Significant Impact Essays (Examples)

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Samurai Have a Significant Impact
Pages: 4 Words: 1540

Just a half century ago, though, the country was brought to its knees after becoming the first - and only - country to ever be attacked with nuclear weapons. hile the pundits continue to debate whether the two atomic bombs used to end orld ar II were truly necessary, the fact remains that they were used because policymakers in the est believed that the Japanese people would defend their homeland to the last Japanese citizen, resulting in perhaps millions more casualties than those experienced in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This spirit of defending the homeland to the death was the proximate result of the bushido spirit engendered throughout Japanese society by the samurai tradition that had such a profound impact on the country's culture over the years. Other aspects of Japanese culture were also shown to have been influenced by the samurai, including arts and theatre, as well as the…...


Works Cited

Lebra, Takie Sugiyama and William P. Lebra. - Japanese Culture and Behavior: Selected Readings. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1986.

Rodeghier, Kathy. (2001, February 4). "Day in Tokyo Offers Glimpse of Edo Culture." Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL):8.

Samurai." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004.

Smith, Robert J. And Richard K. Beardsley. Japanese Culture: Its Development and Characteristics. Chicago: Aldine Publishing, 1962.

Significant Impact and Disability
Pages: 2 Words: 622

Human Development and Disabilities
Developmental stages are categorized into six phases, which include pregnancy and infancy, toddlerhood and early childhood, school age, adolescence, adulthood and midlife and the young elderly and the elderly. There are various ways in which these stages of development are impacted by disability. The stage of development of a person at the time of inception or identification of a disability has a significant impact on the person's response to the disability. When a person acquires a disability, it can have a dominant impact on the person's negotiation of developmental phases. It can give rise to a person missing out on significant developmental learning and completion of tasks (Smart, 2011). There are three distinguishing elements that will bring people with disabilities into the American culture. First, there is the populace explosion of people with disabilities. Secondly, there is the element of people with disabilities shifting away from…...



Smart, J. (2011). Disability across the developmental life span: For the rehabilitation counselor. Springer publishing company.

Impact of Darryl Hunt's Case
Pages: 4 Words: 1434

One of the most brutal crimes in North Carolina occurred in 1984 when a young white newspaper reporter, Deborah Sykes, was assaulted, raped, sodomized, and stabbed to death a few blocks from her workplace in Winston-Salem (Stern & Sundberg, 2006). Darryl Hunt, a 19-year-old black man was charged with this crime despite the absence of any physical evidence linking him to the crime. Hunt’s charges were largely based on an eyewitness’ identification that was made by a former member of Klu Klux Klan. He was later convicted of the crime and sentenced to life imprisonment by a jury of 11 whites and one black. However, in 1994, DNA testing showed that Hunt did not rape the victim, which generated significant doubts on his involvement in the murder of Deborah Sykes. Despite these findings, Hunt stayed behind bars for another decade for a crime he did not commit before his release…...

Impact of Organized Crime
Pages: 5 Words: 1357

Organized Crime and Its Impact What are some of the ways that organized crime impacts you and a community or city (of your choice) directly?
Organized crime details a conspiracy among criminal elements who wish to enter into an enterprise engaged in illegal activities as a way of generating dirty money (Dirks & Snyman, 2010). An organized crime is organized as a group with a structure that is similar to some pyramid hierarchy. The groups employ bribery and violence to ensure their operations continue. They also use retribution threats to ensure they maintain external and internal control in the community, and mobilization and thievery to acquire political power during campaigns in order to get immunity from prosecution and exposure (Dirks & Snyman, 2010). The activities of organized crime groups include gun running, kidnapping to get ransom, vehicle theft, smuggling, racketeering, prostitution, pornography, fraud related to credit cards, illegal gambling, narcotics trade, and…...

Impact of Culture on PTSD in the Middle East
Pages: 9 Words: 2929

PTSD in the Middle East
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is one of the most common mental health or psychological disorders facing people in the Middle East region. This condition emerges from episodes of social upheaval, combat, and violence that have become common in the Middle East over the past few years. Some of the major areas in the Middle East that have been characterized by increased conflicts in recent years include Palestine, Iraq, and Lebanon. Given increased conflicts and combat in the Middle East, PTSD and other trauma-related mental health conditions are expected to become public health crisis in the Arab world (Suto, 2016). Therefore, public health professionals in the Middle East face the need to develop appropriate measures for diagnosis and treatment of PTSD and other trauma-related disorders. However, the treatment of this condition and other traumatic mental health disorders is significantly affected by culture. This paper examines how culture…...

impact of nurses on health care policy
Pages: 6 Words: 1886

Health Policy Introduction
This paper will outline some of the high-level issues in the American health care system. At this level, the discussion centers around issues such as the political environment, the influence of key stakeholders and power structures. By analyzing the health care system through these lenses, the observer is able to better understand why (or why not) good ideas are implemented (or not). There are five central questions that will be addressed in this discussion, starting with the impact of socioeconomic and sociopolitical factors on US health care policy.
Socioeconomic / sociopolitical factors
One of the most critical issues in the US health care system is the socioeconomic disparity in health outcomes. This is typically driven by access to care. Lantz, House & Lepkowski (1998) found that mortality risk was a function of income, with the lowest-income groups in their study having the highest mortality risk. While there are a number of…...

Impact of Interactive Word Walls on Literacy Development
Pages: 4 Words: 1235

The Effect of Interactive Word Walls on Literacy Development of English Language Learners (ELL) in Middle School – Data Collection Completion and Potential Actions Part 1 – Data Collection
As previously indicated, a qualitative descriptive research design will be employed to examine the effect of interactive word walls on literacy development of ESL learners in middle school. Since the nature of the research issue is exploratory, the study will collect and analyze qualitative data to help answer the research question. Qualitative data for this study will be collected from existing data relating to this issue. The use of existing data sources is suitable for the study because of the time and finance constraints facing the research. Moreover, the researcher believes that existing data already contains significant insights on this issue and would help answer the research question. As previously indicated, existing data on the research issue will be collected from three different…...



Hollingsworth, H. & Heard, J. (2018, December 10). Teacher Comments in School Reports: What’s Effective? Retrieved November 25, 2020, from  

Piro, J.S. (2011, January). Data Literacy for Student Achievement. National Social Science Journal, 36(1), 114-119.

Schildkamp, K. (2019, June 12). Data-based Decision-making for School Improvement: Research Insights and Gaps. Educational Research, 61(3), 257-273. 

Impact on Technology on Sales
Pages: 3 Words: 870

W. Pergault and the sales managers will receive, and many sales managers have
no doubt worked for years with these accounts. Asking them tell these
accounts to order only on the Web through an online ordering system is like
asking the sales managers to walk away from one of the most major
commitments they have made in their professional lives.
In addition to that critical dynamic of account ownership, it makes the
most sense to put the most seasoned and highly trained members of the sales
force on those accounts that are the most profitable. There is also the
fact that in these larger accounts the purchasing decisions are more
complex, require a greater breadth of support across the product lines, and
are often project-based in scope. All of these reasons underscore the need
for personalized service.
What Ken Sutton needs to do is to explain to the new CEO that online
ordering works best for low-margin, high-volume orders, precisely the kind
of orders…...

Three Strikes Law and Its Impact on the African-American Community
Pages: 10 Words: 3745

Three Strikes Law on the African-American Community
Three Strikes legislation, which imposes sentencing enhancement on repeat offenders, often culminating with mandatory life sentences for third-time offenders, has gained popularity throughout the United States. The legislation began in California, where two highly publicized murders committed by convicted felons prompted an outcry against allowing recidivists to return to the community. California did see a decrease in crime rates following its institution of the Three Strikes policy, though there is considerable debate about whether the Three Strikes laws were responsible for that decline. Many other states adopted the legislation, so that about half of all states now have three strikes legislation. While these laws may not necessarily have the desired deterrence effect on crime, the general consensus appears to be that they are not harmful to society; therefore, even if they cannot be proven to be helpful, they should remain in place. However,…...



Brown, B. & Jolivette, G. (2005). A primer: Three strikes- the impact after more than a decade.

Retrieved February 13, 2012 from Legislative Analyst's Office website: 

Goodno, N.H. (2007). Career criminal targeted: The verdict is in, California's Three Strikes law proves effective. Golden Gate U.L. Rev., 37(2), 461-485.

Jones, B. (1999). Why the Three Strikes law is working in California. Stanford Law & Policy

Small Learning Communities The Impact
Pages: 10 Words: 2900

" (Rosser, et al., 1999) Furthermore, Rosser et al. (1999) relates that these changes are overwhelming for some students and "…can overtax their capacity to cope, thereby compromising academic and emotional functioning." Unfortunately, there remains a paucity of recent research, especially longitudinal studies, concerning the experiences of adolescents during their transition to high school. According to Isakson and Jarvis, "The amount of time spent in school serves not only to educate students, but also to shape their social world, contributing to overall development. Yet, changing schools represents a specific life transition that is acknowledged as a challenging and potentially stressful life event" (p. 1). In fact, that transition to high school represents a profound challenge for many young learners no matter what their primary school organization. For instance, Isakson and Jarvis note that, "Whether the eighth-grade year was spent in a kindergarten through eighth-grade school (Grades K-8), a middle school…...

Hypertension and Its Impact on U S Population
Pages: 20 Words: 6123

HYPETENSION AND IMPACT ON US Hypertension and Its Potential Significant Impact on U.S. PopulationThomas Fuller, an English churchman, and historian, said: \\\"Health is not valued till sickness comes.\\\" Hypertension is one of the most life-threatening diseases in the U.S., which is present in almost one out of four adults. Almost half of the U.S. deaths were primarily because of hypertension in the year 2017 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020a). This paper is aimed at analyzing the historical development of this issue, evaluation of roles of public health organizations in dealing with the issue, demonstration of understanding of the epidemiology of hypertension, identifying determinants of health in terms of this problem, examining the concepts of prevention and its future implications. Each section would be discussed in detail in light of the authentic sources.Description and Analysis of Public Health In Light Of the IssueHypertension or high blood pressure- what is…...


ReferencesAllen, C.G., Brownstein, N., Satsangi, A. & Escoffery, C. (2016). Community health workers as allies in hypertension self-management and medication adherence in the United States, 2014. Preventing Chronic Disease, 13. DOI:  iconAngell, S., Levings, J., Neiman, A., Asma, S. & Merritt, R. (2014). How policymakers can advance cardiovascular health. Scientific American, 2014 (Suppl Spec), 24-29. Basner, M., Riggs, D.W. Conklin, D.J. (2020). Environmental determinants of hypertension and diabetes mellitus: Sounding off about the effects of noise. Journal of the American Heart Association, 9(6)., M.A.B., Zibaeenezhad, M.J., Aghasadeghi, K., Jokar, A., Shekarforoush, S. &Khazraei, H. (2014). The effect of educational programs on hypertension management. International Cardiovascular Research Journal, 8(3), 94-98. Campbell, N. R. C. & Niebylski, M.L. (2014). Prevention and control of hypertension: Developing a global agenda. Walters Kluwer Health Journals, 29(4)., N. R.C., Lackland, D.T., Lisheng, L., Zhang, X., Nilsson, P.M., Redburn, K.A. & Niebylski, M.L. (2015). The world hypertension league challenges hypertension and cardiovascular organizations to develop strategic plans for the prevention and control of hypertension. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 17(5)., R.M., Muntner, P., Bosworth, H.B. & Whelton, P.K. (2019). Prevention and control of hypertension: JACC health promotion series. Journal of American College of Cardiology, 72(11), 1278-1293. DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.07.008Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020-a, February 25). Facts about hypertension. Retrieved Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020-b, March 17). National hypertension control roundtable. Retrieved, V.J. & Balatbat, C.A. (2019). Future of hypertension. Hypertension, 74(3), 450-457., C.R.D., Commodore-Mensah, Y. & Hill, M.N. (2016). Expanding the role of nurses to improve hypertension care and control globally. Annals of Global Health, 82(2), 243-253. Institute of Medicine U.S. Committee. (2010). Implementing a population-based policy and systems approach to the prevention and control of hypertension. A population-based policy and systems change approach to prevent and control hypertension (pp. 175-197). National Academic Press. Janke, A.T., McNaughton, C.D., Brody, A.M., Welch, R.D. & Levy, P.D. (2016). Trends in the incidence of hypertensive emergencies in U.S. emergency departments from 2006 to 2013. Journal of the American Heart Association, 5(12)., E.B., Heincelman, M., Bishu, K.G., Schumann, S.O., Schreiner, A., Axon, R.N., Mauldin, P.D. & Moran, W.P. (2018). Trends in healthcare expenditures among U.S. adults with hypertension: National estimates 2003-2014. Journal of American Heart Association, 7(11)., T.A. (2011). Historical trends and milestones in hypertension research: A model of the process of translational research. Hypertension, 58(4), 522-538. DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.111.177766 Lackland, D.T. (2014, August). Racial differences in hypertension: Implications for high blood pressure management. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 348(2), 135-138. DOI: 10.1097/MAJ.0000000000000308Lackland, D.T., Carey, R.M., Conforto, A.B., Rosendroff, C., Whelton, P.K. & Gorelick, P.B. (2019). Implications of recent clinical trials and hypertension guidelines on stroke and future cerebrovascular research. Stroke, 49(3), 772-779. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.117.019379Long, E. Ponder, M. & Bernard, S. (2016). Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs related to hypertension and hyperlipidemia self-management among African-American men living in the Southeastern United States. Patient Education and Counseling, 100(5), 1000-1006. DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2016.12.011McNaughton, C.D., Self, W.H., Zhu, Y., Janke, A., Storrow, A.B. & Levy, P. (2015). Incidence of hypertension-related emergency department visits in the United States, 2006-2012. The American Journal of Cardiology, 116(11), 1717-1723. DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2015.09.007Mill, J.G. (2019). Social determinants of hypertension. Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, 113(4), 696-698. doi: 10.5935/abc.20190220Mueller, M., Purnell, T.S., Mensah, G.A. & Cooper, L.A. (2015, June). Reducing racial and ethnic disparities in hypertension prevention and control: What will it take to translate research into practice and policy? American Journal of Hypertension, 28(6), 699-716. DOI: 10.1093/ajh/hpu233Muntner, P., Carey, R.M., Gidding, S., Jones, D.W., Taler, S.J., WrightJr, J.T. & Whelton, P.K. (2018, January 9). Potential U.S. population impact of the 2017 ACC/AHA high blood pressure guideline. Circulation, 137(2), 109-118. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.032582Nukols, T.K., Aledort, J.E., Adams, J., Lai, J., Go, M., Keesey, J. & McGlynn, E. (2011). Cost implications of improving blood pressure management among U.S. adults. Health Services Research, 46(4), 1124-1157. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2010.01239.xOjo, O.S., Malomo, S.O. & Sogunle, P.T. (2016). Blood pressure control and perceived family support in patients with essential hypertension seen at a primary care clinic in Western Nigeria. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 5(3), 569-575. DOI: 10.4103/2249-4863.197284Oparil, S. & Calhoun, D.A. (1998). Managing the patient with hard-to-control hypertension. American Family Physician, 57(5), 1007-1020. Rahimi, K., Emdin, C.A. & MacMohan, S. (2015). The epidemiology of blood pressure and its worldwide management. Circulation Research, 116(6), 925-936., L., Morowatisharifabad, M.A., Mohammadi, E., Mazloomy-Mahmoodabad, S.S., Rabiei, K., Naseri, M.H., Shakibazadeh, E. & Mirzaei, M. (2014). Behavioral determinants of cardiovascular diseases risk factors: A qualitative directed content analysis. ARYA Atherosclerosis, 10(2), 71-81. Sadeghi-Bazargani, H. 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Socio-Cultural Development the Impact of Social Pressures
Pages: 5 Words: 1352

Socio-Cultural Development
The impact of social pressures and cultural influences on human development are not fully know. Only pieces of information are available for us to understand as there is much to be learned and gathered from this subject. The purpose of this essay is to examine two distinct articles directly related to socio-cultural influences on the development of the human species. This essay will first review and summarize each article on its own merits before offering new conclusions about the feasibility, practicality and overall usefulness of these two arguments presented.

Bakermans-Kranenburg et al. (2004) article about attachment security and minority children helped to expose some important information about the ways culture has a direct and sometimes profound impact on human development. Through statistical analysis gathered from qualitative means, certain patterns of relationships were identified through this study. The study eventually found that there are significant differences in the way that…...


Works Cited

Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. et al. (2004). Differences in attachment security between African- American and white children; ethnicity or socio-economic status? Infant Behavior & Development,27 (2004) 417-433.

Varela, R. et al. (2009). Parenting strategies and socio-cultural influences in childhood anxiety; Mexican, Latin American descent, and European-American families. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23, 2009, 609-616.

Regulatory Compliance Costs What Impact
Pages: 5 Words: 1645

The purpose of this research is to fill in the gap discovered in the literature review. The impact the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on companies is measurable. However, not much is known about how these companies adjusted in order to absorb the impact of compliance. In order fully to understand the impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on corporations, one must understand how they absorbed the expenses and the impact that it may have had on other departments. This research focuses on the methods used to negate the consequences of compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley.


Carpenter, T., Fennema, M., Fretwell, P., & Hillison, W. (2004). A Changing Corporate Culture. How Companies are adjusting to Sarbanes-Oxley. Journal of Accountancy. March 2004. etrieved February 8, 2009 at

Crosley, G. (2005). Selling to Audit Committees. Journal of Accountancy. February 2005. etrieved February 8, 2009 at

Daks, M. (2006). Companies 'Go Dark' to Avoid SOX Compliance, New Jersey Law Journal, Aug. 3,…...



Carpenter, T., Fennema, M., Fretwell, P., & Hillison, W. (2004). A Changing Corporate Culture. How Companies are adjusting to Sarbanes-Oxley. Journal of Accountancy. March 2004. Retrieved February 8, 2009 at 

Crosley, G. (2005). Selling to Audit Committees. Journal of Accountancy. February 2005. Retrieved February 8, 2009 at 

Daks, M. (2006). Companies 'Go Dark' to Avoid SOX Compliance, New Jersey Law Journal, Aug. 3, 2006. Retrieved February 8, 2009 at ( ).

Edison, a / (2006). Exploring the Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley. Oil & Gas Financial Journal. 3 (10). Retrieved February 8, 2009 at

Organizational Impact Companies Like Apple
Pages: 2 Words: 632

Through its innovation strategy, the company has been consistent in manufacturing products with greater reliability even with its decline to make its music protection software and operating system available to others. The company locks its engineer away for them to develop new ideas and incorporate the results in elegant software and stylish design ("Lessons from Apple," 2007). Innovation has largely impacted the company's products since it focuses on designing new products centered on users' needs instead of the demands of technology. Through user-centric innovation, Apple Inc. has merged clever technology with simplicity that allows customers to dictate product designs.
Innovation at Hyundai Motors:

Innovation has had a significant impact on the strategy, process and products of Hyundai Motors whose vision involves innovation for humanity. Through its commitment to innovation, Hyundai Motors has worked hard to improve quality and brand value ("Hyundai Motor Company," n.d.). Consequently, the company invests part of its…...



Farren, C. (n.d.). Innovation and Engagement -- Learning from the Olympics. Retrieved July 28,

2011, from

"Hyundai Motor Company." (n.d.). Siemens PLM Software. Retrieved July 28, 2011, from 

"Lessons from Apple." (2007, July 7). The Economist. Retrieved July 28, 2011, from

Female Health Impact of Breast Cancer
Pages: 1 Words: 357

Impact of Breast Cancer on Female HealthBreast cancer is the most prevalent cancer form amongst women. Physicians are aware that breast cancer occurs when there is an abnormal growth of some breast cells. Consequently, there is a rapid division of these cells compared to the healthy breast cells causing them to accrue and form a lump or mass. At times, these abnormal cells may metastasize or spread through the breast to the lymph nodes or various body parts (Boughey, 2022).Breast cancer has significant impacts on females health. Akin to other cancers, breast cancer is usually perceptible in four different stages. Notably, Stage 0 is considered the initial phase, and it comprises very minimal obvious symptoms. The most extreme is Stage 4, which shows that cancer has metastasized to different parts of the body. If it spreads to other body parts, like the lungs, bones, muscle areas, liver, and even the…...


ReferencesBoughey, J. C. (2022). Breast cancer. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from:   Chun, C., Cherney, K. (2019). Effects of Breast Cancer on the Body. Healthline. Retrieved from: 

Need help with an essay outline including 3 competencies for a community relations job?
Words: 492

Community relations is a catchall phrase that describes how a company or other organization relates to the stakeholders or communities with which it interacts.  Building positive community relations is important for companies, because communities can have a significant impact on business, even communities that contain a significant percentage of people who are not customers or suppliers.  It is often viewed in a negative context, with community relations only coming into the public discourse when an organization is experiencing problems with the community, such as in the context of police community relations.  However, it is important....

Could you help me write an essay about a conspiracy theory? It can be one I do or do not believe.
Words: 347

Right now, there are a number of prominent conspiracy theories. These range from relatively innocuous conspiracy theories that do not really have a significant impact on the world to major conspiracy theories, such as 911 conspiracy theories, that could impact how people vote, undermine confidence in the government, and have a significant impact on individuals and society at large.  To help you choose a conspiracy theory, Wikipedia has a good list of conspiracy theories along with a brief description of the conspiracy.

To write an objective essay, we would encourage you to write....

how will each of these principles affect the way you teach?
Words: 620

Each of these principles will have a significant impact on the way I teach. Here's a breakdown of how each principle will influence my teaching approach:

1. Prior knowledge: Before introducing new concepts, I will assess students' prior knowledge to identify any gaps or misconceptions. This will enable me to provide targeted instruction, building upon their existing understanding and connecting new information to what they already know.

2. Active learning: I will incorporate various interactive activities, such as group discussions, problem-solving tasks, and hands-on experiments. By actively engaging students in their learning process, they will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge....

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