Robbery Essays (Examples)

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Robbery Is Described as the
Pages: 2 Words: 692

However, this level of fear or force doesn't necessarily have to be great in order to meet the statutory threshold. Since robbery and armed robbery differ slightly, the essential elements for armed robbery include those of robbery though the use of a deadly weapon is included to take immediate control of the victim. On the other hand, the essential elements of carjacking are hijacking for the purpose of stealing a motor vehicle and armed assault on the vehicle's occupants.
In armed robbery offences, the main weapons that will suffice are deadly weapons which are either loaded or unloaded firearms. Notably, the weapons that can suffice in armed robbery offence are other weapons that can cause great bodily harm or death of the victim such as daggers, slingshots, sword canes, bludgeons, and sharp pointed canes ("Criminal Law," n.d.).

The mens rea for committing a robbery is theft of a valuable item from…...



"Criminal Law: Robbery -- Online Outline." (n.d.). New Mexico Department of Public Safety.

Retrieved September 26, 2011, from 

"Robbery." (n.d.). Koehler Law: Jamison Koehler, Attorney at Law. Retrieved September 26,

2011, from

Robbery in Progress a Police
Pages: 2 Words: 586

It was stated in the parameters that he was in a two-block radius. Units would be dispatched to roadblock the surroundings, one at each intersection and one at each alleyway entry/exit point. After the majority of the crowds have evacuated a clear directive would be made to officers, "No one gets in or out of hot zone until they've been questioned." A command station would be set up in front of the bank.

The sniper would be placed on the tallest building in the area, the three-story building across from the bank. He would be given the directive to shoot suspect on sight, as Don Coker says in his "Banking Security Principles and Issues" regarding the predilections of bank robbers, "Regardless of what anyone anywhere states, no criminal wants to get shot…" (Coker, 2010). Of course this is a rather serious directive, but assuming he is armed with the intent to…...


Works Cited

Coker, D (2010). Bank Security Principles and Issues. HG Experts Legal Experts

Directory. Retrieved from 

Seibert, P (2011). SafeCatch: An Educational Partnership Offering More Customer

Development and Less Crime. The Police Chief. Retrieved from .

Armed Robbery and Criminal Behavior
Pages: 5 Words: 1735

(2009). An Assessment of Scales Measuring Constructs in Tests of Criminological Theory Based on National
Youth Survey Data. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 46(1), 73-105.

Blatt, Sidney J., & Auerbach, John S. (2000). Psychoanalytic Models of the Mind and their

Contributions to Personality Research. European Journal of Personality, Vol. 14, 429-

Brannigan, Augustine. (1997). Self-Control, social control and evolutionary psychology:

Towards an integrated perspective on crime. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 403-431.

Heimer, Karen, & Matsueda, Ross L. (1994). Role-Taking, Role Commitment, and

Delinquency: A Theory of Differential Social Control. American Sociological Review,

59(3), 365-373.

Hoffmann, John P., & Miller, Alan S. (1998). A Latent Variable Analysis of General

Strain Theory. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 14(1), 83-105.

Isom, Margaret Delores. (1998). Theorist -- Albert Bandura: The Social Learning Theory.

Retrieved April 16, 2009, from

Klinteberg, Britt AF, Humble, Kristina, & Schalling, Daisy. (1992). Personality and Psychopathy of males with a history of early criminal behavior. European Journal of Personality, Vol.…...


Works Cited

Armstrong, Todd a., Lee, Daniel R., & Armstrong, Gaylene. (2009). An Assessment of Scales Measuring Constructs in Tests of Criminological Theory Based on National

Youth Survey Data. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 46(1), 73-105.

Blatt, Sidney J., & Auerbach, John S. (2000). Psychoanalytic Models of the Mind and their

Contributions to Personality Research. European Journal of Personality, Vol. 14, 429-

Burglary Robbery Homicide
Pages: 6 Words: 2366

Burglary, obbery, Homicide
Burglary, robbery and homicide are all criminal activities directed against the average man. There is never a specific indication as to the person who is going to fall as the next victim, and thus every individual needs to know what precautions should be taken. Since we are discussing three different types of crimes, the analysis is also spread up in three different sub-sections -- Burglary, obbery and Homicide.

Burglary is a crime generally preventable if the person to whom this occurs takes adequate precautions. Yet there are a high number of these crimes that take place and all over United States there are an estimated 2,329,501 burglaries that take place during a year and the loss by victims is a staggering amount of $3.1 billion. In general, it has been seen that a burglary takes place every 12 seconds in the country and causes a loss of $1,675 for…...



"Burglary is Everyone's Problem" Retrieved from 

Accessed 12 November, 2005

'Homicide trends in the U.S." Retrieved from   Accessed 12 November, 2005 

'Know the facts" Retrieved from   Accessed 12 November, 2005 

Clutter Family Robbery & Murder
Pages: 6 Words: 2207

Cold Blood" case is very chilling and has been depicted by Truman Capote personally as well as by others in much the same or at least a slightly different way. Beyond that, while the Clutter case was bad enough, there is a major question as to whether the two assailants in the Clutter case also committed the Walker murders. While there is no "smoking gun" that links the two Clutter killers to the Walker case, there are a few common threads that are very intriguing. This report shall cover those common threads, the steps that an investigator would undertake when it comes so such an investigation and the steps a prosecutor would take at trial including what witnesses would be called. There will also be a discussion about interrogation techniques, whether a search warrant was needed to obtain the shotgun and the knife from the Hickok home and whether a…...



Capote, T. (1995). In Cold Blood (pp. 1-343). New York: Vintage.

Laws on Rape Murder Aggravated Assault and Robbery
Pages: 4 Words: 1282

Crimes Committed Against Persons in the United States
The United States is one of the world's super powers. Like any other country, it experiences the challenge of crimes committed against people too. The FBI has shown that the rate of violent crimes committed in the US has been declining for the past two decades. Violent crimes can be classified into types that include rape, murder, aggravated assault, and robbery. Statistically, the rate of crimes committed to people in 2016 decreased by 1.1% when it is compared with those reported in 2015. The rates of crimes against people vary across regions. For example, the FBI reports that in 2016, there was a positive change in the rate of 2.0% in murder cases in Northeast region and 1.2% in Midwest (Federal Bureau of Investigation). Therefore, this research paper examines the different types of crimes committed against persons in the US, their characteristics, and…...

Community Service and Robbery
Pages: 11 Words: 3539

Criminal Procedure Law
This document outlines the proposed criminal justice system. Its aim is to prevent and control crime and criminal acts through punitive measures and penalties to those who violate the set laws. The paper is a suggested criminal justice system for a national jurisdiction, at the federal level. The jurisdiction has a population of about one million people who are equally dispersed in the urban cities and rural areas of the nation. The social and economic status of the residents in this jurisdiction ranges from the very poor to the very rich. The country has its fair share of illegal immigrants and the criminal acts perpetrated in the country do compare throughout all the regions of the country.



Murder is the termination of the life of a human being. The life of a human being starts at the point of conception. Murder is an act committed willingly either with the…...


Works cited

Adlerstein, Jo Anne C. "Felony-Murder in the New Criminal Codes." Am. J. Crim. L. 4 (1975): 249. Web.

Bubany, Charles P. "Texas Penal Code of 1974, The." Sw. LJ 28 (1974): 292. Web.

HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, § CHAPTER 481-Sec. 481.001.-Sec. 481.354. (2013). Web.

Miller, Emily L. "(Wo) manslaughter: Voluntary Manslaughter, Gender, and the Model Penal Code." Emory LJ 50 (2001): 665. Web.

Fourth Amendment
Pages: 2 Words: 566

obbery Scenario
In this particular scenario, the police stopped a driver based upon the fact that the driver matched the description of the cashier who was the victim of the robbery and the driver had an Alabama student parking sticker (the store's robber was wearing a cap and a t-shirt from this university). The suspect was not speeding when the license was obtained, it should be noted. But the actions of the officer were consistent with stop-and-identify laws which permit police to ask suspects for licenses or other identification.

Supreme Court has generally not looked favorably upon stop-and-identify laws when they have been under its review. In the case of Kolender v. Lawson, 461 U.S. 352 (1983), one of the most recent stop-and-identify cases, the statute was deemed "unconstitutionally vague on its face within the meaning of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment by failing to clarify what is contemplated…...



Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada. (2004). Retrieved from: 

Kolender v. Lawson, 461 U.S. 352 (1983). Retrieved from:

Sneaky Pete Case Answers to Jake Law's
Pages: 4 Words: 1143

Sneaky Pete Case
Answers to Jake Law's Questions

Jake Law is the prosecuting attorney in the armed robbery case of Sneaky Pete. In the current negotiation, Jake must resolve his issues with the defense attorney, Chris Vaughn and the Judge as well. It is important for Jake to remember his role as an officer of the court and do what is right for the jurisdiction he represents and not simply for his own personal benefit. Unfortunately for Pete, many of these attorneys are very unsympathetic to anything other than their career.

Prosecuting attorneys serve the public by representing local, state or federal governments in criminal court cases. They participate in the investigation of criminal activity and fight for justice and represents the court. They must also have an understanding of their communities' needs and the motivations driving law breakers. Successful prosecution can lead to an individual's loss of rights, and so a prosecuting…...



Sneaky Pete Case Study. Provided by customer.

The Legal Dictionary. "District and Prosecuting Attorneys." Viewed 11 Aug 2013. Retrieved from 

The Legal Dictionary. "Defense Attorney." Viewed 11 Aug 2013. Retrieved from

Departmental Project Strategic Plan Departmental
Pages: 4 Words: 1165

The rationale for integrating this unit is based on the fact that crimes -- like most of all other social problems -- are easier to prevent than to deal with afterwards. Within this unit, emphasis is placed on watching people and businesses for any indication of criminal behavior, ensuring the safety of children (providing the names of offenders), providing tips for safety and crime prevention and so on (Bloomington MN Government Site).
Aside from the departments to be included, the discussion at this level should also focus on the departments that will not be included in the new effort to fight violent crime. These four departments that will not be included in the task force include the following: training, traffic investigation unit, personnel unit and the records keeping unit. Al these units have some connection with crime fighting, but can collaborate with the task force, without needing to be included…...



Crime prevention unit. Creative solutions to deter crime. Bloomington MN Government Site.   accessed on January 24, 2013 

LAPD organizational chart. LAPD Online.   accessed on January 24, 2013 

Organizational chart. Town of Vestal New York.   accessed on January 24, 2013 

Structure of policing in London. Metropolitan Police.   accessed on January 24, 2013 

Federal Rules of Evidence the
Pages: 8 Words: 2542

Rule: Any out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted is generally inadmissible as hearsay. (801-802) However, hearsay may be admitted, in a prosecution for homicide or in a civil case, if the declarant, while believing the declarant's death to be imminent, made the statement about its cause or circumstances. (804(b)(2).

Application: Here, the defense attorney's objection is premised on the fact that the deceased Sam's statements are I inadmissible as hearsay, as an out-of-court statement by a person unavailable for trial, offered to prove that the other driver was driving on the wrong side of the road. However, Trooper Jones may offer this statement because it falls under the (804(b)(2) hearsay exception, as a statement in a civil case that the declarant made while his death was imminent.

Conclusion: The basis for the defense attorney's objection is hearsay because the deceased Sam's statement is an out-of-court statement made…...

Cause a Warrant May or May Not
Pages: 4 Words: 1030

A warrant may or may not be required to arrest the defendant when the officer has probable cause to believe that the defendant has committed armed assault, and probable cause to believe that the defendant is hiding in a third person's garage. A warrant is not required to arrest a defendant for a felony that an officer has probable cause to believe the defendant committed. Additionally, a warrant is not required to enter a third person's garage if the officer has probable cause to believe that the defendant does not have the owner's consent to be in the garage, as his presence there for the purpose of evading the police constitutes burglary. The officer may enter the garage without a warrant if he believes the defendant's presence there is a threat to another person. A search warrant is required if the officer does not have probable cause to believe…...


Works cited

Alai. Search Warrant. Wikipedia. 28 March 2005 

Exigent Circumstances. The 'Lectric Law Library.

Henry IV Part 1 Has
Pages: 5 Words: 1637

It is the meeting of two principles that makes the climactic fight between Hal and Hotspur so compelling, and at the same time there is a sense of righting a grievance and restoring to Hal the respect and hopes of the kingdom that Hotspur had robbed him of, along with his glory and celebrity. Hal tells his father that:

Percy is but my factor, good lord,

To engross up glorious deeds on my behalf.

And I will call him to so strict account

That he shall render every glory up

(III. ii. 147-50).

The language of commerce here suggests "a world in which practical cunning is the key to every triumph," but even this attitude of Hal's is seen to be a front when he allows the credit for his victory to be taken (Rubinstein 294). Through all of Hal's prticipation in robbery and symbolic language implying te same in others, both sides of a true…...


Works Cited

Mabillard, Amanda. "1 Henry IV: Analysis." Shakespeare Online, 2006. Accessed 31 August 2009. 

Over, William. "Review: Henry IV Parts I II." Theatre Journal 31(4), pp. 545-6.

Rubinstein, E. "1 Henry IV: The Metaphor of Liability." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 10(2), pp. 287-95.

Shakespeare, William. The First part of King Henry IV. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

United States it Can Be
Pages: 3 Words: 722

3 for robbery, 244.0 for assault, 367.7 for burglary, 1,617.7 for larceny theft and 213.3 for vehicle theft
In 2005: 4.5 for murder, 18.9 for rape, 182.7 for robbery, 239.7 for assault, 351.3 for burglary, 1,569.6 for larceny theft and 185.6 for vehicle theft

Year Population Murder Rape Robbery Assault urglary Larceny-Theft Vehicle Theft 2003-19,212,425-934 3,775-35,790-48,987-75,453-311,422-45,204-2004 19,227,088-889 3,608-33,506-46,911-70,696-311,036-41,002-2005 19,254,630-874 3,636-35,179-46,150-68,034-302,220-35,736

FI, Uniform Crime Reports, (

As the charts prove, there has been a decrease in the number of murders, larceny thefts, assaults, burglaries and vehicle thefts. As for rape and robbery we can notice that year 2005 has brought a slight increase in the percentage comparatively with the previous year, meaning 2004.

I believe that these drops in criminal activity are not due only to the better coordination of the police compared to the previous years. I must admit, though, that the greatest part may have been achieved by it. How? y employing a greater…...

Activities of the U S Criminal Justice System
Pages: 4 Words: 1009

activities of the U.S. criminal justice system focus for the most part on immediate events. Nonetheless, it is important to take a broad look at changes in criminal rate across a period of time, in order to comprehend the context in which individual crimes occur, and establish better means of minimizing their incidence. The present work's aim is to analyze characteristics of New York City's crime rates from the past three years, as reported by authorities, and envision a setting whereby criminality might diminish.
Firstly, local data gathered consistently by The Division of Criminal Justice Services from year to year is to be compared and contrasted in order to identify and assess New York City's important crime trends. The following table illustrates the results pertaining to the analysis.

New York City crime statistics of the last three years




Difference in Percentage

2011 compared to 2010

2012 compared to 2011

Violent Crimes













Agg. Assault






Property Crimes













Motor vehicle theft









Division of Criminal Justice Services (June 7, 2013). Crime, Arrest and Firearm Activity Report: Data Reported through April 30, 2013 (page 3001). New York City, NY: Office of Justice Research and Performance. Retrieved from: 

Oppel, R.A. Jr. (2011). Steady Decline in Major Crime Baffles Experts, New York Times, May 24,-page A17.

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