Sickle Cell Anemia Essays (Examples)

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Sickle Cell Anemia Is an
Pages: 4 Words: 1267

For example, in the case of sickle beta thalassemia, the individual has inherited a gene for hemoglobin S. from one parent and a gene for beta-thalassemia from the other. Or, in the instance of SC disease, the individual has inherited a gene for hemoglobin S. from one parent and a gene for hemoglobin C. from the other.
The sickle cell trait in heterozygous carriers confers the resistance to malaria phenotype characterized by a dominant gene (Sickle cell anemia, Wikipedia). ecause people with sickle trait were more likely to survive malaria outbreaks in Africa than those with normal hemoglobin, it is believed that sickle hemoglobin evolved as a protection against malaria.

Haplotypes of sickle cell disease are polymorphic restriction endonuclease sites in and around the mutant beta-globin gene Acording to Fields (2000), the existence of haplotypes specific to certain regions of the world suggests that the mutant beta globin gene arose separately…...



Ashley-Koch, A., Yang, Q. And Olney, R. (2000, May 1). Sickle hemoglobin (Hb S) allele and sickle cell disease. American Journal of Genetics 151(9): 839-845.

Fields, E.L. (2000, October 27). Phenotypic variation in sickle cell disease: An analysis. Harvard University. Retrieved February 5, 2005 from Web site: 

Genetic disease profile: Sickle cell anemia. Retrieved February 5, 2005 from Web site: 

How does sickle cell cause disease? (2002, April 11). Harvard University. Retrieved February 5, 2005 from Web site:

Sickle Cell Anemia There Are
Pages: 5 Words: 1736

These crises are a direct result of way in which the deformed red blood cells adhere to both each other and the insides of the blood vessel walls, blocking tissues from receiving oxygen. The disease is prevalent across some parts of Africa, the Middle East and India, which is due to the way in which the heterozygous form of the condition offers carriers a degree of protection against malaria, which is present in these areas. As a result, there is also a significant incidence of the disease in African-Americans, as a direct result of their African heritage, which means that the condition is significantly important for practitioners across the U.S. To understand.

Chowning, J.T. (2000) Sickle cell anemia and genetics: Background information. Washington State University Website. etrieved on June 18, 2007, at

Frenette, P.S. And Atweh, G.F. (2007) Sickle cell disease: Old discoveries, new concepts and future promises. Journal of…...



Chowning, J.T. (2000) Sickle cell anemia and genetics: Background information. Washington State University Website. Retrieved on June 18, 2007, at

Frenette, P.S. And Atweh, G.F. (2007) Sickle cell disease: Old discoveries, new concepts and future promises. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 117, 850-858.

Ingram, V.M. (2004) Sickle-cell anemia hemoglobin: The molecular biology of the first "molecular disease" - the crucial importance of serendipity. Genetics, 167, 1-7.

Nagel, R.L. (2005) Sickle Cell Anaemia. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, John Wiley and Sons. Retrieved June 18, 2007, from:

Sickle Cell Anemia
Pages: 2 Words: 617

Sickle Cell Anemia
There are both advantages and disadvantages of having sickle cell anemia. How much benefit a person gets from sickle cell anemia's advantages, however, largely depends on where that person is located and what his or her environment is. The same concept applies to the disadvantages of this condition, although to a lesser extent. The root of the advantages and disadvantages of this disease pertain to its specific form of anemia. Anemia is succinctly defined as an occurrence in a patient's blood characterized by a marked lack of healthy red blood cells. Some of these blood cells look like a sickle because they are abnormally shaped. Because this disease is based on one's blood, it substantially impacts processes and conditions that are related to blood -- which has both boons and detriments.

The principle boon associated with sickle cell anemia is the fact that it has a selective advantage in…...

Sickle Cell Anemia
Pages: 3 Words: 891

Sickle Cell (Rough Draft)
Sickle cell anemia is a blood disease that causes badly formed red blood cells. The disease is genetec. Mostly people from Africa or other coutries around the Mediterraean Sea get it. In the United States, African-Americans are most likely to have it (Howard, 1995).

Red blood cells are the blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. When a person has sickle-cell anemia the hemoglobon in the cell is shaped wrong. ecause of this the cells are not round but sickle-shaped, which is how the disease gets its name. Sometimes these cells stick together and interfere with blood flow. This is very painful but also causes medical problems. It can cause damage to organs and keep the body from receiving the oxygen it needs to function well. It also leaves the person likely to get lung infections (Howard, 1995).

Although sickle-cell anemia is genetec, both parents have to carry…...



Howard, Susan. 1995. "Crisis Control: Living With Sickle Cell Anemia." Health Quest: The Publication of Black Wellness, Oct. 31.

Loupe, Diane E. 1999. "Breaking the sickle cycle: potential treatments emerge for sickle cell anemia." Science News, Dec. 2.

Sickle Cell Anemia Is a
Pages: 3 Words: 919

If there is evidence of the sickle cell gene the tests will be repeated to confirm diagnosis (NIH). It is also possible to test the fetus for sickle cell anemia prior to birth through amniocentesis although this is not normally performed unless there is reason to believe the child will have sickle cell anemia due to the risk which this procedure presents to the fetus. Electrophoresis is performed on the blood to test for presence of the sickle cell gene as there are different patterns observed in those with sickle cell anemia than normal blood, as the hemoglobin present is Hb S. rather than the Hb a or Hb A2 which is usually present in normal adult erythrocytes or Hb F. which is usually present in fetal hemoglobin. When the blood sample of a sickle cell sufferer is examined under the microscope, the sickle shaped cells present an immediate…...



Sickle Cell Anemia. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health. 2 November 2007. .

Sickle Cell Information: Clinician Summary. 1997. Sickle Cell Information Centre. 2 November 2007. .

Sickle Cell Anemia Annotated Bibliography
Pages: 6 Words: 1677

The science behind the research was not incredibly profound, but again the article was fluidly written and very easy to follow the logic of.

This is not an aspect of the disease I had thought of before; it is important to remember that there are very human bodies that contain these sickle-shaped cells. The fact that this "treatment" focuses on the symptoms of the disease rather than the cause is also indicative of the difficulty in combating the disease. Comfort is really all that's possible.

Beutler, E. (2002). "Sickle cell disease." Encyclopedia of public health, Vol 4. New York: Macmillan, pp. 1099-100. Retrieved via Gale Cengage.


This encyclopedia entry gives a detailed overview of the disease -- it's pathology, causation, prevalence, etc. It begins with a definition of how the disease is classified, both through morphological changes to the red blood cells and, in more recent years, genetic identification. A genetic mutation…...

Sickle Cell Anemia
Pages: 4 Words: 1136

relationship among African-Americans, Malaria and Sickle cell anemia. Many people born in regions affected by malaria are resistant to the disease. Malaria, rampant in parts of Africa, south of the Sahara has killed millions of people many of them little children. Further examination shows that those who are resistant to the disease carry at least one sickle cell trait. Blacks in America whose ancestors hail from Africa show a higher incidence of the disease. Are African-Americans who carry the abnormal gene proof of a genre of natural selection, allowing those with the trait to survive and those without the trait to perish? I will explore the link between those with the sickle cell gene and their apparent immunity from malaria and the connection between African-Americans and their ancestors.
What is Sickle Cell Anemia?

Linus Pauling originally discovered sickle cell in 1949. Sickle cell anemia is a red blood cell disorder that…...


"Sickle Cell and Malaria." Kie Evidence ?


Jared Diamond "Blood, Genes and Malaria." Natural History February 1999.

The causes and treatment of'sickle cell anemia
Pages: 4 Words: 1291

Healthcare has recently become a very polarizing and contentious issue within the United States. Healthcare expenditures as a percentage of GDP are currently percent. Over the next decade these expenditures are expected to be 20% of GDP or roughly $6.2 Billion. COVID-19 has only exacerbated many of the prevailing trends surrounding healthcare and its subsequent treatment. For one, the government has passed the affordable care act which attempts to lower healthcare costs through a series of legislative efforts. In addition, governments are attempting to redirect healthcare expenditures to focus primarily on outcomes as oppose to simply treatment. This quality over quantity approach is very apparent when revieing sickle cell anemia and its overall complications. Sickle cell treatment typically costs $1,389 per month.Sickle Cell Anemia is actually a group of interrelated disorders that are often inherited at birth. Here, the disorder results from not having enough healthy red blood cells to…...



1. Beutler, Ernest. \\\\\\"The Effect of In Vivo Modification of Sickle Cell Disease.\\\\\\" Clinical Research. 1960, 8: 101

2. Itano, Harvey A. and James V. Neel. \\\\\\"A New Inherited Abnormality of Human Hemoglobin.\\\\\\" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1950, 36: 613-17

3. Murayama, Makio and Robert Nalbandian. Sickle Cell Hemoglobin: Molecule to Man. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1973

Genetic Analysis of Sickle Cell Anemia
Pages: 7 Words: 2276

As shown in Part 1 of the Case Report, sickle cell anemia is one of the highly prevalent diseases in today’s society. This disease is a disorder of the blood brought by the inheritance of the gene that changes the shape of the sickle cell. The case provides significant insights regarding this blood disorder through examining the various issues relating to sickle cell anemia. One of the most crucial aspects towards understanding sickle cell anemia is examination of its genetic information, causes, and gene mutation. Part 2 of the Case Report examines whether chromosomal analysis was indicated, causes of the disorder, its origin with respect to gene inheritance, and gene mutation.
Chromosomal Analysis
Even though the case provides significant insights regarding sickle cell anemia, chromosomal analysis was not indicated. According to Quest Diagnostics (2013), chromosomal analysis is the microscopic evaluation of chromosomes in dividing cells. The analysis is usually carried out to…...



Calzone, K.A., Cashion, A., Feetham, S., Jenkins, J., Prows, C.A., Williams, J.K. & Wung, S. (2010, January). Nurses Transforming Health Care Using Genetics and Genomics. Nursing Outlook, 58(1), 26-35.

Genetics Home Reference. (2017, November 7). Sickle Cell Disease. Retrieved from U.S. National Library of Medicine website:  

Hyacinth, H.I., Gee, B.E. & Hibbert, J.M. (2010, October 21). The Role of Nutrition in Sickle Cell Disease. Nutrition and Metabolic Insights, 3, 57-67.

Lervolino, L.G., Baldin, P.E.A., Picado, S.M., Calil, K.B., Viel, A.A. & Campos, L.A.F. (2011). Prevalence of Sickle Cell Disease and Sickle Cell Trait in National Neonatal Screening Studies. Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, 33(1), 49-54.

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2016, December 29). Sickle Cell Anemia. Retrieved November 10, 2017, from 

Quest Diagnostics. (2013, June). Chromosome Analysis. Retrieved November 10, 2017, from 

Serjeant, G.R. (2013, October). The Natural History of Sickle Cell Disease. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, 3(10). Retrieved from 

Genetic Science Sickle Cell Anemia
Pages: 3 Words: 978

Sickle cell anemia is among the highly prevalent diseases in the contemporary society. Sickle cell anemia is a disorder of the blood that is caused by the inheritance of the gene that alters the shape of the sickle cell. Therefore, the gene interferes with the working of hemoglobin in the movement of oxygen. The prevalence of the sickle cell anemia varies regarding the geographical position and the ethnic identity. In the United States, the sickle cell anemia is most prevalent among African Americans. The disease also shows a relatively higher prevalence of the disease in the Hispanics followed by the Whites. However, the prevalence also varies from one place to another in the United States (Lervolino et al. 2011). Sickle cell anemia is a cancerous disease making it difficult to treat. However, various trends are involved in the diagnosis of the disease. The diagnosis of the disease involves a blood test…...

Sickle Cell Anemia
Pages: 9 Words: 2488

Essay Topic Examples 1.The Genetic Basis of Sickle Cell Anemia:
    This essay would explore the genetic mutation responsible for sickle cell anemia, how the disease is inherited, and the molecular mechanisms leading to the characteristic sickle-shaped red blood cells. It would also discuss the prevalence of the mutation in different populations and the evolutionary theory of the heterozygote advantage in areas with malaria.

2.Managing ain in Sickle Cell Anemia atients:
    The essay would delve into the strategies for managing the chronic pain that often accompanies sickle cell anemia, including pharmaceutical options, physical therapy, and alternative therapies. It would highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach and provide an overview of the challenges in treating chronic pain in these patients.

3.Advancements in Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease:
    Focusing on the cutting-edge research in genetic treatments, this essay would detail the current advancements in gene therapy and their potential to provide a cure for sickle cell anemia.…...


Primary Sources

Serjeant, Graham R. \"The Natural History of Sickle Cell Disease.\" Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, vol. 3, no. 10, 2013, a011783. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a011783.

Ingram, V. M. \"A Specific Chemical Difference Between the Globins of Normal Human and Sickle-cell Anaemia Haemoglobin.\" Nature, vol. 178, 1956, pp. 792–794. doi:10.1038/178792a0.

Steinberg, Martin H. et al. \"Disorders of Hemoglobin: Genetics, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Management.\" Cambridge University Press, 2001. ISBN 9780521622316.

Bunn, Howard Franklin. \"Pathogenesis and Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease.\" The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 337, no. 11, 1997, pp. 762–769. doi:10.1056/NEJM199709113371107.

Platt, Orah S. et al. \"Pain in Sickle Cell Disease. Rates and Risk Factors.\" The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 325, no. 1, 1991, pp. 11–16. doi:10.1056/NEJM199107043250103.

Sickle Cell Anemia
Pages: 8 Words: 2158

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Genetic and Molecular Basis of Sickle Cell Anemia:
    Explore the hereditary factors of sickle cell anemia, including the mutation in the HBB gene that leads to the production of abnormal hemoglobin. Discuss the implications of this mutation on the red blood cells and the resultant pathophysiology.

2. Sickle Cell Anemia and Its Global Health Impact:
    Analyze the prevalence of sickle cell anemia in various regions around the world and how it affects different populations. Delve into the socio-economic factors that influence its treatment and the strategies different health systems adopt to manage the disease.

3. Living with Sickle Cell Anemia: Challenges and Coping Mechanisms:
    Describe the day-to-day challenges faced by individuals living with sickle cell anemia. Evaluate how patients cope with symptoms, complications, and the psychological impacts of the disease, and highlight supportive measures that enhance quality of life.

4. Advances in the Treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia:
    Discuss recent advances in medical…...


Primary Sources

\"The Molecular Basis of Sickle Cell Anemia: A Review\" by Ingram, Vernon M. Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 2, no. 1, 1961, pp. 56–76.

\"Sickle-Cell Anemia: A Look at Global Haplotype Distribution\" by Piel, Frédéric B., et al. Nature Reviews Genetics, vol. 16, no. 3, 2015, pp. 171–182.

\"Genetic Modifiers of the Severity of Sickle Cell Anemia Identified Through a Genome-Wide Association Study\" by Lettre, Guillaume, et al. The American Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 88, no. 1, 2011, pp. 29–39.

\"Sickle Cell Disease: Old Discoveries, New Concepts, and Future Promise\" by Rees, David C., et al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, vol. 127, no. 4, 2017, pp. 1202–1214.

\"A Multidimensional Genomic Approach to Sickle Cell Disease Research and Treatment\" by Connes, Philippe, et al. Physiological Genomics, vol. 48, no. 7, 2016, pp. 502–511.

Sickle Cell Anemia
Pages: 9 Words: 2458

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Genetic Basis of Sickle Cell Anemia and its Inheritance atterns:
This essay will dissect the genetic underpinnings of sickle cell anemia, detailing the specific DNA mutation in the HBB gene responsible for the abnormal hemoglobin formation. The focus will be on how the disease is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern and the implications for carriers and affected individuals.

2. Sickle Cell Anemia: Clinical Manifestations and Challenges in Management:
The essay will explore the multifaceted clinical manifestations of sickle cell anemia, ranging from periodic painful crises to chronic complications such as organ damage. It will discuss the current challenges healthcare professionals face in managing these symptoms and the impact on the quality of life of those affected.

3. Advancements in Treatment Options for Sickle Cell Anemia:
This essay aims to chart the progress in treatment modalities for sickle cell anemia, covering traditional…...


Primary Sources

Bunn, H. Franklin. \"Pathogenesis and treatment of sickle cell disease.\" New England Journal of Medicine 337.11 (1997): 762-769.

Rees, David C., et al. \"Sickle-cell disease.\" The Lancet 376.9757 (2010): 2018-2031.

Lettre, Guillaume, et al. \"DNA polymorphisms at the BCL11A, HBS1L-MYB, and beta-globin loci associate with fetal hemoglobin levels and pain crises in sickle cell disease.\" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105.33 (2008): 11869-11874.

Ware, Russell E., et al. \"Hydroxycarbamide in very young children with sickle-cell anaemia: a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial (BABY HUG).\" The Lancet 377.9778 (2011): 1663-1672.

Steinberg, Martin H. \"Predicting clinical severity in sickle cell anaemia.\" British Journal of Haematology 129.4 (2005): 465-481.

Sickle Gene Therapies for Sickle
Pages: 4 Words: 1128

Implications for ongoing research into genetic therapies and side effects/later developments are discussed at length.
Yannaki, E. & Stamatoyannopoulos, G. (2010). Hematopoietic stem cell mobilization strategies for gene therapy of beta thalassemia and sickle cell disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1202: 59-63.

Though the clinical trial these two researchers are involved in does not yet have results that are ready for publication, the review of the risks they provide regarding the use of stem cell mobilization with G-CSF in patients with sickle cell is highly useful information. So, too, is the practice of pre-treating patients with hydroxyurea before administering the stem cell treatment, which the authors describe in detail and which forms the basis of the related clinical trial. Potential reduction of risks appears to be quite promising, though final results from the clinical trial and other supporting evidence will of course be required.

Ye, L., Chang, J.,…...

Drug Treatment for Anemia
Pages: 2 Words: 623

Pharmacotherapy for Hematologic DisordersAnemia is an hematologic disorder that occurs when the individual lacks the requisite number of healthy red blood cells for bringing oxygen to the bodys cells. Without oxygen, the bodys cells are essentially choked to death. ed blood cells depend on a number of supports, such as iron, B12, and folate for healthy development. In children these supports are especially necessary and they are still in a developmental stage. Treating children with anemia can depend upon the severity and source causing the anemia; however, there are some pharmacotherapy options available. This paper will consider drug treatments for patients with anemia and the factor of age and how it plays a part in the treatment process.As Ozdemir (2015) notes, reduced erythrocyte count or a hemoglobin (Hb) value 5 percentile below the normal hemoglobin value specified for that age in healthy individuals is defined as anemia (p. 11). Treating…...


ReferencesÖzdemir, N. (2015). Iron deficiency anemia from diagnosis to treatment in children. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics/Türk Pediatri Ar?ivi, 50(1), 11.Powers, J. M., Buchanan, G. R., Adix, L., Zhang, S., Gao, A., & McCavit, T. L. (2017). Effect of low-dose ferrous sulfate vs iron polysaccharide complex on hemoglobin concentration in young children with nutritional iron-deficiency anemia: a randomized clinical trial. Jama, 317(22), 2297-2304.

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Gene Editing in Medicine?
Words: 255

I. Introduction
A. Definition of gene editing and its potential applications in medicine
B. Ethical considerations and potential risks

II. Techniques for Gene Editing
A. CRISPR-Cas9 system
B. Other gene editing technologies (e.g., TALENs, ZFNs)
C. Comparison of different techniques

III. Applications of Gene Editing in Medicine
A. Treatment of genetic diseases (e.g., sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis)
B. Cancer therapy (e.g., CAR T-cell therapy)
C. Regenerative medicine (e.g., tissue engineering, organ transplantation)

IV. Ethical and Societal Implications of Gene Editing
A. Off-target effects and unintended consequences
B. Long-term health risks and the need for monitoring
C. Concerns about genetic enhancement and the....

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