CA) is to simplify the problems at hand it is a systematic approach that can lead, like a trail of clues, investigators to objective truths or at least well assumed ones. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services endorsed this method as a practical approach as presented in their agency on research quality. The group acknowledged that "root cause analysis (CA) is a structured method used to analyze serious adverse events. Initially developed to analyze industrial accidents, CA is now widely deployed as an error analysis tool in health care. A central tenet of CA is to identify underlying problems that increase the likelihood of errors while avoiding the trap of focusing on mistakes by individuals."
This essay will address the case study of Mr. B's untimely death and apply a CA to the facts of the case. The essay will also use change theory to develop an improvement…...
Burnes, B. (2004). Kurt Lewin and complexity theories: back to the future?.Journal of change management, 4(4), 309-325.
Eriksson, K. (1996). Understanding the world of the patient, the suffering human being: The new clinical paradigm from nursing to caring. Advanced Practice Nursing Quarterly, 3(1), 8- 13.
Riehle, M.A., Bergeron, D., & Hyrkas, K. (2008). Improving process while changing practice: FMEA and medication administration. Nursing management,39(2), 28-33.
US Department of Health and Human Resources (nd). Agency for Helathcare Research and Quality. Root Cause Analysis. Viewed 19 Mar 2005. Retrieved from
General Motor
oot cause analysis
When the root cause analysis (CA) was carried out of General Motors the main problems that were identified were lack of efficiency due to communication and listening problems, the ever rising competition especially from Toyota with their Hybrid series, the redundancy in the design of their cars, the issue of environmental concern among the environmentalists and the whole issue of reliability of their brand.
Due to these identified challenges within the firm, the following are the recommended actions that are bound to make the company more efficient. There is need to have an efficient communication process especially over the quality alert and customer related issues so that the supply base as well as the employees understands the quality concern. The communication channel should purposefully have it in agenda to communicate clearly the failure modes and the subsequent corrective actions to be well communicated. This communication channel should…...
CSR Wire, (2012). Conducted with Cooperation of GM, Investors and Environmentalists Assess Progress. Retrieved January 28, 2012 from
General Motors Corporation CTIS #20532, Error Proofing Workshop Participant Manual, July 2001,-Page 3-1
Explain why a root cause analysis was appropriate for this situation
A root cause analysis was appropriate for this particular situation in order to realize particularly what went wrong and the suitable way of fixing it. Imperatively, root cause analyses are utilized when sentry or adverse occurrences take place in the healthcare sector, post event. Basically, an assessment team is sent off, through the use of a toolbox approach with numerous approaches such as Fault-Tree-Analysis, Pareto Analysis, as well as brainstorming with the main objective of ascertaining the root or causes of the mistake or failure. The state of affairs is split into different steps and every one of them is comprehensively analyzed to determine the error or risks in within processes, human aspects and also equipment. These phases include the following:
1. Ascertain the incident to be analyzed
2. Form a team to be responsible for conducting the RCA
3. Examine properly the…...
Causes of Juvenile Delinquency
Criminal Justice
The problem of juvenile delinquency is becoming more complicated and universal, and crime prevention programs are either unequipped to deal with the present realities or do not exist. Many developing countries have done little or nothing to deal with these problems, and international programs are obviously insufficient. Developed countries are engaged in activities aimed at juvenile crime prevention, but the overall effect of these programs is rather weak because the mechanisms in place are often inadequate to address the existing situation. On the whole, current efforts to fight juvenile delinquency are characterized by the lack of systematic action and the absence of task-oriented and effective social work with both offenders and victims, whether real or potential. Analysis is further complicated by a lack of international comparative data. (WY, 2003) The paper is a meditation and investigation of the causes of juvenile delinquency. While it is a…...
Ali, M. (2008). Youth Crime: Causes and Remedies. Munich Personal RePEc Archive, 17223, Available from: .
Chowdry, I.A., Khan, M.M., & Uddin, I. (2012). Causes and Consequences of Juvenile Delinquency in Bangladesh: A Sociological Analysis. International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow, 1(4), 1 -- 11.
Loeber, R. (1990) Development and risk factors of juvenile antisocial behavior and delinquency. Clinical Psychology Review, 10, 1 -- 41.
Tigar, Michael E. "What Are We Doing to the Children?: An Essay on Juvenile (In)justice." Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, Vol. 47, No. 849, 849 -- 866, 2010.
Barrier Analysis
Two nationally recognized computer manufacturers compete for market share of lap top sales. Company B. has 50% market share for lap tops within the United States, while Company A has 10% share. Company A plans to use competitive advertising in order to acquire more market share. Since the remaining 40% U.S. market share is dispersed among various companies with no clear path to substantial acquisition, Company A decides that Company B's market share represents a target for its streamlined acquisition of market share. Effectively, Company A's advertising team devises to pull market share directly from Company B. Negative advertising poised to make Company B. appear to have inferior products relative to Company A's lap top offerings threatens Company B's market share.
However, Company B. does have a collective, non-physical barrier in place to thwart the results of negative advertising imposed by Company A. A few aspects combine to comprise this…...
Antediluvian etirement Home: eportExecutive SummaryThe report concerns some of the issues and conflicts facing the Antediluvian etirement Home, a high-end facility specializing in care for elderly residents. This report examines some of the more pervasive issues that afflicts this company, and discusses three possible options that will perhaps rectify the bulk of these conflicts. The report then makes its (bold) recommendation for how the retirement home should best proceed and why. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are also discussed, as these changes have to be successful to ensure the longevity of the home.Issues IdentificationThe case study with the Antediluvian etirement Home plainly states that it has three strategies in place that guide the overall running, day to day operations and general philosophy of the organization: its high end branding, its attempts to forge sustainability, and its attempts to minimize costs whenever possible, in order to increase profitability.One of the major issues…...
mlaReferencesSupply Chain Management Association. (2018). Antediluvian Retirement Home. Retrieved from file:///Users/leahmarymy/Downloads/scan0002.pdf
The debilitating economic conditions and return of foreign investors within the country has a direct impact on the financial circumstances of businesses on the stock market (Freeman & Logan, 2004).
Skyrocketing prices of consumer commodities and everyday necessities are observed when the nation is likely to experience poor financial and economic situation. Consumer conference gets badly damaged when the prices fluctuates on the higher side. These reasons only create imprecise ways of earning money and surviving for the livelihood, which escalates terrorism (Freeman & Logan, 2004).
The tourism industry of any nation gets equally affected if high incidents of terrorism are recorded. This is typically due to the reason that tourist, sightseers, and travelers would give less preference to the countries with increased episodes of the heinous crime in comparison to the rest of the countries. Even though, the country is making great efforts to promote its tourism industry on an…...
Bjorgo, T. (2004). Root Causes of Terrorism: Myths, Reality and Ways Forward. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Corlett, J.A. (2003). Terrorism: A Philosophical Analysis. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Durmaz, H. (2007). Understanding and Responding to Terrorism. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press.
Freeman, E.M. & Logan, S.L. (2004). Reconceptualizing the Strengths and Common Heritage of Black Families: Practice, Research, and Policy Issues. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas Publisher.
Brown, N..; Olsen, G.D. & Pracejus, J.W. (2003). "On the prevalence and impact of vague quantifiers in advertising: Cause related marketing." Journal of Advertising, 32(4):19
Fogel, E. (2005, January). "Cause-elated marketing: Does corporate America genuinely care?" Marketing etrieved February 20, 2005:
Holmes, C. (2004, April). "Brand Benefits - Cause elated Marketing." Business in the Community. Available:
IEG. (2001). "IEG sponsorship report.", 20 (24): 4-5; From: Kelley & Kowalczyk, (2003), "Cause marketing: Opportunities for assisting exempt organizations and sponsors."
Kelley, C.L. & Kowalczyk, T.K. (2003). "Cause marketing: Opportunities for assisting exempt organizations and sponsors." The CPA Journal, 73(2):15
Marken, G.A. (2001). "P has to be more involved in company branding." Public
elations Quarterly, 46 (4): 31
NSPCC. (2002). "NSPCC - Cause related marketing." NSPCC Online. etrieved February 17, 2005:
Pringle, H. & Thompson, M. (2000). "Brand Spirit - How cause related marketing builds brands." New York: Means Business, Inc.
Varadarajan, P.. & Menon, a. (1988,…...
Brown, N.R.; Olsen, G.D. & Pracejus, J.W. (2003). "On the prevalence and impact of vague quantifiers in advertising: Cause related marketing." Journal of Advertising, 32(4):19
Fogel, E. (2005, January). "Cause-Related marketing: Does corporate America genuinely care?" Marketing Retrieved February 20, 2005:
Holmes, C. (2004, April). "Brand Benefits - Cause Related Marketing." Business in the Community. Available:
IEG. (2001). "IEG sponsorship report.", 20 (24): 4-5; From: Kelley & Kowalczyk, (2003), "Cause marketing: Opportunities for assisting exempt organizations and sponsors."
Sigtek Case Analysis
The Total Quality initiative launched by Telwork for its subsidiary Sigtek represents a common practice for Corporate America; "remaking themselves into significantly better competitors" (Kotter, J. 1995. P. 59). For Sigtek, the manufacturer of "printed circuit boards for signal handling" (Harvard Business School. 1990) the task was to transform an organization that "began to face serious competition in its marketplace" (Harvard Business School. 1990), showed declining revenues, and demonstrated considerable mismanagement in implementing strategic operations. The Telwork-Sigtek Total Quality program as with all ostensible change dynamics has as the "basic goal to make fundamental changes in how business is conducted in order to help cope with a new, more challenging market environment" (Kotter, J. 1995. P. 59). Yet, these change efforts in most cases fall dramatically short of their intended marks, a reality which is explicated via the Kotter change model; an eight phase process outline which limns…...
Biech, E. (2009) On Leading Change: A Conversation with John P. Kotter. Berrett Koehler Publishers. PP 1-12
Harvard Business School. (1990). Sigtek Case Study. Harvard Business School. PP 1-12
Kotter, J. (1995). Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail. Harvard Business
Review. March-April 1995. PP 59-67. Retrieved July 29, 2011 from
Clinic Analysis
Managing Complaints: Improving Service in a 15-Bed Emergency Room
As chief operating officer, you are responsible for a 15-bed Emergency Room (ER), which has received many complaints within the last year regarding inadequate patient care, poor ER management, long wait times, and patients being sent away due to lack of space, staff or physicians to provide appropriate care.
Diagnoses: Root Causes of Clinic Complaints
The complaints at hand in viewing the lack of success in the ER at hand can be largely traced back to poor internal management within the ER. Employees operating within the ER have long been confused about the standards and protocols that the hospital has implemented which poorly effects the running of the ER from the time a new patient enters the facility. Many of the complaints lodged toward the ER make mention of an incompetent and insensitive ER staff who have led patients to leave the ER…...
mlaWorks Cited
Carrus, B., Corbett, S., and Khandelwal, D. (2010). "A hospital-wide strategy for fixing emergency department overcrowding." McKinsey Quarterly. Web. Retrieved
from: [Accessed on 2 December
Louisiana State University. (2012). "Good Samaritan Laws." LSU. Web. Retrieved from:
" (Dafler, 2005) Dafler relates that for more than thirty years children who were 'half-caste' "were forcibly removed from their families, often grabbed straight from their mother's arms, and transported directly to government and church missions." (Dafler, 2005) This process was termed to be one of assimilation' or 'absorption' towards the end of breeding out of Aboriginal blood in the population. At the time all of this was occurring Dafler relates that: "Many white Australians were convinced that any such hardship was better than the alternative of growing up as a member of an 'inferior' race and culture." (2005) it is plainly stated in a government document thus:
The destiny of the natives of Aboriginal origin, but not of the full blood, lies in their ultimate absorption by the people of the Commonwealth, and [the commission] therefore recommends that all efforts be directed towards this end." (eresford and Omaji, Our State…...
Dafler, Jeffrey (2005) Social Darwinism and the Language of Racial Oppression: Australia's Stolen Generations ETC.: A Review of General Semantics, Vol. 62, 2005.
Erich Fromm Foreword to a.S. Neill SummerHill (New York, 1960).
Hawkins, Social Darwinism; Shibutani, Tamotsu and Kwan, Kian M. Ethnic Stratification: A Comparative Approach. New York: The Macmillan Company (1965).
Jacques Ellul, the Technological Society (New York, 1967), 436.
Mr. iley's agoraphobia is a matter of particular concern as this defensive response to his anxiety disorder has prevented the subject from engaging a normal, health, active, productive life. According to A.D.A.M. (2010), "panic disorder with agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder in which there are repeated attacks of intense fear and anxiety, and a fear of being in places where escape might be difficult, or where help might not be available. Agoraphobia usually involves fear of crowds, bridges, or of being outside alone." (A.D.A.M., p. 1) The fear of the outside world has inclined the subject in this case to increasingly shut himself off from others and from opportunities to experience life. The result, A.D.A.M. (2010) reports, is a deepening sense of isolation and a further descent into the irrational response mechanisms that have come to control Mr. iley's life.
Demographic Implications:
One major demographic concern for Mr. iley might be…...
mlaWorks Cited:
A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia. (2010). Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia. PubMed Health.
DSM IV. (2010). DSM IV Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Criteria. Biological
Malinckrodt, B.; Porter, M.J. & Kivlighan, D.M. (2005). Client Attachment to Therepist: Depth of In-Session Exploration, and Object Relations in Brief Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 42(1), 85-100.
HSMS Gap Analysis and Hazard Identification Risk Assessments
Description of APM Terminals
Legal Environment
Review of the Health and Safety Management System
Gap Analysis
Hazard Identification
Physical Hazards
Health and Welfare Hazards
Risk Assessment
Physical Hazard -- Working at Height - Scaffolding
Health & Welfare Hazard -- Noise
Action Plans
Action Plan 1 - Management System
Action Plan 2 -- Hazards and Risks
Barbour Checklist: BS OHSAS 18001 Audit Checklist
Occupational health and safety management has numerous benefits for business, not only an employer's duty of care, a legal and moral obligation but also critical part of business equal in importance to other business functions like finance, marketing and production. When health and safety is embedded as part of business, results would be, good company image and reputation, better employee motivation and morale, improved efficiency and ultimately increased profitability.
The implementation of a sound health, safety and environment (HSE) management system provide an effective framework to minimize or prevent accidents and ill health.
The aim of this…...
(Harvey, 2003) the suspicion of the United States of the "Soviet Expansionist tendencies" had increased by the 1970s and Harvey states as well that "The pervasive mentality of Washington officials during these years was dominated by the communist domino theory which led many Washington politicians to believe that the Soviet Union sought to take over the entire world." (2003) the United States had always received a safeguard provided by the shah for their Middle East interest of oil and it was this that resulted in the United States perceiving the Soviet-Afghanistan relations as a "considerable threat...before 1979." (Harvey, 2003)
Harvey reports that while Department of State records from the early 1970s report that the United States was indifferent to the relationship that was developing between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan that the truth is that "...Recently declassified ntelligence reports also reveal that the "official history record is false."
[26] Contrary to…...
mlaIsby, David C. (1999) War in a Distant Country. New York: Arms and Armour Press, 1989. Rashid, Ahmed (2000) Taliban. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000.
Terrorism Project. (2001) "Lessons from History: U.S. Policy Towards Afghanistan, 1978-2001." 5 October 2001. Online available at; .
United States Department of State (1976) Annual Policy Assessment, March 9, 1976.
Decision Analysis System Modeling
Using Spreadsheets"
"Data Decision Analysis System Modeling Using Spreadsheets."
Spreadsheet is one of the most popular software packages on the planet. Daily, million of business people, students and individuals use spreadsheet program to build models to assist in solving decision problems they face on their work activities. Thus, employers generally look for individuals having experience and skills with spreadsheets. Typically, spreadsheets assist in developing varieties of management techniques in modeling environment. More importantly, spreadsheets assist in developing models and make decision within a business environment.
Within the present contemporary business environment, many business managers face daunting tasks to make effective decisions. With the fast-paced and dynamic changes within a competitive business environment, business people are often faced with extremely complex business alternatives. Evaluation of the alternatives and choosing the best option from these alternatives has become a daunting task for business people. Thus,…...
Evans, M.H. (2010). Course 3: Capital Budgeting Analysis. Continuing Professional Education
Lin, G.C.I. & Nagalingam, S.V. (2000). CIM justification and optimization. London: Taylor & Francis.
Ragsdale, C.T.(2010). Decision Analysis and Spreadsheet Modeling. A Practical Introduction to Management Science (4th edition). Cengage Learning.
Unveiling the Enigma of Retained Surgical Items: A Journey into Prevention
Retained surgical items (RSIs) represent a grave threat to patient safety and the integrity of healthcare systems. These inadvertent remnants left behind after surgical procedures can lead to severe complications, protracted suffering, and even death. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of RSIs, delving into their prevalence, consequences, and the critical measures necessary for prevention.
Prevalence of RSIs
RSIs are a global problem affecting both developing and developed countries. Studies estimate that the incidence ranges from 1 in 4,000 to 1 in 15,000 surgical procedures. This variability highlights the need for robust....
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