School Uniforms Essays (Examples)

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School Uniforms
Pages: 1 Words: 423

School Uniforms
Those against school uniforms mainly argue that they violate a student's freedom of expression and may interfere with religious clothing preferences (Kelly). However, evidence suggests that the benefits far outweigh these disadvantages. Educators, students and parents alike should view school uniforms as a good thing for a variety of reasons.

Isaacson (1998) compared two middle schools in Charleston County, S.C., one with a uniform policy, the other without. The researcher found that mandatory uniforms made schools safer by reducing gang influences by preventing gang members from wearing particular types of clothing to signify their association in a gang. Discipline referrals from the uniformed school were down 51% from the previous year without uniforms. Yet other schools have discovered that uniforms decreased violence and theft because of clothing and shoes and helped staff quickly recognize those who do not belong on school grounds. In Long each, officials found that the year…...



Isaacson, L. (1998). Student dress policies. The American School Board Journal, 183(5), 32-35.

Kelly, M. School uniforms. Retrieved May 31, 2005 from Web site: 

School uniforms: What's so good about them? Retrieved May 31, 2005 from Web site: 

There is less peer pressure among the students

School Uniforms
Pages: 15 Words: 4090

School uniforms for students are becoming more and more popular across the country. esearch suggest that schools with a mandatory school-wide uniform policy have better attendance, better behavior, fewer discipline referrals, and more school spirit. Children seem to become more focused on academics. They are also easily identified on campus, in the community, and on field trips, making general safety another benefit of wearing uniforms.
It is hypothesized that behavior in schools which require their students to wear uniforms will be better than those schools which do not with respect to discipline and behavior.

This study will use existing empirical research. The independent variable is wearing school uniforms. There are two levels of independent variables, with school uniforms and without school uniforms. The dependent variable is student behavior. Existing empirical research will provide proof that wearing school uniforms has a positive effect on student behavior.

Mandated Uniforms in School: A Benefit for Students…...



Brown, T. (1998). Legal issues and the trend towards school uniforms. Education and California leads nation in public school uniform use.(1997,March 31). California School News, p. 4.

Caruso, P. (1996). Individuality vs. conformity: The issue behind school uniforms. NASSP Bulletin, 581, 83-88.

Dowling-Sendor, B. (2002). School uniforms redux. American School Board Journal, 47, 38-39.

DSN Retailing Today. (May 3, 2004). School uniformity yields high marks. DSN Retailing Today.

School Uniforms in Public School Has Been
Pages: 4 Words: 1355

School uniforms in public school has been a subject of national debate. Private and Parochial schools have a long history of school uniforms. Its implementation in public schools has been met with sharp criticism, it came to gain momentum in the late 1980's and it has been increasing steadily throughout the years. In some past few years the subject has gotten various boosts. The biggest boost was when in January President Clinton endorsed the use of school uniforms while addressing the Union. From his statement he said that if it means that the teenagers were going to stop killing each other because of a de-signer jacket then there is need for the public schools to wear uniforms. He also emphasized this across the country when he was emphasizing about the need to get violence out of schools and the need to instill discipline and learning back in schools. Another support…...



Anderson Wendell. (2002) School Dress Codes and Uniform Policies. Retrieved May 2, from http//

Brunsma, D.L. & Rockquemore, K.A. (1998).Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behaviour Problems, Substance Abuse, and Academic Achievements. The Journal of Educational Research 92 (1): 53-63.

Caruso Peter (1996). Individuality vs. Conformity: The Issue Behind School Uniforms. Retrieved May 2, from

Isaacson & Lynne, (1998).Student Dress Codes. Retrieved May 2, from

School Uniforms There Are Many Reasons Why
Pages: 5 Words: 1745

School Uniforms
There are many reasons why school uniforms are common in countries outside of the United States, and are becoming more important in the United States. In other countries, it is believed that wearing a school uniform creates a "uniform" learning environment, meaning that the students are focused on the same things and there is order in the classroom. hen the students do not think about what they look like or what they wear, they are thinking more about what is going on in the classroom. Another reason for using school uniforms in other countries is that it is believed that they reduce the differences between the poor and rich students. The importance of this aspect is that poor students could get bullied or their teachers might be prejudiced against them. The uniform makes everyone equal because the uniform disguises the person's socio-economic class background. Similarly, the wearing of school…...


Works Cited

Gentile, Elisabetta and Imberman, Scott A. "Dressed for Success: Do School Uniforms Improve Student Behavior, Attendance, and Achievement?" Retrieved online: 

Murray, Richard K. "The Impact of School Uniforms on School Climate." NASSP Bulletin, v81 n593 p106-12 Dec 1997.

Park, Judy. "Do School Uniforms Lead to Uniform Minds?: School Uniforms and Appearance Restrictions in Korean Middle Schools and High Schools." Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, Volume 17, Number 2, April 2013, pp. 159-178(20).

Stanley, M. Sue. "School Uniforms and Safety." Education and Urban Society, v28 n4 p424-35 Aug 1996

School Uniforms the Debate About
Pages: 4 Words: 1284

The researchers omitted the public sector data which had a positive correlation, and drew their conclusion from only the Catholic and private school sectors which had a negative correlation. Including the omitted data would have changed the overall conclusions. The authors warn against citing and using research that has methodological flaws.
School Uniform elation to Attendance

A school uniform policy has been strongly suggested as a way to curb school violence and gang activity as way of dress is a common distinguishing characteristic of gang members. This sometimes has very tragic consequences. The uniformity in dress is thought to act as an equalizer and reduce the competition and its distracting effects especially for minority children (Lopez, 2003). The data on effect of school uniforms on student behavior is also not conclusive. The Long Beach Unified School District was one of the early initiatives in school uniforms in public schools. In the…...



Mitchell, H.W. & Kechtle, J.C. (2003). Uniforms in public school and the First

Amendment: A constitutional analysis. The Journal of Negro Education 72 (4); 487-

Lopez, R.A. The Long Beach Unified School District Initiative: A prevention-intervention Strategy for Urban school. The Journal of Negro Education 72 (4); 396-

Yeung, R. (2009). Are school uniforms a good fit? Results from the ECLS-K and the NELS. Education Policy 23 (6); 847-874

School Uniforms Unproven and Unnecessary
Pages: 8 Words: 2017

Additional arguments against school uniforms are the violation of free expression and students' rights and the stifling of student individuality (Schachter 48-49; ilkins 22). These arguments for and against school uniforms do not have enough sway to decide the point alone. If research implied a link to academic or behavioral changes one way or the other, it is likely that such minor matters would fall in line or become only an undercurrent caused by a few students or families (Schachter 49).

Reports and what limited research has been done do imply a partial link to positive results from uniforms. However, these positive results are not worth the amount of time and effort needed to institute and support a uniform program. This is especially true where many American schools are currently under supported and understaffed in libraries, computers, music, drama, and art (Rockney 16). It simply cannot be justified that schools and…...


Works Cited

Rockney, Randy. "Should school uniforms be mandated in elementary schools?." Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter 21.5 (2005): 8. MasterFILE Premier. 11 December 2006. .

Schachter, Ron. "Do Clothes Make the Student?." District Administration 41.5 (2005): 46-49.

Student uniforms are a good idea." American School Board Journal 193.10 (2006): 16.

Wilkins, Julia. "School Uniforms." Humanist 59.2 (1999): 19. Academic Search Premier. 11 December 2006.

School Uniforms Have Become an
Pages: 10 Words: 2941

If school uniforms are implemented, universally the culture of the school becomes visibly white washed and some would argue that such a change does not prepare students for "real" life nor stress the value of individuality in such a way that students feel or respond to real social situations they may face as adults that include diverse appearances. Many also argue that though some students may benefit from structures that include strict adherence to school uniform policies, such as problem students who lack discipline in other areas of their life or are prone to violent actions such solutions are a small part of the total package needed in these cases and real mutual earned respect between students, teacher and peers is the real challenge for any student or school culture as such is the basis for curtailed behavior and responsible behaviors, as apposed to everything from mild verbal inappropriateness…...



Daugherty, R.F. (2002). Leadership in Action: Piloting a School Uniform Program. Education, 123(2), 390+. Retrieved January 20, 2009, from Questia database: 

Evans, D.L. (1996). School Uniforms: An 'Unfashionable' Dissent. Phi Delta Kappan, 78(2), 139. Retrieved January 20, 2009, from Questia database: 

Hoge, J., Foster, S.J., Nickell, P., & Field, S.L. (2002). Mandatory School Uniforms: A Debate for Students. Social Education, 66(5), 284+. Retrieved January 20, 2009, from Questia database: 

School Uniforms the Debate on
Pages: 3 Words: 924

Albeit there is not direct link between improvement in students' behavior and academic performance and the use of uniforms, there had been many anecdotes to support this claim. Having students wear uniforms conjures perceptions of order, safety and security as uniforms are viewed as "concrete and visible means of restoring order to the classroom" (Anderson 3).
Uniforms may also lessen incidences of violence and crime against students, as many acts of violence are caused by the association of a certain color or cap with a particular gang (qtd in Anderson 7). Other than gang-related violence, requirement of uniforms may also lower rates of violence against students who are considered "outsiders" or "freaks" who dress "strangely," and are clad in all black and wear black shadow or black lipstick, or even those students that are unfortunate enough just to be wearing "the wrong jacket" (Anderson 7-8). Moreover, because everyone is wearing…...


Works Cited

Anderson, Wendell. "School Dress Code and Uniform Policies." Policy Report. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) Clearinghouse on Educational Management, Oregan, 2002.

Johnson, Gregory. "School Uniforms Level Playing Field, Build Students' Characters." USA Today. 13 August 2007: News, Pg. 12a.

Kizis, Sarah. "School Uniforms and Dress Codes: The Pros and Cons." Writing. 23.1

(2000): 18- 20.

School Uniforms the Argument for
Pages: 2 Words: 592

In the most serious examples, street gangs and high school fraternities use colors and specific styles of clothing to proclaim allegiances. On occasion, individuals are even assaulted and violently attacked on or in the vicinity of school grounds merely for wearing the wrong colored clothes (Harvard Crimson, 2008). Mandatory school uniforms would solve all three problems. The principal objection to the idea arises in connection with First Amendment concerns and the constitutional right to free expression. However, as in the case with other aspects of constitutional arguments in the educational environment, privacy and free expression principles on the part of students are, to a large degree, suspended on school property (Friedman, 2005). Free expression issues in school necessarily take a backseat to educational concerns, particularly to the extent they relate to the security of the campus environment and the safety of students. Conclusion: Mandatory school uniforms serve three valuable…...



Friedman, a. (2005) a History of American Law. New York: Touchstone.

Gerrig, R.J., Zimbardo, R.G. (2005)

Psychology and Life 18th Ed. Hoboken, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Harvard Crimson (2008) Uniformly Effective: Troubled Public Schools Should Consider Uniforms to Improve the Classroom Environment. Retrieved October 8, 2008, from the Harvard Crimson Online, at

School Uniforms the Legal Debate
Pages: 6 Words: 1955

Schools are legally allowed to mandate uniforms for sports as well as protective gear. The ACLU notes that school administrators can make students "wear special stuff like the gym uniforms or goggles if they are needed to protect" them. Although schools cannot restrict hairstyles, certain they can ban certain types of clothing ranging from low-rise jeans that show panties to trench coats that might conceal weapons. The courts can and do balance public safety needs with First Amendment rights. School uniforms are not necessary to improve school safety, even if dress codes might be.
Legal precedent proves that school uniforms pose a genuine threat to student freedoms and constitutional rights: those protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. School uniforms are unconstitutional because they prevent students from expressing their allegiance with social organizations or with their religious and cultural heritage. Clothing can become means of self-expression and identity formation…...



American Civil Liberties Union ACLU (ND). Student freedom of expression. Retrieved Feb 12, 2009 at 

Booth, M. (2007). Federal Judge: First Amendment Bars School's Ban on 'Hitler Youth' Badges. New Jersey Law Journal. Retrieved Feb 12, 2009 at   deMitchell, T.A., Fossey, R., and Cobb, C. (2000). Dress codes in the public schools: principals, policies, and precepts. Retrieved Feb 12, 2009 at 

Felch, R.F. (nd). "School Uniforms: Prevention or Suppression?" Retrieved Feb 12, 2009 at

Hudson, D.L. (2009). Clothing, dress codes, and uniforms. First Amendment Center. Retrieved Feb 12, 2009 at

School Uniforms Much of the
Pages: 10 Words: 2531


To complete a comprehensive analysis of the thesis that the proposed study will seek to answer, certain methodologies will be employed. A quantitative study of the data will be initiated in order to ascertain any statistical improvement in educational objectives.

Methods employed by the study will be to use focus groups and questionnaires to gather necessary data. The study will observe two groups in order to provide the data necessary to come to a conclusion. The population of the two groups will be a set number of students from two separate schools. One school will have in place a uniform policy that requires the students to wear appropriate and standardized clothing during school hours. The other school will not have such a policy and will allow the students free rein in their choice of school attire. Each population will hail from a high school with similar demographics, and will be asked…...



Ackerman, B.; (2005) White tops, grey bottoms: What are public schools really hoping to accomplish with dress codes?, Macleans, Vol. 118, No. 10, pg. 57

Boutelle, M.; (2008) Uniforms: Are they a good fit?, the Education Digest, Vol. 73, No. 6, pp. 34-37

Barber v. Colo. Indep. Sch. Dist., 901 S."W:2d 447 (Tex. 1995).

Duncan, E.; (2008) Teaching democracy in Iraq, American Teacher, Vol. 92, No. 4, pg. 18

School Uniforms Were Once the
Pages: 4 Words: 1333

There are also voices who oppose the uniform policy. Their strongest argument is that standardized clothing leads to conformity which hinders individuality and creativity. They argue that by wearing uniforms, students would all be forced into one mold when in fact schools should support diversity, and encourage each child to express his/her creativity including through clothing.

As far as the economic argument, reality tends to disagree with the supporters of uniforms since children would still need clothing for outside school. Also, the problem of peer pressure remains as children have friends and are subjected to the same pressure to conform to certain standards as far as fashion trends and outfits.

Most importantly, violence cannot be reduced by introducing mandatory uniforms. The contrary effect might be achieved in the sense that gangs would still exist, and would probably benefit from standardized clothing since they would be harder to identify by parents and teachers.…...


Knowles, Bryan. "Should School Uniforms be Mandatory?" January 20, 2000 ?

Wilkins, Julia. "School Uniforms." The Humanist Mar. 1999.

White, Kerry a. "Do School Uniforms Fit?" School Administrator 57 (2000)

School Uniforms
Pages: 6 Words: 1686

Uniforms in School: A Benefit for Students and Educators Alike
In recent years educators, administrators, government officials and even parents and community members have been divided over the issues of school uniforms. While many still violently oppose the notion of mandated uniforms in educational institutions, there is a growing population of people that support uniforms for a variety of reasons.

There have been several studies of late that have examined the potential pros and cons of mandated uniforms at the elementary, middle and high school level. While some of the studies surrounding the issue have revealed little correlation between uniform wear and performance, others have suggested that there are many benefits students and educators have to reap from wearing uniforms. Perhaps the single most advantageous benefit of mandated uniforms is an increased level of safety within the nation's school district. These ideas are examined in greater detail below.

Benefits Debate

The debate surrounding…...



Bodine, A. (2003). "School uniforms, academic achievement and uses of research." The

Journal of Educational Research, 97(2): 67

Cohn, C.A. (1996). Mandatory school uniforms. School Administrator, 53(2): 22

Evans, D.L. (1996). "School uniforms: An unfashionable dissent." Phi Delta Kappan,

School uniforms
Pages: 5 Words: 1474

School uniform policies have been enforced in many schools over the past few decades. These policies are enforced based on school administrators beliefs that students are ready to learn when they arrive dressed for success (Adams, 2007). However, school uniform policies have become controversial in relation to their potential benefits and impact on student achievement. On one hand, school uniforms are said to impact school safety and academic success through establishing a positive, beneficial learning environment. On the other hand, student achievement is viewed as a construct influenced by various factors including behavioral issues and class attendance/participation rather than how a student dresses. While school uniform policies have become relatively controversial in the recent past, many schools have established dress codes that guide acceptable and unacceptable dress attires in the learning environment. This study examines the benefits of school uniforms on student learning and whether establishing such policies would lessen…...

School Uniforms Beneficial The Topic of Whether
Pages: 2 Words: 580

School Uniforms Beneficial?
The topic of whether or not school uniforms are beneficial is timely, since nowadays more and more public schools are opting for such uniforms, in lieu of allowing students to select school wardrobes. Administrators, teachers, parents, and even other students often believe that students in schools that do not require uniforms spend excessive time and energy focusing on their own, and each others', wardrobes, and not focusing enough on becoming educated. The topic is interesting because it calls into question students' freedom of choice, and the freedom of expression wardrobe selection arguably gives them, versus students' responsibility to take school seriously and to learn as much as possible while there. The topic is significant to the field of instruction because it bears on the possibility that students' not wearing school uniforms interferes with teaching and learning; and with classroom attitudes and atmospheres. It also bears on such…...

Can you give me some suggestions for essay titles or topics on school uniforms?
Words: 158

Here are some recommendations for you.

School Uniforms Essay Titles / Topics

  1. Do School Uniforms Help Students Achieve Better Academic Success?
  2. The Controversy over School Uniforms:  Individual Self-Expression vs. Conformity and Modesty
  3. Whether School Uniforms Stifle Students’ Social Experience or Enhance It
  4. Should All Public Schools Implement Mandatory School Uniforms?
  5. Top 5 Benefits and Drawbacks of School Uniforms
  6. How School Uniforms Can Foster School Spirit and Instill a Sense of School Pride
  7. Why It’s Harder to “be True to Your School and Let Your Colors Fly” Without School Uniforms
  8. School Uniforms Can Reduce Bullying and Peer Pressure for Some Students
  9. How Wearing a School Uniform Can Turn the Focus of....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to School Uniforms. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 315

Certainly! Here are some essay topic ideas related to school uniforms:

1. Discuss the pros and cons of requiring students to wear school uniforms.
2. Analyze the impact of school uniforms on students' academic performance.
3. Examine the role of school uniforms in promoting a sense of equality among students.
4. Explore the effects of school uniforms on students' self-expression and individuality.
5. Investigate the cost implications of implementing school uniform policies in schools.
6. Compare and contrast the experiences of students in schools with and without school uniforms.
7. Discuss the effectiveness of school uniforms in reducing incidents of bullying and peer pressure.
8. Evaluate the influence....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to School Uniforms. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 558

1. The Impact of School Uniforms on Student Behavior and Academic Performance

Explore the ways in which uniforms influence student behavior, including reducing distractions, fostering a sense of equality, and promoting discipline.
Examine the potential effects of uniforms on academic performance, such as improved focus, reduced tardiness, and increased attendance.

2. The Role of School Uniforms in Creating a Positive and Inclusive School Environment

Discuss how uniforms can help create a level playing field for students from diverse backgrounds, reducing socioeconomic disparities and fostering a sense of belonging.
Analyze the ways in which uniforms can promote a more positive school climate....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Argumentative. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 469

Developing Argumentative Essay Topics

An argumentative essay presents a claim and supports it with evidence and reasoning. Crafting effective essay topics is crucial for a successful argumentative essay. Consider the following guidance to develop engaging and thought-provoking topics:

1. Choose a Controversial Issue:

Select a topic that has multiple perspectives and generates debate.
Avoid topics with a clear consensus or limited opposing viewpoints.

2. Focus on a Specific Aspect:

Don't try to cover too much ground. Narrow down the topic to a specific aspect that you can thoroughly argue.
This will allow you to delve into the topic's complexities and provide insightful analysis.


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