School Improvement Essays (Examples)

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School Improvement Project Proposal Improving
Pages: 15 Words: 4564

Causative Analysis

There are several causes to why the students did not pass the state standardized test in mathematics and in language arts. It is strongly believe that the students were not adequately prepared for the test because they had not been completing the required assignments and attending the online classes offered by their teachers. Their lack of School Improvement 7 participation in the class, has lead them to a failing test score because if they had not completed the assignments in their learning management system, then there was no way for them to be adequately prepared for the materials on the tests. The course materials that are found in the learning management system are closely related to the state bench marks and are closely aligned with the state requirements.

There are several reasons that students may not complete work in their online classes. These reasons include lack of motivation, lack of…...

School Improvement One of the
Pages: 7 Words: 2044

More so, they will be able to apply the skills they learned in the classroom into the real-world environment of the community, which will only increase their understanding of the classroom objectives and lessons. Finally, by having students become involved in the community, the community will see first-hand the results of their taxes that go to support the school and the students learning experience.
Likewise, the staff must also become involved in the community, particularly the professional teaching community, in order to ensure that their teaching methods do not become stagnate, or out of date. The teacher has a lifelong obligation to continue to learn. As learning needs and methods rapidly evolve, the teacher's college education quickly becomes outdated. Therefore, a quality professional development program and other professional organizations must be made available to all the school's teachers. However, these professional organizations and seminars must be made relevant to the…...



Noguera, Pedro a. And Jean Yonemura Wing. (2006): Unfinished Business: Closing the Racial Achievement Gap in Our Schools. New York: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated.

Perry, Theresa, Hilliard, Asa G., and Claude Steele. (2004): Young, Gifted and Black: Promoting High Achievement Among African-American Students. New York: Beacon Press.

School Improvement
Pages: 3 Words: 973

Improving a School
Hope springs eternal, or so the old maxim goes -- but is there hope for a middle school in New Jersey that lags behind expected standards and shows only vague signs of being able to lift itself up out of the morass of failure?

Indeed, what is to be done for the students and the community their families live in when their public school is a violent place where chaos rules? What is the solution for a public middle school when student achievement is below acceptable levels and when the school is actually unsafe? And further, what is the solution for a school -- Grace Dunn Middle School in Trenton, New Jersey -- that is poorly maintained and there is a near-constant turnover of teachers?

These are some of the issues that face Grace Dunn Middle School. There are several more important issues that must be addressed before Dunn Middle…...

School Improvement Plan the Vision
Pages: 3 Words: 1033

8/18/2004 Classroom Teachers, eading Coach $4,000 for materials, software, and incentives. (PSTF, Title I, Acct.) Ongoing
10. All students will be encouraged to participate in after school tutoring, Saturday tutoring, family nights, FCAT Camp, media center reading group, and both school and county academic competitions. 8/18/2004 Classroom Teachers, Guidance, Administrators, Media Specialist $12,000 for materials, salaries, & incentives (Title I, Acct, PSTF) Ongoing

11. Students will be provided the opportunity to utilize the media center for reading and technology before and after school. 8/23/2004 Media Specialist None


12. Students will receive curriculum assistance using technology/computers in reading instruction. 8/30/2004 Technology Sp., Media Sp., Classroom Teachers

500 materials & supplies (Title I) Daily

13.Daily school-wide Go STI Crazy (SS program) and Word of the Day.

Alignment of these three factors, shared vision, curricular goals and instructional objectives is clear through this collaborative plan, as all curriculum and human resources issues are multifaceted and the whole of…...



Devlin-Scherer, R., & Devlin-Scherer, W.L. (1994). Do School Boards Encourage Parent Involvement?. Education, 114(4), 535+.

Evensen, DH & Hmelo, C.E. (Eds.). (2000). Problem-Based Learning: A Research Perspective on Learning Interactions. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Grant, M.M., & Branch, R.M. (2005). Project-Based Learning in a Middle School: Tracing Abilities through the Artifacts of Learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 38(1), 65+.

Harwell, S.H. (2000). Impediments to Change: An Application of Force-Field Analysis to Leader Master Teacher Training in an Elementary Level Science Systemic Reform Initiative. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 12(2), 7.

School Improvement Idea
Pages: 9 Words: 2805

Education being the act or process of imparting or acquiring knowledge, development of the art of reasoning and judgment to the environment, and widely the preparation of a person or others intellectually to live peacefully with each other. This process helps in the acquisition of particular knowledge or skills in a particular profession such as engineering, social sciences and doctors.
Education being an interactive affair calls for people's interaction. The society having banked so much on the skills from their members they then sort to improve this interaction. The society has thus resorted in researches that would see the betterment of the current educational system (Kerfoot, 2008).

School improvement then comes in to improve a school; there should be two forces that should be working in harmony. This force comes from the learners themselves and those who impart knowledge to them. Emphasis are then put on the type of curriculum that is…...



Aurora, C.O (2001). Leadership for School Improvement (rev. ed.)

Bruce, C, James, Lance, F (2008) Handbook of Education Politics and Policy. Routledge Barber, B.(1992). An Aristocracy of Everyone; The Politics of Education and the Future of America. New York: Ballantine Books.

Butts, R.F.(1988). The Morality of Democratic Citizenship: Goals for Civic Education in the Republic's Third Century. Calabasas, CA: Center for Civic Education.

Center for Civic Education (1991). Civitas: A Framework for Civic Education. Calabasas, CA: Center for Civic Education.

Accountability and School Improvement
Pages: 1 Words: 434

Accountability and School Improvement
Reflective Review on "Building a Plane While Flying It"

After reading the article "Building a Plane While Flying It," by Noelle C. Griffin and Priscilla Wohlstetter, I am able to better understand the concept of charter schools in this country. The idea of the charter school seems very practical and rewarding to both students and faculty; however this article points out that this concept still needs to be developed further before it can truly make an impact on our society.

What I like about the charter school is the idea of expanding educational communities to truly bring about high quality teaching and learning. Almost every school sets out to provide the best possible quality of teaching and learning to its students; however many schools do not have adequate resources to ensure this, and in public schools, there are only so many buttons a teacher can push before breaking the…...

Solve Scenario School Improvement Strategies in Order
Pages: 2 Words: 551

Solve Scenario
School Improvement Strategies

In order to facilitate academic achievement for all students in the school three things need to happen; the school's culture must reflect the best practices in education through the development of a professional learning community, instruction must be differentiated in order to meet the needs of all students, and teacher expectations must be high in order to facilitate all student's learning.

The potential advantages and benefits of developing a professional learning community at a school are enormous. Applying these principles to education creates opportunities to explore new and creative ways to solve problems and enhance the educational achievement of students as well as develop and strengthen instructional teacher competencies. A supportive organizational culture is essential to sustaining the tenets of a learning organization. The culture should be humane, psychologically comfortable, and professionally supportive; a place where people have the tools and the training they need, and where they…...

School Improvement Plan Review Opportunity for Improvement
Pages: 10 Words: 2855

SIP EVIEW SIP eview and Opportunity for ImprovementThe school improvement plan (SIP) is a significant roadmap for the school itself to make changes and bring improvements in areas that are weak. It is done to enhance student achievement and the help of stakeholders (Escobar, 2019). The overall effect is extended to the community welfare since the parent, students, and the school itself would benefit from the outcomes. This paper reviews the selected school\\\'s current SIP and present an improvement plan for academic achievement. The presumed weaknesses would be discussed, and the opportunity for academic upgrading would be discussed with evidence-based practices.Analysis of the School\\\'s SIPThe school that is selected for this paper is North Miami Beach Sr. High. It has a large middle-class population of students who belong to various ethnic groups such as Haitian-American, Jewish American, Blacks, Hispanics, Americans, and Asians, etc. The current SIP entails a broad range…...


ReferencesEscobar, I.G. (2019). School improvement plans, a tool to improve the quality of education. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 440-450. DOI: 10.18844/prosoc.v6i1.4197Mesmer, H.A.E. (2020, January 23). There are four foundational reading skills. Why do we only talk about phonics? Education Week. Retrieved from   V. (2011). School management and the struggle for effective schools. Africa Education Review, 8(3), 434-449., G., Irfan, I. & Awan, R. (2015). Assessment of students\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' problem-solving proficiency in mathematics at grade VI. Pakistan Journal of Education, 32(2), 1-28. DOI: 10.30971/pje.v32i2.14The Graide Network. (2020, April 13). The rise of teacher stress. Retrieved from Msila,

School's Reforms Stay Intact After a Leader
Pages: 2 Words: 440

school's reforms stay intact after a leader leaves requires that others have been developed within that system to fulfill the void left by the leader. It becomes obvious the importance of professional development, mentoring and solid leadership. The legacy of a leader may be kept going if the values and ethics resonate with the remaining leaders within the school. To ensure this happens leaders need to continually reinforce their ideals on a regular basis in order for it to truly take hold and make a lasting and impressive change that can continue well into the future.
The current beliefs about school improvement within my current environment suggests that there is a great tendency to drag their collective feet when confronted with change. In many cases the need for change is obvious, and many complaints are discussed, but when it comes down to actually improving, the situation, procrastination tends to sink…...

School Systems the Educational Leader
Pages: 5 Words: 1548

From scheduling lunch shifts to arranging for common planning time, my principal has effectively and efficiently managed the set amount of time that we have in a school day. Collaboration between parents and community members is evident as well. We often have parent / child literacy nights. Annually we also hold a rotherhood Dinner that honors community members that have positively influenced the children in our neighborhoods. Throughout New edford, Carney Academy is highly regarded; our reputation precedes us.
Educational Philosophy 6

Knowledge acquired from textbooks and college classes may give me some techniques and standards that effective leaders must know, however they are not going to teach me everything I need to know. Hopefully, my experiences as a successful coach and an employee of an excellent leader will help in building a solid foundation for me to become an effective leader myself.


ass, ernard M (1985), Leadership and performance beyond expectations,…...



Bass, Bernard M (1985), Leadership and performance beyond expectations, New York: Free Press.

Conger, Jay A. And Rabindra N. Kanungo (1987), Towards a behavioral theory of charismatic leadership in organizational settings. Academy of Management Review 12/4: 637-647.

Burns, John M. (1978), Leadership, New York: Harper and Row

Bernstein, R. Should You Be the Boss? Mar 99, Vol. 108 Issue 6, p33, 3p, 1c

Schools Have Been Facing Tremendous
Pages: 8 Words: 2167

The most notable include:
What is the impact of these strategies on the class?

Is there any kind of immediate changes in the individual attitudes?

Are there any students who are continuing to struggle? Why is this happening? What could they do differently to perform better and become more motivated?

How will potential challenges be dealt with in the future?

How will each student be evaluated?

What is the timeframe when these transformations should be occurring?

How can educators deal with a potential student that is disruptive?

What can teachers do to help increase motivation when the content could be very dry for the individual?

These different questions will focus educators on objectively analyzing these changes. It is at this point when someone can be able to make adjustments that will address any kind of issues while they are small. This is the key when utilizing any of differentiated strategies. As a result, one could effectively argue that…...



Differenitated Instruction. (2012). U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from:

Knowing Fifth Graders. (2011). Responsive Classroom. Retrieved from: 

Massillon City Schools. (2012). Massillon Schools. Retrieved from: 

The Show Me Standards. (2012). DESE. Retrieved from:

School Setting and School
Pages: 2 Words: 855

school context' as discussed in the oyd reference
Schools represent complex organisms having several components. For achieving school improvement, understanding these components' interrelations is essential. Attempts at improving schooling for the at-risk student population necessitate taking the school context into consideration. oyd (n.d.) states that the ecology, which forms the first aspect, encompasses a school's inorganic components (i.e., non-living things that affect individuals within the school setting; e.g., resources at hand, school size, rules, and policies).

Culture constitutes another aspect of a school setting/context. It may be described as an expression aiming to capture social institutions' (including schools') informal side. Schein (1985) outlines numerous culture-related meanings apparent in literature on the subject:

• Perceived behavior regularities in human interactions, including language employed and practices linked to deportment and respect.

• Norms developing within work groups; for instance, the principle "fair day's wage for a fair day's work" developed during the Hawthorne Wiring Room…...



Boyd, V. (n.d.). School context: Bridge or barrier to change? Southwest Educational Development Laboratory. Retrieved December 2016 from 

Purkey, S.C. & Smith, M.S. (1983). Effective schools: A review. The Elementary School Journal, 83(4), pp. 427-452.

Schein, E.H. (1985). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Sarason, S.B. (1982). Culture of the school and the problem of change, 2nd edition. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

School Counseling Project Psychology and Psychotherapy
Pages: 7 Words: 2181

Psychology and Psychotherapy: School Counseling Project(Part A)Step One: School Data SummaryThe data expert for this plan seems to be Mr. Finch (M.T.S.S. coordinator), who has access to high-quality data at all levels. Mr. Finch knows about the district-level and school-level data and would assist in accurately interpreting the data.The school improvement plans/goals are:i. The instructional practice would be based on B.E.S.T. Standards for improving academic grades in Geometry and Algebraii. The instructional practice would be based on differentiated instruction (DI) as the differentiated needs of diverse students need to be met.iii. Fostering school culture and the environment with community involvement for resolving issues of staff morale and work overloadiv. Development of a program for empowering teachers to get a Leadership Succession Plan- a crucial pan for enhancing school climate and long-term consistencyThe areas where school counseling programs would support are: Helping students to overcome Math anxiety that is possibly hindering…...


ReferencesAmerican School Counselor Association. (n.d.). A.S.C.A. student standards: Mindsets and behaviors for student success.   S.G. (2021). Strategies to increase employees’ morale [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. Walden University Scholar Works. Deng, Y., Cherian, J., Khan, N., Kumari, K., Sial, M. S., Comite, U., Gavurova, B., & Popp, J. (2022). Family and academic stress and their impact on students’ depression level and academic performance. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13. Furner, J.M. (2017). Teachers and counselors: Building math confidence in schools. European Journal of S.T.E.M. Education, 2(2), 1-10. Katete, S. & Nyangarika, A. (2020). Impact of teachers’ delayed salaries and its effects on teaching process in public secondary schools coast region. International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 6(4), 1291-1305. Rodriguez, K. & Walters, J. (2017). The importance of training and development in employee performance and evaluation. Worldwide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 3(10), 206-212. Topor, D. R., Keane, S. P., Shelton, T. L., & Calkins, S. D. (2010). Parent involvement and student academic performance: A multiple mediational analysis. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 38(3), 183–197., L., Rodríguez, C., Santana, Z., Areces, D., & Méndez-Giménez, A. (2021). Effects of sleep on the academic performance of children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Brain Sciences, 11(1). Coffey,

Desired State of School
Pages: 3 Words: 857

School Improvements
Performance Outcomes at Dunn Middle School in Trenton

Inner-city schools today are struggling with a litany of challenges that threaten the quality of education and the opportunities available to students. Issues such as high poverty rates, crime-afflicted neighborhoods, racial disparity and limited parental involvement all threaten to stand in the way of bright futures for such students. This is true for the attendees of the Grace A. Dunn Middle School in Trenton, which is working to overcome the obstacles typical of such resource-strapped urban schools. The discussion here outlines some of the areas of Dunn Middle School that require improvement and offers some suggestions on how to achieve this improvement.


Reviewing the Dunn Middle School performance outcomes, all evidence suggests that the school is in need of sweeping improvements. Under the thumb of mandatory state-proficiency tests, Dunn Middle School has struggled to yield any positive outcomes. The demand placed on the…...


Works Cited:

Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). (2008). ISLLC Standards.

Jennings, D.A. (2012). Schools in Need of Improvement in New Jersey. Statewide Parents Action Network.

NJ School Performance Report. (2013). Grace A. Dunn Middle School. State of New Jersey.

School Personnel Functions
Pages: 3 Words: 1020

School Personnel Functions
Personnel functions and their relationship to moving an instructional agenda forward

Ultimately, a school's reputation lies in the hands of its teachers. Hiring, training, and retaining highly effective personnel to give instruction in the classroom must be the cornerstone of any effort to improve education at a school. Without good teachers to impart instruction, the best textbooks, goals, and procedures will not be meaningful. Teaching, however, is a skill as well as a gift, and the administration can strive to support teachers with specific programming efforts.

Hiring and assignments

The first step in creating a more effective educational environment is hiring new teachers that support the mission and values of the school. Given that teachers are likely to be a part of the educational environment for some time, it is essential that teachers are 'on board' with the principal's agenda. ecruiting top candidates from high-quality colleges and universities and being open…...



Crowther, F. (1997). Teachers as leaders - an exploratory framework. The International Journal

of Educational Management, 11(1), 6-13. Retrieved from 

Gordon, R., Kane, T.J., & Staiger, D.O. (2006). Identifying effective teachers using performance on the job. The Hamilton Project Policy Brief no. 2006-01. Brookings Institution. Retrieved from ;

Olsen, B., & Sexton, D. (2009). Threat rigidity, school reform, and how teachers view their work inside current education policy contexts. American Educational Research Journal, 46(1),

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Action Research?
Words: 318

1. The effectiveness of using action research to improve teaching practices in a specific subject area
2. The impact of collaborating with colleagues on an action research project in a school setting
3. The role of reflection in action research and its influence on decision-making and implementation of changes
4. Exploring the challenges and benefits of conducting action research in a diverse classroom or school environment
5. The use of action research to address and improve student behavior and engagement in the classroom
6. Investigating the role of technology in facilitating action research projects in education
7. The importance of building relationships and fostering collaboration with....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Action Research?
Words: 413

Topic 1: The Impact of Action Research on Teacher Development

How does action research empower teachers to improve their instruction and student learning?
Examine the role of action research in fostering reflective practice and self-directed learning for teachers.
Analyze how action research supports teachers in identifying and addressing challenges in their classrooms.

Topic 2: Action Research as a Catalyst for School Improvement

Describe how action research can facilitate data-driven decision-making in schools.
Explore the transformative potential of action research in addressing systemic issues and improving school culture.
Analyze the impact of action research on school leadership, collaboration, and student outcomes.

Topic 3:....

How do different leadership styles influence learner performance in successful high schools?
Words: 813

The influence of leadership styles on learner performance in educational settings has been a focal point of educational research, particularly in how these styles can shape the academic and social outcomes in high schools. In the Ugu District, where four high schools have been identified as particularly successful, the exploration of leadership styles provides a unique lens through which to understand educational effectiveness.

Leadership in education can be categorized into several styles, each with distinct characteristics and impacts. Transformational leadership, characterized by leaders who inspire and motivate their followers to achieve higher performance, has been linked to improved student outcomes. Studies....

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