Security Measures Essays (Examples)

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Security Measures Course Name Course Number &
Pages: 6 Words: 2151

Security measures
You just received a brand new computer for your home environment. It comes with the latest Operating System. You also have an Internet Service Provider where you can easily use the existing network to connect to the Internet and to perform some online banking. Describe the steps you plan to go through to ensure this system remains as secure as possible. Be sure to discuss the details of firewall settings you plan to implement within your operating system, browser privacy settings, and recommended software (e.g., Anti-virus and others) you will install. Also, describe your password strength policy you plan to adopt, and what you envision to do to ensure your online banking site is encrypted and using the proper certificates. Discussion of operating system patches and application updates should also be included. As you discuss these steps, be sure to justify your decisions bringing in possible issues…...



Increasing Your Facebook Privacy and Security By Dave Taylor onSeptember 16, 2011

Safe Computing provided by the Office of Information Technology University of California, Irvine Last Updated: January 28, 2011

Campus Security Measures the Impact of Mass
Pages: 12 Words: 3311

Campus Security Measures
The impact of mass shooting at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) on April 16, 2007 continues to be felt across the United States and internationally due to a massacre that killed 27 students and five faculty members. Following the weeks after the shooting, the university conducted several extensive reviews and analysis to better understand the attack and provide strategies to prevent future attacks in the university. In response to the tragedy at the Virginia Tech and other shooting tragedies across the colleges and universities in the United States, IACLEA (the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators) develops comprehensive recommendations that the colleges and universities should follow in enhancing safety and securities. (Thrower, Healy, Margolis, et al. 2008). Apart from the comprehensive safety procedures against shooting, the university authorities also have the obligations to protect the life and properties against event such as fire, natural…...



Guardly (2012). Assessment of Emergency Response Times on Campus when using Guardly Safe Campus ™ versus Existing

Methods of Reporting, Monitoring and Responding to Incidents. Industry Higher Education.

Randazzo, M.R. & Plummer, E. (2009). Implementing Behavioral Threat Assessment on Campus. A Virginia Tech Demonstration Project. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Thrower, R.H. Healy, S.J. Margolis, G.J. et al.(2008). Overview of the Virginia Tech Tragedy

The history of'security measures
Pages: 3 Words: 777

Introduction to Security Measures The history of security is fairly lengthy. Security has always accompanied organized civilizations for nearly as long as they have been extant. Initially, security was begotten from the need to protect important personages who, not infrequently, were in the private sector. Therefore, the history of security can be traced to the private security guards who were appointed to protect the Pharaohs and the rulers in Egypt. It is worth noting that these security personnel worked for those in the public sector, yet were themselves comprised of individuals from the private sector. In general, this trend would continue to this very day, in which there are currently private security companies engaged in services in which they are combating forces of ISIS for the public sector.
Perhaps the most notable security advancements to initialize within Westernization are found in the history of ancient Rome. The Vigiles Urbani was one of…...

E-Commerce Security Measures the Internet Has Positively
Pages: 2 Words: 908

E-Commerce Security Measures
The Internet has positively created new life in business commerce, through website development. It has also opened up a new way for criminals to steal secret data of businesses and information regarding clients' banks details and contacts. This has made customers to becoming rapidly more aware of the websites they visit and where they input their personal information to avoid fraud cases (Corr S. Pondent, 2009).

However, e-commerce security measures deal with issues such as protecting the integrity of the business network and its internal systems. Besides, it ensures that the customer's information is shielded from everybody else, and must not be open to alteration or tampering, whilst going through the process of authentication and receipt. This ensures that there are secure business transaction between the customer and the business (andy C. Marchany, 2002).

E-commerce business has put in place several different security measures to protect customers and the business…...



1. Corr S. Pondent, (2009). Security Techniques Used to Protect an E-Commerce System

2. Randy C. Marchany (2002) E-Commerce Security Issues

Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

3. Avi Rushinek, Sara Rushinek (2002). E-commerce security measures are they worth it

Analyzing Tlm Security Measures
Pages: 2 Words: 704

security measures. The primary focus while analysing security measures will be on the overall effectiveness and hindrances in their implementation in the aspect of transportation and logistics management (TLM).
Security Measures in Place / Are They Effective?

In order to ensure safety in sensitive areas, to observe traffic or to keep a check on criminal activities, CCTV, video cameras and high-tech surveillance systems are very useful devices. They also play an important role when it comes to the delivery of cargo. In order to prevent cargo theft during the loading / unloading, transporting and storing process, these activities should be carried out under surveillance of video cameras. The primary advantage of using surveillance in these circumstances is that they can significantly reduce premise liability because of access control systems and thus only authorized individuals can access certain areas. (Transportation and Logistics Security Protection 1. n.d.).

For each employee as well as visiting…...



BANOMYONG, R. (2005). The impact of port and trade security initiatives on maritime supply-chain management. Maritime Policy & Management,32(1), 3-13. Retrieved May 2, 2016, from of port and trade security initiatives on maritime supply-chain management.pdf

Leading Home Security Companies in Security Systems (n.d.). -- Protection 1. Transportation and Logistics Security -- Protection 1. Retrieved May 2, 2016, from 

(n.d.). Lean Logistics & Supply Chain Management System (n.d.). -- LeanCor. What's the Problem with Continuous Improvement? - LeanCor Supply Chain Group -- LeanCor Supply Chain Group. Retrieved May 2, 2016, from

Security Measures and Security
Pages: 6 Words: 1951

Security Measures
The hotel industry has experienced the need to enhance security of guests in the recent past given the increased security threats/attacks in the modern business environment. The increased focus on enhancing security in the hotel industry has represented a major shift from the serious neglect of various security responsibilities that characterized this industry in the past. According to Fischer, Halibozek & Walters (2013), hotel managers, particularly security managers, are faced with the need to enhance their security measures because of the numerous safety concerns in this sector such as potential terrorist attacks. In light of modern security concerns, there is need to adopt a comprehensive approach towards improving hotel security. This paper provides a plan for improving hotel security during ground breaking, grand opening, and across daily operations. The discussion is based on plans to construct the newly approved John Jay Hotel on 59th Street in New York City.




Bennett, F.L. (2007). The management of construction: a project lifecycle approach. Third Avenue, NY: Taylor & Francis Group.

Fischer, R.J., Halibozek, E.P. & Walters, D.C. (2013). Introduction to security (9th ed.). Waltham, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Heibutzki, R. (n.d.). Safety and Security Tips for Hotel Management. Retrieved June 28, 2017, from 

National Counter Terrorism Security Office. (n.d.). Counter Terrorism Protective Security Advice for Hotels and Restaurants. Retrieved from Association of Chief Police Officers website:

Security Issues of Online Communities
Pages: 60 Words: 15576

This researcher rejects the existence of online communities because computer mediated group discussions cannot possibly meet this definition. Weinreich's view is that anyone with even a basic knowledge of sociology understands that information exchange in no way constitutes a community.
For a cyber-place with an associated computer mediated group to be labeled as a virtual settlement it is necessary for it to meet a minimum set of conditions. These are: (1) a minimum level of interactivity; (2) a variety of communicators; (3) a minimum level of sustained membership; and (4) a virtual common-public-space where a significant portion of interactive computer mediated groups occur (Weinreich, 1997). The notion of interactivity will be shown to be central to virtual settlements. Further, it will be shown that virtual settlements can be defined as a cyber-place that is symbolically delineated by topic of interest and within which a significant proportion of interrelated interactive computer…...



Al-Saggaf, Y. & Williamson, K. Online Communities in Saudi Arabia: Evaluating the Impact on Culture Through Online Semi-Structured Interviews. Volume 5,

No. 3, Art. 24 - September 2004

AnchorDesk Staff. (2000). Sign of Trouble: The Problem with E-Signatures.

Retrieved April 9, 2005, from ZDNet AnchorDesk Web site:

Security Finance & Payback Security Finance a
Pages: 2 Words: 548

Security Finance & Payback
Security Finance

A strong effective information security program consists of many layers that create a "defense in depth" (Spontak, 2006). The objectives of information security is to make any unauthorized, unwanted access extremely difficult, easily detected, and well documented. Components of strong defense include firewalls, virus filters, intrusion detection, monitoring, and usage policies. Some businesses are missing the business culture, policies and procedures, separation of duties, and security awareness.

The Finance Department is critical to the security of the information system. Financial executives can set the tone, encourage compliance with security policies, and lead by example. Allowing the sharing of passwords puts the information security at risk, especially where financial, employee, and customer information is concerned. When employees are uneducated regarding compliance regulation, the organization can end up in trouble with authorities. Employees should be evaluated on information security measures, not just on customer service measures. Separation of duties…...



Gordon, L.A. (2002). Return on information security investments: Myths & Realities. Strategic Finance, 84(5), 26-31.

Spontak, S. (2006). Defense in Depth: How financial executive can boost IT security. Financial Executive, 22(10), 51-53.

Security Awareness the Weakest Link
Pages: 30 Words: 8202

To offer an information security awareness training curriculum framework to promote consistency across government (15).

Security awareness is needed to ensure the overall security of the information infrastructure. Security awareness programs is the can help organizations communicate their security information policies, as well as tips for users, to help keep systems secure, and the practices the entire organization should be utilizing. However, as Kolb and Abdullah reiterate, "security awareness is not about training but rather designed to change employee behavior" (105).

A program concerning security awareness should work in conjunction with the information technology software and hardware JCS utilizes. In this way, it mitigates the risks and threats to the organization. Security awareness is a defensive layer to the information system's overall security structure. Although not a training program, per se, security awareness does provide education to the end users at JCS, regarding the information security threats the organization faces, and the…...



"An Introduction to Computer Security: The NIST Handbook." National Institute of Standards and Technology, SP 800-12, (Oct 1995). Web. 24 Oct 2010.

Anti-virus Guidelines. The SANS Institute, 2006. Web. 24 Oct, 2010.

Culnan, M., Foxman, E., & Ray, A. "Why IT Executives Should Help Employees Secure their Home Computers." MIS Quarterly Executive 7.1 (2008): 49-56. Print.

Desktop Security Policies. The SANS Institute, 2006. Web. 24 Oct, 2010.

Security Plan Pixel Inc About Pixel Inc
Pages: 6 Words: 1669

Security Plan: Pixel Inc.
About Pixel Inc.

We are a 100-person strong business dedicated to the production of media, most specifically short animations, for advertising clients worldwide. Our personnel include marketing specialists, visual designers, video editors, and other creative staff.

This security plan encompasses the general and pragmatic characteristics of the security risks expected for our business and the specific actions that aim to, first and foremost, minimize such risks, and, if that's not possible, mitigate any damage should a breach in security happen.


The measures to be taken and the assigned responsibilities stated in this document apply to all the departments that make up the company. Exemptions can be given but will be only under the prerogative of the CEO under the consultation of the Chief Security Officer that will be formally assigned after the finalization of this document. Otherwise, there will be no exception to the security measures stated in this document.




Internet Securit Alliance. (2004). Common sense guide to cyber security for small businesses. Retrieved from: .

Microsoft. (2004). Step-by-step guide to securing Windows XP Professional in Small Businesses. Retrieved from: .

Noriega, L. (24 May 2011). Seven Cyber Security Basics Every Small Business Needs. Retrieved from: .

Teixeira, R. (4 June 2007). Top Five Small Business Internet Securit Threats. Retrieved from: .

Security Risk Assessment the Steps
Pages: 2 Words: 676

The same does apply to security metrics such that these metrics establish the performance within the organization and the effectiveness of the organization's security.
The purpose of Risk Analysis is to spot and find security risks in the current framework and to resolve the risk exposure identified by the risk analysis. The type of security risk assessment for an organization is a function of a number of available assessments. However, the most important security protocol is to protect the organizations assets. Therefore, the most important security risk assessment for this purpose is the penetration testing proceeded by the vulnerability scan (Landoll, 2006). Protection of assets is of primary concern. Assets include both physical and non-physical assets. Non-physical assets are defined as assets that are not tangible. The Security Audit is indeed imperative, as is the Ad Hoc testing and Social Engineering test.

Annotated ibliography

Campbell, G. (2010, What's state-of-the-art in security metrics?…...



Campbell, G. (2010, What's state-of-the-art in security metrics? Security Technology Executive, 20(9), 19-19. Retrieved from 

Campbell (2010) delves into the newest technologies currently used in security technology. Contract security guards, he contests, account for more than $16 billion in the United States, employing more than public law enforcement. Campbell proposes musing metrics developed for the senior management team as well as providing a methodology on how to determine a particular metrics application.

Institute For Security And Open Methodologies (ISECOM) Security Metrics -- Attack Surface Metrics.

The ISECOM provides information regarding the rav and its application as a metric in security protection. The attack surface metric aspect is the focus of the metrics developed and is the specific activity of the rav.

Security on Commercial Flights Describe Two 2
Pages: 2 Words: 774

Security on Commercial Flights
Describe two (2) lapses in pre-flight security that contributed to the ease of the hijacking operation on September 11, 2001

Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States of America evaluated the security of the commercial Airline Industry. Major security lapses gave way for terrorists to board commercial flights, which finally led to the aircrafts' hijacking and demise.

The first lapse that contributed to terrorist attack is President Bill Clinton's ignorance. U.S. administration under the leadership of President Bill Clinton ignored warning signs that Osama bin Laden and al Qaida organization was planning a terrorist attack on United States. Osama Bin Laden claimed responsibility of various attacks on U.S. Militaries deployed in various countries, such as Sudan and Soviet Union aimed at fighting the rising terrorist groups (Oliver, 2006).

The failure of the Intelligence Community is another lapse that contributed to the attack. Security officials allowed the…...



Oliver, W. (2006). Homeland security for policing (1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Security Balance Control Performance and
Pages: 2 Words: 762

S. Department of Energy).
Q3. Discuss the internet of things and its likely consequences for developing an enforceable information assurance (IA) policy and implementing robust security architecture.

The internet of things refers to the inevitable connectedness of all things in all regions of the world through the internet. "The fact that there will be a global system of interconnected computer networks, sensors, actuators, and devices all using the internet protocol holds so much potential to change our lives that it is often referred to as the internet's next generation" (Ferber 2013). Although the internet feels ubiquitous today, the internet of things refers to an even more complete merger of the virtual and the real world. "In many and diverse sectors of the global economy, new web-based business models being hatched for the internet of things are bringing together market players who previously had no business dealings with each other. Through partnerships and…...



Ferber, Stephen. (2013). How the internet of things changes everything. HBR Blog. Retrieved: 

Heath, Nick. (2012). What the internet of things means for you. Tech Republic. Retrieved:

Security it Security Privacy and
Pages: 5 Words: 1471

However, this still relatively young application of internet technology does come with a wide array of security concerns that highlight the ethical and legal responsibilities facing these handlers of sensitive information.
ith identify theft and hacking of open source network activities real threats in the internet age, it is increasingly important for online shoppers bankers to be aware of the risks and for online financial institutions to be armed to protect against them.

For the banking industry, which has gone to considerable lengths to continually upgrade security measures, this presents a demand which is simultaneously economic and ethical. Indeed, the transition of users from traditional to online banking methods will be a shift "resulting in considerable savings in operating costs for banks." (Sathye, 325) This highlights the nature of it risks for all companies, which must balance security concerns with the financial optimization often associated with such change.

Online banking, bill paying…...


Works Cited:

CMU. 2003. Risk Management. Carnegie Mellon University: Software Engineering Institute. Online at 

Comptroller of the Current, Administrator of National Banks (CoC). (2005). Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment. Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. Online at .

Sathye, M. (1999). Adoption of Internet Banking by Australian Consumers: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17(7), 324-334.

Stoneburner, G; Goguen, a. & Feringa, a. (2002). Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems. NIST 800-30.

Security Failures and Preventive Measures Summary of
Pages: 3 Words: 1054

Security Failures and Preventive Measures
Summary of the Case

The Sequential Label and Supply company is a manufacturer and supplier of labels as well as distributor of other stationary items used along with labels. This company is shown to be growing fast and is becoming highly dependent on IT systems to maintain their high end inventory as well as the functioning of their department.

The case started with the inception of a troubled employee who called up the helpdesk agent to resolve the issue he is facing. Likewise, other employees start calling in to launch similar complaints. Later, the technical support help desk employee, while checking her daily emails, accidentally opened an untrusted source file sent from a known work colleague. This led to a number of immediate problems in her network computer which led to her being not able to access the information over the network and the call management software that…...



Baker, W. (2007). Is information security under control?: Investigating quality in information security management, Security & Privacy, retrieved October 14, 2011 from 

Chapin, D. (2005). How can security be measured, information systems control journal, retrieved October 14, 2011 from

McAdams, A. (2004). Security and risk management: a fundamental business issue: all organizations must focus on the management issues of security, including organizational structures, & #8230;, Information Management Journal, retrieved October 14, 2011 from

Need Help with Essay Topics on Cybersecuirty?
Words: 106

1. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Cybersecurity Measures
2. Ethical Hacking: Balancing Privacy and Security in the Digital Age
3. The Implications of Cybersecurity Breaches on National Security
4. Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges in the Healthcare Industry
5. The Impact of Cybercrime on Small Businesses and Ways to Mitigate Risks
6. Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things: Risks and Solutions
7. The Role of Government and Law Enforcement Agencies in Preventing Cybercrimes
8. Cybersecurity in the Age of Remote Work: Challenges and Best Practices
9. Cybersecurity Awareness and Education: Filling the Gap in Digital Literacy
10. Cybersecurity Regulations and Compliance: Balancing Security and Innovation

how can we help make the internet safer?
Words: 334

To help make the internet safer, we can take the following measures:

1. Strengthen password security:
- Use strong and unique passwords for each online account.
- Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate passwords.
- Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

2. Educate users about phishing and malware:
- Raise awareness about common phishing techniques and the importance of not clicking on suspicious links or opening attachments from unknown sources.
- Promote the use of reliable antivirus software and regularly update it.

3. Encourage responsible online behavior:
- Teach users about the potential consequences of sharing personal information online.

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on theft in schools. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 528

1. The Impact of Theft on School Climate and Student Well-being

Explore the psychological and emotional impact of theft on students, teachers, and administrators.
Examine the consequences of reduced trust and increased fear within the school environment.
Discuss how theft creates a distraction from learning and disrupts the sense of community.

2. The Role of Security Measures in Deterring Theft

Analyze the effectiveness of various security measures, such as surveillance cameras, access control systems, and security guards.
Discuss the cost-benefit ratio of implementing different security measures.
Explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of using technology to prevent theft.

3. The Psychological Factors....

I\'m interested in debating school theft. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 299

Yes, there are several essay topics that can present opposing viewpoints on the topic of school theft. Some potential essay topics could include:

1. Is school theft a serious problem that needs to be addressed with stricter punishment, or is it a minor issue that students should be allowed to handle independently?
2. Should schools implement more security measures to prevent theft, or should they focus on creating a more trusting environment where students feel less inclined to steal?
3. Is school theft a result of socioeconomic factors and should be approached with a focus on addressing root causes, or is it....

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