Scholarship Essays (Examples)

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A scholarship essay is an essay written to a scholarship-granting agency, supporting why you should receive one of their scholarships.  However, scholarship essays are rarely straightforward explanations of why you are a deserving recipient,

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Example Essays

Scholarship Purpose and Impact of Scholarship Scholarships
Pages: 2 Words: 634

Purpose and Impact of Scholarship

Scholarships are one of the greatest ways of helping children who, by a number of reasons, cannot bear the expenses of education mainly that of college studies. Some students might find it difficult to understand how scholarships can be beneficial from them not only in providing the financial assistance but also for many factors. scholarships for students is a sign that they are doing great in their academics and using this, they are earning their right and a chance to continue the studies further. With scholarships, the student is represented respectfully and during hiring processes, such students stand out brightly. Scholarships also help students to be admitted into selective universities of their own choice since it highlights the academic achievements of the student, which makes university officials want to select the student.

There are a number of scholarships available for students who wish to continue their higher…...

Scholarship I Take My Education
Pages: 2 Words: 761

My past has shown my willingness to maximize the opportunities
presented to me, and this scholarship will give me an opportunity I would
not otherwise be afforded. I have in the past overcome obstacles. In
classes which the subject has not come easily to me I have found extra help
and spent extra time to do well. In particular, there was a math class in
which the concepts seemed like a foreign language. Yet I was able to work
with the teacher and study extra material to not only pass the class, but
pass it to the best of my ability. This shows my willingness to not only
work hard, but to work hard when there is a challenge. I believe anybody
can do well when the subject matter comes easy to them, but the true merit
of one's ability is shown when their back is up against the wall. I
succeed not only in subjects that come easy to me,…...

Scholarship as a Woman and
Pages: 4 Words: 1663

For example, she orchestrated means to create eBay brand awareness throughout the world. She has proven human resources skills because she was hired out of house and has remained at the eBay helm since she started there. Whitman understands market forces and knows how to use them to her advantage and to the advantage of her company. She knows what her shareholders need and how to satisfy them and the numbers prove it. Moreover, Whitman has accomplished all this for eBay while also serving on the Board of Directors for Proctor and Gamble and of Dreamworks.
As a female student of business and economics with a strong interest in information technology, I emulate Meg Whitman. While I may not be named one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people I do hope to influence all the people who I work with as a business owner and manager. Meg Whitman's name…...


References eBay. "Meet the Execs." Retrieved April 22, 2007 at

Scholarship Application a Couple of
Pages: 2 Words: 659

Currently, I major in human resource management. Within the next eight (8) years, I hope to be through with a doctorate in a human resource management or development related field. This will give me an edge as a professional in human resource management and/or development. In my opinion, a doctorate in this field will also provide me with a special understanding of the various global workforce issues. Career wise, within the next twelve (12) years, I see myself as an experienced human resource executive ready to assume any challenging leadership position in workforce development.
Currently, I work as a bank teller. Based on my exceptional performance, I have also been granted a role as an assistant supervisor. In addition to granting me an opportunity to interact with diverse clients, my job as a teller has also helped me understand the internal workings of a large organization. As a human resource…...

Scholarship Being Diagnosed With Any
Pages: 2 Words: 599

A naturally devoted individual, my commitment to my academic course of study and to the health care profession will become further evident in graduate school, where I will meet with esteemed professors, mentors, and specialists who can help me perfect my skills and find a niche within the nursing community. While in graduate school, I intend to take advantage of internship or residency opportunities and to participate in volunteer work and community service activities.
My interest in nursing stems partly from my first-hand encounters with the medical profession and community. On the one hand, teams of caring and qualified professionals have inspired me to step into their footsteps in the service of people in need of attention. On the other hand, inconsistencies, glitches, and weaknesses in the system have urged me to make a difference and apply my knowledge, skills, and experience to activism within the medical community. As a…...

Scholarship Why Should You Receive
Pages: 2 Words: 694

The knowledge and specialized skills thus acquired can serve to achieve my future goals in this field of study, and help me play an important part in society as a competent individual, involving me in matters of actual and practical interest.

I believe that specialized education can thus greatly benefit me in my overall future professional achievements. It will consolidate my knowledge and experience so that these may be applied afterwards during my career.

To this purpose, my interest for my field of studies and my desire to excel as a real professional are coupled with the aspiration to be able to actively contribute in the future to these studies and practices, and perhaps influence further developments.

For the reasons stated above, the grant of a scholarship within the university will allow me the financial support necessary for my personal development as an individual and also make it possible for me to play…...

Scholarship Practice and Leadership One
Pages: 3 Words: 1444

To adequately teach these skills requires little more than a commitment from the teacher or curriculum monitor. It is a matter of framing assignments in the appropriate manner -- instead of simply requiring a: esearch Paper on an Aspect of Costa ica, work in a preliminary annotated bibligoraphy section that requires the appropriate vetting and analysis of the sources; require several types of sources, and explain why. Above all, since the research indivates that the major reasons student's fail to use robust informational resources is time management and self-management (read -- laziness and taking the shortcut), it is important to instruct on how to do research, how not to plagiarize, and what the actual point of primnary and secondary research are to the process of self-actualization and broad knowledge. These same studies show that if students are given relevancy as part of their explanation, they are more likely to…...



Badke, W. (2009, July/August). How We Failed the Net Generation. Retrieved September 7, 2010, from BNet Publications - Technology: 

Bruce, C. (2003, January). Seven Faces of Information Literacy. Retrieved September 9, 2010, from 

Jackson, A. (2009, December 22). GLobal Competence: The Knowledge and Skills Our Students Need. Retrieved September 9, 2010, from Asiasociety, org: 

Russell, P. (2009, May). Why Universities Need Information Literacy Now More than Ever. Feliciter, 55(3), 62-79.

Scholarship Statement Personal Statement Have
Pages: 3 Words: 1045

One fourteen-year-old girl in particular came in and I heard her say that she wasn't talking to her mother. Apparently, she had gone to a tattoo parlor to get a tongue piercing even though her mother had refused to sign the consent form. After the doctor removed the piercing, she refused to talk to anybody and she was obviously very angry at everybody. I spent a few minutes talking to her alone and I showed her some pictures in a medical journal that the doctor gave me.
When I showed her the second picture of a girl with a horribly swollen tongue (and face) in a hospital emergency room, she screamed and shouted "Why are you trying to gross me out?" I showed her the description under the picture which said

"Streptococcal infection caused by oral piercing." After that, she took the whole magazine from me to look at the rest…...

Scholarship Graduate Studies in Life the Experiences
Pages: 2 Words: 633

Scholarship Graduate Studies
In life the experiences that everyone goes through will shape who they are as people. This is because, how we overcome various challenges, will have an influence on what direction we are taking our lives. In my case, I have always had a sense of compassion and caring for other people. This was developed from an early age by working with others and seeing the difference that I could make. Then, once I began to study the life of Florence Nightingale is when I knew that I had to become a nurse.

At first, I started out by receiving my Associates degree in Respiratory Therapy. While this was occurring, I was actively working as a nurse's assistant in the medical field. Once I completed this degree, is when I decided to become a Registered Nurse by receiving my Bachelors.

In the program, I excelled and showed tremendous promise. However, during…...

Scholarship Practice and Leadership in
Pages: 3 Words: 943

Zabel (2004) proposes an alternative solution that does not involve mandatory courses or the separate academic focus on library science as a stand-alone course. Instead, Zabel suggests that academic research requirements in substantive courses be adapted as necessary to ensure an appropriate and beneficial process for teaching research skills and informational literacy but strictly within the framework of substantive courses. The author also points out that it is likely much easier to train professors to emphasize formal research skills in their courses than to train library science professionals to become academic instructors, which she suggests is another element overlooked by Owusu-Ansah (Zabel, 2004).

Acknowledging the Effect of Social Perspective and Cultural Influences:

There are other aspects of modern education that have a natural impact on academic research skills. Specifically, college students are products of their cultures of origin. In the United States, sufficient documentation exists to illustrate the degree to which American…...



Adams, D., Hamm, M. (1994). New Designs for Teaching and Learning: Promoting


Learning in Tomorrow's Schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Lauer, S.R., Yodanis, C.L. "The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP): A

Scholarship and Education
Pages: 2 Words: 736

Scholarship Integration and Effective Care
Boyer's scholarship of integration "seeks to interpret, draw together, and bring new insight to a research study. It includes discovering patterns and making connections between nursing and other disciplines, which brings meaning to the original work. The actions of locating and using evidence-based practice guidelines are within the scholarship scope of integration" (Conrad & Pape, 2014). Conrad & Pape (2014) provide information on the current state of nurse educators, with knowledge that can be applied to a multidisciplinary approach to caring for pediatric asthma clients in a community In contrast, Maurana, Wolff, Beck, & Simpson (2001) review four evidence-based models in order to document and evaluate activities that are both scholarly and applicable to communities. These propose a new model, that can provide insight into the teaching and learning that comes with nursing education. Though it is an older article, it provides historical perspectives on community…...



Conard, P.L., & Pape, T. (2014). Roles and responsibilities of the nursing scholar. Pediatric Nursing, 40(2), 87-90.

Lesovic, S. (2012). Clinical and laboratory findings in adolescents in "Cigotica" programme from 2008 to 2012. Medicinski Glasnik / Medial Gazzette, 17(46), 117-128.

Maurana, C., Wolff, M., Beck, B., & Simpson, D. (2001). Working with our communities: Moving from service to scholarship in the health professions. Education for Health: Change in Learning & Practice, 14(2), 207-220.

National Alliance for Mentally Illness (NAMI). Educational Program information. Retrieved

Scholarship Application -- Personal Contributions
Pages: 2 Words: 693

3 FM. The show was dedicated to the goal of inspiring teenagers to reach for their dreams and not to give up on them even when they encounter obstacles. I also work at a nonprofit organization called Youth Empowerment Solutions (YES!) that is involved in training other nonprofit organizations. Yes! advocates on behalf of youth and helps foster partnerships between youths and the adult volunteers to create positive and meaningful changes in the community. The organization is built partly on the belief that many traditional organizations ignore the important role that younger people can play in volunteer work in achieving beneficial community changes. In my role, I have had the opportunity to help work to change general perceptions about the value of teenagers in the community, and I have been able to help demonstrate what teens can do to help create change when they are given the opportunity and basic…...

Scholarship Application to Meet My
Pages: 1 Words: 352

Great technology and market opportunity are only a few of the factors that determine success. The company must still execute effectively to exploit the opportunity before the competition does or before market dynamics that presented the opportunity change. This is why I believe a great analyst also needs the ability analyze the financial health of a company and the industry it participates in as well as the skills to understand and predict the equities fluctuations in the market.

I've given a great deal of thought not only about what I'd like to do, but also what I need to do to be really good at it. I realize that I need additional financial skills to be an effective IT industry analyst. Thank you for your consideration for the Asian Youth Fellowship scholarship that will help me obtain the financial training I am currently seeking. If received, I promise you that my…...

Scholarship That I May Receive
Pages: 2 Words: 556

I will be more than generous in sharing the extra knowledge I will have received with some of my colleagues and co-workers. Indeed, I don't feel like this is a course just for me, I feel as if this is a course for everybody involved in the company. It is a way by which the company can pay one scholarship, but all the workers I will come in contact with can benefit from it. Sharing my added information will further benefit the company.

This brings us to the last element of the triangle, the positive impact this can and will have on the client. Overall, a better performance of the company will make the client more satisfied, more willing to provide us with new projects, as well as more willing to recommend us to other potential future clients. Previously, I have talked about how my scholarship can increase the overall level…...

Scholarship Review Board I Am Committed to
Pages: 1 Words: 410

Scholarship review board,
I am committed to personal development and greater education for several a reasons. The one that most closely references the theme of this essay, "How does my education affect my family?" is honor. I wish to honor my family for their social, psychological and financial contributions to my life and my education. I would not be where I am today if my family had not come forward voluntarily and taken care of me when my Mother and Father were unable and unwilling to do so.

My grandmother, who is now 78, raised me from infancy when my mother and father abandoned me. With the love and commitment of my grandmother and my uncle and aunt, I have been able to succeed in a nontraditional education, which was supported financially through scholarship and emotionally through perseverance on my part and the support of my family. I have now nearly…...

Can you compare and contrast caring theories?
Words: 450

First, we want to reassure you that being confused about nursing worldviews puts you in some good company.  Many nurse practitioners find that the approach that place worldviews at the beginning of nursing inquiry may actually be hampering the development of nursing scholarship and keeping the profession from evolving as quickly and as efficiently as it should.  In addition, the material can become very confusing because different authors use the words paradigm and worldview interchangeably, though they distinguish them from metaparadigms. 

Broadly stated, an individual’s worldview consists of the beliefs and assumptions that the person uses to interpret....

Could you give me an example of essay background about \"My Future Plan\"? I want to know the composition of essay background. Thank you.
Words: 410

How to approach a future plans essay depends on the exact prompt used in the essay.  So, the first thing that you want to do is to make sure that you understand the question.  The first thing to do is to consider your audience? Are you writing a future plans essay for college admissions, for a scholarship, or as part of the interview process for an internship or job?  You want to make sure and write your essay with your audience in mind; your future plans need to align with the plans that the audience may have....

With reference to relevant theory and recent literature, critically discuss what is understood by the term ‘stress’ and the sources of stress experienced by those involved in sports?
Words: 524

Stress in sport can refer to two distinct things.  It can refer to physical stress and is compared to recovery periods or it can refer to the emotional stressors experienced by athletes in various sports.  Because you referred to the sources of stress experienced by those involved in sport, we are proceeding under the assumption that you are referring to emotional stressors.  We are going to provide an outline to give you an idea of what we might include in the introduction, main body paragraphs, and conclusion of an essay about that topic.

Essay Outline:

I. Introduction


can you help me with research proposal and outline for a college paper on educational reform?
Words: 492

Sure! I can certainly help you with creating a research proposal and outline for your college paper on educational reform. Here is an example of how you can structure your proposal and outline, including proper spacing:

Research Proposal:

Title: Examining the Effectiveness of Educational Reform Initiatives in Enhancing Student Achievement

I. Introduction
A. Background and Context
B. Problem Statement
C. Research Questions
D. Significance of the Study

II. Literature Review
A. Overview of Educational Reform
B. Key Concepts and Theories
C. Previous Studies and Findings

III. Methodology
A. Research Design
B. Data Collection Methods
C. Sample Selection
D. Data Analysis Techniques

IV. Expected Results
A. Hypotheses

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