School Improvement Plan Essays (Examples)

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Schools Have Been Facing Tremendous
Pages: 8 Words: 2167

The most notable include:
What is the impact of these strategies on the class?

Is there any kind of immediate changes in the individual attitudes?

Are there any students who are continuing to struggle? Why is this happening? What could they do differently to perform better and become more motivated?

How will potential challenges be dealt with in the future?

How will each student be evaluated?

What is the timeframe when these transformations should be occurring?

How can educators deal with a potential student that is disruptive?

What can teachers do to help increase motivation when the content could be very dry for the individual?

These different questions will focus educators on objectively analyzing these changes. It is at this point when someone can be able to make adjustments that will address any kind of issues while they are small. This is the key when utilizing any of differentiated strategies. As a result, one could effectively argue that…...



Differenitated Instruction. (2012). U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from:

Knowing Fifth Graders. (2011). Responsive Classroom. Retrieved from: 

Massillon City Schools. (2012). Massillon Schools. Retrieved from: 

The Show Me Standards. (2012). DESE. Retrieved from:

School Counseling Project Psychology and Psychotherapy
Pages: 7 Words: 2181

Psychology and Psychotherapy: School Counseling Project(Part A)Step One: School Data SummaryThe data expert for this plan seems to be Mr. Finch (M.T.S.S. coordinator), who has access to high-quality data at all levels. Mr. Finch knows about the district-level and school-level data and would assist in accurately interpreting the data.The school improvement plans/goals are:i. The instructional practice would be based on B.E.S.T. Standards for improving academic grades in Geometry and Algebraii. The instructional practice would be based on differentiated instruction (DI) as the differentiated needs of diverse students need to be met.iii. Fostering school culture and the environment with community involvement for resolving issues of staff morale and work overloadiv. Development of a program for empowering teachers to get a Leadership Succession Plan- a crucial pan for enhancing school climate and long-term consistencyThe areas where school counseling programs would support are: Helping students to overcome Math anxiety that is possibly hindering…...


ReferencesAmerican School Counselor Association. (n.d.). A.S.C.A. student standards: Mindsets and behaviors for student success.   S.G. (2021). Strategies to increase employees’ morale [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. Walden University Scholar Works. Deng, Y., Cherian, J., Khan, N., Kumari, K., Sial, M. S., Comite, U., Gavurova, B., & Popp, J. (2022). Family and academic stress and their impact on students’ depression level and academic performance. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13. Furner, J.M. (2017). Teachers and counselors: Building math confidence in schools. European Journal of S.T.E.M. Education, 2(2), 1-10. Katete, S. & Nyangarika, A. (2020). Impact of teachers’ delayed salaries and its effects on teaching process in public secondary schools coast region. International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 6(4), 1291-1305. Rodriguez, K. & Walters, J. (2017). The importance of training and development in employee performance and evaluation. Worldwide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 3(10), 206-212. Topor, D. R., Keane, S. P., Shelton, T. L., & Calkins, S. D. (2010). Parent involvement and student academic performance: A multiple mediational analysis. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 38(3), 183–197., L., Rodríguez, C., Santana, Z., Areces, D., & Méndez-Giménez, A. (2021). Effects of sleep on the academic performance of children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Brain Sciences, 11(1). Coffey,

Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act Idea
Pages: 3 Words: 935

Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) of 2004 and the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 (NCLB) "require that students with disabilities have equal access to general education curricula and contexts," (Simon & Black, 2011, p.160). These two laws provide the fundamental backbone of inclusive education. However, educators need support in order to comply with these two federal regulations. The Differentiated Accountability Program (DAP) serves that function. As a federal program, DAP is "designed to support educators in meeting IDEA and NCLB requirements," regardless of state differentiation (Simon & Black, 2011, p. 160). DAP is, however, "designed to afford states flexibility in aligning improvement efforts with individual schools' specific needs according to each school's AYP status, requires schools in needs improvement status (SINI)," (Simon & Black, 2011, p. 160). Specific components of DAP may include professional development programs designed to help educators upgrade their skills related to…...



Ethics Extra! Newsletter (2008). Retrieved online: 

Florida Department of Education's Bureau of School Improvement (2006). Differentiated accountability. Retrieved online: 

Simon, M. & Black, W.R. (2011). Differentiated accountability policy and school improvement plans: A look at professional development and inclusive practices for exceptional students. International Journal of Special Education 26(2).

Sip Action Plan
Pages: 2 Words: 685

real world opportunity for improvement within the education profession. For this examination, Boyne City Middle School is being approached for their problems in mathematics achievement. The data suggests that through competency tests, there is a serious rift between math scores and other scores. The inability to address this issue in the past has led to this opportunity for improvement in this area.
For this school, parental involvement is key to it improving its ability to transcend the current problems they are facing. Parental involvement is key to curing many of the ills that are being experienced by this school The general target that is improving math proficiency is suited as a useful opportunity for improvement to focus upon. For this target to be realized some modifications may be necessary to the SIP proposals. More parental and community involvement appears necessary to modify this approach to the desired ends.


The main objective…...

Organizational Strategic Plan Review the Plan Currently
Pages: 8 Words: 2461

Organizational Strategic Plan eview
The plan currently under review is that of the uth K. Broad Bay Harbor K-8 Center and its implemented Florida Differentiated Accountability Program developed and put into use during the 2009-2010 school-year in hopes of improving the school's functioning and overall mission. The school at hand has consistently sought to discover and identify the individual strengths of each child in its facility in order to promote enthusiasm and the desire to learn, and to assist students in achieving academic success. The mission of the school, and its implemented plans, aim to provide a secure, innovative, and challenging environment that affords academic achievement and a technologically-rich program for students in order for them to develop a strong, firm foundation from which to succeed and meet the challenges of the 21st century. The plan at hand sets in motion distinct goals for teacher involvement, parental involvement, and for improvements…...



Fege, A. (2000). From fund raising to hell raising: new roles for parents. Educational Leadership, 57.7: pp. 39-43. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Databse. Accessed on 23 November 2011.

Florida Department of Education. (2011). Florida elementary school rankings: 2010-

2011. National Center for Education Statistics, 2011.1: pp. 1-9. Web. Retrieved from: LexisNexis. Accessed on 23 November 2011.

Greenlee, B. (2009). When school advisory councils decide: spending choices for school improvement. Planning and Changing, 38.3-4: pp. 222-251. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database. Accessed on 23 November 2011.

Desired State of School
Pages: 2 Words: 680

Dunn School
No public school in the United States is so perfectly administered that is cannot be improved. Dunn School in Trenton, New Jersey, is certainly not close to being perfect but there are signs that the school is improving. A school improvement plan has been approved and enabled and it includes: a) effective instruction; b) promotion of a positive school climate and culture; and c) effective community and family empowerment. The last two goals could become pivotal to the future of the school, if they are approached with solid background thought and good communication between the school leadership, the community, and families.

Promoting a positive school environment & involving the community

According to the ISLLC Standards #1 and #2 emphasize the need to create a "widely shared vision for learning" and to develop a "school culture and instructional program" that promotes learning while helping the staff become more professional. Indeed, teachers…...


Works Cited

ISLLC Standards. (2012). School Leadership Briefing / Ideas, Insights, and Inspiration for Professional Growth. Retrieved November 5, 2013, from

U.S. Department of Education. (2011). Social-Emotional Environment. Retrieved November

5, 2013, from

Action Plan and Literacy
Pages: 7 Words: 2925

Adolescent Literacy Plan of Action
Successful academic learning and student performance are founded on literacy (Meltzer & Ziemba, 2006). Listening, reading, observational, writing, presentation, speaking and critical thinking skills are used by literate students to learn, communicate what they have learned and even transfer the knowledge gained to other scenarios (Meltzer & Ziemba, 2006). A literacy leadership team and the school principal must lead continual improvement as a goal for students to develop literacy. When an entire school community collectively holds expertise in literacy, it becomes the most beneficial to students (Irvin, Meltzer & Dukes, 2007). In addition to expertise, schools must do what's necessary to enhance their ability to minimize the gap existing between practice and knowledge. All school aspects, like assessments, curriculum, resource allocation, policies and structures, professional development of teachers, instruction and culture of the school, are impacted by the existence of systemic literacy development efforts (Irvin, Meltzer…...



ACT (2006b). Reading for college and reading for work: Same or different? (Report). Iowa City, IA: Author.

Cooney, S. (1999). Leading the way: State actions to improve student achievement in the middle grades. Atlanta, GA: Southern Regional Education Board.

Elmore, R. F. (2002). Bridging the gap between standards and achievement: The imperative for professional development in education. Washington, DC: Albert Shanker Institute.

Graves, Michael, and Lauren Liang. (2008). "Four facets of reading comprehension instruction in the middle grades," Middle school journal (March 2008).

Collaboration in School
Pages: 4 Words: 1175

Leonard, L. & Leonard, P. (2003, September 17). The continuing trouble with collaboration: Teachers talk. Current Issues in Education, 6 (15).
The researchers explore the perceptions of teachers across one school district with regard to attributes of their teaching context that inhibit or promote the achievement of collaborative teaching. The authors argue that a negative school environment is unlikely to support implementation of teacher collaboration sufficiently robust to positively impact student outcomes.

In a follow up to a previous district-wide survey, the researchers surveyed 56 of the original 238 respondents regarding the nature and extent of collaboration in their schools. The respondents were from all school levels and had been teaching from 3 to 34 years. The qualitative survey contained open-ended questions to invite teachers to reflect on the collaborative aspects of their praxis at their schools and in the district. In particular, respondents were asked about the expectations of their educational…...



Asking your school board for teacher collaboration time. Small Schools Project.

Retrieved http//

Effective use of teacher collaboration time to advance student achievement: A living case study. (2010, October 15). Retrieved 


School's Reforms Stay Intact After a Leader
Pages: 2 Words: 440

school's reforms stay intact after a leader leaves requires that others have been developed within that system to fulfill the void left by the leader. It becomes obvious the importance of professional development, mentoring and solid leadership. The legacy of a leader may be kept going if the values and ethics resonate with the remaining leaders within the school. To ensure this happens leaders need to continually reinforce their ideals on a regular basis in order for it to truly take hold and make a lasting and impressive change that can continue well into the future.
The current beliefs about school improvement within my current environment suggests that there is a great tendency to drag their collective feet when confronted with change. In many cases the need for change is obvious, and many complaints are discussed, but when it comes down to actually improving, the situation, procrastination tends to sink…...

School Systems the Educational Leader
Pages: 5 Words: 1548

From scheduling lunch shifts to arranging for common planning time, my principal has effectively and efficiently managed the set amount of time that we have in a school day. Collaboration between parents and community members is evident as well. We often have parent / child literacy nights. Annually we also hold a rotherhood Dinner that honors community members that have positively influenced the children in our neighborhoods. Throughout New edford, Carney Academy is highly regarded; our reputation precedes us.
Educational Philosophy 6

Knowledge acquired from textbooks and college classes may give me some techniques and standards that effective leaders must know, however they are not going to teach me everything I need to know. Hopefully, my experiences as a successful coach and an employee of an excellent leader will help in building a solid foundation for me to become an effective leader myself.


ass, ernard M (1985), Leadership and performance beyond expectations,…...



Bass, Bernard M (1985), Leadership and performance beyond expectations, New York: Free Press.

Conger, Jay A. And Rabindra N. Kanungo (1987), Towards a behavioral theory of charismatic leadership in organizational settings. Academy of Management Review 12/4: 637-647.

Burns, John M. (1978), Leadership, New York: Harper and Row

Bernstein, R. Should You Be the Boss? Mar 99, Vol. 108 Issue 6, p33, 3p, 1c

Desired State of School
Pages: 3 Words: 857

School Improvements
Performance Outcomes at Dunn Middle School in Trenton

Inner-city schools today are struggling with a litany of challenges that threaten the quality of education and the opportunities available to students. Issues such as high poverty rates, crime-afflicted neighborhoods, racial disparity and limited parental involvement all threaten to stand in the way of bright futures for such students. This is true for the attendees of the Grace A. Dunn Middle School in Trenton, which is working to overcome the obstacles typical of such resource-strapped urban schools. The discussion here outlines some of the areas of Dunn Middle School that require improvement and offers some suggestions on how to achieve this improvement.


Reviewing the Dunn Middle School performance outcomes, all evidence suggests that the school is in need of sweeping improvements. Under the thumb of mandatory state-proficiency tests, Dunn Middle School has struggled to yield any positive outcomes. The demand placed on the…...


Works Cited:

Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). (2008). ISLLC Standards.

Jennings, D.A. (2012). Schools in Need of Improvement in New Jersey. Statewide Parents Action Network.

NJ School Performance Report. (2013). Grace A. Dunn Middle School. State of New Jersey.

School Personnel Functions
Pages: 3 Words: 1020

School Personnel Functions
Personnel functions and their relationship to moving an instructional agenda forward

Ultimately, a school's reputation lies in the hands of its teachers. Hiring, training, and retaining highly effective personnel to give instruction in the classroom must be the cornerstone of any effort to improve education at a school. Without good teachers to impart instruction, the best textbooks, goals, and procedures will not be meaningful. Teaching, however, is a skill as well as a gift, and the administration can strive to support teachers with specific programming efforts.

Hiring and assignments

The first step in creating a more effective educational environment is hiring new teachers that support the mission and values of the school. Given that teachers are likely to be a part of the educational environment for some time, it is essential that teachers are 'on board' with the principal's agenda. ecruiting top candidates from high-quality colleges and universities and being open…...



Crowther, F. (1997). Teachers as leaders - an exploratory framework. The International Journal

of Educational Management, 11(1), 6-13. Retrieved from 

Gordon, R., Kane, T.J., & Staiger, D.O. (2006). Identifying effective teachers using performance on the job. The Hamilton Project Policy Brief no. 2006-01. Brookings Institution. Retrieved from ;

Olsen, B., & Sexton, D. (2009). Threat rigidity, school reform, and how teachers view their work inside current education policy contexts. American Educational Research Journal, 46(1),

Improvement Memo Mr J Carver School Principle
Pages: 1 Words: 392

Improvement Memo
Mr. J. Carver (School Principle)

From: Ariel Winchester (Student)

Heated Pool Repair

Currently, the pool at our highschool is used only during the summer months. Many students benefit greatly from this in terms of physical exercise, sports prowess, and simply having fun. The pool is situated at a location that can be closed into an indoor environment. During the summer months, the roof of the premises is removed to provide students with an outdoor pool facility. However, the heating system of the swimming pool is broken, which makes it impossible for students to use the facility, even indoors, during the winter months. Since roughly half of the year is too cold for swimming in unheated waters, this creates a situation during which the pool cannot be used and tends to fall into disrepair. If the heating system is fixed, the pool will benefit both students, the staff, and the financial situation of…...

Improvements in Integrity Financial Accountability Ethical Conduct
Pages: 5 Words: 1568

Improvements in Integrity, Financial Accountability, Ethical Conduct and Corporate Responsibilities under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
e passed Sarbanes-Oxley in the wake of the Enron scandal to try to root out financial and accounting irregularities. How could similar irregularities occur at Lehman Brothers? History has a way of constantly repeating itself. -- Joseph Grant 2010

The high-profile corporate shenanigans by Enron and Lehman Brothers have made it clear that tough legislation was needed to compel Americans businesses to clean up their financial acts. Indeed, in response to Enron's late 2001 bankruptcy, Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 but the Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy in late 2008 made it clear that there was still a problem in some sectors of American business. This paper provides a review of the relevant literature to determine how the integrity of corporate finance, ethics, and other responsibilities have improved, what the corporate finance industry culture has learned…...


Works Cited

Bierstaker, James, Marshall, Kenneth K. And Greenwald, Jonathan. (2010, December).

"Strengthen Your Core: Are You Getting the Most from Your Compliance, Operations,

Risk, and Enterprise Support Functions?" Strategic Finance 92(6): 35-39.

Carter, Charles C. (2011, May 1). "Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy." Journal of Real Estate Literature 9(2): 492-499.

School Profile the Technological Advances
Pages: 2 Words: 526

The dedication shown by the principal, M. Jett, and the two instructors was truly tremendous, and it is obvious that the high-risk students attending ACE Academy are well served. The cramped environment, however, provides a challenge whose effects cannot really be mitigated while the school remains in the same space.
Though ACE Academy is only in its first year of operation, one way in which it could improve its educational process would be to establish an ongoing collaborative system of course adjustment and development, especially with the other schools in the county from which ACE's students come. This enables faster, more effective, and more directly needs-based instruction and courses to be developed (Lake 2003). The expansion of the school's physical size could also allow for the hiring of more instructors (in addition to the two currently employed by ACE Academy), which would further reduce the current student-teacher ratio and allow…...



Jett, G. (2010). Personal interview, February 11.

Lake, E. (2003). "Course Development Cycle Time: A Framework for Continuous Process Improvement." Innovative higher education 28(10< pp. 21-33.

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