othe values
Moal chaacte, that is, having couage, being pesistent, dismissing distactions and so on in pusuit of the goal.
These ae attempts to define ethics by descibing actions, and faily specific constellations of actions at that. Fedeich Paulson, a 19th centuy philosophe of ethics, defined ethics as a science of moal duty (1899).
Almost 100 yeas late, Swenson also used the concept of study in defining ethics, saying that it included the systematic study of concepts such as ight and wong. Othe eseaches note that the idea of systematic study is common in dictionay definitions of ethics, with the Ameican Heitage Dictionay focusing on thee elements: " the study of moal philosophy, the ules of a pofession (o moe boadly the chaacte of a community), and moal self-examination (Soukhanov, 1992).
Hill (2004) offes a 'definition' that is mainly pactical but also incopoates some theoetical content. They believe that ethical analysis is both…...
mlareferences for confidentiality of records. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34, 62-67.
Welfel, E.R. (1992). Psychologist as ethics educator: Successes, failures, and unanswered questions. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 23, 182-189.
Welfel, E.R. (1998). Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Welfel, E.R. (2002). Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
School Counseling in a Multicultural Society: An Overview
More and more diversity is becoming the buzzword in society at large and within educational facilities across the nation. As the population in the United States continues to become increasingly diversified and representative of individuals from varying ethnic, socioeconomic and racial backgrounds, educators are realizing an increased need for attention to the specific needs of diverse student populations.
The need for multicultural competencies development among school counseling professionals has recently been acknowledged by the American Psychological Association (1992) and the American Counseling Association (1995) whose ethnical standards dictate that school counselors should achieve a certain level of multicultural competence prior to embarking on a professional career in student counseling.
Despite the acknowledgment of a need for increased awareness and training to ensure a positive student/counselor relationship, there is little evidence that much is being done in the way of establishing a core set of standardized…...
American Counseling Association. (1995). Code of ethics and standards of practice [Brochure]. Alexandria, VA: Author.
American Psychological Association. (1992). Ethical principles of psychologist and code of conduct. American Psychologist, 47, 1597-1611
Arredondo, P., Cheatham, H., Mio, J.S., Sue, D. & Trimble, J.E. (1999). Key words in multicultural interventions: A dictionary. Westport: Greenwood Press.
Atkinson, D.R., Morten, G., & Sue, D.W. (1998). Counseling American minorities: A
School Counseling - Singapore
School Counseling in Singapore
In the article entitled, "Training school counselors in Singapore: first impressions of a multicultural challenge," authors ivera et. al. explored the history and current situation of school counseling in Singapore. In the article, the authors expressed the need to evaluate the kind and quality of training on school counseling in the country, which requires a culture-specific approach rather than implementing curricula and theoretical frameworks developed in the context and experience of 'western countries' such as the United States and European countries.
In determining this need and evaluating the current scenario in the Singaporean setting, ivera et al. conducted an in-depth qualitative article review of two (significant) studies conducted on school counseling, specifically in the Asia/Singaporean contexts. These studies were identified as follows: (1) E. Tan's (2002) exploration of school guidance counseling in Singapore, focusing on its history and eventual development into a "holistic model" and…...
Rivera, E., S, Nash, B. Wah, and S. Ibrahim. (2008). "Training school counselors in Singapore: first impressions of a multicultural challenge." Journal of Counseling and Development, Vol. 86, No. 2.
However, I would also want to ask some pointed and direct questions if the parents were being belligerent, to discover why they appeared to be hostile. Perhaps they were embarrassed by their child's behavior and were acting defensively. In that case I would try my best to talk to them in a non-threatening manner, making sure they understood that we were not trying to persecute their son (or daughter) but rather, to correct deviant, anti-social, and harmful behavior. I would avoid arguing with them if the parents refused to believe that their child had done anything wrong.
We cannot tolerate stealing at school. Therefore, I would drive home the point that the next time the student is caught stealing that we might have to alert the authorities. I would report the misbehavior to the student's teachers and to the school administrators, so that they would know what was going on and…...
School Counseling Program
Education has and will always be an important aspect in the development not only of the person but society as well. The building of a great nation has always been dependent on the knowledge, skills, and experiences the citizenries have that contributed to the betterment of the place they belong to. But all of these of course would never have seen fruition without the education provided to those who were responsible for society and nation building. From the primary education years all the way to the graduate and post-graduate levels, ensuring the right kind of education based on the interest and level of the student or learner is important. This is critical in enabling a person to perform at his or her peak because the right education course or career fit has been provided. A school counselor or education guidance personnel has always been instrumental in providing…...
The constant help I try to offer her represents an important emotional achievement. Despite the natural consequences such a diagnosis has on both the girl and me, I consider that her stay in a community that has offered her more than medical support is an essential element in her well being. From this perspective, I am convinced that school counseling can be a factor of real use for pupils and students alike. However, it cannot be done without a proper mental, emotional, and theoretical preparation. This is why I consider that the graduate program will help me in achieving all three states of readiness.
Aside from studies, experience is important in working with vulnerable children and young adults. However, my goal is to succeed in helping them find the answers to their questions or at least guiding them towards different reflection paths. Nonetheless, my experience as a case manager at…...
Psychology and Psychotherapy: School Counseling Project(Part A)Step One: School Data SummaryThe data expert for this plan seems to be Mr. Finch (M.T.S.S. coordinator), who has access to high-quality data at all levels. Mr. Finch knows about the district-level and school-level data and would assist in accurately interpreting the data.The school improvement plans/goals are:i. The instructional practice would be based on B.E.S.T. Standards for improving academic grades in Geometry and Algebraii. The instructional practice would be based on differentiated instruction (DI) as the differentiated needs of diverse students need to be met.iii. Fostering school culture and the environment with community involvement for resolving issues of staff morale and work overloadiv. Development of a program for empowering teachers to get a Leadership Succession Plan- a crucial pan for enhancing school climate and long-term consistencyThe areas where school counseling programs would support are: Helping students to overcome Math anxiety that is possibly hindering…...
mlaReferencesAmerican School Counselor Association. (n.d.). A.S.C.A. student standards: Mindsets and behaviors for student success. S.G. (2021). Strategies to increase employees’ morale [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. Walden University Scholar Works. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=12445&context=dissertations Deng, Y., Cherian, J., Khan, N., Kumari, K., Sial, M. S., Comite, U., Gavurova, B., & Popp, J. (2022). Family and academic stress and their impact on students’ depression level and academic performance. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.869337 Furner, J.M. (2017). Teachers and counselors: Building math confidence in schools. European Journal of S.T.E.M. Education, 2(2), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.20897/ejsteme.201703 Katete, S. & Nyangarika, A. (2020). Impact of teachers’ delayed salaries and its effects on teaching process in public secondary schools coast region. International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 6(4), 1291-1305. Rodriguez, K. & Walters, J. (2017). The importance of training and development in employee performance and evaluation. Worldwide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 3(10), 206-212. Topor, D. R., Keane, S. P., Shelton, T. L., & Calkins, S. D. (2010). Parent involvement and student academic performance: A multiple mediational analysis. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 38(3), 183–197. https://doi.org/10.1080/10852352.2010.486297Villalba-Heredia, L., Rodríguez, C., Santana, Z., Areces, D., & Méndez-Giménez, A. (2021). Effects of sleep on the academic performance of children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Brain Sciences, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11010097https://www.schoolcounselor.org/getmedia/7428a787-a452-4abb-afec-d78ec77870cd/Mindsets-Behaviors.pdf Coffey,
Approach used:
Existential perspective
Issue in Counseling:
Helping clients deal with anxiety
Many individuals experience anxiety today. ith the help of therapeutic counselors, clients learn how to cope with their anxiety-related issues, in turn allowing them to live a healthy and manageable life. Many counselors choose to use the existential method in counseling clients with anxiety. The existential approach to counseling is an approach to helping clients of all cultures find meaning and harmony in their lives. Counselor's who use this approach focus on the eternal issues of love, loneliness, suffering and death that each of us face daily. It seeks to cultivate our philosophical mindedness in relating to ourselves, others, nature, and our faith. Existential counseling has no planned endpoint but is the beginning of a search for hope, love, and meaning in life. It is applicable to all problems in living, but it is especially appropriate when one's client feels lost in…...
mlaWorks Cited
Carlson, L.A., (2003). Existential theory: Helping school counselors attend to youth at risk for violence. Professional School Counseling, 6 (5), 310.
Epp, L., (1998). The courage to be an existential counselor: an interview of Clemmont E.
Vontress. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 20 (1), 1.
Krueger, M.J. & Hanna, F.J., (1997). Why adoptees search: an existential treatment perspective. Journal of Counseling and Development, 75 (3), 195.
They predict age and gender variations relate to bullying concerns. Of the 25 cartoons implemented in the study, two depict characters with different shades of skin color where skin color appeared to be an issue. One cartoon relating to sexual orientation was not used in several countries. Smith et al. report Olweus to assert bullying to be characterized by the following three criteria:
1. It is aggressive behavior or intentional "harmdoing"
2. which carried out repeatedly and over time
3. In an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power. (Smith et al., 2002, p. 1120)
In their study, Smith et al. (2002), participating researchers in the 14 countries to completed the following
1. Listed and selected bullying terms as well as social exclusion in the applicable language.
2. Used fundamental focus groups with participating children to confirm usage and extensive comprehensive of terms.
3. Using cartoons, sorted tasks to describe ways terms relating to bullying…...
Anti-Bullying programs for schools. (2009). NoBully.com. Retrieved March 3, 2010 from http://www.nobully.com/index.html
Beaty, L.A., & Alexeyev, E.B. (2008). The Problem of School Bullies: What the Research Tells Us. Adolescence, 43(169), 1+. Retrieved March 3, 2010, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5026476147
Beran, T.N., Tutty, L. & Steinrath, G. (2004). An evaluation of a bullying prevention program for elementary schools. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. Vol. 19, Iss. 1/2, p. 99
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This is accomplished by using a number of different tactics in conjunction with each other to include: examining their lifestyle, developing client insights, establishing a strong relationship with the patient and creating a change in behavior. When interacting with children, these views are used to comprehend how: their connections with friends and family members are influencing their desire to be accepted. ("Theories of Counseling," 2010) (, Tice, personal communication, October 25, 2012)
The Freudian approach is looking at how the child is developing base upon their relationship with others and the way they are dealing with the different stages in their lives. These include: studying the unconscious mind, analyzing dreams, examining the effects on the id / ego / superego and psychosexual development. The combination of these factors are designed to provide the therapist with a complete picture of what events are impacting the social, mental and emotional development of…...
School Counseling. (2012). All About Counseling. Retrieved from: http://www.allaboutcounseling.com/library/school-counseling/
School Counselors. (2012). Kids Health. Retrieved from: http://kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/school/school_counselors.html
Theories of Counseling. (2010). UNLV. Retrieved from: http://blogs.education.unlv.edu/csi/files/2010/02/nce-study-guide-theories-and-helping-relationships.pdf
Efford, B. (2012). Assessment for Counselors. Belmont, CA: Brooks / Cole.
This is discussed at length by Fusick and ordeau (2004) "...school-based counselors need to be aware of the disturbing inequities that exist in predominantly Afro-American urban school districts, where nearly 40% of Afro-American students attend school in the United States" (Fusick and ordeau, 2004) This again places emphasis on the need for mental health programs in these areas of concern. This is also related to findings from a study by McDavis et al. (1995) Counseling African-Americans, which refers to research that stresses the "...widening achievement gap between Afro-American and Euro-American students." (McDavis, et al. 1995)
An important study Laura a. Nabors, Evaluation of Outcomes for Adolescents Receiving School-ased Mental Health Services (2002) refers to the particular issue and problems experience at inner-city schools. The author states that, "School mental health (SMH) programs are an important setting for providing mental health services to adolescents, especially urban youth who typically face in-…...
mlaBibliography.aspx www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001042308
Smith, P.B., Buzi, R.S., & Weinman, M.L. (2001). Mental Health Problems and Symptoms among Male Adolescents Attending a Teen Health Clinic. Adolescence, 36(142), 323. Retrieved December 9, 2008, from Questia database: www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001243622http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001042308
Stern, S.B., Smith, C.A., & Jang, S.J. (1999). Urban Families and Adolescent Mental Health. Social Work Research, 23(1), 15. Retrieved December 9, 2008, from Questia database: www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=77001228http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001243622
Sternberg, R.J., & Dennis, M.J. (1997). Elaborating Cognitive Psychology through Linkages to Psychology as a Helping Profession. Teaching of Psychology, 24(3), 246-249. Retrieved December 9, 2008, from Questia database: www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000581383http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=77001228
Stock, M.R., Morse, E.V., Simon, P.M., Zeanah, P.D., Pratt, J.M., & Sterne, S. (1997). Barriers to School-Based Health Care Programs. Health and Social Work, 22(4), 274+. Retrieved December 9, 2008, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000581383
(McGannon, Carey and Dimmitt, 2005)
To address this need in the field of school counseling, the CSCOR has developed the National Panel for School Counseling Evidence-ased Practice, which is composed of school counseling educators and practitioners who have been identified as experts in the field. Panel members are currently evaluating existing methods of evidence-based practice by reviewing the research literature so that they may establish rules of evidence to determine whether a practice can be identified as evidence-based. The panel is identifying rules for judging strong evidence, identifying needed research, and communicating their findings to other practitioners and researchers. (McGannon, Carey, and Dimmitt, 2005)
The work of Jeremy M. Linton entitled: "Perceived Therapeutic Qualities of Counselor Trainees with Disabilities" states that a learning disability (LD) is present when the person's achievement in a specific academic area is significantly below the level expected for age, schooling, and level of intelligence. In general,…...
Carey, John; Dimmitt, Carey McGannon, and Carey, Wendy (2005) the Current Status of School Counseling Outcome Research. School of Education - University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Research Monograph, Number 2, May 2005.
Problem Solving and RTI: New Roles for School Psychologists by Andrea Canter, 2006, February, Communique, 34(5). Available from www.nasponline.org
Linton, Jeremy M. (1999) Perceived Therapeutic Qualities of Counselor Trainees with Disabilities. Journal of Instructional Psychology March 1999.
Elbaum, Batya; and Vaughn, Sharon (2008) Can School-Based Interventions Enhance the Self-Concept of Students with Learning Disabilities? National Center for Learning Disabilities. 2008. online available at http://www.ncld.org/content/view/518/
journey as a public school counselor by receiving my bachelors of science degree in counseling. Then I pursued a master's degree in school counseling. Before I received my license, I had to finish a set number of supervised hours while training and complete a test called the Praxis test. My specialty is school counseling and I am affiliated with the American School Counselor Association. My role as a school counselor within a public school is to assess and identify potential avenues for students interested in going to a good high school. I work with middle school aged children.
I have a good working relationship with clients in the sense that they can communicate effectively with me. I would say building rapport begins with asking open-ended questions and really getting a sense of what the client wants and or their personality. By letting clients speak more in the beginning, it lets…...
What Methods Can Schools in the United States Implement to Prevent Violence in Schools?
Statement of the problem
The recent upswing in high-profile violent incidents in the United States has focused increasing attention on the causes of this public health threat and what types of response are most appropriate. The debate over the most appropriate responses to increased violence in American society has also extended to the nation’s schools. Although it has always been present to some extent, violence has become a major problem in the nation’s schools in recent years (Kelly, 2010; Killam & Roland, 2014). While the potential for enhanced awareness of the problem and improved reporting mechanisms may account for some of the reported increase in school violence in recent years (Blosnich & Bossarte, 2011), the research that follows will clearly show that any level of violence in the schools can be enormously harmful to students and staff alike…...
SCHOOL ADVISORY PROGRAMS: Annotated Bibliography
Van Ryzin, M. (2010). Secondary school advisors as mentors and secondary attachment figures. Journal of Community Psychology, 38(2), 131-154.
his study assessed if students in two tiny secondary schools would actually nominate their advisor as part of their attachment hierarchy. he forty percent which nominated their advisor to be a secondary figure of attachment testified even more involvement in school and showed better gains in terms of adjustment and achievement in than those that did not. In accordance to the author, this particular finding could help in the development and refining of new theories regarding the factors which contribute to the success of mentoring relationships, together with the processes that aid in the growth and development of these relationships.
Johnson, B. (2013.) Linchpins or lost time: Creating effective advisories. Horace, 25 (2-3)
his study tested the theory that secondary school advisories are somewhat insidious around the United States and…...
mlaThis article investigates the effect of a universal social-emotional program of learning, the Fast Track PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) program and teacher consultation, incorporated within the Fast Track selective prevention model. Measures examined educator and peer reports of violence, hyperactive-disruptive conducts, as well as social skills. Starting in the first grade and all through three consecutive years, teachers acquired training and support, and incorporated the PATHS program in their classrooms. The study investigated the major impacts of intervention and ways in which the child's traits and the environment in the school influenced results. The study concluded that properly-implemented multiyear social-emotional programs of learning could actually have important preventive impacts on the population-level aggression rates, social competency, as well as academic involvement in the elementary school years.
10. Durlak, J.A., Weissberg, R.P., Dymnicki, A.B., Taylor, R.D. & Schellinger, K.B. (2011). The impact of enhancing students' social and emotional learning: a meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions. Child Dev. 82(1): 405-32. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2010.01564.x.
This particular article presents results from a meta-analysis of 213 school-based, worldwide social and economic learning (SEL) programs entailing 270,034 kindergartens through high school learners. In comparison to controls, social and economic learning participants illustrated considerably better social and emotional skills, outlooks, manners, as well as academic performance which reflected an eleven percent point gain in success. School teaching personnel successfully carried out SEL programs. The utilization of four suggested practices for developing skills together with the presence of execution issues moderated the outcomes of the program. The findings of this study actually add to the growing experimental evidence-based outcome on the positive impact of social and emotional learning programs. Teachers, policy makers, and the general public are capable of contributing to healthy development of kids by encouraging the integration of evidence-based social and economic learning (SEL) programming into the standard educational practice.
Developmental Psychology: A Comprehensive List of Essay Topics
Cognitive Development
Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development: An Examination of its Stages and Implications
Information Processing in Children: How Age and Experience Shape Cognitive Function
Language Development and the Role of Environment: Exploring the Interplay of Nature and Nurture
Cognitive Biases in Children and Adolescents: The Impact of Cognitive Immaturity on Decision-Making
The Development of Memory in Infancy: How Early Experiences Influence Retrieval and Recognition
Social and Emotional Development
Attachment Theory: Bowlby's and Ainsworth's Perspectives: Implications for Infant-Caregiver Relationships
Socialization and the Development of Prosocial Behavior: How Children Learn to Cooperate and Share
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