Salmonella Essays (Examples)

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Salmonella Food-Born Illness Food-Borne Illnesses Salmonella the
Pages: 2 Words: 702

Food-born illness

Food-borne illnesses: Salmonella

The salmonella bacterium is one of the most well-known and well-publicized health threats in the U.S. "Salmonella germs have been known to cause illness for over 100 years" (What is Salmonellosis, 2010, CDC). Salmonella bacteria can be present in the intestines of humans, and can be transmitted through consumption of tainted foods, water, or animal matter. Infections can be difficult to trace in the early stages, because "contaminated foods usually look and smell normal" (Diagnosis and treatment, 2010, CDC). While animal-based products tend to be more associated with salmonella in the public imagination, any food can be contaminated.

If someone with salmonella does not wash his or her hands with soap prior to using the bathroom, the food he or she subsequently touches can become contaminated. Thus, one of the best precautions against transmitting salmonella is frequent hand-washing. When preparing food, cross-contamination should be avoided. This can occur…...



Additional information. (2010). CDC. Retrieved: 

CDC: Salmonella outbreak more resistant to antibiotics than usual. (2011). CNN. Retrieved:

Salmonella Tomato Scare Slams Florida
Pages: 2 Words: 589

The symptoms of salmonella include fever, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps that appear about 12 to 72 hours after infection. The illness can last 4 to 7 days, and most people recover without treatment. It is most dangerous for the elderly, infants, and in people with certain other health disorders.

After the FDA announced the outbreak, large restaurant chains like McDonald's, Taco Bell, Burger King and many others immediately pulled all their raw tomatoes from their menus, and began selling items without tomatoes, including items made with tomatoes, such as salsa. Supermarkets across the country pulled the items, as well, even natural food markets like Whole Foods, until the FDA can pinpoint the source of the outbreak.

Now, consumers are avoiding tomatoes, even though the FDA has certified Florida tomatoes are risk free. The outbreak has already caused a major blow to the Florida tomato industry, and growers and packers are angry that…...

Salmonella Salmonellosis Is an Infection With Bacteria
Pages: 3 Words: 916

Salmonellosis is an infection with bacteria called Salmonella. Salmonella germs have been known to cause illness for over 100 years. The bacteria were first isolated in 1885 by Theobald Smith from pigs. The genus name was derived from the last name of D.E. Salmon, who was Smith's director. In 1896 Salmonella infection was diagnosed in humans. Salmonella is the genus name for over 2,500 types of bacteria. Though each type is closely related each is distinctly identifiable by its specific protein. Salmonella bacteria are known to cause disease in humans, animals, and birds throughout the world. The major diseases caused by Salmonella are gastroenteritis and typhoid fever (Davis, 2010).

According to the CDC (2010) approximately 40,000 cases of salmonellosis are reported in the United States each year. Since many milder cases are not diagnosed or reported, some estimate that the actual number of infections may be thirty or more times greater.…...



CDC. (2012, January 12). Investigation announcement: Multistate outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis unfections linked to retaurant chain A. Centers for disease control and prevention. Retrieved March 19, 2012, from 

CDC. (2010, September 27). Salmonella. Centers for disease control and prevention. Retrieved March 19, 2012, from 

Davis, C.P. (2010, October 1). Salmonella poisoning. William C. Shiel (Ed.) Retrieved March18, 2012, from

Salmonella Food Borne Illnesses
Pages: 1 Words: 313

Food Borne IllnessesThe food borne investigations conducted by CDC in 2021 showed that most outbreaks were associated with salmonella pathogen. The said pathogen and related infections were associated with foods inclusive of, not limited to; ground turkey, cashew Brie, prepackaged salads, onions, and seafood. Individuals whose immunity has been weakened by diseases like cancer and kidney disease as well as their treatments are more likely to get salmonella infections (CDC, 2021). In addition, adults who are aged 65 years and above and children who are 5 years and below are also more likely to get salmonella. It is estimated that most food borne illnesses are caused by salmonella bacteria - some of which start within a period of six hours to six days after getting an infection. An individual with salmonella illness may have stomach cramps, fever, and diarrhea that could be bloody (CDC, 2O21).Salmonella-contaminated food usually smells, tastes, and…...

Mitigating Salmonella Risk at the Buffet
Pages: 2 Words: 753

Foodborne illness at hand was a salmonella outbreak at a buffet at the Old Country in Cheyenne, Wyoming (Flynn, 2016). The cause of the salmonella outbreak is not known, but salmonella is a common risk associated with buffets in particular. The risk occurs because warm food is a fertile breeding ground for the salmonella bacteria. Cooking helps to destroy the bacteria, so improper heating is a critical issue, which makes buffets a problem source for salmonella. There are around 40,000 cases of salmonella every year in the United States, though it is usually only dangerous to the elderly or sick. In some cases, however, others have experienced substantial complications from salmonella infection, such as in the Old Country case.
While the precise source of the salmonella could not be determined, in conditions favorable to the bacteria, it can spread. It is also something that can be transmitted by people, so the…...



CDC. (2012). Pathogens causing U.S. foodborne illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths 2000-2008. Centers for Disease Control. Retrieved April 9, 2016 from 

CNN (2015). Salmonella fast facts. Retrieved April 9, 2016 from 

Flynn, D. (2016). Buffets, Inc., bankrupty, may not pay outbreak victim's damages. Food Safety News. Retrieved April 9, 2016 from

Equine Salmonella Infections Salmonellosis Background
Pages: 4 Words: 1040

Heightened temperature (fever) is almost always apparent, and diarrhea is another nearly-universal symptom other possible symptoms of an equine salmonella infection include a loss of appetite, colic, depression, and in some instances certain ulcers and bloating (Johnson 2010; Lane et al. 1992). Most cases of salmonella present only some of these symptoms, rather than all of them, and most of the symptoms are located (as might be expected) along the gastrointestinal tract. Certain joint ailments and other disorders can occur form prolonged infection, however, and death is the likely result of many extreme cases of infection, or even untreated mild and moderate cases (GPA 2010).

There are many different identified methods of treatment depending on the severity of the infection and how early it is caught. Isolation of infected horses and regular disinfecting of stalls with a variety of common cleansers while providing a stress free is environment is usually…...



Equine Veterinary Services and breeding Centre. (2005). "Salmonella infections and vaccinations." Accessed 25 April 2010.

GPA. (2010). "Equine salmonellosis." Accessed 25 April 2010.

Johnson, P. (2010). "Salmonellosis in horses." Accessed 25 April 2010. 

Lane, T.; Braun, R.; Madison, J.; Hawkins, D.; Brown, M. & Merritt, a. (1992). "Equine salmonella infection (Salmonellosis)." Accessed 25 April 2010.

Salmonella Infection
Pages: 2 Words: 774

Salmonella Infection The salmonella bacteria had been the twentieth century’s archetypical organism causing food poisoning, highly notorious for the 1988-89 crisis of salmonella in eggs. By that time, however, it had already been a topic of scientific and public health focus for more than a hundred years. Previously linked to animal foods, phage typing’s introduction during the 1940s started revealing the complex nature of its associations with its environment (Hardy, 2004).
Epidemiological Triangle
The Agent
The salmonella bacterium resides in living beings’ intestines. A majority of individuals contract salmonella infection after consuming feces-contaminated foods. Salmonella is an umbrella term referring to the cluster of bacteria giving rise to salmonellosis or salmonella infection within the intestinal tract. Different forms of salmonellosis include typhoid fever, enteric fever, food poisoning, and gastroenteritis. Salmonella poisoning has typically been associated with contaminated foods or water, particularly eggs, meat, and poultry. Disease symptoms, which typically manifest between 12 and 72…...

Epidemiology of Salmonella in the US
Pages: 4 Words: 1259

SalmonellaIntroductionSalmonella is a bacterial infection that can cause gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach and intestines (Santus et al., 2022). It is usually caused by eating or drinking food or water contaminated with various forms of Salmonella bacteria. Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, and sometimes vomiting. The illness is usually self-limiting and can last from several days to weeks. Salmonella is most commonly spread through food or water contaminated with fecal matter from an infected person. It can also be spread through contact with animals and some other sources (ukambile et al., 2019). Complications that may arise from the infection include dehydration, reactive arthritis, and sepsis. Treatment includes antibiotics and supportive measures such as hydration, electrolyte replacement, and adequate nutrition.Demographics and the Disease ChainDemographically, salmonella infection is most common in young children. The highest mortality from salmonella is seen in the elderly and those with weakened immune systems. The…...


ReferencesRukambile, E., Sintchenko, V., Muscatello, G., Kock, R., & Alders, R. (2019). Infection, colonization and shedding of Campylobacter and Salmonella in animals and their contribution to human disease: A review. Zoonoses and public health, 66(6), 562-578.Santus, W., Rana, A. P., Devlin, J. R., Kiernan, K. A., Jacob, C. C., Tjokrosurjo, J., ... & Behnsen, J. (2022). Mycobiota and diet-derived fungal xenosiderophores promote Salmonella gastrointestinal colonization. Nature Microbiology, 7(12), 2025-2038.Vidal, D. G., Oliveira, G. M., Pontes, M., Maia, R. L., & Ferraz, M. P. (2022). The influence of social and economic environment on health. In One Health (pp. 205-229). Academic Press.

Salmonela and Tomato Scare if
Pages: 2 Words: 733

There are no more round red, Roma and plum tomatoes on the shelves or in the menus as Publix supermarkets decided to take them off the market regardless of their provenience. The measure was motivated by the fact that "it's not based on geography. We've chosen to pull them all, as a safety precaution" Reid pointed out (Gilbert, 2008).
Some of the major culinary attractions such as urger King, Subway, Taco ell and Chipotle Mexican Grill, or McDonald's chose to respect the FDA recommendations and take out tomatoes from their list of ingredients.

The most affected restaurants however are not those who can afford to leave out tomatoes, but rather those that largely depend on the fresh juice of the tomatoes such as Italian restaurants. Gainesville is on high alert as well. The concern of salmonella determined Pasquale's, one Italian restaurant to adapt to this situation and use tomato sauce packed…...



Gilbert. D. (2008) Salmonella scare takes tomatoes off some menus. Gainsville Times. [online] Accessed 12 Jun., 08, at 

Walker, E. & Paiva Cordle, I. (2008) Salmonella scare takes tomatoes off shelves, menus. The Miami Herald [online] Accessed 12 Jun., 08, at

Food Safety and Food
Pages: 54 Words: 10186

Validation of Commercial Baking as an Effective Step to Control/Inactivate Salmonella in Baked Products
Major findings, analysis and conclusions

Description of the baking industry and baking emphasis in the United States.

Purpose and structure of importance

Description of the problem being addressed and its importance to the practice of applied food safety

Process of Consultation

Outline how the client (ABA) will be engaged and carefully define the problem

Identification of key stakeholders

Overview and feedback of findings and results

ecommended actions and dissemination of these recommendations

Plans for implementation and measurement

Major findings. The U.S. had approximately 167,600 baker positions available in 2012 and around 6% of these were self-employed (Bakery business, 2016). Although industry analysts project sustained growth in the U.S. baking industry, this growth will not be on par with other industries (Bakery business, 2016). Currently, the U.S. baking industry is a nearly $310 billion industry that has enjoyed a remarkably safe record for the production of shelf stable…...



About us. (2016). American Bakers Association. Retrieved from

Albion, R. G. & Williamson, H. F. (1944). The growth of the American economy: An introduction to the economic history of the United States. New York: Prentice-Hall.

Bakery business. (2016). SBDC Net. Retrieved from .

Baking industry economic impact study, 2016). American Bakers Association. Retrieved from

Community Health Middle School Officials Have Been
Pages: 3 Words: 895

Community Health
Middle school officials have been reporting a rash of mysterious absences recently. Upon examining information given by those officials and corellated by health department staff there appears to be a pattern to the absences. In the month of April there were only minor similarities in time and occurence of these absences in two schools. In contrast, in the month of May there were quite a few absences in two of the schools, Jackson and Truman, but not in the others.

The similarities first appear in the period of late April to early May, but those are few in number. The spike in absences occurs in May, from the 19th to 25th. There are two hypotheses for these occurences. The first hypotheses is that the absences are due to something as simple as the common cold. The second hypotheses for the spike in absenses is food poisoning or a special contagion,…...



Community Health dept. Intranet

Food Poisoning. Retrieved April 28, 2011 from: 

West Nile Virus. Retrieved April 28, 2011 from: 

Community Health

Typhoid Fever Disease Is a Global Health
Pages: 6 Words: 1926

Typhoid fever disease is a global health phenomena or problem with approximately 20 million incidents and 700,000 adult deaths every year. Notably, a huge portion of these cases and deaths occur in developing countries, especially in South East Asia and Indian subcontinent. While the infection was traditionally treated with ampicillin, chloramphenicol, and trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole, serious public health program has emerged in the past decades because of the widespread emergence of antibiotic resistant Salmonella typhi or S.typhi. Moreover, typhoid fever disease caused by MD organisms can also be considered as a significant public health and therapeutic issue. This is primarily because there are a huge number of cases of MD typhoid fever that occur in childhood and are coupled with considerably high mortality and morbidity rates. Since the disease has developed to become a significant public health issue in the past few decades, it's important to conduct a research about it and…...



Arjunan, M. & Al-Salamah, A.A. (2010, April 29). Typhoid Fever with Severe Abdominal Pain:

Diagnosis and Clinical Findings using Abdomen Ultrasonogram, Hermatology-cell Analysis and the Widal Test. Journal of Infections in Developing Countries, 4(9), 593-596. Retrieved from 

Hammad et al. (2011). Ceftriaxone vs. Chloramphenicol for Treatment of Acute Typhoid

Fever. Life Science Journal, 8(2), 100-105. Retrieved from

Nursing Case Study
Pages: 4 Words: 1425

Nursing Case Study
Managing a possible Case of Gastroenteritis: A Nursing Case Study

The effective delivery of optimal nursing care requires a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses both the patient's symptoms and the security of the immediate environment. This report presents a case study of appropriate evidence-based nursing practices in treating an elderly female patient presenting with abdominal discomfort in a residential care setting.

The client presents with new onset faecal incontinence, diarrhoea and increasing abdominal discomfort and cramps. These symptoms suggest a possible gastrointestinal disturbance (Crisp & Taylor, 2009) and present a number of possible diagnoses. While the client's nursing care plan indicates that she is normally continent, her confidential disclosure to the nurse suggests that her symptoms may be more prolonged. Another relevant client characteristic is her advanced age of 85 years.

The client's proximity to the dirty utility room in the aged care facility and the report of similar symptoms from…...



1. Crisp J, Taylor C. (2010). Potter & Perry's fundaments of nursing (3rd ed.). Chatswood, N.S.W.: Elsevier, Australia.

2. Kirk MD, Hall GV, Veitch MGK, Becker N. (2010). Assessing the ?incidence of gastroenteritis among elderly people living in long-term care facilities. Journal of Hospital Infection, 76, 12.

3. Australian Government: Department of Health and Ageing. (2007). Retrieved from- .

4. Andrew E, Simor MVD. (2010). Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Clostridium difficile Infection in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Review. The-Americans Geriatric Societ, 58(8), 1557-1593.

2009 TFAH Report Ready or
Pages: 3 Words: 947

The obesity crisis is, I believe, even more important than problems surrounding food safety-borne epidemics. Despite the recent attention given to obesity in the popular media, obesity is in some ways more difficult to treat than food safety issues. People's consciousness may be raised by a fear if becoming sick through food poisoning and throw out the offending, recalled products on their shelves if they contain salmonella or e.coli, but they seem less willing and/or able to change food habits that have been ingrained within them since childhood.
The diabetes epidemic, along with other illnesses related to obesity (like heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and osteoarthritis) will increase unless more active preventative healthcare measures are undertaken on a wide scale. Limiting the number of fast food restaurants that can be present in a specific area and near schools, along with promoting the spread of grocery stores and farmer's…...


Changing lifestyles is a vital aspect of making the community healthier -- as well as the world. Sanitary and healthy cooking conditions are, of course, extremely important to observe and to know about, on an individual basis. Increasing the ease of reporting suspected unsafe conditions is also vitally important. But the relative safety of day-in, day-out food choices -- food choices that are often taken for granted -- also cannot be dismissed.


Engber, Daniel (2009). Does poverty make people poor? Slate. Retrieved November 2, 2010 at

Meat Packing Industry
Pages: 20 Words: 6838

Safety and Health Issues in Meat Processing Industry
In the meat processing industry, health and safety issues are of vital importance, in view of the several risks arising out of microbial contamination of meat and the occupational hazards faced by workers. Past experiences have shown that microbial reproduction in meat and meat products can reach alarming proportions traversing across countries and even continents. The infamous mad cow disease and the foot and mouth disease in cattle has rattled the British meat industry for a considerable period, resulting in loss of image, confidence and erosion of profits. North America's main problem is the widespread prevalence of eschericia coli in meat, more commonly known as the hamburger disease. It is well-known that meat is highly susceptible to attack of bacteria and virus and hence there is a constant need to address this risk. When microbial activity sets in, the quality of meat is…...



American Meat Industry Fact Sheet: 'Worker Safety in the Meat and Poultry Industry', (2002) Available at Accessed 11/28/2003

Brodeur, C. (n.d) Agriculture and Agri-food Canada - 'Meat Safety: The war on bacteria', Available at Accessed 11/28/2003

Cannon, J.E et. al (1996) 'Pork Chain Quality Audit Survey: Quantification of Port Quality Characteristics', Journal of Muscle Foods (7), 56-62

Chesworth, N (1997) 'Food Hygiene Auditing', Blackie Academic & Professional, London

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