Sexism Essays (Examples)

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Sexism Against Women
Pages: 5 Words: 1654

Sexism Against Women
Sexism is the unfair preference of one gender and its capabilities over the other gender. (Gotz, 1999) Sexism is not a bias that just comes out of nowhere and is present in the world today. This tradition or problem in fact is present in the society's culture since thousands of years. (Gotz, 1999) The Marxist view believed that sexism is basically a form of radical feminism. That is to say that the capitalistic structure our society is molded in today gives rise to sexism in the work place, society and even in politics. (Gotz, 1999) The stereotypical roles that are present in almost every social practice today are very firm and will require radical changes for them to be reversed.

Why exactly is their sexism present in the workforce today? Experts argue that the stem of sexism grows from the female stereotype. There are two stereotypes of women and…...



Barrett, G. And Morris, S. (1993). The American Psychological Association's amicus curiae brief in Price Waterhouse v. Law and Human Behavior, 17 pp.201-215. (2012). Knowledge Center | [online] Retrieved from:   [Accessed: 18 Dec 2012]. 

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2004). EEOC litigation statistics, FY 1992 through FY 2003. [report].

Gotz, I. (1999). The Culture of Sexism. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Sexism Maltby Lauren E Elizabeth Lewis and
Pages: 2 Words: 562

Maltby Lauren E., Elizabeth Lewis, and Tamara Anderson. "Women and Work: Supporting Female Colleagues in Psychology." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 28.3 (2009): 72-79. Print.

In this particular article, the authors revisit the subject of gender discrimination and the various obstacles working class women face. In so doing, they also highlight the plight of working mothers. In their own words, sexism or "gender discrimination occurs whenever a person or persons are put at a disadvantage compared to other groups because of their gender." In that regard therefore, sexism could include gender and sexual harassment, discriminatory hiring (and firing) decisions, etc.

According to the authors, sexism is a common phenomenon in many places of work. Indeed, many women as the authors point out report discriminatory practices against them and many other structural obstacles in their places of work. Some of those giving their views on this particular topic cite a wide range of…...


Nadler, Joel T. And Margaret Stockdale. "Workplace Gender Bias: Not Just Between Strangers." North American Journal of Psychology, 14.2. (2012). Print.

This article seeks to advance the view that at the workplace, women are the most disadvantaged employees. The authors also explore the various reasons as to why women are still disadvantaged in this day and age. They conclude that there is sufficient evidence linking discrimination and prejudice to sex role stereotypes. In that regard therefore, it is the said stereotypes that must be addressed to rein in sexism in the workplace.

In basic terms, women bear the brunt of sexism at the workplace. As the authors of this particular article point out, past research has indicated that in most places of work, gender differences do indeed exist in pay and promotion rates, career choices, etc. In the words of the authors, "all of these differences negatively impact women in the workplace." For instance, although women make up 47% of the workforce in the U.S., only 16% of women serve on the boards of Fortune 500 companies. The perpetrators of sexism in this case could be hiring committees, disciplinary committees, etc.

Sexism and Racism Problems in
Pages: 3 Words: 1179

For example, on page 247 he says in the "traditional male role" a "real man" is one who "wears the pants around the house." This is an old-fashioned concept and has little to do with a man being "sexist" except for the fact that the writer himself seems to have chauvinistic ideas about the man-woman genre.
Meanwhile, some of the arguments spelled out by Laurence Thomas have value, but others are completely innocuous. How can he say that "sexism" is "unlike racism" because it "lends itself to a morally unobjectionable description"? Both sexism and cultural bigotry are morally objectionable. Both are examples of the cultural confusion in our country.

Also, he could have taken the position that blacks are culturally biased against white people because many blacks were raised in families that don't trust white people. Blacks in some cases show hatred for whites in the same way whites show hatred…...


Works Cited

Thomas, Laurence. (1980). "Sexism and Racism: Some Conceptual Differences." Ethics, 90,

Sexism in the Context of American Racial
Pages: 2 Words: 702

Sexism in the Context Of American Racial Identity
"That's sexist." The term 'sexism' is often used by both feminist and anti-feminist writers as a way of constructing men and women as opposite entities. Sexism presumes an inherent difference between the genders as a matter of course. In the usual dichotomies constructed by a 'sexist' mentality, women are perceived as weaker and less capable then men, while men are associated with the more intellectual, active essence of what is human. Males are the neutral and the positive forces of culture, in sexist ideology, while women are what is negative, physical, and weaker that 'the male' or 'the human.'

However, such a construction of sexism when race is 'thrown into the picture' of the sexist ideology, of men vs. women, renders sexism more complicated. Firstly, the construction of men as powerful in relation to women denies the marginal status of Black men in relation…...


Works Cited

Collins, Patricia Hill. (2004) "Mammies, Matriarchs, and Other Controlling Images." Race, Gender, and Sexuality: Philosophical Issues of Identity and Justice. Jami L. Anderson, Editor. New York: Pearson.

Sexism and Identity Construction the
Pages: 2 Words: 598

All constructed groups have shown a certain jealousy of the rights and privileges accorded to others. For instance, the legal rational of Michael M. v. Superior Court of Sonoma County rested upon the fact that male and female sexuality in cases of statutory rape should be equal, and to make male and female distinctions was unfair to males, and also to male homosexual couples. The case of Rostker v. Goldberg was put forth after a number of men challenged the constitutionality of the draft as discriminatory -- should not both women and men be forced to defend their country, under equal onus of the law.

Women thus have the freedom and privilege not to serve in the military by compulsion, and to receive extra protections via their sexuality when young -- privileges often used against them. Homosexual couples have the privilege of not having to engage in public affirmations or vows…...

Sexism and Racism Both Involve Imposing a
Pages: 5 Words: 1775

Sexism and racism both involve imposing a set of expectations on groups in society. Sexism has not been eliminated from American life any more than racism has. Sexism exists because we teach our children sex-role stereotyping, and children learn from their parents the conception of "feminine" and "masculine." Much about these conceptions is not biological at all but cultural. The way we tend to think about men and women and their gender roles in society constitute the prevailing paradigm that influences our thinking. In her book omen's Magazines 1940-1960, Nancy A. alker notes how these women's magazines packaged a set of behaviors, roles, expectations, attitudes, and values related to domesticity and which, of followed, would enclose women in a relatively narrow range of choices. In writing about blacks and how they are treated in American society, Richard right in his book Black Boy also suggests ways in which blacks are…...


Works Cited

Walker, Nancy A. (ed.). Women's Magazines 1940-1960: Gender Roles and the Popular Press. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1998.

Wright, Richard. Later Works. New York: Library of America, 1991.

Sexism Relationship Between Sexism and
Pages: 2 Words: 578

As such many are forced to choose between one or the other.
Sexist attitudes can propagate inequality and a work environment that is hostile particularly toward women. Attitudes in the workplace often promote gender inequality and are usually the result of cultural factors or stereotypes prevalent in the workplace. Preconceived notions regarding a man or woman's ability to perform well in a role, based on their gender alone, qualify as sexist attitudes or stereotyping. Many women are faced with these attitudes particularly when attempting to assert their authority or rise to executive level positions in fields or organizations that are predominately male dominated (such as in the science and technology field).

Overcoming Sexist Attitudes in the Workforce

To overcome these barriers it is important that organizations first recognize the extent to which sexism might exist within the organization, address any real disparities that exist whether with regard to pay or promotions and…...



EEOC. "Federal laws prohibiting job discrimination." EEOC. Available: 

Sexism." (2000). American Heritage Dictionary of English Language, Fourth Edition.

Houghton Mifflin.

How Sexism Affects the Workplace
Pages: 10 Words: 3322

Sexism in the Workplace
The idea that men and women are treated differently in the workplace has been around ever since both genders began organized work. However, it is important to explore how much of that difference is sensible and due to actual differences between the way genders handle work and process information, and how much of it equates to actual sexism. This is an important issue, as it relates to interaction between the genders and also to fairness when it comes to pay and treatment in the workplace, as well as hiring practices. There have been plenty of stories heard over the years of "women's work" and "men's work," but much of that has gone by the wayside in recent times. The majority of that has come from women's demand for equal rights, as well as men's increasing interest in some types of jobs (such as nursing and related medical…...



Atwell, M.W. (2002). Equal protection of the law?: Gender and justice in the United States. NY: P. Lang.

Bojarska, K (2012). Responding to lexical stimuli with gender associations: A cognitive -- cultural Model. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 32: 46.

Dick, P. (2013). The politics of experience: A discursive psychology approach to understanding different accounts of sexism in the workplace. Human Relations, 66(5), 645-669.

Hurst, C. (2007). Social inequality: Forms, causes, and consequences, (6th ed.).

Feminism and Criminal Justice Sexism
Pages: 4 Words: 1359

Others argue that it is paternalistic sexism to prohibit women from making a living with their bodies, though men are not prohibited from engaging in their most profitable forms of physical labor. There is no ideal answer regarding the question of the commoditization of sexuality. On the contrary, "both commodification and noncommodification may be harmful...under our current social conditions." Therefore, the issue becomes; which option is more likely to lead to more ideal social conditions? The fact is that, while some individual prostitutes may be better able to attain de facto equality if allowed to pursue prostitution, because it is their best available financial option, prostitution, on the whole, perpetuates the idea of women as "things." n addition, while some people claim that prostitution is a victimless crime, even when prostitutes are truly consenting sex partners, the crime does have victims. Wives, girlfriends, and children of johns are victimized…...


Intimate Partner Violence, 1993-2001. Washington: Bureau of Justice.

Maguigan, H. (1991). Battered women and self-defense: myths and misconceptions in current reform proposals.

U. Pa. L. Rev., 14, 382-387, 457-458.

Racism Sexism Classism Racism Archibold
Pages: 4 Words: 1630

Fear of socialism has gripped the United States so badly that the inefficiency of classist laws are not even discussed in a reasonable manner. The priorities of the nation are skewed because the super-rich are valued more than working class Americans.
2. Isensee, L. (2010). Union leaders protest Hialeah layoffs. Miami Herald. April 29, 2010. Retrieved 30 April 2010 from

Labor unions are not strong in the United States, but they still support the rights of workers. When workers are laid off, unions often create media attention such as this instance in Hialeah, Florida. Instead of re-evaluating the budget of the city, it is contributing to the problem of poverty.

3. "Hillary Swank had lonely childhood." The Times of India. April 9, 2010. Retrieved April 30, 2010 from

Actress Hillary Swank grew up in a poor household, and experienced discrimination as a result. Parents did not want their children playing with…...

Prejudice and Racism Sexism
Pages: 3 Words: 866

Origins of Prejudice

In order to understand the assertion made by many sociologists regarding the origination of prejudice or foredeeming, it is essential to understand the meaning of prejudice and the differences between prejudice and discrimination. Prejudice is defined as an unfavorable feeling or opinion formed beforehand or without reason, thought or knowledge. Prejudice is further defined as "any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence (osnow 1972, p. 53). Individuals are said to regularly make judgments or formulate opinions about other individuals without taking the time to examine all of the information. Whether the information is correct or incorrect, is provided to us through books, media, television, direct or indirect communication or any other source, this information is asserted to be not taken into account when considering the notion of prejudice.

It is important to note with the aforementioned widely accepted definitions and notions regarding prejudice, there is no…...



Blackwell, J., Smith, M., & Sorenson, J. (2003). Culture of prejudice: arguments in critical social science. Toronto: Broadview.

Dovidio, J., Glick, P., & Rudman, L. (2005). On the nature of prejudice. Malden:

Blackwell Publishing Company.

Garth, T. (1925). A review of racial psychology. Psychological Bulletin, 22, 342-364.

Children's Literature and Sexism
Pages: 6 Words: 1797

children's stories can also express complex feelings meant to instruct young individuals regarding attitudes that they need to employ in order to integrate society as healthy persons. In addition to providing their readers with intriguing events, writers also focus on introducing social issues with the purpose of having their readers acknowledge the fact that society has a tendency to discriminate particular individuals or groups. While Robert Munsch's "The Paper ag Princess" displays the difficult relationship between an intelligent princess and her sexist prince, Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson's "And Tango Makes Three" goes at proving that a couple does not necessarily have to adapt to social norms in order for it to experience happiness.
One of the first things that someone is likely to think about when considering children's books would be that they are essentially meant to assist young people as they try to understand society. However, while these…...



Munsch, Robert N. "The paper bag princess," (Annick Press, 2003)

Richardson, Justin, and Parnell, Peter, "And Tango Makes Three," (Simon and Schuster, 2005)

Society's Negative View of Aging Ageism Compared to Racism and Sexism
Pages: 5 Words: 1721

Society's Views Of The Aging Populace
This is not an undisclosed secret that the contemporary society is obsessed with beauty and perfection. A world in which no one ever gets sick, crops and animals grow faster and better and parents choose the physical features of their children sounds great. This perfect way of life has been made possible due to the advancements in genetic engineering. However, this technological modification has both strong and weak points. Not only it can improve our way of life in a considerable manner but it could also have overwhelming consequences beyond the control of an individual ("Imagine a Perfect World," 2011, p. NA).

The American society today has turned out to be one that maintains a stereotypic and negative perception of the elderly individuals. This kind of negativism or stereotypic view of aging and aged individuals is readily obvious and noticeable in their language, media, and humor.…...



Imagine a Perfect World; Is Our Society Obsessed with Beauty and Perfection? Three of Our Year 9 Girls Offer Their Perspectives. (2011, November 1). Daily Examiner (Grafton, Australia), p. NA. Retrieved July 13, 2012, from Questia database: 

Mcguire, S.L. (1993). Promoting Positive Attitudes toward Aging: Literature for Young Children. Childhood Education, 69(4), 204+. Retrieved July 14, 2012, from Questia database: 

Redburn, D.E., & McNamara, R.P. (1998). Social Gerontology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group Inc. Retrieved July 14, 2012 from 

The Quest for Beauty; from Nose Jobs to Tummy Tucks, More and More People Are Going to Extreme Lengths to Achieve the So-Called Perfect Look. Karen Price Discovers How Photographer Zed Nelson Captured the Worrying Trend for His New Exhibition. (2010, August 27). Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales), p. 10. Retrieved July 13, 2012, from Questia database:

Farewell to Arms Sexism in
Pages: 6 Words: 1890

Frederic's character is somewhat stereotypical through the fact that he is determined to achieve glory by getting actively engaged in warfare. It is only consequent to becoming acquainted to Catherine and her thinking that he acknowledges the meaning of life and how his previous approach to dealing with it was irrational. Considering that Frederic gradually comes to accept that one cannot simply live by a set of immoral rules as a result of his encounter with Catherine, it is obvious that Hemingway was not discriminatory toward women in this novel. Instead, the author addressed a series of prejudices relating to women with the purpose of demonstrating that Catherine was capable of being equal and even better than Frederic. This is a reference to how women are not inferior to men.

In the end of the novel, Catherine's death has no connection whatsoever with Frederic, as Hemingway apparently wants to support the…...


Works cited:

1. Barlowe-Kayes, Jamie. "Re-Reading Women: the Example of Catherine Barkley," Seven Decades of Criticism, ed. Linda Wagner-Martin. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 1998. - Book

2. Bloom, Harold ed., Ernest Hemingway's a Farewell to Arms. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1987. - Book

3. Fetterley, Judith. The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction. Bloomington, in: Indiana University Press, 1978. - Book

4. Fiedler, Leslie a. Love and Death in the American Novel, Rev. ed. New York: Stein and Day, 1966. - Book

Sexism in Video Games Video Game Characters
Pages: 7 Words: 2311

Sexism in Video Games
Video game characters are iconic in youth popular culture. Their influence goes far outside of the realm of the game, so that even youth who do not play games are exposed to video game characters. For example, it is common for products to use video game characters in their marketing campaigns when targeting young adults. Moreover, it is not unusual for there to be an overlap between video games and other forms of popular culture. Video games may be spun off into books, cartoons, films, and television shows. There is nothing inherently wrong with the presence of video game characters in so much youth-oriented popular culture. However, while video games may seem like harmless fun, it is important to understand the content of those video games and the message that content sends to young players, in order to understand the potential negative impact of these games.

Concerns about…...


Works Cited

Cass Communications. "Student Robert Parungao Finds Video Games Rife with Stereotypes."

Arts Wire. 13 May 2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2011.

Dill, Karen. "Do Anti-Social Video Games Foster Sexism and Violence against Women?

Research on Sexist and Pro-Rape Attitudes among Gamers." Wordpress. 2008. Web. 6 Dec. 2011.

How do I conduct research for an essay on the corporate culture of a fortune 500 company?
Words: 309

Harvard Business Review has some of the best in-depth reviews of individual companies and may offer you some of the information that you seek about an individual Fortune 500 company’s culture.  You could start by looking at individual aspects of what is considered part of successful corporate culture and then look for articles or essays about those different facets of corporate culture, which could be a spring-board for an in-depth analysis.

If we were looking at a Fortune 500 company and wanted to find a source of an in-depth look at its corporate culture, we would search for....

Can you assist me with a thesis and analysis on The Handmaids Tale thought the lens of Marxism-Feminism Theories?
Words: 389

Before you can tackle any type of analysis through a specific lens, it is important to make sure that you thoroughly understand that lens.  Marxism-Feminism attempts to tackle some of the underlying weaknesses in both Marxist theory and feminist theory, because Marxism fails to address some of the gender issues that impact class and feminist theory fails to address some of the class issues that impact gender.  Because of how class and gender intersect in The Handmaid’s Tale, it is a perfect piece for analysis through this particular lens,

The sexism in The....

I am stuck on my argumentative essay about designer babies?
Words: 366

Anytime that you are writing an argumentative essay, the first thing that you want to do is basic research about the topic.  This will help you decide which position you want to take.  You may automatically assume that you should argue the position that you genuinely feel.  However, it can be more effective to choose a position that you do not actually hold.  Keep that in mind while doing your research about designer babies. While the term designer baby gives a high-end label to the process, and it is possible for people....

I need help with writing an analytical essay on sexism in advertising?
Words: 373

You can take various approaches when writing an essay about sexism in advertising.  Knowing that it is an essay gives you a good starting point.  That is because knowing what type of essay you are supposed to write provides you with the structure of the essay, the goals of the essay, and the tone of the essay.  In an analytical essay you need to bring critical thinking skills to discuss the topic. You could approach it as a question of history and show how the history of sexism meant that older advertisements were even....

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