Scenario Essays (Examples)

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Scenario for the End of the World
Pages: 6 Words: 1704

countless scenarios regarding the end of the world. Every religion and culture have at least one main theory that describes in detail how the end of time will occur. There are numerous books, articles and web sites that predict the approaching signs that foretell the end times.
The Christian faith is one such religion that is based on the day of judgement. There are dozens of references in the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible that concern the end of the world. It is called by many phrases such as the "Day of the Lord," "the Day of the Son," "The Last Day," "The Day of the Son of Man," or the "Second Coming" (Existence pp). For Christians this means that Christ will return to gather the just and annihilate the evil, and to found a glorious kingdom on earth filled with the highest spiritual and material…...


Work Cited

"Seriously ... grey goo-lash." New Internationalist; 8/1/2004; Pp.

Buel, Meredith. "Christians: End of the World at Armageddon."

Israel Faxx; 12/31/1999; Pp.

Rainwater, Catherine. "Letter Bomb: Nuclear Holocaust and the Exploding

Engineers Work Related Friction Scenario Scenario Eight
Pages: 4 Words: 1303

ork Related Friction Scenario


Scenario: eight male engineers and their supervisor Pet have worked in a production and distributing company for fifteen years; they have worked together steadily and have developed social relationships among themselves. Joy a female engineer and a fresh graduate with a master's degree from one of the best engineering school in the country has been hired to join the team due increase in workload.

Joy is enthusiastic and diligent with her work, she doesn't socialize so much with her team because she believe that they are; slow, too social, rip-off of the company and goldbricking and setting a work pace that is much less than they're capable of and also Joy believes that the team don't look at her as an engineer but as a woman who has broken the men's professional barrier.

The team turns her down whenever she offer to help because they believe that; she irritates…...


Works Cited

Eagly, A.C. (2010). Diversity and leadership in a changing world. American Psychologist, 216-224.

McClelland, D. (165). Toward a theory of motive acquisition. American Psychologist, 321-333.

Business Construction Scenario Business Entities Vary From
Pages: 4 Words: 1398

Business Construction Scenario
Business entities vary from countries to countries since the formation of a business is controlled by the various legal systems instituted in those countries. There are many types of business entities, and this is where we find the likes of sole-proprietorship, partnership, cooperatives, corporations and limited liability Company among others (Waddell, 2008). A business may be categorized in any of these entities just by the composition of its members.

Business Scenario

From the business scenario, where Jose and Lou wants to open a sports bar and restaurant, but they don't have enough capital to start up the business; therefore, they need to partner with Miriam who will be able to finance them but will be playing minimal role in its management. This situation will lead them to forming a partnership type of business entity with her.

Through partnership, all their mutual interest will be covered; Jose and Lou will have the…...



Ostrowski, S. (2010). Choosing an entity (Vol. 21, pp. 80-80): Smart Business Network, Inc.

Waddell, W.R., & Handford, L.A. (2008). Business entities: Thomson/West.

Williams, S., Heery, E., & Abbott, B. (2011). The emerging regime of civil regulation in work and employment relations. Human Relations, 64(7), 951-970. doi: 10.1177/0018726710391687

Economics Scenario in the First Phase the
Pages: 6 Words: 1762


In the first phase, the price of coffee increased and thus lured producers into the market. This caused the supply to move up the curve. The increased supply caused the demand to decrease and thus caused the overproduction. The mechanism is shown below graphically.

The graph shows the coffee market at an equilibrium price of 3.25. The increase in price caused the supply to rise and the demand to fall. This lead to an over production of Q3-Q2.

As the demand was unchanged, an overproduction occurred and the price began to come down. The suppliers began to cut down the supply and the price became lower than the equilibrium price. During all this confusion, coffee houses began to open up in the areas of high income earners and they started charging a premium for coffee. This brought the market to equilibrium but new firms had started entering the market. These firms enjoyed…...



Agosin, M., and Mayer, R. (2000). World Investment Report. [report] Geneva: UNCTAD, pp.1-14.

Lipsey, R., and Harbury, C. (1992). First principles of economics. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

Parker, J. (2010). Economics 314 Coursebook. [e-book] pp.1-22. .

Sloman, J. (2006). Economics. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Bradley and Susan Domestic Violence Crisis Scenario
Pages: 4 Words: 1417

Crisis Management: Hostage Scenario
The primary issue determining whether or not a crisis situation is a hostage scenario is whether human lives are at stake (McMains & Mullins, 2010, p.12). Bradley has taken a total of 11 hostages: his wife Susan, her professor whom Bradley believes is her lover, and nine other students. Bradley has not made an explicit threat to their lives, but he has weapons with him, is not allowing the hostages to leave, and is clearly in a highly emotional state. While it is a hostage scenario, it is not what one considers a true hostage scenario. In those scenarios, the hostage has no value to the hostage taker (McMains & Mullins, 2010, p.13). Susan is Bradley's wife; therefore, she has value to him. Moreover, the professor has some value to Bradley; as Susan's suspected lover, he is not interchangeable with other hostages. Therefore, this scenario qualifies as…...



McMains, M.J. & Mullins, W.C. (2010). Crisis negotiations (4th ed). New Providence, NJ:


Case Scenario Ethics
Pages: 3 Words: 1030

State egulations and Nursing Standards

There's a clear nursing standard of practice that needs to be upheld in this case which is the act of following federal laws, largely the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA). Passed by Congress in 1990, "the law mandates that in healthcare institutions that receive Medicare or Medicaid funding, patients must be informed in writing upon the admission of 1) their right to accept or refuse treatment, (2) their rights under existing state laws regarding advance directives, and (3) any policies the institution has regarding the with-holding or withdrawing of life sustaining treatments (Ulrich, 1999, p.9).

Thus, the implications as a result of the Patient Self-Determination Act are clear: Patients have the autonomy and independence to steer the direction their care takes if any at all. Medical professionals have an ethical, though more importantly a legal responsibility and requirement to obey the wishes of the patient. Mr. E's advanced…...



ANA. (2001). Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements. Silver Spring: American Nurses Association.

Mitty, E.R. (2008, March). Advanced Directive. Retrieved from

Executive Management Anticipated Scenarios
Pages: 7 Words: 1872

Their efforts would be focused around increasing customers' satisfaction by presenting them with high quality products and services.
The budget adherent for the years 2007 to 2011 would revolve around the following numbers:


Gross Profit

Operating Profit

Net Income

New Lifestyle Stores

Table 2: Estimate budget for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011, in billions of dollars.

Also, with the larger number of opened stores, Safeway would create more jobs within the United States, as such lowering the unemployment rate. Their actions would be the promise of a suitable and pleasant workplace, in a dynamic environment that embraces team spirit, competition and diversity, all based on fair and non-discriminatory policies.

In addition, Safeway would become increasingly involved in social actions, such as the fight against breast cancer. They would also become actively implicated in the fight against chemically enriched and harmful nutriments. They would implement a promotional campaign regarding their O. ORGANICS product line that would emphasize…...



Safeway 2006 Fact Book, Retrieved from Safeway Web site:   on October 10, 2007 ,

2006 Safeway Annual Report, Retrieved from Safeway Web site: on October 10, 2007,

Safeway Inc., New York Stock Exchange, October 10, 2007,   last accessed on October 10, 2007 ,

Luisa Kroll and Allison Fass, the World's Billionaires, Forbes Magazine, September 3, 2007,   last accessed on October 10, 2007 ,

Ethical Scenarios in Modern Policing
Pages: 2 Words: 586

If he responds inappropriately, I would politely leave the party and advise my friend never to include me in any social plans that could possibly expose me to similar situations.
Scenario 2- Accepting a Gift:

Chances are there is no actual moral problem since the gift is most likely a genuine expression of gratitude and appreciation in circumstances where there is no obvious ulterior motive on the part of the merchant or potential for a conflict of interest. Such an ethical dilemma would exist where the officer involved had some enforcement responsibility that conflicted with the interests of the merchant (such as parking enforcement responsibility on the street in front of his business).

Even though that criterion of identifying genuine ethical dilemmas is not satisfied, this scenario also raises the issue of avoiding the mere appearance of impropriety and/or of avoiding potentially confusing situations capable of leading to the slippery slope. Therefore,…...

Sterling Computers Scenario Abstract- When
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Key Facts -- In this case there are really three key facts: 1) Sterling contracted with NoBugs to perform according to a specific set of instructions, which was expected and happened over the course of years. 2) NoBugs failed to meet specifications caused by a slight miscalibration of their equipment. 3) This miscalibration cased a previously hidden flaw to occur in Sterling's system.

Analysis - While NoBugs did replace all the chips that caused the Sterling computers to explode, there was still about $20 in damage. Arbitration or Litigation could be initiated against NoBugs, and there would be a strong case for breach of contract. In essence, it does not matter that the miscalibrated chip caused a previously unrelated engineering defect to mis-perform, had the chips been correctly calibrated, the flaw would not have occurred. There is clearly a breach since NoBugs failed to provide an agreed upon product that, in…...

Legal Problems Case Scenario One
Pages: 5 Words: 1406

Under the provisions, a whistle blower is any employee or exterior auditor.
Under the law, the whistle blower must first report the information to a superior officer. Here, the information was initially reported to the head of department, but was ignored. The law then enables whistle blowers to release unclassified information to the press to draw attention to the issue. This step was followed.

When proper protocol is followed, the DoD is precluded from acting in reprisal for the reporting. An act of reprisal is any negative action taken against the employee. Here, the employee was dismissed from their position, thus there was an act of reprisal taken.

Case Scenario Five

Commercial speech is defined as speech done on behalf of a company or person for the intent of making a profit. Speech that is considered commercial speech is granted less Constitutional protection and can be limited when the dissemination of such speech…...


New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 84 S. Ct. 710, 11 L. Ed. 2d 686 (1964)

Time, Inc. v. Firestone, 424 U.S. 448, 96 S. Ct. 958, 47 L. Ed. 2d 154 (1976)

Valentine v. Chrestensen, 316 U.S. 52 (1942)

Scenario and Implications Drug Interaction
Pages: 4 Words: 1307

Drug Interaction ScenarioDrug interactions involve pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics interactions. Pharmacokinetics occurs when a drug interacts with another drug at the level of absorption, metabolism, or even excretion. A clinical application applies the effective and safe management of drugs therapeutically. The relationship between drug concentrations and how they respond pharmacologically has helped in applying pharmacokinetic principles in situations of actual patients. On the other hand, pharmacodynamics gives the relationship between the concentration of drugs at the site of action and the effects like the intensity of therapeutic, time course, and the adverse effects. The binding of drugs with the receptors determines the influence of drugs at the site of action. In most drugs, the intensity of the impact of the drugs is determined by the concentration at the receptor site.In this assignment, the drug interaction scenario is between Febuxostat and Azathioprine since each drug interaction pair will have a scenario associated…...


References Gerriets, V., & Jialal, I. (2021). Febuxostat. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.   A., & Gresser, U. (2018). Side effects and interactions of the xanthine oxidase inhibitor febuxostat. Pharmaceuticals, 11(2), 51., J. K., Wickramaratne Senarath Yapa, S., Harinstein, L., Saluja, B., Muñoz, M., Sahajwalla, C., Neuner, R., & Seymour, S. (2020). Drug Interaction Between Febuxostat and Thiopurine Antimetabolites: A Review of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System and Medical Literature. Pharmacotherapy, 40(2), 125–132., O., & Kassim, T. A. (2021). Azathioprine. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. Jordan,

Industrial Organization Psychology Scenario The
Pages: 8 Words: 2132

" (Ivin, 2005)
The notion of utilizing sevant leadeship to enhance team wokgoups to pefom such as in the case study scenaio is a contempoay viewpoint with empiical evidence to show thee is effectiveness in implementing this fom of leadeship within the oganizational development famewok.

Poblem solving within the oganizational hieachy is often elegated to job specific activity to which one may o may not actual solve the poblem inheently active in thei domain. Often, poblem solving becomes a function of the goup think to which individual identities in the poblem solving pocess ae meged into a collective membane fo joint analysis. The use of motivational methods (Dubin, 2004) to incease the motivation to poblem solve has yielded meitocatic oganizations that focus on delivey of pefomance above all othe vaiables.

Additionally, the use of meta-communication (Dubin, 2004) evolves aound impoving oganizational communication such as teamwok communication and infomal netwok communication. Indiectly howeve meta-communication…...


references. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 75(09631798), 315-315-337. Retrieved from

Irving, J.A. (2005). Servant leadership and the effectiveness of teams. Regent University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Retrieved from 

Moliver, N. (2010). Psychological wellness, physical wellness, and subjective vitality in long-term yoginis over 45.Northcentral University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Retrieved from

Petison, P. (2010). Intercultural communication and relationship marketing: A conceptual perspective. The Business Review, Cambridge, 16(2), 127-127-133. Retrieved from

Patient Guide to the Worldwide Web Scenario
Pages: 3 Words: 898

Patient Guide to the Worldwide Web

Mr. Atkins, 64, arrives at the hospital with his wife complaining that he has not had a bowel movement in over a week, and that he has significant pain in his abdomen. Mr. Atkins has an MI which shows a significant blockage in his colon. Surgery is suggested and when this is completed Mr. Atkins is told that he has colon cancer and a mass was removed from his colon along with eight inches of the diseased organ. It is then relayed that the cancer has also metastasized to his liver. The Atkins are farmers who have very little to do with computers other than checking weather reports. They both want to learn about the diagnosis and what can be done, but with their limited knowledge of the internet ask a nurse for help.

The patient is very motivated to learn how to use the internet…...



Johns Hopkins. (n.d.). Colorectal cancer that has spread to the liver. Retrieved from   umors/colorectal_liver_metastases.html 

Joy, K. (n. d.). Liver metastasis from colon cancer treatments. Retrieved from treatments.html

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). (2006). Evaluating web-based health resources. Retrieved from

Administrative Scenario
Pages: 2 Words: 652

Administrative Scenario
hich activities in the planning process adhered to the functions of Standard 1?

The vision for how the new changes and policies would work came as a result of "collaboration" between a group of teachers, administrators and students and a group composed of community leaders, parents, government, religious leaders and business professionals. The development of the mission statement -- and the listing of core values -- assured that attention was being paid to make sure every student had a chance for success. In the list of core values letter "f" points to the need for the school district to embrace diversity (i.e., "every student" must have a chance). The letter "c" in the five goals (staff effectiveness is enhanced when teachers receive training -- "professional development programs" -- that is "tailored to the needs of teachers") certainly adheres to Standard 1.

Setting up the school councils -- that established specific goals…...


Works Cited

Scenario 15. The Strategic Planning Process. Standard 1. Retrieved January 15, 2014.

Decision Making Decision-Making Scenario Anderson Children's Hospital
Pages: 4 Words: 1171

Decision Making


Anderson Children's Hospital (ACH) is an internationally known and recognized pediatric hospital that provides the full range of services from primary to critical care units, located in San Francisco, CA with affiliated care centers throughout the Bay Area. The board of directors at ACH would like to create a mobile-crisis program to be piloted in the City of San Francisco and eventually grow to service the entire Bay Area. The following sections present the process through which the Board of Directors is trying to navigate towards its final decision.

Core question

At the core of the following proposal is this 2-part question: Should ACH create a mobile crisis program to be piloted in the City of San Francisco for (up to) one year with the intent of expanding its funding, personnel, and service area over the next 3-5 years throughout the entire Bay Area and if so, what does the process…...



Liese, Friedrich and Miescke, Klaus-J. (2008). Statistical Decision Theory: Estimation, Testing, and Selection. Springer.

Bernardo, JE & Smith, Adrian (2000). Bayesian theory. New York: Wiley.

Ahrens, J., & Dieter, U. (1982). Computer Generation of Poisson Deviates. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 8 (2): 163 -- 179.

What is the punishment reinforcer for not drinking water? How do I use Chart/graph to compare baseline and program data?
Words: 315

We can explain the concept of what punishment is and how it could be tied to not drinking water, as well as explain how you could chart or graph results with a study group that was not drinking water and a control group that was consuming the recommended amount of water.   Unfortunately, you omitted some of the information we would need to write an answer specifically addressing the experiment you appear to be referencing.  


Explain three types of therapy interventions used by Gestalt therapist. Provide an example to demonstrate how each of the intervention is used in the counselling session?
Words: 340

Gestalt therapy is rooted in the idea that all people experience things subjectively.  In other words, not only are people not objective about their experiences, but people are not supposed to be objective about their experiences.  Furthermore, even therapists cannot be objective about experiences, as their own context and background influence how they approach scenarios. Therefore, instead of substituting their judgment about a clients’ experiences, therapists are called to accept that their clients are relaying the truth, or at least the client’s subjective truth, about their own experiences.

Because of this approach, Gestalt therapy is not as strictly....

Writing a essay on the following prompt: As medical assistant discuss how you would handle a patient that is a chronic canceler and comes to office irritated and doesn\'t have an appointment scheduled how would you handle it?
Words: 501

My honest answer to this question is that, as a medical assistant, it is highly unlikely that I would be establishing the practice’s policy in terms of cancellations and patients who show up without appointments.  Generally, the doctor(s) and the office manager establish those policies and the appropriate policies may vary tremendously depending on the type of practice, the demands of the practice, patient utilization, current prevailing conditions (for example, the COVID-19 pandemic could change how a practice approaches drop-in patients), and the patient’s own medical history.  As a medical assistant, I would follow the policies and....

Based on evaluation, provide explanation of implications for social change?
Words: 315

Without knowing what two scenarios you selected, we cannot help you specifically evaluate the sample size, evaluate the statements for meaningfulness, critically evaluate the statements for statistical significance, or provide an explanation of the implications for social change.  We can, however, provide information to you about how you can make those evaluations.

Understanding how statistics work, especially in the context of science and social science research, is very important.  That is because you can have studies that seemingly show the same results, but actually contain very different information.  One important component of any type of statistic presented is....

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