Role Model Essays (Examples)

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Role Model Maya Angelou the
Pages: 2 Words: 724

Additionally she has time to lecturer and mentor students. This approach to one's career is very inspiring. She is doing what she wants to do. This of course did not occur overnight; she clawed her way through difficulty and discouragement to be able to experience the sweet taste of success. Maya Angelou also has a generous side to her personality and regularly gives money to charitable organizations and worthy causes. Her wealth and fame allow her to have the life she desires. While I may not want to be as varied in the career options I have. I am of the view that your career should be taken to the highest you can go. Additionally, you should be able to have the lifestyle you want based on this success.
The final area of consideration is her social activism. A demonstration of this is her decision to support Malcolm X (America's…...



America's Renaissance Woman: Maya Angelou (2012). Retrieved from 

Maya Angelou a biography (2012). Retrieved from

Public Figures as Role Models
Pages: 12 Words: 3582

Take, for instance, a day in the life of an athlete. According to an article written by Deidra Anderson and Tony Morris, athletes live a regimented day from sun up until late into the evening. Their meals are typically pre-mixed and prepared by professional nutritionists to ensure their bodies have the necessary nutrients for their particular needs. After breakfast, they report to their coach for practice. Their may be some press interviews and a game and then their day is done (59-62). In fact, experts have reported that once an athlete retires and enters the working world, they require career and life counseling similar to that which a soldier receives upon returning from duty (Hill 7). If a person is incapable of taking care of themselves properly, then there should be no doubt as to their ineptitude as a role model for young people.

In a recent episode of the reality…...


Works Cited

Anderson, Deidre, and Tony Morris. "Athlete lifestyle programs." Career transitions in sport: International perspectives (2000): 59-80.

Brown, William J., James J. Duane, and Benson P. Fraser. "Media coverage and public opinion of the OJ Simpson trial: Implications for the criminal justice system." Communication Law and Policy 2.2 (1997): 261-287.

Cameron, Jamie. "Does Section 2 (B) Really Make a Difference? Part 1: Freedom of Expression, Defamation Law, and the Journalist-Source Privilege." (2010).

Freedman, Russell. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. New York: Clarion, 1990. Print.

Athletes as Role Models Has Been a
Pages: 5 Words: 1438

Athletes as role models has been a topic of discussion for many years. The debate of whether athletes who are only famous because they know how to throw a ball or catch one is debated among those who believe that to worship such superficial individuals is to do our society harm (Kelley 2010). For years athletes themselves have denied the idea of being role models and have at times refused to live up to that expectation (Jones 2008). Some believe that holding regular individuals who are just playing a game and not having any real impact on a progressive society is to do harm to the people doing the worshipping. While others view this notion as being unfair to the athletes who literally just want to play a game because they are good at it, it cannot be denied that these individuals have a profound impact on the youth and…...



Jones, B. (March 1, 2008). Bush: Athletes have role model responsibility. In USA Today. Retrieved August 30, 2011, from

Kelley, R. (March 10, 2010). They're not role models. In Newsweek. Retrieved August 30, 2011, from

Biskup, C., & Pfister, G. (1999). Would like to be like her/him: Are athletes role-models for boys and girls? European Physical Education Review. 5(3):199-218.

Ronald Reagan Contemporary Role Model
Pages: 4 Words: 1316

Ronald Reagan with his positive and authentic leadership led America to victory in what was known as "The Cold War." Emulation of this type of leader means that one possesses the ability to see the issues across-the-board and with a strong focus on positive attributes or the organization or administration and in the case of Ronald Reagan, upon the strength of the American people one has the characteristics necessary to lead a mass change that stretches all across the political landscape as well as changing the reality for all involved.
IV. Greatest Communicator the White House Ever Had

In the C News article entitled: "Reagan's Mixed White House Legacy" it is stated that during the eight years that Ronald Reagan was president "he left his mark on the lives of millions of Americans, and his presidency came to define an era." (C News, 2004) Related as well is that the origins…...



Robinson, Peter M. (2004) Morning Again in America. Hoover Digest. 2004 No. 3. Online available at 

Hubbell, Larry (1991) Ronald Reagan as Presidential Symbol Maker: The Federal Bureaucrat as Loafer, Incompetent Buffoon, Good Ole Boy, and Tyrant. The American Review of Public Administration, Vol. 21, No. 3 (1991) SAGE Publications.

Kengor, Paul (2000) Reagan among the Professors: His Surprising Reputation. Policy Review, 98, Dec 1999/Jan 2000.

Reagan's Mixed White House Legacy (2004) BBC News Sunday 6 June, 2004. Online available at .

Desvcription Your Role Model John H Stroger
Pages: 4 Words: 1283

Desvcription Your ole Model John H. Stroger, Former President Cook County Board Commissioners, Chicago, Illinois. My relationship President I Police Bodyguard (Commander Security Detail) 4 years stroke february 2006 Description Your ole Model's Communication Behaviors 1.
Organization essay

Working close with a person, every day for four years, allows one to get to know the person next to them; to come to understand and admire their strengths and to also come to understand and help limit their weaknesses. At least this is how my relationship with John Stroger was.

I was part of his security staff and activated as Commander of his Security Detail. As occupant of this position, I was in charge of all measures that protected the President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners. I was in charge of protecting the Commissioner from threats such as assaults, stalking or even kidnapping. A special task was that of the planning…...



2008, John Stroger biography, The History Makers,   last accessed on October 

2010, In the news: John Stroger, Chicago Tribune,   last accessed on October 27, 2011 

2011, Armed bodyguard: job description and requirements for starting a career as an armed bodyguard, Education Portal,   last accessed on October 27, 2011 

Ethics - Role Model Integrity
Pages: 5 Words: 1499

Conversely, the individual with integrity understands first, that moral issues never hinge on gender and that casual sex cannot be moral for one person and immoral for another person based on gender, and second, that in any case, a woman's prior sexual history has absolutely no bearing on his obligation to be truthful in expressing his intentions.
Another illustration of integrity in large groups is evident in sentiments about racial equality. Typically, most members of minority races are much more active in and concerned about affairs that affect their racial group specifically.

While they may passively agree that all other racial minorities have the same rights and social concerns, most individuals devote their time, energy, and resources to the promotion of equality for their race rather than for all minority races equally. The individual with integrity understands that racism and inequality are equally important issues regardless of which particular group is…...



Belch, G, Belch, M. (1998). Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing

Communications Perspective. New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill.

Halbert, T., Ingulli, E. (2008) Law & Ethics in the Business Environment. Cincinnati: West Legal Studies. Howard, M. (2005). We Know What You Want: How They Change Your Mind. New York: The Disinformation Company

Ogilvy, D. (1990). Ogilvy on Advertising. New York: Vintage Books. Rosenstand, N. (2008). The Moral of the Story: An Introduction to Ethics. New York: McGraw-Hill

Male Role Models and African-American
Pages: 2 Words: 605

The study used a sample method to collect data from a variety of cities, using the Uniform Crime Report, the 2000 Census of Population and Housing, and the Census of State and Federal Adult Correction Facilities for sources (717). In this study, the dependent variable was African-American juvenile arrests "for murder, rape, robber, and aggravated assaults," which are commonly known as violent crimes (717). The independent variables, on the other hand, include "poverty," "interracial income inequality," "single parent homes," and "racial residential segregation" (718). In addition, the authors measured male role models in three different ways, controlling for marriage and job status, or simply calculating the total population of those over 15 (718). The control variables include a percentage of the population who was Hispanic, a differentiation between the southern urban areas and other urban areas, and "residential mobility" (718).
Thus, this study primarily focuses on the family unit for…...


Works Cited

Parker, Karen F. And Reckdenwald, Amy. "Concentrated Disadvantage of Traditional

Male Role Models and African-American Juvenile Violence." Criminology. 46.3 (2008): 711-735.

Rock and Roll Stars as Role Models
Pages: 1 Words: 307

Rock and Roll Stars as Role Models
We see them everywhere: music, TV, and movie personalities dominating the pages of popular magazines today, assuming an attitude or a role that their fans -- usually the youth, would admire and copy. Music personalities are especially influential in depicting and portraying specific images to the public: Madonna is depicted as the independent female, while the male band leaders are adored by men and women alike. However, there are also contentions against their apparent influence over society: more often than not rock and roll starts show attitudes that are not desirable to what society wants for themselves and for the youth. In effect, to some people, rock and roll stars (and entertainment personalities, for that matter) become bad influences to the society in general. However, one must take a pragmatist view of how to assess this issue (i.e., considering whether or not rock and…...

Alice to Extent Alice Considered Role-Model Young
Pages: 9 Words: 2974

To extent Alice considered role-model young women? According 2 Alice novels: Alice's adventures Wonderland through Looking Glass

Lloyd contends that "the 145-year-old story by Lewis Carroll and the story's heroine, a seven-year-old girl, has much to teach twenty-first century young women."

According to Lloyd "Alice's direct, candid approach to life is something to which today's college-aged women relate. They understand the story of a young woman who has the world before her, ready to embark on life, who changes herself, primarily by eating and drinking, to fit in. She encounters all types, tests herself, tastes life around her, and once she learns the right combination to fit in and be comfortable with her, she's welcomed into a beautiful world where she possesses wisdom, power, and prestige."

Among children literature, two books by Carroll known as Alice books were received by the public as simple children's literature. While they did not garner critical acclaim,…...



Auerbach, Nina. (Sept 1973) "Alice and Wonderland: A Curious Child." Victorian Studies 17.1: 31-47.

Brown, Gillian. (1999/2000) "Child's Play." Differences. 11.3: 77-106.

Carroll, Lewis. (2000) The Annotated Alice. Ed. Martin Gardner. New York: W.W. Norton & Co,.

Feldstein, Richard.( 1995 )"The Phallic Gaze of Wonderland." Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis. Eds. Richard Feldstein, Bruce Fink, and Maire Jaanus. Albany: SUNY Press,. 149-174.

Mothers Are Role Models Teachers Healers and Much More
Pages: 2 Words: 769

Mothers -- The Real Heroes
I'm standing before you today to help create vivid pictures in your minds about the vital role that mothers play in our lives, and why they are the true heroes.

[Point #1] American author Mark Twain said this about his mother: " ... she had a slender, small body, but a large heart -- a heart so large that everybody's joys found welcome in it ... " Indeed, no matter the size of her body, a mothers' heart is strong enough to supply the nutritional needs for her baby in the womb for nine months. A mother's heart is passionate enough to create a warm glow in the family's three children after a scare.

[Point #2] Ireland's JAMES JOYCE said this about mothers in his down-to-earth tone: "hatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world, a mother's love is not." If researchers could quantify through…...


Works Cited

CNN. (2010). Africa's Mother Teresa on raising Ethiopia's famine orphans. Retrieved November 9, 2015, from .

Family Caregiver Alliance. (2015). Women and Caregiving: Facts and Figures -- Who Are

The Caregivers? Retrieved November 9, 2015, from .

Role of Nursing in Promoting
Pages: 5 Words: 1943

Americans who eat a healthful diet consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods within and across the food groups, especially whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat or fat-free milk or milk products, and lean meats and other protein sources and limit the intake of saturated and trans-fats, cholesterol, added sugars, sodium, and alcohol. They balance caloric intake and caloric needs ("Nutrition and Weight Status," 2012).
Obesity has detrimental effects on the healthcare system and the quality of life for many obese individuals. It is important to develop policies and promote a social awareness that no longer sanctions discrimination of the obese while responsibly promoting behavior modification to improve health. Stokes (2004) notes that, "not everyone can or should look like supermodels, and no one should obsess over his or her body size; however, being overweight or obese is directly linked to development of chronic disease, and it is second only to smoking…...



Casey, D. (2007, June). Nurses' perceptions, understanding and experiences of health promotion. Journal of clinical nursing, Vol. 16, Issue 6, 1039-1049. Retrieved January 30, 2012,

"Nutrition and weight status ." (2012, January 10). Healthy people 2020. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from 

Ogden, C.L., Carroll, M.D., McDowell, M.A. & Flegal, K.M. (2007, November). Obesity among adults in the United States -- no statistically significant change since 2003-2004. Center for Disease Control. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved January 30, 2012 from 

Spurlock, M. (2005) Don't eat this book: fast food and the supersizing of America. New York: Penguin Group.

Role of Education and Obesity
Pages: 6 Words: 2274

ole of Schools on Childhood Obesity
Eating and Exercise Behaviors of School Professionals

What Should Schools Do to Make a Difference?

Address physical activity and nutrition through a Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP) approach.

Designate a school health coordinator and maintain an active school health council.

Assess the school's health policies and programs and develop a plan for improvement.

Strengthen the school's nutrition and physical activity policies.

Implement a high-quality health promotion program for school staff.

Implement a high-quality course of study in health education.

Implement a high-quality course of study in physical education.

Increase opportunities for students to engage in physical activity.

Implement a quality school meals program.

Ensure that students have appealing, healthy choices in foods and beverages offered outside of the school meals program.



ole of Schools on Childhood Obesity

Executive Summary

Schools have been identified to preclude eating disorders and child obesity as accurate ambience. Several health professionals and school professionals have the capability to be integrated in the treatment or…...



Bryan, C., Broussard, L., & Bellar, D. (2013). Effective Partnerships How School Nurses and Physical Education Teachers Can Combat Childhood Obesity. (pp. 20-23). NASN School Nurse.

Cale, L., & Harris, J. (2013). 'Every child (of every size) matters' in physical education! Physical education's role in childhood obesity. (pp. 433-452). Sport, Education and Society.

Karnik, S., & Kanekar, A. (2012). Childhood obesity: a global public health crisis. (pp. 45-61). International journal of preventive medicine.

Lee, H. (2012). The role of local food availability in explaining obesity risk among young school-aged children. (pp. 1193-1203). Social Science & Medicine.

Role Development for Advance Practice Nurse
Pages: 3 Words: 1259

Advanced Nursing Development
A "master's education is achieving notable goals, including the development of refined analytical skills, broad-based perspectives, enhanced abilities to articulate viewpoints and positions, clearer ability to connect theory to practice, and enhanced skills in a specific profession" (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2012, p 2). An advanced practice nurse embodies a wide number of various roles. They must inspire, protect, advocate, and perform, all within one shift. It is clear that a nurse leader must serve a wide number of roles all which are necessary for providing for the best quality of care for the patients in need.

One of the nurse leader's roles is to be an advocate for the nursing profession. This is their primary societal role. As such, nursing leaders need to be active within the social sphere as a way to increase overall knowledge regarding healthcare practices, but also the trends and theories which…...



American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2012). The Essentials of Master's Education for Advanced Practice Nursing. Educational Resources. Web. Retrieved October 22. 2012 from

Roles Duties and Influence of Buffalo Soldiers
Pages: 3 Words: 1107

Roles, Duties, and Influence of uffalo Soldiers in the United States
Despite the fact that uffalo Soldiers and their accomplishments may not be known by many, they played an integral role in the construction and expansion of the United States as it is known today. While the uffalo Soldiers as a cavalry only lasted from 1866 to 1944, their influence has had a lasting impact. Furthermore, they helped to pave the way for future African-American leaders and deserve to not only be recognized for their valuable services, but also need to be remembered as role models.

On July 28, 1866, the United States Congress passed legislation to establish two segregated cavalry units, the 9th and 10th regiments, and four segregated infantry regiments, the 38th, 39th, 40th, and 41st, which were to be made up of black, enlisted men.[footnoteRef:1] These six different units were later consolidated into four black regiments in 1869:…...



Buffalo Soldiers Research Museum. "Who Were the Buffalo Soldiers?" Accessed June 11, 2013. 

Davis, Stanford L. "Buffalo Soldiers & Indian Wars." Accessed June 11, 2013. 

Glasrud, Bruce A. "Buffalo Soldiers." Oklahoma Historical Society. Accessed June 11, 2013.

Role of Women in Shaw's Mrs Warren's Profession
Pages: 9 Words: 2629

Mrs. Warrant's Profession: The Intellectual, the Victim, and the Conventional Woman
Mrs. Warren's Profession" by George ernard Shaw was a play written more than a hundred years ago in 1894

The roles that women play in this masterpiece show that Shaw was far ahead of his time in his thoughts about what women should do and be. He presented a new vision of an intellectual, entrepreneurial woman and challenged the conventional roles imposed by society. He also included accounts of women victimized by a capitalist society and defended their rights to take whatever actions they had to in order to changer their circumstances even if that meant prostitution. In fact, Shaw's beliefs are consistent with modern-day feminism with only one exception. Shaw seemed to fear that a woman's independence and choice of a career had to come at the expense of something else, namely love and family. Nonetheless, "Mrs. Warren's Profession" is…...



Goldman, Emma. "The Social Significance of the Modern Drama." International

Society of Political Psychology. 03 May 2003. 

Lovinger, "Trinity Rep OffersCcrackling 'Mrs. Warren's Profession'" Standard-Times 30

Sept. 1999.

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on higher education difficulties for immigrants?
Words: 505

1. The Language Barrier: A Formidable Obstacle for Immigrant Students in Higher Education

Challenges faced by immigrant students with limited English proficiency
Strategies for overcoming linguistic barriers in the classroom and beyond
The role of language support services and resources in facilitating academic success

2. Cultural Differences and the Impact on Educational Experiences

Cultural norms and values that may differ between immigrant students and faculty
Misunderstandings and communication barriers resulting from cultural differences
Strategies for fostering cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in the higher education environment

3. Financial Challenges and the Burden on Immigrant Students

Socioeconomic disparities faced by immigrant families and their....

Need help refining a thesis statement about the the making of a leader?
Words: 370

## Refining a Thesis Statement on the Making of a Leader

### Original Thesis Statement:

> The journey of becoming a leader is a complex and multifaceted process, shaped by innate traits, environmental factors, and deliberate actions.

### Refined Thesis Statement:

> The emergence of exceptional leaders results from a dynamic interplay of inherent qualities, nurturing environments, and conscious efforts to develop and harness leadership skills.


More specific: Focuses on the "making" of exceptional leaders rather than the general concept of leadership.
Differentiates between inherent and developed traits: Recognizes that leadership qualities can be both innate and acquired through experience and training.
Emphasizes the....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Navigating the Challenges of Mental Health Stigma?
Words: 417

## Navigating the Challenges of Mental Health Stigma: An Essay Outline

I. Introduction
Begin with a compelling anecdote or statistic highlighting the prevalence and impact of mental health stigma.
Define mental health stigma and its societal implications.
State the thesis statement: The multifaceted challenges posed by mental health stigma must be acknowledged and proactively addressed to foster a healthier and more inclusive society.

II. Section 1: The Impact of Stigma on Individuals
A. Shame and Secrecy: Discuss how stigma reinforces a sense of shame and discourages individuals from seeking help.
B. Social Isolation: Explore the ways in which stigma leads to social....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on a person who has influenced me the most ?
Words: 326

Inspiring Luminaries: Essays on Personal Influence

Section 1: The Mentor's Mark

The Guiding Light: The Profound Impact of a Wise Mentor
Igniting the Flame: A Tribute to the Teacher Who Shaped My Path
The Architect of My Dreams: Recognizing the Influence of a Lifetime Mentor

Section 2: Role Model Excellence

Exemplar of Integrity: The Person Who Inspired Me to Live a Virtuous Life
Trailblazer of Courage: A Personal Account of a Role Model's Unwavering Spirit
Beacon of Perseverance: The Inspiring Journey of an Individual Who Overcame Adversity

Section 3: Kinship and Transformation

The Unbreakable Bond: The Person Who Changed My Perspective on Family....

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