Ronald Reagan Essays (Examples)

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Ronald Reagan
Pages: 5 Words: 1480

Ronald Reagan
From the days of Abraham Lincoln, it is an instilled American belief that anyone, from any social status in life, can rise to the highest office of the country, that of President of the United States. Given this belief, then is it possible for a college football player turned actor to rise to governor of California, and then move on to the highest office?

Ronald ilson Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 to Nelle and John Reagan in Tampico, Illinois. After high school graduation, he attended Eureka College, where he studied economics and sociology, played football and participated in school plays (President pp). hen Reagan graduated from Eureka, he became a radio sports announcer, then in 1937 a screen test won him a contract in Hollywood, where during the next two decades he appeared in some fifty-three films (President pp).

Reagan's first marriage to actress Jane yman produced two children,…...


Work Cited

President Ronald Reagan. The White House. 

Ronald W. Reagan.

Reagan, Ronald. An American Life. Simon and Schuster. 1990; pp.108, 109.

Ronald Reagan Tear Down This Wall for
Pages: 5 Words: 1614

Ronald Reagan: "Tear Down This all"
For many months, East Germany's beleaguered rulership tried desperately to quiet an increasingly oppositional movement and stem the tide of the people that were leaving the country (Ratnesar web). There were, by 1989, literal and metaphorical cracks in the communist bloc and the Berlin all; however, many thought that the wall would still remain. However, then president Ronald Reagan is quoted as saying, "I didn't know when it would come, but I have to tell you, I'm an eternal optimist" (Ratnesar web). Some two years prior, Reagan had addressed the crowd near Brandenburg Gate and is said to have challenged Soviet leader Miklah Gorbachev to tear down the wall. At the time of the speech, even Reagan's strongest supporters thought it would never happen, and his appeal would not yield a positive gain. Nevertheless, when the wall did actually come down, the world was shocked…...


Works Cited

Boyd, Gerald. "Raze Berlin Wall, Reagan Urges Soviet." The New York Times., 13 June

1987. Web. 4 December 2011.

Carliner, Geoffrey. Politics and economics in the eighties. Columbia University Press, 1991, p. 6.

Douglas, Carlyle. "Reagan Hailed for Taking the Evil Out of the Empire." The New York

Ronald Reagan the Younger Years
Pages: 4 Words: 1328

Congress had passed the Twenty-fifth Amendment in 1965 saying that the President could hand over his authority for the interim or the Vice President and cabinet could pronounce him unfit. But it left unclear the definition of what constituted a disability (the onald eagan Assassination Attempt, 2008).
The Twenty-fifth Amendment was never put into practice after the eagan assassination attempt, despite the President's incapability. Aides were concerned that handing over authority, even provisionally, would blemish eagan's image. His counselor Edwin Meese later said there was a real worry about not to offering any facade of a President not capable of continuing to run the nation. eagan's practice of assigning tasks served him well in the time that followed the shooting. The public, though ignorant of the seriousness of his wound, was encouraged by his recuperation and his noticeable bravery during the tribulation. His reputation rose, and the country's liking served…...



Early Life: 1911 -- 1932. (2010). Retrieved December 15, 2010, from Spark Notes Web site: 

President Ronald Reagan: Winning the Cold War. (2006). Retrieved December 16, 2010, from History Net Web site: 

Ronald Reagan in Hollywood. (2010). Retrieved December 15, 2010, from Web site:

Ronald Reagan Reagan Ronald -
Pages: 5 Words: 1424

35), a person that fought for the people and talked in ways that encouraged people to have a positive outlook, even when all was or was not well with the internal financial workings of the government (Cannon, 2001; Sharpe & Pemberton, 1998)).
Cannon (2001) is among many noting the presidency led by Reagan cast a "long shadow" on the American people. His achievements were accomplished through hard work and dedication (Sharpe & Pemberton, 1998). He managed to create a "symbiotic relationship" with Russian leader Gorbachev and achieved the creation of the INF treaty, which marked the beginning of the end of the Cold ar and the Soviet people and Union as a country (Cannon, 2001, p. 2). hile this may seem well it had grave economic consequences for the U.S., but also good ones, including a reduction in military spending thanks to peacetime, with only 3% of the budget allocated…...


Works Cited

Cannon, L. (2001). Ronald Reagan: The presidential portfolio a history illuminated from the collection of the Ronald Reagan library and museum. New York: Public Affairs.

Henry, D., & Ritter, K. (1992). Ronald Reagan: The great communicator. New York:

Greenwood Press.

Reagan, R. (1985). Address by President Ronald Reagan. World Affairs, 147(4): 305.

Ronald Reagan as a Historical
Pages: 4 Words: 1501

He brought to bear all of these leadership qualities in the service of his nation as the President and not only lifted the country out of economic depression and a serious crisis of confidence but also won the Cold War against the Soviets without firing a single shot.

Commentary: onald eagan's hetoric." (n.d.). etrieved on March 7, 2007 at

Edwards, L. (2004). "No Accidental Leader." National eview Online, June 05, 2004. etrieved on March 7, 2007 at

Jones, D. (2004). "Leadership lessons from the eagan years." USA TODAY. 2004-06-10. etrieved on March 7, 2007 at

Meese, E. (1999). "The Leadership of onald eagan." Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University. etrieved on March 7, 2007 at

Noonan, P. (1998). "onald eagan." Time 100: Leaders and evolutionaries. etrieved on March 7, 2007 at

Thatcher, M. (1988). "eagan's Leadership, America's ecovery." National eview Online, June 05, 2004. etrieved on March…...



Commentary: Ronald Reagan's Rhetoric." (n.d.). Retrieved on March 7, 2007 at 

Edwards, L. (2004). "No Accidental Leader." National Review Online, June 05, 2004. Retrieved on March 7, 2007 at 

Jones, D. (2004). "Leadership lessons from the Reagan years." USA TODAY. 2004-06-10. Retrieved on March 7, 2007 at 

Meese, E. (1999). "The Leadership of Ronald Reagan." Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University. Retrieved on March 7, 2007 at

Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt Both Ronald
Pages: 3 Words: 760

Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt
Both Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt were influential presidents in American history. Although they oftentimes had different views on politics, the function of government in general, and economics they did share similarities. Franklin Roosevelt was the third second president of our country and served from 1933 to 1945. He assumed the presidency at the pinnacle of the Great Depression. Ronald Reagan, the "Prime Time President," was the fortieth president of the United States and served from 1981 to 1989.

During his Inaugural Address, FDR said one of the most famous lines in history: "They only thing we have to fear is fear itself." He was a Democrat and first held the elected office of New York Senator in 1910.

He also was Assistant Secretary of the Navy during Wilson's administration, and was a nominee for president in 1920. When Roosevelt was 39 he came down with polio, and…...

Ronald Reagan and the Berlin Wall
Pages: 9 Words: 2610

Ronald Reagan and the Berlin Wall
More than any other single person, President Ronald Reagan was responsible for the destruction of the Berlin wall and the defeat of Communism. t was his policies as President of the United States (U.S.) that led to the instability in the regimes of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its puppet governments in Eastern Europe. He took the bold step of breaking with previous U.S. foreign policy to advocate the defeat of communism instead of coexistence. "Reagan's experience in winning the Cold War provides a model of strength and offers hope. n 1980, no one expected to see the Berlin Wall come down that decade."

t was this forcefulness that was the proximate cause for the opening of the wall on November 9, 1989. n an interview on November 27, 1995, Jerry Falwell said, "Many thought he was a hawk, but never saw…...


In the 1984 presidential election, he was re-elected in a landslide over Carter's Vice President, Walter Mondale, winning 49 of 50 states and receiving nearly 60% of the popular vote. Reagan had accepted the Republican nomination in Dallas, Texas, on a wave of good feeling bolstered by the recovering economy and the dominating performance by the U.S. athletes at the Los Angeles Olympics that summer. Despite a weak performance in the first debate, Reagan recovered in the second and was considerably ahead of Mondale in polls taken throughout much of the race. Reagan's landslide win in the 1984 presidential election is often attributed by political commentators to be a result of his conversion of the so-called "Reagan Democrats," the traditionally Democratic voters who voted for Reagan in that election.

Among European leaders, his main ally and undoubtedly his closest friend was Thatcher, who as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom supported Reagan's policies of deterrence against the Soviets, saying at his funeral, "Others hoped, at best, for an uneasy cohabitation with the Soviet Union; he won the Cold War - not only without firing a shot, but also by inviting enemies out of their fortress and turning them into friends."

Others argued, however, that the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union was due more to internal separatist problems, an inherent weakness in communist economic theory, and

Ronald Reagan S Moral Leadership
Pages: 3 Words: 1006

onald eagan: The Great Communicator
Credited with ending the Cold War and defeating Communism, onald eagan leveraged an early career as a sports announcer and a lead actor in "B" movies such as "Bedtime for Bonzo" to become the leader of the free world. Given his impact on history and the direction of U.S. foreign policy in the years since, this leader represents a worthy figure for study. To this end, this paper reviews the relevant literature to provides a brief biography of onald eagan, the specific leadership style he used, and an analysis of his moral intelligence and credibility as a leader. In addition, an analysis concerning the alignment of this leader's values and behaviors with the organizational values expressed in vision, mission, and value statements of the United States that are most closely affiliated with the leader, as well as any other indicators of organizational culture, is followed by…...



Biography. (2016). The White House. Retrieved from / presidents/ronaldreagan.

Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. New York: Basic Books.

Gillespie, N. (2004, October). Orange you glad he didn't say red? The president's credibility problem. Reason, 36(5), 24.

Ronald Reagan the Fortieth President
Pages: 6 Words: 1848

He fulfilled his promises to the American people and fulfilled his destiny as a transformational leader.
orks Cited

No author. (2008). Ronald Reagan. The hite House. Retrieved December 9, 2008 at

Transcript: Larry King Live: Remembering the Assassination Attempt on Ronald Reagan. CNN. Retrieved December 9, 2008 at

No author. (2004). Reaganomics or 'voodoo economics'? BBC. Retrieved December 9, 2008 at

No author. (2004) a Fresh Look at Reaganomics CBS Retrieved December 9, 2008 at

Lazarus, David. (2004). Downside of Reagan Legacy. San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved December 9, 2008 at

No author. (2007). Not Your Daddy's Deficit. Harvard Magazine. Retrieved December 9, 2008 at

Battle, Joyce. (2003) Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein: The U.S. Tilts Toward Iraq: 1980-1984. The National Security Archive. Retrieved December 9, 2008 at

No author. (No date). Reagan Doctrine, 1985. U.S. Department of State. Retrieved December 9, 2008 at

Rosenfeld, Stephen S. (1986). The Reagan Doctrine: Guns…...


Works Cited

No author. (2008). Ronald Reagan. The White House. Retrieved December 9, 2008 at 

Transcript: Larry King Live: Remembering the Assassination Attempt on Ronald Reagan. CNN. Retrieved December 9, 2008 at 

No author. (2004). Reaganomics or 'voodoo economics'? BBC. Retrieved December 9, 2008 at 

No author. (2004) a Fresh Look at Reaganomics CBS Retrieved December 9, 2008 at

Ronald Reagan's Evil Empire Speech
Pages: 3 Words: 1037

" (Abrogate means to "Abolish by authoritative action"). Here is a fear appeal by Reagan; in other words, if the conservative Christian movement doesn't stand up to the liberals who want progressive policies on abortion, those liberals will destroy democracy.
After criticizing the people who stand for things that the Christian conservative movement opposes, and clearly staking out his position as a "good" president who opposes "evil" things in society, Reagan launched into his main agenda for the day, his metaphor that the Soviet Union is the devil personified. Built into the metaphor of Soviets as the devil is Reagan's fear appeals. In the Soviet Union, "Morality is entirely subordinate to the interests of class war," Reagan explained; the "only morality they recognize is…world revolution" (fear appeal).

"We will never give away our freedom," Reagan went on, and in a few moments attacked (without mentioning their names) those U.S. Senators and Congressmen…...

President Ronald Reagan Underrated or Overrated Ronald
Pages: 4 Words: 1523

onald eagan

Is President onald eagan Overrated or Underrated?

Is President onald eagan Overrated or Underrated?

Is onald eagan Underrated or Over ated as A person?

onald eagan became the 40th president of the United States of America. He won the presidency in the year 1980. onald got elected as the president in an era which was considered as an era of humiliation and aggression for the people of the United States of America. onald had an effective and a strong personality and he was a great communicator. With his provoking words he instilled new hope and enthusiasm in the people of the United States of America. During the eagan's era the United States of America witnessed a great rise in its economy. Due to this rise a large number of people earned millions of dollars. This rise was majorly due to the rise in of the most…...



American Experience (1980). WGBH American Experience | PBS. Retrieved from:   [Accessed: 2 Jun 2013]. 

Dujmovic, N. (2011). Ronald Reagan, Intelligence and The End of Cold War. California: T. h e R. o n a l d R. e a g a n Presidential Library. pp.2-25. [Accessed: 2nd June 2013].

Lindgren, J. (2000). Ranking Our Presidents. Washington, DC: Federalist Society. pp.1-25. [Accessed: 2 Jun 2013]. (2010). Ronald Reagan interfered with President Carter's Iran Hostage Negotiations | Mountain Sage Blog. Retrieved from:   / [Accessed: 2 Jun 2013]. 

President Ronald Reagan's Views and
Pages: 4 Words: 1333

S. attacked. The U.S. was victorious, and withdrew after about two months of occupation, and the world knew the United States would not tolerate communism's advance of any sort during the eagan administration.
Probably the most notorious aspect of eagan's foreign policy was the Iran-Contra Affair, which came to light in 1986 during eagan's second term in office. However, the affair had been going on almost as long as eagan had come into office. The American Experience continues, "Within days of taking office, eagan suspended U.S. aid to Nicaragua and declared his support for contra rebels fighting to overthrow the newly installed Marxist-led Sandinista regime" (Editors). Essentially, because Congress had turned down aid to the Contras, the administration created covert arms deals with Iran, sending the profits to the Contras who were fighting the Nicaraguan government (the Sandinistas), which was supported by the Soviets and other communist nations. Unfortunately, it became…...



Editors. "Foreign Affairs: Ronald Reagan, 40th President." 2003. 25 April 2008. 

Kane, John. "American Values or Human Rights? U.S. Foreign Policy and the Fractured Myth of Virtuous Power." Presidential Studies Quarterly 33.4 (2003): 772+.

Scott, James M. The Reagan Doctrine and American Foreign Policy. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1996.

1980's When Ronald Reagan Served the Country
Pages: 10 Words: 3093

1980's when onald eagan served the country, his administration and characteristics of his leadership will be discussed and analyzed in the paper along with the observation of the Hollywood cinema and its status in the eagan's administration. The history and researches on this topic have declared the fact that in the 1980's Hollywood cinema became little more than a mouthpiece for the eagan's administration. Discussion of this statement will be made in the paper so as to provide the readers with the complete background information and related evidences of the eagan's administration and the Hollywood cinema.

In order to define the related terms and the evidences, the paper will present a short biography of onald eagan.

onald Wilson eagan was elected the 40th president of the United States on Nov. 4, 1980, and was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 1981. At the age of 69,…...



As retrieved from Reagan, Ronald {ray'-guhn}

On April 24,2004

As retrieved from Excerpt from Gunfighter Nation by Richard Slotkin p.642 On April 24,2004

The Ethical Nature of Ronald Reagan S Tenure as President
Pages: 7 Words: 2516

Leadership of President onald "Dutch" eagan
Naturally gregarious and charismatic, even his critics admired onald eagan's ability to cajole, persuade and otherwise convince others of the legitimacy of his ideas. While he frequently got his facts wrong, as the 40th U.S. president, eagan was consistent in demonstrating the kind of leadership that the nation needed following the Iranian takeover of the U.S. Embassy and the taking of embassy staff as hostage and for confronting the monolithic Soviet Union's efforts to achieve European hegemony. To determine the facts about this leader, this paper provides a summary of the key details about eagan, a description of his positions of progressive responsibilities culminating in two terms as U.S. president, and some important points concerning his life and times. An analyses concerning eagan's alignment with the four universal principles of integrity, responsibility, compassion and forgiveness and the different bases of power he used, are…...



Barnett, A. (2003). Words that changed America: Great speeches that inspired, challenged, healed, and enlightened. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press.

Kuehl, R. A. (2012, June). The Reagan rhetoric: History and memory in 1980s America. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 42. Issue: 2 Publication date: June 2012. Page number: 406+. ©

King, S. (1999, October 17). Morris biography shrouds the true Ronald Reagan. The Washington Times, 2.

Lynn, L. (2005, October 17). List of Reagan administration convictions. Kos Media. Retrieved from .

A Neo Aristotelian Analysis of Ronald Reagan S Evil Empire Speech
Pages: 4 Words: 1414

Neo-Aristotelian Analysis of Ronald Reagan's "Evil Empire" Speech
hen President Ronald Reagan delivered his historic "evil empire" speech in 1982, America's enemies were well-known as consisted most especially of the former Soviet Union. Children born since the turn of the 21st century have never known as world that had a Berlin all or an East and est Germany, and even observers at the time of the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991 could not believe what they were seeing. Despite their incredulity at the time, many analysts in the aftermath credited President Reagan with ending the Cold ar due in large part to his "evil empire" speech. To determine the facts, this paper provides a Neo-Aristotelian analysis of Reagan's "Evil Empire" speech followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning this analysis in the conclusion.

Review and Analysis

Generally, a Neo-Aristotelian analysis of a historic speech such as Reagan's "evil…...


Works Cited

Gingrich, Newt. (2008, Spring-Summer). "The Evil Empire: On the 25th Anniversary of Two Famous Reagan Speeches, the Former Speaker of the House Asks Why We Haven't Learned More from the 40th President." American Heritage 58(4): 18-21. Print.

Kramer, Peter. (1999, March). "Star Wars." History Today 49(3): 41.

"Neo-Aristotelian Criticism-Steps in the Process." (2016). Modern Rhetorical Criticism. Web.

Ritter, Kurt. Ronald Reagan: The Great Communicator. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992. Print.

What role did key figures play in shaping American history?
Words: 569

Key Figures in Shaping American History
Throughout the annals of American history, exceptional individuals have emerged as pivotal figures, steering the course of events and leaving an indelible mark on the nation's trajectory. Their leadership, vision, and unwavering determination have shaped the very fabric of the country, from its inception to its present day.
George Washington (1732-1799): The Father of the Nation
As the first President of the United States, George Washington played a paramount role in establishing the young republic. His unwavering leadership during the Revolutionary War earned him the moniker "Father of the Nation." As President, he presided over the formation....

What are the key milestones in the history of the women\'s rights movement?
Words: 533

Key Milestones in the History of the Women's Rights Movement

Throughout history, women have fought tirelessly for their rights and equality. The women's rights movement has witnessed significant milestones that have shaped the social, political, and economic landscape for women worldwide. Here are some key milestones:

1848: Seneca Falls Convention
Held in Seneca Falls, New York, it was the first women's rights convention in the United States.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott drafted a Declaration of Sentiments demanding equal rights for women.

1851: The First Women's Rights Convention in Ohio
Organized by Lucy Stone, Frances Dana Gage, and Paulina Wright Davis.

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