tatus. Clin J. Pain 22: 325 -- 331
Deecher, D.C.K. Dorries (2007)Understanding the pathophysiology of vasomotor symptoms
Kangaroo Care and Premature Babies
Kangaroo care entails holding a full term infant or premature so that there is a skin-to-skin contact between the newborn and the individual holding it. Individuals practice kangaroo care for premature infants for approximately two to three hours every day over a certain period. This takes place during early infancy, and the parent holds the baby against her bare chest. Medically stable babies can receive kangaroo care for up to any period since there is no maximum duration for them (Feldman et al., 2002).
Most parents may keep their babies in their arms for hours each day. According to research carried out, kangaroo care is essential as close bodily contact between the infant and the mother helps to stabilize the heartbeat, breathing and temperature of the premature infant. This is crucial as premature babies always have problems in harmonizing their heart and breathing rate. Mothers who exercise…...
Aucott, S., Donohue, K., Atkins, E., & Marilee, C (2002). Neurodevelopmental Care In The
Nicu, 8, 298 -- 308.
Dodd, L. (2003). Effects of kangaroo care in preterm infants,
Feldman, R., Weller, A., Sirota, L., & Eidelman, A. (2002). Skin-to-Skin Contact (Kangaroo Care) Promotes Self-Regulation in Premature Infants: Sleep -- Wake Cyclicity, Arousal Modulation, and Sustained Exploration, Vol. 38 (2), 194 -- 207.
The problems relating to skin pigment are associated with symptoms of the skin appearing faded or deeper than the usual or often spotted and blemished. (Skin pigmentation disorders) The unusual skin development and unusual pigmentation of the skin is seen to present at the time of birth or develop at the later stages. (Benign Skin Growths and Pigmentation Disorders) The skin pigmentation disorders seem to arise over a large number of races and conditions. (Nacinamide Helps to Lighten Skin) Some problems like albinism are considered exceptional phenomenon about a single case arises in every 17000 people. Other cases like age spots are very common. (Skin pigmentation disorders) Irrespective of the fact that it is quite harmless in its effects in most of the cases, however, the growth and pigmentation disorders warrant thorough watching for any other variations that may mark a development of cancerous skin cells. There are several types…...
mlaReferences and Annotations Comments on Differential Diagnosis of the Skin Discoloration of Argyria. Retrieved from Accessed on 8 December, 2004
Benign Skin Growths and Pigmentation Disorders. Retrieved from Accessed on 8 December, 2004
Gray, John. The World of Skin Care. P& G. Skin Care Research Center. Retrieved from Accessed on 8 December, 2004
Nacinamide Helps to Lighten Skin. Retrieved from Accessed on 8 December, 2004
Pigmentation change after skin resurfacing. Retrieved from Accessed on 8 December, 2004
Care of Cancer:
In the past few years, cancer has developed to become one of the major leading causes of deaths across the globe. The disease can be described as the uncontrolled growth or development of abnormal cells in the body even as cancerous cells are also known as malignant cells. Since cells are the building blocks of humans and other living things, cancer develops out of the normal cells within the body. Generally, the normal cells multiply when needed by the body and die when the body does not need them. When the growth of the cells in the body is out of control and cells divide too quickly, cancer appears to occur. Nonetheless, cancer also appears to happen when cells in the body forget how to die.
Causes of Cancer:
There are various kinds of cancer because the disease can develop in nearly every tissue or organ like skin, bones,…...
Barraclough, J. (2002). Integrated Cancer Care. Retrieved from Royal College of Psychiatrists
"Cancer Complications." (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2012, from
"Cancer Staging." (2010, September 22). National Cancer Institute Factsheet. Retrieved from National Cancer Institute website:
Care of Cancer
Cancer diagnosis
In many cases the sooner cancer is diagnosed and treatment begins the better the chances of a person recovering fully. If one develops cancer they can improve the chance of early detection if they have regular medical checkups and do some self-exams. Doctors often find early cancer during a physical exam or when carrying out routine tests even when there were no symptoms presented.
There are several methods that are used to diagnose cancer .with technological advancement these methods are now better as they help in a better understanding of cancer .there are now many diagnostic tools that can be used in cancer detection. Once cancer I suspected a diagnosis is made by pathologists and oncopathologists and imaging radiologists. The common diagnostic methods are;
This test involves a small tissue sample being taken from the area where cancer is suspected using a fine tipped needle, surgical excision or…...
Mandal, A.(2010). Cancer Diagnosis.Retrieved September 24,2013 from
American Society of Clinical Oncolog.(2013). Stages of Cancer. Retrieved September 24,2013 from
Armstrong, B.(2012).What are the different stages of cancer and what do they mean? Retrieved September 24,2013 from complications. Retrieved September 24,2013 from
Furthermore, one of the pillars of collaborative care that will need to be firmly established is the fostering of clear dialogue and a means for strong communication within the care management planning. For instance, there needs to be a clear decision and communication of all tests ordered and when the test results will be available. One of the most important aspects of this collaborative care will be the nursing interventions which can have significant impact on the patient's health and stabilization (Allen, 2010). In fact, strategic nursing care can even minimize readmission rates of Margaret and other patients with comparable conditions (Chen et al., 2012).
Prioritize the Nursing Care Needs of Margaret
The prioritization of nursing interventions is essential, and the way in which a nurse determines this priority is going to be something unique and distinct. "Trials reviewed demonstrated a beneficial impact of nursing interventions for secondary prevention in patients with…...
Adler, H.M. (n.d.). Toward a biopsychosocial understanding of the patient -- physician relationship: An emerging dialogue. (2007). J Gen Intern Med,22(2), 280 -- 285.
Afilala, J. (n.d.). Frailty in patients with cardiovascular disease: Why, when, and how to measure. (2011). Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep, 5(5), 467 -- 472.
Allen, J.K. (2010). Randomized trials of nursing interventions for secondary prevention in patients with coronary artery disease and heart failure: Systematic review.
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing,25(3), 207-220.
Care Coverage and Inequalities in the Education System
Traditional Care Coverage vs. Managed Care Coverage
Traditional care coverage is also known as Fee-for-service (FFS). Under this model, the patient pays for services that are itemized in the Invoice. The physicians gain an incentive to offer more treatments as payment depends on the quantity of care and not the quality of care. In the health insurance and healthcare sectors, traditional care coverage happens when physicians and other caregivers get a fee for each service like laboratory tests, office visit, procedure and other healthcare services. After providing services, the patient makes payments retrospectively. Traditional health coverage enables the patients to choose a healthcare provider, including a favorite hospital or doctor. The services rendered are paid for by the patient and then submits the bill to the insurance firm for reimbursement of the percentage it agreed to the insurer for the patient (Kongstvedt, 2012).
There are…...
Conchas, G. & Gottfried, M. (2015). Inequality, Power and School Success: Case Studies on Racial Disparity and Opportunity in Education. New York: Routledge
Duncan, G. J. & Murnane, R. J. (2014). Restoring Opportunity: The Crisis of Inequality and the Challenge for American Education. Boston, MA: Harvard Education Press
Healthcare Economics Evaluation
This report is about a proposed healthcare economics investigation. Some early research has been done and will be described based on what was found and how it was found. The report will conclude with a proposed plan for further economic evaluation on that same topic with a great deal the expected and proper form and function of that research to be described in that section. A conclusion will wrap up the report.
Critical Appraisal of the Evidence
Topic Selected
The author of this report has chosen how to make health care affordable and have the most amount of people possible covered in the United States as this is one of the more omnipresent issues and matters in American society in the modern time. Health care being at the forefront of the American news cycle is nothing new as it is has been a huge part of the political and social discussions…...
Berkowitz, E. (2008). Medicare and Medicaid: The Past as Prologue. Health Care Financing Review, 29(3), 80-93.
Bovbjerg, R.R., & Schoenbaum, S.C. (2004). Malpractice Reform Must Include Steps To Prevent Medical Injury. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 140(1), 51-54.
Budget problems, Medicaid expansion main topics at SAMHSA meeting. (2012). Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly, 24(32), 1-3.
CDC. (2013, March 19). CDC Online Newsroom - Press Release: October 17, 2011. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved March 19, 2013, from
com). A certain amount of errors is to be expected, but there should not be so many that it demonstrates a certain level of skewedness about the model in its entirety. Thus, if the NHI model is the one which is selected, then it needs to be tested against a range of different scenarios. The following demonstrate some truly relevant what-ifs: what if the doctors only move half the projected volume; what if medicare slashes rates; what if competitors open a comparable program (
There are a range of factors which can change or adjust once a healthcare facility opens their doors for business. And as much as this facility is attempting to engage in a solid humanitarian effort, at the end of the day, it's still a business and people need to get paid. Thus, before engaging in further developmental activities, one needs to determine in what ways the model…...
Brakatu Ofori-Adjei, a. (2007). Microfinance: An Alternative Means of Healthcare Financing for the Poor. Ghana Medical Journal, 193-194.
Burnstein, L., Harris, R., & Love, L. (2012, August 30). Top Four Legal Issues to Consider When Opening an Urgent Care Center. Retrieved from
Burnstein, M., Harris, R.L., & Love, L. (2012, August 20). Top Four Legal Issues to Consider When Opening an Urgent Care Center. Retrieved from
Healthcare Case Study Schuylkill County, PA
County Overview - Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania is located in the heart of the anthracite Coal region of Pennsylvania where the Schuylkill iver originates. Pottsville is the county seat, and the county showed a population of just under 150,000 as of 2010 with a density of 190 persons per square mile. The total area of the county is 782 square miles, almost all land, less than 1/2 a per cent water. The county's history, likely due to large coal deposits, focused on the railroad and industrialization (Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce, 2011).
The county experienced the high point of its population during the 1920s and 1930s, and has been losing people ever since, most between 1950 and 1970, with about a 1-2% population loss since the turn of the century. This is likely due to the lack of appropriate jobs and opportunities within the county. Schuylkill County is…...
County Health Statistics - Healthcare 2010. (2009, March). Retrieved from Pennsylvania Department of Health:
Comprehensive Plan. (2010, March). Retrieved from City of Pottsville, PA:
Election Statistics. (2010, June). Retrieved from Pennsylvania Department of State:
Schuylkill County. (2010, June). Retrieved from Sperling's Best Places USA:
Captivating Titles for Global Nivea Campaigns: A Comprehensive Guide
1. Nivea: The Skin's Best Friend
Conveys the brand's nurturing and protective nature, fostering a sense of trust and companionship.
2. Nivea: Care That Speaks Volumes
Highlights the brand's commitment to providing superior skin care, effectively communicating its message.
3. Nivea: Skin Confidence, Unleashed
Empowers consumers by emphasizing the transformative power of Nivea products, boosting their skin confidence.
4. Nivea: Your Skin's Eternal Ally
Establishes a lasting partnership between Nivea and its customers, promising unwavering support for healthy, radiant skin.
5. Nivea: The Science of Skin Perfection
Underscores the brand's scientific expertise, assuring consumers of the....
Microemulgel-Based Hydrogel of Lactic Acid: A Literature Review
Microemulgels have emerged as promising drug delivery systems due to their ability to enhance solubility, bioavailability, and controlled release of active ingredients. When combined with hydrogels, microemulgels offer additional advantages such as sustained hydration, biocompatibility, and enhanced skin penetration. Lactic acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid, possesses antimicrobial and exfoliating properties, making it a valuable ingredient for skin care applications.
This literature review aims to explore the key findings of research on microemulgel-based hydrogel of lactic acid, with a focus on their preparation, characterization, and potential dermatological applications.
Preparation and Characterization
Microemulgel-based hydrogels of lactic acid....
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