Robots Essays (Examples)

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Robots Is Becoming More and More Widespread
Pages: 1 Words: 302

robots is becoming more and more widespread throughout the world today. It is interesting to look at how currently available robotics devices can be used to clean the house and now the lawn, as well as the benefits and disadvantages of using robots instead of casual labor.
Household Chores

hen it comes to mowing the yard, a robotics device such as the RoboMower® can be used. This is a "fully automatic lawn mower, designed to mow the lawn completely by itself, with to touch of a button. It is designed for the consumer lawn and can handle any garden that a traditional gas or electric walk mower can handle, irrespective of the shape and slopes of the garden, obstacles and type of lawn ("

The same company manufactures a vacuum cleaner aimed at easing household cleaning. This vacuum has "properties which automatically adapt to the type of surface being…...


Works Cited

(Friendly Robotics. (accessed 17 November, 2004).


Robots Can Have Consciousness and
Pages: 3 Words: 1022

That being said, until a robot or computer has the capability of adding to its information on its own (or learning and developing without the aid of human interference), the idea of artificial intelligence is fictional.
David Chalmers writes in his paper ("How Can We Construct a Science of Consciousness?") that it has become possible to think that we are moving toward a genuine scientific understanding of conscious experience. In the paper, Chalmers compares both third-person data and first-person data and talks about how both need some sort of explanation. Based on this paper and others I've read by Chalmers, I believe he would be in support of robotic consciousness to a certain extent. Chalmers often remains subjective in his findings and in the information he presents.

Australian Philosopher David Armstrong, however, strongly defends the identity of mental events and argues the objective of reality in relation to scientific realism. Artificial…...

Robots of the Future
Pages: 2 Words: 646

Robots: The future or elder care?" Heather Kelly begins by considering the situation faced by many people today: They are aging and in increasing need for assitance or at least for companionship. At the same time, people willing to be trained in caring for the elderly are exponentially diminishing in number. The author points out that, by 2050, 16% of the global population will constitute elderly people. To avoid a crisis in care, Kelly mentions that researchers have begun to look toward technology to help care for the expected increase in elderly people. In addition to automated homes, the author specificially considers the potential of robots to provide services such as detecting distress or simply providing companionship.
Kelly names a number of interesting benfits such robots may hold. They could, for example, play an important role in maintaining sharpness of mind in their owners by offering games, daily chatting, or…...

Robots Robotics and the Future
Pages: 3 Words: 1135

medieval automatons to the first humanoid robot ELEKTRO, from Isaac Asimov's pioneering research to the use of robotic arms in surgery, robotics have been one of the most important areas of applied science throughout history. Robots are being used in almost every industry, allowing the economy to shift towards one that is more service-based and information-oriented. In fact, some recent advancements in robotics shows that artificial intelligence can be combined with the more mundane features of the automaton to create genuinely powerful and intelligent machines that can make decisions and think critically and possibly even creatively. Although it seems like science fiction, robotics remains one of the most important areas of scientific inquiry because these tools have the power to improve medicine and health care, to all types of transportation and communication services, and to advance understanding of the human mind and brain.
The historical background of robotics shows that…...


Works Cited

Boucenna, Sofiene, et al. "Learning of Social Signatures Through Imitation Game Between a Robot and a Partner." IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 213-225. 29 April, 2014.

Ford, Martin. Rise of the Robots. New York: Perseus. 2015.

Lin, Patrick, Abney, Keith and Bekey, George A. Robot Ethics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

McNickle, Michelle. "10 Medical Robots that Could Change Healthcare." Information Week. Retrieved online: ?

We Robots a Review of Sherry Turkle's Book Alone Together
Pages: 3 Words: 811

Robots" a Review of Sherry Turkle's book "Alone Together"
Sherry Turkle's book "Alone Together" relates to the contemporary society and to how it has come to be shaped by its relationship with technology. The online environment, as she describes it, is a confusing place where people take on identities that they feel are characteristic to them. Even with this, this gradually makes it difficult for them to be able to comprehend human emotions and they come to replace these respective feelings with ideas they believe to be perfect for their state of mind and the circumstances they are in at the moment when they communicate with each-other.

Jonah Lehrer's essay "We Robots" provides insight on Turkle's book "Alone Together" and to how the writer changed her opinion with regard to the digital age in a fifteen-year period. Lehrer makes it possible for readers to understand matters from Turkle's perspective by describing…...


It is certainly problematic to discuss with regard to the effects technology has on our lives. While Facebook is often categorized as an environment robbing people of their ability to interact in the real world, Lehrer emphasizes the results of a study that showed otherwise. "A 2007 study at Michigan State University involving 800 undergraduates, for instance, found that Facebook users had more social capital than abstainers, and that the site increased measures of "psychological well-being," especially in those suffering from low self-esteem." (Lehrer) This shows that Facebook can actually play an important role in making people gain a complex understanding of social relations and that it can improve their ability to interact with each-other. Many individuals are likely to refrain from using Facebook solely based on rumors with regard to its effects. These people practically refuse to get involved in online social networks without actually understanding what they are all about.

Turkle is right to a certain degree in saying that "we expect more from technology and less from each other." However, it is probable that she attempted to address the problem from a perspective involving the 1995 optimistic individual who expected something else from the internet. The fact that the world did not evolve as she expected it would evolve does not necessarily mean that society suffers as a result of the online environment.

There are several aspects that need to be addressed when considering the online environment and people's tendency to take on particular attitudes as a result of becoming involved in it. When regarding thing strictly from a sociological perspective, it would be wrong to provide a verdict in the present, as the limited information existing with regard to the topic makes it impossible for someone to have a general understanding of it. Turkle simply looks at the negative part of the matter and thus has a biased opinion concerning it.

Social Impact of Robots From
Pages: 5 Words: 1488

In fact, in Japan, robots are changing the way people live, work, play and even love, which has led Japan's government to establish a committee to establish safety guideline for the keeping of robots in homes and offices (Faiola; Yamamoto).

However, according to the Daily Yomiuri newspaper, Japan's NEDO institute, which coordinates national science and research development, found it far too difficult to set a single standard to cover the variety of robots, but the panel did ensure that the design of robots at the orld Expo would not harm humans (Faiola; Yamamoto). As interaction between machines and humans in the household becomes more commonplace, safety has become the focus for domestic robot makers (Faiola; Yamamoto).

In January 2005, officials predicted that every household in Japan will own at least one robot by 2015, if not sooner (Faiola; Yamamoto). The year 2005 was dubbed the unofficial "year of the robot" by scientists…...


Works Cited

Hirohisa, Hirukawa. "Walk this way: humanoid robots are here to stay." Look Japan.

August 01-2003. Retrieved September 21, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

ROBOT PALS: Once an SF Dream, Now a Reality." February 1-2001. Trends in Japan.

Retrieved September 21, 2006 at

Industrial Robots and Their Use in Manufacturing
Pages: 7 Words: 2202

Industrial obots clearly defines and outlines the general characteristics of an industrial robot. This paper also highlights the technical parts of an industrial robot and how with the help of these parts a robot is able to perform a number of tasks. This paper also species the use of robots in manufacturing.
In 1961, the automatons at General Motor Corporation made a promise of giving the world a flexible automation with high microprocessor power and artificial intelligence. This resulted in full potential industrial robots. The history of robots can be traced back to the 1920s when Karel Capek depicted the world to comprise of millions of intelligent machines that were designed to be perfect and tireless workers. Many people misunderstand what an industrial robot is. They often confuse terms such as remote-controlled, automations and numerical controlled with the term industrial robot. This is due in part to false impressions created…...



Industrial Robots Learn All The New Moves. Automation Dartford, England. 1 Oct. 2001.

Kahaner, D.K. Robots And Use In Japan Industry. 28 Feb. 1991. Available on the address   Accessed on 19 Mar. 2004. .

Mintchell, Gary. Industrial Robots Fast, Nimble At 30. Control Engineering. 1 Nov. 2002.

Teresko, John. Robots Revolution. Industry Week. 1 Sept. 2002.

Companion Robots a Current Application
Pages: 5 Words: 1415

Before this research was conducted, it could have been possible that none of the identified factors would actually affect peoples' perceptions, or that people would have drastically different experiences based on distance, specific companion robot functions, and the type of behavior exhibited by the companion robots. It was only through experimentation, the next step in the scientific method, that answers to these questions were achieved.
All experiments must control certain variables; in the experiment regarding distance between the companion robots an human subject, all other factors in the relationship were controlled, and it was determined that most people kept a standard social distance form the robots, while a large minority took up closer positions indicating a less social relationship (Walters et al. 2005). By controlling some variables and measuring a wide array of independent and uncontrolled variables, other researchers determined that there were many factors influencing the perception of companion…...



Dautenhahn, K., Walters, M., Woods, S., Koay, K., Nehaniv, C…. & Simeon, T. (2006). How may I serve you?: a robot companion approaching a seated person in a helping context. Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCHI/SIGART conference on Human-robot interaction: 172-9.

Dautenhahn, K., Woods, S., Kaouri, C., Walters, M., Koay, K. & Werry, I. (2005). What is a robot companion - friend, assistant or butler? IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: 1192-7.

Ohkubo, E., Negishi, T., Oyamada, Y., Kimura, R. & Naganuma, M. (2003). Studies on necessary condition of companion robot in the RAA application. IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation 1: 102-6.

Tani, J., Ito, M. & Sugita, Y. (2005). Self-organization of distributedly represented multiple behavior schemata in a mirror system: reviews of robot experiments using RNNPB. Neural Networks 17(8-9): 1273-89.

Robotics the Popular Concept of Robots Has
Pages: 15 Words: 4545

The popular concept of robots has been colored by stories of mythical mechanical beings dating back to antiquity, and fictional robots (remember "R-2 D-2?") depicted in popular science fiction movies such as the Star ars. Robotics, however, is a serious technology that deals with the design, construction and operation of robots that are used in numerous applications ranging from industries that require accurate and repetitive tasks (such as the car and computer manufacturing industries), dangerous tasks such as diffusing of bombs, and other chores that cannot be performed by humans, e.g., carrying out research on far-away planets, or walking inside live volcanoes. These present-day applications of robotics are bound to grow in future with the development of state-of-the-art technologies such as ever-faster computers, artificial intelligence (AI) and nanotechnology. In this essay we shall examine the subject of robotics in detail. hile doing so we shall see what robots are and…...


Works Cited

Battles without Troops." Article in Newsweek International: Special Issue. December 2001-February 2002. pp. 38-40

Bekey, George A. "Robot." Article in Encyclopedia Encarta, 2003. CD-ROM Version.

Dowling, Kevin. "What is Robotics?" 1996. Robotics: Frequently Asked Questions. February 24, 2003. 

Nanotechnology." Article in Encyclopedia Encarta, 2003. CD-ROM Version.

Robot Dreams vs I Robot
Pages: 4 Words: 1614

We are also often unaware of the manner in which social forces such as economics, politics, and research professionals shape our technological advances. This is also evidenced in our response to technology that malfunctions; we oftentimes do not seek to understand how to fix it and instead will call in a professional to do so (Bijker, & Law, 1992). This does not make us any more knowledgeable about our own technology, its workings, or its design. One must question if this is due to a lack of knowledge or a purposeful desire to remain uninformed as to not have to face the give and take relationship between technological advances and the good of society.
Technology is not pure and while it provides us with opportunities to function in ways that we have never done before it also has negative aspects that cannot be ignored (Lawson, 2010). While it is difficult…...



Asimov, I. (1968). Robot visions. London: Grafton Books.

Bijker, W.E. & Law, J. (1992). Shaping technology, building society: Studies in sociotechnical change. Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Lawson, C. (2010). Technology and the Extension of Human Capabilities. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 40(2), 207-223. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5914.2009.00428.x.

Smith, W. (Executive Producer), & Asimov, A., Goldsman, A., Seitz, H., Vintar, J.

Robots January 15 2008 Internet
Pages: 1 Words: 316

As Isom points out, this timeline "is oviously not an exhaustive history" ut it does cover a wide range of times and places in which roots played major roles. Isom also includes seventeen additional we links and timelines on rootic history.
Williams, Mike. (Novemer 2002). "History of Rootics." Internet. Retrieved at

This wesite, developed y root fanatic Mike Williams of Ball State University, contains much information of roots and rootics. He egins with an introduction and then covers rootic history, how roots work, the uses of roots, the impact of roots and the future of rootic technologies. Williams also provides a complete list of roots and rootics at various universities throughout the world and ends with a concise reference/iliography list with appropriate we links....


bibliography list with appropriate web links.

Robot Wars
Pages: 1 Words: 353

personal predictions on what computers will look like and accomplish in 35 years. This prediction will be based upon a large take over by computers in the near future which will exponentially increase the power of artificial intelligence.
In the very near future computers will take over society and run the daily happenings of every single person wishing to consent to this new lifestyle. Not all of the new society will come along, as new more primitive societies will be developed with no reliance on artificial intelligence or computer power. There will also be small remnants of a middle class where some of the new computing power will be used in combination with some older computer technology.

Essentially computers will become invisible to the naked eye as nanotechnology will afford design models to be extremely small. This invisibility of the computing power will have helped the artificial sources of intelligence to…...

Developing Business Plan for Cleaning Robot
Pages: 6 Words: 2235

obot Cleaning Machine
Business Plan for a Cleaning obot

Here at Top Not Cleaning Solutions we have a specific position of techniques, beliefs, and regulations for controlling a certain order when we make business decisions such as the idea that developing a new cleaning robot that the committee would like to propose which is the new plan to build, test, and market the new Bot2000. The purpose behind the new Bot2000 is to offer a more competitive machine that has all of the features of our current in home Bots500, and we believe by adding what the Bot1000 does for industries can attract different types of consumers. The buyers who need these cleaning solutions for their homes and businesses will be one of the target consumers as well as people, especially mothers who would like to do a more detailed cleaning of their homes, as well as people who own cleaning businesses…...



.LogisticsBureau. (2007). Welcome to logistics Bureau supply chain & logistics management consultants. Retrieved from (2011). Marketing mix: what is the marketing mix? Retrieved from

Human Robot Interaction
Pages: 2 Words: 720

a. Specify the main OBJECTIVE(S) for which you design your robot. This objective should be relevant to your application domain and it should be feasible using the robot assigned to you. Motivate your objective and argue why the robot assigned to you is suited to reach that objective.
The objective I have in mind for “pepper” is to provide travel destination details to the customers who come to my travel agency for information. Instead of my personal input on clients who primarily only want information and don't necessarily want to make travel plans immediately, “pepper” can allow them to be well-informed of all our travel plans through an interactive and fun way. I can teach “pepper” to access our online database and memorise the details of all the travel plans we offer and the fact that he is connected to the internet can allow customers to view the ratings of travel…...

1950 I Robot Is Sometimes Referred to
Pages: 3 Words: 1193

1950, I, Robot is sometimes referred to as a novel, but it is a collection of short stories written over a ten-year period, all but one having appeared in Astounding magazine. There are several characters that do appear in most of the stories, and Asimov had also written connecting passages in order for them to have a more cohesive and episodic flow. The book tells the history of U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men.
In one of the stories, "Little Lost Robot," it is Susan Calvin who is called upon to find the solution. In her first venture away from Earth she travels to HyperBase, where robots and human engineers are endeavoring to create a "hyperatomic" propulsion system in an effort to launch the first interstellar voyages. Due to hazardous radiation conditions necessary for the project the robots' adherance to the Three Laws have been supressed, since before they had been…...

In what ways can technology both enhance and hinder societal progress according to your thesis analysis?
Words: 686

Technology's Dual Impact on Societal Progress

Technology, an indispensable tool that has shaped human civilization, exerts a profound influence on societies worldwide. Its transformative powers can both accelerate progress and create obstacles in various domains.

Enhancements to Societal Progress

1. Innovation and Productivity:
Technology fuels innovation by providing new tools and platforms for research and development. Advanced machinery, artificial intelligence, and data analytics empower businesses and individuals to create groundbreaking products and services. Increased productivity boosts economic growth and improves living standards.

2. Accessibility to Information:
The internet and digital technologies democratize access to information. Individuals can now effortlessly acquire knowledge, share ideas, and connect with....

Can you outline the impact of technology on healthcare in developing countries?
Words: 540

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Start with a thought-provoking quote, statistic, or anecdote related to technology.
B. Background information: Briefly explain the significance of technology in today's world.
C. Thesis statement: Technology has revolutionized various aspects of our lives and continues to shape our future.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Advancements in Communication Technology
A. Explanation of communication technology: Define and provide examples of communication technology.
B. Impact on social connectivity: Discuss how communication technology has brought people closer together.
C. Effects on global collaboration: Explain how technology has expanded opportunities for collaboration across borders.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Technological Advances in Education

How have advancements in technology shaped the transition from the industrial age to the information age?
Words: 671

Advancements in Technology: Shaping the Transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age

The transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age has been marked by profound advancements in technology that have fundamentally reshaped the way societies function and operate. These innovations have had far-reaching implications for industries, individuals, and the global economy as a whole.

1. Automation and Robotics:

Advancements in automation and robotics have transformed manufacturing processes, leading to significant increases in productivity. Industrial robots and automated systems have taken over repetitive and dangerous tasks, freeing up human workers for more complex and creative endeavors. The widespread adoption of....

Can you provide a concise outline of the key developments in artificial intelligence over the past decade?
Words: 401

Certainly! Here is a concise outline of key developments in artificial intelligence over the past decade:

1. Advancements in deep learning: Deep learning techniques, including neural networks, have seen significant improvements in performance and capabilities, enabling applications in image recognition, natural language processing, and more.

2. Rise of reinforcement learning: Reinforcement learning, a type of machine learning where an agent learns through trial and error and rewards, has gained prominence in AI research and applications, leading to breakthroughs in areas like game playing and robotics.

3. Growth of AI-powered applications: AI technology has been increasingly integrated into various products and services, such as....

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