Secularism Essays (Examples)

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Secularism as Political Movement and
Pages: 9 Words: 2646

The Church although took a reactionary approach to the change, there was no benefit of such approach. People felt more farther from the religious authority than before. The Church labeled the new secular system as the pursuit of wanton passions and indulgence in sins by the masses. The labeling took systematic shape when Pope and regional priests tried to lure vast segments of society by declaring the new secular system as inviting the wrath of God and corrupting the society with evil (Gunn, 2005).
The Church also held the new ideology responsible for the widespread poverty and suffering of the common men. They also tried to pursue people that not displaying allegiance to the religion will leave the segments of French society vulnerable to suffering through divine sources. The French left played a vital role in spreading the anticlericalism in Pre-revolution and post-revolution France. This helped the middle classes of…...



Arjomand, S.A. (1988). The turban for the crown: The Islamic revolution in Iran. Oxford University Press.

Bauberot, J. (2003). Secularism and French religious liberty: a sociological and historical view. BYU L. Rev., 451-464.

Gunn, T.J. (2005). French Secularism at Utopia and Myth. Hous. L. Rev., 42, 81.

Klaits, J., & Haltzel, M.H. (2002). Global ramifications of the French revolution. Cambridge University Press.

Secularism One of the Most
Pages: 10 Words: 2966

As a result, explicit religious control over social and political life diminishes, but it still retains its ability to control and constrain individuals; it simply relies more on its individual adherents than formal church hierarchies and leadership.
This process has played itself out in a number of different contexts, and although the particular religious response to secularization differs according to nations and societies, in each case these responses disprove the secularization theory while reiterating the danger of religious influence in political and social affairs. For example, though the Enlightenment saw a somewhat dramatic increase in the secularization of Europe, particularly during the French evolution, this secularization did not correspond to the expected decrease in religious influence over political and social affairs. This is because even when formal religious institutions lose some explicit power, religious belief remains an acceptable justification for the formation of public policy and social norms (Audi &…...



Audi, R., & Wolterstorff, N. (1997). Religion in the public square. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.

Berger, P. (1999). The desecularization of the world: Resurgent religion and world politics.

Washington: Ethics and Public Policy Center.

Norris, P., & Inglehart, R. (2004). Sacred and secular: Religion and politics worldwide.

Secularism Is a Term That Describes a
Pages: 1 Words: 352

Secularism is a term that describes a certain worldview that believes in the separation of church and state. The European Enlightenment gave birth to this secularism and the spread of secularism has had a variety of repercussions across the globe (Lavenda & Schultz, N.d.). As a result of a secularist perspective many nations have transformed their religious and political institutions to accommodate a more liberal viewpoint. Secularism has also been promoted as a way to protect both religious believers as well as non-religious believers (National Secular Society, N.d.). The idea is that if the country's instructions are secular in nature then this allows for an infinite number of different beliefs and provides an atmosphere of religious freedom. No religious or political affiliations give advantages or disadvantages and all citizens have equally protected freedoms.
Some people believe that this translates into a public sphere that is devoid of all religious symbols, practices,…...


Works Cited

Ferrara, P. (2012). Globalization and Post-Secularism. Journal of Dialogue and Culture, 61-70.

Lavenda, R., & Schultz, E. (N.d.). Religion and Secularism. Retrieved from Oxford University Press: 

National Secular Society. (N.d.). What is Secularism? Retrieved from National Secular Society: 

Taylor, C. (N.d.). Focus II Religion and Secularism. Retrieved from IWM:

Secularism in All Government
Pages: 2 Words: 748

Secularism in All Governments
The international Bill of Human ights is an informal name for General Assembly resolution and two international treaties that were established by the UN. It is made up of Universal Declaration of Human ights, international covenant of civil and political ights together with two protocols that are optional international covenant of economic, social and cultural rights. The role of the international bill of human rights can therefore be seen as responsibility to individual, groups and organs of the society to promote, and protect universally recognized human rights. Secularism is a principle where there is separation government institutions and anyone with the mandate of representing the state from religious institutions and other religious dignitaries. Secularism can be seen from the perspective that it asserts the right of being free from religious rules and teachings and the right to freedom from the impositions made by governments on religions on…...



Brace, A.R. (2005). Secularism -- the most evil philosophy known to human government. Retrieved December 11, 2012 from 

Hsieh, D.(2010). Coalition for Secular Government. Retrieved December 11, 2012 from

Secularism Is the Separation of
Pages: 2 Words: 696

In short, the IBH implies that governments all across the world should promote secularism in order to keep peace and understanding when negotiations take place between countries (Cliteur, 2010). However, nowhere does the IBH insist that country's governments have to be secular in nature. That would intrude too strongly on the countries and whether they are allowed to govern themselves. While the IBH is important, it is not a document designed to tell each country how it has to govern its people. Instead, the IBH is about the rights of the people in those countries and how the governments work with one another when issues are handled that go across cultures and across borders (Cliteur, 2010). Henkin understood this, and worked tirelessly throughout the majority of his lifetime for human rights. Foreign policy and international law were the two biggest areas he focused on, because he saw how a lack…...



Cliteur, P. (2010). The Secular Outlook: In Defense of Moral and Political Secularism. NY: Wiley-Blackwell.

Grimes, W. (2010). Louis Henkin, 92, Leader in Field of Human Rights Law. The New York Times.

The Growing Need for Secularism in Turkey
Pages: 9 Words: 2628

Introduction Turkey is a secular state but is largely influenced by the Islamic religion. Almost 99% of the Turkish population practices the Islamic faith (Ghanim, 2009). The four major aspects that characterize Turkey include Islam, secularism, democracy, and nationality. The influence of Islam is felt via the Turkish people while the influence of the government is felt through secularism, nationalism, and democracy. Different groups of Muslims diverge on various aspects of the Islamic faith, but they coexist as a demonstration of tolerance between religion and democracy. While introducing secularism to Turkey’s governance systems, Ataturk had envisioned a country that would uphold nationalism. However, the modern-day Turkey has witnessed a clash between institutional secularism and political Islam because politics defines the people while the government forms laws. Whereas their religious values drive the people, the institutions are guided by secular rules and principles. Therefore, Islam influences the national politics while secularism influences…...



Ansary, T. (2009) Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World through Islamic Eyes. New York: Public Affairs.

Bardakoglu, A. (2008). “Culture of Co-Existence in Islam: The Turkish Case.” Insight Turkey 10 111-26.

Barkey, H. and Yasemin C. (2007). “Deciphering Turkey\\'s Elections: The Making of a Revolution.” World Policy Journal 24: 63-73.

Ghanim, D. (2009) “Turkish Democracy and Political Islam.” Middle East Policy 16: 75-84

Jenkins, G. (2008) “Political Islam in Turkey: Running West, Heading East?” New York: Palgrave Macmillam

Kuru, T. (2008) “Secularism in Turkey: Myths and Realities.” Insight Turkey 10 (2008): 101-10.

Mecham, R. Quinn. (2012) “From the Ashes of Virtue, a Promise of Light: The Transformation of Political Islam in Turkey.” Third World Quarterly 25(1): 339-58.

Catholic Edu While Secularism May
Pages: 3 Words: 971

The community breakdown is one that can be mended, though, with creative community-building programs like the retreat. etreats can be designed to blend practical learning and the needs of adults with those of the developing child. Graham (1994) emphasizes the need for strong catechesis, which provides the means by which to develop religious communities. The Congregation for Catholic Education (1988) claims, "catechesis takes place within a community living out its faith at a level of space and time not available to a school: a whole lifetime," (p. 55). Thus, the school's role in the community transcends that of the student, that of the parent, and that of the curriculum.
By applying Catholic values to academic subjects, catechesis becomes far more than religious education. Catechesis becomes a transformative force in the community. Communities are comprised of individuals, and when each individual is empowered with spiritual tools, the community as a whole…...



Congregation for Catholic Education. (1988). The Religious

Dimension of Education in a Catholic School

Crotty, L., Fletcher, E. & McGrath, J. (1995). Reflections on an emerging religious education curriculum.

English, G. (1992). Religious education: what did you expect?

Secularism Agnosticism and the Loss of Objective Truth in Religion
Pages: 6 Words: 1687

Models of evelation SummarySummaryHow one views the topic of revelation depends upon what model one chooses as a framework. The five models of revelation are: revelation as doctrine, revelation as history, revelation as inner experience, revelation as dialectical presence, and revelation as new consciousness. Each model represents a unique view of revelation, yet after the first model, subsequent models all reflect influences from evolutions in thought and theory found in the modern world since the 16th century. Thus, whereas in the revelation as doctrine model objective truth is emphasized, all subsequent models tend to emphasize subjectivity more and more, elevating the role of the personal over the importance of the doctrinal.The revelation as history model begins this trend of deviation away from objectivity insofar as it emphasizes Scripture as a witness to inspired events rather than as revelation itself. The revelation as inner experience model further moves the framework towards…...


ReferencesMueller, J.J., ed. Theological Foundations: Concepts and Methods for Understanding the Christian Faith. Winona: Anselm Academic, 2011.

Religious Secularization Has Been Increasingly
Pages: 4 Words: 1194

(Casanova, n.d., pp. 10 -- 26)
The Secularization by odney Stark

In the article titled Secularization, Stark (1999) is discussing how secularization is having a dramatic impact upon the society. This is because organized religion has not offered any kind of new or creative ideas in over two hundred years (which are leading to its decline). Moreover, many of the more mystical religions are experiencing similar decreases. The combination of these factors are important, in showing how there has been fundamental shift in morals and values. (Stark, 1999, pp. 249 -- 273)

Evidence of this can be seen with observations from Stark who said, "The day will come when religion has been relegated to memory and museums. This will not have been caused by modernization, and the demise of faith will bear no resemblance to the process postulated by the secular doctrine." (Stark, 1999, pg. 269) This is illustrating how modern religion…...



Casanova, J. (n.d.). Public Religions in the Modern World. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Stark, R. (1999). Secularization. Sociology of Religion 60 (3), 249 -- 273.

Stark, R. (n.d.). The Dynamics of Religious Economies.

Antonio Canova Was an Italian Sculptor From
Pages: 4 Words: 1334

Antonio Canova was an Italian sculptor from Venice who lived from 1757 to 1822. He primarily worked in marble and believed that he could use that medium to render an artistic view of human flesh. He is most famous as someone who rejected the excesses and filigree of the Baroque to return to classical style, making him one of the foremost artists of the neoclassical style. For a number of years, Canova's work was considered to be the greatest example of European sculpture -- to the point that in 1802, Canova was invited to Paris to carve marble portraits of the emperor Napoleon and family. Most art critics find that the combination of returning to mythology and discreet eroticism that flowed out of the enaissance and into the modern era, without all the unnecessary frills of the Baroque, to be his greatest contribution to art.

Canova was born in a village…...


References, "Introduction to Neoclassicism." Last modified April 2000. Accessed December 27, 2013. .

Bindman, David. Warm Flesh, Cold Marble. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2013.

Durant, Will & Aiel. The Age of Napoleon: The Story of Civilization. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2011.

Friedel, E. A Cultural History of the Modern Age. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey, 1999.

Islam and the Turkish'state
Pages: 4 Words: 1656

Turkey and Islam
Tensions have existed between Islamic powerbrokers and the state of Turkey since the state was founded. While Islam was the state religion of modern Turkey's precursor, the Ottoman Empire, it was not long after the Republic of Turkey was founded that Islam was removed as the state religion in favor of the secular approach of the country's founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. But there have always been tensions between Islam and the state since that point. Turkey's demographics -- split between a handful of large, secular cities and a more rural, religious majority population, and Turkey's vision as a balance of power between east and west, are among the chief causes of this tension. This paper will examine this tension further, as it continues to manifest to this day.
Brief Historical Overview

During Ottoman times, religious law co-existed with civil law. Ataturk, after founding the Republic of Turkey, denied Islam status…...

Secular Humanism
Pages: 7 Words: 2426

Apologetics Application Paper: Secular Humanism Thou shalt have no other gods before me. – The First Commandment
Thou shalt have no gods. – Secular Humanists

I. Introduction

Although the epigraphs above do not reflect the entire arguments in support of their respective oppositional positions, they do capture the essence of the specific argument between Christians and secular humanists concerning the centrality of religious beliefs for the human condition. Indeed, since time immemorial, humankind has sought spiritual solace, guidance and redemption but it has only been relatively recently that this fundamental worldview has been challenged by human secularism which holds that there is no god and that human beings possess the natural gifts to manage their affairs just fine, thank you. Human secularism gained significant impetus as a result of innovations in scientific and medical technologies that have further reinforced the notion that people can take care of themselves without a deity – benevolent or…...

Bible and When Possible an
Pages: 5 Words: 1475

The Doctrine of Divine Providence

Divine Providence is the way God rules over all things in the world and the Heavens. Gotanswers. org states,

"The purpose, or goal, of divine providence is to accomplish the will of God. To ensure that His purposes are fulfilled, God governs the affairs of men and works through the natural order of things. The laws of nature are nothing more than a depiction of God at work in the universe. The laws of nature have no inherent power, nor do they work independently. The laws of nature are the rules and principles that God set in place to govern how things work" (, 2010)

The Bible, Proverbs 16:9 states: "The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." Though God allows man free will, he also has a guidance control in our life.

In Acts 9, God directly deal with Saul through a…...



"Baptism FAQ." 2010. Retrieved on May 8, 2010 from 

Cloud, D. 2006. "What about Hyper-Calvinism?" Retrieved on May 8, 2010 from 

Holman Christian Standard Bible. 2004. Holman Bible Publishers. Nashville, TN.

"Secularism." 2010. Retrieved on May 8, 2010 from

Religion Shaped AMERICAN& 8230 How Religion
Pages: 8 Words: 2067

evisionist historian often seek to find non-Christian association among the lives of the founding fathers, such as the Freemasons, and Humanism, yet it is clear that these organizations were not dominant to religion and that a strong Protestant ethic still reigned supreme, especially in the language of the foundational documents of the nation.

Fundamentalism has in fact created a more recent expression in modern America as churches attempt to "go back to the word" and support the idea that the scripture of the church is divine and unfailing. Though interpretations are varied in this group in general they espouse and return to "family values" via some "golden era" ideals regarding the past.

At its base, fundamentalism was compatible with the religiosity of the people, for both assumed the reality of supernatural power and the prevalence of supernatural forces at work in the world. By stressing such theological notions as the virgin…...



Domke, D., & Coe, K. (2007). The God Strategy: The Rise of Religious Politics in America. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 42(1), 53.

Harries, R. (2003). After the Evil: Christianity and Judaism in the Shadow of the Holocaust. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lippy, C.H. (1994). Being Religious, American Style: A History of Popular Religiosity in the United States. Westport, CT: Praeger.

McDermott, R.A. (1993). The Spiritual Mission of America. Re-vision, 16(1), 15-25.

Secular Judaism Malkin Yaakov Secular
Pages: 5 Words: 1547

In striving to be inclusive, Malkin may run the danger of excluding significant minorities of the Jewish community, those who cannot celebrate the text of the Bible as a literary feat, but see it as holy writ and are offended by literary interpretations and reverence for the Torah.
There is a final problem that will likely become even more contentious in the future, that of the question of the policies of the Israeli government in relation to Jewish national identity. One can certainly love America and not support the policies of the current administration, but support for Israel's ruling party is often conjoined with supporting Israel in the popular imagination, because of Israel's threatened identity in the Middle East. Defining Judaism in terms of support for Israel can be a slippery slope as well. Even defining Judaism in terms of social justice and liberal political values can itself be alienating…...

What impact do church youth groups have on the spiritual growth and development of young people in today\'s society?
Words: 652

The Profound Impact of Church Youth Groups on Spiritual Growth and Development in Contemporary Society

The church youth group serves as a cornerstone of religious education and community engagement for young people in today's society. Its influence on their spiritual growth and development cannot be overstated. Here are some ways in which church youth groups make a significant impact:

1. Nurturing Faith Formation:

Youth groups provide a structured environment where young people can deepen their understanding of their faith and its principles. Through Bible studies, group discussions, and experiential activities, they explore the teachings of their religion, engage in theological inquiries, and develop....

Do Aquinas\'s Arguments: Convincing Evidence of God\'s Existence?
Words: 581

1. Aquinas Arguments for Gods Existence A Detailed Analysis

    Exploring the key points made by Aquinas and evaluating their persuasiveness.

2. Unpacking Aquinas Five Ways The Road to Gods Existence

    Breaking down each of Aquinas Five Ways to determine their strength as evidence.

3. Assessing Aquinas Arguments Are They Truly Convincing?

    Considering counterarguments and critiques to evaluate the validity of Aquinas reasoning.

4. The Impact of Aquinas Arguments on Modern Philosophy

    Examining how Aquinas arguments have influenced contemporary discussions on Gods existence.

5. Aquinas Rational Approach Does Logic Lead to Gods Existence?

    Discussing the role of reason and logic....

How does Pudumaipithan\'s short stories contribute to Tamil literature review?
Words: 505

How Pudumaipithan's Short Stories Contribute to Tamil Literature


Pudumaipithan (1906-1948), a prominent Tamil writer and humanist, revolutionized Tamil literature with his groundbreaking short stories. Through his unique narrative style and profound insights into human nature, Pudumaipithan's stories have left an indelible mark on Tamil literary history. This essay examines the significant contributions of his short stories to Tamil literature, exploring their literary innovations, thematic depth, and enduring legacy.

Literary Innovations

Pudumaipithan's short stories are characterized by their innovative narrative techniques and stylistic experimentation. He employed the stream-of-consciousness technique, allowing readers to delve into the inner thoughts and emotions of his characters. His stories....

To what extent does prayer impact family conflict resolution in modern society?
Words: 521

1. Prayer significantly enhances family conflict resolution by fostering a sense of unity and shared values, as evidenced by a study from the University of Chicago which found that families who pray together report higher levels of satisfaction and lower conflict rates.

2. While prayer can provide emotional support and a framework for forgiveness, its effectiveness in directly resolving family issues is limited, according to research from Harvard Divinity School, which suggests that prayer acts more as a coping mechanism rather than a direct solution.

3. The impact of prayer on family conflict resolution varies greatly with cultural and religious contexts; for....

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