Sexual Addiction Essays (Examples)

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Sexual Addiction
Pages: 5 Words: 1724

Sexual addiction is a disorder that is characterized by repetitive and compulsive thoughts about sex and sexual acts. Like other types of addictions the behavior must have a negative impact on the person so that it leads to issues with the person's social, occupational or legal functioning. The current paper describes sexual addictions, the controversy surrounding their diagnosis, and some proposed diagnostic criteria. The second half of the paper discusses a treatment plan combining cognitive behavioral therapy and a 12-step program in the treatment of internet pornography addiction. Issues surrounding treatment are also discussed.
Sexual addiction is a disorder of intimacy that is characterized by repetitive and compulsive thoughts about sex and sexual acts. Like other types of addictions the behavior must have a negative impact on the person such that it leads to issues with the person's social, occupational or legal functioning (Garcia & Thibaut, 2010). As the disorder progresses…...



American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders-IV-text revision. Washington DC: Author.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders-5. Washington DC: Author.

Delmonico, D.L. (2005). Editorial: Sexual addiction and compulsivity: Watching the field evolve. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 12, 1-2.

Garcia, F.D., & Thibaut, F. (2010). Sexual addictions. The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 36(5), 254-260.

Sexual Addiction 1 Definition of the Disorder
Pages: 4 Words: 1908

Sexual Addiction
(1) Definition of the Disorder:

The addict is in an illusion where they believe that they have absolute control based on the claim that as a person they are fine, but they are powerless against the addiction. So the definition of addiction could be that an addiction is something against which the human will is totally powerless. (Schaef, 1989) The simplest definition is that proposed by Patrick Carnes who is the pioneer in the analysis of addiction. According to him, there must be two conditions met- one being that there must be a pathological relationship with a mood altering substance or behavior. The criteria are that the relationship must be pathological and sick. And in the addiction it must be used as a mood altering behavior. These two activities that go hand in hand and the compulsion to perform the act on account of the pathological condition is the fundamental…...



Berecz, John Michael. (1999) "Sexual Styles."

Humanics Publishing Group.

Carnes, Patrick. (2001) "Out of the shadows: understanding sexual addiction."


Sexual Addiction the Idea of
Pages: 3 Words: 939

They also form tendencies of phone, computer or cyber sex. At other times they will engage in prostitution or engage the service of prostitutes for men.

The individuals will as well engage in exhibitionism. These are acts of open display or show of private parts especially the genitalia either for casual money or just for the joy of it.

The persons will also for a tendency of dating that eventually becomes obsessive and done through personal advertisement.

Some will engage in acts of voyeurism, which basically means stalking or watching others without the knowledge or in compromising positions/situations without their permission e.g. while swimming naked or in the shower room.

The addicts may to the extent of engaging in sexual harassment or even molestation on kids or even the adults and even kill for sexual urge satisfaction if a chance presents itself. To the extremes a few have been found to molest corpses.

The addict…...



All about Life Challenges, (2011). Sexual Addiction - Relationship Breakdown., (2011). Drug interactions between Anafranil and Prozac. [HIDDEN] -648.html

Sexual Addiction Results From an
Pages: 15 Words: 4578

They need a supportive, stable person in their lives. If the child is abused, he or she is missing a key part of their development. They continue to grow up believing that they are alone. Not only is this feeling brought on by abuse but if a parent dies or the child is torn between a divorce, the adult can still feel abandoned. Sex fills that void, the individual feels that he or she is wanted and is being taken care of for the duration of the act. Afterwards, they find themselves alone and are once again on the prowl for another conquest.
ut sexual addiction doesn't arise only from sexual abuse or from inadequate parental love. Nymphomania -- or "Don Juanism -- can result from a condensation of the striving for sexual satisfaction coupled with the need to reassure one's self-esteem (Kornblu, 1997, pp. 344-369). These constant sexual escapades…...



American Psychiatric Association (1994), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, pp. 201-227.

Azhar, M.Z., Varma, S.L., (1999) Response of Clomipramine in sexual addiction. European Psychiatry, pp. 263-265

Carnes (1992), Out of the shadows: Understanding sexual addiction, 2nd ed. Minneapolis, MN: CompCare Publishers, pp. 11-66.

Earle, R.H., Earle M.R.(1995), Sex Addiction: Case studies and management. New York, NY: Brunner/Mazel Publishers, pp. 46-99.

Sexual Addiction and Counseling There
Pages: 8 Words: 2677

The first question, are you willing to get well?, reveals if the addict wants to be free of the addiction and is willing to surrender to a higher power. When couples seek counseling the questions are the same, do you want to heal your relationship?, are you willing to do the hard work?, are you willing to stop blaming each other and take your own inventory? The partners need to stop being enemies and begin being companions in the journey toward recovery.
The second question, what are you thirsty for?, deals with seven universal desires. They are the desire to be heard and understood, affirmed, blessed, safe, touched in non-sexual ways, chosen and passionately desired, and be included in fellowship with God and with others. If these desires are not met in healthy ways, expectations are developed of others to give them to us. This can cause problems in relationships.…...



Balswick, J.O., & Balswick, J.K. (2006). A model for marriage: Covenant, grace empowerment and intimacy. InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL.

Bird, M.H., ( July, 2006). Sexual addiction and marriage and family therapy: Facilitating individual and relationship healing through couple therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, Vol. 32, No. 3, 297-311. Retrieved June 16, 2010, from, 

Carnes, P., (2001) Out of the shadows: Understanding sexual addiction. Hazelden Information and Educational Services, Center City, MN.

Doss, B.D., Thum, Y.M., Sevier, M., Atkins, D.C. & Christensen, a., (2005). Improving relationships: Mechanisms of change in couple therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 73, No. 4, 624 -- 633. American Psychological Association, Retrieved June 16, 2010, from,

Sexual Addiction
Pages: 6 Words: 2010

human behavior has often been prone to different extremities and in time has been defined by lack of activities or, on the contrary, by an extreme interest for certain activities. While the former takes is not necessarily visible with the open eye, because it would assume the presence of something that is missing (for instance, social behavior), in the cases where extreme behavior is present, there are obvious signs and visible manifestations. One such case is sexual addiction. This is an important issue to take into account because it represents a manifestation of the brain that is similar to drug addiction without the actual presence of a palpable stimulus.
An analysis of this phenomenon is important because it represents a behavior that affects directly the life of an individual that has been identified with suffering from such behavior and at the same time, it is not an issue that can…...



CRC Health Group (2009) "Treating Sexual Addiction," available at 

Fong, T. (2006) "Understanding and Managing Compulsive Sexual Behaviors," Psychiatry (Edgmont). November; 3(11): 51 -- 58., available online at 

Herkov, M. (2013) "What causes sexual addiction," available online at 

Innes, E. (2013) "Sorry Tiger, sex addiction probably DOESN'T exist: Scientists believe 'hypersexuality' could just be high libido," Online Mail, 19 July, Available at

Sexual Addiction
Pages: 3 Words: 934

Mark Laaser's book "Healing the ounds of Sexual Addiction." The text is divided into three distinct parts with the first one involving a summary of the book's main points, the second analyzing the book and the author's main intention in writing it and the third being a conclusion that also provides a personal opinion with regard to the book. Laaser's attempt to emphasize problems associated with addiction and his focus on reaching out to readers who might identify with the problems he describes are discussed throughout the essay.
Mark Laaser's book "Healing the ounds of Sexual Addiction" provides a complex explanation with regard to sexual addiction and presents readers with a program they can undertake with the purpose of changing their lives for the better as they leave addictive habits behind. As a former pastor, Laaser has an intricate understanding of this topic and can also relate to matters from…...


Works cited:

Laaser, M. (2009). Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction. Zondervan.

Sexual Addiction Group Meeting
Pages: 3 Words: 1067

Group Work in Sexual Addiction ecovery
One of the approaches most commonly used in helping the spouses of sexual addicts is the recovery group. These groups provide opportunities for people to share their experiences about being partners with someone who is in the recovery process. They are generally led by facilitators who are tasked with keeping the groups on target and meeting therapeutic goals, while, simultaneously, allowing sufficient freedom for the group that its members feel appropriate exploring their individual needs. One concern I had when approaching this assignment came from my experience as a friend to person who had experienced systemic childhood sexual assault by a parent and entered into group therapy as an adult to deal with her own sexual addiction issues. Her descriptions of her group made it sound less like a recovery group and more like a venue for people to hook up with one another and…...



Herkov, M. (2006). What causes sexual addiction. Retrieved April 21, 2014 from PsychCentral


Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. (2014). Meeting formats. Retrieved April 21, 2014 from S.L.A.A. Women's Group website: 

T, Buddy. (2014, April 9). The twelve steps: A guide toward an entire new way of life.

Sexual Addiction and Treatment
Pages: 7 Words: 2185

Case Study Assessment Chemical Use Assessment/History and Treatment Recommendations
Name: Alan
DOB/Age: 42
Dates of Interviews: July 10-15, 2019
Evaluator: X
Reason for Assessment
Alan is addicted to pornography and masturbation and wants to stop looking at pornography while alone. He has been “hooked” since the age of 14 but has never come close to expiring the same feeling he had when he looked at porn for the first time. He wants to stop his addiction because he feels it is hurting his marriage and he does not want to lose his wife, who knows about his one infidelity as well as his addiction and worries that he might stray again. He has already been divorced once and has a son who does not live with him. Clearly he wants to break free of his addiction but does not know how to do it.
Sources of Information
Alan is the sole source of information for this case. He has…...

Couples Dynamics in Sexual Addiction Recovery
Pages: 3 Words: 1155

Sex Addiction Counseling
The Story

Jim (50) and Mary (48) have been in a relationship for 27 years. They are married with four children. Jim was a victim of childhood sexual abuse at age 13, and, after that, began significant involvement with pornography and regular masturbation. His sexual experience prior to marriage included a single failed experience, but since being married he has continued to use pornography and has used escorts and prostitutes. He has made full disclosure of his activities to Mary after she discovered his activity, and they began counseling 6 months after recovery. Mary is also the victim of childhood abuse, including sexual abuse for which she never received treatment or counseling, and reports disgust at Jim's behavior. Jim is no longer sleeping in the marital bed. Jim has been committed to recovery, is involved in a 12-step group, and has invested significant time money into a recovery…...



Laaser, M. & Laaser, D. (2008). Seven desires: Looking past what separates us to learn what connects us. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.

Steffens, B. & Rennie, R. (2006). The traumatic nature of disclosure for wives of sexual addicts. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, vol. 13, 247-267.

Zitzman, S. & Butler, M. (2005). Attachment, addiction, and recovery: Conjoint marital therapy for recovery from a sexual addiction. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, vol. 12, 311-

Zitzman, S. & Butler, M. (2009). Wives' experience of husbands'pornography use and concomitant deception as an attachment threat in the adult pair-bond relationship. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, vol. 16, 210-240.

Couples Counseling for Sexual Addiction
Pages: 3 Words: 917

Research Proposal for Couples Counseling Problem
Sexual addiction is currently not recognized by the DSM-V as an addiction, and therefore some discrepancy among counselors about how to approach this issue exists, particularly when it comes to couples counseling. Research indicates, however, that sexual addiction is on the rise and that counselors require advanced training in this area to know how to treat it effectively and help couples address this issue that may be negatively impacting their relationship (Gilbert, 2014; Griffiths & Dhuffar, 2014; Karila et al., 2014; Rosenberg, Carnes & O’Connor, 2014; Phillips, Hajela & Hilton, 2015; Kraus, Voon & Potenza, 2016). In order to better understand how to help counselors address the issue of sexual addiction in couples counseling, there needs to be more research on how counselors themselves view this issue and whether or not they recognize it as something that serves as an obstacle for healthy relationships for couples.

Sexual Counseling Approach Theoretical Overview
Pages: 2 Words: 793


CBT can be effectively used in a variety of stressful or tense situations. Depending on the nature of the issue, focusing on changing behaviors often aids the individual in reducing an addiction, changing their approach to a situation, or focusing on interaction and dialog issues. CBT may be used, for example, with:

Severe anxiety from a recent sexual assault -- CBT may be used to unearth the issues surround the assault and resulting anxiety by helping the client focus on adaptation. The therapist should help the client understand that they were a victim, did not choose the issue, and the fault of the issue is with the perpetrator. Anxious feelings are a rational response to trauma, but by practicing assertion training, the client can take charge of their own emotions and begin to heal (SOUCE, p. 23).

A Gay/Bisexual person struggling to come out to friends and family -- CBT will help…...



Follette, V. And J. Ruzek, eds. (2007). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Trauma, 2nd ed. New York: Guilford Press.

Fong, T. (2006). Understanding and Managing Compulsive Sexual Behaviors. Psychiatry. 3 (11): 51-58. Retrieved from: 

Wright, J. (2004). Cognitive Behavior Therapy. In J. Wright (Ed.), Review of Psychiatry (Vol. 23). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Sexual Risk Assessment Mary Jane
Pages: 4 Words: 1222

Mary Jane's laboratory results show there is an elevated white blood count, with CBC with differential within normal limits. Proton and INR were normal. Pregnancy was negative. UA showed occasional bacteria, but normal otherwise. Drug screen was normal, and EKG showed sinus bradycardia, rate of 59 beats per minute. Renal and hepatic functions were within normal limits.

There are four sexual response cycles, marked by physiological and psychological changes. The first stages is excitement, which Mary Jane is not getting with her partners, which is triggered by psychological or physical stimulation, and is marked by emotional changes, and increased heart rate, and vaginal swelling. Second stage is plateau, Mary Jane states she doesn't have this stimulation. The third stage is orgasm, which Mary Jane doesn't getting during intercourse, or she doesn't remember because she in under the influence of alcohol. The final phase, resolution, involves a rush of blood away from…...

Modifying Behavior to Counter Addiction
Pages: 4 Words: 1235

Treatment PlanClient ProfileClient: GrantAge: 17Ethnicity/ace: WhiteGender: MGrade level: High school sophomoreMiddle class socio-economic statusLives in house with family, mother/father, two siblingsSexual orientation: straighteligion: CatholicIntellectual abilities: very gifted, bright, ranks in top five in his classPhysical abilities: thin, energetic, plays some sports with friends but not in a leagueeason for concern: Grant is concerned about what he feels is a strong sexual addiction that goes against his religious beliefs; he struggles resisting Internet pornography and fears what this addiction is doing to his life; he says he feels isolated, as he would rather stay in and look at pornography than go out with friends or meet people even though he says he finds looking at pornography to be very unsatisfying and morally repugnant.The client also stresses that he feels depressed about his situation as he does not feel there is anyone he can really talk to. He feels embarrassed about out…...


ReferencesGilbert, D. (2014). The Novena to St. Boniface of Tarsus: A Pastoral Program for Addressing Sexual Addiction in Colonial Mexico. Catholic Social Science Review, 19: 87-109.McKeague, E. L. (2014). Differentiating the female sex addict: A literature review focused on themes of gender difference used to inform recommendations for treating women with sex addiction. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 21(3), 203-224.Park, S.Y. et al. (2016). The effects of a virtual reality treatment program for online gaming addiction. Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 129, 99–108. Pluhar, E., Kavanaugh, J. R., Levinson, J. A., & Rich, M. (2019). Problematic interactive media use in teens: comorbidities, assessment, and treatment. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 12, 447.Young, K. S. (2011). CBT-IA: The first treatment model for internet addiction. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 25(4), 304-312.

Internet Sex Addiction Have We
Pages: 2 Words: 940

[how] such activities fit into an individual's sexual biography and impact relationships between sexual partners and peers" (p. 1099).
Participants will be invited to complete a brief online questionnaire that details their participation in OSAs, as well as their demographic information and the nature of their current relationships, including their relationship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, and participation in extra-dyadic sexual relations (i.e. infidelity). In addition, participants will also complete a screening questionnaire to determine whether or not they meet a clinical cut off point to be considered addicted to Internet Sexuality or OSAs (Delmonico & Miller, 2003). The surveys will be delivered using a free online survey website, such as, and the sample will be drawn from a selection of students on campus through posting on social networking sites such as Facebook and using flyers posted around the campus. Due to the online nature of the survey, all data collected…...



Cooper, a., Morahan-Martin, J., Mathy, R.M., & Maheu, M. (2002). Toward an Increased Understanding of User Demographics in Online Sexual Activities. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 28, 105-120.

Cooper, a., Mansson, S., Daneback, K., Tikkanen, R., & Ross, M.W. (2003). Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 18(3), 277-291.

Delmonico, D.L. & Miller, J.A. (2003). The Internet Sex Screening Test: A comparison of sexual compulsives vs. non-sexual compulsives. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 18(3), 261-276.

Doring, N.M. (2009). The Internet's impact on sexuality: A critical review of 15 years of research. Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 1089-1101.

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