Shoes Essays (Examples)

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Gods Children Need Traveling Shoes by Maya
Pages: 4 Words: 1308

Gods Children Need Traveling Shoes by Maya Angelou
All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes an Analysis in Cultural Experiences and Their Impact on Healthcare in the United States

Unfortunately, we still do not live in an entirely colorblind society. Despite all of the progress we would like to think that we have made, there are still clear racial divides that separate the cultural experiences of Americans based on their race and ethnicity. Maya Angelou expresses this strange tension in her work All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes, where she is allowed to reflect on her isolated stance in American society based on her cultural heritage from the outside perspective of living in Ghana, est Africa.

Being an African-American is difficult in this country, especially in the time period that Maya Angelou is writing her classic All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes. The story is set in the early to mid 1960s, and…...


Works Cited

Angelou, Maya. All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes. Random House. 2010.

Ephraim Gurney's Shoes You Have Just Been
Pages: 3 Words: 959

Ephraim Gurney's shoes: you have just been appointed as the first student affairs professional by your university president. Your president wants you to handle student discipline and other duties that will allow faculty to free up their time for research. In a sense, you have an opportunity to define your role: what will it look like? What are your key functions? Provide evidence-based rationale to support your answer.
The student affairs office should handle all types of student advocacy, life, and wellness (Hattas, 1989). This will incorporate a lot of different departments that will fall under the general umbrella of student affairs. From the time that a student first starts thinking about joining the university until they have either gotten their degree or for some other reason leave, the office of student affairs makes sure that the individual has the resources to succeed. Admissions is the first student affairs department…...



Gerda, J. (2006). Gathering together: A view of the earliest student affairs professional organizations. NASPA, 43(4), 147-163.

Hattas, L. (1989). The student affairs profession. Retrieved from

Ludeman, R.L. (2001). The role of student affairs and services in higher education: A practical manual for developing, implementing, and assessing student affairs programmes and services. International Association of Student Affairs and Services Professionals (IASAS). Retrieved from 

MacKinnon, F.J.D. (2004). Rentz's student affairs practice in higher education. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publishing.

Greek'shoe company
Pages: 6 Words: 1884

Cover PageThe sports apparel industry is heavily fragmented from both a domestic and international perspective. For one, the growing middle class of India and China are creating a unique value proposition for sports apparel brands who are global in nature. These global brands are heavily focused on creating a dominate market position within their specific market niche (Aaker, 2020). In addition, these brands are interested in creating occupying a niche within the consumers minds so that they are often associated with certain consumer behaviors. Ideally many brands are looking to become so successful in their marketing campaigns that they become a verb. Example include Google it of I will FedEx it. Here, companies have essentially become so engrained in the consumer subconscious that they associate routine behavior with a certain company (Abbey, 2018). In this case they associate searching the internet with Google and package delivery with FedEx. Sports apparel…...


References (recent. From the Last 4 years)

1. Aaker, D. 2003. The power of the branded differentiator. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 83-87.

2. Abbey, J., M. Ketzenberg and R. Metters. 2018. A more profitable approach to product returns. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-6.

3. Abdel-Khalik, A. R. 1975. Advertising effectiveness and accounting policy. The Accounting Review (October): 657-670. (JSTOR link).

Product Nike Chinese Kungfu Cloth Shoes The
Pages: 10 Words: 2995

Product: Nike (Chinese KungFu cloth shoes). The product a consumer product (B2C) existing sports market Australia ( confirm proper research, sport fact a viable Australian market). The product " Australia market.
Nike Kung Fu Shoes in the Australian Marketplace

The Kung Fu techniques represent one of the most valuable components of the Chinese culture and heritage. Throughout the entire world, Kung Fu has helped increase the awareness and popularity of the Asian country, and within the state, it has helped the passing on of traditions from one generation to the next.

Throughout the years, Kung Fu has become increasingly popular within the Western Hemisphere and this also includes Australia. Here, there are numerous trainers willing to provide their services to people and even competitions are organized and hosted.

A challenge remains the completion of Kung Fu operations in safe conditions, which remains a top priority for the trainers, trainees and the Martial Arts Industry…...



Buchwald, B., 2011, Internationalisation of the Hess AG: a suitable strategy for German sophisticated outdoor lighting concepts going global, GRIN Verlag

Court, D.C., Freeling, A., Leiter, M.G., Parsons, A.J., 1997, If Nike can "Just Do It," why can't we, The McKinsey Quarterly

Croft, M.J., 1994, Market segmentation: a step-by-step guide to profitable new business, Routledge

Gracefo, A., 2004, A glimpse of Shaolin, Black Belt, Vol. 42, No. 3

Aluminum Shoes and the Performance Horse
Pages: 1 Words: 326

Aluminum Shoes Introduction
Animal rights and care experts have attempted to determine which the proper ways to handle animals are. Some people assert that the best way to care for horses is through natural means and without the use of shoes of any type of material. Such debates are subjective and thus it is very difficult to prove objectively which is best. One of the most virulent debates has been over which material is best in the creation of horseshoes and whether or not that material positively affects the horse when the shoe is attached. The first horseshoes were designed to increase the amount of time that a horse was able to work and also to increase the individual horse's performance in various activities such as running. Horseshoes have been made of strong metals since their inception in order to maintain quality and shape for a long time. Primarily they are…...

Kung Fu Shoes An Opportunity Down Under
Pages: 3 Words: 929

Kung Fu Shoes: An Opportunity Down Under
There is a strong and growing Australian connection with China, as travel and trade between the two countries continues to grow at a rapid pace and both domestic economies are expanding. Along with the increase in commerce and communication between Australia and China, there has necessarily been an increase in the amount of cultural transfer, from philosophies and ideas to activities and hobbies. One of the hobbies that Australians are picking up from the Chinese at an increasing pace, though one that has been at least on the peripheries of Australian culture as it has with larger "Western" culture for some time. As the kung fu craze in Australia grows, it offers new opportunities to distributors and retailers in bringing a variety of products to market that could hardly have been profitable before. The following paragraphs provide a brief marketing description and analysis of…...

Logistics Management at Crocs Shoes
Pages: 8 Words: 2553

Crocs: Revolutionizing an Industry's Supply Chain Model For Competitive Advantage Case Analysis
Company Background

hat are Croc's core competencies?

Identification and Analysis of Alternatives

How do they exploit these competencies in the future? Consider the following alternatives

Further vertical integration into materials.

Growth by acquisition

Growth by product extension

To what degree do the alternatives in Question 2 fit the company's core competencies, and to what degree do they defocus the company away from its core competencies?

How should Crocs plan its production and inventory? How do the company's gross margins affect this decision?

Crocs, Inc. is a shoe designer, manufacturer, and retailer, which is based in the United States of America. The organization initiated its business in the year 2002. The core business of the organization was to sell plastic clogs, which had straps and were available in a number of solid and bright colors. The initiation of the business, it products and its commendable supply chain made it…...


Works cited

Burt, David N, Stephen L. Starling and Donald W. Dobler. World class supply management. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2003. Print.

Staff of Cognizant. Five Strategies for Improving Inventory Management across Complex Supply Chain Networks. Teaneck: Cognizant, 2011. 2-20.

Stanford Graduate School of Business. Crocs: Revolutionizing an Industry's Supply Chain Model for Competitive Advantage. Stanford: Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2009. 1-20, E-book.

Putting Yourself in the Shoes of an Officer
Pages: 2 Words: 721

police case wherein a man is robbed of his car, at gunpoint. The victim is unable to identify the crooks. Ultimately his car is successfully located. The paper will examine legal issues linked to the scenario.
'Carjacking' is what has happened in this case. This crime is one among the most dominant crimes occurring across the globe (Carjacking - Don't Be A Victim). A majority of carjacking crimes take place with the sole intent of obtaining the car; this crime is not associated with any political agenda, nor does it target Americans, in particular.

Technology to Use

No fewer than 70% of local police departments in the United States currently make use of systems for reading license plates, as per a recent report by the AND Corporation. This technology was initiated during the 90s in the United Kingdom (UK) for the purpose of fighting terrorism by the Irish epublican Army. Ever since,…...



Hsu, J. (2014, July 8). IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News. 70% of U.S. Police Departments Use License Plate Readers - IEEE Spectrum. Retrieved August 19, 2015, from 

Rutledge, D. (2006, March 1). POLICE Magazine - Law Enforcement News, Articles, Videos, Careers & Podcasts. Seizing Evidence in Plain View - Article - POLICE Magazine. Retrieved August 19, 2015, from 

(2002). U.S. Department of State. Carjacking -- Don't Be a Victim. Retrieved August 19, 2015, from 

Writer Thoughts

Horseshoe Res Aluminum Horseshoes for
Pages: 2 Words: 617

This experience contributes certain special personal qualities I bring to this research, including an empathy for horses and an understanding of shoeing needs and practices, as well as a compassion for the horses. This, combined with an ambition to develop better products and practices for horses and equine performance and with my above-mentioned investment and experience, will enable me to approach this research with a very strong foundation and commitment.
While no specific inciting incident inspired this research proposal, ongoing questions as to the proper use of aluminum horseshoes and effects on horse health definitely provide an impetus (Crisan et al., 2009; Huguet & Duberstein, 2012). Determining how to best avoid hoof-related health problems and how to best improve performance has long been a subject of debate and investigation amongst equine practitioners, and this pursuit is the definitive aspect of this research, as well (Koepisch, 1996; Balch et al., 1997).…...



Balch, O., Butler, D. & Collier, M. (1997). Balancing the normal foot. Equine Veterinary Education 9(3): 143-54.

Crisan, M., Lopez, J., Cjope, K., Muste, a. & Damian, a. (2009). Studies Regarding Treatment in Navicular Disease. Veterinary Medicine 66(1).

Huguet, E. & Duberstein, K. (2012). Effects of Steel and Aluminum Shoes on Forelimb Kinematics in Stock-Type Horses as Measured at the Trot. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 10 February.

Koepsich, W. (1996). Using Aluminum Shoes on Quarter Horses. Anvil Magazine. Accessed 22 March 2012.

Shoe-Horn Sonata Writing a Visual Impression According
Pages: 3 Words: 1000

Shoe-Horn Sonata
riting a Visual Impression According to Misto and Marquis

The job of taking a reader into the world of a given text requires the writer to offer a visual impression that drives the imagination. Depending on the form of the text and upon its selected content, there are a number of ways to do this, whether these ways are through devices in the composition, the use of media support or some combination of the two. As the discussion here will show, there are a lot of ways to create a distinctive visual impact for the reader of a text and that the elements shaping any approach will depend a great deal on the chosen format of the text. In the discussion in this essay for instance, we find that very different approeches are used to create this experience for the reader of John Misto's play "The Shoe-horn Sonata" and the…...


Works Cited:

Marquis, D. (?). Tom-Cat. Online at .

Misto, J. (2001). The Shoe-horn Sonata. Science Press.

Shoe Blog Brand Stewardship Blog
Pages: 6 Words: 1878

Given that Puma's new Bolt-endorsed line of running shoes doesn't really contain any groundbreaking innovations, either, it seems like simply more of the same rather than anything fresh and exciting.
Puma is reaching out to a different market than Nike, it is understood, and Usain Bolt simply does not have the same celebrity status or marketing clout as Michael Jordan. The relationship itself, however, just seems lackluster compared to the long-running Air-Jordan campaign and to other efforts made by other companies in the securing of endorsements and engaging in product-specific celebrity alignments. A rather basic looking running shoe blandly supported by a world-class runner -- the balance isn't there, and neither is they hype. There is more excitement brewed by the new comfort-oriented shoes being released by Asics than there is when it comes to Bolt's purported choice in footwear.

Other celebrity associations with footwear have been more successful, likely because…...


References (2012). micahel Jordan. Accessed 4 April 2012. 

Manifested Marketing. Converse Shoes -- Celebrity Endorsement of CSR? Accessed 4 April 2012.

Nike. (2012). History of Flight. Accessed 4 April 2012. 

SneakerFiles. (2012). Celebrity Shoe Sightings. Accessed 4 April 2012.

Shoes One Size Fits All There Is
Pages: 2 Words: 600

One Size Fits All?

There is no such thing as one size fits all - at least when it comes to shoes. For those of us blessed with unusual shoes sizes, the search for shoes can be difficult and time consuming. That process is made more difficult by retailers who claim to offer sizes but do not actually have them in stock. I wear a size 2 1/2 -3 children's shoe, which converts to an adult size 4. I receive plenty of catalogs encouraging me to visit specialty stores that offer shoes in my size. However, when I arrive at these stores, which supposedly specialize in small shoe sizes, there appears to be a very limited quality. Truth in advertising seems to mean little to these shops.

In the King of Prussia Mall, there are two stores that specialize in hard-to-find shoe sizes. I am a frequent shopper in both stores; however,…...

Shoes for Moos Inc Strengths
Pages: 4 Words: 1042

Indeed, most likely this is just considered a simple product on the market and any company can take over the idea, produce at higher quality or at lower prices and acquire some of the market share.
2. Risks related to cows. Any epidemics for cows or related actions, including economic actions, such as a decision for the government to purchase meat from other countries, because it would be cheaper, would affect the company.


1. Target all Canadian dairy farmers with direct mail.

Several pros for this type of distribution alternative include the fact that it is relatively cheap compared to other options, that it helps give a personal touch to the relationship with the clients and that the company is able to coordinate activities such as marketing and maintain the company ideas.

A disadvantage of such an alternative is that this is an impersonal sale and the potential client may not understand what…...

Shoes Still Haunt Me the
Pages: 3 Words: 1036

The exhibit opened in Chicago and has already made its way through Ohio, ashington, DC, Pennsylvania, est Virginia, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and even as far as Florida. Soon the exhibit will make its way west, all the way to California and ashington State. All Americans will have the chance to see this powerful reminder of the troops that still remain in Iraq and the thousands more who might get sent there as war rages on. Because the shoes come in all shapes, sizes, styles, and colors, their diversity also signifies the heterogeneity of the American people. Their diversity also reminds the viewer that war claims the lives of people regardless of their gender, race, or ethnicity.

Although "Eyes ide Open" is grand in both scale and scope and is designed to be an outdoor installation, the exhibit feels intimate. Viewers can walk around the shoes and read the names off the…...


Works Cited

Follow the Exhibit." Eyes Wide Open. American Friends Service Committee. .

Iraq Aftermath: The Human Face of War." American Friends Service Committee. .

Continue Shoe Project
Pages: 4 Words: 1172

Shoe Project -- Phase II
Project/Service Description

As noted in the first phase of this series of reports, the objective of the Adidas customized shoe project is to offer a solution that brings Adidas into the same realm as its competitors while at the same time exceeding the similar offerings that the competitors offer. The Nike ID offering is obviously not unlike that of the Adidas offering but the Adidas Corporation will perfect and hone the offering in such a way that is clearly superior to that of Nike and other companies that offer a customized shoe option.

Project Scope

The scope of the project is quite simple. Adidas corporation will construct and develop a framework that allows for the exhaustive yet efficient mechanism for customer to custom-order shoes that are customized to the preferences and desires of the customer while at the same time allowing for a process that keeps costs down for…...



ADIDAS. (2013, October 7). Athletic Shoes, Casual Shoes, Apparel & Sports

Equipment | Athletic Shoes, Casual Shoes, Apparel & Sports

Equipment | Retrieved October 7, 2013, from

Nike. (2013, October 7). NIKE, Inc. -- " Inspiration and Innovation for Every Athlete in the World. NIKE, Inc. -- " Inspiration and Innovation for Every Athlete in the World. Retrieved October 7, 2013, from

what is ballet?
Words: 115

Ballet is a classical form of dance that originated in the 15th century during the Italian Renaissance. It is a highly technical and artistic dance style that emphasizes precise movements, grace, and elegance. Ballet dancers undergo rigorous training and follow a structured technique that includes specific positions of the arms and feet, intricate footwork, and fluid body movements. The dancers often wear pointe shoes to perform on their toes and create an illusion of weightlessness. Ballet includes various styles, such as classical ballet, neoclassical ballet, and contemporary ballet, each showcasing different choreography and music. It is widely performed in professional....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on Hemingway\'s shortest story?
Words: 203

1. "Analyzing Hemingway's 'For sale: baby shoes, never worn'"

2. "The Power of Minimalism in Hemingway's Shortest Story"

3. "Unpacking the Heartbreaking Silence in 'Baby Shoes'"

4. "Symbolism and Subtext in Hemingway's Brief Narrative"

5. "The Art of Implication: Decoding Hemingway's 'Baby Shoes'"

6. "Exploring the Emotional Impact of Hemingway's Micro-Fiction"

7. "Minimalist Storytelling: A Close Reading of 'For sale: baby shoes, never worn'"

8. "The Psychology of Hemingway's Six-Word Masterpiece"

9. "The Legacy of 'Baby Shoes' in Literature and Pop Culture"

10. "Hemingway's 'Baby Shoes' and the Writing Craft: Lessons in Conciseness"
11. "Deconstructing Hemingway's Enigmatic 'Baby Shoes'"
12. "The Impact of Hemingway's 'Baby Shoes' on Modern Literature"
13. "Silent Sorrow:....

How can we create a culture of kindness to combat bullying?
Words: 553

1. Educate and raise awareness about the negative impacts of bullying: By teaching children and adults about the harmful consequences of bullying, we can promote empathy and encourage kinder behavior.

2. Model kindness: Be a role model by demonstrating kind behavior in your interactions with others. Children are likely to emulate behavior they witness from adults.

3. Encourage positive reinforcement: Recognize and praise acts of kindness to reinforce positive behavior and create a culture that values kindness.

4. Implement anti-bullying policies and procedures: Schools and workplaces should have clear policies in place to address bullying behavior and provide support to both victims and....

What are some common challenges faced by single parents in today\'s society, as discussed in the 2018 article retrieved in 2024?
Words: 567

Common Challenges Faced by Single Parents in Today's Society

Single parenting has become increasingly prevalent in contemporary society, posing unique and formidable challenges for these individuals. The 2018 article, "The Evolving Landscape of Single Parenting: Challenges and Opportunities," sheds light on the myriad difficulties that single parents navigate on a daily basis.

1. Financial Instability:

Single parents often face significant financial struggles due to limited earning capacity, childcare expenses, and the absence of a second income. They may juggle multiple jobs, work long hours, and live on a shoestring budget. Access to affordable housing, healthcare, and other essential services can be particularly challenging.


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