Senior Management Essays (Examples)

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Memo for Senior Management
Pages: 2 Words: 661

Senior Management
Memo consulting the ongoing campaigns


SENIO Management


After a lengthy preview on unionized and union free campaign, I would like to inform about company operations and management under the two environments.

Workers under unionized environment follow a process for airing their complaints. Workers under union free environment present their complaints in the courts, as well as to the management. In contrast, employees can sue workers when they do unlawfully against the workplace. This is of considerable advantage to the business management under unionized environment as the collective agreement will be of significant assistance to the business, that is, case laws of past years against the business will not pile up and be used against the business in a court of law by the employee.

Since, under unionized environment, employees undergo collective bargaining, it often follows work jurisdiction. The management often concentrates on the output according on the agreement. This is opposed to…...



Bergeron, P.J. (2008). Union Proof. Chicago: Dog Ear Publishing.

Bogardus, A.M. (2007). Professional in Human Resource Study Guide. Washington: John Wiley and Sons.

Fink, C.C. (1988) The Human Element. Strategic Newspaper Management. Pg 111.

Quality Management How to Handle Senior Management
Pages: 3 Words: 1113

Quality Management: How to Handle Senior Management When Goals Cannot be Met
In this case, the problem is two-fold. The goal will not be reached for the project, but more money is also needed. Going to leadership and letting them know that a goal will not be met is one thing, but coupling that with needing more money can make the entire situation very difficult. Moving forward on the bank's remote deposit capture project is vital, but if what is presented to Harold and Tricia is not acceptable, that will only put the project farther behind and call the abilities of the team into question. ather than risk that, tackling the issue head-on and asking to have the deadline extended would be the best option. This has to be done from a standpoint of preparedness, though, and requires documentation of why more money is needed as well as a clear…...



Bogue, E.G. & Saunders, R.L. (1992). The evidence for quality. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Kim, D. (1993). The link between individual and organizational learning. Sloan Management Review. Fall, 45-57.

State, R. (1989). Organizational learning: the key to management innovation. Sloan Management Review. Spring, 32-48.

Understanding Changes to the Senior Management Teams
Pages: 6 Words: 1513

enior Management Teams
Changes to enior Management Teams

CEOs of Cisco ystems & Competitors

John Chambers -- Cisco. In 1991, Chambers joined Cisco ystems as enior Vice President of Worldwide ales and Operations. Promoted to President and CEO in 1995, Chambers helped grow the firm to its present size. Before joining Cisco, he worked at Wang Laboratories from 1982 until 190, and prior to that, Chambers worked at IBM from 1976 to 1982. Under his leadership, Cisco and Chambers have earned all the requisite awards from Fortune 500, Forbes, CEO Magazine, Barron's, Business Week, and Time Magazine. Chambers has been visible in a variety of philanthropic arenas (Cisco Website, 2011).

Ben Verwaayen -- Alcatel-Lucent. Verwaayen is a Dutch national and an Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau, an Honorary Knight of the British Empire (KBE), and a Chevalier de la Legion'd 'Honneur. He began working at Lucent in 1997 and worked his way…...


Sources Referenced

Cisco Systems http://

Yahoo! Finance .

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Manager Behavior Senior Management Inter-Clean
Pages: 3 Words: 1019

As a result, the behavior of management surrounding the implementation of the new strategy and acquisition are causing the company to appear to be out of touch with the staff.
The types of management actions that align with employment laws and those that don't

The management actions that are aligning with employment laws would include: disclosing to the staff possible changes to the sales program in the next 90 to 180 days and informing everyone of the pending merger with Enviro Tech. However, there were several actions that were taken which could be considered to be questionable. Most notably, the fact that they indirectly made promises of: placing Garcia, orden and Hsu in charge of marketing (once the merger is complete). This is problematic, because there is no indication from upper management that they are going to make such changes. At which point, the three could allege that there was some…...



Bays, a. (2009). Discharge of Contracts. Chest of Books. Retrieved from:

Beare, Kenneth. How to Write a Business Memo. Retrieved from: 

Sims, R. (2002). Informal Channels of Communication. Managing Organizational Behavior. (pp. 155 -- 157). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Chiquita's Senior Management Has Continually
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Net Sales rose in 003 to $.6B, up from $1.6B the year before and in 006 the company reported record net sales of $4.5B, largely attributable to the turn-around brought about by their redefining their business using the CSR frameworks and programs. Chiquita had been able to turn compliance into a competitive advantage and also create a unique niche for themselves as a socially conscious grower with strong alliances to The Better Banana Project and The Rainforest Alliance. They were the only multinational corporation to also provider worker's rights for their farm workers and eventually required suppliers to also abide by these requirements.

. Write at least three main issues, presented using bullet points.

1. The continual improvement of worker conditions and the eventual adoption of worker rights globally was one of the pivotal points in the company's transformation to a more CSR-based business. Voluntary labor programs are effective when supported form…...


2. CSR programs can improve the performance of a company because it forces greater auditing and analysis of internal process performance. Chiquita's CSR initiatives led to a long-term competitive advantage because it forced audits of every aspect of their supply chain (Werre, 2003).

3. Refusing to operate in nations that have a high level of corruption is the best strategy despite their continual flow of produce. Chiquita's exit from Columbia is a case in point.

3. Identify the international management and business concepts/topics that are relevant to the case: at least

Senior Management and Communication
Pages: 2 Words: 649

Hiring Effective Communicators
One of the ways our organization can improve its performance is by hiring more effective communicators. All members of the organization are responsible for communicating, with the most obviously communicative job being that of the dispatcher. Dispatchers are practically defined by their ability to use the dispatch system to communicate between patients/clients and the medics. Their role in the company is critical, but in our organization, the dispatchers are ironically poor communicators.

Whereas medics are primarily concerned with effective delivery of patient care, the dispatchers are concerned with filling requests. Therefore, it is possible that the dispatchers are under pressure from the senior management. In that case, it is important to have dispatchers that are willing to speak out and to be honest with senior management about working more closely with medics. It is also important to hire medics that are good communicators. Medics need to communicate effectively…...



Anderson, A.R. (2013). Successful business communication. Forbes. Retrieved online:

Text: Focusing on Organizational Change.

Senior Management and Database
Pages: 2 Words: 528

SDLC for Databases
System Development Lifecycle for Database Development

The Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC)'s eight phases of development begin with an analysis of the users' environment, followed by the development of logical models to represent the data structures. This is followed by the selection of a database management system (DBMS), and the mapping of the logical model of the application to the DBMS. Next the physical mode is developed and evaluated, then tested and tuned until the final system is ready for testing.

Applying the SDLC Model to Database Development

The defining of schema and data structures throughout a database will determine how effectively the completed application will meet the original design requirements. The schema need to predicated on an analysis of the user environment first, ensuring the logical model of the application accurately reflects the needs and requirements of the user (Chenoweth, Schuff, St. Louis, 2003). The development of the logical model is…...



Chenoweth, T., Schuff, D., & Robert St. Louis. (2003). A method for developing dimensional data marts. Association for Computing Machinery.Communications of the ACM, 46(12), 93-98.

Senior Management and Women
Pages: 2 Words: 683

Employment Opportunities for Women
The importance of diversity in today's workplace cannot be overemphasized. An important aspect of diversity relates to gender diversity. Historically, the representation of women at the workplace has been significantly skewed, especially with respect to key organizational positions such as board chairperson, CEO, and senior management (Nielsen & Huse, 2010). Women are usually concentrated in administrative, clerical, and other less demanding jobs (Paludi, 2012). This is particularly true for the author's organization, where all board and management positions are currently held by men. This paper provides a plan for increasing employment opportunities for women at the organization. The plan specifically includes a rationale for intentional employment of women in key organizational leadership positions, a strategy, and a profile for recruitment.

ationale for Increased Employment opportunities for Women

Whereas consensus is yet to be reached, research has increasingly demonstrated the benefits that may be brought about by having a…...



Nielsen, S., & Huse, M. (2010). The contribution of women on boards of directors: going beyond the surface. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 18(2), 136- 148.

Paludi, M. (2012). Managing diversity in today's workplace. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.

Swanson, J., Kowalski, K., Gettman, H., & Lee, J. (2012). Leadership characteristics and Title IX: a possible mechanism for the impact of sports participation on work outcomes. International Leadership Journal, 4(2), 40-61.

Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunity With the
Pages: 11 Words: 3011

Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunity
With the turn of the 21st century, a dramatic increase is being witnessed in the international flow of labor with repercussion for domestic labor supply and management. The native, racial and emigre mixture of the employees is predominantly important for the workplace. The importance of this domestic cultural multiplicity in the labor force, highlighted by worldwide influences and necessities, has lately encouraged the researchers to focus on the companies' and managers' response to diversity, be it of any form (Watson, Spoonley, & Fitzgerald, 2009).

If the workforce of the present times is compared with the one that was found 20 years ago, it will be easy to observe that there are "more white women, people of color, disabled persons, new and recent immigrants, gays and lesbians, and intergenerational mixes (i.e., baby boomers, Generation Xers, and Generation Nexters)" (iccucci, 2002) today. This situation has given birth to quite…...



Hemphills, H., & Hayne, R. (1997). Discrimination, Harassment, and the Failure of Diversity Training: What to Do Now. Westport, CT: Quorum Book. Retrieved December 15, 2012, from 

King, A.S. (1995, December). Capacity for Empathy: Confronting Discrimination in Managing Multicultural WorkForce Diversity. Business Communication Quarterly, 58(4), 46+. Retrieved December 14, 2012, from 

Ollapally, A., & Bhatnagar, J. The Holistic Approach to Diversity Management: HR Implications. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 44(3), 454+. Retrieved December 15, 2012, from 

Riccucci, N.M. (2002). Managing Diversity in Public Sector Workforces. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Retrieved December 14, 2012, from

Management Empowerment and Performance of Middle Management
Pages: 4 Words: 1411

Empowerment and Performance of Middle Management

The empowerment of middle managers is a paradox that is not easily solved. As this strata or level of management is often given responsibility for making sure goals are achieved yet often they have little actual authority to demand results or use legitimate power (French, aven, 1960). Empowerment from senior management is one potential approach to augmenting the effectiveness of this level of management yet the context of empowerment is just as critical as the support given (Bartunek, Spreitzer, 2006). This paper will analyze the approaches for middle managers to be more effective in their roles, with empowerment being an enabler, not the foundation, of long-term change. For middle managers to achieve that, they must also continually improve and transform themselves from supporters of the status quo (as managers often do) to being transformational leaders in their own right (Jackson, 1991).

Empowering the Middle Manager --…...



Jean M. Bartunek, and Gretchen M. Spreitzer. 2006. The Interdisciplinary Career of a Popular Construct Used in Management: Empowerment in the Late 20th Century. Journal of Management Inquiry 15, no. 3, (September 1): 255-273.

David Collins. 1996. Whither democracy? Lost debates in management empowerment. Empowerment in Organizations 4, no. 1, (January 1): 12-24.

Eisenbeiss, S., and S. Boerner. 2010. Transformational Leadership and R&D Innovation: Taking a Curvilinear Approach. Creativity and Innovation Management 19, no. 4, (December 1): 364-372.

French, J.P.R. Jr., and Raven, B. (1960). The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright and A. Zander (eds.), Group dynamics (pp. 607-623). New York: Harper and Row.

Managing Conflicts Executive Summary the
Pages: 5 Words: 1565

It is not that managers do not see the benefit in conflict that they eschew it; it is that conflict is high-risk and can have significant negative externalities, some of which linger with the organization for a long time. Managers are less enthusiastic about conflict because they are taking into account a longer time frame and the totality of externalities, which makes their views a reflection of better information and therefore more accurate than the views of academic researchers.
Recommendations. Carefully manage conflict -- do not use it wantonly. Conflict does not always create positive outcomes sufficient to outweigh the negative ones that are certain to accrue. Take steps to ensure that the conflict is task-focused and not personal. This will limit the amount of damage that accrues from conflict. Create conflict only when necessary -- large scale conflict for small scale problems is dangerous. Conflict is a powerful tool…...


Works Cited:

Vazquez, E. (2008). Managing conflict across generations in the workplace. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved May 30, 2010 from

Rahim, M. (2001,a). Managing conflict in organizations. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.

Cohen, C., Birkin, S., Cohen, M., Garfield, M. & Webb, H. (2006). Managing conflict during an organizational acquisition. Conflict Resolution Quarterly. Vol. 23 (3) 317-331.

Rahim, M. (2001, b) Towards a theory of managing organizational conflict. The International Journal of Conflict Management. Vol. 13 (3) 206-235.

Managing High Performance
Pages: 3 Words: 709

Managing High Performance
A familiar challenge for any expanding enterprise is how to find and manage the highest potential employees who can over time mature into leadership positions. While there are always more applicants that positions available in senior management, the task of any leadership team is to accurately and with insight find those employees with the greatest potential of success (uggiero, 2008). From the very informal succession planning techniques small businesses use that are tantamount of planning sessions, to the much more rigorous and thorough high potential employee development programs, there is a very wide variation in approach and results (Bloch, 1996). The intent of this analysis is to provide a small, rapidly growing company with insights into how best to manage the dilemma of having 50% of its workforce looking to advance their careers with a limited number of positions available while also giving the majority of employees greater…...



Bloch, Susan. (1996). Coaching tomorrow's top managers. Employee Counseling Today, 8(5), 30-32.

Kevin S. Groves. (2007). Integrating leadership development and succession planning best practices. The Journal of Management Development, 26(3), 239-260.

Ruggiero, J. (2008). Identifying and Developing High Potential Leadership Talent. Journal of Personal Finance, 7(2), 13-33.

Management Assessing the Many Management Challenges George
Pages: 3 Words: 1064

Assessing the Many Management Challenges George Faces

Having stepped into Stevenson Company transportation department as its new supervisor, George is quickly overwhelmed by a department in disarray, chaotically operating without any leadership or guidance. The major management issues George faces is predicated on the lack of clarity regarding roles, authority and organization structure and clarity of performance expectations. In short, the management issues George faces are what happens when senior management abdicates leadership of a given area of a business, allowing personal agendas and resentment to ester instead of implementing clear performance expectations. The lack of willingness to change and improve is more attributable the managers of dysfunctional teams than the teams themselves (James, Wooten, Dushek, 2011).

The first and most significant management issue is getting the transportation department integrated back into the company. The many symptoms of its malaise and dysfunctional nature can be attributed to its lack of leadership and…...



James, E.H., Wooten, L.P., & Dushek, K. (2011). Crisis management: Informing a new leadership research agenda. The Academy of Management Annals, 5(1), 455.

Jaques, T. (2012). Crisis leadership: A view from the executive suite. Journal of Public Affairs, 12(4), 366.

Kovjanic, S., Schuh, S.C., & Jonas, K. (2013). Transformational leadership and performance: An experimental investigation of the mediating effects of basic needs satisfaction and work engagement. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86(4), 543.

Mathis, R.L., & Jackson, J.H. (2011). Human Resource Management (13th ed.). Cengage Learning.)

Management and Leadership Examine the
Pages: 6 Words: 2461

He wished to build the happiest place on the planet and this message continues to be handed over to the new recruits who join the organization presently also. Disney exists to give a guarantee to the Americans that are there for real. Disneyland is not just unreal, rather it is hyper-real. As a result it is possible to express of the corporate culture of Disney as being created. ("eading Organizations from behavior and experience to representation and experience," n. d.)
4) Explain how the four functions of management support the creation and maintenance of a healthy organizational culture

The four functions of management support the creation and maintenance of a healthy organizational culture as it leads to planning, organizing, leading and coordinating of resources and it is these 4 activities which recur across the institution and are extremely unified. Present features relating to management cover claims leading are distinct from dealing…...



Arnold, Paul. V. (2002) "Fixing manufacturing" MRO Today Magazine, Retrieved at 

Bryman, Alan. (1995) "Disney and His World"


N.A. (2007) "Disney Institute Homepage" Retrieved at

Management by Objectives Is Based
Pages: 4 Words: 1182

This can come in a number of forms, including rules, "best practices" and job descriptions. Output controls place the focus squarely on the output, with significantly less attention on the behaviors that lead to the output. For example, when a sales person has a quota, that is an output control because the behavior is driven entirely by the end result. Input controls works by placing constraints on process inputs as a means of exerting control. An example might be setting a strict budget for a project. This focuses the manager on sticking to that budget, a process that the organization feels will result in the goals being achieved.
Benchmarking is useful for most firms. The exception would be firms that for one reason or another are not in a competitive environment. For those firms that are in a competitive environment, they can benefit from benchmarking because the benchmark sets the…...


Works Cited:

McNamara, Carter. (2008). Basics of Action Planning. Free Management Library. Retrieved May 9, 2009 from 

No author. (2009). Create an Entrepreneurial Culture Among Your Employees. Score. Retrieved May 9, 2009 from 

Wheelen, T.L., and Hunger D.J.,(2008). Strategic Management and Business

Policy, (11th ed) Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover corporate level strtaegies of nestle?
Words: 602

1. Analyzing Nestle's diversification strategy: How has Nestle expanded its product portfolio and entered new markets to drive growth and increase market share?

2. The role of acquisitions and mergers in Nestle's corporate strategy: Discuss how Nestle has used M&A activities to drive growth, acquire new capabilities, and enter new markets.

3. Examining Nestle's sustainability strategy: How has Nestle incorporated sustainability and ethical practices into its corporate strategy to create long-term value and achieve competitive advantage?

4. Evaluating Nestle's global expansion strategy: How has Nestle expanded its international presence and adapted its business model to different markets and cultural contexts?

5. The impact of....

How do finance departments in buildings ensure efficient budgeting and financial management?
Words: 450

1. Develop a detailed budgeting process: The finance department should work with other departments to create a comprehensive budget that takes into account all operational and capital expenses. This process should be thorough and involve senior management to ensure all expenses are accounted for.

2. Monitor expenses regularly: The finance department should regularly review expenses to ensure they are in line with the budget. By tracking expenses in real-time, the department can identify any potential issues or discrepancies early on and take corrective action as needed.

3. Use financial management software: Implementing financial management software can help streamline budgeting processes, track expenses....

How can incorporating footnotes enhance the clarity and credibility of memos providing information on companies?
Words: 740

Footnotes: Enhancing Clarity and Credibility in Company Information Memos

Footnotes, often overlooked in business writing, play a crucial role in enhancing the clarity and credibility of memos providing information on companies. By providing additional context, supporting evidence, and references to external sources, footnotes add depth and nuance to the main text, making it more informative and trustworthy. Here's how incorporating footnotes can significantly improve the quality of company information memos:

1. Clarification and Expansion of Information:

Footnotes can offer additional details or explanations that would be too disruptive or distracting to include in the main text. For example, footnotes can provide:

- Definitions of....

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