Roman Catholic Essays (Examples)

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Bible in Roman Catholic Theology
Pages: 7 Words: 2201

The Roman Catholic Church took advantage of the fact that it received criticism and went on to produce new and better interpretations of the Bible, without damaging the image of Roman Catholicism.
Throughout time, those who came against Roman Catholic theological interpretations of the Bible received little support from influential members of society and rarely represented a worthy adversary for the church. In contrast, Roman Catholic theologians were provided with resources that were almost unlimited and were supported by some of the most notable members of the Roman Catholic Church. Mostly because of the support they received, Roman Catholic theologians were better prepared to deal with interpreting the Bible and in certain cases produced versions that were too accurate for critics to condemn. It is difficult to determine the level of freedom that Roman Catholic exegetes are provided with, especially considering that some leading members of the exegesis movement have…...


Works cited:

Ayres, Lewis and Fowl, Stephen E. "(Mis)reading the Face of God: The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church," Theological Studies 60, no. 3 (1999): 513

Binde, Per "Nature in Roman Catholic Tradition," Anthropological Quarterly 74, no. 1 (2001)

Burton, William L. "Buried Treasure: Why Catholics Should Learn More about Scripture," Commonweal, 6 April 2007

Firth, Frank J. The Holy Gospel: A Comparison of the Gospel Text as it Is Given in the Protestant and Roman Catholic Bible Versions in the English Language in Use in America [book online] (New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1911, accessed 7 January 2011), 240

Protestant and Roman Catholic Styles of Piety
Pages: 4 Words: 1189

piety in the oman Catholic faith and the Protestant faith. The writer examines the meaning of piety in both spiritual faiths and contrasts their differences. There were four sources used to complete this paper.
Throughout the history of religion there have been many differences and similarities. Many of the popular faiths of the western world believe in a higher power named God and they believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God. In addition they also believe that Jesus Christ died for the sins of man. Two spiritual paths that believe these things are the Protestant and the oman Catholic faiths. They each believe in the same God the same Jesus and the reason Jesus was crucified. At first glance it appears that the two faiths are the same. When one looks more deeply into either of the churches however one will find distinct differences in their foundational structures.…...





Why do Catholics wear a crucifix and the Protestants wear a plain cross?

Piety Without Hysterics

Protestant and Roman Catholic Styles of Piety
Pages: 5 Words: 1590

Although Catholics and Protestants share a fundamental belief system, their theologies as well as their forms of worship differ greatly. Roman Catholic piety is generally expressed through the intermediary bodies of the Church, its hierarchy, and the various sacraments. Moreover, Catholic prayers are directed to intercessors such as the saints or the Virgin Mary. On the contrary, Protestants generally ascribe to an individualistic piety, one that is removed or independent from a church body. One's relationship to God or Jesus Christ is developed without the aid of teachers other than the "word of God" as it is expressed in the Bible. Although there are a multitude of different Protestant sects, they generally agree on a few basic tenets that set these denominations apart from the Roman Catholic Church. One of these tenets is the belief in a "universal priesthood" in which all Christians have the potential to approach theological matters…...


Works Consulted

Horton, Michael. "Reformation Piety." .

Wilhelm, J. "Protestantism." Article in the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia. 2003. .

Comparison of Roman Catholics and the Calvinist in the Eucharist
Pages: 8 Words: 3060

Eucharist in Catholicism and Calvinism
Our word "Eucharist" is derived directly from the Greek of the New Testament: etymologically, it derives from the word for grace (charis) with a prefix (eu) meaning "good" or "well," but the original Greek word "eucharistia" means, simply enough, "thanksgiving" -- like our word "thanksgiving" it is a noun that derives originally from an equivalent verb describing the action involved (i.e., the giving of thanks). The Eucharist is intended as a sort of commemoration of Christ's Last Supper. The story of the Last Supper is attested to in three of the four canonical Gospels: Matthew 26:26 -- 28; Mark 14:22 -- 24; Luke 22:17 -- 20. (John's Gospel lacks a similar account but does include relevant statements that become important to later Eucharistic practice, such as John 3:36, "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.") Yet it is the fourth mention…...


Works Cited

Aquinas, Thomas. Summa Theologica. Web. Accessed 20 Feb 2011 at: 

The Holy Bible. Print.

Bouwsma, William. John Calvin: A Sixteenth Century Portrait. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988 Print.

Calvin, John. Institues of the Christian Religion. Web. Accessed 20 Feb 2011 at:

Maffei v Roman Catholic Archbishop
Pages: 5 Words: 1640

In order to establish a constructive trust, one must look at whether a duty exists between the two parties. A fiduciary duty can arise from the circumstances of a conveyance. Furthermore, when parties have a relationship of trust and confidence, a duty can exist outside of normal fiduciary duties. The Court held that it could not examine the relationship between the Maffeis and the representatives of the RCAB without examining religious issues outside of the purview of the First Amendment. However, the Court did not have to examine the religious relationship between the plaintiffs and the RCAB to find a legal basis that they shared a special relationship. For example, criminal law has long respected the right of clergy, of any religion, not to be compelled to testify against criminals who have confessed to them in their role as clergy. In this way, clergy are differentiated from laity in…...

Roman Catholicism According to Many
Pages: 10 Words: 3414

Catholic Philosophy

Unlike some other Christian faiths, Catholics can approach the concept of evolution from a scientific standpoint. For example, Catholics can believe in evolution as a scientific hypothesis which "seeks to determine the historical succession of the various species of plants and of animals on our earth... [and, which] does not consider the present species of plants and of animals as forms directly created by God." (Knight). However, this scientific theory does not concern itself with determining the origin of life, and leaves room for people to believe that life originated with a supreme being. Therefore, the scientific theory of evolution is not incompatible with Catholicism, with regards to plants and non-human animal life. However, Catholics believe in the creation of man by God, and do not believe that man could have evolved from brute animals, because, unlike other animals, humans have souls. (Knight).

Catholicism, like many of the major world…...


Works Cited "The Largest Catholic Communities." Largest Religious Communities. 2005. 13 Aug. 2008 .

Bogle, Joanne. "Women Priests- No Chance." Catholic Education Resource Center. 1997. 14 Aug. 2008 .

Roman Catholicism Orthodoxy
Pages: 2 Words: 433

Protestant Christianity
Throughout the period after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, there was a split between the Christian Church along East-West lines. In the East, Orthodox Christianity became the dominant form while in the West, Roman Catholicism ruled. But in the 15th century the Western Christian Church suffered a series of uprisings against Roman Catholic supremacy which resulted in a split of the Western Church called the Protestant Reformation. "Religions of the World: Protestant Christianity," narrated by Sir Ben Kingsley, explains the causes and results of the Protestant Reformation.

Beginning with Martin Luther, there was a series of protests over what many called abuses of the Catholic Church, leading to groups refusing to accept the authority of the Pope and the establishment of new Protestant Churches. The two main issues were the Protestant belief in the supremacy of scripture and the belief that salvation did not have to earned but…...

Catholic Relation to Poverty the
Pages: 4 Words: 1289

It is also recorded that the first utterances of Jesus in the public was that where he proclaimed that he had been anointed to preach the good news to the poor. In that public speech, Jesus also gave a warning to the rich that they have already received their consolation. In a parable, Jesus also warned his followers against greed and the reliance on riches when he narrated the story of the man who had his life taken away from him when he tried to secure wealth for himself (O'Brien & Shannon 71). The story of Lazarus and the rich man is also used as a warning against excessive riches. The pope John Paul II used this parable as a warning to the rich and prosperous. He warned them not to be blind to their great poverty despite their numerous possessions.
The Roman Catholic Church has adopted practices pertaining to…...


Works Cited

Caffara, Carlo. Living in Christ: Fundamental Principles of Catholic Moral Teaching. San Francisco::

Ignatius Press, 1987, Print

Hollenbach, David and R. Bruce Douglass. Catholicism and Liberalism. New York: Cambridge

University Press, 1994.Print

Catholic Priests and Their Right
Pages: 7 Words: 2339

They reminded readers that Father Cutie joined the priesthood under those rules, with full knowledge of the requirements of priesthood, but that he placed himself above church law (Mayo, May 14, 2009).
Still earlier, in 2006, the Catholic Church in Australia became embroiled in a debate over whether the small and struggling Catholic Church there should cease insisting on clergymen's celibacy when a priests' association said that doing away with the requirement might reverse the decline in the number of priests. More than 40 bishops in Australia and half the Catholic clergy (1,650 in number) wrote to the Vatican's Synod of Bishops requesting they consider changing the requirement to allow married priests to be ordained and to allow priests who had left the church to marry to be reinstated. Father Hal anger pointed out that in Australia many priests converting to Catholicism were married and were allowed to remain married…...



Abbott, Elizabeth, (2001). A history of celibacy, New York: Da Capo Press. pp. 382-385.

CNN, (2009). Florida priest removed after beach photos with woman published. Reviewed on June 26, 2009 at May 6, 2009.

CNN, (2009) Priest who broke celibacy vow joins Episcopal Church. Reviewed on June 26, 2009 at May 11, 2009.

Deffinbaugh, Robert, (2008). Sex and the Spiritual Christian: True Spiruality: A Study in 1 Corinthians, Reviewed on June 26, 2009 at: .

Catholics in America During the
Pages: 4 Words: 1386

However, Cardinal Gibbons, even after this encyclical by the Pope, "took a dim view of strikes (by the Catholic immigrants)" and any "concrete action by American Catholics was slow in coming, (due to) the conservatism of the clergy and the parochial concerns of the lay leaders" (Carnes 654).
The Catholic church responded in other ways to the crucial needs of immigrant Catholics in the United States, especially in the area of social reform and support. Mother Frances Cabrini, an Italian immigrant, founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart in order to teach Italians in the parochial schools run by the Catholic church, to care for the thousands of homeless children that had been forced to live in the streets because of the deaths of their parents from hatred, and to place nurses in hospitals. Such organizations as the Saint Vincent de Paul Society made it possible for Catholics to…...



Carnes, Mark C. And John A. Garraty. American Destiny: Narrative of a Nation, Volume II, Since 1865. Boston: Longman Publishing, 2002.

Evanston, J.K. The Catholics in America. New York: Random House, 1965.

Hennesey, James. American Catholics: A History of the Roman Catholic Community in the United States. New York: Oxford University Press, 1981.

Thomas, William A. Catholicism and Hatred in America, 1860 to 1900. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1975.

Catholic Religion Over the Last
Pages: 4 Words: 1112

Of course, since these views are ased on those who are high-ranking memers of the church, Hennesey's narrative is somewhat iased, yet it does provide an excellent overview of many important topics related to American Catholicism.
Hurley, M. (2002). The unholy ghost: Anti-catholicism in the american experience.

Huntington, IN: Sunday Visitor Press.

In this carefully-documented study of prejudice against Catholics in the United States, Bishop Mark Hurley examines the entire history of prejudice from the 1700's and up to the present day. There are three sections to this work, eing 1776 to Vatican II, post-Vatican II and a final section which focuses upon the issue of aortion and how American Catholics feel aout this very controversial topic.

McAvoy, T.T. (1942). The catholic church in the United States etween two wars. Review of Politics, 4(4), 409-431.

Although somewhat dated, this essay examines in great detail and with much insight how the Catholic Church changed etween…...



Redmont, J. (2002). Generous lives: American catholic women today. Liguori, MO:

Triumph Books.

In this excellent study of American Catholic women, Jane Redmont explores through a number of detailed chapters first-person accounts by women of all ages, nationalities, economic backgrounds and social standing related to their own personal experiences with the Catholic Church, some dating back to the early 20th century, and with reminiscences by both secular and members of the Church, especially nuns.

Thomas, J.D. (1987). A century of american catholic history. U.S. Catholic Historian,

Catholic Culture
Pages: 5 Words: 1620

Cross Culture Catholic Case Study
The impacts of culture on a society can be measured in the collective behaviors that manifest from those who celebrate some sort of culture. Culture is a combination of many aspects, but in totality suggest a background environment of impulses and forces which lay out a pathway of behavior for an individuals. These pathologies are not healthy or unhealthy in themselves, but serve as backdrops or roles for humans to play and interact within society.

Cross cultural psychology aims to examine the impact of culture on mind behavior. The strength and efficiency in which organized religion plays within one's culture cannot be argued. The spiritual content of human beings cannot be denied and the aims of religion is to make sense of these spiritual urges and blend them within our total and whole being. Organized religion makes this very difficult in many aspects and the focus of…...



Plante, T.G. (1996). Catholic priests who sexually abuse minors: Why do we hear so much yet know so little?. Pastoral Psychology, 44(5), 305-310.

Terry, K.J. (2008). Stained Glass The Nature and Scope of Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(5), 549-569.

Terry, K.J., & Ackerman, A. (2008). Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church How Situational Crime Prevention Strategies Can Help Create Safe Environments. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(5), 643-657.

Roman Empire and Army
Pages: 10 Words: 3219

fall of the Roman Empire?
The decline and eventual fall of the Roman Empire happened in the third century. Rome had made many enemies and grew from a revered unchallenged leader of the Mediterranean to a rather weary empire surrounded by a myriad of enemies. Rome experienced a number of significant military defeats over the time. The most significant contributor to the fall of the empire though was the economic policies adopted by the emperors. The decline is noted to have started with the rule of Septimius Severus in 193 AD. The rulership engaged in excesses and spent too much on the military. The currency was debased and inflation rose to crisis levels. Further, the time of poor economic policies coincided with a time when civil wars were commonplace. Assassinations were rife. Army generals made attempts to stage coups and assume ruler ship. The soldiers often murdered the emperor when…...


Works Cited

Primary Sources

Euggipius. The Life of St. Severinus. Cambridge,: Harvard University Press, 1913.

Ferryl, Arther. The Fall of the Roman Empire: The Military Explanation. London: Thames and Hudson, 1986.

St. Jerome, trans by F. Wright. Select Letters of St. Jerome. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963.

Trip to Visit the Roman
Pages: 2 Words: 606

They believe that God exists in a trinity, made up of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. They believe Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. There is an emphasis upon the sacraments (communion, etc.) to unite the believer with Jesus as the Savior (ibid).
Abortion is against Church doctrine and it is very pro-family. Groups such as the Franciscans work with the poor. Catholic Charities is one of the largest social welfare groups in the country (ibid).

hile there are groups within the Roman Catholic Church, they all recognize the Pope as the leader of the Church that is the successor to the Apostle Peter, the "rock" upon whom Jesus founded his movement (Matthew 16:18). The group sees itself as the original Church, dating back to the time of Jesus (ibid).

The Church is organized into bishops who head up geographical entities called dioceses, priests, deacons and the laity. The membership…...


Works Cited

Matthews, Warren. World Religions. 4th ed. New York, NY: Thomson Learning, 2004.

"Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana." California Missions Online. Mission San

Fernando Rey de Espana, n.d. Web. 12 Dec 2010.

Religious Themes Catholics in America
Pages: 3 Words: 948

In 1924, the American Congress greatly reduced immigration with the Immigration Act, but this system was removed in 1965 which allowed for a huge wave of immigration from parts of Asia, such as the Philippine Islands, Japan and China; also, immigrants from Haiti and Mexico flooded in and greatly increased the population of American Catholics. With the arrival of the 1960's, five events are of high importance. First, John F. Kennedy became the first Catholic President of the United States in 1960 which "due to his popularity, charisma and personal integrity reassured non-Catholic Americans that Catholicism was legitimate and that Catholics could be trusted" (Emerson, 256).

Second, Pope John XXIII who had been elected as Pope in 1958 became one of the most popular and beloved Catholic Pope in modern history, due to his attempts to bring Catholics and non-Catholics together in friendship and appreciation. Third, John XXIII also convened the…...



Ellis, J.T. Catholics in Colonial America. New York: Helicon Press, 1965.

Emerson, Charles W. The Story of Catholics in America. Rome: Paulist Press, 1978.

Marino, Anthony. The Catholics in America. New York: Vantage Press, 1960.

Trisco, Robert F. Catholics in America, 1776 to 1976. Boston: Committee of the National

Explanation of the word Canon in the New Testament?
Words: 364

Many people are familiar with the word “canon” as it is used when discussing fictional works.  It refers to those books or other works that are an official part of the created world, as opposed to those created by others, like fan fiction.  It also distinguishes the written word from speculation or theories built on that word, but not directly supported by it.  Canon has a similar meaning in Biblical studies of the New Testament.  It refers specifically to those books believed to have been divinely inspired and incorporated into the New Testament.  This makes Christianity somewhat different from many....

How the 16th and 17th century Church\'s relates to Church experience and today\'s world?
Words: 346

There is no understating the importance that the Church and the development of Christianity and alternative churches have in the history of the world and the creation of modern culture.  Christianity and the Church were a driving factor behind the colonial development of the world, which required incorporating foreign aspects into worship, and led to the creation of the modern worship experience.

It is important to look at how the Age of Discovery, when the Catholic Church expanded around the globe by establishing missions in conquered or colonized countries with indigenous populations of people who....

Need help with essay on What are the impact of the Reformation?
Words: 389

The Reformation was one of the most significant religious movements in the modern Christian Church.  Also known as the Protestant Reformation, it is most highly associated with Martin Luther, who began the Reformation by publishing the Ninety-five Theses in 1517, which lead to a split between the Catholic Church and Luther in 1521 with the Edict of Worms.  This Edict officially condemned Luther and was aimed at preventing people who were Catholics, which consisted of most of Europe, which was part of the Holy Roman Empire, from supporting or defending Luther’s ideas. 


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