Ideally, we will collaborate to develop a long-term vision of what we want to accomplish in business. Thereafter, each of us will help one another become aware of possible business application of innovations in our respective fields of relative expertise and we will be able to rely on one another to identify potential opportunities in specific areas based on our shared long-term vision and our individual areas of greater understanding.
Teamwork and Individual Commitment
To make such an arrangement work, I realize that I will have to continue working on and developing my teamwork skills. By nature, I tend to be very independent and self-reliant. While I appreciate those traits and know that they are advantages in many respects, I have also learned that they can be counter-productive in an environment where there is too much information for any one person to be responsible for understanding, especially in terms of making…...
I anticipate that the classroom dynamics which can prove to be so unpredictable will require the preparation gained here.
This belief is underscored by the application level experiences availed by our course studies. The translation of the spectrum of theoretical teaching models into a strategy for curriculum would require me to assess different instructional approaches as they relate to my own personal style. Quite to the point, as I would reflect on this part of my experience in approaching the benchmark assessment for this course, I would come to appreciate the importance of remaining true to one's strengths and skills. During the process of application in such areas as composition, testing of knowledge and the initial phases of lesson plan development, I would come to appreciate the importance of selecting pedagogical strategies which correspond to my particular virtues as an educator.
The demonstration dimension of my course studies would demand the…...
This ensures to promote professional nursing practice and enable the patient with an understanding if the nursing care is adequate. As well as providing guidelines to nurse researchers in identifying and monitoring the relationships between nursing practice and patient care outcomes. Educational Institutes also use the nursing standards as a guide in creating curriculum. The nursing guidelines also present the foundation for the relative investigations. For example, a nurse can be penalized if the investigation proves that the nurse did not practice following the required nursing standards in the province the nurse is licensed.
According to Lillies et.a (2005) the process of self-evaluation of nursing practice include the quality of practice, education, professional practice evaluation, collegiality, collaboration with the patients and others, ethical provisions, research and resource utilization. The nursing standards are responsible for providing safe, competent and ethical care promoting the patient's health and well-being, choice, dignity, and confidentiality.…...
Lillies C, Taylor C. et al., (2005) Fundamentals of Nursing: The art & science of nursing care. Lippincott publications; Philadelphia.
Creasia JL, Parker B (1996). Conceptual framework of professional practice.2nd edn. Mosby; St. Loius.
Hall JK (1996). Nursing ethics & law. W.B Saunders Company; Philadelphia.
Kockrow EO, Christensen BL (2003). Foundatios of Nursing.4th edition. Mosby.
I have a relatively flexible work schedule, and I have a very supportive family. My family and my employer are as committed to my personal and professional growth as I am and I believe I should have little problem maintaining a 15-20-hour a week schedule for school. My approach to my academics will be one where I add hours to my day prior to work, in the morning and in the evening after work as well as, as much time as is need to complete my assigned work on the weekend. If the need arises for me to take time off work I have explained the possibility to my employers and I will approach, my supervisor when needed to secure additional time for my educational needs. This is particularly true of educational project deadlines, as I will make my academic schedule known to my supervisors and take vacation and/or personal…...
Ford implemented social media campaigns to promote some of its product lines that are intended for young adults precisely because they are already so comfortable using those forms of communications. Perhaps the most innovative concept embraced by Ford in that regard is the incorporation of customer-to-customer communications as a supplement to the traditional channel of promotional communications between corporate entities and prospective customers.
Tata Motors as the Counterexample
The purchaser of the Land over and Jaguar product lines from Ford was Tata Motors of Britain. That company apparently made the decision relying primarily on traditional economic principles predicated mainly on the differential between the selling price and their value at the time of their original purchase. Tata apparently intended to wait out the current economic climate and hoped to capitalize on the acquisition in the future when the luxury vehicle market rebounded. However, Tata apparently failed to consider the volatility and…...
Hill, C.W.L. And McShane, S.L. (2007). Principles of Management. New York:
Hochleutner, M. "Ford CEO, Alan Mulally, on remarkable turnaround: It took leadership, courage, and service to something great." (February 9, 2011). Retrieved March 4,
2011 from the Stanford University Center for Leadership Development and Research (CDLR), from:
.." Kotter specifically is noted as having stated as follows:
"Leadership is different from management but not for the reason most people think. Leadership isn't' mystical and mysterious. It has nothing to do with having charisma or other exotic personality traits. It's not leadership necessarily better than management or a replacement for it: rather leadership and management are two distinctive and complementary activities. oth are necessary for success..." (Kotter, 1990, p.103 cited in olden, 2004)
V. Policy and Strategy
In most cases quality in ministry is defined as "meeting or exceeding the expectations of needs of the customer in such a way as to fully satisfy him or her." (Kallestad) ut the purpose of this paper is not to make a business process out of ministry but to make the business of ministry a quality process. The quality performance of a church is typically measured primarily by its size, participation in programs and/or…...
O'Hara, Debbie (2003) Church Growth Movement -- Revival or Apostasy? 21 Oct 2003 News with Views. Online available at:
Coutts, Peter (2000) John Kotter on Leading Change. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Calgary. 27 Jun 2000. Online available at:
Vardiman, Phillip D. And Pope, Don N. (2003) A Study of Performance Assessment Practices in Local Church Congregations. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Christian Business Faculty Association. Regent University, Virginia beach, VA 16-18 Oct 2003. Online available at:
Kallestad, Walther P. And Schey, Steven L. (nd) Total Quality Ministry
H-creativity is the true goal of the organization, in order to be the most innovative literary agency in a very competitive industry.
S-creativity is an addition to Boden's (1990) theory.
Suwa, Gero, and Purcell, 2000 proposed a third possibility for creativity -- situated creativity. S-creativity occurs when an innovation happens that was unplanned for in the original design. Although these ideas may not be truly unique, their application in the specific situation is unique, giving them value. As an example, if an idea from another industry could be applied to our literary agency that had not been done before, this innovation would be highly valuable, helping set us apart from the competition.
Self-evaluation is an important task for any good leader. During this task, the leader can evaluate where they currently are, what is working for them and what is not. Currently, I have a fairly full plate with educational, professional and…...
Boden, M. (1990). The creative mind, myths and mechanisms. London: Abacus.
De Miranda, P., Aranha, J. & Zardo, J. (Aug 2009). Creativity, people, environment, and culture, the key elements in its understanding and interpretations. Science & Public Policy, 36(7). Retrieved October 20, 2009, from Academic Search Complete.
Gong, Y., Huang, J., & Farh, J. (Aug 2009). The mediating role of employee creative self-efficacy. Academy of Management Journal, 52(4). Retrieved October 20, 2009, from Business Source Complete.
Panday, S. & Sharma, R. (2009). Organizational factors for exploration and exploitation. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 4(1). Retrieved October 20, 2009, from Business Source Complete.
Leadership and Self-Evaluation
Leadership & Self-Evaluation
Understanding human behavior is critical to the success of the organization. This involves a study of the human behaviors dominant in an organization. An analysis of the behavior of an organization helps identify the weaknesses as well as the strengths of an organization. The assessment also aids in developing a strong culture that the teams use in their operations. A strong organizational behavior is firstly observed in the individual behaviors of the organization. The employees help shape the behavior of an organization as well as its culture. A strong organizational culture promotes the creation of clear communication lines. The communication lines help bridge the gap between the members of staff, including between the employees and co-workers, between the employees and their subordinates, and between the subordinates and policy makers. Clear communication lines aid in passing various directives down the organizational structure for the smooth implementation of…...
Adler, N.J., & gundersen, a. (2008). International dimensions of organizational behavior. Mason, ohio, thomson/south-western.
Hiriyappa, B. (2009). Organizational behaviour. New delhi, new age international publishers.
Borkowski, N (2011). Organizational behavior in health care. Sudbury, mass, jones and bartlett publishers.
Staw, B.M. (2006). Research in organizational behavior an annual series of analytical essays and critical reviews. Volume 27. Amsterdam, elsevier jai.
' Establishing a commanding and quiet classroom presence to facilitate order is something I need to work on as an educator.
I think my greatest problem, partially because of my nervousness as a new teacher, is failing to single out individual students and praising them for their unique, personal milestones. I have been so concerned about being fair to everyone and creating a cohesive class, I have not wanted to seem as if I favored boys over girls, or the more talented and confident students over those who were less extroverted. I also want to work on showing the children that the reason there are rules in the classroom is that these rules are necessary for everyone to learn, not because I wish to be mean or even simply because 'I say so.' Understanding consequences of actions are an important developmental milestone for 4th grade students. This is why it is…...
CPR Class
The population for this workshop teaching pediatric cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was held at ible aptist Church in Chikasah, Oklahoma. It was held in the Fellowship Hall of that church. The class was targeted for young to middle-aged adults. All of the participants had young children and had expressed an interest in learning pediatric CPR. Those who enrolled ranged in age from 19 to 40 years and included both male and females. The class was completed on October 9, 2005. This room was spacious enough for the activities of the class. It was well lit and well ventilated. It had enough chairs, wall space for displaying charts and other information, and had sturdy tables on which the CPR dummies could be placed for illustration purposes. There was enough room for people to work in pairs without crowding.
The instructor determined the needs of this group by interviewing several people in the…...
Canadian Group for Emergency Training. "Child/Infant CPR Course." Accessed via the Internet 9/20/05.
Smith, Donna, and Williams, Jessica. Date not given. "Don't Leave it to Luck: Learn Infant/child CPR." Toddlers Today at Accessed via the Internet 9/20/05.
Staff writers. 2003. "Babysitting Is a Serious Job." USA Today, March, Vol. 131, pp 6+.
Self-egulation Issues in Children and Adolescence with ADHD, ODD, and OCD
Self-regulation in children and adolescence who suffer from ADHD, ODD, and OCD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder) is often evident due to several things. A lot of the issues in relation to self-regulation stem from additional anxiety the child/teen may feel from the difficulties experienced from these kinds of mental disorders. OCD is known to cause anxiety and isolationist behaviors leading to decreased emotional self-regulation. ADHD at times can cause hyperfocus, making it difficult for the child/teen to switch tasks therefore limiting their ability to handle their emotions and activities that assist in regulating themselves. ODD, connected to ADHD, is a disorder that has the child react angrily and spitefully to people in otherwise normally responsive situations. The extreme feelings of children or adolescence who manifest ODD make it hard for them to respond…...
Barkley, R.A. (2013). Oppositional Defiant Disorder: The Four Factor Model for Assessment and Management - by Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D. Retrieved from
Blum, K., Chen, A.L., & Oscar-Berman, M. (2008). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and reward deficiency syndrome. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 4(5), 893-918. Retrieved from
Campbell, S.B. (1990). Behavior problems in preschool children: Clinical and developmental issues. New York: Guilford Press.
Cheng, M., & Boggett-Carsjens, J. (2005). Consider Sensory Processing Disorders in the Explosive Child: Case Report and Review. Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 14(2), 44-48.
Self-Monitoring in Education
Putting individuals with "intellectual disabilities" and "challenging behaviors" into regular classrooms is clearly a good idea - the educational literature supports this. But what happens once they are in the classroom? How does one then improve the social behavior and learning opportunities of these students? One idea, cooperative learning (also called peer tutoring), does show some promise; however, another idea based around the technique of self-monitoring/self-recording is specifically highlighted in the article under discussion. This method (which trains a student to identify, record and modify inappropriate behavior) was introduced to a certain thirteen-year-old girl named Pauline who had lived in a Romanian orphanage for ten years and had suffered "severe deprivation and abuse." The specific behaviors targeted in Pauline were stereotypic in quality (body-rocking and hand gazing) as well as consistent in quantity (they occurred consistently throughout the school day).
This "targeting" of behavior took the form of an…...
Self-Directed Assessment
Self-Assessment Research
Finding a career path that is both financial rewarding and personally satisfying can be a trying process. hile many workers find positions that are either financial rewarding, or personally satisfying, ultimately the two goals are subtly linked. hen a person settles for a career path that is financial rewarding, but exists outside the scope of their personal values or talents, the career can produce feelings of unhappiness in the individual, and lead to the 40-40-40 syndrome. A person works forty hours per week, for roughly 40 years, and tops out at a 40K per year salary. On the other hand, a person who finds the career he or she loves can spend a lifetime building personal accomplishments, which will quite often lead to expanded opportunity and expanded earning potential. Finding the ideal path for the career minded individual is a function of matching the person's desires and their…...
mlaWorks Cited
The Self-Directed Search Assessment. (2003) Accessed 22 Oct. 2003. .
Self-Directed Search-What is the Self-Directed Search? (2003) Career Counseling Ready Accessed 22 Oct 2003)
Reardon, Robert, and PAR Staff General. (2001) The Self-Directed Search Interpretive Report.
Gottfredson, G.D., Holland J.L., & Ogawa, D. K (1982). Dictionary of Holland occupational codes. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
I need to acknowledge that I can only control how I react with an environment, but that I cannot control the environment itself, and I can try to ensure that my reactions are consistent across time and space. Finally, I need to make some changes to how I deal with stress in general, which may make me more resilient in my professional life. I need to learn to laugh at myself, and I need to embrace a more optimistic outlook. Finally, because resiliency is linked to personal stress levels, I need to engage in healthy behaviors, such as eating right and exercising.
Title of the Assessment: Assessing Your Creative Personality
Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the assessing your creative personality assessment is to estimate the subject's creative potential.
Actual Score: +1
Interpretation of Score: I have an average creative personality.
Improving Effectiveness / Efficiency: With all of the emphasis on thinking outside…...
Self-Perceived Oral Malodour Among Periodontal Patients:
One of the most common dental consultations is perceived oral malodour that suggests that thorough evaluation of oral malodour in dentistry. Generally, oral malodour is considered as a widespread, horrible, medical condition that is characterized with emergence of unpleasant odour from the mouth because of gram-negative anaerobic bacterial putrefaction of proteinaceous substrates containing sulfur. According to Azodo & Umoh (2013), oral malodour is basically caused by hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, volatile sulfur compounds, and methyl mercaptan (p.125). These elements have also been associated with the pathogenesis of periodontal disease because of their toxicity to oral tissues.
Based on this background, the authors agree that oral malodour is a huge concern to the general population since it has unfavorable consequences on both the private and professional life. Therefore, it's a significant health issue with negative effects on the quality of life, especially with regards to social interactions.…...
Azodo, C.C. & Umoh, A.O. (2013, August). Self-perceived Oral Malodour among Periodontal
Patients: Prevalence and Associated Factors. International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research, 2(2), 125-132. Retrieved from
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