Rogerian Essays (Examples)

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Rogerian Dialogue Rogerian Argument A
Pages: 2 Words: 757

We come to the gym partly to detoxify. Our customers do the same. They deserve an environment that is as pristine as possible: So do we. If everyone cleaned up after themselves the entire gym would be a more welcoming, healthier place. Cleaning up after ourselves will make the gym more inviting for potential new customers, for existing customers, and for the staff. If we don't clean up after ourselves as a rule, we risk losing our jobs and we risk compromising the reputation of the entire company.
I know that we were not hired as cleaning staff. We were hired for our special skills either as teachers, personal trainers, sales, customer support, or reception. I know that our in-house cleaning staff is competent and well-trained. If an area is messy they will soon arrive to clean it up. That is their job.

At the same time, we can all pitch…...

Rogerian Argument About Facebook
Pages: 7 Words: 2533

Rogerian Argument Facebook
Rogerian Argument about Facebook

Social networking sites (SNS) are a rapidly growing segment of social interaction all over the world. (McCafferty 19)They serve as a source of information for individuals and groups as well as a source of relative connectivity between individuals who know one another in the real world and to allow connections between people who share common interests but might not know one another outside a SNS. (Houghton & Joinson 75) The interconnectivity of the sites, in this paper the focus will be on Facebook the most popular of the SNS service, can serve as a foundational support network for information and to build and/or maintain social connections, yet it also has the potential to leave individuals vulnerable to fraudulent and bad behaviors by others as well as a public arena for the exposition of one's own bad behaviors. Some people claim that the potential for connectivity,…...


Works Cited

Carroll, Brian, and Katie Landry. "Logging On And Letting Out: Using Online Social Networks To Grieve And To Mourn." Bulletin Of Science, Technology & Society 30.5 (2010): 341-349. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Nov. 2011.   & site=ehost-live 

Chaulk, Kasey, and Tim Jones. "Online Obsessive Relational Intrusion: Further Concerns About Facebook." Journal Of Family Violence 26.4 (2011): 245-254. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Nov. 2011.   & site=ehost-live 

Houghton, David J. And Adam N. Joinson. "Privacy, Social Network Sites, and Social Relations"

Journal of Technology in Human Services 28. 1-2 (2010) 74-94. doi:

Rogerian Argument Against Bipartisan Squabbling
Pages: 4 Words: 1315

$7.9 billion "to create and save jobs" (National Telecommunications and Information Administration 2012). This does show that the Democratically led government is not completely ignoring the issue of unemployment. Moreover, the administration has focused on producing programs that help secure housing assistance for millions of Americans. The Democratic dominated government has been able to create some strategies trying to address the housing crisis, despite the handicap of being limited by those epublicans voting against potential solutions simply because they originated in a Democratic camp. The Making Home Affordable Program "is a critical part of the Obama Administration's broad strategy to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, stabilize the country's housing market, and improve the nation's economy" (Departments of the Treasury & Housing & Urban Development 2012). Efforts under the program aim to lower homeowner payments and get to more stable loan rates those current homeowners can deal with. The legislation is also…...



Brock, William; Danforth, Jack; Lott, Trent; & Nickles, Don. "GOP Ideals Unite, Not Divide." Charlotte Observer. 25 Mar 2012. Web.

Departments of the Treasury & Housing & Urban Development. "Explore Programs. Making Home Affordable. 2012. Web. 

Dingell, John D. "Congress Needs a Fresh, Bipartisan Start." Washington Post. 2011. Web. 

National Telecommunications and Information Administration. "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009." NTIA. 2012. Web.

Rogerian Style Arguing for the Stand That
Pages: 4 Words: 1097

ogerian style arguing for the stand that reparation should be paid, or is owed by the United States Government for the African-Americans, the descendants of the African slaves. It has 5 sources.
Government should not pay or owe financial reparations to the descendants of African slaves for the impact of slavery. The stand taken by the writer is for the reparations that should be paid or are owed by the United States Government.

Taking only a brief glimpse on the painful history of the African slaves, a period spanning nearly two and half centuries from 1619 to 1865, more than 4 million people of the African descent were enslaved, bought and sold on the American continent similar to farm animals. Slavery thus was turned into an institution, and the beneficiaries were the white people of the same era, eventually making them millionaires and billionaires. Such was the practice of slavery that…...



Unknown author, 'Reconciliation Through Reparations: The Legacy, of Slavery, Exploitation and Terror Continues Today', accessed on 17.5.03 at

Highet, Alistair, "Slavery's Price" Cinjust Reparations, 2002 at

Austen, Ralph A. "The Slave Trade as History and Memory: Confrontations of Slaving Voyage Documents and Communal Traditions," William and Mary Quarterly 58, January 2001: 229-244.

Austen, Ralph A. "The Uncomfortable Relationship: African Enslavement in the Common History of Blacks and Jews," Tikkun 9, March/April 1994, 65.

Rogerian Argument on Animal Testing
Pages: 4 Words: 1228

In this case those supporting testing might proclaim there is no evidence suggesting the animal always suffers ill-effects, therefore testing is not always wrong.
This methodology however is flawed. Proponents of animal testing fail to consider the number of animals that experience reduced life span or reduced quality of life resulting in the confined environment in which they must live while testing. Further, proponents of testing fail to identify what types of tests are safe and which are not. The very fact that animals must be used to test something suggests that some danger is always imminent, thus the life or quality of life of animals tested is always at risk. It does not matter whether that risk is small or very large. All risk is worthy of consideration and notice.

Unfortunately those whose religious practices forbid the use of animals as experimental tools often go to extreme measures to prove…...



Regan, T. (1938), Religion and animal rights,

Animal Rights

HPV Vaccine Rogerian Argument HPV Vaccine Gardasil
Pages: 4 Words: 1674

HPV Vaccine
ogerian Argument

HPV Vaccine GArDasil

HPV Vaccine Gardasil

HPV Vaccine Gardasil

HPV Vaccine Gardasil was licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration licensed in June 2006, prevent infection from four human papillomavirus (HPV) types, two of which case cervical cancer (Cox, Cox, Sturm, & Zimet, 29). Gardasil was prepared by Merck pharmaceutical company. The company started its campaign to make Gardasil mandatory after the introduction of the vaccine. "Papillomaviruses (PVs) make up a vast family that is comprised of hundreds of viruses that affect the epithelia in humans and animals and that can cause benign lesions known as warts or papillomas, which can occasionally progress to cancer. Cancer of the uterine is caused by HPV, primary types 16 and 18, as well as a dozen other "high risk" HPV types which infect the genital mucosa" (Campo & oden, p.1,214). The current essay is about the opposition and support of the vaccine Gardasil.…...



Brabin, L., Roberts, S.A., Farzaneh, F., & Kitchener, H.C. Future acceptance of adolescent human papillomavirus vaccination: A survey of parental attitudes. Vaccine, 24.16(2006): 3087-3094.

Brown, E.C., Little, P., & Leydon, G.M. Communication challenges of HPV vaccination. Family Practice, 27.2(2010): 224-229. Doi:10.1093/fampra/cmp087

Castle, P.E., Fetterman, B., Akhtar, I.Hussain, M., Gold, M.A., Guido, R., & #8230;Kinney, W. Age-appropriate use of human papillomavirus vaccines in the U.S. Gynecologic Oncology, 114.2(2009): 365-369. Doi:10.1016/j.ygyno.2009.04.035.

Cox, D.S., A.D., Sturm, L., & Zimet, G. Behavioral interventions to increase HPV vaccination acceptability among mothers of young girls. Health Psychology, 29.1(2010): 29-39

Primary Cause of Procrastination Using Rogerian Strategy
Pages: 4 Words: 1376

Procrastination: A coping mechanism
Procrastination is a human behavior that results when a person avoids or puts off a task, (generally) of high importance, in order to complete tasks (generally) of lower importance Burka & Yuen 2008; Fiore 2006; Hsin Chun Chu & Nam 2011; Schraw, Wadkins, & Olafson 2007). Human behaviors are the results of choices whether those choices are completely intentional or the result of subconscious intent. Without getting too much into the psychology of human choice and behavior, it is just important to note that procrastination is no different than most other human behaviors in that it can result from conscious intention, subconscious intent, or some combination of the two.

According to Schraw, Pinard, and Wadkins (2007), three conditions exist as part of a behavioral response to make that behavior labeled as procrastination, listed as follows:

Counterproductive: Problematic, thwarting achievement of a purpose; tending to hinder or distract from one's…...



Burka, Jane B, & Lenora M. Yuen. Procrastination: Why you do it, What to do about it now. New York: Da Capo Press, 2008.

Fiore, Neil A. The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-free Play. New York, NY: Penguin Group, 2006.

Hsin Chun Chu, Angela, & Choi Jin Nam. "Rethinking Procrastination: Positive Effects of 'Active' Procrastination Behavior on Attitudes and Performance." Journal of Social Psychology, 145.3 (2005): 245-264. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost. Web. 3 Apr 2011.

Simpson, John & Edmund Weiner. Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989.

Super Highway 8 Rogerian
Pages: 5 Words: 1661

Super Highway 8: Rogerian Essay
The picture in question shows a pleasant-looking country road made up of both grass and dirt that has a rustic wooden fence that has fallen into chic disrepair over time. The path the road takes curves in a manner that give the viewer a sense of movement, and the trees on either side of the road are able to give a clear impression that this is a scene from springtime. Some might criticize this image as being derivative and banal. Another form of criticism that one might have for this image is that it’s very non-specific. It’s almost impossible to place where in the world the image occurs; even the trees are non-descript. Critics of this image might even point out that this picture can be connected to websites, businesses, blogs and books all over the world: it is an image which has been used and…...

Analyzing Yalom's if Rape Were Legal
Pages: 5 Words: 1541

The opening phase of dynamic psychotherapy helps the therapist to understand why the patient is seeking treatment; what kind of triggers to current problems are present; and house troubled the patient is in terms of both physical and psychological health (text p. 41). Yalom (1989) allows for several sessions of introductory therapy, also in keeping with the psychodynamic model. At this introductory phase, the therapist gets an idea of what treatment options to present and how to proceed. Yalom (1989) also determines the frequency of the treatment in the introductory phase (text p. 41). The core way that the relationship between Yalom (1989) and Carlos exemplifies psychodynamic therapy is in regards to the transference neurosis, which intensifies in therapy (text p. 53). However, transference is worked through as a core element of the therapeutic process. In the case with Carlos, neurotic transference is exemplified most clearly in the way Carlos…...



Corsini & Wedding (n.d.). Textbook.

Yalom (1989), I.D. (1989). "2 - If Rape Were Legal..." In Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy. New York: Basic, 1989. 59-78.

Analyzing Yalom's if Rape Were Legal
Pages: 5 Words: 2027

Yalom Analysis
The case surrounds Carlos, a man in his late 30s with a growing tumor that will not respond to radiation or chemotherapy. Carlos has been fighting this cancer for about a decade, but it is now to the point in which medical science can do no more for him. Carlos was referred to therapy by his oncologist, and responded somewhat to individual therapy but became combative and confrontational in group therapy. Carlos is a classic narcissist and misogynist. He has few friends, is estranged from his children, and is, at best cynical and sarcastic. However, through individual therapy, Carlos was able to come to some conclusions about the walls he built around himself, and the tremendous insecurity he harbored; typically using sex and sarcasm to cover up his need to belong. He eventually revealed that he had come up with two insights about himself and his relationship to the…...



Corsini, R., Wedding, D. (2011). Current Psychotherapies, 9th ed. Mason, OH: Cenage.

Yalom, I. (1989). Love's Executioner & Other Tales of Psychotherapy. New York: Harper


Compare and Contrast Dr Larry Crabb's Book Effective Biblical Counseling
Pages: 6 Words: 2215

Bible Counseling
Goal of Christian Counseling

Dr. Larry Crabb sees human problems through two lenses: the first category involves problems that result from "…natural or physical causes" (things the individual has little or no control over). Examples of those kinds of problems include learning disabilities, a chemical imbalance within the person, and other issues that result from "perceptual dysfunctions." Crabb's goal is to fill the basic needs of a person, and under Christian counseling he feels the basic need is for "personal worth," which can be satisfied through two important inputs. One is a kind of "longing for significance" -- that is, the person longs for a purpose, for importance, for a meaningful job that has a positive impact. The other is to have security through being accepted (p. 2).

Part ONE: Goal of Rogerian Theory of Counseling (Client-centered therapy)

The client-centered approach by Rogers is designed to allow the client to have the…...


Works Cited

Andrews, Linda Wasmer. (2010). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Encyclopedia of Depression.

Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press.

Cherry, Kendra. (2010). Client-Centered Therapy. Psychology. Retrieved February

18, 2013, from .

Counselor Vision in Our Lives
Pages: 2 Words: 750

I know that a counselor must not be seen as an authority figure, but rather as a resource that can be tapped like a well; old fashioned water pumps need to have water put into them before they can dispense water, and counseling must be approached in this manner. A student (or parent or teacher or coworker) must feel comfortable with their counselor as a peer as well as a guide in order to develop trust and get the most out of the relationship.
These values have been deeply instilled in me through both positive and negative experiences in my life. As a child in the often overly repressive British school system, I was not offered many constructivist learning opportunities by anyone in the school or community. I wanted to believe that my appointed mentors did in fact have my best interests in mind, but it seemed that all of…...

Why Likeability Is Essential for Success
Pages: 9 Words: 2862

Likeability: A Factor in Managerial Success

A 2007 survey in which 90,000 employees from all over the world were interviewed revealed that only 20% of those questioned were attempting to perform to their utmost abilities in the workforce. The remaining 80% were reported to be disengaged (Bhargava). hat was the cause of the overwhelmingly lackluster workplace attitudes? A number of researchers have identified the root of the cause in a failure of leadership to personally interact and form bonds of human sympathy with subordinates (Bhargava; Pink; Holmes). Indeed, Daniel Pink has shown in his best-selling work Drive that leaders who demonstrate likeability in the workplace actually have a higher success rate in motivating teams in the long run. Likeable managers establish workplace cultures that provide a necessary foundation for attracting, forming and keeping autonomous, masterful and purpose-driven employees in their workplace environment. This paper will show how likeability is a factor…...


Works Cited

Avolio, B.J., Walumbwa, F.O., Weber, T.J. "Leadership: Current Theories,

Research, and Future Directions." Annual Review of Psycholog, 60 (2009): 421-29. Print.

Bhargava, Rohit. Likeonomics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Print.

Elkind, Peter; McLean, Bethany. Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room. NY: Penguin,

Carl Rogers' Theory of Personality Compared to
Pages: 9 Words: 2886

Carl ogers' Theory of Personality Compared to Those of Erik Erikson?
Over the past century or so, a number of psychological theorists have provided new ways of understanding human development over the lifespan, including Carl ogers, Erik Erikson and Jean Piaget. Although these theorists share some common views concerning how people develop over time, they differ in other ways with regards to what forces tend to be the most salient at different periods and how therapists should approach helping others resolve the problems they inevitably encounter along the way. To determine what ogers, Erikson and Piaget share in common and how they differ, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature concerning these theorists, followed by a personal reflections analysis. A summary of the research and important findings are presented in the conclusion.

eview and Analysis

Carl ogers

Best known for his person-centered approach to counseling, Carl ogers was an American psychotherapist…...



Comstock, Dana L., Tonya R. Hammer, Julie Strentzsch, Kristi Cannon, Jacqueline Parsons and Ii Gustavo Salazar (2008), "Relational-Cultural Theory: A Framework for Bridging

Relational, Multicultural, and Social Justice Competencies." Journal of Counseling and Development, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 279-281.

DeCarvalho, Roy J. (1999), The Founders of Humanistic Psychology. New York: Praeger.

Demorest, Amy (2005), Psychology's Grand Theorists: How Personal Experiences Shaped

Psychology Counseling
Pages: 4 Words: 1479

However, they should also know what aspects of they reveal are confidential. An adolescent should know if he or she says that he 'hates his parents' that the therapist does not have a responsibility to 'tattle' to the client's parent, even if the parent is paying for the session
2b. Discuss 2 counseling situations where duty to warn would be necessary. What would be the ethical issues involved: If the client is likely to be harmful to others, such as if he or she threatens someone physically, the therapist must report the threats. Also, if the client is likely to be harmful to him or herself, such as threatening suicide or acting in a manner that is so severely delusional he or she is not competent to engage in basic self-care, the therapist may need to act. (Such as a patient engaging in severe self-harm or a patient with a…...



Corey, G., (2009) Theory and practice of counseling & psychotherapy. (8th Edition). Belmont,

CA. Thomson Brooks/Cole.

Family systems. (2009). Genogram. Retrieved November 24, 2009 at

how to write a thesis statement for a persuasive essay?
Words: 592

Crafting a Persuasive Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the cornerstone of a persuasive essay, articulating the central argument and guiding the entire piece. Crafting a strong thesis statement requires careful consideration and understanding of the topic, evidence, and persuasive techniques.

Understanding the Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a concise and declarative sentence that expresses the writer's main argument or position on a specific topic. It should be:

Specific: Focused on a particular issue or aspect of the topic
Arguable: Contestable and supported by evidence
Assertive: Clearly states the writer's opinion or argument

Components of a Persuasive Thesis Statement

A persuasive thesis....

In what ways can a Rogerian argument approach help to find common ground in the ethical debate surrounding animal testing?
Words: 595

A Rogerian argument approach can be particularly effective in finding common ground in the ethical debate surrounding animal testing by emphasizing empathy, understanding, and open-mindedness. This approach focuses on building mutual trust and respect between opposing sides, which can be instrumental in fostering productive dialogue and ultimately finding potential areas of agreement.

Here are some ways in which a Rogerian argument approach can help in the ethical debate surrounding animal testing:

1. Acknowledgment of common goals: By recognizing that both sides of the debate share a desire to advance scientific knowledge and improve human and animal health, a Rogerian approach can help....

In what ways can a Rogerian argument approach help to find common ground in the ethical debate surrounding animal testing?
Words: 534

## Finding Common Ground in the Animal Testing Debate: A Rogerian Argument Approach

The ethical debate surrounding animal testing is a complex and multifaceted one, with strong arguments on both sides. However, by adopting a Rogerian argument approach, it is possible to find common ground and work towards a more compassionate and ethical solution.

Principles of Rogerian Argumentation:

Empathy: Seek to understand the perspectives and feelings of others, even if you disagree with them.
Unconditional Positive Regard: Value and respect others, regardless of their views.
Active Listening: Listen attentively and reflect back what you have heard to ensure comprehension.
Collaboration: Work together....

How can a Rogerian argument approach effectively address the contentious issue of gun control?
Words: 452

A Rogerian argument approach to gun control could effectively address the issue by finding common ground between opposing sides and promoting understanding and compromise.

Firstly, the Rogerian approach would involve listening to and acknowledging the concerns and perspectives of all parties involved, including gun rights advocates and advocates for stricter gun control. By showing empathy and respect for different viewpoints, the conversation can move away from confrontation and towards mutual understanding.

Secondly, the Rogerian approach would aim to find common goals or values that both sides can agree on. For example, both sides may agree that reducing gun violence and protecting....

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