Rutgers University Essays (Examples)

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Budgetary Checklist Rutgers University Project
Pages: 2 Words: 606

Rutgers has weathered consistent cuts in state aid for many years. The only good aspect of this fact is that it is currently less dependant than other state universities on the impoverished legislature.
Competition from other state entities

All universities and colleges within New Jersey have suffered losses and this will result in increased demands for scarce funds. Contacting the governor's office and the New Jersey state Board of Education may be a wise idea to gain a sense of what Rutgers can expect in terms of future funding.

Athletics, extracurricular activities, and other special programs

Recently, Rutgers' football team has gained great prominence because of its many successes. Budgetary cuts may require some of the university's athletic ambitions to be curtailed. However, athletic success is also positively correlated to alumni donations. Soliciting alumni donations may help sustain the athletic program at current levels, although alumni have also faced personal financial losses that…...


Works Cited

Chabotar, K.J. (2006). Strategic finance: Planning and budgeting for boards, chief executives, and finance officers. Washington, DC: Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges.

Rutgers University. (2009). Official Website. Retrieved July 1, 2009 at

Rutgers Admission the Choice of
Pages: 2 Words: 487

There are two courses presented that appear to be very interesting. The first is "special topics in accounting," which addresses ethical concerns. This is very important since accountants need to be ethical persons. The cut and thrust of business sometimes pressures individuals to engage in unethical practices. I believe that this course will assist in unearthing ethical challenges, thus keeping accountants honest. The second course is "current topics in auditing." Auditing is another facet of business that has held my interest, the cutting edge of the discipline will prepare me to engage firms from a very knowledgeable position.
In addition to the strong accounting program, Rutgers provides intellectual guidance for life. Life beyond Rutgers means that it is critical to be an independent thinker. This university fosters independent thinking. Where ever you go in life thinking about a situation from a fresh perspective is necessary. This type of approach is…...

Rutgers Personal Statement I Am Very Proud
Pages: 2 Words: 603

Rutgers: Personal Statement
I am very proud to have lived all of my life in New Jersey: I love my state's energy, diversity, and forward-thinking attitude. My desire to seek a Rutgers education is a natural extension of my status as a New Jersey resident. Rutgers' vast resources would give me a 'total education' both inside and outside of the classroom. Within its classrooms I would be able to explore the full range of my interests in business, economics, marketing and communications. The fact that Rutgers' business and communication majors (my two primary areas of interest) are competitive majors increases my determination to become a part of a prestigious, challenging program. I wish to emerge from Rutgers better able to compete in the world of commerce and to become a true leader in my field.

Outside of the classrooms of the campus I would be exposed to students of a wide range…...

Change Dining Plan at Texas A& m University
Pages: 9 Words: 2442

change dining plan at Texas a&M University

Freshmen and members of the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M are required to select a dining plan prior to attending the university however, should the student fail to select this dining plan by the first of August, the student is then automatically assigned to the Good Bull plan. This plan includes 120 meals or approximately seven to eight meals per week. Each plan that is created by A&M University dining has three tiers within the plan. The various University dining plans include: (1) Old Army; (2) Good Bull; and (3) Non-eg. The number of meals varies ranging from approximately two hundred meals to ninety meals each semester. The Old Army meal plan is the most expensive costing $2,070.00 which provides the student with $500.00 dining dollars each semester and then ranging…...



Kaib, J. (2014) Here's Why College Meal Plans Suck. The College Fix. 6 Feb 2014. Retrieved from: 

Landes, L. (2014) How a College Meal Plan Wastes Money. Consumerism Commentary. Retrieved from: 

Porter, S. (2010) Meal Plan Costs Surpass Cash Prices with Pioneer. Indiana Wesleyan University. The Sojourn. Retrieved from: 

Williams, L. (2013) Location, Variety Take Priority in Meal Planning. University Business. Retrieved from:

Peer-Counseling as an Intervention for College Freshman Substance Abuse
Pages: 8 Words: 2466

educing Substance Abuse Among College Freshman

Motivational Interviewing as an Intervention for Substance Abuse Problems among College Freshman

Motivational Interviewing as an Intervention for Substance Abuse Problems among College Freshman

Kazemi and colleagues (2013) were interested in understanding whether a behavioral intervention would reduce the prevalence of substance abuse among college freshman in the United States. The independent variable was motivational peer-counseling sessions (motivational interviews) about the risks of alcohol abuse and illicit drug use. The dependent variables were scores obtained on two questionnaires. These scores were then used to determine if there was a statistically significant association between blackout frequency, illicit drug use, and alcohol consumption. Demographic information (attribute variables) was also collected and the attributes of primary interest were ethnicity and gender. The hypothesis tested by the researchers is whether the intervention could reduce the prevalence of self-reported high risk behaviors among college freshman at a representative university campus.

Motivational interviewing is…...



Barnett, E., Sussman, S., Smith, C., Rohrbach, L.A., & Pruijt-Metz, D. (2012). Motivational interviewing for adolescent substance use: A review of the literature. Addictive Behaviors, 37(12), 1325-34.

DiClemente, C.C. & Prochaska, J.O. (1982). Self-change and therapy change of smoking behavior: A comparison of processes of change in cessation and maintenance. Addictive Behaviors, 7(2), 133-42.

Dimitrov, D.M. & Rumrill, P.D. Jr. (2003). Pretest-posttest designs and measurement of change. Work, 20(2), 159-65.

Grucza, R.A., Norberg, K.E., & Bierut, L.J. (2009). Binge drinking among youths and young adults in the United States: 1979-2006. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 48(7), 692-702.

Should Colleges Required Prohibit Bullying Harassment Pro-Position
Pages: 2 Words: 651

Bullying and Harassment in Colleges:
One of the major reasons why children are sent to school or colleges by their parents is to learn. However, many college campuses have become breeding grounds for bullying and harassment that affects millions of students. While the extent of bullying and harassment in colleges is still unclear, such incidents take place on the basis of sexual orientation, religion, race, gender identity, and sex (Holt, 2010). The bullying and harassment in college campuses tend to occur through email, on the Internet, and face-to-face.

As the practice has become widespread across college campuses, memories of school bullying haunt people for several years. Actually, bullied students are usually habituated to defending themselves from cruel actions to an extent that they ultimately become bullies themselves. Moreover, unsupportive teachers also contribute to the spread of bullying and development of new bullies. For instance, many victims of bullying and school bullies have…...



Billitteri, T.J. (2010, December 10). Preventing Bullying -- Do anti-harassment Laws Violate

Students' Rights? Retrieved April 13, 2013, from 

Holt, R. (2010, November). Should Colleges be required to Prohibit Bullying and Harassment?

Pro-Position. CQ Researcher.

Attaining Higher Education From a Decent College
Pages: 2 Words: 645

Attaining higher education from a decent college has always been my dream, even when I was living in Puerto Rico. But after moving to the U.S. four years ago, I realized that joining a decent college was not enough. For student like myself with a different ethnic background, it was important to get admission in a college that was ethnically and culturally very rich and vibrant. This was because I realized that only such a college could understand the needs and dreams of immigrants and could provide them with college environment where they felt safe and comfortable. XXX University, by all means, is one such place and therefore it is my utmost desire to become a part of it. By joining this college, I know I would be making a useful contribution to its culture, which is a beautiful amalgam of different ethnicities.
I was 14 when my family decided to…...

Modern Language Association to Cite
Pages: 2 Words: 417

The MLA style offers a consistent method for students and scholars within a discipline to cite their sources and make their citation method comprehensible to everyone reading their works. It allows the reader to easily find what part of the source that was used to write the paper and to "help your reader to distinguish between your ideas and reasoning and those you derive from other sources" ("Style: The MLA ay," Rutgers University, 2010).
hat MLA resources are available to help students?

A number of online websites, such as Easy Bib offer templates for compiling MLA bibliographies (Easy Bib, Official ebsite, 2010). The MLA website itself is a resource, as is the published, book version of its style guide (MLA Official ebsite, 2010). And teachers and classmates are also resources, whenever there is confusion about the correct way to cite different materials.

orks Cited

Easy Bib. Official ebsite. October 19, 2010

Modern Language Association.…...


Works Cited

Easy Bib. Official Website. October 19, 2010 

Modern Language Association. Official Website. October 19, 2010

Challenges Facing American Higher Education
Pages: 8 Words: 2801

American Higher Education
Higher Education is ading in Deep ater in 2014

Is there anything to celebrate about higher education in the 21st century? hat are the most troubling issues facing America's campuses that have emerged in particular over the past twenty years? These questions cry out for thoughtful, scholarly answers. On the one hand, there are crises related to university finances, student financial programs are bogged down by endless congressional haggling, federal financial backing for important research and development has withered away to a significant extent, and scholarships and grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have not been able to meet the demand of qualified scholars (Thelin, 2013). On the other hand, according to the Knight Foundation Commission, many university presidents (if not most) are admitting that they no longer have control of their NCAA-governed athletics programs, and moreover, deans in medical schools are being urged to begin training…...


Works Cited

Barrett, P.M. (2014). In Fake Classes Scandal, UNC Fails Its Athletes -- and Whistleblower.

Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved July 19, 2014, from .

Barrett, P.M. (2014). The NCAA Will Investigate Fake-Classes Scandal at UNC. Bloomberg

Businessweek. Retrieved July 19, 2014, from

War in Afghanistan the Foundational
Pages: 6 Words: 2727

Meanwhile the Soviets and its Afganistan government forces brace for the complete deterioration of the nation

Soviet newspapers report that some Afghan army units have begun looting their strongholds and abandoning them to guerrillas. (VOA)the last Soviet troops fly out of Kabul, ending a nine-year occupation of Afghanistan ahead of schedule. Moslem rebels launch rocket attacks on Kabul hours before the final withdrawal. (BBC)

The value of the early assumptions proved very real, though the soviet controlled government was able to hold the nation until 1992, despite many rebel attempts to take over the nation, and especially Kabul. Again on February 16th the U.S. pledges to continue to support the rebels, stating that the ultimate goal of the support is, "...Afghan self-determination. Secretary of State James Baker says the Soviets should assist in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. (NYT)"

Defections of government troops to rebel forces continues, unabated. In one defection, near the…...


Works Cited

Chipman, Don. "Air Power and the Battle for Mazar-E Sharif." Air Power History 50, no. 1 (2003): 34.

Corwin, Phillip. Doomed in Afghanistan: A UN Officer's Memoir of the Fall of Kabul and Najibullah's Failed Escape, 1992. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2003.

Edwards, David B. Before Taliban: Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2002.

Rogers, Tom. The Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Analysis and Chronology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992.

Taiping Carpet Generally Companies That Ship Products
Pages: 11 Words: 3429

Taiping Carpet
Generally, companies that ship products to other companies and/or individuals have contracts with at least one shipping company (Bannock, 1997; Ziegler & Aguilar, 2003). Other companies have many shipping options and allow the person to whom the item is being shipped to choose which shipper that person wants. Does it make sense for a company to nominate a particular shipping company for all of its shipping needs?

There are advantages and disadvantages of doing that, and any company must consider those advantages and disadvantages carefully before deciding on which company will be used for routine shipping. The company must also decide if there are to be exceptions to the rule when it comes to shipping special orders or something out of the ordinary. If the company is using a shipping company that is not appropriate for all of its needs, then the company may want to reconsider which shipper it…...



Bannock, G., et al. (1997). Dictionary of Economics. NY: Penguin Books.

Bardi, E., Coyle, J. & Novack, R. (2006). Management of Transportation. Thomson South-Western.

Benett, S. (1986). A History of Control Engineering 1800-1930. Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Birch, D. (1979). The job generation process. Unpublished Report, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, prepared for the Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington D.C.

Alternation of Generation Between Mosses
Pages: 5 Words: 1427

Chapter Conclusion

This section will be used to provide a summary of the research and important findings supported by citations.


Arcand, Yves and Pierre Talbot. (2000) "Using Peat to Treat Wastewater." Journal of Environmental Health 62(6): 36.

Author provides a description concerning the utility of peat moss in wastewater treatment applications. Included in the report is a discussion concerning the origins of habitats favored by peat moss. Author also presents a useful basic description of this species and its physiology.

Coggins, Reed. (2002). "Ferns and Fire: Village Subsistence, andscape Change, and Nature

Conservation in China's Southeast Uplands." Journal of Cultural Geography 19(2): 129-

Author describes the economic impact of fern species for agricultural practices in rural

China where ferns are burned and used as fertilizer as well as used as a rotation crop to improve crop yields. Report provides useful background information for ferns.

Falcon-ong, H.J., D.J. Cantrill and C.J. Nichols. Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecology of a Mid-cretaceous,…...


Longmans, 1960.

This biology text has several sections devoted to Byrophtya, including the mosses, including detailed descriptions of their life cycles and the processes that are involved.

Author also provides several graphics that will be useful in illustrating these life cycle processes for mosses.

Emma Goldman the Interesting Thing
Pages: 5 Words: 1504

When she died in Toronto, after having a stroke while playing cards, her last words were "oddamn it, why did you lead that?" (Falk 315).
Until the end, she was strong, feisty and a true role model for all humans who strongly believe in and want to promote a cause. In oldman's biography, Falk clearly recognizes that oldman is no saint or a andhi, and will never be remembered as such. However, "Emma oldman provided an example for all women in the affirmation of her sexuality and her internal struggle with gender norms; she provided an example for all human beings in her total disrespect for the evil of institutions. She advocated freedom, which is admirable. But she lived freely in a world enslaved, which is heroic."

American Civil Liberties Union. News Reports. 7 August, 2007.

Falk, Serena. Love, Anarchy and Emma oldman New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers

University Press, 1990

Needleman, Sarah. "ender…...


Goldman, Emma. Anarchism and Other Essays. New York: Mother Earth Publishing,

Jewish Women's Archive. Emma Goldman. 6 August, 2007

History Religion
Pages: 3 Words: 1134

cultures of India and China share some similarities, yet are vastly different when answering the question of how ideally a person should live their life. India, as a country, embraces the diversity of their people, and lives peacefully despite the different religions that coexist. The country supports a large population that is estimated at over 1 billion people. The people of India speak thousands of languages, practice nearly every religion imaginable, and oddly enough still incorporate the caste system. China similarly supports a 1-billion+ population, along with social classes, but more emphasis is placed on being male, and receiving higher education. Communism has been a very intrusive government system, which has dramatically influenced the everyday way of life in China.
India's people, despite their similar characteristics physically, celebrate their diversity by coming together on common ground in reference to a common ancestry. Religion is very important in India, and the…...



"China," Microsoft ® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2001 © 1997-2001 21 Feb 2002

Chinascape. 25 Feb 2002

Gajewski, Karen Ann. "Intolerance Took a Violent Turn." The Humanist. November -- December 2001. Vol. 61, No. 6

"India," Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2001 © 1997-2001 21 Feb 2002

Read Book Why Peron Came to Power
Pages: 3 Words: 1027

Peron Came to Power
Publisher: Alfred - A - Knopf

Copyright Date: 1968

The editor of this publication, Joseph . Barager, following his own 38-page introduction, gives way to 21 individual "authors" - all of whom contribute short essays on pivotal periods and events leading up to and into the Peron era. Each of the 21 essayists has his or her own particular area of expertise, and hence, a unique point-of-view. As to the over-riding point-of-view of the editor? Barager clearly wishes to establish at the outset of his book, that the book is going to argue that Juan Domingo Peron was not responsible for "all the ills and misfortunes" that afflicted Argentina following WWII - notwithstanding the contention of some Latin American journalistic observers, and the raging of many hostile and angry Argentineans. Nor, the editor's thesis goes on to assert, was Peron the "champion" of the lower class (descamisados -…...



Barager, Joseph R. Why Peron Came to Power: The Background to Peronism in Argentina. New York: Alfred - A - Knopf, 1968.

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