Self Fulfilling Prophecy Essays (Examples)

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Self-Fulfilling Prophecy When I Was in High
Pages: 2 Words: 680

self-fulfilling prophecy when I was in high school. I never thought I was very good at math. I could understand the concepts when I was in class, but would get very anxious about the tests. I was so convinced that I was going to fail the math tests that I would start panicking days ahead of time. This made studying absolutely impossible, and taking the test was agony. My brain would shut down completely, and, of course, I would fail the test. If I had gone into the testing situation knowing that I understood the concepts and could pass easily with preparation, my studying would have been more effective, and I could have taken the test with a clear head and probably passed. While this is a small example from my life, self-fulfilling prophecies can have a major impact in large-scale situations. If Congress predicts ahead of time that…...

Self-Fulfilling Prophecies and Communication
Pages: 8 Words: 2623

Self-Fulfilling Prophecies and Communication
Does the full moon really effect one's behavior? Does Friday the 13th really deserve extra precaution? Is a Harvard professor wiser than say an Appalachian hermit? Or is someone who abandons their life of wealth and fame, suffering from mental illness? Is one race or gender more adept at a particular profession than another? There is no scientific evidence that proves the full moon has any effect on a person's personality or behavior, yet those in law enforcement and the medical profession often say that crime, accidents, and psychotic behavior are higher during the full moon, moreover, many people say they feel more anxious or nervous during a full moon. Henry David Thoreau lived in the woods for several years, St. Francis of Assisi abandoned his wealth and military position for a life of poverty, and many people regard Friday 13th as a lucky day. Self-fulfilling prophecies…...


Works Cited

Barsoux, Jean-Louis. "The Set-Up-to-Fail Syndrome." Harvard Business Review. March 10-30-2002).;Lib&dtype=0~0&dinst=0&author=Jean%2DLouis+Barsoux+%2D+INSEAD+%28France%29&title=The+Set%2DUp%2Dto%2DFail+Syndrome++&date=03%2D01%2D1998&query=effects+of+Self%2Dfulfilling+prophecies+&maxdoc=30&idx=3.(accessed

Bushman, Brad J.; Baumeister, Roy F.; Stack, Angela D. "Catharsis, Aggression, and Persuasive Influence: Self-Fulfilling or Self-Defeating Prophecies?" Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Volume 76. No. 3 January 1999. 10-30-2002).

Feingold, Alan. "Gender Stereotyping for Sociability, Dominance, Character, and MentalHealth: A Meta-Analysis of Findings From the Bogus Stranger Paradigm." Genetic, Social & General Psychology Monographs. Volume 124. August 01, 1998.,_Social_~A~_General_Psychology_Monographs&;Lib&dtype=0~0&dinst=0&author=FEINGOLD%2C+ALAN&title=Gender+Stereotyping+for+Sociability%2C+Dominance%2C+Character%2C+and+MentalHealth%3A+A+Meta%2DAnalysis+of+Findings+From+the+Bogus+Stranger+Paradigm+%2E++&date=08%2D01%2D1998&query=effects+of+Self%2Dfulfilling+prophecies+&maxdoc=30&idx=24.

A accessed 10-30-2002).

Dating Is Related to Self-Fulfilling
Pages: 4 Words: 1236

Their partners have proved to express dissatisfaction when concerning the evolution of their relationship, and, thus, they've shown that HRS has a great importance in breaking up a relationship. Conflicts are generally more damaging for HRS women than they are for HRS men, and, subsequent to a conflict, HRS women are affected much more than LRS women. ithout having experienced a conflict, the behavior of HRS women does not differ greatly from that of LRS women.
Downey, Freitas, Michaelis, and Khouri have undertaken a research to find out if HRS people directly influence their romantic partners into acting so that the relationship would end. 53 couples have been part of a one year research. After one year 29% of the couples had broken up. The couples that eventually broke up showed signs of dissatisfaction concerning their relationship during the one-year period. People that aren't constantly satisfied with their relationship are…...


Works Cited

Downey Geraldine, Freitas Antonio L., Michaelis Benjamin, Khouri Hala. (1998). "The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Close Relationships: Rejection Sensitivity and Rejection by Romantic Partners." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 75 (2)

Self-Destructive Behavior Depicted in Kafka's
Pages: 15 Words: 4103

He does his share of complaining but he does little else to remedy the situation. The truth of the matter is that Gregor did not enjoy much of his life away from work. He never expresses a desire to have more in his life nor does he express any regret, until he is a bug. In "A Hunger Artist," our hunger artist chooses to live a considerable amount of his life behind bars being a public spectacle. hile he can communicate with onlookers, he is separated from them by the bars and the setting in which he finds himself only forces him to interact with individuals for a short amount of time. Once they have become satisfied with his spectacle, they move on and leave the artist to his own thoughts. Our hunger artist is aware of the world that exists around him but it does not seem to…...


Works Cited

Freed, Donna. The Metamorphosis and Other Stories. New York: Barnes and Nobel Books. 1996.

Goldfarb, Sheldon. "The Metamorphosis." Short Stories for Students. 2001. Gale Resource Database. 1963. Site Accessed November 22, 2008. 

Kafka, Franz. "A Hunger Artist." The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction R.V. Cassill, ed. New York W.W. Norton and Company. 1981. pp. 779-86.

Kafka, Franz. "The Metamorphosis." The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction R.V. Cassill, ed. New York W.W. Norton and Company. 1981. pp. 740-78.

Self-Worth and Need to Belong
Pages: 2 Words: 756

Gang ecruitment
Self-Worth and the Need to Belong

Juvenile Delinquency Paper

The self-help author Wayne Dyer once wrote that, "Self-worth comes from one thing…thinking that you are worthy." This quote captures the functional role of gangs: they exist because they serve a purpose. Gangs are attractive to recruits because they promise a variety of benefits. Though many members reap material benefits from joining, it is the psychological benefits which play a critical role in the decision to join a gang, particularly as it relates to self-worth and the need to belong. While some gang members often portray themselves with great machismo, think highly of themselves and are proud of what they have become, the majority of youths who join gangs suffer from a negative self-image (Miller, 2001). Opportunities to feel good about themselves in their family or at school are few and far between. Yablonsky (1997) tells us "The gangsters' personality problems of…...



Maslow, A.H. (1970). Motivation and Personality. New York, NY: Harper and Row.

Miller, J., Maxson, C., Klein, M. (2001). The Modern Gang Reader. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Co.

Sanchez-Jankowski, M.S. (1991). Islands in the Street: Gangs and American Urban Society. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Shelden, R., Tracy, S., Brown, W. (1997). Youth Gangs in American Society. Ann Arbor, MI: Wadsworth Publishers.

Interrelationship of Self-Perceptions Culturally-Based Perceptions Impressions and
Pages: 20 Words: 6747

Interrelationship of Self-Perceptions, Culturally-Based Perceptions, Impressions, and their effects on Leadership Abilities
Humans have the most highly organized social structure of any creature on earth. In an attempt to ascertain our relative position in a complex social hierarchy, we constantly evaluate and re-evaluate ourselves. e do this by comparing ourselves to other human beings. e use this information to establish our opinions of ourselves, the various social groups to which we belong and our opinions of others. e belong to many social groups, our family, our group of friends at school, a community and a culture that includes our ethnic backgrounds. e must make decisions about our place in each of these groups. These opinions constitute what we think of ourselves, and gives us our self-esteem, or self-worth.

Our attitudes and beliefs regarding ourselves and others effect our ability to learn our acceptance of subordination to authority figures and our ability to…...


Works Cited

Baron, R. And Kenny, D. (1986). "The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic and Statistical Considerations." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6): 1173-1182.

Bugental, B., Blue, J. Cortez, V., Fleck, K., Kopeikin, H., Lewis, J.C., & Lyon, J. (1993). "Social cognitions as organizers of autonomic and affecitive response to social challenge." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, (64)1: 94-103.

Christopher, A. (1998). "The Psychology of Names: An Empirical Reexamination." Journal of Applied Social Psychology, (19): 1173-1195.

Feldman, J., and Lynch, J. Jr. (1988). "Self-generated validity and other effects of measurement on belief, attitude, intention and behavior." Journal of Applied Psychology, (73): 431-435.

Organizational Behavior - Case Study
Pages: 5 Words: 1408

Most retail environments are plagued by high turnover. While some of this has to do with a lack of motivation, much of the problem lies in the company's inability to create high-performance teams capable of taking on challenges and making decisions with peers to help solve problems within the company (Janis, 1972). In any environment, when a successful team is lacking, so too is motivation and consistency of performance. None of these traits are evident however, within the Container Store's case study.
Escalation of commitment - the Container store adopts the ideal of escalation of commitment as stated by the store's managers who follow the McGregor Theory Y This theory suggests that employees are not by nature "lazy" and will often perform in the best manner possible and commit to the company if given an opportunity to feel empowered to make decisions without the need to "check in" with members…...



Ahlfigner, N.R. & Esser, J.K. (2001). Testing the groupthink model: Effects of promotional leadership and conformity predisposition. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 29(1): 31-42.

Janis, I.L. (1972). Victims of groupthink. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

Vroom, V.H. (1964). Work and Motivation. New York: Wiley

Weiner, B. (1986). An attributional theory of emotion and motivation, New York:

Social Psychology and What Does it Aim
Pages: 7 Words: 2057

Inspired by Kurt Lewin (1951), social psychology adopted the experimental method to study human behavior (Wood & Kroger, 1998). In this regard, Wood and Kroger (1998) report that, "Lewin's experiments in leadership style (autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire) became classics in the new experimental social psychology" (p. 267). Lewins' early work was carried on by Festinger and others who explored cognitive dissonance for the next 20 years at MIT and subsequently at the Universities of Michigan and Minnesota, making this one of the foundations of social psychology (Wood & Kroger, 1998).

Simply stated, social psychology uses the scientific method to study human social behavior (ogers, 2003). According to ogers, psychological social psychology "studies how social events and phenomena influence the ways in which individual people feel, think and act. It is concerned with the psychological processes (such as social perception and cognition) that go…...



Hayes, D. (2004). RoutledgeFalmer guide to key debates in education. New York:


Karakashian, L.M., Walter, M.I., Christopher, A.N. & Lucas, T. (2006). Fear of negative evaluation affects helping behavior: The bystander effect revisited. North American

Journal of Psychology, 8(1), 13.

Teachers Expectation
Pages: 5 Words: 1470

Teachers' Expectations

This research study will examine the impact of teachers' expectation on students' overall academic achievement. The research will be conducted at Huntington Park High School, located in the city of Huntington Park. It is one of the largest high schools in Los Angeles Unified School District and has an enrollment of over 5000 students with 3-track calendar. The ethnic backgrounds of the students consist of 98.6% Latino, 0.6% black and 0.3% white. The students of Huntington Park High School (HPHS) have not been challenged to perform to their best abilities. One of the reasons may be that the teachers perceive them as incapable and lacking motivation, and so they feel it is unfair or hopeless to expect more from the students. The subtle messages received from their teachers may make the students feel incapable of handling demanding work. This could also be a factor in the students' low self-esteem…...



1.Brehm, S. & Kassin, S. (1996). Social Psychology. Boston: Houghton Muffin.

2.Rosenthal, R. & Jacobson, L. (1968). Pygmalion in the classroom. Retrieved September 9, 2003 at

3.Tauber, R. (1998). Good or bad, what teachers expect from students they generally get. Retrieved September18, 2003 at

4.Thomas, W.(1928). First impressions are lasting impressions. Retrieved September18, 2003 at

Love Relationships
Pages: 10 Words: 3105

Romantic Love
In my fist yea of college, I enjoyed an extemely passionate love elationship. We met duing feshman oientation and ou initial chemisty was instant as well as mutual. Actually, on the night we met he "escued" me, so to speak, because one of the guys fom my domitoy floo was annoying me by the way he ignoed all of my vey obvious signals that I was not paticulaly inteested in talking to him.

I smiled the fist time he looked at me, but to be pefectly honest, I would have smiled at almost anybody at that moment, because I was tying (unsuccessfully) to discouage the guy who would not leave me alone. The idea was simply to hint at the idea that I was not inteested in him by making eye contact with someone else. My (eventual) boyfiend was vey polite about it, but afte we smiled at each othe,…...


references: Gender Differences Examined in a National Sample.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Synder, M. (1977) When Belief Creates Reality: The Self-Fulfilling Impact of First Impressions of Social Interaction. Experiencing Social Psychology, 99-103

Trotter, R.J. (1986) The Three Faces of Love.

Psychology Today, (September) 46-54.

Why Are Some Neighborhoods More Conducive to Crime
Pages: 2 Words: 639

self-fulfilling prophecy? What role does this play in continued deviance? How does labeling theory influence this prophecy?
Self-fulfilling prophesies are when it is so socially expected that an individual from a particular group (such as a race, ethnicity, or social class) will deviate in his or her behavior from the norm, attributing that label to the individual becomes an important, internalized component of the labeled individual's sense of self. Once this is accomplished, the individual is more resistant to pressures to change, given that letting go of criminality means, in effect, letting go of his identity. "When a negative label gets applied so publicly and so powerfully that it becomes part of that individual's identity, this is what Lemert calls secondary deviance," versus primary deviance when someone who regards him or herself as an upstanding citizen still transgresses the law (Labeling theory, UMN).

"These dramatic negative labelings become turning points in…...



Concentric zones. Crime and Place. Retrieved from: 

Labeling theory. UMN. Retrieved from:

Irrational Belief Addressing Each Irrational
Pages: 2 Words: 963

This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind."
8. Everything in life is a win-lose perspective.

Always play on level ground with peers. Each situation can be a win-win one when we respect other people. Philippians 2:3: "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves."

9. People who believe differently are viewed as having moral inferiority's rather than merely differences in behavior.

People of different persuasions whether religious or behavioral are not morally inferior. Unfortunately even Jesus wanted to kill any non-believers. Luke 19:27: "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them -- bring them here and kill them in front of me."

10. ne has the right to be free from discomfort and to glide through life with only minimum frustration.

Suffering is a part of life; however, there is always relief from suffering via spiritual pursuits.…...


One of the reasons for the lack of interest in ecclesiastical form, ritual, and participation is the hypocrisy and corruption inherent in organized religion. Gunter, L. (2010). A stain of sin. National Post. Retrieved April 8, 2010 from

7. The ability to manage the premature granting of adult roles and responsibilities

Bristol Palin, daughter of Darah Palin, speaks out against teen pregnancy based on her personal experience:

Circle of Poverty Among the Disabled
Pages: 15 Words: 4661

Stigma and Disability
The self-sufficiency of any person or group largely depends on the capacity to maintain a certain level of financial stability. As a group, people with disabilities are among those with the highest poverty rates and lowest educational levels despite typically having some of the highest out-of-pocket expenses of all other groups. Educational level is strongly related to financial status and independence in most of the studies performed on these variables. Despite regulations to attempt to provide an equal and fair education to students identified as having disabilities, the research indicates that the majority of these individuals do not reach the educational levels and financial status of their non-disabled peers. The limitations of a failed system of assistance for these individuals that creates a double-edged sword in the form of stigmatizing these students has resulted in it being next to impossible for this group to obtain even an "average"…...



Artiles, A., Kozleski, E., Trent, S., Osher, D., & Ortiz, A. (2010). Justifying and explaining disproportionality, 1968-2008: A critique of underlying views of culture. Exceptional Children, 76, 279-299

Bjelland, M.J., Burkhauser, R.V., von Schrader, S., & Houtenville, A.J. (2011). 2010 progress report on the economic well-being of working-age people with disabilities. Retrieved on July 10, 2012 from   ct&seiredir=1& %26q%3Ddisabilities%2Band%2Bpoverty%26as_sdt%3D0%252C23%26as_ylo%3D20 10%26as_vis%3D1#search=%22disabilities%20poverty%22. 

Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954)"

Burkhauser, R.V. & Houtenville, A.J. (2006). A guide to disability statistics from the current population survey - annual social and economic supplement (March CPS). In Rehabilitation research and training center on disability demographics and statistics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Retrieved on July 10, 2012 from

Vindication of the Rights of
Pages: 40 Words: 12319

Ross (1988) notes the development of Romanticism in the late eighteenth century and indicates that it was essentially a masculine phenomenon:
Romantic poetizing is not just what women cannot do because they are not expected to; it is also what some men do in order to reconfirm their capacity to influence the world in ways socio-historically determined as masculine. The categories of gender, both in their lives and in their work, help the Romantics establish rites of passage toward poetic identity and toward masculine empowerment. Even when the women themselves are writers, they become anchors for the male poets' own pursuit for masculine self-possession. (Ross, 1988, 29)

Mary ollstonecraft was as famous as a writer in her day as her daughter. Both mother and daughter were important proponents of the rights of women both in their writings and in the way they lived and served as role models for other women…...


Works Cited

Alexander, Meena. Women in Romanticism. Savage, Maryland: Barnes & Noble, 1989.

Burke, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1987.

Cone, Carl B. Burke and the Nature of Politics. University of Kentucky, 1964.

Conniff, James. "Edmund Burke and His Critics: The Case of Mary Wollstonecraft" Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 60, No. 2, (Apr., 1999), 299-318.

Staffing a New Crime Laboratory
Pages: 4 Words: 1688

The second is the methods of work that must follow a quality certified system.
Overall System Design

Since the work relates to scientific study, a scientific temperament and better equipped laboratory is a must. For each section of the system dealing with major and minor investigations, appropriate equipments, modern electronic gadgets and data processing systems must be provided and they must also be upgraded frequently. The personnel must be trained in the use and proper management of digital forensic laboratories and high technology crime detection and investigation. These must be installed and maintained on turnkey approach. One suggestion is to contract a company which has experience in setting up the lab and turn over the installation to them. For example, the Pyramid Company provides turnkey contracts for setting up such Laboratories and Centres. (Pyramic Cyber, 2012) Such service providers would provide for the commissioning of equipments and tools as specified by…...



ASCLD/LAB-International (2010) "Program Overview" Retrieved 14 November, 2012 from 

CSTL. (2000) "Quality assurance standards for Forensicnda DNA Testing Laboratories"

Forensic Science Communications, vol. 2, no. 3, Retrieved 14 November, 2012 from .

Forensic Access. (2011) "Quality management and quality standards support to the police:

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