Shoplifting Essays (Examples)

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Shoplifting & Social Process Theory the Social
Pages: 2 Words: 553

Shoplifting & Social Process Theory
The Social Process Theory argues that people commit crime based on social influences (McQuade, 2009). Social influences can be strong where shoplifting is concerned with peer pressure in delinquency or with family influences when family members are corrupt. Although the theory does not fully explain all acts of shoplifting, it does explain acts of shoplifting where delinquency and corrupt family members are concerned.

Peer pressure causes stress where teens are striving to be accepted by their peers. If teens are associated with deviant peers, they will shoplift if the peers want them to in order to be accepted by the peers. This is the social influence of peer pressure. Regardless of how they were taught or how they feel, the idea is being accepted in their peer group. With deviant group affiliation, the justification is a sense of loyalty to the deviant group. There is also justification…...



McQuade, S. (2009). Encylopedia of Cybercrime. Retrieved from Scribd:

Preventing Shoplifting
Pages: 2 Words: 543

Shoplifting Detection and Deterrence Methods
Perhaps the most common shoplifting deterrence technique is obvious surveillance. This may include either having cameras in the store screened by security personnel or covert observation of suspect shoppers. Simply the knowledge that shoppers are being watched can act as a deterrent. Store employees should be thoroughly briefed on how to prevent potential thefts. Store personnel should be briefed to keep track of suspicious items. Store employees should interact with shoppers: sometimes making a personal connection with a potential thief can be useful ("10 tips," 2015).

Anti-theft devices can make shoplifting less convenient and easier for potential shoplifters. These include having tags on clothing which must be removed when a purchase is made and placing easy-to-pocket items behind the counter.

Keeping close watch upon inventory to be aware of potentially desirable objects of theft is essential. Store owners should be aware at all times of what types of…...



10 tips to prevent shoplifting. (2015).Staples. Retrieved from:

Tips to stop shoplifting. (2015). Kamloops. Retrieved from:

Analysis of Shop Lifting and Retail Security
Pages: 4 Words: 1480

Shoplifting is currently one among the most prevalent of non-violent offenses in the U.S.A. Shoplifting refers to stealing property put forward for sale. It is a costly issue - U.S. businesses and consumers lose billions every year to shoplifting. The former have to bear the burden of security-related costs and that of lost merchandise, while the latter have to pay a larger amount as retail prices as sellers pass on those costs. The police must strive hard to ensure prevention of the crime, as well as capture of shoplifters (Shoplifting Prevention Guide, 2011).
Shoplifters come from all income levels and age groups. Literally anybody entering a retail outlet may be a possible shoplifter. Shoplifters generally appear to be of two types: professionals, for whom this is their livelihood; and amateurs, who steal for many different reasons. This may involve merely a wish to possess the product, a wish to own luxuries,…...



Beck, Adrian, and Andrew Willis. 1999. "Context-Specific Measures of CCTV Effectiveness in the Retail Sector." In Surveillance of Public Space: CCTV, Street Lighting and Crime Prevention, ed. Kate Painter and Nick Tilley. Crime Prevention Studies, Vol. 10. Monsey, New York: Criminal Justice Press: 251-269.

Hobson, Katherine. 2001. "Hey, Security Tag Makers: You're It." U.S. News & World Report, May 14, p. 34.

Shoplifting Prevention Guide. (2011). Lee's Summit Police Department

Integrative Case the Case Involve M a
Pages: 3 Words: 1424

Integrative Case
The case involve M, a 35-year-old mother with three children from two fathers. He most recent boyfriend, the father of the youngest child, has beaten her twice, been arrested and jailed, but is about to be released. Despite a restraining order, Melissa is terrified. Her economic situation is dire -- she lives at an inexpensive motel, works part-time for under the table wages, and relies on IC services. Most recently, her 12-year-old son was arrested for shoplifting and suspended from school for fighting. Melissa is aghast about her lifestyle, and heard about my sliding scale fees from a previous client whom I saw when I interned at a public mental health center.

Challenging Aspects -- There are several challenging aspects to this case: 1) Decisions on pro-bono work; 2) Services for those in need; 3) Family in crisis, son acting out, mother feeling frightened and family potentially in danger. Clinicians…...


Works Cited

New Benefit for Volunteer Clinicians. (2012, January). Retrieved from 

American Counseling Association . (2012, January). Ethics. Retrieved from 

Cain, S., et al. (2003). Protecting Person in Family Therapy Research: An Overview of Ethical Standards. Journal of Marital Family Therapy, 29(1), 47-56.

California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. (2012, January). Professional Ethics for MFTs. Retrieved from ?Section=Home&template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=12608

Criminal Justice Interoffice Memorandum Supervising Attorney Paralegal
Pages: 3 Words: 920

Criminal Justice

Supervising Attorney


John Ebersol

Determine whether Mr. Ebersol was guilty of shoplifting. If Mr. Ebersol was guilty of shoplifting, determine what he can expect his punishment to be.


Mr. Ebersol purchased a flathead screwdriver from the hardware store on Saturday, but purchased a Phillips head screwdriver by mistake. Mr. Ebersol returned to the store with the intention of purchasing screws for his new screwdriver. When he discovered that the hardware store was out of flathead screws, Mr. Ebersol left the flathead screwdriver on the counter and left the store with a Phillips head screwdriver in his pocket. Mr. Ebersol was detained, interrogated for 2 1/2 hours, and released with shoplifting charges against him.


(1) Is Mr. Ebersol guilty of shoplifting?

(2) If Mr. Ebersol is guilty of shoplifting, what can his expected punishment be?


(1) Mr. Ebersol is not guilty of shoplifting.

(2) If found guilty of shoplifting, Mr. Ebersol can expect to serve…...

Ben & Jerry the Concept of Unit
Pages: 3 Words: 908

Ben & Jerry
The concept of unit pricing relates to the price per unit of a good. Often, companies like to convey the impression that buying a larger size saves the consumer money, but unit pricing allows the consumer to see whether or not this is the case. Unit pricing reflects the price per unit of something, rather than the price per container. The point of unit pricing is that it allows the consumer to see the price per unit, rather than the price for whatever size container is available. This allows for comparison between products sold in different sized containers (Montaldo, 2012).

The Consumer Bill of Rights was introduced by John F. Kennedy in 1962. There are six such rights. These are as follows: the right to be safe, the right to choose freely, the right to be heard, the right to be informed, the right to education and the right…...


Works Cited:

Addiction Blog. (2011). Why do people shoplift? Addiction Blog. Retrieved March 24, 2012 from 

Montaldo, D. (2012). Unit pricing -- the real price. Retrieved March 24, 2012 from 

US (2012). Consumer bill of rights law & legal definition. U.S. Retrieved March 24, 2012 from

Crime the Purpose of This
Pages: 10 Words: 2753

Many people using illicit and illegal drugs often have no impulse control and may turn violent or to another form of crime. Once an individual's mind is altered from the constant use of drugs, he or she will often steal, lie, and cheat to make the next dollar to obtain more drugs.
Many people could share family related drug stories that have led to criminal activities. About 10 years ago, several acquaintances under the influence of cocaine robbed a pharmacy and stole thousands of narcotics. The man and women then stole a car and cocaine from a dealer and drove across the country; several days later they were both apprehended and sent to jail for a long time. This example illustrates that one impulsive behavior after another can lead to a series of crimes committed. Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory offers a rationale to why individuals would use illegal drugs -- impulse…...



Bureau of justice statistics- drug use and crime. (2009, October). Retrieved from

Crime. (2011, June). Retrieved from 

Freud, S. (1961). The Complete Works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 19). London: Hogarth.

Lerner, L., Lerner, B.L., & Cengage, G. (2006). Criminology. World of forensic science, Retrieved from

Charlie What Are the Roles of a
Pages: 3 Words: 1068

hat are the roles of a juvenile police officer, a judge, and a probation officer in the juvenile system?

The juvenile police officer's role is to arrest those under the age of 18 who commit crimes, and according to an article in the Houston Chronicle, that officer must determine if the offender should be referred to the juvenile court or to an adult court. The juvenile police officer questions the alleged offender, fingerprints the offender, officially books the offender into the juvenile justice facilities and basically handles the case at the start of the process (Bolden-Barrett, 2011).

The statistics show that about 83% of court referrals for juveniles come from police officers; the remaining 17% come from parents, from schools, from the victims of crimes and from probation officers. Federal law requires that the arresting juvenile police officer can keep an under-18 offender in custody "…no more than six hours" -- and…...


Works Cited

Bilchik, S. (1999). Focus on Accountability: Best Practices for Juvenile Court and Probation.

Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants Program. U.S. Department of Justice.

Retrieved December 24, 2013, from .

Bolden-Barrett, V. (2011). Police Officer's Roles in the Juvenile Justice System. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved December 24, 2013, from .

Ms Jane v Mr Stubbornman
Pages: 5 Words: 1971

Stubbornman's abuse of power specifically involves the infant. By refusing Ms Jane to breastfeed her infant, Mr. Stubbornman violated not only the Florida jurisdiction, but also the right of the infant to be nourished when he was in need.
The security guard and the store, however, can justify their position in detaining Ms Jane initially, in order to determine whether there was any case of shoplifting. The defendants should refer to the Florida Statute of 811.022, which provides that "[a] peace officer, or a merchant, or a merchant's employee who has probably cause for believing that goods held for sale by the merchant have been unlawfully taken by a person and that he can recover them by taking the person into custody, may, for the purpose of attempting to effect such recovery, take the person into custody and detain him in a reasonable manner for reasonable length of time" (Jefferson…...



Bryant v. Kansas City Rus. Co. 286 Mo. 342, 228 S.W. 472. Mo. 1921. February 19, 1921. Retrieved on February 27, 2011, from WestLaw.

Hughes v. McDonald. 133 Cal.App.2d 74, 283 P.2d 360 Cal.App. 1 Dist. 1955. May 18, 1955. Retrieved on February 27, 2011, from WestLaw.

Jefferson Stores, Inc. v. Caudell. 228 So.2d 99. Fla.App. 1969. November 18, 1969. Retrieved on February 27, 2011, from WestLaw.

Oosterhoudt v. Montgomery Ward & Co., Inc. 316 So.2d 582. Fla.App. 1975. July 1975. Retrieved on February 27, 2011, from WestLaw.

Paul v Davis the Facts
Pages: 10 Words: 2567

" (Paul v. Davis)
The majority went on to argue that it is almost impossible to guess at any logical stopping place to the afore-prescribed theory of reasoning. Davis' interpretation of the law as set out in his briefs would seem almost necessarily to manifest itself in every legally cognizable injury which may have been inflicted by a state official - of any sort, not just a police officer -- acting under "color of law" establishing a violation of the Fifth Amendment as extended to the 50 states by the aforementioned Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

According to the majority, "We think it would come as a great surprise to those who drafted and shepherded the adoption of that Amendment to learn that it worked such a result, and a study of our decisions convinces us they do not support the construction urged by respondent."

Section 4: The Result

Consequently, the majority of the…...



Paul v. Davis 424 U.S. 693 (1976).

Magna Carta, 1214 AD.

US Constitution.

Palko v. Connecticut, 302 U.S. 319, 325 (1937).

Exist on Kleptomania They May Include Treatment
Pages: 9 Words: 2765

exist on kleptomania. They may include treatment options, background on the disorders, or even how to identify a person suffering from kleptomania. New research however, has begun linking the disorder to others in hopes of better understanding what causes kleptomania and how to effectively treat it. Kleptomania has been linked to compulsive buying and binge-eating disorder. omen are known to suffer more from these disorders than men. This suggests these three disorders may have more in common than initially believed.

Kleptomania is a rare disorder found in both men and women with women producing higher occurrences than men. Shoplifting although similar to kleptomania, is not habitual nor does it produce the same effects that someone suffering from kleptomania would. The disorder is commonly characterized by a need to steal things, sometimes trivial things, in order to feel better or feel in control. Normally people who show symptoms of kleptomania have…...


Works Cited

Chong, S.A., and B.L. Iow. "Treatment of kleptomania with fluvoxamine." Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 93.4 (1996): 314-315. Print.

Grant, Jon, Brian Odlaug, Liana Schrieber, Samuel Chamberlain, and Suck Won. "Memantine reduces stealing behavior and impulsivity in kleptomania: a pilot study." International Clinical Psychopharmacology 28.2 (2013): 106-111. Print.

Grant, Jon E., and Suck Won Kim. "An Open-Label Study of Naltrexone in the Treatment of Kleptomania." The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 63.4 (2002): 349-356. Print.

Grant, Jon E., and Marc N. Potenza. The Oxford handbook of impulse control disorders. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Print.

Families Delinquency and Crime This
Pages: 3 Words: 1240

He has been expelled from three school since he began his education and is currently attending junior high school after last attending a small charter school in his community. The shoplifting incident also caused his mother to ask his father to take him back into his home, he has lived with mostly his mother with infrequent visitation from his father, except for a year period where he lived with his father and stepmother and their other children, which ended at age 12 when he tried to vocalize feelings of concern about puberty to his stepmother and she perceived the conversation as deviant and asked that he be returned to his mother.
Justin's anti-social behavior began at birth but has had periods of extremes, beginning with near constant conflict with his mother over mundane requests as well as other general rejections of authority, including an incident of extreme foul language focused…...



Greene, R.R. (1999). 5 Carl Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach. In Human Behavior Theory and Social Work Practice (2nd ed., pp. 145-161). New York: Aldine De Gruyter.

Loeber, R., Farrington, D.P., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., & Van Kammen, W.B. (1998). Antisocial Behavior and Mental Health Problems: Explanatory Factors in Childhood and Adolescence. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Van Lier, P.A., Vuijk, P., & Crijnen, a.A. (2005). Understanding Mechanisms of Change in the Development of Antisocial Behavior: The Impact of a Universal Intervention. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 33(5), 521.

Classical Criminology Theory The Author Will Apply
Pages: 2 Words: 592

classical criminology theory. The author will apply the theory of the Lacassagne School which combines Durkheim's determinism plus biological factors. This applies to contemporary criminology in the case of recidivist situations where a criminal will not or can not be reformed. In the opinion of the author, this theory supports a social responsibility perspective. In this case, such a criminology theory would explain the behavior of serial killers who are hopelessly recidivist and justify the death penalty.
The above view would follow logically into neoclassical criminology theory that applies to contemporary criminology. This type of approach supports a social responsibility perspective. If the behavior is caught early enough, it should prevent crime because the criminal is certain that they will punished. For instance, this is the case in situations of direct control whereby punishment is threatened or applied for wrongful behavior and such compliance is rewarded by family, parents or…...

Psychology and the Criminal Offender
Pages: 2 Words: 642

Psychology and the Criminal Offender
Individuals commit crimes for many different reasons, and some of these and psychological in nature. In other words, the way that a person's brain works and the way that the person looks at the world can contribute to how that person reacts to many different things and whether that person commits crimes, or what kinds of crimes. The circumstances of the individual can also contribute to what kind of crimes are committed, since access to different things affects the types of crimes that are committed by specific individuals. Looked at here will be white collar, blue collar, and organized crime, since they are all different and those differences can be important. In addition to this, it will be important to describe and distinguish the common characteristics that these criminals have.

White collar crime is generally committed by those that make more money and that work in jobs…...

Judy Blume's Then I Are God
Pages: 5 Words: 1414

Judy Blume's Then, I Are God ? It's margaret Oedipus Rex Elektra bySophocles.
Affinities between Judy Blume's "Then Again, Maybe I on't" and "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" and Sophocles' "Oedipus Rex" and "Electra"

Judy Blume's novels "Then Again, Maybe I on't" and "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" are, to a certain degree, similar to Sophocles' tragedies "Oedipus Rex" and "Electra." It is probable that Blume inspired from the tragedies when devising the storylines for each of the novels. However, it would surely be absurd for someone to claim that her works are not unique in character. Tony, the protagonist in "Then Again, Maybe I on't," and Oedipus, the central character in "Oedipus Rex" are alike when considering that they both experience a false feeling of success only to eventually feel that they live in a lie. Similarly, Margaret and Electra are two young women who are…...


Works cited:

Blume, Judy, "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret," (Random House Children's Books, 21.03.2012 )

"Then Again, Maybe I Won't," (Random House Children's Books, 21.03.2012)

Sophocles, "Oedipus Rex," (Univ of Wisconsin Press, 19.05.2011

Sophocles, "Electra," (Rivingtons, 1867)

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