Security System Essays (Examples)

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Security Systems How Would You Consider What
Pages: 1 Words: 451

Security Systems
How would you consider what is to be local security vs. enterprise wide security. Should they be different, should it be enterprise wide ignoring the special needs of any particular site. Keep in mind that employees travel from one site to another often and need to access computing resources from any site to get their work done.

The classic enterprise network for most organizations used to be hub and spoke arrangement, but demand for higher bandwidth led to the decrease in the cost of leased lines and the emergence of new technologies, such Virtual Private Networks that could mesh offices together. (Enterprise ide Security on the Internet, March 2002) This created another problem, however, as the larger the enterprise, the greater the need for security, yet the larger the network, the more diverse the informative needs of the employees. The first solution that was deployed in the early days of…...


Works Cited

Corporate Security on the Internet. (February 2002) News Views.

Enterprise Wide Security on the Internet (March 2002) News Views.

Security System for an Airport
Pages: 15 Words: 4781

Airport Security System
The secure operation of the aviation system across the globe is one of the most significant factors in the security and economic development of the United States. The use of the world's airspace should also be secured because aviation has become a major target for criminals. Actually, criminals, terrorists, and hostile nations increasingly consider aviation as a major target for exploitation and attack. An example of the security threats facing this industry is the 9/11 terror attacks, which highlighted the desire and ability of enemies to generate considerable harm to the United States. Therefore, aviation security is increasingly important in order to protect the country and its citizens from such attacks. According to Federal of American Scientists (2007), aviation security is realized through combination of private and public aviation security activities across the globe. These activities are then coordinated to detect, prevent, deter, and defeat threats that…...



"Aviation Transportation System Security Plan." (2007, March 26). National Strategy for Aviation Security. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Homeland Security website:

Das, D. (2013, January 1). Total Airport Security System: Integrated Security Monitoring Platform. Retrieved December 23, 2015, from

Elias, B. (2007, July 30). Air Cargo Security. Retrieved December 23, 2015, from 

Elias, B. (2009, April 23). Airport Passenger Screening: Background and Issues for Congress. Retrieved December 23, 2015, from

Vivint Home Security System Security Systems Development
Pages: 5 Words: 1496

Vivint Home Security System
Security Systems Development Life Cycle

In the system development cycle, certain precise steps are accountable and they are all integrated into phases. As mentioned in the abstract earlier, five stages/phases are used as guidelines when developing the security system, or any other system. In the planning system, the project is reviewed to realize its applicability. In the case of Vivint home security system, the proposal of the system development has to be reviewed by experts, who go ahead to prioritize the requests brought forward in the project. In addition, in the same phase, resources are allocated and an able team is selected to oversee the entire development processes. Details of the planning phase are discussed in the proceeding paragraphs.

At the analysis stage, the team selected and responsible for the systems development conducts a preliminary analysis/investigation, and conducts a performance analysis that includes analyzing any system that is currently…...



Crabtree, C. (2007). Presenting a Conceptual Model for the Systems Development Life Cycle. New York: ProQuest Publishers.

Whitman, M.E. & Mattord, J.H. (2011). Principles of Information Security. New York: Cengage Learning Publishers.

Rivard, S. & Aubert, B.A. (2007). Information Technology Outsourcing. New York: Sharpe Publishers

Shelly, G. & Vermaat, J. (2010). Discovering Computers: Living in A Digital World: Fundamentals. New York: Cengage Learning Publishers.

Designing a Procedural Security System-Wk4-Writ
Pages: 2 Words: 666

One of the principle threats that is found at the internal level of airport security is passengers attempting to smuggle items aboard planes that can function as weapons. In this respect, security measures must include a list of substances that passengers are prohibited from flying with (such as chemical compounds) (Staples, no date), in addition to utilizing various devices to ensure that no is violating these rules.
There are a host of technological applications that are utilized for achieving the latter objective. Most of these devices involve scanning passengers to both detect and deter them from taking potentially lethal contraband aboard planes. Metal detectors are utilized to look for typical weapons such as firearms and knives, while searches of passengers and scanning of their luggage should also be conducted to look for any prohibited materials. Other scanning devices include x-ray machines and explosive detection machines, both of which can detect…...



Staples, Edward J. (No date). "The Industrial Physicist -- Safeguarding Ports with Industrial Security." American Institute of Physics. Retrieved from .

Tyson, J., Grabianowski, E. (no date). "How Airport Security Works." How Stuff Works. Retrieved from

Information Technology IT Security Systems
Pages: 11 Words: 3128

Computer Security Systems
The report provides new security tools and techniques that computer and IT (Information Technology) professionals, network security specialists, individuals, corporate and public organizations can employ to enhance security of their computer and information systems. In the fast paced IT environment, new threats appear daily that make many organizations to lose data and information that worth billions of dollars. In essence, the computer and IT security professionals are required to develop new computer and IT security tools and techniques to protect their information resources.

The present age of universal computer connectivity has offered both opportunities and threats for corporate organizations Typically, since corporate and public organizations rely on computer and network systems to achieve their business objectives, they also face inherent risks which include electronic fraud, eavesdropping, virus attack and hacking. In essence, some hackers use malicious software with an intention to gain access to corporate computer systems in order…...



Abdel-Aziz, A. (2009. Intrusion Detection & Response - Leveraging Next Generation Firewall Technology. SANS Institute.

Burr, W. Ferraiolo, H. & Waltermire, D. (2014). IEEE Computer Society. NIST and Computer Security.

Chadwick, D. (2012). Network Firewall Technologies. IS Institute, University of Salford.

Osterhage, W. (2011). Wireless Security. UK, Science Publishers.

Network Security and Security
Pages: 5 Words: 1504

Network Security Systems for Accounting Firm
Vulnerabilities Assessment

In the contemporary IT environment, the implementation of the IT tools has become an effective strategy that organizations employ to achieve competitive market advantages. In other words, the IT tools have become an effective strategy that organizations can employ to be ahead of competitors, and be first in the market. One of the crucial features of the information systems is the network connectivity that involves connecting global computer resources, which assist in enhancing effective communication systems. Thus, the network connectivity will improve the communication system for our accounting firm assisting our organization to serve the customer better.

Despite benefits that network connectivity will provide to our organization, the network connectivity is associated with inherent risks and vulnerabilities. Typically, the network systems face different vulnerabilities that include virus attacks, electronic fraud, attacks from malware, Dos attacks and electronic eavesdropping. Since our organization will depend on the…...



Black, P.E. Fong, E. Okun, V. et al.(2007). Software Assurance Tools: Web Application Security Scanner Functional Specification Version 1.0. NIST. Special Publication 500-269.

Mell, P. & Grance, T. (2011). The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing (NIST SP 800-145). National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Oliveira, R.A., Laranjeiro, N., & Vieira, M. (2015). Assessing the security of web service frameworks against Denial of Service attacks. Journal of Systems and Software. 109: 18-21.

Stallings, W. (2013). Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice (6th Edition). Pearson Education.

Security Systems and Security
Pages: 10 Words: 3042

Auditing, Monitoring, Intrusion Prevention, Detection, and Penetration Testing
The network vulnerability is a major security weakness that allows an attacker reducing computer information assurance. Vulnerability intersects three elements: a system flaw, the attacker is having access to the flaw, and ability to exploit the flaw. Thus, a security risk is classified as a vulnerability that is tied to a great significant loss. The vulnerability can erode data confidential, system integrity and availability of data.

The objective of this study is to carry out analysis of two research articles that discusses the network vulnerabilities in the IT environment. (Jackson, et al.2008, Sommer, et al. 2003). Both articles believe that attackers exploit the network vulnerabilities to inflict damages in the information systems. Moreover, the two articles agree that the traditional securities such as network IDS (intrusion detection system) (Sommer, et al. 2003) and DNS pinning (Jackson, et al.2008) are no more effective in guiding…...



Debar, H. & Morin, B.(2002). Evaluation of the Diagnostic Capabilities of Commercial Intrusion Detection Systems. RAID'02 Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Recent advances in intrusion detection:177-198.

Jackson, C., Barth, A., Bortz, A., Shao, W., and Boneh, D. (2008). Protecting browsers from DNS rebinding Attacks. ACM Trans. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB). 3(1).

Karlof, C. Shankar, U. Tygar, J.D. et al. (2007). Dynamic pharming attacks and the locked same-origin policies for web browsers. Proceedings of the 14th ACM conference on Computer and communications security: 58-71.

Lam, V.T, Antonatos, S. Akritidis, P. et al. (2007). Puppetnets: Misusing web browsers as a distributed attack infrastructure. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 12(2).

Security Overview Businesses Today Are
Pages: 13 Words: 3366

(Gartenberg, 2005)
Like all other aspects of business today, security systems often prove to be highly complex and hard (even for the participants) to identify.

The culture of an organization is like the culture of a family, a community, or a nation: Because it surrounds the people in it they often have a great deal of difficulty in recognizing to what extent policies and procedures arise from the constraints of culture and what therefore can be relatively easily changed. Matz (2010) summarizes the ways in which organizational culture both supports an organization and can blind the individuals in it to ways in which their actions may no longer be as effective as they once were:

… the essence of organisational cultures consists of a set of 'unspoken rules' that exist without conscious knowledge of the members of the organisation. Over time the invisibility of the attributes at the deepest level of the…...



Dalton, D.R. (2003). Rethinking Corporate Security in the Post 9/11 Era, New York: Butterworth-Heinemann

Deal, T.E. & Kennedy, a.A. (1982). Corporate Cultures: The Rites, and Rituals of Corporate Life, London: Penguin.

Gartenberg, M. (2005). How to develop an enterprise security policy. .

Johnston, L. & Shearing, C. (2003). Governing Security: Explorations in Policing and Justice. London: Routledge.

Security Awareness the Weakest Link
Pages: 30 Words: 8202

To offer an information security awareness training curriculum framework to promote consistency across government (15).

Security awareness is needed to ensure the overall security of the information infrastructure. Security awareness programs is the can help organizations communicate their security information policies, as well as tips for users, to help keep systems secure, and the practices the entire organization should be utilizing. However, as Kolb and Abdullah reiterate, "security awareness is not about training but rather designed to change employee behavior" (105).

A program concerning security awareness should work in conjunction with the information technology software and hardware JCS utilizes. In this way, it mitigates the risks and threats to the organization. Security awareness is a defensive layer to the information system's overall security structure. Although not a training program, per se, security awareness does provide education to the end users at JCS, regarding the information security threats the organization faces, and the…...



"An Introduction to Computer Security: The NIST Handbook." National Institute of Standards and Technology, SP 800-12, (Oct 1995). Web. 24 Oct 2010.

Anti-virus Guidelines. The SANS Institute, 2006. Web. 24 Oct, 2010.

Culnan, M., Foxman, E., & Ray, A. "Why IT Executives Should Help Employees Secure their Home Computers." MIS Quarterly Executive 7.1 (2008): 49-56. Print.

Desktop Security Policies. The SANS Institute, 2006. Web. 24 Oct, 2010.

System Security Every Organization Which
Pages: 9 Words: 2884

Attacks on the system security include password theft, back doors and bugs, social engineering, protocol failures, authentication failures, Denial of Service attacks, active attacks, botnets, exponential attacks including worms and viruses, and information leakage. (Fortify Software Inc., 2008); (Fortify Software, n. d.)
Servers are targets of security attacks due to the fact that servers contain valuable data and services. For instance, if a server contains personal information about employees, it can become a target for stealing identities. All types of servers, which include file, database, web, email and infrastructure management servers are vulnerable to security attacks with the threat coming from both external as well as internal sources.

Some of the server problems that can jeopardize its security include: (i) Weakly encrypted or unencrypted information, especially of a sensitive nature, can be intercepted for malicious use while being transmitted from server to client. (ii) Software bugs present in the server Operating…...



Bace, Rebecca Gurley; Bace, Rebecca. (2000) "Intrusion Detection"

Sams Publishing.

Fortify Software Inc. (2008) "Fortify Taxonomy: Software Security Errors" Retrieved 17 November, 2008 at 

Fortify Software. (n. d.) "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms: A Taxonomy of Software Security

Security Analysis in the UK
Pages: 8 Words: 2541

Security eport
In the present day, organizations are reliant on information in order to continue being relevant and not become obsolete. To be specific, organizations are reliant on the controls and systems that have been instituted in place, which provide the continuing privacy, veracity, and accessibility of their data and information (Lomprey, 2008). There is an increase and rise in threats to information contained within organizations and information systems (Lomprey, 2008). There is also a rise in the intricacy of such systems and information, which places emphasis on the importance for organizations to understand and gain an understanding of how to better safeguard their information as well as information systems. As stated by Briggs (2005), globalization has instigated the world to become a global village. This, in turn, has increased the level of complexity and intricacy of the information security aspect of the organizations across the world. There is greater need…...



Alfawaz, S. M. (2011). Information security management: a case study of an information security culture (Doctoral dissertation, Queensland University of Technology).

Ashenden, D. (2008). Information Security management: A human challenge? Information security technical report, 13(4), 195-201.

Briggs, R. (2005). Joining Forces From national security to networked security. DEMOS.

Chang, S. E., Ho, C. B. (2006). Organizational factors to the effectiveness of implementing information security management. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 106 (3): 345-361.

Security Issues of Online Communities
Pages: 60 Words: 15576

This researcher rejects the existence of online communities because computer mediated group discussions cannot possibly meet this definition. Weinreich's view is that anyone with even a basic knowledge of sociology understands that information exchange in no way constitutes a community.
For a cyber-place with an associated computer mediated group to be labeled as a virtual settlement it is necessary for it to meet a minimum set of conditions. These are: (1) a minimum level of interactivity; (2) a variety of communicators; (3) a minimum level of sustained membership; and (4) a virtual common-public-space where a significant portion of interactive computer mediated groups occur (Weinreich, 1997). The notion of interactivity will be shown to be central to virtual settlements. Further, it will be shown that virtual settlements can be defined as a cyber-place that is symbolically delineated by topic of interest and within which a significant proportion of interrelated interactive computer…...



Al-Saggaf, Y. & Williamson, K. Online Communities in Saudi Arabia: Evaluating the Impact on Culture Through Online Semi-Structured Interviews. Volume 5,

No. 3, Art. 24 - September 2004

AnchorDesk Staff. (2000). Sign of Trouble: The Problem with E-Signatures.

Retrieved April 9, 2005, from ZDNet AnchorDesk Web site:

Security Finance & Payback Security Finance a
Pages: 2 Words: 548

Security Finance & Payback
Security Finance

A strong effective information security program consists of many layers that create a "defense in depth" (Spontak, 2006). The objectives of information security is to make any unauthorized, unwanted access extremely difficult, easily detected, and well documented. Components of strong defense include firewalls, virus filters, intrusion detection, monitoring, and usage policies. Some businesses are missing the business culture, policies and procedures, separation of duties, and security awareness.

The Finance Department is critical to the security of the information system. Financial executives can set the tone, encourage compliance with security policies, and lead by example. Allowing the sharing of passwords puts the information security at risk, especially where financial, employee, and customer information is concerned. When employees are uneducated regarding compliance regulation, the organization can end up in trouble with authorities. Employees should be evaluated on information security measures, not just on customer service measures. Separation of duties…...



Gordon, L.A. (2002). Return on information security investments: Myths & Realities. Strategic Finance, 84(5), 26-31.

Spontak, S. (2006). Defense in Depth: How financial executive can boost IT security. Financial Executive, 22(10), 51-53.

Security Risk Assessment the Steps
Pages: 2 Words: 676

The same does apply to security metrics such that these metrics establish the performance within the organization and the effectiveness of the organization's security.
The purpose of Risk Analysis is to spot and find security risks in the current framework and to resolve the risk exposure identified by the risk analysis. The type of security risk assessment for an organization is a function of a number of available assessments. However, the most important security protocol is to protect the organizations assets. Therefore, the most important security risk assessment for this purpose is the penetration testing proceeded by the vulnerability scan (Landoll, 2006). Protection of assets is of primary concern. Assets include both physical and non-physical assets. Non-physical assets are defined as assets that are not tangible. The Security Audit is indeed imperative, as is the Ad Hoc testing and Social Engineering test.

Annotated ibliography

Campbell, G. (2010, What's state-of-the-art in security metrics?…...



Campbell, G. (2010, What's state-of-the-art in security metrics? Security Technology Executive, 20(9), 19-19. Retrieved from 

Campbell (2010) delves into the newest technologies currently used in security technology. Contract security guards, he contests, account for more than $16 billion in the United States, employing more than public law enforcement. Campbell proposes musing metrics developed for the senior management team as well as providing a methodology on how to determine a particular metrics application.

Institute For Security And Open Methodologies (ISECOM) Security Metrics -- Attack Surface Metrics.

The ISECOM provides information regarding the rav and its application as a metric in security protection. The attack surface metric aspect is the focus of the metrics developed and is the specific activity of the rav.

Security Development in the Growth
Pages: 3 Words: 870

The foundation of the current private security systems may be credited to Alan Pinkerton. Born in Glasgow in 1819 Pinkerton worked for a sort time as the Cook County Deputy Sherriff before in 1849 being the first detective appointed in the Chicago Police department (Dempsey, 2010). Pinkerton also went on to investigate mail thefts as a special U.S. mail agent in 1850 (Dempsey, 2010). t was in the early 1850's that in partnership with Edward Rucker he started up his on private detective agency, located in the North-West of the country (Dempsey, 2010). After only a year his partner left, at which time the firm was renamed the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, with the tag line 'the eye that never sleeps' (Dempsey, 2010). t was this slogan which led to the term 'private eye' to refer to private investigators (Dempsey, 2010; Burstein, 1999). The agency was highly successful and became…...


In the Civil War the firm offered private services to the government, including intelligence gathering and the protection of President Lincoln. The firm is credited with saving the life of Lincoln by identifying an assassination plan during covet intelligence work identifying threats to the railroads (Fischel, 1996).

Pinkertons was not the only private security firm to emerge, the latter part of the nineteenth century also saw other firms established. The need was also supported with the Railway Police Acts 1865, giving railroad the ability to protect themselves (Dempsey, 2010). The two main rivals were Binks Inc., created with the aim of protecting payroll governments, and in 1909 there was the founding of William J. Burns Inc., which went on to become the investigative unit of the American Banking Association (Burstein, 1999).

In the Private Security Task Force Report three factors were identified as ongoing drivers for the development of the industry, these were ineffective policing services, the increase in the level of crimes and increased

Is there anything in the news related to investigation on theft that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 661

Art Heist Unravels: The Case of the Stolen Masterpieces

In the annals of art crime, the recent theft of a collection of priceless masterpieces from the National Gallery has sent shockwaves through the art world and beyond. The heist, which occurred under the cover of darkness, has left authorities baffled and the public reeling in disbelief.

The Stolen Treasures

The stolen works include some of the most iconic and valuable paintings in history. Among them are "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh, "The Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci, and "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer. Their combined value....

How can we ensure the long-term sustainability of Social Security for future generations?
Words: 553

1. Increase the retirement age: One way to ensure the long-term sustainability of Social Security is to gradually increase the retirement age. This would allow the program to support a growing number of retirees without placing undue strain on the system.

2. Increase payroll taxes: Another option is to gradually increase payroll taxes to ensure that Social Security has enough funds to support future generations of retirees. This could involve increasing the rate of the payroll tax or increasing the income cap on which the tax is levied.

3. Reduce benefits for higher-income individuals: One way to ensure the long-term sustainability of....

How can we ensure the long-term sustainability of Social Security for future generations?
Words: 585

Social Security: Securing its Longevity for Future Generations

Social Security, established in 1935, is a linchpin of America's social safety net, safeguarding the financial well-being of millions of retirees, survivors, and the disabled. As the population ages and traditional sources of funding diminish, ensuring its long-term sustainability has become a paramount concern. Here are several measures to address this challenge:

1. Gradual Increase in Retirement Age:

One step toward sustainability is gradually raising the full retirement age. Currently set at 67 for individuals born after 1960, it could be incrementally increased to 68 or even 69 over time. This would extend the period....

What are the most common ways healthcare organizations can unknowingly commit HIPAA violations?
Words: 586

Unintentional HIPAA Violations in Healthcare Organizations

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is a comprehensive federal law that sets standards for the protection of sensitive patient health information (PHI). While healthcare organizations are legally obligated to comply with HIPAA regulations, many may unknowingly commit violations due to a lack of understanding or operational oversights. Here are the most common ways in which HIPAA violations can occur inadvertently:

1. Improper Disclosure of PHI:

Unencrypted emails or text messages containing PHI sent to unauthorized individuals.
Leaving patient records accessible to individuals without a legitimate need to know.
Posting patient information....

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