Risk Mitigation Essays (Examples)

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Risk Mitigation for Pharmaceutical Companies
Pages: 2 Words: 692

isk Minimization
Contract, international law, and business law for WorldWide

Before entering into any legal agreement, it is essential to have our legal staff carefully review the provisions of the contract. The contract must be both legal and enforceable. Both state and, in the case of interstate commerce, federal law, should be reviewed to ensure that the agreement does not run afoul of existing regulations (Meiners, ingleb, & Edwards 2015: 90-91). It is also important to consider the likely trajectory of future regulation. The legalities pertaining to the economic environment is always changing, especially in the volatile world of healthcare and technology. In the case of many business deals, clauses are specifically inserted to ensure that one party does not bear the brunt of excessive unexpected damages. "Within a contract, risk transfer is primarily accomplished through a combination of indemnification/hold harmless, limitation of liability, and waiver of subrogation clauses" ("Basic guidelines" 2015).…...



Basic guidelines for contracts and contract risk management. (2015). Harvard University.

Retrieved from:


Danzon, P. (2006). NBER Reporter: Research Summary. Retrieved from:

Risk Mitigation Planning When Doing Business Abroad
Pages: 4 Words: 1279

World-Wide Concepts, Inc. (World-Wide): isk avoidance
Because World-Wide Concepts, Inc. is an internationally-based company with operations in a wide variety of sectors spanning across the developing as well as the developed world, it must proceed with caution when entering into business agreements. Business law, customs, and ethics can be extremely varied internationally and particularly in China, ussia, and India (where World-Wide has based some of its most critical operations), there must be discretion in terms of how the organization's contracts and other arrangements are framed to ensure it will continue to succeed in the future.

One risk of doing business abroad is that there are often different safety standards for products such as the pharmaceuticals and medical technology manufactured by World-Wide. In any contract, the roles, responsibilities, and identities of all of the involved parties should be clearly delineated, along with a timetable for the participants. For example, one notable failure to…...



Blackstone, E., Fuhr, J., Pociask, S. (2014).The health and economic effects of counterfeit drugs

American Health Drug Benefits, 7(4): 216-224. Retrieved from:


Green, M. (2016). Perspectives: Pharmaceutical quality and counterfeit drugs. CDC Travel

Risk Minimization and Loss Prevention
Pages: 59 Words: 16256

Small usiness' Need for a CPA

One of the critical investments a small business can make to mitigate loss and risk is hiring a CPA and putting that CPA on the 'management team.' As Wells notes in his groundbreaking research, "Denise, a bookkeeper for a small trucking firm in irmingham, Alabama, wishes she had never heard of Ralph Summerford, CPA. ecause of his thoroughness, Denise is facing several years in prison for embezzling $550,000 from her employer. At least she will look good standing before the sentencing judge: Denise spent a great deal of her illegal loot on head-to-toe cosmetic surgery. She blew the rest on a shiny new Lexus, luxury vacations, clothing and jewelry. And, of course, Denise had to have a big house to store all of her finery." (Wells, 2003)

Surprisingly, it was not at all the fancy standard of living that made her employer suspicious. "The owner was…...



Wells, Joseph. 2003. Protect small business: small companies without adequate internal controls need CPAs to help them minimize fraud risk. Journal of Accountancy.

Small Business Administration. 2005. www.sba.gov.

Federal Reserve Bank. 2004. www.federalreserve.gov.

AICPA. 2005. At www.aicpa.org/antifraud/training/homepage/htm.

Risk Management and Activation of
Pages: 10 Words: 2940

The other criteria to be used in the selection of the institutions of higher learning are their length of existence and size.
Data collection plans

Data is to be collected using questionnaires and triangulation is to be used in the process. This means that both qualitative and quantitative techniques of data collection are to be used in order to increase the chances of getting valid results (Jick, 1979).

The following sources of information will be consulted;

Academic journals such as Library Review, Update, Library Trend and Program

Online databases and gateways such as BIDS, OCLC, BUBL, OMNI, ProQuests, Academic Complete and EBSCOHOST

Regulatory bodies

Online journals

Books that are relevant to the research and trends in the sector of higher education

Quantitative data collection

Quantitative data is to be collected using questionnaires that are to be administered to the respondents in a six-month period. The questionnaires are appropriate instruments for collecting data related to administrative issues (Ashkanasy, Broadfoot and…...


Works Cited

Beach v. Univ. Of Utah (1986) 726 P.2d 413, 415 (September 26, 1986)

See Beach v. Univ. Of Utah [1986] 726 P.2d 413, 415 (Utah 1986)

Health Care and Stakeholder Risk
Pages: 2 Words: 669

Risk Management Plan
The nursing shortage is a well-known problem in many segments in the health care industry. It can often difficult to find a sufficient supply of well-trained nurses sufficient to meet staffing requirements. Nurses are a vital part of the health care system, and a shortage of trained nurses can leave the hospital vulnerable, and due to the shortage of staff there is often a heavier workload expected from the existing employees. One of the major concerns about the shortage of nurses and the consequent workload on the serving nurses and staff is that it can ultimately effect the maintenance of safety practices in the organization. This in turn, can leave the organization perpetually in a state of risk. Overworked nurses, or nurses who have to attend to an increased number of patients, often have to make sacrifices and cannot give adequate attention to each patient as is warranted…...


Works Cited

Jones, T. (2015). A Descriptive Analysis of Implicit Rationing of Nursing Care: Frequency and Patterns in Texas. Nursing Economics, 144-154.

Papastavrou, E. (2013). The ethical complexities of nursing care rationing. Health Science Journal, 346-348.

Schmidt, S. (2007). The Relationship Between Satisfaction with Workplace Training and Overall Job Satisfaction. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 481-498.

Risk Workshops Allow for a Strong Modeling
Pages: 2 Words: 605

Risk workshops allow for a strong modeling process of any project management problem. Risk workshops, when conducted effectively produce a prioritized list of risks that has an assigned action and stakeholders attached to that risk. As a project manager all risks rely on the details of the project. I would always expect to be briefed on any changes in budget, deadline or change in objective. Identifying risks that address these issues is important in assessing the value of risk workshops.
Prioritization of key principles and objectives is imperative in the project management way of business. Understanding the difference between a threat and a priority is essential for success. High-priority opportunities should always be addressed first since they compose the main objectives and goals for that project. Threats are important but should not cause the project to come off the tracks.

Section 1C

When disaster strikes in the middle of a project, a strong…...

Mitigation Plan for Global Warming
Pages: 6 Words: 1863

The concepts of "green houses," and "green jobs" are more and more utilized in everyday's conversation and the media has already made people aware of some of the benefits of using alternative sources of energy such as solar energy. The short and medium term benefits lie not only in the relatively short period of depreciation of such an investment, but also in an increase in the quality of life of those depending no longer on a source that is pollutant as well as not renewable. I will also appeal to the advantages provided by this alternate source of energy in terms of international politics and economies. Using the immense potential of alternative energy resources our country provides us, we could become less dependent on foreign oil, thus less influenced by the foreign politics and fluctuations in the oil prices on the international market.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change.…...


Victor. D.G. The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming. Princeton University Press, 2001. viii

Victor. D.G. The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming. Princeton University Press, 2001. viii

Idem. 29

Risk Management Plan A& d High Tech Introduction
Pages: 9 Words: 2418

isk Management Plan
A&D High Tech

Introduction to the Plan

Company Background

isk Planning

Charter, Scope, Plan, and WBS

Scope of the isk Management Plan

102.2 isk Management Plan Components

112.3 esponsibility

112.4 Expected Monetary Value Analysis

isk Management Identification

123.1 Determine the isks

133.2 Evaluate and Access the isks

133.3 Qualitative and Quantitative Processes

143.4 Compare and Contrast Techniques

isk Matrix

144.1 Major and Minor isks for the isk Matrix

144.2 isk Matrix Template

144.3 eviews

Corrective Action and Monitoring

155.1 Type of Corrective isk Management

155.2 Corrective Plan

155.3 Corrective Action for isks


Section 6 -- esults, Conclusion, and Follow-Up

156.1 esults

166.2 Conclusion

166.3 Follow-Up

Section 7 - eferences

Section 1 -- Introduction

Introduction to the Plan

This project involves a company named A&D High Tech which operates within the computer products industry and sells computer products, accessories, and services to consumers and small businesses. The organizations found themselves at a bit of a crossroads due to the fact that they had yet to enter the ecommerce segment of their industry. After identifying this issue with the…...

Risk of Climate Change Implications for Architects and Engineers
Pages: 25 Words: 6494

Risks of Climate Change

Climate Change Impacts on Engineering Infrastructure

Key Impacts on Water and Resources

Risk Management Analysis Coping Methods Possibility And Probability


Recommendations And Guidelines For The Vulnerability Of Climate

Change Impacts Using Risk Management Methods And Analysis


This work examines climate change in relation to impacts upon infrastructure, utilities, and water in relation to the affects from projected sea level rise, flooding, and other related impacts expected to result from climate change. This work also reviews models used for risk assessment and analysis and examines their usefulness and the associated limitations with these models. Knowledge and expertise is growing in the risk-assessment and analysis field of study and reliable models are being developed although the primary effective and appropriate use for the majority of these models is on regional or local scale.




Adapting to Climate Change Impacts on Water Management: A Guide for Planner (2006) AEA Technology - Prepared for the South East England Regional Assembly. May 2006. Online available at http://www.southeastra.gov.uk/our_work/planning/sust_nat_res/planners_adaptation_guide/planners_adaptation_guide.pdf

Sandell, 2007) ABC News Report Online available at  http://www.abcnews.go.com/Technology/GlobalWarming/story?id=3582433&page=1 

Blakemore, Bill (2007) Greenland: Where Towering Icebergs Raise Sea Levels. 9 Sept 2007. ABC News Online available at  http://www.abcnews.go.com/WN/story?id=3579084&page=1 

Cities Should Plan Now for Effects of Global Warming on Infrastructure (2005) University of Maryland 21 Feb 2005 Science and Technology Online available at  http://www.newsdesk.umd.edu/scitech/release.cfm?ArticleID=1036

Risk Management Consultant Proposal Event The Global
Pages: 2 Words: 756

isk Management Consultant Proposal
Event: The Global Event for Biotechnology in Chicago, Illinois

Event Description

In brief, this event will bring together professionals from not only the academia but also from government and the industry. The convention will in this case provide participants with a unique opportunity to explore, describe, and probe the various global challenges we are faced with today, and the most appropriate measures that can be adopted to rein in the said challenges.

isk Assessment

isk assessment in the words of Dampsey (2007) "is the process of identifying potential areas of security and loss, and the development and implementation of effective measures or countermeasures to deal with these problems." This particular risk assessment for the aforementioned event will take into consideration not only the hazards but also the nature of risks, and the measures that should be taken to control them. In this particular case, a hazard shall be viewed in the…...



Dampsey, J.S. (2007). Introduction to Private Security. Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education.

Wells, G. (1996). Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment. Rugby, Warwickshire: Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Risk Management Strategy for Terrorism in the UK
Pages: 8 Words: 3058

isk Management of Terrorism in the UK
The issue of designing a risk management strategy for terrorism in the UK is dependent upon understanding and identifying the commensurate risks attendant with the various extremists groups that are perceived as threats to the UK's safety and infrastructural stability. Challenges include adopting an intelligence and surveillance system, educating the public regarding attendant trouble spots (such as retaliatory violence and discrimination as well as purpose of surveillance) and adopting a position in the global network that facilitates the overall mitigation of threats. The benefits are evident in control and prevention results and good practice recommendations are provided in the conclusion. This study gives a contextual assessment of the risks facing the UK, analyzes the components of risk management that can be utilized to alleviate these risks, defines the term "terror," examines the historical challenges that coincide with these components, and discusses the benefits of…...



Ciftci, S. (2012). Islamophobia and threat perceptions: Explaining anti-Muslim

sentiment in the West. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 32(3): 292-309.

Forst, B., Greene, J., Lynch, J. (2011). Criminologists on Terrorism and Homeland

Security. UK: Cambridge University Press.

Kitchen Remodel Project Risk Management You Acquire
Pages: 8 Words: 2090

Kitchen emodel Project isk Management
You acquire knowledge risk management analysis a project. The project remodeling family kitchen. To prepare project, research kitchen remodeling work considerations project success. Hypothesize effect risk management project.

Project isk Management

Overall goal of risk management is to guarantee an increase of opportunities and decrease of risk. isks are uncertain events that occur in the process of project planning and implementation and can have both negative and positive effects (Metzger, 2006). isk management entails definition of procedures involved in implementation of a project and the likely risks to be encountered in the project activities. The purpose of coming up with a risk management plan is to come up with the ideal framework for use by the project team. The team will use the risk management plan to identify risks and developing strategies that mitigate, enhance or change the negative risks. This paper presents a risk management plan for…...



Metzger, D.Z. (2006). Systems Approach to Strategic Project Management. International Journal of Project Management, 7(3), 56-106.

Wallis, P. (2012). Risk management achieving the value proposition. . Government Finance Review,, 28(1), 36-42.

Wysocki, K., Robert (2009). Effective Project Management. United States of America: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Project Risk Management Risks Associated With Projects
Pages: 7 Words: 2089

Project isk Management
isks associated with projects successful completion

A project is an undertaking of human beings towards satisfying world needs. Projects are endeavors with a defined beginning and an end. Projects suffer from scope, time, cost and quality constraints. It is necessary for project managers to manage the risk of developing weak scope. Scope of a project incorporates the objectives of a project, the target population, the output and impact of that endeavor. Therefore, managers of project need to do a problem analysis, stakeholder analysis, environment analysis to know if the project is sustainable (Cleland & King, 1988). On the risk of time, managers need skills on time management. Management of projects requires one to be well versed in developing schedules. Time management involves developing systems that has a specific time of completion and start time.

Scheduling of projects includes hiring of individuals for the accomplishment of projects. There is a need…...



King, W.R. (Eds.) & Cleland, D.I., & (1988). Project management handbook (Vol. 2). New

York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Anbari, F. T & Kwak, Y.H., (2009). Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals. International Journal of Project Management, 27(5),


Sidpers Program Risk Management Plan Project Description
Pages: 12 Words: 3288

Sidpers Program isk Management Plan
Project description and Objectives

Project Scope

Project sizing

Stakeholder analysis

Project Manager (PM)

isk Manager

isk Analyst

The identified Sources of isk in the SIDPES Project

isk egister

Summary isk eport

isk Breakdown Structure

Double P-I matrix

Hillson, D and Simon, P (2007).Practical Project isk Management: The Atom Methodology. Management Concepts.

This document contains details of the isk Management Plan for the SIDPES Project and defines the risk management process to be used in the risk management process that is to be used through the duration of this project. The Project Manager is to be the one who is responsible for the review as well as maintaining of this Management Plan throughout the project. This is to ensure that the risk process sis maintained at an appropriate level necessary for dealing with the level of risk that is faced by this specific project (Simon & Hillson, 2007).

isk is defined by PMI (2008) as a condition or event that can…...



GAO (1990)Standard Installation/Division Personnel System (SIDPERS) Battalion S1 Level Procedures: Department of the Army Pamphlet 600 -- 8 -- 1


Hillson, D and Simon, P (2007).Practical Project Risk Management: The Atom Methodology. Management Concepts.

Hillson, D (2002).Extending the risk process to manage opportunities. International Journal of Project Management Vol 20 (3) April 2002, P.235 -- 240

Cemex'strategic Risk Management Cemex Strategic Risk Management
Pages: 7 Words: 2151

CEMEX:Strategic isk Management
CEMEX: Strategic isk Management

CEMEX is a leading producer of cement products. Headquartered in Monterrey, Mexico, CEMEX serves customers around the globe. Before the 1970s, CEMEX was a sleepy company, limited in scope to the domestic market, engaged in cement, mining, tourism and petrochemicals. ising through the ranks of the company his grandfather founded in 1906, CEO Lorenzo Zambrano focused the company on the world market for cement after divesting the non-core businesses. (Spieth, 2005)

isk Management as an Operational Competence

The single biggest risk to a company with a cement-only strategy is the requirement to commit substantial capital to factory-level plant and equipment, in the face of uncertain and fluctuating demand. This risk is heightened by the commoditization of the products and services which results in prices falling to the level of marginal cost during times when supply exceeds demand. Long-term, the natural ebb and flow of firms entering and…...



Millman, Joel, December 11, 2008, Hard Times for Cement Man. Retrieved March 7, 2011 from  http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122894691555195919.html 

Lessard, Donald R. & Lucea, Rafel, May 2008, Embracing Risk as a Core Competence: The Case of CEMEX, MIT Sloan School and George Washington University.

Spieth, Scott, December 12, 2005, Cementing the Future: Hedging Foreign Currency Risk at CEMEX. Retrieved March 7, 2011 from  http://people.hbs.edu/mdesai/IFM05/Spieth

Need Help with Essay Topics on health it data governance?
Words: 839

1. The importance of data governance in healthcare IT systems.
2. The role of data governance in ensuring patient privacy and confidentiality in health IT.
3. Challenges and solutions in implementing effective data governance strategies in healthcare organizations.
4. The impact of data governance on improving healthcare outcomes and patient care.
5. The role of data governance in ensuring data quality and integrity in health IT systems.
6. Ethical considerations in data governance for health IT data.
7. The role of data governance in facilitating interoperability and data sharing in healthcare.
8. The impact of data governance on healthcare analytics and predictive modeling.
9. Strategies for building a....

I need some suggestions for principles of business essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 364

Principles of Business Essay Topics

Ethics and Social Responsibility

The Importance of Ethical Decision-Making in Business
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Profits and Planetary Health
The Role of Business in Addressing Social Issues
Whistleblower Protection and the Ethical Obligations of Employees

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Role of Innovation in Driving Business Growth
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Characteristics and Erfolgsfaktoren
Creating an Innovative Work Environment
The Impact of Technology on Business Innovation

Leadership and Management

Effective Leadership Styles: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-faire
Motivating Employees: Theories and Best Practices
The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Management
Managing Organizational Change: Challenges and....

How can partnership reference models help streamline collaboration between businesses?
Words: 478

1. Standardization: Partnership reference models provide a standardized framework that outlines the key elements of a successful partnership, including roles and responsibilities, communication protocols, and decision-making processes. By adhering to a common reference model, businesses can ensure consistency and alignment in their collaboration efforts.

2. Clarity and transparency: Partnership reference models can help clarify expectations and objectives, making it easier for businesses to understand the scope and requirements of the partnership. This increased transparency can reduce misunderstandings and conflicts, leading to more effective collaboration.

3. Efficiency: By providing a clear roadmap for how partnerships should be structured and managed, reference models can....

What are key findings from literature review on risk analysis of Infosys investments?
Words: 358

Key Findings from Literature Review on Risk Analysis of Infosys Investments
1. Geopolitical and Economic Risks
Infosys faces geopolitical risks associated with its global operations, particularly in politically unstable regions.
Economic downturns and currency fluctuations can impact its revenue and profitability.
2. Competition and Market Risks
Intense competition from both domestic and international IT service providers poses a threat to Infosys's market share.
Emergence of new technologies and disruptive business models can disrupt its traditional offerings.
3. Operational Risks
System failures, data breaches, and project delays can lead to reputational damage and financial losses.
Dependence on a narrow range of clients and industries....

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