Rhetorical Strategies Essays (Examples)

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Rhetorical Strategies Rhetorical Strategy 1
Pages: 2 Words: 652

This calling for forgiveness, as Jesus forgave humanity for its sins and a Christian seeks forgiveness in a church, is a more difficult ethical request of King's audience. It is hard to forgive those who use violence and use nonviolence, hence the use of the religious language to make a strong ethical appeal. This metaphor it is also effective given the hot, long day, and the physically thirsty audience, thirsting for both water and justice.
Rhetorical Strategy 2 -- Alliteration

King's appeal is reinforced by his effective use of alliteration as well as language. The words of his speech often make use of the same first letter, causing the words to remain in the listener's mind long after the speech has finished. For example: "Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation." The symbolic shadow of Lincoln, who attempted to end…...


Works Cited

King, Martin Luther. "I have a dream." American Rhetoric. http://americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm

Rhetorical Strategy Rhetoric Identities Burned A Rhetorical
Pages: 5 Words: 1648

hetorical Strategy hetoric Identities
Burned: A rhetorical analysis of a modern adolescent novel in verse

The book Burned by Ellen Hopkins examines how being raised in a fundamentalist religious faith can make it difficult for an adolescent to establish an independent identity. All adolescents must go through a struggle in our society to establish a positive sense of self, but the protagonist's circumstances make it particularly difficult. In Burned, Pattyn Scarlet Von Stratten, the eldest daughter in a large Mormon family, is sent away to live with her aunt, after her family can no longer control her. Pattyn finds happiness and freedom in the arms of a non-Mormon boy named Ethan. However, that happiness is shattered when she returns home and eventually Ethan dies in a car crash.

This narrative might seem impossibly melodramatic and unrealistic on paper. However, the way that Hopkins conveys it is through a unique style: through poetry. The…...



Hopkins, Ellen. Burned. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007.

Rhetorical Analysis of Alicia Garzas Herstory
Pages: 3 Words: 1066

In “A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement,” co-founder of #BlackLivesMatter Alicia Garza writes about the history of the organization/social movement, the movement’s objectives and core philosophies, and also where the movement fits into the history of social protest in America. Garza covers a lot of ground in a relatively short space, tackling issues as diverse as queer politics, the misappropriation and hijacking of the contributions made by women of color, and the importance of Black liberation for improving the quality of life for all Americans. Garza’s audience is non-Black, and likely predominantly white as Garza clearly differentiates between the “we” of Black women and the “you” of a presumably white audience. Although the article would be more effective if detailed data or statistics were used, Garza effectively clarifies the #BlackLivesMatter philosophy and responds to critics of the movement using rhetorical strategies like pathos, ethos, and logos. Garza writes “A Herstory” to…...

Rhetorical Cyberschool by Clifford Stoll
Pages: 3 Words: 947

He explains how the lessons can be morphed into a fun, interactive experience for the student. This plays on recent theories of improving learning through morphing it into a form of education, as seen in video games created for learning purposes. He exemplifies this idea, until it cheapens the experience of learning. Stoll also explains how classroom interruptions cause by unwanted student interactions through the implementation of a prison-like atmosphere separating students from each other, "With n outside interruptions, lids' attention will be directed into the approved creative learning experiences, built into the software. Well compartmentalized, students will hardly ever see other...nearly ending classroom discipline problems." He also satirizes concerns about standardized testing. Many advocates of reform have expressed that standardized testing is the wrong way to rate a student's performance, stating that it does not truly cover curriculum. Stoll satirizes this by explaining that the curriculum of the…...



Stoll, Clifford. "Cyberschool." Please enter publication info for the book which this was taken from here.

Mencken and Anna Quindley Use Rhetorical Devices
Pages: 4 Words: 1363

Mencken and Anna Quindley use rhetorical devices to convince readers to take a side on the controversial issue of capital punishment. These two essays demonstrate how authors use ambiguity, various types of evidence, and in many cases make errors of generalization or classification commonly known as "informal fallacies." In Mencken's case, since he deconstructs arguments against his own proposals, critical reading becomes an analysis of an analysis, which this particularly sophisticated author would have appreciated given a sardonic tone that leaves the reader guessing whether he is really for or against. Quindley too uses techniques of reversal and qualification to build ethos with her reader, and though both essayists seemingly take positions opposing the choice they advocate, the result are nuanced, subtle arguments that force the reader to look deeper than the surface.
Both authors take a line that capital punishment provides transformative release -- katharsis, as Mencken sardonically attributes to…...


Works Cited

Mencken, H.L. "The Penalty of Death." The River Reader. 10th ed. Ed. Joseph F. Trimmer.

Belmont, California: Wadsworth (Cengage), 2010. 473-478.

Quindlen, Anna. "Execution." The River Reader. 10th ed. Ed. Joseph F. Trimmer. Belmont,

California: Wadsworth (Cengage), 2010. 479-483.

Consumer Internet Commerce a Rhetorical Approach
Pages: 15 Words: 4073

complexities of doing business in our virtual age, looking in particular at e-commerce but also asking how the presence of e-commerce on the market has affected traditional businesses as well. Once upon a time - that golden age - things were simple. You decided you wanted to grow up to be a bookstore owner. Or a hardware store manager. Or a florist. So you leased a store, bought some books, and lovingly hand-sold them to each customer who flocked to your door and then went home at night to count your money.
Of course, owning a bookstore or a hardware store or a flower shop was actually never that simple. But the picture now is even more complicated as virtual stores have entered the picture. Part of what makes engaging in e-commerce so difficult is that there are no paths that others have trod before one. And the costs of…...



VI.Appendix (ces)(please write around 2-3 pages)

Survey Questionnaire


1.To successful launch an e-commerce Web site, the question is not just about if we build it, will they come?" But also if we build it, will they come to purchase and repeat purchase?" A scenario closer to the truth is that many online companies experience disappointment in converting consumers' clicks into purchases. It means attracting a large number of shoppers to the site is not the only ultimate measure of success. The true measure of success should be included retaining customers and converting them into repeat buyers. Positive shopping experiences on the site can help online buyers make an effective decision. It means positive feeling is the optimal experience that consumers will desire to repeat buying online. Therefore, marketers need to create effective Web sites for winning consumer satisfaction. Since Web sites are often the main contact with consumer in the Internet market, a company's Web site elements may include some persuasive components that has imp!

Leadership Failures and Motivation Strategies to Increase Productivity and Performance
Pages: 5 Words: 1683

Letter of Transmittal
This report is concerned with the transition of leadership on a crucial project that requires a seamless transition due to the importance of the project to the company and the significance of the team already in place. Due to the fact that this team has worked as an insular, cohesive unit for approximately two years perfecting this project, it is necessary to have a transition that approximates the qualities of the present leader. Unfortunately, this transition has become necessary, but it should not be difficult to find the right person going forward. This is a detailed report that lists the leadership criteria needed and the determination of the search team. The recommendation is to search outside of the company for a leader that exhibits the needed qualities and can provide continued and steady leadership for this crucial project.

The Failure of Leadership During Times of Transition

Table of Contents





Bracksick, L.W. (2012). Tough transitions: How the future of a business depends on the succession planning for founders. Smart Business Pittsburgh, 10, 7.

Dewhurst, M., Guthridge, M., & Mohr, E. (2010). Motivating people: Getting beyond money. McKinsey Quarterly, 1.

Doh, J., Stumpf, S., & Tymon, W. (2011). Responsible leadership helps retain talent in India. Journal Of Business Ethics [serial online]. 98, 85-100. Available from: Business Source Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 23, 2012.

Gilley, A., Dixon, P., & Gilley, J.W. (2008). Characteristics of leadership effectiveness: Implementing change and driving innovations in organizations. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 19(2), 153-169.

Advertising Rhetoric the Rhetoric of
Pages: 3 Words: 870

The rhetorical appeal to the reader's feelings is most obvious in the photograph, where feelings of freshness and health and yet of indulgence and luxury commingle, but can also be seen in the flirtations enticement to spend more time with the product as mentioned above. The attempt to appeal to the reader's intellect is minimal in this ad, though the prominently featured word "vitamin" in the product's title is certainly at least a partial intellectual appeal, telling the reader's that this product is healthy and beneficial as more than simply a beauty product. The content in the middle of the text passage also describes the product in a way that makes it sound like an extremely intellectually engineered makeup product. The reader's sense of self is appealed to by the suggestion that one's lips are not the best lips they can be -- the lips one was "meant" to have…...

Homemade Education
Pages: 4 Words: 1293

Malcolm X
"A Homemade Education" is a chapter in The Autobiography of Malcolm X The chapter details the formative experiences Malcolm X had while in prison, teaching himself how to read, write, and also be critically aware of what he was reading and writing. "A Homemade Education" is important to the development of Malcolm X's ideas and his character. Learning how to read and write in prison empowered the author, and enabled him to become the powerful public speaker and influential political activist that he became. The chapter also reveals some of the rhetorical devices and strategies Malcolm X uses throughout the autobiography.

The chapter begins with X stating plainly, "It was because of my letters that I happened to stumble upon starting to acquire some kind of a homemade education." Just as Elijah Muhammad was having a great impact on Malcolm X's thought processes and worldview, the desire to communicate to…...



Malcolm X "A Homemade Education." In The Autobiography of Malcolm X Retrieved online:  http://www.usi.edu/libarts/english/EnglishUCC/eng100/Malcolm_X_A_Homemade_Education.pdf

Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf Found in the Seagull Reader
Pages: 3 Words: 989

Virginia oolf
In "A Room of One's Own," Virginia oolf argues that writing is a means by which women can empower themselves, and in so doing, subvert patriarchy. oolf uses symbolism throughout the essay, namely in the central concept of a room. A room, or a physical space, provides the power of place from which to launch probing inquiry and social commentary. Rather than dwell inside the confines of a patriarchal, pre-defined social space, the woman creates a room of her own. This room is both a public and a private sphere; it is a room in the sense of having one's privacy. It is also a room to speak in a public forum, which oolf does when she delivers the essay. oolf speaks on behalf of all women, which is one of her rhetorical strategies. Specific literary techniques other than symbolism, such as irony, add depth to oolf's argument. The…...


Work Cited

Woolf, Virginia. "A Room of One's Own." Retrieved online:  http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/w/woolf/virginia/w91r/index.html

Typography Graphic for Any Organization the Way
Pages: 5 Words: 1557

Typography Graphic
For any organization, the way they communicate to the audience will determine their influence on a host of issues. In the case of Amnesty International, the human rights group is dealing with a conflict of interest by having a former Guantanamo detainee (Moazzam Begg) working with them. This is troubling, because the radical Islamist views that Begg will frequently discuss are in direct conflict with the ideals of the group (i.e. human rights and equality). ("Amnesty International") To fully understand how this is taking place requires looking at the organization's web site. This will be accomplished by studying: their audience, the purpose, the context and visual cues of the typography. Together, these different elements will support the thesis statement of how the viewer is impacted by what they see and read.

The Audience

The audience that the Amnesty International is trying to reach out to is individuals who are citizens of…...


Works Cited

"Amnesty International." Washington Examiner, 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2012

"Amnesty International." Amnesty International, 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2012

"How You Can Help." Amnesty International, 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2012

"Maldives must investigate sexual harassment of detained women protesters." Amnesty International, 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2012

Mind's Eye Oliver Sacks Takes a Profound
Pages: 5 Words: 1727

Mind's Eye
Oliver Sacks takes a profound look into the lives of individuals who have had their entire lives shift from one of normalcy, to one inflicted by the disability of blindness. However, despite how tragic their inability to see may be interpreted by those around them, for the most part, the individuals portrayed in the Mind's Eye have been able to surpass the obstacles presented to them. In this collection of essays, Sacks takes readers on a path of understanding both the limitations imposed upon those stricken with blindness, as well as the assumptions of those who surround them.

Sacks shares with his readers the immense learning that he was able to gain through the memoirs of the blind authors that he studied. In almost every opportunity granted to the individuals who are blind, they were able to take advantage not of what they were missing, but instead they divulged…...


Works Cited

Bear, Mark F., Barry W. Connors, and Michael a. Paradiso. Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007. Print.

Sacks, Oliver W. The Mind's Eye. New York: Alfred a. Knopf, 2010. Web/eBook

Satisfy the Requirements of the
Pages: 5 Words: 1667

With the news of an office supply chain merger of historical proportions making headlines every day, Staples' CEO on Sargent has been forced to publically clarify the company's resource management strategy (Detar, 2003). Combing through his public statements since news of the merger's pending approval was first publicized, it may be possible to refine and improve the firm's future adaptations to such shifting market conditions.
In order to anticipate the multitude to probable threats posed by a merger between its two main competitors, Sargent and the executive management of Staples must engage in a proactive process of risk management. The likelihood of a combined Office Depot/OfficeMax entity slashing prices to force Staples into counterproductive economic strategies should be considered of paramount importance. Adjusting to the market conditions of an oligopoly, as imposed by the planned merger, will require a comprehensive risk management appraisal that includes the formulation of multiple contingencies.…...



Baye, M.R. (2010). Managerial economics and business strategy. 7th ed. New York:


Detar, J. (2013, March 06). Staples profit beats estimates, shares dip on outlook read more at investor's business daily: beat-profit-estimates-but-sees-weakness.htmhttp://news.investors.com/business/030613-646944-staples-

Hirschey, M. (2009). Managerial economics. 12th ed. Mason: South-Western College.

Money Hurts Economy Analyze Compare Effectiveness A
Pages: 4 Words: 1178

Money Hurts Economy Analyze compare effectiveness (A) thesis statements (B) evidence, (C) rhetorical strategies (logos, ethos, pathos) dentify essay thought effective explain .
Rick Rilley's essay "Nothing but Nets," Stanley Fish's essay "But Didn't Do t" and David Wolman's essay "Time to Cash Out: Why Paper Money Hurts the Economy" all address contemporary issues and are all meant to emphasize how apparently simple ideas can bring reform to society. All of these essays are directed at raising public awareness concerning concepts that many people today currently believe to be insignificant when compared to the world's greater goal to experience progress through technology and finances.

Rilley's thesis deals with making it possible for the masses to understand how some small interventions can save lives and can help individuals combat maladies that claim thousands of lives every year. The writer concentrates on producing solid evidence with regard to how a sum as…...


In spite of the fact that they are two very different digital tools for collaboration, I believe that Facebook (  and Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page ) are largely responsible for helping the contemporary society experience progress. Even with the fact that they play an important role in today's society, both of these digital tools for collaboration are regarded as being little more than places where one can socialize and, respectively, where he or she can get information that is not 100% verifiable. Stigma follows the two in most communities and makes it difficult for the masses to actually be able to understand the beneficial aspects concerning both of them.https://www.facebook.com/ )

Facebook can be use as a tool for socializing and is known to have brought people closer together as a result of how it provides the ability to communicate and connect with people who share similar passions. This digital tool for collaboration needs to be understood properly in order for people to benefit from it, as otherwise it can actually harm individuals.

Wikipedia is known for how individuals can modify content without actually introducing truthful information. However, as long as one has a complex understanding of the digital tool and as long as he or she is able to differentiate between truthful information and information that cannot be verified, he or she is most likely to benefit from using it.

Rhetoric Postmodern Rhetoric Postmodern Rhetoric
Pages: 4 Words: 1775

In the final analysis the film under discussion can be deconstructed and critiqued from a postmodern perspective. This refers to the underlying ideologies and metanarratives that inform the narrative and imagery of the film.

From a postmodern point-of-view truth is never static or fixed and is always relative to a certain context or stance. The film in question makes use of a number of rhetorical devices to put forward its central argument. These include aspects such as the metanarratives of science as well as environmental nostalgia. There are many other ways in which this film could be deconstructed to reveal fissures in the apparent logic and coherence of the documentary. hat is clear is that even a discursive postmodern reading of the film indicates that Gore unconsciously or consciously makes use of various cultural predilections and ideologies in estern culture to support his stance in this film.

orks Cited

An Inconvenient Truth…...


Works Cited

An Inconvenient Truth ( 2006). Direction: Davis Guggenheim. Paramount Classics.


ARGUMENT ( Book Review). 26 January, 2010.

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global michelle obama speech rhetorical analysis?
Words: 186

1. Unpacking Michelle Obama's Rhetorical Strategies: A Critical Analysis

2. The Power of Persuasion: Analyzing Michelle Obama's Speeches

3. Decoding Michelle Obama's Rhetorical Techniques

4. Crafting a Message: A Rhetorical Analysis of Michelle Obama's Speeches

5. Effectiveness of Michelle Obama's Communication Style: A Rhetorical Examination

6. Unveiling the Rhetorical Devices in Michelle Obama's Speeches

7. The Art of Influence: Michelle Obama's Rhetorical Strategies Revealed

8. Impact of Michelle Obama's Speeches: A Rhetorical Perspective

9. Michelle Obama's Rhetorical Legacy: An In-depth Analysis

10. Unforgettable Words: A Rhetorical Study of Michelle Obama's Speeches
11. Inspiring Change: Analyzing Michelle Obama's Rhetorical Impact
12. Breaking Down the Rhetoric: Michelle Obama's Speeches Dissected
13. Unleashing the Power....

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global michelle obama speech rhetorical analysis?
Words: 290

1. The Rhetoric of Resilience: Michelle Obama's Global Voice

2. The Power of Inspiration: Analyzing Michelle Obama's Rhetorical Prowess

3. Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges: Michelle Obama's Global Rhetorical Impact

4. The Art of Empowerment: A Rhetorical Analysis of Michelle Obama's Speeches

5. A Tapestry of Words: Exploring the Rhetorical Strategies of Michelle Obama

6. Rhetoric that Transforms: The Power of Michelle Obama's Global Address

7. The Rhetoric of Inclusivity: Michelle Obama's Global Call for Unity

8. Hope and Change in Action: Michelle Obama's Socratic Rhetoric

9. The Eloquence of Empowerment: Dissecting Michelle Obama's Rhetorical Techniques

10. The Global Resonance of Hope: Michelle Obama's Rhetorical Legacy

11. A Blueprint for....

Need essay titles for a rhetorical analysis of Roosevelt\'s “declaration for war” speech?
Words: 321

"Analyzing the Rhetorical Strategies in Roosevelt's 'Declaration for War' Address"
"Persuasion and Power: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Mastery in the 'Declaration for War' Speech"
"A Rhetorical Examination of Roosevelt's Call to Arms: The 'Declaration for War' Speech"
"The Art of Persuasion: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Devices in the 'Declaration for War'"
"Examining Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Roosevelt's 'Declaration for War' Address"
"The Power of Words: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Techniques in the 'Declaration for War'"
"Deconstructing Roosevelt's Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis of the 'Declaration for War'"
"The Language of Leadership: Roosevelt's Rhetorical Strategies in the 'Declaration for War'"
"Rhetorical Flourishes and Strategic Appeals: Analyzing Roosevelt's....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Rhetorical Analysis?
Words: 330

1. Analyze a persuasive speech given by a political leader and evaluate the effectiveness of their rhetoric.
2. Examine an advertisement or commercial and analyze the rhetorical strategies used to sell a product or service.
3. Compare and contrast the rhetorical techniques used in two different speeches on a similar topic.
4. Analyze a controversial public figure's use of rhetoric and how it influences public perception.
5. Investigate how social media influencers use rhetoric to persuade their audience.
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of rhetorical techniques used in a famous courtroom speech or closing argument.
7. Analyze the use of rhetorical devices in a piece of literature....

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