Sexual Harassment Essays (Examples)

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Sexual Harassment
Pages: 7 Words: 2227

Sexual harassment is not something that has a sole effect on the accuser and the victim. This type of behavior has an influence on everything around them. Sexual harassment policies are put in practice to make sure there is a safe environment and lessen employer liability. There are approaches that can be performed in order to display the commitment that is from people in high places. With that said, this essay will discuss sexual harassment and also the characteristics that go along with it
What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment can be describes as any unwanted or unwelcome kindness either by talking or touching to a person that is reasonable is way that is inappropriate. This word sometimes encompasses to comprise of gender harassment, harassment based on sexual orientation, and also sexual abuse (Kantrowitz, 2005). If the victim does not show any type of expression, then it cannot be called sexual harassment.…...



Harassment prevention policies and guidelines. . (2013, April 4). Retrieved from 

Sexual harassment In the Wohkplace. (2013, April 4). Retrieved from West's Encyclopedia of American Law:   harassment 

Gladstone, L.W. (2005). Sexual harassment policy, rules applicable to congressional. Congressional Research Service, 23-40.

Kantrowitz, B. (2005). Striking a nerve. Newsweek, 34-38.

Sexual Harassment
Pages: 7 Words: 1928

Sexual Harassment
Should a person (employer or employees) be held liable for unintentional sexual harassment? If yes, under what circumstances? If no, under what circumstances? Give examples of particular cases that address both circumstances.

Sexual harassment is defined as "any verbal or physical behavior with sexual connotations that brings discomfort or degrades the work environment, where the aggressor takes advantage of his or her position or repeated involvement to impose such behavior on another individual against his/her will, causing disadvantage to the individual."

Sexual harassment includes any unwelcome, unsolicited and non-reciprocated behavior that constitutes deliberate or unintentional verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature (Gibson, 1995). Sexual harassment may be an isolated incident or a series of many incidents. The distress that results from sexual harassment may be the same whether the conduct was intentional or unintentional. Therefore, both employers and employees should be held liable for both intentional and unintentional sexual…...



Bushweller, Kevin. (1994). The Gender Debate. American School Board Journal 181.5: 22.

Gibson, Paul. (1995) Sexual Harassment Management for Managers and Supervisors. Chicago: Jennins and Co.

Jayne, Brian C. (1994). Interviewing Strategies That Defeat Deceit. Security Management, Feb. 1994: 37-42.

National Women's Law Center. (1995). Sexual Harassment in Employment and Education. Seattle, Washington: Northwest Women's Law Center.

Sexual Harassment
Pages: 3 Words: 1071

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a widespread problem and a serious issue not only because of moral and ethical violations but also because of legal repercussions involved. While the issue is serious and attention is being paid to curtail it, there still remain some ambiguities due to which it is not easy to determine what actually constitutes sexual harassment. For one, we must understand that sexual harassment is not the same thing as friendly pat on the shoulder or a casual peck on the cheek; it has been to something uncalled for and violating our personal boundaries for it to qualify as harassment. Over the years, so much has been said about sexual harassment that male colleagues in the workplace may feel threatened and may even be wrongfully accused of harassing female colleagues when they were only trying to be friendly.
In the case of Peggy, we need to first…...



1. Landis-Schiff, Tom, Sexual Harassment-Why Men Don't Understand It. Vol. 57, Contemporary Women's Issues Database, 01-02-1996, pp 15-25.

2. McGarvey, Robert, Hands off! How do the latest Supreme Court decisions on sexual harassment affect you? (Cutting Edge: Staff Smarts). Vol. 26, Entrepreneur Magazine, 09-01-1998, pp 85(3).

Sexual Harassment
Pages: 3 Words: 959

Sexual Harassment: How I Learned to Drive
"Driving is easy. Just remember. Break pedal. Gas pedal. And go."

Sara turned the key in the ignition and suddenly the car sprung to life. She couldn't believe it. Was she really driving? All of her life, while living in Saudi Arabia, driving meant sitting in the back seat, being taken somewhere by someone else. Learning to drive was a male rite of passage, like growing a beard. But driving in America was taken for granted. Even little old ladies who drove with their knobby knuckles clutching the wheel drove to the store. You could not get anywhere in America without driving. So Sara would have to learn to drive, while she was a student in this new country.

Sara was not her real name. However, because Ben could not pronounce her full Arabic name, he called her Sara. Sara did not object. There were many…...

Sexual Harassment Can Be Legally Defined as
Pages: 6 Words: 1673

Sexual harassment can be legally defined as "verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature, aimed at a particular person or group of people, especially in the workplace or in academic or other institutional settings, that is actionable, as in tort or under equal-opportunity statutes" ("sexual harassment," 2012). If a person in authority such as a boss, mentor, or official is found pressurizing a person holding an inferior position with the intention of obtaining sexual favors, it is typified as sexual harassment. In most cases, sexually unambiguous or evocative behavior by male colleagues may be intended to make a work situation difficult for a recently appointed female. The main motive of the harassers may be sheer resentment to female admission into a male preserve ("sexual harassment," 2012).
Difference between Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination

Harassment is behavior that is unessential for the performance of an administrative or managerial job, but in its…...



Broderick, T.B. (2011). The Difference between Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination. Retrieved August 13, 2012 from

Burlington Industries, Inc. v. Ellerth. (2012, August). Retrieved August 14, 2012 from 

Gross, B. (2008). Sexual Harassment: Dressing for a Hostile Environment. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 11 (3), Retrieved August 13, 2012 from

Hartmus, D.M., & Niblock, S.B. (2000). Elements of a Good Sexual Harassment Policy. The Public Manager, 29 (1), Retrieved August 13, 2012 from

Sexual Harassment it Is Important to Note
Pages: 7 Words: 2133

Sexual Harassment
It is important to note that apart from serving as a centre for economic gains, the workplace also serves as a second home as well as a critical social network. Just like any other social network, the workplace also tends to have a distinctive culture which in some cases could be a field of gender-biased traditional beliefs. It is these gender-biased traditional beliefs that at times expose individuals (typically non-heterosexuals and women) to both marginalization as well as abuse where such individuals are more often than not viewed as sexual objects in addition to being regarded as inferior. In this text, I concern myself with workplace sexual harassment.

According to Konrad, sexual harassment is essentially sexual attention that is largely unwarranted. In this case, the sexual harasser should be aware that such attention is unwanted (54). Apart from sexual harassment being an offense under the law, most states already have…...


Works Cited

Barth, Stephen C., and David K. Hayes. Hospitality law: Managing Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry. John Willey and Sons, 2006.

Boland, Mary, L. Sexual Harassment: Your Guide to Legal Action- What you Should Know and What You can Do. SphinxLegal, 2002.

Gold, Susan D. The Civil Rights Act of 1964. Marshal Cavendish, 2010.

Grofman, Bernard. Legacies of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. University of Virginia Press, 2000.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Pages: 11 Words: 3076

At all times, a compliant organization will provide the following to all/each staff/employee:
A non-hostile work environment

An anonymous and secure system for staff to report sexual harassment/ethical concerns

Quick and responsive, unbiased, comprehensive & objective investigation into all claims

A safe and courteous atmosphere for our patient population and for our staff

An environment void of preferential treatment or discrimination based on gender

An environment void of preferential treatment

Interim & annual training sessions conducted by the ethics committee for each employee to assess knowledge and judgement in possible sexual harassment situations.

A human resources staff with specialists in sexual harassment emotional support

Security personnel with investigative training in sexual harassment procedure

An in-house syndicate dedicated to preventing further cases of sexual harassment

As an organization, each staff member, and each employee must read, comprehend, and acknowledge the following ethical behavioural model for expected behaviour while at the workplace. This is to mean, on duty or off duty, while…...



Burda, D. (1996). ACHE survey response spurs expedited sexual harassment policy. Modern Healthcare, 26(42), 2. Retrieved from 

American Society for Industrial Security International. (2005). Retrieved October 5, 2005, from 

Berger, David L. (1999). Industrial security (2nd ed.). Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Colling, Russell L. (2001). Hospital and healthcare security (4th ed.). Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Sexual Harassment the Environment Within
Pages: 3 Words: 1041

Employees have more difficulty identifying this type of harassment and therefore it is more problematic to address (Icenogle, Eagle, Ahmad, & Hanks, 2002). It occurs where an employee endures catcalls and other comments about their manner of dress. If the comments are unwelcomed and incessant, the action of these employees becomes sexual harassment. Another example of this type of behavior also relates to the act of continuously asking a colleague out on dates or giving personal gifts. The key elements here, the behavior or action must be continuous, unwanted, and powerful enough to transform the work environment into a hostile place.
Once those elements are present, there is a case of hostile work environment sexual harassment. However, if the individual does not feel harassed by the behavior then it is not considered as harassment. Since a component of harassment involves the individual finding, the act unwelcomed. The company's policies provide…...



What constitutes sexual harassment? (2008). Retrieved from

Howard-Martin, J. (2002). What constitutes sexual harassment? Retrieved from -defining-harassment_x.htm

Icenogle, M.L., Eagle, B.W., Ahmad, S. & Hanks, L.A. (2002). Assessing perceptions of sexual harassment behaviors in a manufacturing environment. Journal of Business and Psychology, 16(4) 601-616.

O'Leary-Kelly, A.M., Paetzold, R.L. & Griffin, R.W. (2000). Sexual harassment as aggressive behavior: An actor-based perspective. The Academy of Management Review, 25(2), 372-

Sexual Harassment After the Advances
Pages: 5 Words: 1678

These types of insurance against claims of sexual impropriety and harassment are becoming more and more common in light of the established legal precedents defining sexual harassment.
Another way that employers have reacted to sexual harassment is to educate and train employees about what constitutes it. Many employers have created classes, seminars, or even just opened discussion about how sexual harassment is defined by the Supreme Court, as well as taken steps to ensure that employees realize that the court of public opinion is one in which the company may be effected just as harshly. These types of education and training have been demonstrated to improve employee relations and to increase awareness of what behaviors may constitute sexual harassment in the workplace (Antecol and Cobb-Clark, 2003).

This report has summarized the legal definitions of sexual harassment and the current legal treatment of this behavior. From its original prohibition in the Civil…...


Works Cited

Antecol, Heather and Cobb-Clark, Deborah, 2003. "Does Sexual Harassment Training Change Attitudes? A View from the Federal Level,"Social Science Quarterly, 84:4.

Burlington Industries, Inc. V. Ellerth (118 S. Ct. 876, 1998)

Corn v. Bausch and Lomb, Inc. (390 F. Supp 161, 1977)


Sexual Harassment in Military
Pages: 5 Words: 1779

Sexual Harassment in the Military
Sexual harassment is a significant issue in the military. Sexual harassment is also a complicated issue in the military. In most workplaces, the major concern in regards to sexual harassment relates to women being harassed by males or by a male-oriented environment. In the military, sexual harassment also extends to include the sexual harassment of homosexual males and the sexual harassment of homosexual females. A look at the military reveals that all of these types of sexual harassment occur, that the sexual harassment occurring is significant and serious, and that the sexual harassment has its basis in the culture of the military, which has ingrained ideas about men, women, and sexuality. Each of these types of sexual harassment will now be considered in turn, with this illustrating the nature, the extent, and the reasons behind sexual harassment in the military.

There is a strong level of harassment…...


Works Cited

Berube, A. Coming Out Under Fire. New York: The Free Press, 1990.

Moss, J. "Lesbian Baiting in the Barracks." The Advocate 4 Feb. 1997: 36-40.

Shilts, R. Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians in the U.S. Military. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993.

Newman, R.J. "Did We Say Zero Tolerance? A Legal Dilemma over Sexual Harassment."

Sexual Harassment Within the Hospital
Pages: 7 Words: 1810

Sexual Harassment in Hospitals
Existence of sexual harassment in the hospital setup in its varied forms has been clearly confirmed by exhaustive studies. It is unfortunate that such insidious practices have invaded the serene hospital environment. Sexual harassment, in whatever form it exists, must be rooted out and this demands immediate attention and positive intervention from the human resource professionals.

Sexual harassment has of late become a matter of serious concern for human resource professionals in any corporate environment. The hospice environment in particular has a high incidence of sexual harassment and unprofessional exploitation. Recent researches conducted worldwide have revealed that the healthcare sector is one area where there is an increasing prevalence of sexual harassment and doctors, nurses and the patients have all been vulnerable and victimized. In most cases hospital management lend a deaf ear to this growing menace, which only worsens the scenario. A discussion on the different cases…...



1) Anita Hoffman, Louis Hamlin, 'Perioperative Nurses and Sexual Harassment', Retrieved on February 16th 2004, from 

2) Michele T. Pathe, "Patients who stalk doctors: their motives and management," Retrieved on February 16th 2004, from, 

3) Phoebe Dey, "Nurses Face High Rate of Workplace Violence,"

Retrieved on February 17th 2004, from, s=a

Sexual Harassment Study
Pages: 4 Words: 1281

Sexual Harassment: An Examination
Given the media and given the average citizen's level of misinformation, it's not at all uncommon for myths and unrealities to continue to thrive regarding sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination and a negative interaction which is in violation of the Civil ights Act of 1964. Sexual harassment is illegal in the workplace and refers to "Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment" (, 2014). One of the myths that prevails most strongly about sexual harassment is that it only occurs to specific people in specific circumstances. The reality is that sexual harassment is actually far more encompassing. The victims of sexual harassment can be…...



Berkowitz, M. (2014). Three Steps to Help Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Retrieved from (2014). Facts About Sexual Harassment. Retrieved from 

Weizer, P. (2000). The Supreme Court and Sexual Harassment. Boston: Lexington Books.

Sexual Harassment & Men's Empathic
Pages: 7 Words: 2189

" (Columbia University, nd) a written decision will be submitted by the Appeal Officer within thirty (30) working days following the receipt of the appeal. Disciplinary actions will be stated within thirty working days following the receipt of the report of the investigator. The organization may, at its discretion conduct an independent review of the alleged sexual harassment.
Training Programs for Eliminating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Carl Rogers identified 'accurate empathy...nearly 50 years one of the three necessary and sufficient facilitative core conditions for therapeutic change..." (Farrow and Woodruff, 2007) Giving the appearance of being 'empathic' is quite different from actual 'empathic accuracy of clinicians and counselors is related to successful therapy outcomes." Ickes (2003) suggested "the most general implications involve ways to improve the selection and training of psychotherapists." (Farrow and Woodruff, 2007) Study findings have demonstrated that feedback assists individuals in development more "accurate empathic inferences." (Farrow and…...



Bierhoff, Hans Werner (2002) Prosocial Behavior. Psychology Press 2002.

Chen, S., Lee-Chai, a.Y., & Bargh, J.A. (2001). Relationship orientation as moderator of the effects of social power. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 183-187.

Copeland, J.T. (1994). Prophecies of power: Motivational implications of social power for behavioral confirmation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67, 264-277.

Davis, M.H. (1983). Measuring individual differences in empathy: Evidence for a multidimensional approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44, 113-126

Sexual Harassment Discuss the Range
Pages: 2 Words: 672

An appropriate school administrator to report the harassment to could "be a teacher, principal, faculty member, administrator, campus security officer, affirmative action officer, staff in the office of student affairs or the school's Title IX coordinator" ("ED/OCR:" Sexual Harassment: It's Not Academic, 2005, U.S. Department of Education). Depending on the nature and the severity of the offense, the school can act against the harassing student after conducting an investigation, or merely make note of the complaint and follow up if there are further allegations and complications.
If nothing happens after complaining to school officials," despite his or her belief that he or she is being harassed a student and his or her parents "can file a complaint against the school with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights (OCR)...within 180 days of an act of discrimination" ("ERA: Sexual Harassment in Schools," 2007, Equal Rights Advocates). A student can…...


Works Cited

ED/OCR:" Sexual Harassment: It's Not Just Academic. (2005). U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights. Retrieved 18 Jun 2007 at 

ERA: Sexual Harassment in Schools." (2007). Equal Rights Advocates. Retrieved 18 Jun 2007 at 

Murdoch, Kathryn Wells & David Kysilko (1993/1998) Sexual Harassment in Schools:

Policy Guide. NASE: National Association of the State Boards of Education.

Sexual Harassment and the Role
Pages: 5 Words: 1585

It is no longer acceptable to just pretend that there isn't a problem and hope that it all goes away (Cooper, Golden, & Kent-Ferraro, 2002, 164).
The problem of sexual harassment in the workplace is not a new problem and will continue to be a problem for some time to come. And not only is it a problem that has been around for a while it is expanding to include the internet as well. This makes the problem even more accessible at work and thus a more important topic for employers to address. Having a well thought out educational program that is supported by the company's EAP is the best way to hopefully prevent and if necessary deal with any problems that arise. Employees that have been educated can then be held responsible for their actions in the workplace. The key is to define for the employees what is acceptable…...



Employers taking proactive approach to EAPs. (2005) Occupational Health, Supplement (57), 5.

Retrieved from Sociological Collection database.

Cooper, Al., Golden, Gale, H., & Kent-Ferraor, Jay. (2002). Online Sexual Behaviors in the Workplace: How can Human Resource Departments and Employee Assistance Programs

Respond Effectively? Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 9(3), 149. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

I\'m particularly interested in feminism. Are there any essay topics that explore this further?
Words: 286

Here are some essay topics that explore different aspects of feminism:

1. The history of feminism and its impact on society
2. Intersectionality in feminism: How race, class, and sexuality intersect with gender in feminist movements
3. The portrayal of feminism in popular culture and media
4. The role of men in feminism and the importance of male allies
5. Feminist theory and its relevance in today's political and social climate
6. The challenges facing the feminist movement in the 21st century
7. Feminist perspectives on reproductive rights and bodily autonomy
8. The impact of globalization on women's rights and feminist movements worldwide
9. The relationship between feminism and....

how workplace can manifest the abuse of power?
Words: 585

Manifestations of Abuse of Power in the Workplace

Workplace abuse of power refers to the misuse of authority or influence by individuals in positions of power to gain undue advantage or control over others. While the specific manifestations can vary depending on the workplace environment and the individuals involved, there are several common patterns that often emerge.

1. Coercion and Intimidation:

Abusers may use threats, fear, or retaliation to force employees to comply with their demands. This can include:

Making threats of termination, demotion, or other negative consequences
Using aggressive or intimidating language or body language
Creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty


How do systemic racism and feminism intersect in today\'s society?
Words: 517

Systemic Racism and Feminism: Intersecting Perspectives

Within today's intricate social landscape, systemic racism and feminism are deeply intertwined, their intersection shaping the experiences and identities of marginalized individuals. Systemic racism, a pervasive and institutionalized form of discrimination that perpetuates racial disparities, intersects with feminism, a movement advocating for gender equality, to create unique challenges and opportunities for women of color.

Racialized Gender Inequality

Systemic racism operates through various intersecting systems, including the education, healthcare, criminal justice, and employment systems. These systems create and maintain racial disparities that disproportionately affect women of color. For example, Black women in the United States are more likely....

How does the AMMFT Code of Ethics ensure ethical behavior and standards within the field of marriage and family therapy?
Words: 590

Enhancing Ethical Conduct in Marriage and Family Therapy: The AMMFT Code of Ethics

The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Code of Ethics serves as a comprehensive framework to guide ethical behavior and establish professional standards within the field of marriage and family therapy (MFT). It provides a set of principles and guidelines that MFT professionals must adhere to, ensuring the well-being of clients, the integrity of the profession, and the broader society.

Principles Underlying the Code of Ethics

The AMMFT Code of Ethics is grounded on fundamental principles that define the ethical responsibilities of MFT professionals. These principles include:


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