Sexual Dysfunction Essays (Examples)

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Sexual Dysfunction Is a Problem
Pages: 3 Words: 847

Smith's article raises a very interesting and alarming point, that mental health nurses who consistently deal with anti-psychotic drugs are not trained to educate and help patients suffering from sexual dysfunction. Even worse, they consistently avoid this topic because of embarrassment. Mental health nurses are one of the most highly trained nursing professions, and yet they are influenced by social stigma to not discuss one of the most common patient problems and side effects of their medication. When both patients and nurses are unwilling to attempt to solve the problem of sexual dysfunction as it is related to their medical dosage, the inevitable conclusion is that patients take their problems in their own hands.

atients will often either stop taking medication completely, which damages their recovery process and severely damages any rehabilitation program they participate in. Or even worse, they take underground and illegal methods of sexual dysfunction drug obtained either…...


Patients will often either stop taking medication completely, which damages their recovery process and severely damages any rehabilitation program they participate in. Or even worse, they take underground and illegal methods of sexual dysfunction drug obtained either online or through other channels. This second option has evidently become more and more popular within today's society. CNN reports that illegal online sales of Viagra have grown into a multi-billion dollar industry over the past five years. When individuals begin taking unprescribed medication there are severe consequences, not only is it possible that such drugs are fake and can have negative impact on their health. Moreover, the blending of both sexual dysfunction drugs and anti-psychotic drugs may have severe medical implications. When patients are unwilling to explore the medical reasons behind their impotence and possible alternatives with healthcare professionals they often do themselves a grave injustice.

The solution to this problem can be both simple and complex. Smith argues that the most immediate need is to train and educate nurses on the importance of querying about sexual dysfunction. Since nurses are the front tier communicators with patients, it is necessary that they take the initiative to establish a serious problem with sexual dysfunction. However, a real solution to the problem of sexual dysfunction and adequate treatment must occur on a societal level. Current definitions of masculinity and the pressures exerted through media influences create negative social stigma against those who suffer from a medical problem. A concerted social effort needs to occur to engage a wider understanding of sexual dysfunction as a mental and physical problem rather than a barrier to masculinity. Only when this occurs will doctors be able to fully diagnosis patients and provide adequate treatment.

Smith, S. (2005, January). Sexual Dysfunction: the Forgotten Taboo. Mental Health Nursing, 34-42.

Sexual Dysfunction As Many Studies
Pages: 5 Words: 1858

4.3. The social environment and the way that sexuality is perceived or constructed by the society is also an important aspect.

4.3. There are still many areas that are not well documented or understood - especially the issue of sexual dysfunction in the elderly.

4.4. There are still questions about the definition of the term sexual dysfunction and many commentators claim that there is a male bias in the presently accepted definition of the term.

4.5. There are various research methods that have been applied in the investigation of this phenomenon. These include both quantifiable as well as qualitative methods and range from the measurement and assessment of biological data to interviews and discussions with patients.

orks Cited

American Society for Reproductive Medicine:

Patient's Fact Sheet: Sexual Dysfunction. 3 May 2008.


Aubin, Sylvie, and Julia R. Heiman. "20 Sexual Dysfunction from a Relationship Perspective." The Handbook of Sexuality in Close Relationships. Ed. John H. Harvey,…...


Works Cited

American Society for Reproductive Medicine:

Patient's Fact Sheet: Sexual Dysfunction. 3 May 2008. .


Aubin, Sylvie, and Julia R. Heiman. "20 Sexual Dysfunction from a Relationship Perspective." The Handbook of Sexuality in Close Relationships. Ed. John H. Harvey, Amy Wenzel, and Susan Sprecher. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. 477-511. Questia. 3 May 2008 .

Controversy Surrounding New Female Viagra
Pages: 2 Words: 700

A controversial drug geared towards enhancing female sexual desire was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration after being rejected twice. The drug, which is known as flibranserin, was produced by Sprout Pharmaceuticals and is geared towards treatment of low sexual desire in women. The company manufactured the drug on the premise that low sexual desire in women has seemingly been ignored while there are 24 drugs for men for either erectile dysfunction or testosterone replacement (Thacker, 2014). However, the drug has remained controversial and attracted divergent opinions, especially with regards to its potential risks and benefits. As a result, providing recommendation to potential patients inquiring about the drug requires a critical evaluation of these arguments as well as potential risks and benefits based on scientific evidence.
Main Points from Both Sides of the Argument
One of the major arguments that has been used to support the drug is the…...



Thacker, P.D. (2014, April). How to Handle FDA Rejection. Retrieved August 2, 2017, from  

Schulte, B. (2015, October 15). The First ‘Female Viagra’ is Here. Who Wants It? The Washington Post. Retrieved August 2, 2017, from 

[Watching the Hawks RT]. (2015, August 20). The Misinformation Behind Female Viagra with Dr. Leonore Tiefer [Video file]. Retrieved from 

Sexual Response Cycle for Males
Pages: 3 Words: 1006

When done on a basis of mutual harmony and choice, sex can be a highly satisfying and emotional activity that brings partners in closer connection to each other. Unfortunately this is not always the case.
exual Dysfunction

Being connected to human interaction, emotion, freedom of choice, and individual body function, an unfortunate possibility is sexual dysfunction. This manifests itself in particular ways in men and women. Generally, problems can be treated by therapy, as many cases of dysfunction relate to how people experience sex psychologically and emotionally. When the basis of problems are addressed by the therapist, dysfunction can also be resolved. In more serious cases, dysfunction can also be resolved by medication.

Examples of sexual dysfunction (Ballas, 2006) that might be experienced by both men and women include 1) a loss of libido, 2) inability to feel aroused, 3) painful intercourse. The third is much more common in women than men.…...



Ballas, Paul (2006, 25 July). Sexual Problems Overview. a.D.A.M. Inc., Medline Plus Medical Dictionary. 

BBC News. (2003, 8 Feb). Female Sexual Dysfunction. 

Medicine.Net. (2006, 1 Feb). Sexual Problems in Men: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment. 

Nevid, J.S., & Rathus, S.A. (2005). Psychology and the challenges of life: Adjustment in the new millennium (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Sexual Disorders According to Croucher 2003 There
Pages: 3 Words: 1080

Sexual Disorders
According to Croucher (2003), there are five layers in the erotic life of human beings. The first of these is sexual identity. This is the physical differentiation between male and female, which is fixed by the end of the first trimester in the development of the foetus. Transsexuals feel that they have the "wrong sex" and therefore the wrong core identity. The second layer is sexual orientation, which refers to hetero- or homosexuality. This is also almost impossible to change, since a genetic component plays a role here. The third layer, which is sexual preferences, refers to the elements of sexual stimulation. For men, for example, this would generally be female body parts, while women are aroused by factors such as intimacy, character, and other more subtle factors. The fourth layer is sex roles, where roles are assigned accordign to gender. This demarcation is strongest in young children. The…...



Berman, J.R. (2005). Physiology of female sexual function and dysfunction. International Journal of Impotence Research, Vol. 17. Retrieved from: 

Croucher, R. (2003, Jan 4). What you Can Change and What you Can't. John Mark Ministeries. Retrieved from: 

Hucker, S.J. (2005). Paraphilias. Forensic Retrieved from:

Magnus Hirschfield Archive for Sexology. (2011). The Role of Hormones. Retrieved from:

Sexual Issues Affecting a Couple
Pages: 2 Words: 697

Sexual Issues Affecting a Couple
Sexual dysfunctions as well as sexual recital matters are comparatively frequent tribulations in the common population. Sexual dysfunction can be brought about by numerous factors which might upshot from emotional as well as physical grounds. As per the view of Michetti, PM; Rossi, R; Bonanno, D; Tiesi, A and Simonelli, C, (2005), Sexual dysfunction may possibly crop up from emotional factors such as interpersonal or psychosomatic troubles. Interpersonal tribulations may well come up from conjugal or correlation troubles, or as of deficient in reliance as well as unwrap communication among partners. hile psychosomatic troubles tend to arose as an outcome of dejection, sexual fears, guiltiness, precedent sexual disturbance, and sexual disarrays among others.

Most of the individuals affected by Sexual dysfunction are those who have fretfulness disarrays. run of the mill anxiousness can perceptibly bring about erectile dysfunction mostly in men with no psychiatric troubles, however, clinically…...


Work Cited

Michetti, PM; Rossi, R; Bonanno, D; Tiesi, A; Simonelli, C (2005). "Male sexuality and regulation of emotions: a study on the association between alexithymia and erectile dysfunction (ED)." International Journal of Impotence Research 18 (2): 170 -- 4. doi:10.1038/sj.ijir.3901386. PMID 16151475

Saks BR, (2008). "Common issues in female sexual dysfunction." Psychiatric Times 25 (5).

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Sexual Factors That May Affect
Pages: 10 Words: 3469

For instance, according to Begley, "Men who were promiscuous back then were more evolutionarily fit since men who spread their seed widely left more descendants. By similar logic, evolutionary psychologists argued, women who were monogamous were fitter; by being choosy about their mates and picking only those with good genes, they could have healthier children" (2009, p. 52). Although modern men and women may not look like Cro-Magnums, they all want to act like them deep down inside because of these primordial drives. In sum, Begley concludes that, "We all carry genes that led to reproductive success in the Stone Age, and that as a result men are genetically driven to be promiscuous and women to be coy, that men have a biological disposition to rape and to kill mates who cheat on them, and that every human behavior is 'adaptive' -- that is, helpful to reproduction" (emphasis added)…...



Begley, S. (2009, June 29). Why do we rape, kill and sleep around? Newsweek, 153(26), 52.

Black's law dictionary. (1991). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Druzin, B.H. & Li, J.C. (2011, Spring). The criminalization of lying: Under what circumstances, if any, should lies be made criminal? Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 101(2), 529-540.

Duke, S. (2009, April 27). Kinsey: Deviancy is the new normal. The New American, 25(9), 33-35.

How Sexual Child Abuse Can Effect the Child's Psychological Development
Pages: 8 Words: 2187

Sexual Child Abuse
Child sexual abuse involves a broad range of sexual behaviors that take place between a child and an older person. These sexual behaviors are planned to erotically stir the older person, commonly without concern for the consequences, choices, or outcome of the behavior upon the child. efinite conducts that are sexually offensive frequently involve bodily contact, such as in the state of sexual kissing, touching, fondling of genitals, and oral, anal, or vaginal contact. Nevertheless, behaviors might be sexually abusive even if they do not entail contact, such as in the case of genital exposure, verbal force for sex, and sexual abuse for purposes of prostitution or pornography.

For efinitions propose four main types of child abuse (physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and child neglect), but seldom if ever does one form of abuse happen alone. The suggestion in itself is illogical. Physical abuse and sexual exploitation never…...


Diagnostic and Treatment Guidelines on Mental Health Effects of Family Violence. American Medical Association Web Site.

McClendon, Patricia D. November (1991). MSSW candidate. Incest/sexual abuse of children. Internet. p.23. Available: 

National Association of Social Worker News. (1997, February). States eye domestic abuse welfare option. NASW News, Volume 42, #7, pp11.

Sexual Counseling Approach Theoretical Overview
Pages: 2 Words: 793


CBT can be effectively used in a variety of stressful or tense situations. Depending on the nature of the issue, focusing on changing behaviors often aids the individual in reducing an addiction, changing their approach to a situation, or focusing on interaction and dialog issues. CBT may be used, for example, with:

Severe anxiety from a recent sexual assault -- CBT may be used to unearth the issues surround the assault and resulting anxiety by helping the client focus on adaptation. The therapist should help the client understand that they were a victim, did not choose the issue, and the fault of the issue is with the perpetrator. Anxious feelings are a rational response to trauma, but by practicing assertion training, the client can take charge of their own emotions and begin to heal (SOUCE, p. 23).

A Gay/Bisexual person struggling to come out to friends and family -- CBT will help…...



Follette, V. And J. Ruzek, eds. (2007). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Trauma, 2nd ed. New York: Guilford Press.

Fong, T. (2006). Understanding and Managing Compulsive Sexual Behaviors. Psychiatry. 3 (11): 51-58. Retrieved from: 

Wright, J. (2004). Cognitive Behavior Therapy. In J. Wright (Ed.), Review of Psychiatry (Vol. 23). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Sexual Enhancement Viagra Levitra and
Pages: 6 Words: 1669

(American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 2009 )
IV. Side Effects of Sildenafil

Side effects of taking Sildenafil include those as follows:

headache heartburn diarrhea flushing (feeling of warmth)

nosebleeds difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep numbness, burning, or tingling in the arms, hands, feet, or legs muscle aches changes in color vision (seeing a blue tinge on objects or having difficulty telling the difference between blue and green)

sensitivity to light (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 2009 )

Serious side effects are the following and occurrence of this requires immediate notification of the physician:

sudden severe loss of vision (see below for more information)

blurred vision sudden decrease or loss of hearing ringing in ears

erection that is painful or lasts longer than 4 hours dizziness or lightheadedness fainting chest pain worsening shortness of breath itching or burning during urination rash (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 2009 )

Summary and Conclusion

Sildenafil has changed the way that…...



Sildenafil (2009) AHFS Consumer Medication Information. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Online available at:$=drug_bottom_one&part=a699015 

Swearingen, S. And Klausner, J. (2009) Sildenafil Use, Sexual Risk Behavior, and Risk for Sexually Transmitted Diseases including HIV infection. The American Journal of Medicine, Vol. 118, Issue 6. Online available at: 

Rosenfeld, Dana and Faircloth, Christopher a. (2006) Medicalized Masculinities. Temple University Press 2006. Online available at:,+levitra+and+cialis&lr=&source=gbs_navlinks_s 

Loe, Meika (2004) the Rise of Viagra: How the Little Blue Pill Changed Sex in America. NYR Press 2004. Online available at:,+levitra+and+cialis&lr=&source=gbs_navlinks_s

Sexual Risk Assessment Mary Jane
Pages: 4 Words: 1222

Mary Jane's laboratory results show there is an elevated white blood count, with CBC with differential within normal limits. Proton and INR were normal. Pregnancy was negative. UA showed occasional bacteria, but normal otherwise. Drug screen was normal, and EKG showed sinus bradycardia, rate of 59 beats per minute. Renal and hepatic functions were within normal limits.

There are four sexual response cycles, marked by physiological and psychological changes. The first stages is excitement, which Mary Jane is not getting with her partners, which is triggered by psychological or physical stimulation, and is marked by emotional changes, and increased heart rate, and vaginal swelling. Second stage is plateau, Mary Jane states she doesn't have this stimulation. The third stage is orgasm, which Mary Jane doesn't getting during intercourse, or she doesn't remember because she in under the influence of alcohol. The final phase, resolution, involves a rush of blood away from…...

Traumatic Head Injury on Sexual
Pages: 8 Words: 2181

Physical dysfunctions caused by traumatic brain injury which are not properly addressed, such as erectile dysfunction, can cause an extreme dip in male sexual frequency.
Another way in which sexual function is affect by traumatic brain injury is through chemical changes caused by rain damage. Primary dysfunctions include hormonal changes which then result in sexual dysfunctions, (Aloni & Katz, 1999). Hormonal changes due to injury are experienced by both male and females. These changes can be caused by injury to specific brain structures in charge of producing and regulating specific hormone levels.

Changes in hormone levels can also be caused by the various medications prescribed to traumatic brain injury patients. "H2-antihistamines and stereotonegic agonists were found to decrease libido," according to Aloni and Katz in their 1999 work, "A Review of the Effect of Traumatic Brain Injury on the Human Sexual Response," (Aloni & Katz, p. 276). Only female experienced an…...


Works Cited

Aloni, Ronit and Katz, Shlome. "A Review of the Effect o Traumatic Brain Injury on the Human Sexual Response." Brain Injury. Vol. 3. Number 4. p. 269-280. 1999.

Bianci-Demichel, Francesco and Ortigue, Stephanie. "Toward an Understanding of the Cerebral Substrates of a Woman's Orgasm." Neuropsychologia. Vol 45. Number 12. P. 2645-2659. 2007.

Blumer, D and Waler, a.E. "The Neural Basis of Sexual Behavoir." Psychiatric Aspects of Neurological Disease. P. 199-216. 1974.

Elliott, Mike Laurel. "Head Injury." Brain Injury. October 1996.

Psychological Affects Sexual Abuse Has
Pages: 4 Words: 1547

In conclusion, both juvenile sex offenders and victims of sexual abuse need to undergo treatment and counselling. The importance of treating victims of sex abuse is to ensure that the "cycle of abuse" ceases and that they can recover from their ordeal and lead normal lives. The treatment of juvenile sex offenders is to ensure their rehabilitation, depending on the problem and also separate them from the rest of society.


California Dept. Of Justic, (n.d). Megan's Law - Facts about Sex Offenders -- California

Department of Justice. etrieved April 13, 2010, from

Harrison, L. (2009). The Ambiguity of Juvenile Sexual Offenders. Internet Journal of Criminology, 7, 1-29. etrieved April 14, 2010, from


Herrmann B, Navratil F. (2004). Sexual Abuse in Pre-pubertal Children and Adolescents.

Sultan C (Editor) Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology: Evidence-Based Clinical

Practice. Pakistan: Endocr Dev, Basel, Karger

Hunter, J.A. (2000). Understanding Juvenile Sex Offenders: esearch Findings and Guidelines for Effective Management and Treatment.




California Dept. Of Justic, (n.d). Megan's Law - Facts about Sex Offenders -- California

Department of Justice. Retrieved April 13, 2010, from 

Harrison, L. (2009). The Ambiguity of Juvenile Sexual Offenders. Internet Journal of Criminology, 7, 1-29. Retrieved April 14, 2010, from 


Female Sexual Problems There Are
Pages: 4 Words: 1907

elationship problems is another cause for instance the woman feel that her partner is distant emotionally or abusive and her attraction to him disappears.

During attempt of vaginal penetration, there is involuntary tightening of the muscles around the vagina. Sexual intercourse is made impossible especially if there is complete closing of the vagina and the woman also experiences pain. There are two forms of vaginismus: Primary vaginismus, when no previous sexual act has been possible as a result of the condition; secondary vaginismus, when it's now difficult to have sex due to the condition but previously there has been sexual activity. Distress and problems can be caused by this condition because the sexual life is disrupted.

Female Orgasmic disorder

This is a problem which is rarely complained about but is common in the females. It is characterized by not attaining orgasm or considerable delay in achieving orgasm during a sexual activity. This…...



Berney, K. (2008). Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: I'm Not in the Mood. April 26, 2010,


Blaur, K., & Crooks, R. (2008). Our Sexuality (10th ed.). New York: Cengage Learning.

Davidson, T. (2003). Sexual Aversion Disorder. April 26, 2010, from

Hsdd and Its Impact on Sexual Desire
Pages: 2 Words: 776

Female hypoactive sexual disorder occurs in roughly one-third of adult women in the United States (Basson, 2000). The foundation of HSDD is predicated on a deficiency of sexual fantasies or desires for sexual activity. Ultimately this lack of desire causes females to experience marked distress and difficulty with interpersonal relationships. Evaluation and subsequent treatment for this disorder can be become very contentious. Treatment requires careful and thoughtful consideration of the patient and the litany of influences that impact female sexual desire. For example, many female life experiences may uniquely impact the overall sexual desire of the female. Events, including the menstrual cycle, hormonal contraceptives and postmenopausal states all contribute to the overall complexity of treatment. In particular, sexual dysfunctions in women have a strong correlation to low feelings of happiness and emotional satisfaction. Generally, theses feelings occur with women who are in a relationship. Logically, one of the most common…...



1. Basson R, Berman J, Burnett A, et al. Report on the International Consensus Development Conference on female sexual dysfunction: definition and classification. J Urol. 2000;163(3):888-893.

2. Brotto L, Bitzer J, Laan E, Leiblum S, Luria M. Women's sexual desire and arousal disorders. J Sex Med. 2010;7(1 Pt 2):586-614.

3. Sand M, Fisher WA. Women's endorsement of models of female sexual response: the nurses' sexuality study. J Sex Med. 2007;4(3):708-719.

Can you outline the cultural, social, and health implications of female genital mutilation?
Words: 631

I. Introduction
A. Definition and brief explanation of female genital mutilation (FGM)
B. Purpose of the essay

II. Understanding Female Genital Mutilation
A. Historical background and cultural significance of FGM
B. Classification of different types of FGM
C. Prevalence of FGM across the world

III. Impact of Female Genital Mutilation
A. Physical consequences of FGM
1. Immediate health risks
2. Long-term health complications
B. Psychological and emotional effects on women and girls
1. Psychological trauma
2. Impact on sexual and reproductive health

IV. Factors Contributing to the Continuation of FGM
A. Deep-rooted cultural beliefs and norms
B. Social pressures and community expectations

How do anti-depressants impact PTSD symptoms?
Words: 498

I. Introduction

  1. Overview of PTSD symptoms

    1. Common symptoms experienced by individuals with PTSD
    2. The impact of PTSD on daily functioning
  2. Introduction to antidepressants

    1. Explanation of how antidepressants work in the brain
    2. Types of antidepressants commonly used to treat PTSD

II. Body

  1. Effect of antidepressants on PTSD symptoms

    1. Reduction of anxiety and panic attacks
    2. Improvement in sleep patterns
  2. Impact of antidepressants on mood regulation

    1. Stabilization of mood swings
    2. Reduction in irritability and anger outbursts
  3. Antidepressants and cognitive function


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