Seattle Essays (Examples)

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Seattle A City of Community America Is
Pages: 3 Words: 905

Seattle: A City of Community
America is often characterized as an individualistic or an individually oriented society, rather than a group-oriented society. However, even within the American nation itself, there are distinctions to be made on a city-to-city and a coast-to-coast basis between essentially group-oriented and individually oriented societies. Seattle is perhaps the most notable example of the former, a truly group-oriented society.

Seattle is one of the most recently famous cities in America today. It is a West Coast city, but not a city that is involved in the movie industry. But Seattle became one of the founding places for a new wave of American culture, particularly the new wave of 'grunge' or alternative music that swept the nation during the 1990's despite this. It also came to represent a new expansive and community-based ethos of environmentalism and caring business practices. Music, environmentalism, and coffee all became connected in the community-based…...

Seattle-Based Starbucks Has Demonstrated Phenomenal Success Over
Pages: 3 Words: 1077

Seattle-based Starbucks has demonstrated phenomenal success over the past several decades. The corporation's success has been measured in not only financial markets but also in its ability to demonstrate social responsibility, environmental sensitivity, and recognition of workers' rights. In the process, Starbucks has grown remarkably across the nation and in foreign markets as well. Growth, however, often brings with it problems that have often been the death knell of some corporations and Starbucks is confronted with one such problem and how it deals with it will mark whether Starbucks can continue to enjoy success. The problem facing Starbucks is its messy legal dispute with a group identified as the Starbucks Workers Union (SWU) (Lynd, 2007). The SWU has begun organizational efforts throughout Starbucks' operations throughout the world and, in the process; the entire reputation of Starbucks has been called into question.
Starbucks began operations in 1971in Seattle, Washington in one location…...



Argenti, P.A. (2004). Collaborating with Activists: How Starbucks works with NGOs. California Management Review, 91-116.

Beckley, J.H. (2007). One Company's Perspective on Innovation - Starbucks Coffee. In J.B. (Editor), Accelerating New Food Design and Development (p. Chapter 6). Ames, IA: Blackwell Publishing.

Dickinson, G. (2002). Joe's Rhetoric: Finding authenticity at Starbucks. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 5-27.

Larson, R. (2009). Marketing Strategy and Alliances Analysis of Starbucks Corporation. Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University School of Business.

Seattle-Based International Coffee Purveyor Starbucks Presents Their
Pages: 2 Words: 574

Seattle-based international coffee purveyor Starbucks presents their company's mission statement clearly and succinctly on their website: "Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow." Among these principles, Starbucks ranks first the following: "Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity." Along the same lines, the second principle listed reads: "Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way we do business." Therefore, employee relations rank high in Starbucks' overall value system. Maintaining a healthy corporate culture and a work environment that encourages respect, dignity, and diversity are core values that all companies should strive to include as part of their ethics. Offering adequate wages, ample opportunities for advancement, benefits, perks, and a friendly, healthy workplace environment should be ranked number one on a company's list of values. Because employees of Starbucks do…...


Works Cited

'Starbucks Mission Statement." Online at < >.

Chief Seattle's 1854 Oration Tone
Pages: 2 Words: 718

This indeed appears just, even generous, for the Red Man no longer has rights that he need respect, and the offer may be wise, also, as we are no longer in need of an extensive country.
Clearly, Chief eattle's tone, within his 1854 Oration, had become by necessity conciliatory about white encroachment upon his people and their lands. Yet his words remain wistful and poignant, reflecting, as they do on just how much current Anglo presence and domination have permanently interfered with his peoples' long-cherished customs, beliefs, traditions, and practices. None of these possess either the least value or importance to whites themselves, who have without hesitation or remorse, imposed themselves and their own beliefs and practice upon eattle's people and numerous other Native American tribes. In view of all that, Chief eattle also notes, sadly but matter-of-factly: "the Red Man no longer has rights that he need respect."

eattle also…...


Seattle also accepts some of the blame, on his peoples' behalf, for past conflicts between them and whites, regretfully admitting how the young men of his tribe have been "impetuous" and often rash in their reactions against white presence, demonstrating neither the patience nor diplomacy recommended by their tribal elders. Seattle makes several key distinctions between white and Native American spiritual beliefs, and states his opinion that the God of white people cannot possibly be the Native Americans' God, since that God so favors white over red people. He also predicts near the end of his Oration, with what today seems like eerie accuracy, to those who now dominate his own people:

Your time of decay may be distant, but it will surely come, for even the White Man whose God walked and talked with him as friend to friend, cannot be exempt from the common destiny. We may be brothers after all. We will see.

The enduring power of Chief Seattle's 1854 oration is that its poignant tone expresses, and its descriptive content and specific examples illustrate, just how completely the coming of white American settlers to Native American territories, like those of Seattle's the Suquamish tribe, destroyed, then and forever afterward, the sacred traditions, practices, and freedoms of his own people.

Chief Seattle Speech
Pages: 4 Words: 1047

Chief Seattle and the Tragedy of the Commons:
Ownership vs. Stewardship

As capitalists first and Americans second, we believe strongly in the concept of ownership. We own and use the Earth and the material goods Earth's raw materials help us produce, and feel a proprietary command over them. When Communism developed as an alternative to the concept of unadulterated ownership, we responded with the fear and anger of one whose child had been taken.

Ownership of the land, its materials and its spoils are more integral to American society and thought than any other characteristics or facets. However, this concept is subject to the limitations and inevitable truth of the tragedy of the commons, and we will eventually be dupes to this incontrovertible logic.

The Tragedy of the Commons

The "commons" is any kind of resource which is divided up and shared by a group of people. Such things as the air we breathe and…...



Chief Seattle. 1854 Speech. 

Hardin, Gary. 1968. Science: The Tragedy of the Commons.

Hardin, Gary. 1997. The Commons.

Contracts the Seattle Man Who in 1999
Pages: 3 Words: 930

The Seattle man who in 1999 attempted to cash in points from a soft drink maker for a Harrier jet had his court case rejected because the advertisement concerning the jet was not considered to be a valid contract to which the company was bound. This calls into question the nature of contracts and advertisements. This paper will discuss contract law both in general terms and in terms of how it pertains to advertisements.

Nature of Contracts & Objective Theory of Contract

There are four elements of a valid contract: mutual consent ("meeting of the minds"), offer and acceptance, consideration, and good faith. In addition, the contract must be legal in order to be enforceable (Larson, 2003). The Harrier jet case fell apart on the issue of offer and acceptance as pertains to advertising, but there are other legal issues at work as well. One of these other issues is the objective…...


Works Cited:

Farlex. (2011). Objective theory of a contract. Free Dictionary. Retrieved April 8, 2011 from 

Larson, A. (2003). Contract law -- an introduction. ExpertLaw. Retrieved April 8, 2011 from

Location of Schools Seattle Pacific
Pages: 12 Words: 3531

The town, originally born of the railway, remains strongly on the maps of Washington as a small college town, and the railway, which brought the teachers college to the modern, maintains its place in the town. The historical society of Bellingham and the Bellingham ailway Museum mark the importance of the railway in not only settling the town, but bringing the academics that laid out the teachers college, the actors who made it a university, and the beautiful bucolic landscape that maintains it.

Seattle Pacific, which started out as the Seattle Seminary before eventually becoming a Christian-affiliated private university, still requires a Christian Faith Exploration equirement. This requirement involves a mandatory involvement in "co-curricular activities exploring the meaning of the Christian faith and its implications for life, academic disciplines, and society... participation in campus-based faith exploration activities such as chapel, GOUP and other worship services, and/or…...



Rare Northern Pacific Item." Bulletin of the Business Historical Society, vol. 1., No. 6. (Mar.-Apr. 1927.) p 6-7.

Abbott, Carl. "Regional City and Network City: Portland and Seattle in the Twentieth Century." The Western Historical Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 2. (Aug., 1992), p. 293-322.

Bender, Thomas. The University and the City: From Medieval Origins to the Present.

Bellingham Railway Museum. 1320 Commercial Street, Bellingham, WA.

Club NOC Is One of Seattle's Best
Pages: 3 Words: 708

Club NOC is one of Seattle's best and most unique venues, offering a place to relax, drink cheaply, and dance to great music.
Appearance and Atmosphere

The club is small, making it seem intimate.

Comfortable even when crowded because of the lounge booths and tables.

The dance floor is too small, but it is also never empty.

NOC is friendly.

Music and Shows

Each night at NOC is themed, with different house and guest DJs spinning mostly danceable Goth and 80s.

One of the highlights of Noc is the Thursday night Burlesque show.

Food and Drink

Eating and drinking is cheap, making everyone feel welcome.

People come down from Canada to enjoy 25 cent beers on Sundays.

Appies like their famous tater tots are only $5.

The full food and drink menu is in effect even after hours, when the club stays open until 11AM on Sunday.

Conclusion: Although I wish the club were closer to where I live, the overall experience of…...

Guerrilla Government in Seattle
Pages: 3 Words: 973

Guerrilla Government in EPA's Seattle egional Office
In the case study of the 'Guerrilla Government in EPA's Seattle egional Office', the primary ethical violation seems to be the appointment of John Spencer himself as he was handpicked for the post of EPA regional administrator for Seattle. Spencer was handpicked by oland egan and Gorsuch as he was believed to be Gorsuch's good friend. There was no competition for the post and seemingly no consideration of others for the post.

While administering his duty as the head of regional head of EPA at Seattle, Spencer engaged in a number of activities that were not only ethical but also illegal to certain extent. According to the U.S. federal ethics law, an official in public service has to conduct himself so that public trust is maintained and the actions should be conversant with the Constitution, the laws and the ethical principles which should be placed…...



Office of Government Ethics (OGE).

O'Leary, R. (2006). The ethics of dissent. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press.

O'Leary, R. (2010). Guerrilla Employees: Should Managers Nurture, Tolerate, or Terminate Them?. Public Administration Review, 70(1), 8-19. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6210.2009.02104.x

5 | Page

Improving Literacy in the Seattle
Pages: 8 Words: 2311

Another alternative is to not only measure one or both of the above, but to also analyze the impact of other factors, so that we can not only identify the outputs of the program, but break down those outputs in terms of changes in inputs. For example, next year we will be tracking the race of the coaches. This can help us to determine if matching coaches and students by race has any impact on the students' success rates. More in-depth analysis will require more money to measure. Also, it may not provide useful data unless the pool of information is larger, which is ultimately a function of available funding. The benefit, however, is that this information will allow us to increase the effectiveness of the program, so as to get better use out of the money we spend.

Evaluation Criteria

The most important evaluation criteria is the specificity of the information.…...

Pledge for Homeless Families in Seattle
Pages: 2 Words: 4298

Mayor Schell's Zero Homeless Family Pledge
Program Solving in Public Administration

Charles Amankwaa, Kimberlie Mosley, Luby Harvey

Tom Darling

Evaluation Questions

Mission, Strategic Goals, and Objectives

Proposed Budget, Budget Narrative, and Work Plan

The number of homeless families in the City of Seattle has become a major issue that needs to be addressed. Currently, single males in the streets account for 63% of homeless people while 17% are women and the other 20% are families and youth. In Seattle alone, there are more 700 homeless single women and homeless families with children.

In June of 1998, Mayor Paul Schell made a pledge that there would be no homeless families with children or homeless single women on the streets of Seattle by Christmas of 1998." (Norton, 2006). The pledge by Mayor Schell can be accomplished within six months as he indicated though there are several potential challenges that need to be overcome. This problem relates to receiving immediate funding…...

Odwalla According to the Seattle-King
Pages: 4 Words: 1131

Instituting these measures showed that the company was vitally interested in not only maintaining the company's integrity, professionalism and reputation but also in ensuring that the problems never arose again. Other methods initiated by the company included a program that would test heat cleaning of apples that would kill the bacteria while not affecting the taste of the apples. The company also introduced a process of cleaning and decontamination called "flash pasteurization, which "would guarantee that E-coli had been destroyed whilst leaving the best flavoured juice possible." (Companies 2005).

Some experts wonder why the company did not use the pasteurization method before the outbreak.

"Pasteurization, which involves heat treatment, would have killed the bacteria in the Odwalla products. Health officials said when people drink non-pasteurized juice, they run the risk of becoming sick. They suggest boiling juice first. But authorities also said most juices sold in stores are safe." (E. Coli 1996).



Works Cited

Half Moon, (1996)

Accessed Sept. 5, 2006,

Companies in Crises, (2005),   Accessed Sept 6, 2006 ,

E. Coli (1996),   Accessed Sept 5, 2006 ,

Ferdinand De Leon in the
Pages: 3 Words: 1042

The conclusions fit the findings well; the methodology was strong; and there were no limitations mentioned but this research was not "an indictment of parenthood." The authors stress that when couples think they will strengthen their marriage by having children, that is likely to "backfire, and all parties will suffer" (Twenge, 582).
all Street Journal (Europe) article: The goals of this piece were to determine if marriage is better or worse among newest generation of married couples -- and the results of this survey of 90 studies involving 31,000 married people indicate the "…after the first baby's birth" marital satisfaction is 42% lower among the newest generation of parents (mostly Gen-Xers) than in previous generations (Shellenbarger, 2004). Additional research referenced by the author reflects that "one-third to one-half of new parents" have the same amount of stress as couples that are already going through marriage counseling. This is an article…...


Works Cited

De Leon, Ferdinand M. (1999). Rocking The Cradle -- And A Marriage -- After D-Day: Programs

Help Couples Prepare For Parenthood. Seattle Times. Retrieved January 18, 2012 from .

Shellenbarger, Sue. (2004). Career Journal -- Work & Family: A Growing Number of Marriages

Fail After Baby. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved January 17, 2012, from ProQuest.

Policy Study
Pages: 3 Words: 1185

Policy tudy
eattle has been a leader in the United tates in trying to eradicate the homeless problems that arise in every city. ince the 1970's, the citizens of the city have agreed to tax increases (more than four times (Farestart, 2009) to address this issue. The following case analysis looks at the city's policy regarding finding shelter for all homeless families and single women.

Major Policy Concepts

Most analysts agree that the primary reason that there is a great degree of homelessness in eattle is the lack of affordable housing in the city (Kerns, 2011). The policy in the case suggests that the homeless be given greater access to affordable housing and shelters. However, there is a problem stated with this part of the policy also. Housing in eattle is not just expensive for the citizens of the city, it is expensive to build for the city government (Tong, 2011). This issue…...


Shay, S. (2011). Homeless 'One Night Count' numbers decrease. West Seattle Herald.   numbers-decrease -

SKCCH. (2012). Everyone counts. Retrieved from 

Tong, C. (2011). Seattle homelessness a long-standing problem with no easy solution in sight. The International Examiner.   homelessness-a-long-standing-problem-with-no-easy-solution-in-sight/ -

Budgeting Financing Strategy for the
Pages: 8 Words: 2463

We do not anticipate success is securing a non-voted debt issue. Given the time frame for the completion of the Commons project, the city will weigh our request vs. The upcoming needs for school repairs and roadwork. Education is a touchstone issue for voters, and roadwork affects all voters in the city. hould council decide to issue any of their remaining non-voted debt capacity, it is unlikely they would choose to use it for the Commons project ahead of those two other priorities.

Voted debt, however, they can issue. If the public votes 60% in favor, council will not face the same concerns about opportunity cost. We will not be competing for money with schools. A voter-approved special levy would function in much the same way (financed through property tax increases) but requires only a 50% vote in favor. Although the capacity for such special levies is only $90 million, that…...



Johnson, Gerry. (2005). New Life Emerges in the Wake of Seattle Commons Failure. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Retrieved June 20, 2008 at 

Jacobson, Arthur Lee. (1995). The Seattle Commons, an Editorial Opinion. Olmsted Parks. Retrieved June 21, 2008 at 

No author. (1995). The Commons: Time Line. Seattle Times. Retrieved June 21, 2008 at  

Can you help me with some resources and bibliography for essay on assisted living?
Words: 593

Example Bibliography for an essay on assisted living.

Writing about assisted living facilities can be challenging, because many of the sources that you will find online will be advertising for assisted living, rather than factual and informative pieces.  An assisted living facility is a housing facility for people who cannot or choose not to live independently.  They can range from facilities where there is a minimum amount of help to full-care nursing facilities.  In fact, many facilities offer a range of housing options, which are adaptable as a person’s ability to live independently....

Who are some lesser-known but impactful community leaders making a difference in their neighborhoods?
Words: 853

Community Luminaries: Unsung Leaders Transforming Neighborhoods

Amidst the tapestry of urban and rural landscapes, countless individuals tirelessly dedicate themselves to making a profound impact within their communities, often operating beneath the radar of mainstream recognition. These lesser-known changemakers, driven by unwavering passion and commitment, are the unsung heroes whose efforts ripple through their neighborhoods, fostering positive transformation.

1. Ayanna Johnson: Cultivating Urban Gardens in Chicago

In the heart of Chicago's impoverished Woodlawn neighborhood, Ayanna Johnson has been instrumental in establishing a network of community gardens. Through her organization, Growing Home, she empowers residents to cultivate their own food, promoting health, self-sufficiency, and a....

What were the key events in Gary Ridgway\'s life that led to his criminal activities?
Words: 541

I. Introduction

  1. Early Life

    1. Ridgways abusive childhood with a domineering mother
    2. Struggles with social interactions and relationships in adolescence
  2. Adult Life

    1. Marital issues and failed relationships
    2. Employment instability and financial struggles

II. Body

  1. First Murders

    1. Ridgways initial forays into prostitution and the escalation to violence
    2. Development of a pattern in selecting victims and disposing of bodies
  2. Continued Criminal Activity

    1. Evading suspicion and keeping a low profile for years
    2. Using....

How does the implementation of community policing strategies impact overall public safety in urban areas?
Words: 591

Community Policing and Enhanced Public Safety in Urban Areas

Community policing is a law enforcement strategy that emphasizes building positive relationships between police officers and the communities they serve. It aims to reduce crime, improve safety, and increase public trust in law enforcement. This essay will explore how the implementation of community policing strategies impacts overall public safety in urban areas.

Key Concepts of Community Policing
- Community Partnerships: Foster collaboration between police, residents, businesses, and community organizations.
- Problem-Solving Oriented: Address specific crime and safety issues in partnership with the community.
- Neighborhood Foot Patrols: Officers walk or bike through neighborhoods, interacting with residents....

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