Romantic Relationship Essays (Examples)

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Romantic Relationship Is a Specific
Pages: 2 Words: 677

Additionally, the level of the intimacy can be higher and more intense than through regular communication. This heightened intimacy is the result of the direct and immediate nature of the communication between the parties.
The author successfully demonstrates that the work identifies and attempts to fill lacunae in the literature. The study examined 138 college students at universities in the United States. The immediate concern with this study would be the question of the sample size. A sample of this size suggests that there would be unacceptable levels of error within the study. This error threatens the generalizability of the study.

Another consideration is possibly the need to examine the male to female division in the sample. The sample contained more males than females. This difference is noteworthy since men and women communicate differently. It is possible that more females may have produced different results. Having noted this it is important…...



Amato, P.R., & Rogers, S.J. (1997).A Longitudinal Study of Marital Problems and Subsequent

Divorce. Journal of Marriage and Family, 59,(3): 612-624.

Busby D.M., Gardner, B.C., Taniguchi, N.(2005). The Family of Origin Parachute Model:

Landing Safely in Adult Romantic Relationships. Family Relations, 54,(2): 254-264.

Romantic Relationships IT's Up and Down All
Pages: 13 Words: 3852

omantic elationships: It's Up and Down, All Around" by Dailey, ossetto, Pfiester, and Surra (2009). Overall, the study was considered to be of good quality, with appropriate application of qualitative theory and methods. Criticism of the conceptual framework included a reductionist approach to theoretical models, and a lack of any discussion of an audit trail.
Purpose / Significance of the Study

The researchers have clearly stated the purpose of the study, how it relates to the literature, and what phenomenon will be explored. The research questions fundamentally express the puzzle that the researchers wish to explore and provide a preliminary look at what they hope to glean from the study.

The corpus of research on dating relationships is substantial; however, the variant of couple relationships characterised by the occurrence of breakups and renewals, and the concomitant dynamics and bases of relational stability, has not received much empirical attention. The study extends the…...



Barbour, R.S. (1998) Mixing qualitative methods: Quality assurance or qualitative quagmire? Qualitative Health Research, 8 (3), pp. 352-361.

Braier, H.B., & Kelley, H.H. (1979) Conflict in the development of close relationships. In R.L. Bugress & T.L. Huston (Eds.), Social exchange in developing relationships, pp. 135-168. New York, NY: Academic Press.

Daily, R.M., Rossetto, K.R., Pfiester, A., & Surra, C.A. (2009) A qualitative analysis of on-again / off-again romantic relationships: It's up and down, all around. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 26, 443.

Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. (2005) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Retrieved

Progression of Committed Romantic Relationships
Pages: 8 Words: 2370

A particular area of interest for Baxter and Bullis (1986) is the manner in which couples recollect the turning point in their relationship, and how well those recollections match up with one another. After interviewing hundreds of couples whose relationships had declined or disintegrated, the researchers found that only 54% of the couples attributed their relationships downfall to the same turning point. Misaligned perceptions of many types are, in fact, a major cause of conflict and failure in committed romantic relationships.

Inconsistent Perceptions

esearch on self-interpretation suggests that individuals might embellish their personal virtues to make up for perceived faults. In a study by Greenberg & Pyszczynski, (1985) individuals were confronted with the knowledge that another person knew of a serious fault in their characters. These threatened individuals then emphasized their many virtues in domains unrelated to this fault, presumably in an attempt to reaffirm themselves in this critical other's eyes, and…...



Acker, M., & Davis, M.H. (1992). Intimacy, passion and commitment in adult romantic relationships: A test of the triangular theory of love. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 9, 21-50.

Acitelli L.K. (1998). When spouses talk to each other about their relationship. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 5, 185-199.

Amato, P.R. (2007) Transformative processes in marriage: Some thoughts from a sociologist. Journal of Marriage and the Family.69, 305-309

Baxter L.A. (1988). Dialectical perspective on communication strategies in relational development. In S. Duck, D. Hay, S. Hobfoll, W. Ickes, & B. Montgomery (Eds.), Handbook of personal relationships: Theory, research, and interventions (pp. 257-273). Chichester, England: Wiley.

Romantic Relationships and Birth Control
Pages: 4 Words: 1525

Hemingway's " Hills Like White Elephants"
Two people romantically involved, arrive at a crossroad. Hemingway creates the perfect setting for this kind of situation: a small railroad station, placed between two railways, in a desert like scenery. A range of big white barren hills no one could ignore, borders one side of this scenery. The big city will be their destination if they both decided they should continue their journey together and board that train. The window is small: the train only stops there for two minutes. The girl, as the author calls her in the beginning, is pregnant. A new life would change everything. The unexpected pregnancy means the baby will add a new dimension to what they had been experiencing together, which is travelling without a worry about anything or anyone else, but their own happiness and well-being. Nothing new. There are endless rows of couples who go…...


Dowd, Maureen. "A Farewell to Macho." The New York Times. 2011. Retrieved from: 

Widmaier Capo, Beth. "Textual Contraception. Birth control and Modern American Fiction." The Ohio State University Press. Columbus. Retrieved from:

Becnel, Kim. Bloom's how to Write about Ernest Hemingway. Infobase Publishing, 2008

Relationship Dissolution Ecdriesbaugh Relationship Dissolution
Pages: 10 Words: 2992

Imbalances were most evident in three relational areas: decision-making, emotional involvement, and equity. A higher percentage of both men and women stated that men usually made more of the decisions, were less emotionally involved, and usually experienced "the better deal." Lastly, male dominance -- but not equality of power between genders -- was found to be linked with greater romantic relationship longevity. It seemed that the higher the relative degree given by the respondents to the male (rather than the female partner of the dyad), the lower the consequential rate of relationship dissolution (Felmlee, 1994).
An imbalance of power may promote the actual solidity of a relationship, but this has been much less often researched than other conclusions. The previous findings that inequalities in power are linked to unhappiness, psychological distress, and disagreement mean that power imbalances will raise the likelihood that a relationship would fail; however, no distinctions were…...



Allensworth, N. (1998). Social penetration: a description, research, and evalutation.

Retrieved on 18 November 2007 at 

Bucher, E. (2006). Relationship dissolution planning (nuptial agreements part 1).

DeVito, J.A. (1995). The Interpersonal Communication Book. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers.

Relationships in the Workplace Are Often Positive
Pages: 3 Words: 1072

Relationships in the workplace are often positive in nature and allow for employees to enjoy their work experience. It is not uncommon for life-long friendships, romances, or even marriages to be born out of the relationships of coworkers. However, these same relationships can also create a very uncomfortable work environment.
Perhaps the most controversial workplace relationship is the office romance. Detrimental effects of these types of relationships range from sexual harassment suits to retaliatory actions after the breakup to jealousy from coworkers who believe that a person has climbed the corporate ladder by "sleeping his or her way to the top." (Nations usiness, Pg 1)

The Society of Human Resource Management surveyed six hundred human resource professionals in 1998. This poll concluded that thirteen percent of employers had a written policy on workplace romance. Fourteen percent claimed that they had a "clear understanding" of expected behaviors even though there was no formal…...



Nation's Business. (1998). Retrieved February 26, 2003, from Website: 

Olian, Judy. (2001). On the Job: Workplace Romances are Managements Business. Retrieved February 26, 2003, from Post-Gazette. Website: 

Mann, Lisa. (1994). Resolving Gender Conflict in the Workplace, Consensual and Nonconsensual Conduct. Retrieved February 26, 2003, from Modrall Sperling. Website: 

McIntyre, Kelly S. (1998). The Office -- the Place to Look for Love. Retrieved February 26, 2003 from Vantage 2000. Website:

Relationships and Social Lives This Is the
Pages: 5 Words: 1491

elationships and Social Lives
This is the hierarchical way in which large social groups based on their control over basic resources. A key characteristic of stratification systems is the extent to which the structure is flexible. Slavery, a form of stratification in which people are owned by others, is an extreme type. In a caste system, people's status is determined at birth based on their parents' position in society

The class system, which exists in the United States, is a type of stratification based on ownership of resources and on the type of work people do. Functionalist perspectives on the U.S. class structure view classes as broad groupings of people who share similar levels of privilege based on their roles in the occupational structure. According to the Davis-Moore thesis, positions that are most important within society, requiring the most talent and training, must highly rewarded. Many people define classes as those that…...



1. Eichar, Douglas (1989). Occupation and Class Consciousness in America. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

2. Gilbert, Dennis (1998). The American Class Structure. New York: Wadsworth Publishing.

3. Thompson, William; Joseph Hickey (2005). Society in Focus. Boston, MA: Pearson.

4. Levine, Rhonda (1998). Social Class and Stratification. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Love Relationships
Pages: 10 Words: 3105

Romantic Love
In my fist yea of college, I enjoyed an extemely passionate love elationship. We met duing feshman oientation and ou initial chemisty was instant as well as mutual. Actually, on the night we met he "escued" me, so to speak, because one of the guys fom my domitoy floo was annoying me by the way he ignoed all of my vey obvious signals that I was not paticulaly inteested in talking to him.

I smiled the fist time he looked at me, but to be pefectly honest, I would have smiled at almost anybody at that moment, because I was tying (unsuccessfully) to discouage the guy who would not leave me alone. The idea was simply to hint at the idea that I was not inteested in him by making eye contact with someone else. My (eventual) boyfiend was vey polite about it, but afte we smiled at each othe,…...


references: Gender Differences Examined in a National Sample.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Synder, M. (1977) When Belief Creates Reality: The Self-Fulfilling Impact of First Impressions of Social Interaction. Experiencing Social Psychology, 99-103

Trotter, R.J. (1986) The Three Faces of Love.

Psychology Today, (September) 46-54.

Romantic Comedies Love Has Been
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

This film depicts the life of a woman who has not lived up to her cultural expectations and by the time she is thirty, she realizes that she is getting too old to find love. She then meets a man whom she falls in love with, but the problem lies in his not being from her same ethnic and cultural background. This creates turmoil among her extremely traditional family. Her father refuses to accept her new fiance, but insisting that she is in love, she gets her family to accept a non-Greek individual into their family. Unlike It Happened One Night (1934), My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) shows how culture influences love in our civilization.
The relationship between these two individuals, demonstrates how much love means in our society. The underlying concern in this case is how two different cultures could unite to form a mutual one where everyone…...



My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Dir. Joel Zwick. Perf. Nia Vardalos and John Corbett.

Gold Circle Film, 2002. Film.

It Happened One Night. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. Clark Gable and Claudette

Colbert. Columbia Pictures, 1934. Film.

Relationships Dear Jamie Your Feelings Are Understandable
Pages: 4 Words: 1345

Dear Jamie,

Your feelings are understandable. After all, your brain, mind, and body are the products of millions of years of evolution. Your brain circuitry largely dictates your relationship patterns and your predisposition toward certain body types. However, your girlfriend may be experiencing stress or the symptoms of depression that need to be addressed. There are several issues at stake in your question. The first is your natural tendency toward appreciating certain body and face types in women; the second is your level of emotional commitment to your girlfriend; and the third is your girlfriend's own psychological needs.

First, let's address your biological instincts. The reasons for your being drawn to females with specific body types is not "shallow," as you suggest, but it is animalistic and unconscious. esearch has consistently shown that heterosexual men have certain preferences in female body types. While not all men have the same taste, there are…...



DeNicolo, D. (2013). Animal attraction. Allure 23(2).

Fisher, H. (2014). Sue Johnson's 'Love Sense'

Smith, M. (2014). The power of touch -- Intimacy has health benefits for all ages

Thompson, D. (2013). Good Body Image Goes Hand in Hand With Happier Relationship.

Romantic Era Marked a Movement
Pages: 1 Words: 308

Jane Austin's Sense and Sensibility, while including no supernatural references, focuses on the more positive side of extreme emotion of romantic love. Similarly to Shelley's work, this side of emotion is also used to reflect upon the society of the time. The hypocrisy often associated with marriage ties are for example exposed.

Romantic poetry is not so much concerned with the anxieties or evils in society. Instead, the concern of this poetry is depicting the human relationship with nature as a part of it, rather than separated from it. As such, there is a departure from the image of socially imposed order towards a free, untamed image of nature. Similarly to romantic fiction, poetry also focuses on the strength of emotions related to this. These are entirely individualized, with the connection of the individual to nature often central to the work....

Romantic Literature 1st Blog Page
Pages: 3 Words: 1109

This reflection on Milton and Blake is also the reflections of every person who is looking for purpose in their lives (ibid, 588).
However, in the last generation more and more people are asking the same question as Bloom and raising the issue of purpose. Like the humans that recorded the creation story in Genesis, we are searching for the purpose of our being and existence. Blake's parables answer use poetic license to extend this question of existence into the time of the twilight of the Enlightenment when new knowledge was causing people to ask many of the same questions that they asked when they set down the creation story of Genesis thousands of years before that (ibid).

Blog Page 3

hile Israel may be the apple of God's eye, it appears that Jerusalem is that of Blake's since the work comes from this source as well. Inspiring the famous song of…...


Works Cited

Blake, W., and J.E. Grant. Blake's Poetry and Designs. 2nd. New York, NY: W.

W. Norton & Company, 2007. Print.

"The Genesis Apocryphon." 2011. Web. 19 Sep 2011.


Psychological Perspectives the Relationship to
Pages: 4 Words: 1341

In this way, they have become familiar with each other's behavioral traits and the reasons behind these traits.
Psychodynamic aspects (Cherry, 2010) did play a role since the beginning of the relationship, but became significant only while Eric and Amanda were learning about each other on a cognitive level. Eric's fundamental insecurity regarding Amanda's relationships with other men stem not only from his first disappointment, but also from the fact that his mother abandoned him as a baby. aised by his father and stepmother, who did provide him with plenty of love and security, Eric always experienced a sense of loss and abandonment from the female gender. This broken mother-child relationship, reinforced by his disappointment at 19, has informed his relationships in later life.

Amanda in turn did not have traumatic childhood experiences. Her parents are still together and provided her with plenty of love and security during her formative years.…...



Appraiser Central (2010). 5 Major Perspectives. Retrieved from

Cherry, Kendra. (2010). Perspectives in Modern Psychology. Retrieved from 

Matheson, Kelly (2009, Jul. 27). The Psychology Behind Romantic Relationship. Retrieved from

Dual Relationships the Relationship Between a Service
Pages: 4 Words: 1259

Dual elationships
The relationship between a service provider and their client is particularly sensitive because the circumstances that bring the two individuals into contact are usually necessitated by a state of mental unrest in the client. Accordingly, the issue of whether or not to engage in a dual relationship (when the doctor has a relationship with their patient distinct from the clinical context) with the client must be treated in a very sensitive manner; the therapist has a responsibility to not only operate in their own best interest but also that of the patient they are hired to assist. This paper examines the relationship between a therapist and an unhappily married Latin American female client, determining whether or not the therapist should advocate divorce and pursue a romantic relationship with his client. Although the therapist has decided that they will pursue the relationship and advocate divorce, this is not recommended.

The patient…...



Dewane, C.J. (2010). Respecting boundaries -- the don'ts of dual relationships. Social Work Today, 10, 1, 18.

Freud, S., & Kreug, S. (2002a). Beyond the code of ethics, part II: Dual relationships revisited. Families in Society, 83(5), 483-492.

Consensual Relationship Agreement Case Study
Pages: 6 Words: 1816

They gossip with their partners and they should not return to work while they are disheveled. This suggests that they should come back as working professions because love may be blind, but workmates may not be blind. People who work together must avoid being involved in romance with company stakeholders such as vendors, suppliers and clients (Business Wire, 2000).
Employees should avoid engaging in activities such as dinner with their workmates. Such dinners are likely to continue smoothly and result into a relationship. Workmates might notice the potential in their companions vote for the partner's promotion. This might generate rumors within the organization, which might make employees divert their concentration because of jokes. Those being subject of the rumor might find t difficult to continue working because of the accusation. This may negatively the work production of employees especially if they were involved in a quarrel during the previous a…...



Alderman, L. (2005). Surviving an office romance without jeopardizing your job. Michigan:


Business Wire. (2000). Office romances are common, survey finds. New York: Wiley

Copley News Service. (2000). Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Office romance can be a dicey proposition, 8K. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

I\'m searching for essay topics on chaucer and boccaccio. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 386

Sure! Here are a few essay topics on Chaucer and Boccaccio:

1. Compare and contrast the storytelling techniques of Chaucer and Boccaccio in "The Canterbury Tales" and "The Decameron."
2. Analyze the portrayal of women in the works of Chaucer and Boccaccio. How do they challenge or reinforce traditional gender roles of their time?
3. Discuss the theme of social satire in the writing of Chaucer and Boccaccio. How do they use humor to critique society?
4. Explore the role of religion in the works of Chaucer and Boccaccio. How do they approach themes of faith, sin, and redemption?
5. Examine the influence of classical....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Meaning of Life?
Words: 651

1. The Absurdist Perspective and the Meaning of Life: Explore the philosophical viewpoint of Albert Camus and other existentialists who assert that life's inherent meaninglessness is a source of freedom and personal responsibility. Discuss how this perspective can shape one's approach to life, decision-making, and the search for meaning.

2. Religion and the Divine Purpose: Examine the role of religion and spirituality in providing a sense of meaning to life. Discuss how religious beliefs, rituals, and practices can shape an individual's values, provide a framework for understanding the world, and offer hope and purpose beyond the confines of everyday existence.

3. The....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Psychology?
Words: 181

1. The impact of childhood traumas on adult mental health
2. The role of genetics in determining personality traits
3. The effects of social media on self-esteem and body image
4. The psychology of addiction and recovery
5. The relationship between mental health and physical health
6. The influence of gender roles on mental well-being
7. The connection between mindfulness and mental health
8. The psychology of motivation and goal-setting
9. The effects of childhood bullying on long-term mental health
10. The psychology of decision-making and biases in judgment
11. The role of attachment styles in romantic relationships
12. The impact of technology on cognitive development in children
13. The psychology of....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Psychology?
Words: 540

1. The Influence of Cognitive Distortions on Mental Health:

- How do cognitive distortions, such as catastrophising, overgeneralisation, and black-and-white thinking, contribute to the development and maintenance of mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD?
- Explore the role of cognitive restructuring techniques in challenging and modifying dysfunctional thought patterns, thereby improving mental health outcomes.

2. Attachment Styles and Their Impact on Relationships:

- Elaborate on the different attachment styles, including secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant, and their formation during childhood.
- Analyse the effects of attachment styles on romantic relationships, focusing on how they influence communication, trust, intimacy, and....

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