School Shootings Essays (Examples)

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Preventing School Shootings
Pages: 2 Words: 859

There is a lot of talk about school shootings and how to prevent them—especially in the wake of the most recent shooting in Florida, where 17 individuals lost their lives. Some say that guns should be banned (Ingraham). Others say the age limit should be raised (Epstein, Dopp) and that teachers should be armed (Rucker). Others view gun ownership as an unalienable right protected by the Constitution (Peck). And while guns themselves receive a lot of attention after such incidents, they are not the only factor. Family life, drug usage, and even other elements—such as the inability of federal and local law enforcement agents to act on tips to prevent a situation from worsening (Benner, Mazzei, Goldman; Brown). The fact of the matter is that there are many variables and factors involved in every school shooting, and no two cases are alike—so establishing a plan to prevent them is much…...

Parkland School Shooting Essay
Pages: Words: 1460

Parkland, Florida Shooting – Rampant Gun Violence in the Nation’s Schools
What started as a normal day for the teachers and students at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018, soon transformed into a scene of grisly mass murders and injuries perpetrated by 19-year-old high school student Nikolas Cruz. Unfortunately, this national tragedy was just another in a seemingly unending series of similar massacres of students and teachers in the nation’s schools in recent years and it galvanized the American public attention to the need for stricter gun control laws. Indeed, even as this paper was being written, two more students were shot to death at Central Michigan University by another 19-year-old, James Eric Davis Jr. who remains at large (Chicago-area teen suspected of fatally shooting two people at Central Michigan University, 2018). To determine the facts about the Parkland shootings, this paper reviews the relevant…...

School Emergency Oxford High School
Pages: 3 Words: 782

School Shooting: Oxford High School ShootingSadly, many terrible school shootings have occurred in recent memory, to the point that they do not even always make much of an impression on the public consciousness. But the November 30, 2021 shooting at Oxford High School in Oakland County, Michiganwhich ended in four fatalities and the injuries of seven othersis noteworthy because of the currently ongoing civil lawsuit being waged by the survivors against the dean of students, principal, three of the teachers, and two of the counselors for not taking sufficient action to protect the student body against the accused student shooter Ethan Crumbley (Ley & Carr, 2022).The shooting began with Crumbley staging an attack in the bathroom and then followed with the alleged shooter attacking two girls in the hallway. The next victims included John Asciutto and Marco Vackaro, the former of whom was wounded, although both escaped (Ley & Carr,…...


ReferencesColthorp, J. & Carr, B. (2022, February 25). James, Jennifer Crumbley bound over for trial on manslaughter charges in Oxford case. Click On Detroit.   S. & Carr, B. (2022, February 26). New lawsuit reveals chaotic moments during OxfordHigh School shooting. Click On Detroit. Ley, S. & Clarke, K. (2022, February 6). Troubling texts emerge in hearing for parents of accused Oxford school shooter: ‘My son ruined so many lives today’ Click On Detroit. Ley,

School Crime Including the Characteristics
Pages: 7 Words: 2347

Several areas, if poorly designed, can lead to violent and criminal behavior, including parking lots, isolated spots on campus, locker rooms, and corridors. Often, violent behavior occurs in these areas when adults are not present (Astor, Meyer, and Behre, 1999, p. 3). Designing schools with more open areas, more planned classrooms, and a more defined perimeter can create a safer, less violent campus by creating a more functional and enjoyable educational experience. Thus, older, poorly designed schools often attract more violent behavior.
Location can also be a risk factor in certain schools, although that is not always the case. Another researcher notes, "Some urban schools are located [...] in slum neighborhoods where drug sellers routinely kill one another, as well as innocent bystanders, on the streets surrounding the school" (Toby, 1994, p.169). Children growing up in violence prone neighborhoods such as these may simply accept violence as a way of…...



Astor, R.A. Meyer, H.A. And Behre, W.J. (1999). Unowned places and times: Maps and interviews about violence in high schools. American Educational Research Journal, Vol. 36, No. 1, 3-42.

Crowe, T.D. (1990). Designing safer schools. School Safety. 43-47.

Jenkins, P.H.(1997). School delinquency and the school social bond. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 34 No. 3, 337-367.

May, D.C. (September 1999). Scared kids, unattached kids, or peer pressure: Why do students carry firearms to school? Youth & Society, Vol. 31 No. 1, 100-127.

School-Based Bullying Prevention Programs the
Pages: 30 Words: 9042

They predict age and gender variations relate to bullying concerns. Of the 25 cartoons implemented in the study, two depict characters with different shades of skin color where skin color appeared to be an issue. One cartoon relating to sexual orientation was not used in several countries. Smith et al. report Olweus to assert bullying to be characterized by the following three criteria:
1. It is aggressive behavior or intentional "harmdoing"

2. which carried out repeatedly and over time

3. In an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power. (Smith et al., 2002, p. 1120)

In their study, Smith et al. (2002), participating researchers in the 14 countries to completed the following

1. Listed and selected bullying terms as well as social exclusion in the applicable language.

2. Used fundamental focus groups with participating children to confirm usage and extensive comprehensive of terms.

3. Using cartoons, sorted tasks to describe ways terms relating to bullying…...



Anti-Bullying programs for schools. (2009). Retrieved March 3, 2010 from 

Beaty, L.A., & Alexeyev, E.B. (2008). The Problem of School Bullies: What the Research Tells Us. Adolescence, 43(169), 1+. Retrieved March 3, 2010, from Questia database: 

Beran, T.N., Tutty, L. & Steinrath, G. (2004). An evaluation of a bullying prevention program for elementary schools. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. Vol. 19, Iss. 1/2, p. 99

116 . Retrieved March 3, 2010 from

School of Engineering and Design
Pages: 56 Words: 15360

The last century has seen an increase in the level of international purchases which has been supported by the developments in transportation and technology. Goods can move faster than before with developments in logistics. The negotiation and forming contracts for purchase with companies and communicate with potential suppliers in distant countries is also easier than in the past with the internet and tools such as video conferencing and emails. This facilitates the use of international suppliers. However, other firms may choose local suppliers believing strategy will best suit their needs. Local suppliers may be able to provide where there is an increase in the transparency of the supply chain, less exposure to risks such as interruption and exchange rate risks and proximity may allow closer collaborative relationships to develop. Both procurement strategies are viable, to assess the advantages associated with each approach the procurement from international and local suppliers…...



'Automotive and Auto Parts Industry in Turkey.' (2012). Turkish Ministry of Economy. [online] available: .

"Automotive Industry Trends Affecting Component Suppliers.' (2005). International Labour Review, vol. 144, no. 1, pp. 130-133.

Borrus, M., Ernst, D. & Haggard, S. (2001). International Production Networks in Asia: Rivalry or Riches. London: Routledge.

Burton, S., & Steane, P. (2004). Surviving Your Thesis. New York: Routledge.

Metal Detectors in School
Pages: 3 Words: 1157

Metal Detectors in Schools
When confronted with a frightening phenomena, people often tend only to look at the symptom, rather than the underlying cause, and in turn they end up making the problem worse, as in the case of installing metal detectors in schools in an attempt to stop violence. Although at first glance installing a metal detector might seem like an obvious choice towards making schools safer, this kind of thinking only makes the problem worse by wasting time and energy on a "solution" that ignores the larger problem, is not actually effective, and harms the very people it is meant to protect. Examining these three faults in greater detail will reveal how the use of metal detectors is born out an ignorant, careless approach to safety that harms the public while making money for a few self-interested parties.

The first problem with using metal detectors in schools is that they…...



DeAngelis, K, Brent, B & Ianni, D. (2011). The hidden cost of school security. Journal of Education Finance, 36(3), 312-337.

Hartnett, S. (2008). The annihilating public policies of the prison-industrial complex; or, crime, violence, and punishment in an age of neoliberalism. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 11(3),


Mawson, A, Lapsley, P, Hoffman, A & Guignard, J. (2002). Preventing lethal violence in schools:

Aurora Colorado Theater Shooting After Action Report
Pages: 9 Words: 2936

The Aurora theater shooting incident is the largest shooting incident in the history of the U.S. in terms of the number of casualties. Perpetrated by one James Eagan Holmes, the 20th July 2017 incident left 12 people dead and 58 people critically injured. Overall, response to the incident was commendable, with the police and fire personnel arriving within five minutes after the shooting. The Aurora Police Department, the Aurora Fire Department, hospital-based emergency departments, and Emergency Management Services (EMS) worked together to manage the crisis. The agencies collaborated in evacuating victims, apprehending the suspect, searching the theater building, providing emergency medical care, transporting victims to hospitals, and assisting families of victims. Nonetheless, similar to other previous incidents, inter-agency coordination and communication difficulties were experienced. These difficulties provide crucial lessons for leadership within the field of emergency management.
Background/Summary of the Incident

The 20th of July 2017 was a sad day for the…...

Violence in the Public Schools Teen Violence
Pages: 5 Words: 1762

violence in the public schools. Teen violence in general has become a major concern in America today. One of the reasons for the issue being so prevalent is the number of school shootings in the last few years, especially the shooting at Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado. hile the welfare of young people is always of concern, much of the fear being generated at the present time is excessive. For one thing, teen violence is not the new phenomenon many people seem to think it is, and an analysis of our history shows that violence in the schools has always been a problem and that in fact it is diminished at the present time. In truth, though, any school violence is too much, and ways of eliminating it and protecting students in school must be found. Several "solutions" to the problem have been offered.
One such recommendation is school uniforms,…...


Works Cited

Access Control & Security Systems Integration Facility Systems Staff. "Devising an effective school security plan." Access Control & Security Systems Integration (1 July 2000).

Bowman, Darcia Harris. "Federal Study Stresses Warning Signs of School Violence."

Education Week 21(15)(12 Dec 2001), 12.

Clinton, Bill. "Memorandum on the School Uniforms Manual." Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (March 4, 1996), 368-369.

Philosophy Required in High School
Pages: 3 Words: 1096

Obama endorsed an Illinois handgun ban while he was serving in the Illinois state legislature and also supports a ban on semi-automatic weapons. However, the current President professed his support for the Second Amendment, stating that he supports restrictions to keep guns out of the wrong hands, not a full prohibition. In Illinois he co-sponsored a 2000 to limit consumer purchases of firearms to one gun per month -- although he also supported 'conceal carry' laws for retired police officers ("Gun control," on the Issues, 2008).
The spike in gun sales has more to do with political posturing than reality: gun owners wish to demonstrate their opposition to Obama's system of values, as conceptualized in the red-blue divide that currently exists in the United States. In this polarized media positioning, Obama represents urban elitism and government control, despite his actual policies. The NRA and the gun industry has used this…...


Works Cited

"Gun control." On the issues. 2008. June 5, 2010. 

Kinzie, Susan. "GWU adds ethical focus to business school." The Washington Post.

September 15, 2008. June 5, 2010.

Privacy for High School Students
Pages: 40 Words: 12892

Internet: Privacy for High School Students
An Analysis of Privacy Issues and High School Students in the United States Today

In the Age of Information, the issue of invasion of privacy continues to dominate the headlines. More and more people, it seems, are becoming victims of identity theft, one of the major forms of privacy invasion, and personal information on just about everyone in the world is available at the click of a mouse. In this environment, can anyone, especially high school students, reasonably expect to have any degree of privacy? High school students, after all, are not protected by many of the same constitutional guarantees as adults, but their needs for privacy may be as great, or greater, than their adult counterparts. To determine what measure of privacy, if any, high schools students can expect at home and school today, this paper provides an overview of the issue of privacy, followed…...



Alarming Number of Teens Addicted to the Internet. (2001, February 1). Korea Times, 3.

Albanes, R., Armitay, O., Fischer, B., & Warner, J. (1998). Marijuana, Juveniles, and the Police: What High-School Students Believe about Detection and Enforcement.

Canadian Journal of Criminology, 40(4), 401-20.

Black's law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Police Protection at Schools in Light of
Pages: 7 Words: 2061

police protection at schools in light of the sniper attacks as well as the school shootings that have occurred over the years. The paper presents a study proposal and a critique of literature about the public's desire and willingness to support police protection being placed in elementary and middle schools on a daily basis. There were five sources used to complete this paper.
One of the things that Americans pride themselves on is the freedom that is afforded by living here. That freedom includes the refusal to become a police state or anything that represents a police state. Currently the nation is at a crossroads however, when it comes to the students in schools. For the last several years students have been shooting students, strangers have been shooting students and most recently the DC sniper has targeted students. Parents are becoming less and less sure of the school's abilities to…...



Colavecchio, Shannon (2001). OFFICERS GET SCHOOLING IN PREVENTING CAMPUS VIOLENCE., The Palm Beach Post, pp 1A.

____(1998). HOUSE PASSES MALONEY SCHOOL COPS BILL., States News Service,.

Gold, Maria (2002). Police Presence in Schools Is An Asset, Report Says; Resource Officers Handle Mostly Minor Incidents., The Washington Post, pp T04.


Assessing and Responding to Crisis Situations in the Schools
Pages: 3 Words: 789

Threat ssessments and Crisis Interventions in the Public Schools
llen, M. & Burt, K. (2002). School counselors' preparation for and participation in crisis intervention. Professional School Counseling, 6(2), 96-101.

uthors cite the increasing number of crisis situations being experienced in the nation's public schools and describe the trauma, cognitive dissonance and loss of a sense of security that can adversely affect all students and teachers who experience these types of events, even when they are resolved safely. While the list of crisis situation types is virtually infinite in public school settings, some of the more common types of crises that have been experienced in the public schools in the past include natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes) as well as anthropogenic sources including school shootings, suicide, student or teacher deaths, sexual and physical abuse, and gang-related activities. Fires in the schools may be either natural or manmade. Prioritizing these…...


A number of states implemented crisis response planning requirements following the shootings at Colorado's Columbine High School in April 1999. Authors note, though, that notwithstanding the increase in high-profile crisis situations in the nation's public schools such as school shooting, teachers will be more likely to have to respond to crisis situations that involve child abuse and neglect, emotional abuse or bullying on a more frequent basis. Likewise, even events that occur outside the school doors such as the death or injury of a family member, the divorce of parents or an abusive home environment can have an adverse effect on students while they are in school. Finally, for schools that do not already have a crisis intervention plan in place, authors recommend forming a task force to develop one at the earliest opportunity.

Pascopella, A. (2008, January). Threat assessment plans: Every district needs an action plan for averting violence. District Administration, 44(1), 34-37.

Authors cites the ongoing need for assessing threats in the nation's public school districts and recommends that all district administrators secure a copy of the guide to managing threat situations and creating safe school environments published collaboratively by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Secret Service. In fact, the guide is based on the U.S. Secret Service's plans for protecting the President of the United States from various threats. Although every school district is unique, the types of threats that can occur share some commonalities that make threat assessment an overarching priority. While all public school districts are required to have emergency management plans in place in the event of natural disasters, there is no corresponding requirement for having threat assessment plans in place. Therefore, district administrators must take the lead in creating an organizational culture that places a high priority on threat assessment in order to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the problem and understand how to respond when threats materialize.

Arming School Personnel Reasons Against
Pages: 5 Words: 1586

Gun violence in America doesn’t appear to be going anywhere soon, and deadly rampages have seemed to squeeze their way in the experience of American life. What was once a monstrosity and a horror have all becomes episodes that citizens of this country have all resignedly become accustomed to. Many sociologists have noted that a bizarre desensitization has swept over Americans along with a certain helplessness. Perhaps of all the school shootings of the last ten years, none of them have felt as tragic as Sandy Hook. Sandy Hook’s shooter took the lives of over 25 children, all between the ages of six and seven—truly the most innocent lives and an act that would devastate their parents for years to come, perhaps even for the rest of their lives. When acts of violence hurt so many people, many ask what can be done and what should be done. Arming teachers…...

Random Locker Searches in Schools
Pages: 4 Words: 1251

Reasonable suspicion -- A carefully considered presumption, based on specific facts and circumstances, that a person is probably involved in criminal activity. efore an officer can act on this level of suspicion, he must have enough knowledge to lead any reasonably cautious person to conclude that a crime has been (or is about to be) committed by the suspect.

The 4th amendment dictates that all people are guaranteed against unreasonable searches or seizures of their person or personal effects. Still though a student has less of this right due to court's giving more leeway to schools in the name of student safety and well-being.

Is this an invasion of the student's privacy?

Student privacy or lack of privacy in school, how much privacy should the students have or need? "The main drawback to locker searches is the loss of privacy that students may feel. A locker is the only place in school that…...



American Civil Liberties Union of Utah. (2010). Search and seizure. Retrieved on April 9, 2010

from .

Davis, K, Kelsey, J, Langellier, D, Mapes, M, & Rosenthal, J. (2003) Surveillance in School

Safety vs. Personal Privacy. Retrieved on April 9, 2010 from

Can you help me write my conceptual framework on How Women Leaders Respond in the Time of Crises in the Field of Education?
Words: 471

A conceptual framework is a type of tool used to analyze a topic.  Generally, in an academic context a conceptual framework is going to fall into one of several broad categories, including a working hypothesis, pillar questions, descriptive categories, models for decision making, or a formal hypothesis.  Deciding what approach you want to take to your research topic of how women leaders respond in time of crises in the field of education will help you decide what approach you want to take, which will guide your development of a conceptual framework.

Based on....

I\'m interested in debating School Shootings. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 401

Yes, there are several essay topics that can present opposing viewpoints on the issue of school shootings. Some possible topics include:

1. Gun control laws: Should stricter gun control laws be implemented to prevent school shootings, or does the right to bear arms outweigh the potential risks?

2. Mental health services: Should more resources be allocated to providing mental health services in schools to identify and address potential threats of school shootings, or is this an invasion of privacy and stigmatizing those with mental health issues?

3. School security measures: Should schools invest in increased security measures such as armed guards, metal detectors,....

I\'m interested in debating School Shootings. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 740

Title: The Complex Issue of School Shootings: Examining Opposing Viewpoints


School shootings have become a prevalent and disturbing issue in our society, sparking intense debates and discussions among individuals, communities, and policymakers. This essay aims to present opposing viewpoints on this complex matter, exploring the arguments for and against various approaches to preventing and addressing school shootings.

Viewpoint 1: Stricter Gun Control and Mental Health Interventions

Advocates of stricter gun control measures argue that these policies can effectively reduce the number of school shootings by limiting access to firearms and ammunition. They emphasize the need for comprehensive background checks, waiting periods, and restrictions....

What key points should be included in an outline for a presentation on the prevention of school shootings?
Words: 223

I. Introduction
A. Definition and significance of school shootings
B. Overview of recent school shooting incidents

II. Understanding the root causes of school shootings
A. Mental health issues
B. Access to firearms
C. Bullying and social alienation
D. Violent media and video games

III. Strategies for prevention
A. Increasing mental health support and resources in schools
B. Implementing stricter gun control measures
C. Promoting a positive and inclusive school culture
D. Enhancing security measures on school campuses
E. Educating students, teachers, and parents on warning signs and how to respond

IV. Case studies and success stories
A. Schools that have....

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