Roger Goodell Essays (Examples)

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Is Roger Goodell Competent to Reform the NFL's Policies
Pages: 3 Words: 1097

NFL and Decision Making
The National Football League (NFL), probably the most popular and richest sports league in America, has been in the news a lot lately. The issues involving the NFL have not been about football per se -- and about what teams are dominant early in the season -- but rather about wrongdoing by football players and incompetence and poor decision-making by the commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell. This paper reviews the domestic violence issues that have made headlines over the past few weeks and months, and the wrongheaded attempt at leadership the public has witnessed from the commissioner.

A History of Lenience by the NFL

It was April, 2007, and in the previous season more than 50 NFL players had been arrested for various crimes, so Commissioner Roger Goodell got tough on these players by instituting a "newly stringent personal conduct policy" (Pennington, et al., 2014). Goodell insisted that…...


Works Cited

Boitnott, J. (2014). 5 Mistakes by Roger Goodell Every Entrepreneur Should Avoid. Inc.

Retrieved September 23, 2014, from .

Carter, C.J. (2014). Roger Goodell's news conference: 5 things to know. CNN. Retrieved

September 23, 2014, from .

Change Management in the NFL
Pages: 2 Words: 8314

Leadership and Organizational Change Potential in the NFL
Organizational Problem or Opportunity

Description of the Problem or Opportunity

Purpose of the Investigation



Summary of Section Highlights

Problem or Opportunity Background

• Current State of the Target Organization

• elevant Organizational Processes or Systems or Functions

• elevant Theory

isk Management

Organizational Change

Lewin's Change Management Model

McKinsey 7-S Model

Kotter's 8 Step Change Model


Corporate Social esponsibility

Investigative Steps

Investigative Approach and Design Strategies

• Investigative Approach

• Theory Thread Strategies

• Data Collection and Preparation Strategies

Investigation Parameters or Limitations


Findings of the Investigation


elevant Analysis

Overall Findings: A Synthesis


Interpretation and ecommendations 34

Organizational Implications 34

ecommendations 34

• Implications for Decision Makers 35

• Future esearch 35

Summary 36

eferences 37

Executive Summary

The National Football League (NFL) is currently the most popular sport with American adults, however this position is not guaranteed to remain indefinitely. The NFL is plagued by a slew of problems that range from everything from player misconduct and serious indiscretions both on and off the field, issues related to injuries, player safety, and brain…...



Bass, B. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.

Bass, B. (1999). Two decasdes in research and development in transformational leadership. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9-32.

Benta, D. (2011). On Best Practices for Risk Management in Complex Projects. Informatica Economica, 142-152.

Business Dictionary. (N.d.). Change Management. Retrieved from Business Dictionary:

Clean Hits The NFL and
Pages: 5 Words: 1618

In tat case, te NFL will, naturally, take te position tat if tey do not want to be included in a profit-making activity, te NFL will gladly take te profits witout tem. Weter tis is truly collusion is peraps te decision of te individual to wom te tougt strikes; but certainly it seems to appear as collusion wen in fact it is not by any means deliberately collusive. Players' claims notwitstanding, it is very unlike te NFL to procure less-tan-maximum television revenues simply because tey must split tem wit anoter group; in fact it goes contrary to all oter signs tat te NFL sows and actions tat it takes.
I do not like Roger Goodell, te Commissioner of te NFL -- wo does?

-- but it is not in my interests to claim tat e is overseeing an organization caracterized by collusion wen in reality it is clean in tat regard.…...

NFL Foundation
Pages: 12 Words: 3936

Their activities and support of the foundation; enable the league to demonstrate a higher purpose which is of greater social value. (Ferriter)
In the majority of cases, the NFL is using the various high profile marketing events to illustrate the importance of sports in promoting various charity related events. The Super Bowl is the biggest event with it using the game as an avenue to help the community which is hosting it. At the same time, it is an avenue for helping to promote social responsibility. Evidence of this can be seen with Babiak & olfe (2006) saying, "The NFL is becoming progressively more invested in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in an effort to establish itself as a socially conscious organization, one based on the twin pillars of football and the community. As the proverbial jewel in the NFL's crown, the Super Bowl is an institution composed of many…...


Works Cited

"Community." NFL Foundation, 2014. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

"Kirk Cousins of Washington Redskins Says He'd 'Welcome' Gay Teammate: 'Nobody's Perfect." Huffington Post, 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2014.

"NFL Foundation Kicks Off Summer With Nearly $700,000 in Grants to Youth Football Camps." NFL Communications, 2013. Web. 22 Apr. 2012

Babiak, Kathy and Wolfe, Richard. "More than Just a Game? Corporate Social Responsibility and Super Bowl XL." Sport Marketing Quarterly. 15.4 (2006): 214-222. Print.

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