Same Sex Marriage Essays (Examples)

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Same Sex Marriage
Pages: 12 Words: 3387

Same Sex Marriage

Gender Gap




The study conducted is a research on the topic of "Same Sex Marriages." The study aims to identify the key variables in the context of same sex marriages. The research will find out that the variables that are leading to different opinions on this topic. There are three hypotheses in the research will be proved through the data collected and analyzed.

The issue of same sex marriage has emerged in the past few decades and has different perspectives which have resulted in a number of changes in the legislations and changes in the marriage laws. These changes have varied from country to country and state to state. The same sex marriage is a matter of civil rights, social rights, moral rights, equality, and human rights. There have been numerous debates on the issue of same sex marriage and the opinions are divided. 11 countries have legalized same sex…...



Abraham, J. (2010) Public Relations: Why the Rush to Same-Sex Marriage? And Who Stands to Benefit? The Women's Review of Books, 17 (8): 12 -- 14.

Adam, K. (2009) "Survey -- Generations at Odds: The Millennial Generation and the Future of Gay and Lesbian Rights." Public Religion Research Institute.

Hasin, D. (2010) "Lesbian, gay, bisexual individuals risk psychiatric disorders from discriminatory policies." Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

Harry, K. (2010) Data Points: Support for Legal Same-Sex Marriage. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 70, 200-225

Same Sex Marriage
Pages: 4 Words: 1189

Same Sex Marriage

Marriage is seen as a sacred institution which lays down specific responsibilities on the man and the woman concerned. It puts man under the responsibility of providing bread to the family and the woman to take care of the household, raise the children and nurture them. Further a woman's role since history has been to mold the character of the child and like Freud suggests that parents should ensure to only spend quality time with their children. The "Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998" defines a child for whose 'long-term welfare both parties have parental responsibility.' This clearly expresses the notion that both a father and a mother have responsibilities when they have children and not one can excuse their self from this. Christopher explains in his article that children in America today spend less time with their families and the…...

Same Sex Marriage
Pages: 5 Words: 1331

Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized
The issue of legalizing same-sex marriages has been the subject of major debate for several years, and was recently brought to the forefront during this past election year. Aside from public support, there are many in the academic world, such as scholars, lawmakers, and commentators who believe that legal status and benefits of marriage should be extended to unions other than traditional marriages (ardle Pp). There is actually no logical reason why unions of same-sex couples should not be granted.

Throughout the election campaign, President Bush courted conservatives by promising to push for a constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriages, and now that he has been re-elected, it is believed that he will definitely push for the amendment (Munro Pp). Karl Rove, senior adviser, said, "ithout the protection of that amendment, we are at the mercy of activist federal judges or activist state judges who…...


Work Cited

Wardle, Lynn D. "Multiply and replenish': considering same-sex marriage in light of state interests in marital procreation." Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy; 6/22/2001; Pp.

Munro, Neil. "Keeping the Pressure On." National Journal; 11/13/2004; Pp.

Gomes, Charlene. "The need for full recognition of same-sex marriage."

The Humanist; 9/1/2003; Pp.

Same Sex Marriage
Pages: 5 Words: 1502

Same Sex Marriage
Marriage is a socially sanctioned union that is, in most societies, generally guided by rule of exogamy, the obligation to marry outside a group (Marriage pp). However, some societies follow the rules of endogamy, the obligation to marry within a group (Marriage pp). Groups are generally defined as kinship such as clan or lineage, residential groups, and social groups such as ethnic, caste or class (Marriage pp). Although marriage is usually heterosexual and entails the rights and duties of sexual performance, there are exceptions, such as Nayar women of India who marry men of a superior caste, then take on numerous lovers and bear legitimate children (Marriage pp). And among the Dhomey of est Africa, a woman marries another woman, one becomes the legal father of the children of the second who has children by men (Marriage pp).

In other societies, an adult man marries the young or even…...


Work Cited

Hohengarten, William M. "Same-sex marriage and the right of privacy."

Yale Law Journal; 4/1/1994; pp.

Lee, Gretchen. "Looking up at American." Curve; 11/1/1999; pp.

Bastien, Richard. "Same-sex marriage and the culture war."

Same-Sex Marriage Constitution Same-Sex Marriage and the
Pages: 4 Words: 1409

Same-Sex Marriage Constitution
Same-Sex Marriage and the Constitution

In May of 2009 two same-sex couples filed suit to stop the implementation of California's Prop 8, which defined marriage as between one man and a woman and effectively made marriage between those of the same-sex illegal. While this case has been played out in the courts for three years, the Supreme court of the United States has recently heard oral arguments regarding this case and will soon make a decision as to the constitutionality of California's Prop 8 law. (Mears) But the issue of same-sex marriage is currently at stake in a number of states and the decision made by the court could have an effect that reaches far beyond the borders of California. Many different states have differing versions of laws which allow for the legal recognition of same-sex couples, ranging from civil unions to outright recognition of marriage. While at the…...



Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967). Retrieved from 

Mears, Bill. (n.d.). "Big Cases Await Supreme Court's 2012-13 Term."

Retrieved from 

U.S. Constitution. Legal Information Institute: Cornell University Law School.

Same Sex Marriage the United
Pages: 6 Words: 1900

That is simply not the case, and there is overwhelming evidence to support that this is not the case, and that even the original premise does not pass muster.

Same sex marriage should be legalized in the United States, at the federal level. The United States is a nation that is designed on the supremacy of personal freedom, and the current laws restrict personal freedom for nobody's gain but to the detriment of a significant portion of the population. Moreover, the moral case against same sex marriage holds no water. The morals of a country are defined by its citizens, and in the United States the majority of the people support same sex marriage. Further, there are no negative consequences -- aside from childish hurt feelings -- to anybody if same sex marriage is legalized.

The ethical case for same sex marriage is also sound. Deontology focuses on the imperative to…...


Works Cited:

Alexander, L. & Moore, M. (2012). Deontological ethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved April 14, 2013 from 

Canfield, C. (2013). Anti-gay-marriage group argues case in Maine. San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved April 14, 2013 from 

Murray, M. (2013). 53% support gay marriage. NBC News. Retrieved April 14, 2013 from 

Sinnott-Armstrong, W. (2011). Consequentialism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved April 14, 2013 from

Same Sex Marriage Is America's Next Great Civil Rights Struggle
Pages: 10 Words: 2985

Same Sex Marriage
For many years now, the issue of same sex marriage has been prominent all over the United States. It has been either present in lawsuits, competing in legislation, or ballot initiatives in order to legalize in all the states. It is seen that about seventy percent of the people are not in favor of gay marriage. The right to marry someone regardless of their age, sex, or ethnicity is a human right. It should be noted that these rights should not be influenced by someone else's feelings, religion or decisions. The Supreme Court ruling that took down parts of the Defense of Marriage act led to a lot of protests and activity by people in favor gay marriage. egardless, it is true that same sex marriage is most definitely a civil right and people should fight for it to be accepted as one.

In order to initiate the discussion,…...



Adam, B. (1995). The rise of a gay and lesbian movement. New York: Twayne Publishers.

Bello, M. (2013). Emboldened, gay marriage activists eye 50 states. [online] Retrieved from:   / [Accessed: 2 Nov 2013]. 

Evans, G. And Sahnoun, M. (2001). The responsibility to protect. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre.

Mohr, R. (1994). A More Perfect Union. Boston.

Same Sex Marriage the Primary
Pages: 4 Words: 1300

Overall, the locus of this argument comes to a major point -- would Jesus discriminate? (Would Jesus Discriminate, 2010;
eligious opposition to same-sex marriage claim that the purpose of marriage is only valid for a man and a woman. oman Catholic dogma, for instance, says that same-sex relationships cannot be considered marriage because by definition, the term revolves around the spiritual and physical uniting of members of the opposite sex. Others view same-gender sexuality activity as being immoral, contrary to God's will, and subverting God's creative intent for procreation of the species. These views also hold that same-sex marriage would legitimize and normalize homosexuality instead of encouraging heterosexuality as the only viable sexual union appropriate in the sight of God (a Biblical Perspective, 2008).

Some of the opposition to same-sex marriage comes from an interpretation of scripture, for instance:

Genesis 19:4-11 -- "They called to Lot, 'Where are the men who came…...



A Biblical Perspective on Same-Sex "Marriage" and Civil Unions. (January 2008). The Association of Politically Active Christians. Retrieved from: 

The Divine Institution of Marriage. (August 2008). The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. Retrieved from:   / eng/commentary/the-divine-institution-of-marriage 

Would Jesus Discriminate? (2010). Metropolitan Community Church. Retrieved from: 

Glassman, a. (July 15, 2005). Pro-Gay Marriage Amendment Focuses on Religious Freedom. Retrieved from:

Same-Sex Marriage Speech Specific Purpose
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Even though some have suggested that the legalization is inevitable, I suggest that you and I together still have a chance to make a difference and to prevent this horrible turn of events from destroying our future and the future of our beloved children.
Three main points:

Same-Sex Marriage is Not Condoned by the Bible.

There is absolutely no place in the Christian Bible that same-sex marriage is condoned. As a Christian nation, we must abide closely by the words of the bible when determining our laws and moral values. Not only does the Bible not condone same-sex marriage, it specifically condemns the relationships on which such marriages would be based. Homosexuality is an abomination. This is not a simple phrase thrown around by protestors. The Bible specifically tells us that homosexuality is an abomination in Leviticus: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." (Leviticus 18:22). If…...

Same Sex Marriage the Topic
Pages: 2 Words: 679

Proponents counter this argument with statistics showing that many marriages end in divorce, that the core nature of society is independent of marriage, and that the issue of civil rights requires rethinking marriage since the prerequisite of having children has diminished over time.
Thus, the validity of the study is focused less on the institution itself, and more on the very basic nature of how we view individual civil rights. If we have laws that prevent ethic and gender bias, then how can we prevent a civil union? If religion and state are separate, how can the government dictate Church policy? If we acknowledge that a family unit can be many things, and that marriage is also about a commitment before society and legal protection for partners, then how can we be a democratic nation and deny basic human rights?

Preliminary ources:

Differing Definitions of Marriage and Family. (2008). Focus on the…...


Sullivan, a. (2009). Same Sex Marriage in History. eNotAlone. Retrieved from: 

Westermark, E. (1921). History of Human Marriage. Retrieved from:   / books?id=ShU3N7_GaMYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=the#v=onepage&q=&f=false 

Same Sex Marriage the Challenge
Pages: 7 Words: 2949

The wrong are dammed to hell and the argument shuts down. These clear lines in the sand ignore the nuanced nature of human sexuality and the freedom of choice given to all persons.
Additionally, despite of the many attempts to cure persons of their homosexual orientation there has been little proven success. The question concerning sexual orientation is one that requires attention because it is the basis of many ill formed positions. If sexual orientation is a choice then the moral argument can be made more easily. However, if it is not a choice that the person makes then their sexual orientation is natural to them and should be viewed in that light. So that SSM are only immoral if the parties actually have a choice in the matter.

The threat posed by SSM to opposite sex marriages is another point of contention. The argument posits that if marriage is the…...



Eskridge, W.N. (1993). A history of same-sex marriage. Virginia Law Review 79(7):1419-1513.

Keane, T.M. (1995). Aloha, marriage? Constitutional and choice of law arguments for recognition of same-sex marriages. Stanford Law Review 47(3): 499-532.

Meezan, W. & Rauch, J. (2005) Gay marriage, same-sex parenting, and America's children. The Future of Children 15(2): 97-115.

Patterson, Charlotte J. (1992). Children of lesbian and gay parents. Child Development 63(5):

Same-Sex Marriage - Equal Protection
Pages: 20 Words: 6291

..In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word 'marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word 'spouse' refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or wife." (Smith, 2004; p.5) Smith relates that a federal bankruptcy court in the Western District of Washington found DOMA to be constitutional and that no constitutional rights exists for the individual to marry someone of the same sex and as well that DOMA does not violate the Fourth, Fifth or Tenth amendments, not the principles of comity. (in re Lee Kandu and Ann C. Kandu, No. 03-51312 - Western District of Washington, Aug 17, 2004; as cited in Smith, 2004; p.5)
There are potential constitutional challenges to DOMA, which…...



Smith, Alison M. (2004) Same-Sex Marriages: Legal Issues - CRS Report for Congress RL31994. 24 Sept. 2004. Online available at 

Somerville, Margaret (2003) the Case Against 'Same-Sex Marriage' Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights 29 Apr 2003. Online available at 

Support of Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Civil Marriage (2005) American Psychological Association (APA) Position Statement, 2005 May. Online available at .

Same-Sex Marriage in Washington (2006) Washington State Bar Association. Media Backgrounder #1. Online available at

Same-Sex Marriage An Idea Whose
Pages: 6 Words: 2289

But those sections can no longer be used, as they were by the California Supreme Court, to provide gay couples with the liberty and privacy rights of equal access to civil marriage," as the Court did previously (Feldblum 2009).
Despite the presence of Bishop Robinson at the inaugural, President Obama himself has been admittedly less stalwart in his support of gay marriage: in response to a "1996 Outlines newspaper question on marriage" Obama said "I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages…There was no use of the phrase civil unions" as he advocates today, as a replacement for gay marriage (Linkins 2009). Obama has had to tread a careful line, given that many Catholic, blue-collar workers and Latino voters are often social conservatives -- these voters are often 'swing' votes for Democrats. All were his most difficult constituencies to win during the election, and he…...


Works Cited

The battle over inter-racial marriage in the United States (2009). Religious Tolerance. Retrieved June 6, 2009 at 

Boston, Rob. (2009). Freedom for me but not for thee: Marriage and Mormons in California. The Humanist, 69(1), 35-36. Retrieved June 6, 2009, from ProQuest

Religion database. (Document ID: 1622272771).

Couples who are/were not permitted to marry. (2009). Religious Tolerance. Retrieved June 6,

Same-Sex Marriage in Canada Same-Sex
Pages: 6 Words: 2228

Some in the gay community itself offer arguments against same-sex marriage. Paula L. Ettelbrick offers a different view from within the gay community as she sees no reason for gays to pursue an institution that denies liberation rather than conferring it:

Steeped in a patriarchal system that looks to ownership, property, and dominance of men over women as its basis, the institutions of marriage has long been the focus of radical-feminist revulsion. Lesbian and gay relationships, being neither legally sanctioned nor commingled by blood, are always at the bottom of the heap of social acceptance and importance. (Ettelbrick 20)

For Ettelbrick, same-sex marriage is only a capitulation to this view and a demeaning attempt to prove the value of homosexuality. At the same time, she says that she does not deny the value of domestic-partnership ordinances because such laws can make gays more equal with straights, though their value can always be…...


Works Cited

Callahan, Sidney. "Why I Changed My Mind." Commonweal (22 April 1994), 7-9.

Coren, Michael. " Michael Coren on Canada's Biggest Mistake: Gay Marriage." National Post (15 April 2008). December 8, 2008.

Ettelbrick, Paula L. "Since When Is Marriage a Path to Liberation?" In Lesbian and Gay Marriage, Suzanne Sherman (ed.). Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992, 20-26.

Federal Parliamentary Commission and Discussion Paper." (20 June 2008). December 8, 2008. .

Same-Sex Marriage in Sociological Context
Pages: 4 Words: 1081

Married couples have statutory rights to represent one another's financial and other confidential interests and they have mutual decision-making rights in circumstances where either individual becomes incapable of making important decisions. By contrast, non-married pair-bonded couples do not acquire those statutory rights and protections.
From the Conflict Theory sociological perspective, the current controversy surrounding same-sex marriage would emphasize the distinction between groups promoting same-sex marriage rights and groups opposed to those rights who promote the so-called "traditional" view of marriage in society. In sociological terms corresponding to conflict principles, same-sex marriage advocates (consisting substantially of individuals who would be directly benefited by its recognition) would be considered a subordinate group; those espousing the limitation of marital rights to traditional marriages would be considered the dominant group. According to that macro-sociological framework, the resources at issue would consist of the valuable (economic and non-economic) benefits of the formal status of marriage.




Bennett, William J. "Gay Marriage: Not a Very Good Idea." The Washington Post (May

21, 1996). Accessed 16 May 2012 from: 

Henslin, James M. (2008). Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. Boston:

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Same Sex Marriage?
Words: 215

1. The history of same-sex marriage rights in the United States
2. The impact of legalizing same-sex marriage on society
3. The intersection of religion and same-sex marriage
4. The psychological effects of discrimination against same-sex couples
5. The role of media in shaping public perception of same-sex marriage
6. The economic benefits of legalizing same-sex marriage
7. The challenges faced by same-sex couples when starting a family
8. The global perspective on same-sex marriage rights
9. The impact of same-sex marriage on traditional concepts of marriage
10. The ongoing fight for equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community in relation....

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Same Sex Marriage?
Words: 349

Topic Ideas for Essays on Same-Sex Marriage

Historical and Legal Aspects

The Evolution of Marriage Law and the Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships
The Impact of Obergefell v. Hodges and Subsequent Legal Precedents on Same-Sex Marriage
The Role of Judicial Activism in Same-Sex Marriage Jurisprudence
Comparative Analysis of Same-Sex Marriage Laws in Different Countries

Social and Cultural Impacts

The Transformation of Family Structures and Kinship Relations
The Impact of Same-Sex Marriage on Children and Their Well-being
The Role of Religion in Shaping Public Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage
The LGBTQ+ Rights Movement and Its Advocacy for Marriage Equality

Political and Economic Considerations

The Influence of....

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