Sex Essays (Examples)

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Sex at Dawn
Pages: 4 Words: 1689

Sex at Dawn
Ideas in Motion from Sex at Dawn

Sexuality is a critical aspect of the human condition. Topics related to sex and sexuality are often heavily contested and discussed with tension. In 2010, Christopher yan, PhD and Cacilda Jetha, MD published an intriguing book on the history and nature of sexuality called Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality -- How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern elationships. The title is just as ambitious as the work that ensues. These are questions that all people ask at some point in their lives. Humans wish to understand the patterns of the species' mating habits so as to navigate through the process more smoothly and with more awareness. Infidelity is a very old human trait. The book title implies that it provides insight behind the behavior. Just from the title, the book promises to be…...



Olsen, Mark V., & Scheffer, Will. "Big Love." Home Box Office Entertainment, 2006 -- 2011.

Ryan, PhD, Christopher & Jetha, MD, Cacilda. Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality. Harper Collins, NY, NY, 2010.

Sex Tourism and Child Exploitation
Pages: 9 Words: 2932

Sex Tourism
in the Vietnam ar is stationed in Thailand. Combat-weary, his commanding officer takes the G.I. And ten other troops to Bangkok, under the new "R& R" programs. In Bangkok, the young G.I. And his buddies traipse down the streets and back-alleys of the Patpong area in Thailand's capital and before long find themselves each in the arms of a young Thai woman. Recreation and Relaxation -- R& R -- would become one of the origins for the international sex trade and sex tourism, a flourishing industry. Sponsored in part by the United States Department of Labor in conjunction with the Thai government during the Vietnam ar, R& R. sparked a profitable trend. Now, throngs of tourists from nations around the world, mainly from the United States and estern Europe flock to Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia like the Philippines for sex tourism. Barely short of state-sponsored prostitution,…...


Works Cited

Croughs, Bart. "In praise of sex tourism." Online at .

"First man jailed under new Canadian sex tourism law for abusing Cambodians." 2005. Online at .

Gunther, Armin. 1998. "Sex Tourism Without Sex Tourists." Sex Tourism and Prostitution: Aspects of Leisure, Recreation, and Work. Ed. Martin Oppermann. New York: Cognizant Communication, p. 71-80.

Haney, Dawn. 2001. "Prostitution and Sex Tourism." Third World Women's Health. Online at .

Sex Workers in Thailand
Pages: 12 Words: 3847

Sex Workers in Thailand
Thailand ("Land of the Free") is the only Southeast Asian country that has avoided being colonized by a Western power. It is known for its rich culture and hospitable inhabitants. Unfortunately it also has the dubious distinction of being the leading country in sex trade and has even been given the demeaning title of "the whorehouse of the world." Tourism has played a significant role in Thailand's economic growth, particularly in the 1980s. Even now, revenues from tourism make up the largest single component of Thailand's export earnings, with about 10 million tourists visiting the country every year. Most surveys show that a vast majority of the tourists to Thailand are men and many of them are attracted by the country's nightlife. This paper gives a short history of prostitution in Thailand, the historical and current causes behind the widespread prostitution in the country, gives a profile…...



Hall, Justin Allyn. (1994). "Prostitution in Thailand and Southeast Asia." Justin's Links. Retrieved on May 2, 2004 at 

Hill, Catherine. (1993)."Planning for Prostitution: An Analysis of Thailand's Sex Industry." Chapter No. 8 of Women's Lives and Public Policy: The International Experience. Edited by: Charlotte Bunch. Praeger: Westport, CT.

Lyttleton, Chris. (1994). "The Good People of Isan: Commercial Sex in Northeast Thailand." The Australian Journal of Anthropology. 5: 3, 257+.

Shahabudin, Sharifah H. (n.d.) "Strategies Of Civil Society To Address Aids In Asia: Emphasis On The Sex Sector." Retrieved on May 2, 2004 at

Sex Therapy
Pages: 10 Words: 3678

Sex Therapy
The efforts in the form of behavior modification with a view to solve the problems in sexual interactions are known as sex therapy. Sex problems most common in the present environment affect the couples in their sex lives and adversely reflected in their sexual behavior. Sexual behavior is any activity inducing the sexual arousal in solitary or between two persons or in a group. The human sexual behavior is influenced by the inherited sexual response patterns as a means of ensuring reproduction and by the societal restraint and influences exerted on the individual in expression of sexuality. (Clellan; Frank, 1951)

It is realized that social taboos, culture and immaturity of social sciences have brought considerable impediment in research in the field of human sexual behavior and until recently the scientific knowledge base was restricted only to a few of the individual case histories studied by European writers such as Sigmund…...



Adler, Patricia; Adler, Peter (2003) "Constructions of deviance: social power, context, and interaction" Belmont; CA: Thomson, pp.120-124

Barnard, Charles P; Correles, Garrido; Thomas, Ramon (1979) "The Theory and Technique of Family Therapy" Montgomery. pp. 12-17

Bell, Alan P; Weinberg, Martin S. (1978) "Homosexuality: A study of diversity among men and women" Simon and Schuster; New York. pp. 37-45

Blackwood, Evelyn; Wieringa, Suskia E. (1999) "Female desires: Same-Sex relations and transgender practices across Cultures" New York; Columbia UP

Sex Trafficking Is the Forced
Pages: 2 Words: 633

Typically, involuntary participants in the sex trade are children from extremely impoverished communities whose families sell them to human traffickers. In many other instances, victims are tricked through legitimate-sounding advertisements such as for work in foreign countries as nannies or service positions (waitresses, hostesses, etc.) Once their handlers have possession of their passports and identification papers, they may have no way of escaping from their control. In many cases, they are physically abused by being beaten or raped or even gang raped to "condition" them to accept a life as a sex slave (USDHHS, 2004).

Personal Opinion

Obviously, I think it is horrible that people are enslaved in any way, especially when children are forced into sexual slavery. The international community should establish stricter laws and investigate and prosecute perpetrators relentlessly. While I do not believe in sex work personally, the article arguing for the rights of sex workers did raise some…...



BBC. (2010) "Brazil's sex tourism boom." BBC World News, July 30, 2010. Retrieved

March 28, 2011, from the BBC World News public website at: 

NAPAWF. (2008). "Rights to Survival and Mobility: An Anti-Trafficking

Sex Trafficking Many Americans May
Pages: 5 Words: 1638

Governments and NGOs have committed much time, money, and effort to the reduction of human trafficking around the world. The United States enforced the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) in 2000 in order to track and shut down trafficking organizations. Following 9/11, the United States has additionally tightened security, making it more difficult for traffickers to transport individuals into the United States (Soderlund 4, 11). The Bush Administration has also taken on sex trafficking as a "key humanitarian issue" during the government's ar on Terror (Soderlund 8-9). The Untied States government and others work in cooperation with many NGOs that work to identify trafficking victims and intervene before individuals are exploited or hurt.

Despite the actions of these organizations and governments, as well as the spending of millions of dollars, much work still needs to be done to even understand the extent to which sex trafficking occurs in the twenty-first century.…...


Works Cited

Schauer, E.J., and Elizabeth M. Wheaton. "Sex Trafficking Into the United States: A Literature Review." Criminal Justice Review 31.2(2006): 146-69.

Soderlund, Gretchen. "Running from the Rescuers: New U.S. Crusades Against Sex Trafficking and the Rhetoric of Abolition." NWSA Journal 17.3(2005): 64-87.

Citations in-text used page numbers from provided word documents since the original page numbers were not included.

Sex Crimes
Pages: 6 Words: 2364

Sex Crimes
Sexual crimes have certainly among those that cause the strongest reaction in the population. The feeling of revolt is also generally more intense when discussing issues related to sexual crimes against children. (Pithers and Gray 1998) Society is demanding and harsher penalties for those responsible for these crimes and their crimes are seen as particularly repulsive, even to other criminals. The severity assigned to these crimes can be illustrated by the often violent behavior of inmates against sexual offenders incarcerated as well as by the hostility expressed by the population.

It seems, moreover, that homosexual pedophiles are particularly reviled and punished more severely. Thus, yan (1997) observed that men who were convicted of sexual assaults against female children receive sentences less severe than those who committed the same offenses against male children, which could make these criminals the most "hated" all kinds of crimes combined. It was not that long…...



Becker, J.V., & Hunter, J.A. (1997). Understanding and treating child and adolescent sexual offenders. Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, 19, 177-197.

Bischof, G.P., & Rosen, K.H. (1997). An ecological perspective on adolescent sexual offending. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 26 (1/2), 67-88.

Bourke, M.L., & Donohue, B. (1996). Assessment and treatment of juvenile sex offenders: An empirical review. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 5 (1), 47-70.

Holmes, Stephen T., and Ronald M. Holmes. 2008. Sex crimes: Patterns and behavior. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Sex Crimes Program
Pages: 2 Words: 744

Sex Crime Program |
Criminal Justice

The Effectiveness and Efficiency of a Sex Crime Program

A sex offender program is developed to rehabilitate those who have committed crimes considered by the law as sexual deviancy ("Sex Offender ehabilitation," n.d.). The types of rehabilitation programs vary according to the state in which the program is set. However, the programs basically cater to those sex offenders who are released back into society after serving their time. There are different levels, phases and approaches to these sex crime programs, and this depends on the area of research. All programs however, take a cognitive approach in hopes to rehabilitate the said offender. These programs are designed and develop to ensure that the public is kept safe after the release of sex offenders, and this is to improve the ways of handling the incarcerated in their correctional facilities, not just offering the public safety for them absence in…...



Sex Offender Program (n.d.). Hibbing, Minnesota. Retrieved from 9A9C-459B7FE36A7F}&DE={57503F2E-8FA0-448A-B08D-4ABDAFA22829}{6E735594-D46A-476A-

Sex Offender Rehabilitation Programs (n.d.). Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Retrieved from 

Sex offender survey: 14% repeat / Address-registry program flawed; 54% of reoffenses occur within 1 year (2010). Daily Yomiuri Online. Retrieved from

Sex Offender Registration Requirements the
Pages: 3 Words: 1074

" Civil commitment statutes entail that a convicted sexual offender who has finished his or her sentence should be treated within a secure medical setting. This is not connected to a time frame, and such persons could be committed indefinitely, until it is determined that they are no longer a danger to society. When released from such a facility, the person is still required to register as a sexual offender.
Other policies include the residence restriction policy, where a registered sex offender is not allowed to live within 1,000 of any location where children may congregate, such as a school, playground, daycare center, and so on. This statute was first passed in Florida in 1995. This statute was applied in a further 14 states by 2004. After the murder of Jessica Lunsford by a sex offender in Florida, restriction measures gained popularity, and 22 states had passed similar laws by 2006.…...



Biancuzzo, Dennis. Some things to consider in legislation for sex offenders law. 13 Aug 2008. 

Filler, Dan. Sex Offender Registration (SORNA) and the Tenth Amendment. 17 June 2009. 

Mears, William. Fairness of sex offender registration laws argued before Supreme Court. 13 Nov 2002. 

Norton, Graeme. Letter to Mr. Gary Breitkreuz: Bill C-34 (An act to amend the Criminal Code and Other Acts). 3 Nov 2009.

Sex in the Media Has
Pages: 6 Words: 2022

Hence they choose to turn to other things and television as most common form of mass medium offers many answers that they might be looking for. As one study found:
"Media effects theory and research indicate that television contributes to the sexual socialization of young people, although the nuances of that relationship are not yet fully understood. Young people report that they often turn to television to gain perspective on such questions as with whom to have sex, when it is appropriate to have sex, and what precautions, if any, are called for. Our evidence makes clear that television, through its themes and storylines, offers plenty of answers." (Farrar et al. 2003)

This is quite a perplexing scenario. On the one hand, we do not want sexual material in the media, on the other, teenagers report that they sex information through media which might actually make some of them wise about…...



Barry S. Sapolsky, "The Attraction and Repulsion of Media Sex," Journal o / Broadcasting and Electronic Media 47 (2003): 296.

Farrar K., Dale Kunkel, Edward Donnerstein. (2003) Sexual Messages during Prime-Time Programming. Sexuality and Culture, Summer.

"AFA Action Alert! Abercrombie & Fitch Offers Porn-filled Christmas Quarterly" Online November 14, 2002. .

"Calvin Klein: A Case Study." Online. 2003. <   (July 27, 2009). >.

Sex Differences in Jealousy
Pages: 9 Words: 3063

Sex Differences in Jealousy
Jealousy is a reaction experienced in all relationships, whether between family members, mutual friends or couples.

Jealousy varies in intensity between relationships, depending on the strength of the bond between the people in the relationship, and their emotional attachment (Mayeux, 2011).

Over 80% of relationships with jealousy, both parties exhibit signs of jealousy.

Physiological differences between males and females determine their reaction when jealous.

The jealousy levels vary depending on psychological orientation of males and females, with more women exhibiting jealousy reactions than males (icho, 2010).

The males exhibit sexual attachment while the females exhibit emotional attachment in the relationship (Buss, Larsen, Westen&Semmelroth, 1992).

All relationships with close emotional and intimacy attachment suffer a good degree of jealousy.

Jealousy can have negative effects, as well as, a positive result on the relationship.

3. Discussion of the research results

i. 53.5207% of the men in relationships experience jealousy.

ii. 57.9752% of the females experience jealousy in their relationships…...



Buss, D.M., Larsen, R.J., Westen, D., & Semmelroth, J. (1992). Sex differences in jealousy:

Evolution, physiology, and psychology, Psychological Science, 3, 251-255.

Kennair, L.E.O., Nordeide, J., Andreassen, S., Stronen, J., & Pallesen, S. (2011). Sex

differences in jealousy: A study from norway. Nordic Psychology, 63(1), 20-34.

Sex Offender Programs
Pages: 5 Words: 1731

Sex Offender Programs
The treatment of sex offenders is a controversial subject because of the potential pain and suffering that can be inflicted on others if the offender commits a repeat offense. Briken and Kafka (2007) state, "Sexual offences, especially those against children, invoke a public outcry for methods ranging from effective psychotherapeutic treatment modalities to stricter community support (including global position monitoring) and even to lifetime incarceration." Society demands that sexual predators need to either be completely rehabilitated or permanently incarcerated to prevent them from committing additional offenses.

Because of the financial and emotional costs of long-term incarceration, however, the concept of life sentences for all sex offenders is impractical. Adams (n.d.) argues that it is unreasonable to "keep serious sex offenders in prison for many years, providing them with no treatment and exposing them to violence which makes them more dangerous, and then spend million of dollars evaluating and "treating"…...



Adams, J. (n.d.). Expanding sex offender treatment. California Coalition on Sexual Offending. Retrieved January 31, 2010 from 

Bradford, J. & Kaye, N. (n.d.). The pharmacological treatment of sex offenders. Psychopharmacology Committee Newsletter Column. Retrieved January 31, 2010 from 

Briken, P. & Kafka, M. (2007). Pharmacological treatments for paraphilic patients and sexual offenders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. Abstract retrieved January 31, 2010 from 

Gilman, H. (n.d.). Antiandrogen treatment of sex offenders. Retrieved January 31, 2010 from

Sex Power Intimacy How Does
Pages: 2 Words: 757

Part Three: In "Romance: Sweet Love," bell hooks writes about the problems of "romantic love," and "being out of control." What does she think is wrong with it? What is the alternative? What do you think of her argument?

According to bell hooks, romantic love within Western culture is idealized as a feeling, rather than actions. Instead of caring that is shown in a material fashion, it is depicted as something utterly inscrutable and indefinable. This idealization paradoxically produces cynicism, as more and more young people are convinced that love cannot be found, because finding the perfect partner is impossible. The craving for love is as deep as childhood, given the vital necessity of love for children to flourish. Yet love has become so objectified and commodified, that when someone speaks of a yearning for love, it is assumed that he or she simply needs a partner of the opposite gender,…...

Sex Differences in Language Men
Pages: 5 Words: 1409

There is also some evidence which suggests that the right hemisphere of the female brain has a greater capacity to express and perceive "emotional" vocalizations or language abilities, and that females are superior with regard to their sensitivity to understand, perceive "and express empathy and social emotional nuances" (Joseph, 2000). Even in childhood women are more likely to express themselves emotionally than males, who traditionally have difficulty expressing themselves except via traditional means such as through anger, joy or "sexual arousal" (Joseph, 2000).

What does all of this mean? It certainly affirms the statement I made initially that females are better communicators than men. The evidence that is available to explain this difference suggests that females generally exhibit more language ability because of biological factors and because of societal pressures which dictate that women are better with regard to communication abilities and verbal abilities, and men are better when it comes…...



Halpern, D.F. (2000). "Sex differences in cognitive abilities." Mahwah: Lawrence

Erlbaum Associates.

Joseph, R. (2000). "The evolution of sex differences in language, sexuality and visual spatial skills." Archives of Sexual Behavior, 29(1): 35

Kaufman, a.S., Kaufman -Packer J.L., McLean J.E., & Reynolds C.R. (1991). "Is the pattern of intellectual growth and decline across the adult life span different for men and women?" Journal of Clinical Psychology, 47, 801-812.

Sex Offenses Sexual Offences Are
Pages: 6 Words: 2340

Majority nevertheless are unable to fulfill this obligation even during the time of peace. The rights of women appear to be improperly safeguarded and instances of rape are by and large unreported and the national records of prosecuting sexual violence and other abuses women rights are very low. A lot of justice systems, particularly in the developed world to be precise have poor investigation norms, low records of arrests and the judicial procedures of these nations lack sensitivity which help in the criminalization of survivors at the time of trial which further discourages reporting. (Kimotho, 2003)
It is crucial that the national governments must initiate to reform their national legislation perspective and also to control international human rights pacts and conventions on the safeguarding of women's rights. Even though more than 90% of the UN members have sanctioned the 'Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women -…...



Bureau of Public Affairs. (2004, May) "Facts about human trafficking" Retrieved 20 April, 2008 at 

Coleman, Lee. (1989) "Medical Examination for Sexual Abuse: Have We Been Misled?" IPT

Journal, vol. 1, no. 3, pp: 25-28.

Kilpatrick, Dean G. (2000) "Rape and Sexual Assault" National Violence against Women

Can I get help writing an essay on any violence topic?
Words: 369

The topic of violence is a broad one because violence is persuasive in our society, there are competing theories about the causes of violence, and violence begins to impact people at a very young age.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are eight types of violence children may be exposed to or experience: bullying, child maltreatment, community violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, school violence, sexual abuse and sexual violence, sex trafficking, and teen dating violence. These different types of violence not only impact children, but also adults in the community,....

How a slave narrative has helped as a tool for the ongoing movement of equality for the people of colour?
Words: 382

There are a number of fantastic slave narratives that really describe the experiences of people in slavery.  However, there is a problem with most of these narratives.  Written by former slaves, these narratives are going to represent a rarity among slaves because their authors could read and write, while teaching a slave to read or write was punishable under many slave codes.  Therefore, we strongly suggest looking at a more comprehensive collection of slave narratives.  Fortunately, the Works Progress Administration compiled slave narratives under a few different programs, most notably the Federal Writer’s Project. ....

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