Roe Vs Wade Essays (Examples)

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Abortion Rights In Dew vs
Pages: 3 Words: 1042

(Brownmiller 470) Hemorrhaging blood, Brownmiller was afraid -- but her fear did not make her question her choice.
Of course, pro-life activists like Dew would argue that no matter how desperately women might want abortions, they have no right to end another human being's life, regardless of their circumstances. But Dew's line of argumentation raises serious questions about the ethics of forcing another human being to subject their bodies to the rigors of pregnancy (which has far greater risks than a legal abortion) and to harbor another human being within their body against their will. Of course, a woman might choose to have sex -- but the ability of a young girl to fully understand the implications of her decision to have intercourse, and the fact that the male in question does not have to endure a pregnancy, suggests that the 'fairness' of outlawing abortion, regardless of the status of…...


Works Cited

Brownmiller, Susan. "Abortion is a woman's right." In Voices of a People's History of the United States, 2nd Ed. Edited by Howard Zinn & Anthony Arnove, 1999.

Dew, Diana. "It's a child, not a choice." Diana Dew's essays on life issues. 1998. [August 7,


Abortion as a Rights vs Duty Issue
Pages: 8 Words: 2354

Why Abortion Should be AbolishedIntroductionAbortion is legalized infanticide. It is the legal practice of murdering a child growing in the mothers womb. It has been justified on the grounds that a woman has a right to choose whether she wants to nurture the life that has been conceived inside her. The issue is debated because it is controversial; however, the two sides of the debate do not see the issue of abortion in the same terms. Those who are pro-abortion (pro-choice) tend to frame the issue in terms of rights, whereas those who are pro-life (anti-abortion) tend to frame the issue in terms of duty. Some pro-choice advocates also seek to justify their position by referring to matters of health and safety, arguing that if abortion would abolished, women would be using coat hangers (unhealthy) to kill their children in the wombso at least abortion clinics offer a safe and…...


Works CitedCavanaugh, Lynn. “A Brief History: The Four Waves of Feminism.” ProgressiveWomen’s Leadership, 2018.   Accessed 2 May 2021.Christian Life Resources. “US Abortion Statistics by Year.” Christian Life Resources,2021. . Accessed 2 May 2021.Rogers, Jay. “Is the Heartbeat Bill Pro-Life or Pro-Abortion?” The Forerunner, 2020. . Accessed 2 May 2021.Seven Pillars Institute. “Moral Theories.” Seven Pillars Institute. . Accessed 2 May 2021.Totten, Gloria. “Ohio’s Heartbeat Bill is Unconscionable and Unconstitutional.” TheHill, 2016. . Accessed 2 May 2021. .

Civil Rights -- Privacy vs
Pages: 4 Words: 1176

They would subsequently call them at home, leave literature and fetus dolls at their door, and even call families and distant relatives of the patients to inform them of the patients' plans to ask them to intercede. The Pro-Life advocates argued that they were lawfully exercising their right of free speech on public property (such as across the street fro doctors' offices) to verbally attack patients by name as they exercise their equally important right to personal physical autonomy under the recognized privacy penumbras.
The Value of the Legal Approach Suggested by the Article

The Yale Law Journal article (Clapman, 2003) explained various ways that the general right of free speech is limited by more important privacy rights. For example, truth is ordinarily an affirmative defense to defamation. However, existing law already recognizes that certain statements, despite being truthful, serve no valid purpose besides injuring another person, such as by purposely…...



Clapman, A. "Privacy rights and abortion outing: a proposal for using common-law torts to protect abortion patients and staff." The Yale Law Journal. Yale University,

School of Law. 2003. Retrieved May 25, 2010 from HighBeam Research: 

Dershowitz, A. (2002). Shouting Fire: Civil Liberties in a Turbulent Age. New York:

Abortion a Landmark U S Supreme
Pages: 10 Words: 3039


Origin of the Topic

The most common origin of virginity is derived from Christianity. Christianity teaches that sex before marriage is wrong. Sex should only occur between a man and a woman who are married. Sex outside of marriage is considered an abomination to God. The Bible states that when a man leaves home, he should cleave unto his wife and they shall become one flesh.

Impact on Male and Female Sexuality

Phone sex, masturbation, and sensual massages are just a few activities in which couples can participate together without risking the loss of virginity. Sensual massages release endorphins that enhance moods so that the receiving individual is left satisfied with just being touched. Many people might find these activities embarrassing or unusual, but if you cannot engage in such activities with your partner, why would you commit to having a sexual relationship or marriage? It would take a lot of trust and…...


Works Cited

Lewis, Jone Johnson. (1999). Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision. Retrieved April 22, 2013, from

Springhouse Corporation. (1989). Abortion. Professional Guide to Diseases 3rd Edition,


Illegalizaton of Abortion Illegalization of
Pages: 7 Words: 2047

The right of autonomy is also influenced by individualistic ideology of capitalism which other feminist point out is male-biased. Feminists seek to free themselves from perspectives that devalue women and deny them opportunities to explore their thoughts and experiences. For this reason, some feminists have joined the anti-abortion side because the issue of autonomy is not acceptable in a liberal society. According to olf-Devine, she argues that abortion is the response of men to deal with problems caused by unwanted pregnancy and will therefore be problematic for those trying to support feminist perspective as the moral response and that even the feminist perspective on abortion generates strong presumptions as a way of reacting towards unwanted pregnancy Moghadam 91()

The killing of an unborn baby can never be justified under any circumstance because it does not provide a solution to the situation that lead to conception. Illegalization of an abortion implies that…...


Work cited   Richard J, and Christopher J. Voparil. The Rorty Reader. 2010. >Bernstein,

Abortion One of the Most
Pages: 5 Words: 2008

The pro-choice group really does not have an argument other than the right to choose. It is, unfortunately, not much of a choice when it involves killing a living thing without reason. The political ramifications have reached such a point that the abortion is the only medical procedure that has no age restrictions (or require parental consent). Abortion also goes against the scientific laws of nature. In the creative scheme of things, after God, women occupy a very important place. Such power cannot be misused. Even atheists would concede the powerful natural forces at work here. A woman's body goes through significant changes as it readies it self to create a brand new human being. Abortion cuts this process short.

Then there are guilt feelings and burdens of society. Obviously, a woman who goes through abortion merely for convenience would be guilt ridden for a long time (if not for the…...



Callahan, Joan C. "The Fetus and Fundamental Rights." The Ethics of Abortion: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice. Eds. Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum. Rev. ed. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1993. 203-09.

ChristianAction. "Prolife: 10 Arguments against Abortion." 2009. Christian Action. org. April 11, 2009. .

Noonan, John Thomas. "The Morality of Abortion; Legal and Historical Perspectives." The Morality of Abortion; Legal and Historical Perspectives. Ed. John Thomas Noonan. Cambridge, Mass.,: Harvard University Press, 1970. 51-59.

Steyn, Mark. America Alone: The End of the World as We Know it. Washington, DC

Battle for Abortion & Contraceptives
Pages: 10 Words: 3207

Planned Parenthood
The history of Planned Parenthood is voluminous and extensive. It has been filled with controversy, legal spats and struggles for acceptance and funding from the United States government. Even nowadays, the organization is threatened with budget changes or cuts from the federal government and many people have turned to violence against Planned Parenthood and similar groups over the years due to opposition to abortion or other birth control options that Planned Parenthood is known for providing or at least advocating for. What follows in this report is a history of Planned Parenthood as well as some of the pivotal events and outcomes that have occurred over the years. While Planned Parenthood is an organization with a lot of detractors, they also have a huge amount of support from some very loyal and entrenched groups around the country.


While the major decision that exists regarding abortion occurred with oe v. Wade…...

Woman's Right to Choose Is
Pages: 2 Words: 722

Even more than that, she should choose whether she bears a child or not, because she is the one who will have to raise it, take care of it, and support it, unless she gives it up for adoption. Thus, she should have the freedom to make her decision based on what is best for her, not according to laws that do not pertain to most of the people who create and legislate them. Politicians should not be able to make the decision for anyone; they should have the freedom to make that very difficult decision on their own.
Before oe vs. Wade, when abortions were illegal, it did not stop women from having them. They simply had them illegally, and suffered infection, internal damage, and even death as a result. To return to those days by outlawing abortion would be a return to "back-alley" abortions and death. Young women…...



CDC. Abortion Surveillance: Preliminary Data -- United States, 1994. MMWR 1997; 45:1123-7. Last Updated: 11/03/06. 28 Nov. 2008.

Doerr, E.. Roe V. Wade at Thirty. The Humanist, March/April, 2003, 63, 40+.

Roy, L.S. Roe and the new frontier. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 2003. 27(1), 339+.

Count 3996 Most Important
Pages: 13 Words: 4005

They also had the power to decide the merits of evidence and arguments. In the 19th century, judges gained greater control over juries and the role of juries became what it is currently; hearing evidence presented on both sides and determining the guilt or innocence of the accused.
The advantages of the jury system lie in the foundational elements articulated and supported by amendments and the Supreme Court. The Sixth Amendment provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial" (Landsman & Hastings 1992). A speedy trial was emphasized to avoid the accused languishing in prison for extended periods of time prior to a trial, or have the accused fate put off for an indeterminate amount of time. Further, the Sixth Amendment guarantees every citizens right to an impartial jury. The intent is that the prospective juries not enter into the…...



Ackerman, B. (1993). Neo-federalism? Constitutionalism and Democracy, Cambridge:

Allan, T. (2001). Constitutional justice: A liberal theory of the rule of law, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Decent, E. (2010). Democratizing common law constitutionalism, McGill Law Journal, 55(3), 511-535.

Hogue, A. (1986). Origins of the common law. Indianapolis: Liberty Press.

Legislating Morality in America
Pages: 16 Words: 5191

Legislating Morality
The ideas of Thomas Hobbes, the influential English philosopher who lived in the late 1500s to middle 1600s, are still considered important today. Hobbes is best remembered for his ideas on political philosophy. While Hobbes throughout his life championed the idea of absolutism for the sovereign he also is responsible for many of the fundamentals of Western political thought such as equality of men, individual rights, and the idea that all justifiable political power must be representative of the people (Edwards, 2002).

Hobbes also believed that human nature was such that people acted out of selfish-interests and if left to their own devices would do anything to get what they wanted or to acquire more power at the expense of others. Governments are then formed to shield people from their own selfishness; however he understood that even a King left unchecked would also act in a selfish manner at the…...



Action in America. (2012). Drug war cost clock updated 2011. Retrieved on February 10, 2010

from .

Appel, D. (2004). Why can immorality be legislated more easily than morality in America

Free Leadership Thoughts. Retrieved February 5, 2012, from

Legalization of Abortion
Pages: 11 Words: 3603

Abortion: Pro-Choice
Abortion (pro-choice)

Women in the United States faced many difficulties before the legalization of abortion. The case of oe vs. Wade is famous as this case allowed for the legalization of abortion K. Jones & Chaloner, 2007.

Before the legalization of abortion, there were women who still aborted illegally, and all that legalization provided for was a safe environment for the women to perform abortion. Legalization of abortion provided women with a choice in regards to keeping the pregnancy to term or terminating the pregnancy. This choice is and has been a controversial one, which results in many debates for and against abortion. The debates regarding abortion have not favored women as it was earlier thought, since there are women who still cannot access abortion services. Women of color were mostly disadvantaged before abortion was legalized, but the situation did not change after abortion was legalized. Colored women were still discriminated…...



Avalos, L.R. (2003). Abortion in the Web of Relationship. International Journal for Human Caring, 7(2).

Bartlett, L.A., Berg, C.J., Shulman, H.B., Zane, S.B., Green, C.A., Whitehead, S., & Atrash, H.K. (2004). Risk factors for legal induced abortion -- related mortality in the United States. Obstetrics & gynecology, 103(4), 729-737.

Cates, W., Grimes, D.A., & Schulz, K.F. (2003). The public health impact of legal abortion: 30 years later. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, 35(1), 25-28.

Fried, M.G. (2013). Reproductive rights activism in the post-Roe era. American Journal of Public Health, 103(1), 10-14.

Abortion Takes Away the Fundamental Unalienable Right
Pages: 5 Words: 1529

Abortion takes away the fundamental, unalienable right to life; therefore, it is legally wrong. Its effects on unborn children and women are both traumatic and long-lasting, which makes abortion the wrong choice physically and emotionally. Because it results in an unnatural and unnecessary death, abortion is morally wrong. For these reasons, abortion is wrong and should be made illegal.
Even though the verdict of Roe vs. ade was rendered in 1973, the issue of abortion continues to be extremely controversial today. It is always a popular and important issue during presidential elections. Most people have a firm belief in whether or not abortion should be legal. hile there are many other factors and issues, the debate about whether or not abortion should be legal is deeply rooted in differences of belief in two main areas. These differences are when human life begins and where government jurisdiction ends (Cozic and Petrikin 14).



Works Cited

Cozic, Charles P., and Jonathan Petrikin, ed. The Abortion Controversy. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1995.

Hadley, Janet. Abortion: Between Freedom and Necessity. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996.

Reardon, David C. Aborted Women: Silent No More. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1987.

Tribe, Laurence H. Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes. New York W.W. Notron & Company, 1992.

Sandra Day O'Conner
Pages: 15 Words: 4373

Sandra O'Connor
Sandra Day was born on March 26, 1930 in El Paso, Texas to Harry and Ada Mae, owners of the Lazy--Cattle ranch in Southeastern Arizona, where Sandra grew up (United States Supreme Court 2003) as an only child until she was eight. In those early years, her family lived in isolation and with strained resources. The ranch did not have electricity and running water until she was seven years old and their nearest neighbors lived 25 miles away. Her loneliness forced her to make friends with the ranch's cowboys and pets. She read vigorously, learned to drive at seven, could fire rifles and rode horses well. ecause the hardiness of the ranch prevented her from attaining a formal education, her parents sent Sandra to her maternal grandmother in El Paso (U.S. Supreme Court). Her grandmother was Mamie Scott Wilkey.

She went to the Radford School for girls from kindergarten to…...



Cook, Beverley, rev. 1997. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor: Strategist on the Supreme Court. By Nancy Maveety. Landham, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. Vol 7 # 4 pp 142-145. 

Gearan, Anne. 2003. Supreme Court's Day: Gay Rights Cases Up. Monterey County: Associated Press Wire

O'Connor Urges Law Grads to Volunteer

Hedding, Judy. 2004. A Brief Biography of Supreme Court Justice Sandra O'Connor. About, Inc. http://phoenix.aboutcom/cs/famous/a/oconnor.htm

Abortion Created Serious Debates and
Pages: 11 Words: 3098

A normal pro-life campaign is less complex than Catholic anti-abortion principles because of the religious aspect of the matter. The connection between the Catholic Church and morality has come to be stronger in the recent years in spite of the fact that it does not essentially function based on morality alone. To a certain degree, one might be inclined to consider that the Church is wrong in promoting anti-abortion simply because it wants to follow Christian tradition. Catholic teachings are essentially derived from the Bible and "whatever the "moral" teaching of the Church might be, it is, in the final analysis, a function of how to read the Scripture. Christian morality is not, in short, a "stand-alone" moral position" (O'Brien 92). In promoting anti-abortion messages, Catholic representatives practically go against the general message that the Gospel is trying to convey.

Catholics have recently been more determined than ever to fight against…...


Works cited:

Faundes, Anibal and Barzelatto, Jose, "The human drama of abortion: a global search for consensus," Vanderbilt University Press, 2006.

John Paul II, "Evangelium Vitae: The Gospel of Life," St. Pauls Publications, 2009.

Mitchell, Alan C. "Choosing life: a dialogue on Evangelium vitae," Georgetown University Press, 1997.

O'Brien, George Dennis, "The Church and abortion: a Catholic dissent," Rowman & Littlefield, 2010.

Abortion Societal Concerns About Abortion
Pages: 2 Words: 587

The short-term effects of only one year.
hat this researcher also found enlightening was that the population of those working in the psychological field can accept many 'syndrome' type findings, but when it comes to a syndrome espoused by those who believe women who have abortions are affected by a post-abortion depression syndrome, those same psychological experts show scorn and disdain for such espousals.

One study agrees, stating that; "since the 1960's mental health professionals...have recognized disorders such as postpartum depression....can have a negative psychological impact on both mother and child these same constituencies have almost universally rejected the existence of Post Abortion Syndrome because of the lack of supporting scientific evidence or strong political support. (Psychology pg 117).

Other studies show that women no longer feel that abortion is anything more than an everyday procedure.

One study; "presents evidence that abortion is not likely to be followed by severe psychological responses and…...


Works Cited

Adler, N., David, H., Major, B., Roth, S., Russo, N., Wyatt. G. "Psychological Factors in Abortion" American Psychologist 47.10 (1992) 1194-1204.

Kero, A., Hogberg, U., Lalas, A. "Well Being and Growth: Long-term Effects of Legal Abortion." Social Science and Medicine 58.12 (2004): 2559-2569.

Psychological Effects of Abortion and Motherhood." Psychology of Women Quarterly 30.1 (2006): 117

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