Salvation Essays (Examples)

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Salvation in Hindu and Islamic
Pages: 3 Words: 1078

However, the Wahhabis subscribe to the view that Muslims should be complete
(kaffah) because Islam encompasses all aspects of life and a totally Islamic outlook is required. They advocate the establishment of an Islamic state, the implementation of sharia law and the imposition of state-sponsored codes of dress and public behaviour"(Desker 2002, p.386). Because Islam encompasses a wide range of beliefs, influenced by cultural norms as well as religious beliefs, Muslims clearly are going to differ in what type of behavior is considered moral and what behavior is considered immoral. However, the majority of them still believe that their life will be examined and their good and bad deeds will be evaluated in order to determine whether they have been found worthy of salvation.

The Hindu tradition is very different from the Muslim tradition because good and bad deeds in one's lifetime has one minimal bearing on whether the individual will…...



Desker, B. 2002, 'Islam and society in South- East Asia after 11 September" Australian Journal

of International Affairs 56(3), 383-394.

Gottschalk, P. 2006, 'Indian Muslim tradition' in Mittal, S. And Thursby, G.R., eds., Religions of South Asia: an introduction, Routledge, London, pp.201-245.

Hawkins, B.K. 2004, 'The beginnings of South Asian religions' in Introduction to Asian

Salvation Four of the Greatest
Pages: 3 Words: 870

On Mount Sinai, God forgives all but those who have gone against Him (Exodus 32). The implication of this is that salvation comes to those who refuse, like Moses and the Levites, to stray from the path of God.
The Christian New Testament describes salvation, according to the word of God, through his Son Jesus (Christians believe Jesus was the son of God, who came to earth to save humanity; the Jews do not). One example of this may be found within the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). In the Sermon of the Mount, Jesus preaches the way to salvation, beginning by saying "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5, p. 1209). The content of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in many ways reinforces that of Moses' Ten Commandments and other teachings of the Old Testament, but also contains some key…...

Salvation as the Path Towards
Pages: 7 Words: 1955

However, when referring to what is God's will and what behavior and actions are considered pleasing to God's eyes, St. Augustine did not specifically enumerate or identify these. Consistent in his arguments, however, is to live life in accordance to His will, among which he recommended acquainting one's self with the Christian doctrine (as he did so himself when he sought the Christian faith).

In this section, salvation from sin is achieved by seeking God's forgiveness and will for humankind. While St. Augustine did not specifically identified good works as one of the criterion in following God's will, this inevitably became the Christian value in making one's self pleasing in God's eyes. y committing good works and observing good behavior, one inevitably makes himself/herself "good" in the eyes of others, and similarly, to God as well. Thus, goodness -- recognizing God's regard and love for humanity -- is the best way…...



St. Augustine. (1994). Confessions of St. Augustine. a. Outler (Ed.). Dallas: Southern Methodist UP.

Vashum, a. (2005). "Liberation as a Theological Theme: Exploring the Theme of Liberation in the Works of Some Selected Theologians." Asia Journal of Theology, Vol. 19, Issue 2.

Salvation in the Modern World From a
Pages: 3 Words: 1071

Salvation in the Modern World
From a historical perspective, Christianity as a religion had relatively humble beginnings. Based within the Jewish tradition, the birth of Christ signifies the start of a religion that would later become the spiritual choice of so many that it would become known as one of the "world religions." As such, the religion has evolved to take many different forms in terms of thousands of denominations and traditions. One might argue that this is the result of cultural and evolutionary forces, where each specific culture or time period believes in a way that suits the concerns of the time. Indeed, many today are faced with questions around how Christianity, a religion starting during a time of oman oppression and elitist Jewish religious leaders, applies to the faithful individual of today. What is the salvation message for today's Christian? How is the congregation of today to carry out…...



Hill, B.R. (1989). Jesus, the Christ: Contemporary Perspectives. Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications

Johnson, E.A. (2000). Consider Jesus: Waves of Renewal in Christology. New York: Crossroad.

Salvation Is About Himself as a Boy
Pages: 1 Words: 340

Salvation" is about himself as a boy who eventually stands up in church to be saved, not because he has seen Jesus, but because he is tired of sitting there and holding up the group of people who want him to be saved so that the service can come to an end. What impressed me most about this essay was the depth of feeling that Hughes' expressed later that night, when he cries because he has lied to everyone and cannot tell them. He says at that time that he does not believe in Jesus, but if this is the case, it is odd that he would feel guilty about lying. He seems to believe that lying is wrong, so he does believe in Jesus, or at least in the teaching of God, in some way. The rest of what he needs will come to him as he grows…...

Salvation Army
Pages: 2 Words: 724

Sally Ann
The Salvation Army has essentially operated with the same strategic plan for the past 140 years, but it is never too late to become an innovative learning organization. The Army has an established brand, an international presence and a loyal volunteer base. But it relies fairly heavily on donations for its financing. The Salvation Army needs to improve its ability to earn money, so that it can pursue its mission further. The strategic plan that the Salvation Army needs for the future is therefore to continue its current good work while adding new revenue-generation capacity, as this will give it greater ability to fulfill its mandate.

There are several opportunities that the Salvation Army can pursue in order to improve revenue. The first is social media. While the static nature of the Salvation Army is charming, there is ample evidence to support the idea that charitable fundraising is moving online,…...

What the Bible Says About Salvation
Pages: 2 Words: 479

Salvation in the Bible
The author of this response has been asked to speak on what the Bible says about salvation. Of course, the subject is absolutely mentioned and the author of this response shall go into great detail. One verse that has great bearing on salvation would be Matthew 19:25-26. In those two verses, the disciples ask Jesus who can be saved. Jesus simply replies by saying that "with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (Cisneros & Wilson, 2015). In omans 3:23, it is made clear that all have sinned and fall short of God. This would obviously imply that everyone needs salvation and absolutely no one exempt from this (Cisneros & Wilson, 2015).

Things get specific in omans 10:9-10 when it says "Then if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you…...


References (2004). God's Plan of Salvation. Retrieved 26 October 2015, from 

Cisneros, J., & Wilson, J. (2015). Bible verses about salvation - Being saved though Christ Jesus. Bible Study Tools. Retrieved 26 October 2015, from

Anthropology -- Salvation on Sand Mountain Snake
Pages: 4 Words: 1471

Anthropology -- Salvation on Sand Mountain: snake handling and redemption in southern Appalachia by Dennis Covington
Salvation on Sand Mountain: Snake handling and redemption in southern Appalachia by Dennis Covington tells the story of religious snake handling and strychnine-drinking in Appalachia. Though the author was a journalist covering the 1992 attempted murder trial of a snake handling preacher, the author's Southern background and religious search drew him to these dangerous religious practices. Beginning as an observer, the author eventually became a snake handler and write about the background, meaning and his own experience of religious snake handling. The result was a book that was good in some aspects but bad in other aspects.


Dennis Covington's Salvation on Sand Mountain: Snake handling and redemption in southern Appalachia is a story of the author's spiritual journey in the early 1990's. Covington was a writer for the New York Times who was covering the 1992…...


Works Cited

Covington, D. (2009). Salvation on Sand Mountain: Snake handling and redemption in southern Appalachia. Philadelphia, PA: Da Capo Press.

Holy Spirit and Salvation A
Pages: 3 Words: 1246

hen we are feeling low, we can take comfort in the words of Paul: "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18). hen we are pleased with how we are faring in the world, we must still proceed with humility, knowing that whatever we win in the body, it is of limited value in the grand scheme of things, and only the Spirit redeems. As Paul stresses in his letter to the Christian community of the Ephesians, that trust and faith in God is essential, regardless of one's positive or negative circumstances. At times, it can seem as if God has abandoned Christians on earth, as He seemed to abandon His son upon the cross. But one must have faith in the ultimate redemption and glory of God at the end…...


Works Cited

Ephesians 1." New King James Version. (NKJV). 15 Mar 2008.;&version=50 ;

Romans 8." New King James Version. (NKJV). 15 Mar 2008.;&version=50

Jesus Christ and God
Pages: 4 Words: 986

Many people define salvation as deliverance, and the Bible looks at it from a physical and spiritual point-of-view. In Exodus 14:13, the Bible states "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LOD, which he accomplishes for you." Here, God is talking about the physical deliverance of the people of Israel from Egyptian armies. Also, Hebrews 2:3 it is the liberation of individuals from the penalty of sin and here the salvation is "so great." In essence, we are saved from God's wrath due to his judgment of sin and this very sin has been seen to separate us from the love of God. When a person sins, it is evident in the Bible that "the wages of sin is death" (omans 6:23). Hence we need this salvation to remove our sin. Practically, the pardon we get from God when he redeems us from sin is…...



Davis, J. J. (2015). Practicing Ministry in the Presence Of God: Theological Reflections on Ministry and Christian Life. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Graham, B. (2013). The Reason for My Hope: Salvation. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Inc.,

Absolutely Free by Zane Hodges Critical Analysis
Pages: 1 Words: 309

Calvin Luther and Zane Hodges on Sola Fide Absolutely Free Critical Analysis
In Absolutely Free by Zane Hodges, the author argues that the Evangelical church should return to a faith alone orientation. By using the New Testament as a basis for argumentation, Hodges posits that salvation is a free gift, unearned but by an act of faith. Throughout the book, Hodges contrasts the salvation by faith alone perspective with the salvation via surrender/repentance perspective. He uses the theology of Calvin and Luther to support his view and suggests that lordship salvation is a departure both from the bible and from the Protestant theologians of the Reformation.
One of the problems with Hodges’ argument is that it relies on Lutheran theology, itself problematic and somewhat inconsistent. Luther himself struggled with the meaning of faith and what it meant to be saved, and this is evident throughout much of his writings. While others have interpreted…...



Hodges, Zane. Absolutely Free. Zondervan, 1989.


What Are the Six Ways of Salvation
Pages: 2 Words: 700

The model that most appealed to me was the model of Jesus as Moral Example and Influence. This model shows how Jesus teaches us to love one another. It is similar to the first model in that Jesus is a teacher but instead of focusing on the wisdom of Our Lord's doctrine, this second model focuses on the greatness of love that Jesus has for us and that He inspires in us through His moral example and goodly influence. Jesus is the model of what it means to love. As Peters (2006) notes, "Jesus models for us the life of unselfish love. He models the life of self-sacrificial love or agape" (p. 226). This model gives us the blueprint for how to "copy Jesus" -- and while the teachings of Jesus can be enlightening and uplifting, it is really his example in action that seals the deal, so to speak:…...

Epistle to the Hebrews Salvation
Pages: 2 Words: 729

The Epistle to the Hebrews reflects the contentious nature of the debate within the Christian community of how to define the role and nature of Jesus in the evolving tradition. Regardless of the nature of its authorship, the epistle establishes Christ as the Son of God and part of the Godhead but also a kind of high priest within the Jewish tradition. Its Christology is uniquely Jewish in its orientation and metaphors, which is one reason why it might be commonly attributed to Paul. But it suggests a new, sacrificial role for Jesus as the Son of God and a new kind of high priest.
The Epistle to the Hebrews first calls Jesus a paradoxical figure, made lower than the angels so he could ultimately elevate humanity. “But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he…...

Pluralist's View of Salvation
Pages: 12 Words: 4023

Jesus the Only Savior?
Part I Pluralism

It must first be noted that the author, Ronald H. Nash, was a Calvinist/aptist philosopher and apologist and a professor on theology and history for more than four decades. He earned many more honors and occupied more positions than will open him to questioning as to his vast knowledge of the theological discipline.

His book introduces the philosophies surrounding salvation, i.e., exclusivism, inclusivism and pluralism. The first Part of the book discusses pluralism, which argues that all religions offer all men a way to salvation. Nash replies most adequately to the repudiation of pluralism, as presented by John Hicks, its most influential proponent, and inclusivism. Pluralists, like Hicks, and inclusivists wage ferocious attacks against the long-held iblical doctrine of Christianity that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, as explicitly stated in John 14:6. Pluralism holds that there are many paths to salvation and…...



Boston Collaborative Encyclopedia of Western Theology, 2008

Nash, Ronald H. Is Jesus the Only Savior? Paperback. Michigan: Zondervan Publishing

House, 1994

Nash, Ronald H. Is Jesus the Only Savior? Kindle Edition. Amazon Digital Services,

Jesus as the Way to
Pages: 3 Words: 1369

It increasingly seems unlikely that Christ will show up on a white horse to purge the world of sin. If this is necessary to the ideology of salvation, then one might do well to scoff at it. It does not seem to be legitimate to project that Christ will save the world from the evil which is wrecked upon it by humans or by nature. Indeed, it seems remarkably irresponsible for a modern human to merely sit waiting for Christ to save the world rather than take active steps as part of the social community to assure that the world is preserved. (for example, it has been suggested that ush's radical policy in the Middle East is "literally and determinedly drawn, consciously and unconsciously, toward the enactment of such a [endtimes] scenario, as he believes, for God's sake" [Hill] if this were true, it would be a perfect example…...



Branick, Vincent. Understanding the New Testament and Its Message: An Introduction. Paulist Press: New York, 1998.

Hill, Michael. "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: Bush's Armageddon Obsession, Revisited" CounterPunch, Jan 4, 2003.

I am struggling with an essay title on Scarlet Letter, can you assist?
Words: 161

Here are some good suggestions:

Scarlet Letter Essay Titles

  1. Puritanical Standards Undermine the Christian Principle of Charity in Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter
  2. The Love-Child of Hester Prynne:  Writing Straight with Crooked Lines
  3. Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter is a 19th Century Takedown of Cancel Culture
  4. Modern Day Cancel Culture Rejected by Hawthorne in The Scarlett Letter
  5. Labeling Theory as an Explanation for the Use of the “A” in The Scarlett Letter
  6. How the Two-Faced Puritanical Ideology of American Society is Reflected in Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter
  7. Redemption through Repentance, Confession and Penance:  Salvation in The Scarlett Letter
  8. A Catholic Approach to Christianity Illuminates The Scarlett Letter
  9. Why The Scarlett Letter is the Great American....

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global Imago Dei, The Fall, Christ, New Creation?
Words: 274

1. The Imago Dei: Exploring the Image of God in Humanity

2. The Fall from Grace: Understanding Original Sin and its Consequences

3. Christ as the Redeemer: Examining the Role of Jesus in Salvation History

4. New Creation in Christ: Embracing the Hope of Renewal and Restoration

5. The Image of God in a Fallen World: Navigating the Tension Between Goodness and Sin

6. Redemption through Christ: Unpacking the Theological Significance of Jesus' Sacrifice

7. Imago Dei and the Fall: Reflecting on the Human Experience of Brokenness and Redemption

8. Christ as the Image of God: Revealing the Divine in the Person of Jesus

9. The New Creation....

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global Imago Dei, The Fall, Christ, New Creation?
Words: 477

Captivating Titles for a Global Exploration of Imago Dei, The Fall, Christ, and New Creation

Allure of the Divine: Imago Dei and the Human Soul

Divine Spark: Uncovering the Image of God Within
Mirrors of the Creator: The Imago Dei in Human Nature
Soul's Compass: Navigating Life with the Imago Dei as Guide

Echoes of Eden: The Fall and Its Lingering Shadow

Fractured Image: The Impact of Sin on Imago Dei
From Paradise Lost: Exploring the Consequences of the Fall
Shadows of Eden: Understanding the Human Condition in Light of the Fall

Beacon of Hope: Christ's Redemption

Redeemer of the Lost Image: Christ's....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Thomas Aquinas?
Words: 654

1. The Essence of Thomas Aquinas's Natural Law Theory: An Exploration of Its Foundations and Implications

Discuss the metaphysical and ethical principles that underpin Aquinas's natural law theory.
Analyze the concept of the eternal law and its relationship to the natural law.
Examine the role of human reason in discerning the precepts of natural law and their binding force.

2. The Harmony of Faith and Reason in Aquinas's Summa Theologica: A Critical Examination

Trace the development of Aquinas's understanding of the relationship between faith and reason.
Explore the arguments Aquinas presents for the compatibility of faith and reason.
Evaluate the strengths....

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